Siggraph 2003 - Combining Fluids and Particles (With Maya)

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Combining Maya Fluids and Particles in Production

Presenter: Jason Lazaroff, Meteor Studios This seminar will present the user with different techniques for combining fluid and particle effects through practical examples. The course is aimed at intermediate users who already have a basic understanding of particle dynamics. I. FLUIDS VS PARTICLES When creating an effect, we decide early on weather well use fluid or particle dynamics, or even a combination, therefore it is important to understand the differences. Fluids pros and cons True Volume, can accumulate and fill a space; Fluids cant live outside their volume; Slow to simulate high-resolution fluids; Excellent presets and preset blending can save research time; Can serve other purposes, such as being 2d or 3d textures; Excellent for simulating liquid in liquid effects; Poor at simulating liquid in air; Particles pros and cons Fast simulation allows for more iterations; No volume means no limit to the area a particle system can cover; Difficulty creating volume (particles tend to escape); Excellent integration of MEL expressions for creation and runtime expressions allows for great flexibility; Excellent for airborne effects, smoke, clouds, fires; Difficult to create churning liquid effects, requires many fields. Simulation becomes fragile; Combining fluids and particles Fluids can be used as fields to influence particles; Fluid can be used as textures on particles, including volume shaders; Particles can float on Ocean shader, or otherwise detect it to trigger other events; Can attach fields to particles and influence Fluids; Particles can emit fluids;

II. CREATING BASIC SHIP WAKES In this section well explore different techniques used in generating ship wakes. Well first begin with an overview of fluids and the Ocean Shader and some of the tools and techniques associated with its use. Fluids Overview Fluids can be used in many techniques to interact with the Ocean Shader and particle systems. Therefore, a basic understanding of fluids is essential. Maya Fluids come in different forms, here are the principals: Height Field Ocean Shader. A height field uses a fluid simulation to offset a surface much like a displacement map would. The Ocean shader uses a height field, and, unlike 2d and 3d Fluids, it has a potentially unlimited resolution. One of the peculiarities of Ocean Shader is that the (texture) UV exists in Worldspace, so that a value of u1 v1 would be at Worldspace X 1, Z 1, no relation to the object on which the material is applied. This brings special considerations when using certain textures mapped into Ocean attributes.

2dFluid Unlike height field, the 2d fluid exists in a limited user defined volume. It has a certain number of voxels in width and length that define its resolution, and a height that only defines the thickness (not the detail). The 2d Fluids volume can be transformed, and can even be applied as a UV or projection texture. 3dFluids The 3d Fluid also exists in a user defined volume, but unlike the 2d one, this one has height resolution . 3d Fluids can be transformed and used as volumetric texture on geometry and particles.

Ocean Shader Overview Ocean shader material attributes have usual material attributes affecting color, reflectivity, diffuse, specular with special consideration for the way light behaves when interacting with water. A particularity of the ocean shader is that it has attributes dedicated to the water behavior. This is more akin to a procedural texture. You can try the following to discover the most basic Ocean shader functions: In a new scene, create an ocean shader: Fluid Effects > Ocean > Create Ocean (default settings) In order to preview the shader, use the preview plane: Fluid Effects > Ocean > Add Preview Plane The preview plane is a non-renderable polygon plane that floats atop the ocean shader. It can be transformed, and the resolution can be altered interactively. In the preview plane Attribute Editor, increase the resolution: oceanPreviewPlane1 > Resolution = 80 A higher resolution previews finer detail at the cost of performance. Sculpting waves with at a fixed point in time works best at high resolutions (80), while interactive playback is best with mid to low res. (20). Select the preview plane in any viewport and change the scale it up to 25 in X,Z: transform1 > scale X,Z = 25

Scale Y is always locked at 1 in order to accurately preview wave height. The Ocean Shader attributes control the shape and motion of the ocean surface. The following is a sampling of the most important/commonly used attributes. For more information, consult the Maya 5.0 docs in the Fluids section. Ocean Attributes > Scale controls the size of the overall ocean and all its properties. Making the Ocean larger will make waves seem to move slower because they are proportional to the ocean size. In this case, a lower scale value makes the waves larger, a large number makes more waves. The scaling effect is the reverse of a typical 3dTexture placement. 4

Ocean Attributes > Num Frequencies : Changes the wavelet size. Larger values result in more wavelets on each wave.

Ocean Attributes > Wave Speed : Slows down all Ocean time based properties when reduced (like a slow motion effect). Increasing this value is a good way to quickly emulate a much smaller volume of water, like a bathtub (using Fluids > Pond shader is even better). Ocean Attributes > Wave Height : This controls the height of the waves. The ramp widget gives a lot of control as to which part of the wave is affected by the Wave Height Value. Generally speaking, high ramp values to the left result in sharper peaks on subwaves, while values to the right give more smooth/rounded results. Usually, the variances are set on the left half of the ramp for a nice choppy look.

Ocean Attributes > Wave Turbulence : Breaks the repetitiveness of waves. High values are good for choppy/stormy effects, and low values can be useful for calmer lakes. Ocean Attributes > Wave Peaking > Wave Height Offset : This changes the overall height of the ocean. You can affect a specific are using a connection such as a texture (more on that later). Areas that are raised through this attribute generate more foam.

Ocean Attributes > Wave Peaking > Foam : Increasing foam emission emits more surface foam. You can map this attribute for effects such as wake foam (more on that later). Increasing foam threshold emits onto a wider area (small values limit to the peaks, larger ones spread into the trough). Foam Offset and Bump Blur have no effect on the preview plane, so well get back to theme later.

