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Storyboard Video Extremely close up shots of feet followed Franks lips and then his eyes.

In this shot Frank will be at a cafe, sitting around a table. On this table there will be a diary, a Quran/Bible and a bottle with an alcoholic drink. Audio 00:00-00:09 Shot code 10101

This will be an up-front close shot as 00:10-00:15 Frank s spirit raises his head and starts singing. This shot will be in a different scenario. The actor will be outdoors sitting on a handrail. This will be a side close up shot that will show that only Frank s hands and the diary while he writes on it. He will be writing Be my shrink for the hour. This shot will be back at the cafe. Back at the outdoors scene, this will be a portrait shot, where Franks spirit will be behaving as if he is overthinking. This will be in slow motion. Still in the outdoors locations, there will be an up-front closer portrait shot to Franks spirits face while he sings, followed by an extremely close up on his mouth from the left side and then the right side. 00:16-00:19




10117 10117 10118 10119

This will be a shot back at the cafe. A close up on Franks hands and the diary while he writes on it. At this shoot he will be writing He said. This will be another extremely close up 00:36-00:39 on Franks spirits mouth, while he sings. This will be at the outdoors scene. This shot will be a close up on the 00:40-00:46 Quran/Bible and then on the bottle with the drink. This will be at the cafe. Still in the cafe, this will be a shot that 00:47-00:51 will show the actor and the table and will be zooming out, to show that Frank is between the Quran/Bible (on his left) and the drink (on his right).

00:24-00:26 Closer portrait 00:27-00:29 Extremely close-up on the actors mouth from the left side 00:30-00:33 Extremely close-up on the actors mouth from the left side 00:34-00:35


10118 10119 10104 10107 10109 10111

Storyboard Portrait shot at the outdoors location; with the Franks spirit still singing. Slow motion of Franks spirit as it seems to be suffering. Still in the outdoor location. Side shot showing Frank in the cafe This shot shows how Frank is tormented and because he has to choose between religion and the bad habits. Extremely close up on the mouth of Franks spirit from the left side as he sings. Extremely close up on the mouth of Franks spirit from the right side as he sings. This will be an alternation of shots aimed at the Franks and his spirits mouths, between the two different locations. The different shots will also be from different sides, alternating from left to right. Slow motion shot of Frank s spirit at the outdoors location, expressing his depression, once again. Portrait shot of Franks spirit, at the outdoor location. Still at the same location a side shot, the camera movement in this shot will be rotation. It will be rotating to the left on a 90 degree angle. Front shot of Frank with his hand on his head, as if he is thinking. This shot will be at cafe. Extremely close shot on Franks spirits mouth. This will be at the outdoors location. Close up on the Quran/Bible. This will be an extremely close shot, that will show that diary as Frank hits it with a pen, this will synchronize and match that clap noise on the song. At this shot the singers will be in a completely dark environment, and there will be a light in form of a cross on Franks face. 00:52-00:54 00:55-00:59 1:00-1:05 10117 10117 10112

1:06-1:12 1:13-1:19 1:20:-1:26

10106 10106 10106 10118 10119

1:27-1:31 1:32-1:33 1:34-1:37

10117 10117 10118 10119

1:38-1:42 1:43-1:45 1:46-1:47 1:48

10105 10118 10119 10104 10107 10108



Storyboard At this shot there will be a quick transition of three shots. The Franks face with the cross, the Quran and the drink. In this shot there will be a zoom out, which will show Frank and the table with the drink, the diary and the Quran/Bible. This shot will show Frank making a decision between the Quran/Bible and the drink. Portrait shot of Franks spirit as he sings. This will be at the outdoor location. This scene will go back to the cafe, this shot will be a front shot which will show Frank making his decision between the Quran/Bible and the drink. Frank will choose the drink and stand up and go outside. This will be in slow motion Back to the outdoors locations, where Franks spirit is sitting on the handrail, this will be a side shot of the actor singing. This will be the shot of the Frank coming turning a corner, holding the bottle of drink. 1:54 10104 10107 10109 10111 10111


2:00-2:02 2:03-2:08

10117 10110


10118 10119 10114


Portrait shot of Franks spirit sitting on the handrail, showing suffering. This shot will show Frank reaching a handrail putting his bottle on the other side, going over the handrail and then positioning to jump and finally jumping. This will not be continuous it will be in form of flash shots.

2:18-2:19 2:20-2:27

10117 10115 10116

This will be a close-up on the bottle as 2:28-2:29 it smashes on the floor and breaks. The place where Frank jumped, happen 2:30-2:32 to be just in front of the place where his spirit is sitting on the handrail. This will be a side shot from the right aimed at the actors mouth. It will be an extremely close shot. The actors will be singing.

10120 10118

Storyboard Exactly same shot but from opposite side (left). This will be a shot the will show both the Frank lying on the floor a Franks spirit looking at him. Shot of Franks spirit sitting on the handrail looking at his body lying down on the floor. As blinking his eyes according to the claps on the song Black screen matching the claps on the song. Extremely close up on Franks spirits mouth as he sings. Black screen matching the claps on the song. Zoom out of the Frank with the cross on his face. End 2:33-2:38 2:39-2:42 2:43-2:44 10119 10121 10122 10123

2:45 2:46-2:49 2:50-2:51 2:52 till end of song

Black screen 10118 10119 Black screen 10124

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