Importance of Getting Statistics Help Using SPSS

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Help with Dissertation Statistics Statistics Help using SPSS Importance of getting Statistics Help using SPSS

SPSS, or Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, is a software program for analysis of statistical data. It is an IBM product and is also known as PASW or (Predictive Analytic Software). This program is commonly used in the field of social sciences for statistical analysis. SPSS accepts data from almost any type of file and uses that data to generate tabulated reports, charts, and plots of distributions and trends, descriptive statistics, and conduct complex statistical analyses. It is available in cross platforms including Macintosh, UNIX systems WINDOWS 3.x, WINDOWS 95, WINDOWS 10, WINDOWS NT. Statistics is the study of collecting, organizing, analysing, and interpreting numerical information from data. Statistical analysis is a process to determine whether or not the data supports hypothesis proposed by researcher. This is one of the toughest parts of research work, where logical and technical skills are required. While doing research there are certain stages that each individual has to go through to complete the research. These stages are as follows: Planning: Planning is the first step and can also be considered as designing stage. It starts before launching SPSS. In this phase, a specific area of research is worked upon and a hypothesis is developed on its basis. In this phase researcher also identifies a sample population to study for research. While selecting a population all parameters regarding population should be considered. Collection of data: It is second stage in the process and can be termed as field work stage. Conducting surveys generally with questionnaires occurs in this stage. The data collected will be used as input data for interpretation through SPSS.

Analysis of data: In analysis different types of tests will be performed on data. To start with SPSS, launch the program and it will analyse the data. But before this you need to organize the data for analysis. SPSS data editor is used to enter the data and you can print result obtained after selecting the program of your choice. Other data analysis techniques like Correlations, Regression, Variance, t-test, ANOVA are available under a mini or mainframe version of SPSS. Reporting: It is the final stage of the process and involves reporting of the result obtained after working on data by SPSS. Statistics Help using SPSS for researchers is provided by experienced professionals to analyse the statistical data based on their research work.

We provide Help with Dissertation Statistics to students of different universities from all over the world. Our professionals are expert statisticians who can help in analysing thesis data.

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