Understanding colorAtPoint MEL Command One of the most visible and difficult aspects of water interaction is floating objects, such as particle foam and certain types of objects. Maya has a number of built-in tools to float boats and boat-like objects, tools such as addBuoy, addBoat, and addMotorBoat . All these tools have one very important thing in common, theyre all based on the colorAtPoint MEL command. By mastering this function, we can expand Mayas capabilities and use it to create custom tools and effects such as floating curves or particles on the ocean shader. colorAtPoint can sample any combination of colors (RGBA) on an Ocean shader (or other texture) at a given UV address. While this can be put to many uses, we are primarily concerned with retrieving the height of the waves and applying it to the Y position of objects and particles. Like most displacement maps in Maya, Ocean outAlpha is used to calculate the displacement height. Since the Ocean shaders UVs are based on Worldspace (X 3, Z 4 in Maya Worldspace = U 3, V 4 in Ocean shader UV) we can directly convert any points Worldspace to ocean UV space and sample the Alpha to get the appropriate Y height of the waves. colorAtPoint use: -convert point (object) Worldspace to Ocean UV; -sample Alpha at given UV address; -use returned Alpha value as Y height of point (object);

The following example will make this principle clear: 1Open:

In the persp window change to textured view (keyboard shortcut 6) . When you playback or scroll through the timeline, the checkered sphere should float above high waves. If the playback is too slow, lower the previewPlane resolution; 3- With the floatSphere selected, select the translateY channel and right click. Select Expressions in the dropdown menue ; In the Expression Editor, type the following (or copy/paste from the CDrom text file myFloat_expression.txt);
//myFloat_expression //float an object on the ocean surface //translate XZ are free, Y is constrained to ocean float $posu = floatSphere.translateX; float $posv = floatSphere.translateZ; float $posy[] = `colorAtPoint -o A -u $posu -v $posv oceanShader1`; floatSphere.translateY = $posy[0];

Expression explained: -o A : A samples the Alpha only. Other options are RGB and RGBA; -u and v : place input variable for the Worldspace point you wish to sample (objects position XZ you wish to float). IMPORTANT: since colorAtPoint is a MEL command, you have to use ` (not single quote, the other one above TAB on your keyboard) on either end when in an expression. Also, you should use $variables for u and v since MEL cant convert expression syntax such as locator1.translateX (MEL sees this as a string only). $locY[] : Since colorAtPoint returns a float Array, you cant use it directly in translateY (requires a single float). NOTE : When a MEL commands such as colorAtPoint is embedded in an expression, it does not update when names it refers to are changed. E.g. If oceanShader1 were changed to myOcean, the expression would return an error. Since many Maya floating tools (createBoat) generate expressions with embedded MEL, it is very dangerous to rename the floating object/locators transform, or the oceanShader after the tool is invoked. You would have to manually edit the MEL lines in the expression after such a name change. Now you can key the floatSphere at frame 1: translationX = -10 and frame 100: translationX = 10 . When you playback or scroll through the timeline, the sphere will stick to the ocean surface. Alternatively, you can just freely move the floatSphere in the perspective view, and it will stay on the ocean surface; IMPORTANT: If you key the translation with Shift-W, Maya will override the expression with an animation curve. A new feature in Maya 5.0 makes it possible for multiple inputs into a single channel (like TranslationY). The operation creates a pairBlend node. You can find it in the INPUTS (Channel Box), and switch from any channel with options for blend, channel1, or channel2. So selecting floatSphere > INPUTS > pairBlend1 > TranslateY > Input2Only would give us the desired result. Note: When using Mayas built-in boat tools, they have many custom controls, some of which depend on an objects velocity. In these cases (like with dynamics), you cannot get reliable results when skipping or scrolling through the timeline. colorAtPoint can be easily used to float surfaces or curves by applying expression to the components (CVs or vertices). Even particles can be made to float, as well see later. Finished scene:

Creating and Previewing Ship Wakes Fluid Texture We finally get to the goal of this section, demonstrating techniques for boat wakes. The principal way of generating wakes on an ocean shader involves adding to the displacement map. We can do this by connecting textures to the waveHeightOffset attribute of the ocean shader. Well start with Mayas built-in solution: the use of Fluids textures as wakes (the addWake tool). This solution offers the closest match between scene preview and rendering.

1- Open: . Notice this scene already has an ocean and a previewPlane. Also, our boat (the futuristic myBoat) has no animation; 2- Hide oceanPlane1 so that it doesnt interfere with our previewPlane interaction. Well only need the oceanPlane1 when we render later; 3- With my boat selected: Fluid Effects > Ocean > Add Motor Boats . This parents myBoat to a locator driven by expressions based on colorAtPoint ; NOTE: Do not change the name of the newly created locator1, as this will break the expressions that make it float. If you need to change the name either locator1 or oceanShader1, youll have to manually replace the same names in the new expression1 . 4- Select the locator1 shape node (locatorShape1). In the Extra Attributes section of

the Attribute Editor youll find all the boat controls, with basic instructions in the Notes window. Dont change any settings yet. If you playback the scene, the boat will bob up, bouncing up and down until it eventually settles into a convincing floating motion. Well have to give it a better starting motion; NOTE: Boat Length, Width and Height are automatically derived from the bounding box size of the selected boat when any Maya boat tool is used. These tools always consider axis with the longest length to be front, so if you use an odd shape (wider than long) the steering and throttle may be wrong. You can simply change the scale temporarily before applying the boat tool, then revert after. 5- Change the Start Time of your timeline to 50 , and the Start Frame of the boat to 50 also. Playback until frame 1, then change your timeline and boat Start to 1. You have just set the equivalent of an Initial State for the boat. This initial state is saved in an expression variable, so it does not save with the scene. We want a more robust solution well bake boat animation later; NOTE: The motorBoat expression (expression1) uses velocity in its calculations, so, like dynamic simulations, you need playback with Play Every Frame option. Scrolling through the timeline, or playing backwards will also be inaccurate. 6- Key the Throttle to 0 at frame 0 and 0.8 at frame 1; 7- Reset Start Time for the time slider and Start Time for the boat locator1 to 50. Now when you start playback the boat will settle down before the positive frames, then move forwards under its own power. Now were ready to bake the boat movement; 8- Select locator1 and highlight all the translation and rotation channels. In the main Menu Bar, open Edit > Keys > Bake Simulation option box. Edit > Reset Settings, then check Channels > From Channel Box. Press Bake. When the bake is finished, you can delete expression1 (Windows > Animation Editors > Expression Editor).


