Discipleship Guild Lesson 6

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Discipleship Your Next Step In Following Jesus

Notes: Building A Life That Really Matters By Dr. Reynold F. Howell Presiding Pastor, Grace Christian Church LESSON 6 HOW TO DEVELOP YOUR FULL SPIRITUAL POTENTIAL Introduction: People were meant to be in community with others. When we spend quality time in a small group, ministering to each other with our spiritual gifts, we can help each other become more like Jesus Christ. Personal Bible Study 1. How did the early Christians satisfy their need for community and close fellowship? Acts 2:46 GET THIS: When we spend time together in small groups, we can encourage and help each other become more like Jesus. How is this easier in small groups than in the congregation at large? 2. How can a small group assist in nurture, growth, and accountability? Hebrews 10:24, 25

Do you see that membership in a small group that meets regularly is a powerful means of developing spiritual potential? __________ 3. What is the ultimate distinguishing mark of a disciple? John 13:35 4. As you meet in small groups, what else, besides love, has God given to members to make the groups successful? Romans 12:6-8 Do you see that these gifts are job descriptions for service in the Body of Christ? ___________ 5. How can you be sure that you have a gift? 1 Corinthians 12:7; Ephesians 4:7,8 Since each Christian has been given a gift, is it clear to you that you have at least one spiritual gift, even if you dont yet know what it is?

Page 2 __________ 6. Who decides what Gift you bring to the group? 1 Corinthians 12:11 ____________________ Do you see that there is no room for pride and boasting about your gifts, because we dont earn or deserve them? __________ 7. What evidence do we have that the gifts are not for individual glory? 1 Corinthians 12:7. What is the purpose of the gifts? 8. Spiritual gifts are not natural talents. Note these differences: Talent Gift Present from birth Present from spiritual birth Natural ability Spiritual endowment For natural success For Christian Service 9. Notice the list of gifts in Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, 28-30; Ephesians 4:11
SPIRITUAL GIFTS: Word of wisdom, Word of knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophecy, Discernment, Tongues, Interpretation, Apostleship, Helps, Government, Pastoring, Evangelism, Giving, Showing mercy, Teaching, Exhorting.

10. Here are some ways to know your gift: (a) Believe you are gifted. (b) Ask God to reveal your gift to you. (c) When you read the list, which gift stands out for you? (d) Which one would you have a strong motivation to use? (e) What do others say about you? (f) What do other members sense about your gift? 11. Do not allow your gift to be an unwrapped present unused and neglected. You have great potential for Christian Ministry. The needs of other Christians and the world are too great for you to waste your Spiritual gift. So what do you want to do about the ministry God has given you? 12. What is the best way to organize small groups so each member can fulfill his ministry? 13. Are you willing to lovingly support and affirm your fellow believers, and caringly minister to unbelievers in a small group? __________ Are you willing to confront and overcome areas of personal sin so your ministry will be maximally effective? __________
If You Are Doing This Course Through Independent Study: Upon completion of all lessons, please mail them to the address in the next column for correction. In response, we shall mail you a diploma. Copyright 2013 by Dr. Reynold F. Howell Complete Sets of this Course May be Ordered From: DisciplesOfGrace.Com 434 Dewitt Ave, Brooklyn NY 11510 Complete Sets US$3 each. Minimum Order 25 sets.

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Name: Address: City/St. Phone: Circle Age Group: Zip: Best time to call: [10-19] [20-29] [30-39] [40-49] [50-59] [60-69] [70+ ] Jesus says: Go and make disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:19

We appreciate the fact that God can count on you to answer all the questions and to answer them honestly. A rich blessing awaits you as you study the next lesson.

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