Democracy & Progress: DPP Chair Su Tseng-Chang's New Year Message

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DPP Chair Su Tseng-changs New Year Message
Protecting Taiwans Vitality Another new year has arrived and recollecting the latter, I am filled with somber thoughts because I see a nation becoming dangerously harsher while the peoples lives are becoming more difficult. Regrettably, not only the administration in power is unable to provide solutions, they are the ones causing most of our major problems. This is the situation in Taiwan now: decline in the salary level for 14 years; university graduates needing six months or more to find jobs; the unemployment rate three times more than usual; young people deterred from getting married or having children because they cannot afford to buy housing; the national debt rising as a result of a government that spends money recklessly, accumulating already 1.3 trillion NT dollars in debt. Instead of bringing more prosperity, just the opposite has happened under the KMT administration in Taiwan. In light of an incompetent government, the DPP is not engaged in waiting for other political parties to fail. We, as a responsible political party, have provided clear policy standpoints in all major and controversial issues involving Taiwan, such as: economy invigoration, reform of retirement bonuses for civil servants and military personnel, healthcare payments readjustment, opposition to nuclear power and media monopoly, among others. We are a political party of the people - one that protects the peoples rights and one that hopes to lessen their difficulties. The buck stops here. Last year, the DPP issued a draft resolution to stand against the increase in electricity and oil prices, and even though it was faced with KMT opposition, we successfully blocked the second wave of price increases by proposing to cut 20.2 billion NT from the relief payment scheme. Despite their initial resistance, the KMT ended up making a concession due to public pressure. Additionally, the DPP also stood to block the passage of a 10.1 billion NT budget for the fourth nuclear power plant, and despite the negative reaction from the KMT, the DPP started a referendum movement to oppose nuclear power and to stop all operations on the fourth nuclear power plant. In the future, we will stand resolutely by the people, opposing all types of unfair policies that damage their welfare. I believe the people are the owners of this nation. Upon assuming the DPP chairmanship, I have visited many different places, clenching tightly to every pair of hands and seeing the tenacity and courage of the Taiwanese people. Generation after generation, the people have planted their roots on this land, and even with this incompetent administration, they have coped with their own ways to build their own destinies. From small factories built with corrugated iron sheets, small businesses operating from apartments, farmers in the fields wiping their sweat they are all supporters of Taiwan and they keep Taiwans vitality alive. I deeply understand the peoples expectations towards the DPP.


In the past, the Taiwanese people with their hands propped the DPP to succeed. Therefore, our resolution to guard this land and to defend the peoples happiness is rightly so the value and significance for the DPPs existence. In this New Year, the DPP will continue working hard to be the political party in which the people can rely on. We will push for reform in the retirement bonuses for civil servants and military personnel with the spirit of social unity in mind. We will tackle the countrys financial crisis and unfairness in society, making the system the binding force of unity instead of the fountainhead of confrontation. We must comprehensively review the disproportionate scenario in each administrative division, and not allow election benefits pose a threat to Taiwans sustainable development. We must let localities become self-governing and give the people fair treatment. We must strengthen the communication channel between DPP govern-

JANUARY 2013 ing counties and cities so that everyone can see that green governance is assured quality, and for this, we will produce the guiding principles of the DPPs local governance. We are hereby departing from the localities to benefit the entire nation! A new year brings new wishes, and we sincerely hope that Taiwan becomes even better and brimming with prosperity. Happy New Year!

Taiwanese people take to the streets in the Peoples Train of Fury Rally

In order to express their dissatisfaction towards President Ma and his administration, the DPP or

ganized a series of rallies called the Peoples Train of Fury Rallies which took place in the major counPAGE 2


Taiwanese people take to the streets in the Peoples Train of Fury Rally
ties and cities of Taiwan, and culminating in the Fury Rally on January 13 across the Presidential Office in Taipei. Approximately 200,000 people attended the rally. DPP Chair Su Tseng-chang delivered remarks close to the conclusion, condemning President Ma for not being able to alleviate the peoples suffering, saying that Taiwan is now experiencing the unhappiest times in 30 years. Under President Mas administration, the twotime hike in electricity and oil prices have caused the price of market goods to skyrocket and the people are suffering as a result, he said. He continued to say, The economy is in decline, the unemployment rate is high and young people are unable to find jobs while there are no solutions in sight from President Mas administration. There have been rumors of an emerging crisis in the labor pension system. In October and November of last year, over 58,000 chose the lump-sum retirement pay option because they feared the system to collapse. When conglomerates start to purchase our media companies, we have the occurrence of monopoly in our cherished freedom of expression. Many voices in society have asked to stop the Next Media purchase, but the government organization in charge has deliberately delayed facing them, including President Ma, who has refused to acknowledge their demands. Since President Ma has taken over the presidency five years ago, the wealth gap has grown more distant, from a diversified society, we have more conglomerates and our future is walking backwards with less fairness and justice. At the same time, Chinas authoritarian government is taking advantage of President Mas administration incompetency, gradually infiltrating their influence into the island. The feeling of hopelessness and worry by the people has reached a limit, and they are now