We baked the boat for two reasons: -We dont want to runup the boat animation every time we playback or reopen the scene; -We dont want the boat to ride on top of the wake it will emit; 9- Fluid Effects > Ocean > Create Wake option box > Edit > Reset Settings. Now click Create Ocean Wake . This creates a fluid texture (notice the volume bounding box that just appeared) and a fluid emitter. They are automatically attached to the ocean shader in the waveHeightOffset, so that the fluid density will add wake displacement. This rig can also generate foam, but well look at that later. 10 Translate the OceanWakeEmitter1 to the back of myBoat and Parent it. We want the wake to follow the boat; 11- If you playback now, the wake is much too strong. Set OceanWakeEmitter1 > Fluid Attributes > Density/Voxels/Sec to 1.0 . The density controls wake height. Now if you playback again, the wake and froth displacement at the back of the boat are about right, but a circular shockwave radiates at the start of playback. We can fix that; 12- Shift select myBoat and the fluid (fluidTexture3D1 represented by a volume bounding box in the viewport). Click Fluid Effects > Make Collide . Now the fluid will collide with the boat. Since the boat animation is baked, the fluid collision wont push the boat, instead it will simply be blocked. This is an easy way to go from the default circular wake shape to a more appropriate one;



Creating and Previewing Ship Wakes Projected Texture Another way of adding wakes to the ocean shader, is the use of projected texture files. This is very convenient when using external image files or sequences, but has its limitations when previewing.

1- Open the scene: ; 2- Before making any heavy modifications to the ocean shader, its best to save our setting so we can reapply them latter. Select oceanShader1 and in the Attribute Editor, click and hold on Presets (next to the upstream/downstream buttons top right) and Save Ocean Shader Presets . Call it ocean_projection1 . 4- In the Hypershade , create > 2d textures > As Projection > File . Rename the new file node wake_file , and the projection node to wake_projection ; 5- Set the wake_file > File Attributes > Image name to fluid_wake_image1.sgi . Use the browse button to find it in the sourceimages directory.


6- Connect the wake_projection.outAlpha to the oceanShader1.waveHeightOffset . You can use the connection editor or the output/input plugs in the Hypershade workArea for this connection;

7- Parent the place3dTexture1 to myBoat so that it will follow the animation; 8- Ocean shader can sometimes take a lot of time to render, and since we cant see the results a projected texture on the previewPlane, placement of the 3dTexture can be a tedious guessing game with many test renders or lengthy IPR. One way around this problem is to attach a geometry surface to the projection box, and use texture view to interactively place the 3dTexture. Create > NURBS > NURBS Plane . Rename it preview_nurbsPlane . Set scaleXYZ to 10 . In the preview_nurbsPlaneShape, turn off all renderStats so it wont show up at render time. We only need to see it in texture view. 9- Create > material > Lambert . Rename it preview_lambert. Assign the new preview_lambert shader to the NURBS plane we just made (preview_nurbsPlane). 10- Connect the wake_projection.outColor to the preview_lambert.color . 11- In the preview_lambert , set hardwareTexturing > textureResolution to High . This will give us enough detail in texture view to accurately place the 3dprojection; 12- Now we have to place the projection in the correct position relative to the boat. Select the wake_projections place3dTexture1 and transform it until you it fits the boat to your liking, or apply the following transforms: translateX 5.3 rotateX 90.0 scaleX 4.0 translateY 0 rotateY 0 scaleY 2 translateZ -1 rotateZ 0 scaleZ 1


13- At frame 1 , do a preview render of with the ocean_cam . Notice how the wake lacks detail (a bit chunky). This is due to the lack of tessellation in the oceanPlane. The Ocean shader gets its detail and sharpness from bump mapping, but anything mapped to waveHeightOffset relies on displacement alone for detail. 14- in OceanPlaneShape1 , change Tessellation > Advanced tessellation > Primary Tessellation Attributes to U 40 and V 40 . This will help show the wakes detail at render time. Note: The oceanShader preset scenes in Maya all use Advanced Tessellation combined with a circular NURBS plane that concentrates detail towards the center. This optimizes tessellation at the oceans center, but nothing prevents you from using other geometry shapes for custom effects. Ocean shader does not support feature displacement. 15- Scale down oceanPlane1 surface from 375 to 100. This will help increase the tessellation relative to the wave/wake size, while keeping the total poly count to a minimum. Since the Ocean shader is based on Worldspace UV, the wave size and other shader derived characteristics will be unaffected by the scale change. 16- Now if you do a preview render, notice how the detail is very good, but the wake is too high. To change the height, simply reduce the alphaGain of wake_projection in the colorBalance section. A value of 0.33 to 0.5 is good in this case ;


