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There are many characteristics that become a threat from a climate change in Malaysia. Indeed, the real causes and factors that contribute to climate change and global warming is still disputed by some others people. But the point is, what is clear evidence that climate change and global warming is caused by human activities and the way of life itself.

Human greed become a major contributor to global climate change such as in Malaysia. Development, forest destruction, industrial, manufacturing, and transportation are some activities that contribute to climate change in Malaysia.

Global climate change is happening because of a sudden increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that caused by the proliferation in the manufacturing industry, logging, agriculture, transportation and other industries in the world without a balance with the environment. This has contributed to the increase in these gases and directly increases the temperature of the earth.

The increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere occur the effects of burning fossil fuels such as fuel consumption, coal and gas. Through the 4th Assessment Report (Climate Change 2007) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), shows that 98 percent of the global warming caused by the release date of carbon dioxide.

The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased from 288 parts per million (ppm) recorded in the 18th century (before the era of the industrial revolution) to 376 ppm in 2003. In 2099, if people still maintain the momentum of fossil fuel use, as now, the concentration of this gas in the atmosphere is expected to increase by 700 ppm. This will causes the earth's environment is no longer suitable to be inhabited by humans and others life.

Relatively, the release of greenhouse gases by Malaysia is still small compared with other countries in the world. Developed countries such as Japan and the United States is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. However, a control system is needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. Climate change is believed to have accelerated the weather processes that have caused many sudden changes during uncertain times.

Global climate change is seen threatening human security and state of physical and psychological aspect. Combination of the two certainly precipitate a crisis to prosperity of the people, security or public order, political stability and economic strength if not managed properly.

Increasing the earth's temperature resulting in human life facing a great threat due to natural disasters are more frequent and more extensive period. Among the effects of climate change such as winds change direction or hurricanes, rising sea levels, rainfall rate volatility, flood, global warming, and droughts have its own characteristics. Hurricanes, floods, droughts and related environmental diseases is a natural disaster that occurred between the effects of climate change are increasingly unpredictable but mostly in the same month as past years.

With 9% of the land area in Malaysia (29,000 are expose to flooding phenomenon, a total of 2.7 million people may be the victims of the country. Unpredictable weather conditions caused the country to deal with the disaster. The best example that can be given is the flood that hit Johor, in January 2007 had highly paralyzed economic and social activities of the local community and resulted in huge destruction. There are the characteristics of rainfall rate volatility, winds change direction, droughts, rising sea levels, flood, and global warming.

2.1.1 RAINFALL RATE VOLATILITY The rapid development of urbanization and industry increase the demand for water resources, particularly for the industrial, agricultural and household use.

Climate change has resulted in the possibility of two which is Malaysia experience increased rainfall and decreased rainfall. Increased rainfall means Malaysia that expose to terrible flooding phenomenon will destroy the infrastructure, property and sometimes loss most of the life. Furthermore, Malaysia also impressed with decreased rainfall resulting in lack of clean water sources for household, agricultural and industrial sectors.

In general, Malaysia is in the equatorial zone of rain and hot throughout the year. Climate characteristics are having a lot of rain, uniform temperature and high humidity. Seasonal wind patterns along topographic determine rainfall in Malaysia. However, the distribution and seasonal variations cause some areas occasional water shortage. Its use is also very broad in terms of domestic production industrial goods, the supply of electrical energy generator and do not miss for global consumer services. Without water, man can not live like today. This is because in addition to oxygen, water is the most important ingredient for needs of every human being throughout life.

Increase in population water demands are increasing and it can not be accommodated entirely by river basins in some areas in the future. Socio-economic development of the rapidly implemented in the country more pressing national supply capability and irrigation. Coupled with a limited release of water from the dam caused the water from the plant inconsistent water purifier and a reduction of the normal production. Therefore, other alternatives should be done to meet the needs of water needed.

