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collecting | managing | sharing | citing
made easy

Raphal Grolimund
Bibliothque de l'EPFL

December 2013

Icons from the Zotero interface are produced in this document. They were cerated by Mark
James and Yusuke Kamiyamane and published under CC BY license on the author's websites:
Mark James (
Yusuke Kamiyamane (

About this document

Course notes of the lecture given at EPFL on December 9 and 11, 2013.
Course organized by the EPFL IT Department:
Document version
v1.2 / 9.12.2013

You have the right to reuse the content of this document but
derivative works should be published under CC BY-SA license. In
every case, you should credit this document with my name and the
name of the library. For further information about the license, see link

Zotero: collecting, managing, sharing, citing references made easy by

Raphal Grolimund is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Here is an overview of the course. This is more a thread than a real program.








First part of the course:

Second part of the course:



The More section gathers some questions that go beyond the scope of this course, but that
could be useful.



What is Zotero?
Zotero is a reference manager. It helps you collect bibliographic references, store and sort
them and manage a bibliography effortlessly.
And if you are writing a paper, Zotero makes citing very easy.
Zotero has first developped as a Firefox add-on. Since January 2012, Zotero is also provided
as a standalone software with exactly the same interface, but with additional compatibility
with Chrome and Safari.
Zotero is developped since 2006 by the Center for History and New Media
( at George Mason University (, Virginia (USA).
A brief history of Zotero
Oct. 2006 Zotero beta version
Oct. 2007 Zotero 1.0
Feb. 2010 Zotero 2.0 (sync and share features)
Mar. 2011 Zotero 2.1 (Firefox 4 compliant)
Jan. 2012 Zotero 3.0 (standalone version, Chrome & Safari compliant)
Apr. 2013 Zotero 4.0 (major improvements with new features)

Zotero is (and has always been) a free software. Free doesn't (only) mean it's free of charge, it
also means that no one owns Zotero.
First developped under ECL license1, Zotero switched to GNU GPL v32 when the version 2.0
was released, before switching a second time to GNU AGPL3 (version 2.1.7).
You can expect from a reference manager to :
* add/import references automatically (or very easily)
* create a bibliography automatically (or very easily)
* help you cite while you write a paper
All these technical tasks should be done by the software. You save time for things the
software can't do for you:
* check if the reference data are correct and complete
* read papers
* sort references
* select relevant references to add in the bibliography
It is important to understand that this kind of software is made to manage references, not
items. It is not means for managing a private library (with functionalities for borrowing
Why Zotero ?
There are many reference managers. A comparison of reference managers is avaiblable on
4 (accessed Dec. 5, 2013) (accessed Dec. 5, 2013) (accessed Dec. 5, 2013) (accessed Dec. 5, 2013)

Here is comparison table of the 5 most used software at EPFL.







$329 (indiviual)
paid by EPFL


59 / $79







owned by
Thomson Reuters

owned by

owned by

Mac OS X

Mac OS X

Mac OS X

Mac OS X

Mac OS X

integrated with

integrated with

integrated with

integrated with

integrated with


MS Word
OOo / LO

MS Word
OOo(2) / LO

MS Word
OOo / LO

MS Word
OOo / LO

online storage incl.

free online storage


free online storage(3)


Sharing through
EndNote Web

open groups
private group(4)

open groups
private groups

group members(4)


group members




5'000 citation styles(5) 6'700 citation styles(6) 6'700 citation styles(6) 6'700 citation styles(6)

OOo / LO stands for and LibreOffice

We don't recommend to use Papers for Windows (v1.5). It lacks important features included in Papers for Mac
OS X (v3).
On Mac, the OpenOffice plugin has been dropped in favor of support for LibreOffice5.
For more storage, see Zotero Storage Settings (login required)6.
For more storage, see Mendeley storage plans (login required)7.
(5) (accessed Dec. 5, 2013)
(6) (accessed Dec. 5, 2013)

So why Zotero? First, because it's free. You don't have to pay for it, but most of all you can
help improve it (and you don't need to be a programmer to do it 8). The community around
Zotero is huge and active.
There are two more reasons to choose Zotero: it is user-friendly, powerful and compatible
with a large number of online resources and, as a free software, you will be able to use it even
after leaving EPFL (no restriction due to the license agreement).