... Peoples Train of Fury Rally

furious. Just as the train of fury started last month from Longshan Temple, President Mas administration finally made some responses. They first agreed to cut 20 billion NT dollars in compensation money as well as half of the bonuses for state-owned enterprises and a quarter of the special affairs fund. Chair Su concluded with solutions drafted by the DPP, as he promised the crowd to give his all to ensure that the party makes sufficient checks and balances on the government. He said that the DPP will ensure these points are met in the following issues: Annual bonuses the DPP will provide a policy plan that will be fair to every aspect of society and not just favor specific groups. Media monopoly the DPP insists on opposing any media deals that intend to create a media monopoly in Taiwan, and it will specially support the draft to prevent media monopoly at the Legislative Yuan. It will also promote the amendment of the 3 Broadcasting Laws. Anti-nuclear Movement the DPP will go through civic society and the legislature to exert pressure to the government. Currently, gathering signatures for a referendum against the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant has already passed the first stage. The DPP has also drafted a bill to promote a nuclear free homeland, and it has broken through 10 years of blockage by the KMT, which is a milestone for the anti-nuclear movement.



DPP Chair Su meets with U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski

On Jan. 15, DPP Chair Su Tseng-chang received U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), discussing a widerange of issues including current political affairs in Taiwan, regional peace and security and the medical condition of Former President Chen Shui-bian. Chair Su expressed his appreciation towards the senator and to her father for their strong support of Taiwan throughout these years. The discussion went on to Taiwans current economic situation, for which Chair Su said, "Since last year, the livelihood of our people has turned worst, and just two days ago, almost 200 thousand people went to the streets to protest the governments poor performance. Concerning Taiwans arms purchases to the U.S., Chair Su remarked that Taiwans military armament is outdated, and lacking a complete defensive set. On the other hand, Chair Su said that China is becoming militarily stronger and posing a greater threat to Taiwan. He affirmed that the DPP supports increasing our self-defense capabilities, and even though President Mas administration has said the same, their actions show they are lagging behind on this issue. Senator Murkowski noted that the practice of human rights protection in Taiwan is very important to the international audience. Chair Su replied that the situation of Former President Chen Shui-bians medical parole has been rejected by President Ma. He said that according to the law, the current situation of Former President Chens health should have grounds to allow him a medical parole. It is regrettable that President Ma doesnt seem to recognize it, he said. PAGE 5

Chair Su lastly pointed out that the way in which President Ma has chosen to deal with current issues is worrisome to the DPP. He said that sending official ships to assist Taiwanese waving PRC flags around the Diaoyutai Islands has not helped the situation, creating even more regional tension. It has been our pursuit to ensure Taiwans freedom, democracy and prosperity, while emphasizing human rights and regional stability. From this perspective, the current administration is going backwards, and this explains why nearly two hundred thousand people chose to go onto the streets on January 13, Chair Su further explained to Sen. Murkowski. Chair Su lastly told Sen. Murkowski that the DPPs new Washington, D.C. office will be launched in the upcoming May and that he will be attending the Opening Ceremony in person, expressing wishes to be able and pay a visit to the senator during his visit to the U.S.


DPP announces President Mas physical check-up results

On January 3, at its Open Studio forum series, the DPP published a report, calling it a physical check-up on President Mas administration in the last five years. Presenting in the forum were: Mr. Wu Rong-i, president of the Taiwan Brain Trust, Ker Chien-ming, DPP legislative caucus convener; Mr. Lin Wan-i, executive director of the DPPs think tank, the New Frontier Foundation; and Mr. Joseph Wu, executive director of the DPP Policy Research Committee. Joseph Wu said the DPPs physical check-up examined President Mas performance based on two criteria, which were whether they walked the walk and whether they shouldered political responsibility. He said these two criteria is the minimum requirement for any administration to be considered effective. Mr. Wu said it was disappointing, however, that President Mas Administration failed on both sides. He gave the example of President Ma promising a military budget of at least the GDPs 3 percent, which has yet so far to be reached, and the budget has gone down even more, to 2.1%, said Mr. Wu. He further mentioned that there was a contradition by President Mas administration in regards to the death penalty, anti-corruption and environmental protection efforts. While publicly saying they opposed the death penalty, in reality, they conducted executions. Additionally, they promised the divestment of the KMTs ill-gotten assets, but they had profits of billions every year; and to fight corruption, the result is that 85% of fined politicians in vote-buying were KMT members. In environmental protection, they promised to cut CO2 emissions, but their lack in efforts have received wide criticism from both domestic and international environmental groups. In regards to whether President Mas administration shouldered political responsibility for policy mistakes, Mr. Wu said that no one apparently bore any responsibility. He noted that also in many cases concerning scandals, no related government officials were replaced. Under President Mas administration, there were no apparent responsibility taken for their actions, and these cases have long gone beyond the limit, which prompted Mr. Wu to say, Shame on you! to President Mas administration. Mr. Wu Rong-i said the decline in investments to Taiwan has placed Taiwan to be ranked second-last in the world for amount of FDI received by countries. As the government is incapable of eliminating investment obstacles, firms lose confidence then become unwilling to invest in Taiwan, this, is the real cause of Taiwans major economic problems, he said. Convener Ker Chien-ming said that hopelessness and helplessness seems to be fill the air of Taiwanese society nowadays, and this is as a result of the lack of efficient leadership. He pointed out four major failures from President Mas administration, which is a lack of vision, efficiency, and what is worst, he said, was the administrations unwillingness to communicate and coordinate among each other, which caused them to become even more PAGE 6