Rainwater harvesting is one of the options for disassemble water stress is reduced in the country. The rapid economic growth in recent Malaysia, with same periodic lasting drought has brought problems water imbalance into sharper focus, particularly for development is concentrated in the area of 'water stress'. rivers also become the main

source of clean water cycle started polluted. The method of rainwater harvesting is an approach in which the water of the rain water collected in ponds or in a specially designed tank to store rain water. Planning and development of this system should be carried out in accordance with the guidelines set by the authorities. This is to ensure that the system is suitable for used in terms of safety, water quality and construction guidelines. Lack of rain will lead to economic decline in Malaysia.

2.1.2 WINDS CHANGE DIRECTION Although the wind in Malaysia is generally light and variable, there are changes in the wind patterns. Based on these changes, four seasons can be distinguished, which are southwest monsoon, northeast monsoon and inter monsoon two shorter.

The southwest monsoon usually begins in the later half of May or early June and ends in September. Prevailing winds are generally southwesterly with poor speeds below 15 knots. The northeast monsoon usually starts in early November and ends in March. During this season, the prevailing winds are from the east or northeast winds of 10 to 20 knots. East coast states of Peninsular Malaysia are more affected by the wind where the velocity can reach 30 knots or more during periods of intense surges of cold air from the north (cold surges).

During the transition seasons winds are generally light and variable. In both seasons, the equatorial trough across Malaysia. It is worth mentioning here that in the period from April to November, when typhoons frequently develop in the western Pacific and move westwards across the Philippines, southwest winds in the northwest coast of Sabah and Sarawak region is stronger and can reach 20 knots or more.

As a country surrounded by the sea, the impact of land and sea breezes on the wind pattern is great especially during days with clear skies. On condition that bright sunny afternoon, the sea breeze winds of 10 to 15 knots often develop and may reach several tens of kilometers into the interior. In clear nights, the reverse process occurs and land breezes are weaker strength can occur in coastal areas.

2.1.3 DROUGHTS Drought is a prolonged period of dry weather with a slight rain or no rain at all. It can have a significant impact on the ecosystem and agriculture of the affected region. Drought can be categorized into three types which are Meteorological Drought related to the amount of rainfall, Hydrological Drought determined by the level of water in reservoirs such as dams, while the Agricultural Drought related to the availability of water for crops.

Meteorological drought is defined by comparing the rainfall in certain places and at certain times the average rainfall for the area. Therefore, this drought is specific to a particular location. Meteorological drought leads to reduction of soil moisture and this often has an impact on crop production. When we define drought in this way, we only consider the reduction in rainfall and do not take into account the effects of the water shortage in reservoirs such as dams, human needs or in agriculture.

Hydrological drought is associated with the effects of low rainfall, water levels in rivers, ponds, lakes and aquifers. Hydrological droughts are usually identified after meteorological drought. First, the precipitation decrease and after that, a reduction in water levels in rivers and lakes. Hydrological drought affecting the system depends on the water level. Changes in water levels affect ecosystems, hydroelectric power production, and industrial and the city uses.

Drought occurrence based on the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere because it would occurrence of precipitation. Rain occurs when there is moisture which are when there is a low pressure system. So, when things get hot areas, where high air pressure system, the area will be less humid to produce precipitation. This is because the system can not cope with large amounts of water vapor.

Climate change is also a contributor to the drought. This is because the change in temperature, rainfall and wind according to the season. Malaysia is located in the equatorial region. This results in Malaysia experience hot and rain throughout the year.

Malaysia is also experiencing change due to monsoon weather by month. Malaysia rare to have a few days with no sunshine except during the northeast monsoon season. Upon the occurrence of the northeast monsoon, the area in Peninsular Malaysia, especially in the east coast, suffer from lack of rain as prevented by the Titiwangsas Mountains.

Developed world is changing causing many felled forest meant for development. Claims development result in forest explored too demanding for the placement, industrial and others. When forests are cut down or tapped, the area is getting warmer because of flora give oxygen and cool air to the people and the world. Trees cut off oxygen and air can not be given to people and the world. Furthermore, the hot weather will cause severe drought.

