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NoSQL Databases

Advanced Database Management Systems

Vamshi Krishna Reddy V MT2009151 International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore, India

Relational Databases
MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle etc., Good at
Schemas Strong Consistency Transactions Mature and well tested Availability of Expertise

What is NoSQL?
Its not Anti SQL or NO SQL. It means (N)ot (O)nly SQL.

Exact name could be Non Relational DB.

Present trend of sharing needs small and simple terms.

Data Information Explosion

Internet Scale Massive data collections. Huge number of requests.

24/7 across the globe.

Need for NoSQL

Types of NoSQL Solutions

NoSQL Databases
Key-Value stores Document Oriented databases

Column Store Databases

XML Databases

Graph Databases


For Whom?
Specific Needs Non Safety critical systems Web applications like
Social networking Music and Video streaming.

Features of NoSQL
Schema less High Availability Horizontal Scalability

Conflicts of NoSQL with SQL

ACID versus BASE
A: Atomicity C:Consistency I: Isolation D: Durability

CAP Theorem
C: Consistency A: Availability P: Partition Tolerance


Strong Consistency

Weak Consistency

Eventual Consistency


Challenges in using NoSQL

Lack of Expertise. Historic Decisions in designing application database. Incorporating into monolithic system having relational data. Support to ad-hoc queries by NoSQL.

Ease of use Way of thinking Eventual Consistency

Its about choosing right tool for right job.

[1] The end of SQL and relational databases. of_3, 2010. [2] Why Enterprises Are Uninterested in NoSQL -Communications of the ACM.,2010. [3] CAP Theorem, Eventual Consistency, NoSQL.,2010. [4] My Thoughts on NoSQL.,2009. [5] The dark side of NoSQL., 2009. [6] CAP Confusion: Problems with Ypartitiontolerance- Cloudera - Apache Hadoop for the Enterprise., 2010. [7] NoSQL: A Modest Proposal., 2009.

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