8 (accessed Dec. 5, 2013) (accessed Dec. 5, 2013) (accessed Dec. 5, 2013)
You don't need to be a programmer to help. You can report bugs, request new features or translate the

Zotero interface
The interface is divided in three parts. In the left part you see the collections and
subcollections (and groups) where you file your references. When you select a
(sub)collection, its content (the references) is displayed in the central part. And when you
click on a reference, all the metadata (title, author, ...) are displayed in the right part.
Personal notes


selected collection content


selected reference

Here are the interface buttons and their function.

New Collection... create a new collection (not a subcollection)
New Group... open Zotero website and create a new group
Actions access to import, export tools (among others) and preferences
New Item create a new empty reference
Create New item from Current Page save the current webpage (reference +
complete webpage snapshot)
Add Item by Identifier add reference by entering an ISBN, DOI or PMID9
New Note create a note linked to a reference or not
Add Attachment create an attachment (snapshot, file, picture, ...) to a reference
Advanced Search query on several fields at a time (with ability to save results)
Locate access to the document (not only the reference)
Sync with Zotero Server share the Zotero library across several devices
(computers, tablets, smartphones)
Toggle Tab Mode display Zotero in a browser tab (full screen)
Back to default display

ISBN, DOI and PMID are explained at the end of the Collect section.

What do you need to install (depending on your web browser and word processor).
1. What is your web browser?
IE, Opera ou autre

install Zotero for Firefox (go to 2)

or install Zotero Standalone (go to 3)
install Zotero Standalone
and install Zotero connector for Chrome (go to 3)
install Zotero Standalone
and install Zotero connector pour Safari (go to 3)
Not yet compatible with Zotero10

2. If you installed Zotero for Firefox : What is your word processor ?


install citation plugin for Word

install citation plugin for
install Autozotbib12

3. You are done! The citation plugin is included in Zotero Standalone.

10 Bookmarklets for other browsers were released. But they are still buggy. You can download them on (accessed Dec. 5, 2013).
11 LaTeX is not a word processor.
12 For further information, see More section.

With Zotero, you collect references with a single click.
Zotero scans the webpage while it is loading in the web browser. If (at least) one
bibliographic reference is detected, Zotero displays an icon in the address bar (or just next to
it, if you use Safari). A single click on this icon adds the reference in your Zotero library.
Zotero can deal with a large number of document types (the most common are shown below).


chapitre de livre


article de journal

article d'encyclopdie

article de confrence

article de blog


page web


document (gnrique)

If Zotero detects more than one reference on a webpage, an yellow folder icon is displayed.

Clicking on this icon open a prompt where you can select the reference you want to add in
your Zotero library. They will all be added at the same time.

- 10 -

EXERCISE Add books from a library catalog or a bookstore you are used to visit.
Suggestions :
Personal notes

EXERCISE Add some papers from databases you use on a regular basis.
Suggestions : (restricted access) (restricted access)
Personal notes

EXERCISE Add a few thesis from Infoscience (EPFL Institutional Repository).

Suggestion :
Personal notes

EXERCISE Add some presentations from a website you usually use for that.
Suggestion :
Personal notes

- 11 -

EXERCISE Add some pictures from a website you like to visit.

Suggestions :
Personal notes

EXERCISE Add some videos.

Suggestions :
Personal notes

EXERCISE Add a few encyclopedia entries.

Suggestions :
Personal notes

QUESTION What can you do if a website is not Zotero-compliant?

- 12 -

For books and articles, a powerful option is provided: the Magic Wand.