Creating and Previewing Ship Wakes UV Texture The use of UV texture files with the ocean shader is very limited. It requires some workaround to follow animated objects (boats) and to render with the proper displacement, but this combination has interesting possibilities for other types of effects. 1- Open scene:, notice that the scene already has an ocean preview plane with a UV mapped texture (in waveHeightOffset) creating a bulge; 2- Do a preview render of ocean_cam . The render doesnt show the effects of our UV mapped texture, despite the fact that we can see the effect of the texture map on the preview plane. This is a limitation in Maya 5.0, we have to use a workaround. Before fixing the preview/render problem, we need to make our UV texture follow the boat;

3- To move the wake, you need to change the settings for place2dTexture connected to our texture file, in this case UVfollow_place2dTexture. In the Utilities tab of the Hypershade, you will find the place2dTexture. Move the wake with 2d Texture Placement Attributes: Coverage (acts like a scale) Translate Frame (1 for 1 in Maya units for Translate XZ) Rotate Frame (rotation in degrees)


As you can already see, the controls are not very intuitive compared to a regular transform node, this is due to the rotate frame acting before the translate frame. Well create a rig that allows us to move the 2dTexture placement with a projection box. This will give us better interaction in the scene. NOTE: Like with the previous projection texture example, you can change the displacement height by modifying the alphaGain in the wake_file; 4- Create > Utilities > General > 3dPlacemet . Rename the place3dTexture to UVfollow_place3dTexture . Set the UVfollow_place3dTexture.rotateX to 90 so we have the correct orientation relative to out ocean. 5- Well use expressions to connect the UVfollow_place3dTexture and UVfollow_place2dTexture. In the Expression Editor, create a new expression and type the following:
//UVfollow_expression //This expression make a place2dTexture follow a place3dTexture node //UV offset to center texture UVfollow_place2dTexture.coverageU =*2; UVfollow_place2dTexture.coverageV =*2; float $offu = UVfollow_place2dTexture.coverageU/ -2; float $offv = UVfollow_place2dTexture.coverageV/ -2; //local rotation for UV and standin geo UVfollow_place2dTexture.rotateFrame = UVfollow_place3dTexture.ry; //distance offset from world zero float $mag1 = mag(<<0, 0, 0>> - <<UVfollow_place3dTexture.tx, 0,>>); //angle for UV frame translation float $ang1; if(UVfollow_place3dTexture.translateZ <= 0) $ang1 = angle(<<UVfollow_place3dTexture.tx, 0,>>, <<$mag1, 0, 0>>); else $ang1 = -1 *angle(<<UVfollow_place3dTexture.tx, 0,>>, <<$mag1, 0, 0>>); float $ang2 = $ang1-deg_to_rad(UVfollow_place3dTexture.ry); //position UV frame using angle and distance vector $rot1 = rot(<<$mag1, 0, 0>>,<<0,1,0>>, $ang2); //add centering offset for final UV pos UVfollow_place2dTexture.translateFrameU = $offu+$rot1.x; UVfollow_place2dTexture.translateFrameV = $offv+$rot1.z;

Alternatively, you can just copy/paste the expressions from the CDrom text file UVfollow_expression.txt . When youre done, press Create . The wake preview will interactively follow your 3dTexturePlacement node as you move it. UVfollow_expression explained: // all line starting with a // are comments which do not evaluate with the expression;


For an in depth look at the math functions used in this expression, please consult the Maya MEL expression math functions guide. Here is a breakdown of the basic principle at work: -match the place2dTexture to place3dTexture scale; -find the correct offset that will center our place2dTexture; -match the place2dTexture to place3dTexture rotation; -find the distance between place3d and world position 0; -find the local translation angle for the place2dTexture by doing: position angle place3dTexture local rotation place3dTexture; -find the new place2dTexture position by rotating a point around the world Yaxis using our place3d distance from step 4 and our local translation angle from step 5; -calculate the final place2dTexture transform by adding up the result of the world Yaxis rotation position in step 6 and the centering offset in step 2; 6- Now that the interactive placement is resolved, we need to tackle the rendering issue. We still cant see the displacement effect when rendering. Since UV textures cant displace the ocean shader, well have to displace the ocean NURBS surface. This requires some tricky workarounds. First we need a much smaller NURBS surface to limit the poly count as we will be displacing the CVs just like a preview plane. Delete the previewPlane . Well need a NURBS version for our purposes. Well use a hidden MEL script that is provided in you in one of the Maya Fluid demo scenes and copied in a convenient .mel in this courseware; 7- Make certain that oceanNurbsPreviewPlane.mel is sourced. Use the scriptEditor > file > sourceScript and brows for oceanNurbsPreviewPlane.mel in the files provided to you with this course CD. Then run the following in the scriptEditor or command line: oceanNurbsPreviewPlane 40 40 oceanShader1 . Notice how the new NURBS preview plane is displaced just like the ocean previewPlane. The syntax is: oceanNurbsPreviewPlane Uresolution Vresolution oceanShaderName . This is a script supplied by AliasWavefront to create a NURBS version of the preview plane with a few important differences: -it can be rendered; -it can be used as a collision object in dynamics; -it is only a one degree/linear surface; -it does not preview ocean color information (like the regular previewPlane); you cannot change the resolution once the plane is created because oceanNurbsPreviewPlane.mel generates a control expression with hardcoded resolution. Rerun the script to create a new plane if you need a different resolution; NOTE: Scenes containing a large resolution oceanNurbsPreviewPlane will take a long time to open in Maya. Also, you may need to force a refresh (change current frame) to see the proper displacement on the NURBS surface. 8- Set oceanShader1 > waveHeight to 0 , and set oceanNurbsPlane > visibility OFF . Our oceanShader1 will only be used as a tool to displace the NURBS preview plane.


