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Araceae Spot-character: Araceae p.p.

. ; Habit, Climbers without hooks/tendrils = Plants climbing by means of a twining stem, such as many Leguminosae and Menispermaceae, or with adhesive roots as many Araceae, but without specialised climbing organs Amorphophallus, Remusatia ; Habit, Leafless when flowering = Plants without leaves when in flower, either because they are always leafless such as Taeniophyllum or Sarcostemma (I), or plants dropping their leaves before flowering such as Tetrameles and Firmiana Remusatia ; Habit, Bulbils = Plants provided with vegetative buds that act as diaspores. These are common in ferns but are also known in a few flowering plants. The best known example is probably Remusatia vivipara Araceae p.p. ; Exudate, white or yellow sap = Many plants produce white (milky) sap, such as Moraceae and Sapotaceae. Yellow sap is common in Guttiferae. (Y) behind a name means that the sap is or can be yellow Araceae p.p. (fl.) ; Smell, Foetid = Plants with a strong, disagreeable smell, often only noticeable after bruising the leaves and later disappearing in the herbarium. Paederia foetida is a good example. In some plants it is the flower that emits a foul smell, e.g. many Araceae. In that case (fl.) is added behind the name of the taxon Araceae p.p. ; Petiole swollen apically = Plants in which the petiole is swollen at the top and very often also at the base in which case the petiole is bipulvinate as in many Euphorbiaceae and sterculiaceae Alocasia p.p., Colocasia p.p., Gonatanthus (As), Homalomena p.p. ; Leaves peltate = Lamina attached away from the base as in Nymphaea Homalomena asperifolia ; Leaf surface rough = Leaf surface rough to the touch, hence the term 'sandpaper' leaves; common in several species of Ficus and Tetracera Arisaema, Cryptocoryne, Rhaphidophora p.p. ; Cystoliths = Leaves provided with cells containing silica crystals, visible as rraised pale dots or dashes (use handlens) p.p. = the spot-character is not always visible or is found only in part of the taxon

Amorphophallus variabilis Inflorescentia racemosa spadix Buah buni majemuk Male sex di bagian atas, female sex di bagian bawah mempunyai spatha Flower unisexual Ada bagian osmophore, bagian yang dapat mengeluarkan bau bangkai (seperti ikan busuk), pengeluaran cairan secara osmosis Daun pinnatifidus atau pinnatilobus Petiolusnya banyak sekali corak, ada yang bercak-bercak sampai ada yang hijau bersih Bau bangkai biasanya menyengat antara pkl 17.30-18.30 Daun gugur ketika berbunga berbunga biasanya seminggu sampai 2 minggu Penyerbuk: sejenis kumbang dari famili Nitidulidae Terdapat cairan pelekat sehingga serangga yang terperangkap sulit keluar & serangga tersebut membantu dalam penyerbukan si bunga Ditemukan juga sejenis kecoa & semut yang terperangkap sekitar hari ke-5, cairan perangkap bisa mengering & kumbang Nitidulidae bisa bebas & terbang mencari bunga yang lain, kumbang tsb juga membawa serbuk sari yg menempel Kemungkinan terjadi penyerbukan sendiri atau penyerbukan silang Kandungan glukomanan di antara A. muelleri & A. campanulatus

Ekologi kemungkinan penyebaran clumped (mengumpul) metode line transek, setiap 40 m selang seling, diambil data 5 meter ke kiri & ke kanan data ekologi yang diambil sebelum berbunga; total length, canopy length, diameter petiolus data ekologi yang diambil ketika berbunga: total length, diameter petiolus, osmopore length, diameter osmopore, spatha length, diameter spatha, male flower length, diameter male flower, female flower length, diameter female length

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