For books, Zotero sends a request to the Library of Congress catalog based on
the provided ISBN13. If no result is found, the same request is sent to
WorldCat14, the biggest library catalog in the world.
For journal papers, Zotero accepts DOI or PMID.
DOI (Digital Object Identifier15) is a unique alphanumerical string assigned to
an online paper. It can be a journal paper, as well as a conference paper, a thesis
or any final online document. Zotero relies on CrossRef to find the document
matching with the DOI.
PMID (PubMed IDentifier) is a identifier assigned to papers in PubMed 16
(bibliographical database containing biomedical literature). Indexed articles get
a PMID (no every article in PubMed gets one).

EXERCISE Use the identifier to add some papers and books provided in class.
Personal notes

13 ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. It's a unique number assigned to every published
14 As of January 2013, WorldCat gathers 1.5 billion item. Visit (accessed Dec. 5,
15 Further information on (accessed Dec. 5, 2013). ETH Zurich delivers DOI for
Switzerland. See (accessed Dec. 5, 2013).
16 (accessed Dec. 5, 2013)
- 13 -

If already use a reference manager or store PDF on your computer, you can import them in
your Zotero library.
Import references
1. To export references from your former reference manager, choose the BibTeX or RIS file
BibTeX and RIS
Both formats are standards and every reference manager should let your export
in at least one of those formats.
Warning ! Don't mix up exportation format and citation style. RIS and BibTeX
are exportation formats. They are used to be handled by computer, not by
humans17. Here is what it looks like.
RIS Format
ID - 135
T1 - Zotero : a guide for librarians, researchers, and educators
CY - Chicago
A1 - Puckett,Jason
PB - Association of College and Research Libraries
PY - 2011///
KW - Zotero
SN - 9780838985892
ER BibTeX Format
address = {Chicago},
title = {Zotero : a guide for librarians, researchers, and educators},
isbn = {9780838985892},
shorttitle = {Zotero},
publisher = {Association of College and Research Libraries},
author = {Puckett, Jason},
year = {2011},
keywords = {\#bibliogr., \#didac2011, \#lu/vu, \#obtenu}

17 Citation styles are discussed in the Cite section.

- 14 -

2. Import the file in Zotero (Actions > Import...).

Import PDF files (from the web)

When you download a PDF from the web using Firefox, a prompt asks if you want to save it
in Zotero. By default, Zotero will try to retrieve the metadata from the PDF.

If you use another web browser, you have to download the PDF on your computer first and
then drag and drop it in Zotero.

- 15 -

Import PDF files (from your computer)

1. Drag and drop PDF files in the central part of the Zotero interface.
2. Select them, right-click and choose
Retrieve Metadata from PDF in the dropdown

3. Zotero relies on Google Scholar to find

Note : Obviously, it won't work if the PDF file
has no metadata (typically an print article you
4. If any, Zotero creates a reference and joins
the PDF as attachment.

5. The PDF file can be renamed based on the
title, author and date of the document.

- 16 -

EXERCISE Add some PDF files and try to retrieve the metadata as explained
(If you have PDF files on your computer, try with these. If you don't, use the one
provided in class.)
Personal notes

EXERCISE Import the RIS file provided in class and organize the references in
your Zotero library.
Personal notes

- 17 -

The Zotero Preferences panel allows you to setup many features. Let's have a look and see the
main points.
General Tab
Manages the way Zotero is displayed in the browser. You can also tell Zotero to open
downloaded RIS files and allow (or forbid) to automatically tag items with
keywords and subject headings.

Sync Tab > Settings

Sync references and files (together or not)
Search Tab
Install and update PDF Indexing tools (to retrieve references from PDF metadata).

- 18 -

Export Tab
Define Default Output Format.
Cite Tab > Word Processors
Microsoft Word and LibreOffice/ plugins management
(install, update or reinstall).
Cite Tab > Styles
Citation styles management (including adding new ones from the Zotero online repository18).
Proxies Tab
Proxies management
Shortcut Tab
Define shortcuts
Advanced Tab
Access to the Data Directory on the computer and advanced Zotero setup parameters.