Well assign another ocean shader to the NURBS plane for actual rendering with the wake; 9- create > materials > oceanShader . Apply the new ocean shader to the preview NURBS plane. IMPORTANT: Make certain the Feature Displacement is OFF on the new NURBS preview plane, and use Advanced Tessellation (U 10, V 10 is a good setting). If you do a test render now, the ocean will look faceted;

10- With construction history ON, go to modeling in the option box for Edit NURBS > Rebuild Surface . In the options, reset to default settings (Edit > Reset Settings), and check Keep > UVs . Click Rebuild. Now our surface is smooth (3 degrees) and has the correct displacement through construction history. The interaction and playback will be very slow because Maya has to displace the original 1-degree preview plane, then rebuild it every frame. If you need to do a lot of transforms, its best to do them all (finish animating) before proceeding with the rebuild. 11- Preview render the ocean_cam . Now we have a decent displacement with our ocean render. Since the preview plane can only covers a small area of screen real-estate, it may be necessary to render two passes for the ocean. One pass for the displacement area and another for the overall ocean using a typical setup. Both would use the same ocean shader.


For the final image, wake_file textureGain was set to 0.1 , and the normalSeas_oceanShader preset was used. Finished scene:


Rendering With Ocean Shader Here a few common issues related to rendering with the Ocean Shader: Displacement: Ocean Shader does support Feature Displacement. Also, you cannot map the displacement and bump (normalCamera) to other shaders, say to try sending the displacement info to a useBackground shader and generate shadow or reflection passes. Reflection Pass: Ocean Shader is different than other materials concerning the relationship between specularity and reflection. In most materials, turning specularity OFF results in no reflection, a useBackground shader would be used to extract reflection. In the case of Ocean Shader, useBackground doesnt work, since the displacement and material are intimately linked, but turning specularity OFF doesnt affect Reflectivity. Therefore, a clean reflection pass is possible when turning color and specularity OFF. The resulting image has to be lumaKeyed since it wont have a reflection specific alpha like a useBackground would. Alternatively, you can bake a portion of the ocean into a NURBS or Poly surface, and apply a useBackground on it. Shadow Pass: Since Ocean cant be combined with useBackground, you can remove rough shadowing, reflection and specular to get a mat surface. Then, with color set to white, you can any number of texture Utilities to Clamp the shadow color in order to eliminate the self shadowing on the waves, and just keep the projected ones. Alternatively, you can bake a portion of the ocean into a NURBS or Poly surface, and apply a useBackground on it. Repetition: Repetitiveness with the Ocean Shader can be a problem at certain angles. Try changing the Wave Turbulence attribute. Bump Noise: Objects with bump at low angle, are notorious for noising/crawling at render time. Like most displacement in Maya, the Ocean shader uses a bump map to generate the fine details. You can create a shading network that reduces bump intensity according to camera distance. Heres how you can build this simple network: 1- Open scene:; 2- Make certain Render Globals are at highest, with Min Max shading samples at 2 and 5 respectively. This will give you a good compromise between speed and quality; 3- Preview render the ocean_cam view. Notice how the oceans waves seem to merge into an irregular noisy pattern on the horizon. This is mainly due to the bump pattern being smaller than one pixel in at that distance and angle. This will cause crawling if rendered in a sequence;


4- In the Hypershade, create a Sampler Info node (Create > General Utilities > Sampler Info ) and a Set Range (Create > General Utilities > Set Range ). These nodes will help us control the Oceans bump mapping according to the camera distance. The Sampler Info node is one of the most useful utility nodes in Maya. As the name implies, it samples each pixel at render time to return useful information such as distance to camera, world position, and normals to camera that can be used in any number of ways in a shading network. 5- In the Hypershade, use the middle mouse button to drag the sampler info onto the set range, and select other in the drop-down connection menu. This will open the connection editor. Alternatively, in the Hypershade you can open the connection editor with Window > Connection Editor , or in the main menu bar, use Window > General Editors > Connection Editor. If you open the Connection Editor through the menus, you will have to load the nodes you wish to connect manually. Use the right/left load buttons at the top of the Connection Editor; Connect samplerInfo1.pointCameraZ to setRange1.valueX .

The Sampler Infos pointCamera measures each pixels position relative to the camera at


render time. Since we want to regulate our bump mapping according to camera distance, we only need the Z information. The Set Range utility allows us to convert numeric data from one range to another. In this case we will convert distance in Maya units (large) to a bump value range (small). Since were only using one channel from the samplerInfo (pointCameraZ), we only need one input for Value in the setRange. X, Y, or Z, any one will do. In the Hypershade, connect the setRange1.outValueX to oceanShader1.bumpBlur . Youll have to use the connection editor again.

The bumpBlur attribute is found in the ocean shader Ocean Attributes under Wave Peaking. This function controls the amount of blur applied to the oceans bump mapping. Very low values result in crisp details, while large values can so completely blur out details that they disappear. We will basically blur out all the details that are in the problem areas (horizon);


Adjust the set range values as follows:

The setRange node converts Old Min/Max range into (new) Min/Max. Old Min/Max is the distance from camera at which we want to ramp up our blur. Bellow the Min will be our crisp detail, above the Max will be the smoothed out. IMPORTANT: Since Maya cameras are created facing negative Z, the pointCamera returns negative numbers also. So use negative numbers for distance to camera. The closer to zero a value is , the closer to the camera it is. Large negative values are further. Min/Max is the output of the setRange utility, in this case our bumpBlur. They directly correspond to the Old values. Since the Old Max is close to camera, Max will be the bump close to camera, and Min will be bumpBlur far away. Use IPR preview render to test different settings of distance to camera and blur. These values will change with the scale of the scene.