unprepared to handle crisis or emergencies. Mr. Lin Wan-i cited numerous data that reflected the severity of the hardships the people are facing, including declining unemployment rate, decrease in the level of disposable income, increasing amoungs of people in poverty and elevating number of cases for abused children, which are all directing to the fact that we must face the reality of our economy being at stake. In regards to the recent panic by the public concerning the governments retirement system, President Mas administration bad handling of the crisis led the people to opt to cash out their pensions, amounting to NTD$76.8 billion that the government had to pay out all at once in October and November last year. The panic also led

JANUARY 2013 retirees to have an attitude of cashing out now instead of receiving more later, on average only receiving about NTD$7,000 per month. Mr. Lin said that the DPP has drafted a comprehensive plan to reform the entire retirement program.

DPP: human rights clauses must be included between cross strait agreements
President Ma Ying-jeous speech on World Freedom Day on Jan. 23 contained comments on the possibility of cross strait dialogue to extend beyond economic and trade issues and encompassing human rights and the rule of law. Mr. Honigmann Hong, Director of the DPPs China Affairs Department, rebutted President Mas comments, saying that this kind of dialogue can only be achieved with the inclusion of human rights clauses in the texts of agreements between Taiwan and China. Director Hong said that Beijing continues with its oppression against human rights activists, as well as Tibetan people and Falun Gong followers. He also mentioned last years incident involving the detention in China of Taiwanese businessman, Bruce Chung, for almost two months. These are proof, he said, of Chinese human rights violations, and the fact that human rights in China is going backwards. Human rights are the foundation of peace and peoples interests would not be protected before their human rights are protected, said Mr. Hong. Instead of a vogue and vacant peace agreement, it is more practical to sign a cross strait human rights protection agreement. Mr. Hong called for human rights protections to come before political issues as a principle and as precondition for all future agreements, making human rights protection the most important aspect of Taiwan-China civic cooperation. He also noted that there exists many practical methods for Taiwanese government to assists in the process of improving humans rights protection in China, such as the establishment of an official bilateral human rights platform, which will make possible for Taiwan to invoke the spirit of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and establish a human rights watch mechanism. There are other issues that could be involved, especially passing legislations in the form of a refugee act and a political asylum law, he concluded.



DPP urges New Taipei City Mayor Eric Chu to support a nuclear-free homeland
The DPP is urging New Taipei City Mayor Eric Chu to support the movement for a non-nuclear environment, which according to recent polls, is the majority opinion in Taiwan after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. It has also alerted the rest of the world and numerous NGOs to join-in on the issue. DPP Chair Su Tseng-chang visited New Taipei City Council on Jan. 21 to support the No Nuke, No Fear - New Taipei City Referendum, holding a press conference with Former Vice President Annette Lu, Former Premier Yu Shyi-kun and DPP New Taipei City Branch Chair Lo Chih-cheng and other city councilors as well. In the press conference, Chair Su urged the New Taipei City mayor to join the environmental cause for the good of everyone not only in that area but also throughout Taiwan. He said that the entire party supported the termination of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, and he especially commended the efforts made by Former Vice President Lu in raising awareness on the issue and gathering support from the people. Chair Su emphasized that promoting a non-nuclear environment is written in the DPP Constitution and therefore a long-term policy for the DPP. He cited recent polls showing that 57.2% citizens wish to push for a non-nuclear environment and 54.6% supported stopping the construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, however, alongside the DPPs efforts and peoples wish is the ignorance, rejection and interference from the KMT, he said. Chair Su noted that one of the appeals in the Jan. 13th protest was to change policy, which includes opposing the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. He told of how the DPP administration passed the Environmental Fundamental Law in 2002, ensuring Taiwan to be a homeland without nuclear energy, and a decade after, the DPP is once again breaking through the blocks placed by the KMT and placing the proposal on the legislative agenda of 2013.




PUBLISHED BY: Department of International Aairs Democratic Progressive Party 9F, No. 30, Pei-Ping East Road, Taipei, Taiwan Tel: 886-2-2392-9989 ext. 306 Fax: 886-2-2393-0342 Email: Website:


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