18 (accessed Dec. 5, 2013)

- 19 -

Zotero provides several features to manage your library. Let's have a look at the main ones.
All the reference are included in My Library. Then, you can dispatch them in collections and
subcollections you create. You can add a reference in several (sub)collections.
If a (sub)collection is selected when you collect references, they will be automatically added
in it.
EXERCISE Organize the collected references in collections and subcollections.
Personal notes

You can choose how the references are sorted. It can be based on many field. To choose a
field, just click on the column header (click again to reverse the sort order).
EXERCISE Sort references based on the Date Added field (lastest first).
Personal notes

Managing and searching the Zotero library can be eased by adding tags to references.

- 20 -

By default, Zotero adds keywords and subjects headings provided on the platform where the
reference comes from. These tags are orange. The ones you add by yourself are blue. You can
choose not to get the keywords and subjects headings from the platform in the General Tab
of the Preferences panel.
EXERCISE Add some tags (for later use).
Personal notes

Zotero provides two search mode.
The search field launches a quick search.
EXERCISE Run a quick search and see what happens.
Personal notes

The Advanced Search button (magnifying glass) offers more tools to build a query.

You can save a advanced search so that you don't have to type it again and again. A saved
search collection is created (folder with magnifying glass). This collection is automatically
- 21 -

updated every time you add a reference matching the query you saved.

EXERCISE Create a saved search collection and test it.

Personal notes

Create a workflow
All these management tools (tag, saved search) can help you create a simple
and powerful workflow to track what you want to read, what you already read
but was not meaningful and what you want to keep for citing.

- 22 -

There are several to create a bibliography.
The two easier ways are drag and drop or copy and paste references from Zotero in a word
You can create a bibliography to publish it online as well ( right-click > Create
Bibliography from Selected Items... > Output Method: Save as HTML).
EXERCISE Create a bibliography (max. one page) and print it.
Personal notes

EXERCISE Create a bibliography meant to be published online and open it in your

web browser.
Personal notes

- 23 -

You have three ways to share your references. Each fits different needs.
You can export your entire Zotero library ( Actions > Export Library...), one collection
(right-click > Export Collection...) or only a some references ( right-click >
Export Selected Items...). Choose the Format in the prompt.

You can also sync your Zotero library across several devices (computers, tablets,
smartphones). It's the best way to always access your up-to-date Zotero library from anywhere
(at home, at work, even while travelling).
You need an account on to be able to sync your data. Then just click on the Sync
with Zotero Server button (green arrow).

If it's the first time you sync your library, you need to enter your username and password
(Actions > Preferences... > Sync Tab > Settings).

- 24 -

You can choose to sync attachment or not (PDF, snapshots, ...). You have 300Mo free storage
space on your Zotero online account. It is enough for references only, but you may quickly
reach this limit if you store PDF files online.
You have two options: pay for more storage space19 or choose a third-party storage service to
sync PDF files (see More section).
EXERCISE Go to and log in to one of the
course account (you can also create a personal account here: and take a tour in the settings section.
Then sync your locale Zotero library with the Zotero server.
Personal notes

Zotero offers a great feature for collaboration : group libraries. You can create a group, invite
members and work together on the same collection of references. When you are part of
project, you need to share with parnters. Easy with Zotero.
You add references in group (sub)collections the same way you do it in your own library.
Notice that you can grab references from a group library and pull them to your Zotero library.
EXERCISE Create a group and invite members. Add references (change Group
Settings if necessary).
Personal notes

19 (accessed Dec. 5, 2013)