This rendered image shows the default bumpBlur (0.05), fully blurred (33), and setRange result. Finished scene:


III. FOAM AND SPLASH INTERACTION Now that we have some basic wakes, we can tackle the finer details of water interaction. Creating Foam With Fluid Textures Although any texture can be used to influence the foamOffset, none offer as much flexibility as the 3dFluid texture. The same addWake tool we used in a previous wake scene can be used to generate foam. 1- Open scene: . Notice that the boat already has a fluid emitter and 3dFluide texture connected to the ocean. Rather than using addWake to generate foam, we will do it manually using the emitter already present; 2- Duplicate waveHeight_fluidTexture3D, and rename it: foamEmit_fluidTexture3D. IMPORTANT: This will also duplicate the fluid texture, but without renaming it. So with two OceanWakeTexture1 in the, Maya may have difficulty running certain commands (like connections) due to name clashing. To avoid connection problems later on, you should rename this texture OceanFoamTexture1 . To find out which of the two is the duplicate: -Go to the Hypershade Textures tab; -Select both OceanWakeTexture1; -Click on the view upstream/downstream graph button; -In the Work Area, youll see that the duplicate texture is only connected to time; NOTE: To find the duplicate, you can also select foamOffset_fluidTexture3D and look downstream in the Attribute Editor (tabs at the top);


3- Apply the following settings to the duplicate fluid texture(foamOffset_fluidTexture3D): Container Properties > Resolution: 50 * 50 . We need very little resolution, since a fractal texture inside the fluid will take care of the foam detail; Container Properties > Size: 200 * 200 * 40. Same size as our wake fluid; Contents Method> Temperature: Dynamic Grid . We turn ON Temperature since our emitter is already emitting density (for the wake displacement). Well map Temperature to the Ocean Shader foamOffset; Contents Detail > Density Scale: 1. We dont need as much density as with wake displacement. Too much turns the foam into a solid white mass; Shading > Incandescence > Incandescence Input Temperature; Shading > Opacity > Opacity Input: Temperature. IMPORTANT Because were emitting temperature (not density) and only using opacity for our foam texturing; Shading > Opacity > Input Bias: 0.3 . Higher values are softer in this instance; Textures > Texture Opacity: ON . Well use variations in the opacity to give us the detail and pattern we need for a foamy look; Textures > Texture Type: Space Time ; Textures > Opacity Texture Gain: 0.3 . Higher values look crisper, while lower ones are blurry/soft; Texture > Depth Max: 4 . Ads fine details to the noise texture. Higher values look like they have more depth, but take longer to render; Texture > Invert texture: ON ; Texture > Inflection: ON ; Texture > Texture Time: Expression. Right click and Create New Expression. Type in the following: OceanFoamTexture1.textureTime = time; An animated texture time gives the texture a churning motion. Much like time does in other fractal and noise textures; Texture > Frequency: 1 . In this case its already at 1, but its important to note that this essentially scales the noise pattern. The default Maya setting when generating foam through the addWake tool is 10 (much too fine/small for this scene);


Connect the foamOffset_fluidTexture3D fluid to OceanWakeEmitter1 fluid emitter . You can use the Windows > Relationship Editors > Dynamic Relationship Editor for this. Just select the fluid (left menu), and left click on the emitter (right menu);

5- Connect the OceanFoamTexture1.outAlpha to the oceanShader1.foamOffset; 6- Now we need to emit some Temperature into the new foam fluid. Select OceanWakeEmitter1 . Copy the animation curve from Fluid Attributes > Density/Voxel/Sec into Heat/Voxel/Sec. Make certain that they start at frame 15 (thats when the boat starts foreword). Alternatively, you can simply connect the two attributes through the Connection Editor; 7- When you playback, the foam should be visible on the previewPlane in shaded view; So the back of the boat is emitting foam (engine froth). Now we can add a little from the hull contact (hull-line);

8- Shift Select the left half of the nubs hull (hull_port) and foamOffset_fluidTexture3D. From the Main Menu Bar, activate Fluid Effects >


Add/Edit Contents > Emit From Object (reset the Settings if you have to). This connects a fluid emitter to the hull. Rename it hull_fluidEmitter; 9- If you playback, nothing emits from the hull. Thats because it isnt emitting Temperature. Key hull_fluidEmitter > Heat/Voxel/Sec at frame 18 = 0 and frame 30 = 50. Now the boat emits foam from all points of contact with the ocean;

Final scene:


Creating Particle Foam (and Splash)

Here we take a look at using colorAtPoint to float particle foam on the ocean surface.

1- Open scene: . Notice that there is already a particle emitter called motor_emitter on the small sphere section (motorSphere). If you playback, the particles go flying everywhere because they arent connected to fields yet; 2- Select the particles shape node (foam_particleShape), and set the Conserve to 0.9. This will slow down the particles each frame, like air friction, so they wont travel as far; 3- With the particles selected, go to the Main Menu Bar (Dynamics section): Fields > Gravity. Make certain its at 9.8. Since the particles were selected when the gravity field was created, it is automatically connected. Else you could have used the Connection Editor or Fields > Use Selected As Source Of Field. 4- With the particle selected: Fields > Turbulence. Apply the following settings: Magnitude: 33 We need a large number because the conserve is low. Attenuation: 0 We dont want the turbulence effect to fall-off with distance. Frequency: 0.5 This small number makes for a larger pattern appropriates for our scale; If you playback the timeline, the particles are going straight through the ocean previewPlane. Well add the expressions to float our particle foam. In the foam_particleShape Attribute Editor, go to Per Particle (Array) Attributes, and right click the field next to position. Select Runtime Expression from the dropdown menu.


