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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 I chose to still my thoughts and lose myself in the many pages of Maya Angelous autobiography.

I devoured book after book. I was hungry for knowledge and I got fed. I was inspired, moved especially about how she wrote about her involvement in the causes of Reverend Dr Martin Luther King, Jr and Malcolm X. I wondered if I would ever have a chance to serve a great leader of their statue, someone that I would make history with. In my fiftieth year, I was sitting in my bedroom, still again. There were more questions. The United States and the world needed a major makeover. I needed it to change for I longed for a world that would be amenable to me. An environment that encouraged growth, one that would nurture, love and support. A place where my ideas and dreams could come to fruition. Breaking news, big news on every broadcast station, Senator Barack Obama announced his decision to run for the highest office in the land. I was having a conversation with someone in my head. Oh my God are you telling me that in the answering of my prayers that you are ringing in the changes starting at the top? This is a no brainer, Im going to get behind the Senator because getting behind him means getting behind myself. It felt as though I was literally swept off my feet and transported somewhere. It was crazy, fast like spinning in the middle of a whirlwind. Pete, my truck and I traveled north, south, east, west galloping up and down Interstate Highway 35. I was attending training sessions learning the political process, becoming an activist. I became totally engaged, passionately so. We went live very soon after training as the Texas Two Step Primary was upon us. My Barack Obama web page was set up on my computer. There I could get updated on all campaign plans, stay on top of events. I felt as though I certainly had direct contact with the source, like the kind of things you see in a Mission Impossible episode. I started as a poll watcher. My mission was to make sure there wasnt any shenanigans going on and most importantly do not by any means let voters leave the poll before the caucus that occurs after the polls closed. I had a hot line number to the source just in case a situation arose that I wasnt familiar with. Misinformation was rampant. I dialed the hot line informing them that people

were headed out of the door totally oblivious of the fact that work still needed to be achieved. Stop them Sharon, dont let them leave! My adrenalin kicked in. It was exciting and so much more. I was hooked, dedicated to hope and change. People noticed, openly urging me to go forward, lead. I went on to become the Permanent Secretary of the Primary Caucus to County and State Delegate in 2008. The campaign needed foot soldiers to go to Ohio and help turn it blue in the last three weeks before the election. I left Texas with a group of like minded strangers headed to Ohio because our Presidential candidate, future leader needed us. It was a cause worth fighting for, not just to fulfill his destiny but ours as well. Like a duck to water I found that what I was experiencing was natural. I had found a calling of sorts. Four years later 2012, I was primed and ready to go! The challenge to re-elect President Barack Obama was crucial for many. Friends were calling from different shores wanting reassurance that I would continue on my journey and toss myself in the campaign with double the vigor from the first. Dont worry about that because Im on it!. It is my nature to always go forward, not repeat myself, learn more. I did not know how great my purpose would expand, the shoes in which I would stand. June 7th at the State Convention in Houston, my heart was on my sleeve and I unleashed pure sincerity as I delivered my speech to my Senate District 24 in my bid for National Delegate. I asked them to Vote Rose and the house rose choosing me as one to go forward and represent them. Insane. I was overjoyed having the backing of my peers. I would not let the President down, the people or myself. I vowed on that day that as long as the President ran, I would be running alongside. I booked an early morning flight. I made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare. I parked my faithful chariot Pete, who vowed to be right there on my return. I checked in. I needed to get to my destination of Charlotte early, as in two days early before the convention began. It was my desire to become acclimatized in Charlotte, get comfortable, and feel my environment before the action began. I had time to gather information, find out what was really going on. I stayed on my toes because missing any aspect of this marvelous time in my life was not an option. Over the following two days I chilled in my suite on my hotel room balcony and watched as the rest of the delegates poured in. The Texas delegation

were assigned to the Great Wolf Lodge in Concord, NC, a family resort. Kids infiltrated the hallways with their magic wands opening up treasure chests that told a story. Families partaking of the last days before school started, directed their children watching over them in the wave pool and eagerly participated in Wolf stories told to the children in the lobby of an evening.They were having a splendid time oblivious of the serious matter that many grown ups were arriving to attend to, didnt need to. The tone in the Great Wolf Lodge changed by September 2nd, kids were headed back to school. The matter at hand rose to the forefront. The DNCC had arranged a fantastic itinerary to welcome all delegates and guests with an open reception being held at twelve different venues in Charlotte and surrounding areas. There were copious amounts of food and drink with entertainment beyond belief. The atmosphere was exuberant. The party I attended was not just for Texas delegates but for other states as well such as Michigan. It provided a great opportunity to mix and mingle with like minded individuals. Labor Day, September 3rd, the Charlotte host committee launched the Carolina Festival as part of the festivities to include us delegates. It was a very warm, bright sunny day. There was a parade, street vendors everywhere lining the streets with Carolinas specialty food, hats, Obama campaign buttons hats, you name it. There was live music, interactive expositions, a fantastic line up. Buses had been arranged to transport all delegates to and fro from hotel to city and vice versa. Protestors, supporters and natives occupied the streets. Police, firemen and other public workers from all over the USA were keeping order. I thought I was in New York for a second with the long blocks needed to walk to a luncheon arranged for us at Whiskey River, a lovely venue in the Epic Center. I was overwhelmed by everything. Exhausted somewhat by the energy surrounding me combined with the sun was causing a dizzying effect. September 4th, Party Like a Rock Star, the Democratic Convention exploded to the forefront. The production began, lights, camera, action! It was on. Delegates poured into the Time Warner Cable Arena finding their assigned seats for their respective state. The hallways were a buzz with people from all walks of life, politicians galore making themselves available, all there for a shared cause. There was a consistent

medley of people chatting, camera lights flashing, pose, click! Looking left, then right, oops just bumped into someone as I bobbed and weaved trying to inhale it all in. Celebrities in attendance were here, there and everywhere. The walls were lined with television monitors, music filled the air. There was no reason to miss the action on the main stage wherever one found themselves. I kid you not, even in the bathrooms. The First Lady Michelle threw down the gauntlet on the first night establishing the standard of sincerity and excellence that would prevail throughout the entire convention. She reduced the audience to tears. When she teared up, so did we. When she smiled, we reciprocated. Hit after hit, they just kept coming from everyone who graced the stage. Former President Clinton broke the facts down to the most common denominator. Hes right, hes right I could hear delegates chanting. As a matter of fact we testified and affirmed for three days for all of the speakers. If I tell you that every speaker, slide show in between were phenomenal, believe me. They left no stone or issue that concerns us all unturned. We were up and down out our seats clapping, hugging.The Democratic National Committee Charlotte hosted a fabulous convention. There was something on the agenda every day and night. Other delegates and I were constantly pinching each other asking, can you believe we are here?. The delegates from all of the United States were pumped. The atmosphere was electric! Ive sat on the sidelines for many a year watching these conventions on television but nothing compares to being there in the arena witnessing first hand. President Barack Obama was the icing on the cake and how sweet it was. The role call on the final night sealed the deal. Foot soldiers returned to their homes, went to work and re-elected the President, November 6, 2012. My name have been recorded on official documents that will reveal my signature endorsing him and Vice President Joe Biden to continue to lead this country for another four years. Im prepared to go the distance as there is more work to be done, more growth. I embrace that. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that I would one day be able to play a major role in politics as a National Delegate of Texas in a historical campaign, are you kidding? As my elders always said baby, if you can just live long enough, youll realize many things.



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