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Selection Criteria Examples

Ability to Achieve Results My strong record of success in a variety of settings throughout my career shows my strong capacity to deliver quality outcomes on time and on budget. Fundamental to these roles is the essential ability to deliver results. My key results at the executive level have been achieved by identifying and harnessing resources, setting direction and implementing appropriate strategies. When I first joined the department, one of our key delivery areas was not meeting its KPI and its deliverables were considerably below standard. I restructured the staff of 20 in this area into four distinct teams, each with a team leader who was given the mandate to up-skill the staff in the team, champion the goals, motivate staff to achieve outcomes, and closely monitor performance. By using this strategy we (the team leaders and I as their manager) were able to identify key staff who required performance counselling as well as some deficiencies in the processes that were being used to meet the targets. With some additional training and a change to work procedures through a process of collaboration with the staff, the KPIs rose to above the standard required within a three-month period. Former roles that I have held have involved identifying and mobilising resources, driving change, managing projects and building organisational and professional expertise. For example, when employed as a Senior Adviser to the Minister for X, I was involved in the development of an X program in order to achieve the governments objectives against the X policy. Prior to this I took a leading role in providing advice based on business analysis regarding a number of major government initiatives, such as X, Y and Z. My leadership in these positions has achieved the following results against key performance indicators: Identification and procurement of resources for the X initiative at 75% of budget allocation Review of staffing for initiative Y and recommended restructure for a salary savings and funding reallocation of over $800,000 per annum Implementation of risk management plan against perceived funding threats for initiative Y Elimination of scope creep and reduction in scheduled timeframe by 30% for project Z associated with the Z initiative

I was awarded a Department of X staff achievement award for my work on developing the Z capability and was consequently appointed as a subject matter expert in this area. (Continued on next page)

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I have a strong professional drive and hunger for success that can be demonstrated through these examples where my commitment to action, proactive outlook, and ability to produce and follow through on clear and realistic plans while identifying and eliminating barriers to success has lead to a career with outstanding results.

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