In the expression editor, type the following (or copy/paste from the CDrom data file floatParticles_expression.txt):
//float particles on ocean surface (runtime) //get ocean height at current particle position vector $ppos = foam_particleShape.position; float $pu = $ppos.x; float $pv = $ppos.z; float $cpoint[] = `colorAtPoint -u $pu -v $pv oceanShader1`; //when particle position lower than ocean, stick to ocean if($ppos.y <= $py) foam_particleShape.position = <<$pu, $cpoint[0], $pv>>;

Playback the animation. Its slower than before because of the colorAtPoint MEL command. Using MEL in expressions is slower than regular math functions. Also, when you playback you might notice that some particles tend to float above the water too long. This is because the turbulence is so strong. Since we dont want to loose some of the particle pattern accumulation on the water surface, well figure a way of making the particles fall faster. Last, but not least, because the particles are sitting exactly on the ocean previewPlane, were loosing sight of about half of them. This is because particle position is calculated from the center of the multiPoint radius. We can compensate with an offset; 7- Select OceanWakeEmitter1 , and add a new float attribute called foamOffset . You can use the Main Menu Bar > Modify > Add Attribute . Well use foamOffset in our particle expression to raise the particle on the ocean surface. Set foamOffset to 0.3 ; 8- Make the following modifications to the foam_particleShape runtime expression (or copy/paste from the CDrom text file floatParticlesDone_expression.txt):
//float particles on ocean surface (runtime)


//get ocean height at current particle position vector $ppos = foam_particleShape.position; float $pu = $ppos.x; float $pv = $ppos.z; float $cpoint[] = `colorAtPoint -u $pu -v $pv oceanShader1`; //add user offset to foam height float $py = $cpoint[0]+OceanWakeEmitter1.foamOffset; //when particle position lower than ocean, stick to ocean if($ppos.y <= $py) foam_particleShape.position = <<$pu, $py, $pv>>; //gradually increase gravity(faked) to counter turbulence //and make particles stick faster else if(foam_particleShape.ageNormalized >= 0.1) { vector $pvel = foam_particleShape.velocity; foam_particleShape.velocity = <<$pvel.x, $pvel.y-1, $pvel.z>>; }

Expression changes explained: $py : Contains our new height offset; ageNormalized : ageNormalized is the current age in percentage, relative to 1 (where 0 is birth, and 1 is death). ageNormalized is normally only available if you connected an arrayMapper to the particle at some point (usually by adding a ramp to a Per Particle attribute. In this case we already had one in rgbPP); .velocity: Were just subtracting 1 from the velocityY each frame starting at 10% of the particle lifespan, so it will start coming down faster after a good initial push (from the emitter and turbulence field);

9- When you playback, the particles should behave correctly. Were still missing any interaction at the waterline around the hull. This is more difficult to accomplish than with fluids. We dont want our particles to emit from the hull too far above the waterline, and emitting too many particles below would be a waste. Ideally, we want to emit from the point of intersection between the boat hull and the water surface. Well generate a curve that follows the point of intersection. Itll be usable for particle or even fluid emission. First, we need a NURBS ocean surface, because well by using the intersectSurfaces tool that require two NURBS surfaces;


10- Well use the same script we used in the UVwake scene to create our NURBS previewPlane. Delete the current previewPlane, and make certain oceanNurbsPreviewPlane.mel is sourced. Type the following in the command line: oceanNurbsPreviewPlane 25 50 oceanShader1; This will take a while to calculate. When its done, youll have a rectangular NURBS previewPlane; 11- The preview plane and the boat hull have to intersect at all times without breaking for the whole length of the animation (150 frames). The following transforms will correctly place the new Plane: TranslationX: 11 ScaleX: 56 TranslationZ: 37 ScaleZ: 113 12- With construction history ON, shift select the left hull (port_hull) and then the NURBS previewPlane. Main Menu Bar > Modeling > Edit NURBS > Intersect Surfaces with the following options: Create Curves for: First Surface Curve Type: Curve ON Surface Use Tolerance: Local (0.0100) You can scroll through the timeline and watch the curve intersection update, but its a slow process because the intersection has to be recalculated every frame. Well greatly improve performance by baking the curve (which also allows us to get rid of the very heavy NURBS previewPlane);

13- Two problems with this new intersect curve prevent it from being baked: Its a curve on surface; It has a different number of CVs every time its rebuilt (every frame); Select the intersection curve, then Modeling > Edit Curves > Duplicate Surface Curves. Now weve generated a regular curve; Select the new duplicate curve (should be outside the hierarchy), then Modeling > Edit Curves > Rebuild Curve . Starting from the default settings, just change Number OF Spans to 24; IMPORTANT: Throughout this whole process construction history should be ON (until we finish baking the curve). 14- Maya doesnt have any good tools to bake geometry, for tasks like that we need some external scripts. An updated version of the popular bakeSoft.mel script is included with the course data (bakeSoftPro.mel).