Rapid urbanization is an atmospheric phenomenon associated with high temperature increase in urban areas compared to the surrounding areas. It occurs when the heat release in the developing regions, especially in the cities too much and blocked by tall buildings skyscrapers. Heat can not be released into the atmosphere will have a high heat to the surrounding area. Rapid development has also been converting tropical forests into concrete jungle. Grouted soil resulted in reduced water infiltration rates and ultimately lead to further drought.

Population increase associated with increasing urbanization. When the population is increasing, the population will be using water to manage daily activities. Some residents use water is inconsistent with its use. Production and use of excessive water is not aligned with production capabilities. The population has also been increasing use of vehicles. Vehicles will emit fumes into the environment. The smoke will cause thinning of the ozone layer. Thinning of the ozone layer will cause the sun can not be reflected and finally the occurrence of drought.

In addition, amenities such as air conditioning, aerosols and refrigerators have Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were the main contributors to ozone depletion. During CFCs released into the atmosphere, the chlorine will act with

ozone and release oxygen. As a result, the ozone layer is getting thinner. Ozone layer will cause ultraviolet radiation to reach out directly to the surface of the earth and can have negative effects on humans.

2.1.4 RISING SEA LEVELS Any increase or decrease without involving mainland sea level changes, the sea level change seems to look and is divided into four sections where sea level rise sea level higher than the level land, the fall of the sea where the sea level was lower than the level land, rising land where the land level higher than the sea, and the fall of level land where land is lower than sea.

Rise and fall of sea water occurs when the changes experienced by the sea level around the world in land level unchanged. It is related to the melting glaciers in the last ice age pliestosien. While the rise and fall of the land happens when changes due balance when the earth blocks or pergurangan earth increases in weight of the load. Less burden lifted earth, sea-level fall. Increased burden of earth fell, Darwin sea rises.

2.1.5 FLOOD Flooding in Malaysia usually synonymous with East Coast states of Kelantan Pahang and Terengganu. Every year, especially in November and December, the three flood-prone states. It occurs due to heavy rains due to the northeast monsoon. However, lately, flooding in Malaysia is no longer confined to the East Coast. It was already begun to spread to other states. Even the city of Kuala Lumpur was not spared from the flood disaster.

Ongoing to deforestation and rain forest destruction in watershed will affect water supply and quality of water resources, affect the ability of the groundwater intake and cause more flooding in the lowland areas. Source of the country's water supply is coming from the sea, river, ponds and lakes. Water can be contaminated by soil erosion due to deforestation. to deforestation will cause soil erosion and subsequent soil erosion may

enter the river. Sediment will be formed which will cause the water level was more shallow and it may increase the risk of flooding. 2.1.6 GLOBAL WARMING There are three characteristics that made global warming which are the effects of greenhouse, carbon dioxide emissions, and alternative energy.

The effects of greenhouse occurs when most of the energy from the Sun that reaches the Earth's surface is not reflected back out into space, and even absorbed by our atmosphere.Certain gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen oxides, which are also transparent in the visible waves, is opaque in infrared radiation. They absorb energy, make us warm atmosphere.

Likely that the greenhouse effect and global warming, which accelerated since the 19th century, due to the impact of human activities on the environment. Most of the gas that has the characteristics of the greenhouse effect has been released into the atmosphere through modern activities that use fossil fuels in industry and vehicles. It can also be caused by certain agricultural activities such as cattle farming.

The study found that 98% of the cause of global warming is carbon dioxide emissions from combustion of fossil fuels that has been done since the 18th century. Changes in land use accounted for 30 percent of carbon dioxide emissions. Greater greenhouse effect and global climate will change dramatically, without of control. The impact of carbon dioxide emissions and more incomprehensible because the gas is odorless and non-toxic. And Alternative energy such as nuclear and solar energy as a viable alternative.

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