- 25 -

The main reason to collect reference is to be able to cite them when you write a paper.
Unless you use Zotero Standalone, you need a second tool to cite while you write: a plugin for
your word processor.
You can get it here:
Choose the plugin depending on the operating system and word processor you are using. This
plugin is (installed as) a Firefox add-on.
When installed, the plugin appears as a Complement Tab (in Word for Windows) or a
toolbar (in
Word (Windows)
Word (Mac)
If you are a LaTeX user, you just need to create (export) a .bib file ( Actions > Export
Library...) to be able to cite references in your paper20.
Citation style
The way an in-text citation and/or a reference is formatted depends on the
citation style.
See this example of a book displayed in 4 different citation styles.
Chicago Manual of Style (author-date)
Puckett, Jason. 2011. Zotero: a guide for librarians, researchers, and
educators. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.
[1] J. Puckett, Zotero: a guide for librarians, researchers, and educators.
Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2011.
1. Puckett, J. Zotero: a guide for librarians, researchers, and educators.
(Association of College and Research Libraries: Chicago, 2011).
ISO-690 (auteur-date)
PUCKETT, Jason, 2011. Zotero: a guide for librarians, researchers, and
educators. Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries.
ISBN 9780838985892 0838985890.
As a result, a document can look differently according to the citation style
applied. Some information is dropped in a style (e.g. ISBN) and some others
20 In order not to have to export your library everytime you add a reference, Robin Wilson developped a plugin
for Zotero that automatically updates the .bib file when a change occurs (see More section).
- 26 -

are formatted differently (e.g. author firstname). They don't always appear in
the same order.
There are two main citation style families: author-date and numeric21. Authordate styles format in-text citation as below and sort bibligraphy alphabetically
based on the first author lastname:
As Jason Puckett says at the beginning of his book any book about software
inevitably starts to show its age even before it makes it to the shelf (Puckett
2011, X).
Numeric styles insert a number in the text and sort references in the same order
in the bibliography:
As Jason Puckett says at the beginning of his book Any book about software
inevitably starts to show its age even before it makes it to the shelf [1].
There are almost as many citation styles as there are scientific journals. You can choose a
style in the Preferences panel (Actions > Preferences... > Export Tab > Default
Output Format). Out of the box, Zotero provides about 15 citation styles.
For your personal styles management, go to Actions > Preferences... > Cite Tab >
Styles. If you need additional styles, click on the Get additional styles... link. This
leads you to the Zotero styles repository22 (
EXERCISE Install the plugin corresponding to your word processor, write
something and cite documents from your Zotero library.
Personal notes

EXERCISE Change the citation style that fit your needs.

Personal notes

21 In the Humanities field, people use a third family of styles where references are added in the footnotes.
22 This repository is also used by Mendeley, Papers and some others... See for more.
- 27 -

If you want to go beyond the scope of the course, here are some useful tips.
Your web browser is not compatible with Zotero yet.
At the moment, only Firefox, Chrome and Safari are compatible with Zotero. Soon the Zotero
bookmarklet will allow zotero user to use any other browser (including Internet Explorer and
Opera). At the time of writing, this bookmarklet is still buggy.
You can get it at (accessed Dec. 5, 2013)
You want to install the citation plugin but Firefox is not installed.
Citation plugins (for Word or are installed in Firefox.
If Firefox is not installed on your computer, the only way to use them (without installing
Firefox) is to use Zotero Standalone (citation plugins included).
You want to sync your PDF files with a third party service.
You have 300Mo available on Zotero servers. If you want more, you can pay for that or sync
your files with a third party service. In order to be able to do that, choose a service with
WebDav protocol enabled.
Update settings in the Preference panel ( Actions > Preferences... > Sync Tab >
You are looking for a citation style , but you don't know its name.
You may need a citation style without knowing its name, but you know what citation and
references should look like. A great tool will help find it:
You can enter a reference and it will show you matching citation styles. Easy. If you find the
right style, you can save it.
And if it's not exactly what you need, you can edit the style through the graphic interface (no
coding!) and save it:
You need a new citation style.
If you need a citation style that doesn't exist and/or that is too different from the existing
styles, you have two ways to get it.
If you XML coding skills, you can do it by yourself. All you need to know about the CSL
langage is here:
If don't have the required skills, you can try to do it with the new graphic interface:
But the easiest way is to ask for a new style on the Zotero forum:

