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DECEMBER 7, 2012

INTRODUCTION Thesis Statement: Over the past years researchers have different matter of some controversy about the coffee consumption, Studies have demostrated that the coffee consumption is more benefical to health than danger,but they have different conclusions in addresing the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Coffee consumption increase a risk of coronary heart disease? Is the coffee danger? What is the beneficial effects and negative effects? What ingredients contain the coffee?

This paper of the consumption coffee focuses on these questions. In recent years coffee consumption may lower the risk of heart diseases, cancer, respiratory diseases, strokes, infections, diabetes and variety diseases. Study found that the frequent coffee drinkers have a lower risk of dyind from many diseases.Coffee consumption in moderation may also protect slightly against heart failure. For women that drinking coffee may mean a lower risk of strokes and some cancers. The researchers found that women who drank more than the three cups of coffee a day have a 20 percent lower risk compared with women who drank less than a cup in a month. Another Study found that the men who drink coffee regularly have lower risk of developing an agressive, lethal form of prostate cancer. The date showed that the more coffee a person consumed, the less likely he or she was to die from of health problems. Coffee is a bewed beverage with a distict aroma and flavor prepared front the roasted seeds of the coffee plant. The coffee have beneficial and negative effects depend how much you consume. People that drink more than 5 cups a day have 65% lower chance of development dementia and alzheimers disease compared with those who reported drinking no coffee at all or only ocasionally. The coffee contains caffeine that come of coffee plant and antioxidants which have been shown to have cancer prevention, parkinsos disease, strokes and others diseases. Caffeine is the most wisely drug used in the world and can be helpful or harmful depending on how its used. Also contains minerals such as magnesium and cromiun both used by the body to regulate insuline which in turns controls blood sugar. Having caffeine in diet is not any benefit to your health but moderate consumption is also not considered harmful. Coffee is also a powerful stimulant and is considered to prevent constirpation.

Coffee in moderation has been to proven to be perfectly safe and shown that coffee may also have beneficials effects against the development variety of diseases as parkinsons, alzheimers, cancers and heart diseases. Contains antioxidants which have been shown to prevention many diseases, help you wike up and feel more alert. In negative effects cause you heart rate to increase and a large amount, can cause headaches, nervous, be unable to sleep and in very quantities can cause hallucinations. Decaf coffee, softdrinks, chocolate, tea and the same others sources of caffeine did not offer protection against depression because of their lower levels of caffeine.

Conclusion: In conclusion that the caffeinated coffee as it currently consumed in the United States causes no substanial increases in the risk of coronary heart disease or strokes. Increasing levels of consumption of caffeined coffee were not associated with higher risks of cardiovascular disease. Higher consumption of decaffeined coffee, however was associated with a marginally significant increase in the risk of coronary heart disease. Unidenified mystery ingredient in coffee interacts with the caffeine to help protect you from alzeimers disease. Studies having a debate about the hazards of coffee consumption but my opinion is that the coffee have most beneficial effects than negative effects and help in variety diseases in women and men, but the consumed have to be moderate. Because in excess is very harmful.

Sources: The effect of caffeine on human reaction time R Bouskila,A Lioubimova. Image of women in advertisements Effect of , 2003 cites eer Cite Coffee, Caffeine and Cardiovascular disease in men De Grobbee, EB Rimm, E Giovannucci England Journal of , 1990 Mass Medical October 11 1990

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