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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Leadership is the process of using influence in order to give direction and coordination in an organisations operations for

the achievement of its goals and objectives. Leadership can be

expressed or exhibited by interaction between the leader and the followers. Several elements are involved that constitutes in an effective leadership that were presented in the three Case Studies of this report. The characteristics of the situation in which the leaders were working and the specific characteristics of the leaders have contributed in the success of the leadership processes. Communication is considered a one of the useful aspects of leadership and the studies displayed that successful leadership is the product of good communication. Although, communication competence for these cases was not sufficient enough for effectiveness of leadership but on the other hand it was a necessary element for the process. In addition to the leaders communication behaviours, the leaders traits, behaviours, personalities and characters played a great role in the leadership performance. All the leaders have the required intelligence and engineering education, confidence and interpersonal skills that were indispensable in the execution of the leadership processes. Several leadership styles were presented in these studies in which it evolved in relation to the demand of the work situation. The first case study in Dubai exhibited a functional leadership style since the work was task-oriented. On the other hand, the second case in which the leadership was in an old family business aside from being a functional leader more motivation was employed. Moreover, in the third case from Libya, the leader demonstrated a transactional leadership style from the time when the work operation was more technical. The studies show the leaders demonstrated power and influence to the members as the leaders have the ability to transform the behaviours and work attitudes of the followers. The leaders entire source of power lied on their job positions and credentials as engineering professionals. All of the leaders demonstrated practical knowledge and skills that were required to influence others. All leaders in this studies displayed ethical leadership by way of treating followers fairly and conducted themselves morally. In addition of being trustworthy leaders, they regularly managed

morality and discouraged unethical behaviours with their followers. Given their positions, the leaders directly influenced the followers to learn appropriate behaviours. The disadvantages of cultural differences and diversity in a workplace were overcome by good leadership in the Dubai and Libya cases. As a result, the leaders not just acquired more skills and engineering knowledge during the performance of work but also gained more life experiences and reflected his core beliefs. In the case study from the Philippines, it can be seen that women can play an important role in the leadership of companies and businesses. All cases did not represent gender diversity; however, along the way in performing leadership, the leader acquired a change in perspective and deeper understanding.

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