- 28 -

You are a LaTeX user and don't want to export the .bib file again and again in order to
have an up-to-date file to use.
A PhD student, Robin Wilson, faced the same problem, so he developped Autozotbib, a
Zotero plugin that automatically updates the .bib file when you add new things in your Zotero
You want to get PDF from references you have in your Zotero library.
This is currently not possible. This feature was requested by users and is planned. But not
very soon23.
You need more than one Zotero library.
You are teaching as well as publishing and you don't want to mix it all up in one Zotero
It is easy to have two different Zotero libraries on a computer by using both Zotero for Firefox
and Zotero Standalone, and to choose them not to share the same library.
If you need more than two Zotero libraries, it is possible to create several Zotero libraries, but
you need to create several Firefox profiles. This is an advanced feature. Each profile can
contain a different Zotero library.
To create a second Zotero library, you need to :
1. Open Firefox ProfileManager (see Swisher et Beckwith, 2012)
2. Create a new Profile
3. Install Zotero and start working
Keep in mind that the citation plugin in your word processor will be able to communicate
with only one of your Zotero library. You can encounter some troubles when trying to cite.
But it's easy to solve : you just need to reinstall the citation plugin in the Preferences panel
(Actions > Preferences... > Cite Tab > Word Processors > Reinstall...
You want to have your own Zotero server .
For privacy concerns, you may keep your Zotero data on your own server instead of the
Zotero servers (that are in the USA). Mark Sample described a way to reproduce this
architecture with syncing and sharing functionalities (Sample, 2012).
You want to know what's happening about Zotero.
Roadmap (last updated Apr. 5, 2012):
(accessed Dec. 5, 2013)

23 (accessed Dec. 5, 2013)

- 29 -

Some useful links

3rd Party Documentation
Zotero Plugins
Users Forum
Dev Forum!forum/zotero-dev

- 30 -

DINGENMANSE, Mark, 2008. 12 must know Zotero tips and techniques. The Ideophone
[online]. 30 November 2008. [Accessed December 5, 2013]. Available from:
GROLIMUND, Raphal, 2012. Migrer depuis EndNote vers Zotero. Flash informatique.
2012. no. 9, pp. 1819. [Accessed December 5, 2013]. Available from:
HEIMBURGER, Franziska, 2011. Petites astuces Zotero. La boite outils des historiens
[online]. 6 May 2011. [Accessed December 5, 2013]. Available from:
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES, [no date]. 7 things you need to know about
Zotero: a white paper from teaching and learning with technology at Penn State [online].
[Accessed December 5, 2013]. Available from:
MAZZAMAURO, Alfredo, 2012. How to use Zotero with LyX. EUI ZOTERO Blog [online].
23 June 2012. [Accessed December 5, 2013]. Available from:
MURIMBOH, John, 2012. LibGuides. Zotero. Tips and Tricks. Acadia University Library
[online]. 17 February 2012. [Accessed December 5, 2013]. Available from:
PUCKETT, Jason, 2011. Zotero: a guide for librarians, researchers, and educators.
Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries. ISBN 9780838985892.
RITTERBUSH, Jon, 2007. Supporting Library Research with LibX and Zotero. Journal of
Web Librarianship. 2007. Vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 111122. DOI 10.1300/J502v01n03_08.
SAMPLE, Mark, 2012. Make Your Own Zotero WebDav Server and Access Your Zotero
Attachments Anywhere. ProfHacker [online]. 16 February 2012. [Accessed December
5, 2013]. Available from:
SWISHER, Janet and BECKWITH, Michael, 2012. Multiple Firefox Profiles. Mozilla
Developer Network [online]. 12 August 2012. [Accessed December 5, 2013]. Available from:

- 31 -

WIKIPEDIA CONTRIBUTORS, 2012. Comparison of reference management software

[online]. [Accessed December 5, 2013]. Available from:
WILSON, Robin, [no date]. Autozotbib. Robin Wilson - Academic Homepage [online].
[Accessed December 5, 2013]. Available from:

This bibliography is available online:

- 32 -

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