With bakeSoftPro.mel sourced, select the rebuilt intersect curves shape node, then type in the command prompt: bakeSoftPro 1 150 2; Usage is: bakeSoftPro startFrame endFrame byFrame; This will take a while. 15- Verify that the new baked curve follows correctly, then delete the other curves (the source curve is now Visibility OFF) and the NURBS previewPlane. Playback should be much faster; 16- Rename the new baked curve curvePort, and add a particle emitter to it: Dynamics > Particles > Emit From Object . Rename the new emitter curvePort_emitter, and delete the new particle object. Change the emitter settings to: Emitter Type: Curve; Rate: 3000; Speed: 9; Speed Random: 0; The rest should be default;

17- Connect foamParticle to the curvePort_emitter using the Dynamic relationship Editor. Now both emitters are emitting into the same floating particle system. Our only problem is that the hull emits too early. Well add one last element, a top-level control that will allow us to set the foam emission of both emitters; 18- Select OceanWakeEmitter1 and add a float attribute called foamParticle (Modify > Add Attribute). Set it to between 3 and 6 . This is our emission multiplier; 19- Last step. Create a new expression (Windows > Animation Editors) and type:
//emitterLink_expression motor_emitter.rate = OceanWakeEmitter1.fluidHeatEmission *100 * OceanWakeEmitter1.foamParticle;

portCurve_emitter.rate = OceanWakeEmitter1.fluidHeatEmission *100 * OceanWakeEmitter1.foamParticle; Expression explained: This will link the fluid emission rate (which is keyframed to the boat movement) to the particle emission, and multiply them by our new override attribute; The new playback shows particle foam emitting from the waterline and motor with


correct timing;

Final scene:


Creating Particle Crest Mist The last step in our exploration of the Ocean shader and particles is the procedural creation of crest mist on a stormy sea. Well create top-level controls to tweak the sprays emission and behavior.


Open scene: Create a NURBS plane and scale it to 100. Rename the plane ocean_emitterPlane . The new plane will be used to emit the particle spray. W could emit from the Ocean NURBS plane, but it would probably be too large and processor intensive. Also, having an independent plane allows us to render the larger base plane, and use the smaller emitter plane to control the spray emission location.

3- Change the following settings in the ocean_emitterPlaneShape node: Render Stats: All OFF Object Display > Drawing Overrides: Enabled Object Display > Drawing Overrides > Shading: OFF Object Display > Drawing Overrides > Texturing: OFF These settings are similar to those of the ocean previewPlane. They allow us to view ocean_emitterPlane in wireframe, but not display any shading, texturing, or


rendering. This allows us to view and manipulate the plane at all times without interfering with other elements, or continually toggling Visibility.


Add a particle emitter to ocean_emitterPlane. Dynamics > Particles > Emit From Object ;


Rename the emitter spray_emitter and the particles spray_particle. Apply the following settings: Emitter Type: Surface Rate: 3000 Speed: 5 Speed Random: 2 The other emitter attributes should be default; NOTE: Increase the emission rate to whatever your workstation can handle. The screenshots were taken with a rate of 100 000; 5If you playback the timeline now, the particles are just accumulating above the emitter plane. We have to emit our particles from the ocean surface. Select spray_particleShape , and add the following Creation Expression in Per Particle (Array) Attributes :

//creation expression floats particles vector $ppos = pos; float $pu = $ppos.x; float $pv = $ppos.z; float $samp[] = `colorAtPoint -o A -u $pu -v $pv oceanShader1`; float $py = $samp[0]; //set initial particle position on ocean surface pos = <<$pu, $py, $pv>>; //default lifespan lifespanPP = rand(0.2, 1.5);

Expression Explained: Again, were using colorAtPoint to place our particles on the ocean surface (Y position only). This time in Creation only, so the particles appear to generate from the waves, but are free to move afterwards in all axis. The lifespan per particle will allow us to cull particles at birth later on. 5- Set spray_particleShape > Lifespan Attributes > Lifespan Mode to lifespanPP . In the Attribute Editor, change spray_particleShape > Render Attributes > Particle Render Type to Multi Streak. Click Add Attributes For Current Render Type (same menu), and change the following settings: Multi Radius: 1.8


Tail Size: 2.0 NOTE: If the attributes for Multi Streak Particles do not appear in Render Attributes when you click Add Attributes, just refresh the Attribute Editor by selecting/deselecting the particles. When you do a playback. The particles are appearing on the ocean surface;

6- Our spray isnt supposed to come off the entire ocean surface, we want it to appear only from the wave crests. To achieve this, well generate particles only from the foamy areas, and well give the spray a minimum emission elevation. We need to do a few of thing in order to get ready for the crest spray. Select ocean_emitterPlane and add a float attribute (Modify > Add Attributes) called sprayThreshold with default settings. Set the sprayStart to 1.0 . This will be our minimum height for spray emission; 7- Add another float attribute to ocean_emitterPlane (Modify > Add Attributes) called sprayThreshold with a minimum value of 0 a default of 85 and 100. This will be our emission color tolerance. Only particles emitting from a wave point with a brightness percentage higher than sprayThreshold will appear. This enables us to emit only from the light foam areas of our ocean ; 8- Select spray_particleShape . In the Attribute Editor, Add Dynamic Attributes > Color > Add Per Particle Attribute . Well match the spray color to the Ocean foam at the point of emission. This will help to help blend the particles at render time; 9- Modify the spray_particleShape Creation expression as follows:
//creation expression floats particles vector $ppos = spray_particleShape.position; float $pu = $ppos.x; float $pv = $ppos.z; float $samp[] = `colorAtPoint -o RGBA -u $pu -v $pv oceanShader1`; float $py = $samp[3];


//set initial particle position on ocean surface spray_particleShape.position = <<$pu, $py, $pv>>; //match particle color to ocean spray_particleShape.rgbPP = <<$samp[0], $samp[1], $samp[2]>>; //default lifespan spray_particleShape.lifespanPP = rand(0.15, 1.3); if($py < ocean_emitterPlane.sprayStart) spray_particleShape.lifespanPP = 0; else if(spray_particleShape.rgbPP < (ocean_emitterPlane.sprayThreshold/100)) spray_particleShape.lifespanPP = 0;

Expression Explained: -Weve changed the colorAtPoint to read all channels (RGBA). IMPORTANT: The height field array[] value for Alpha changes to [3] (from the previous [0]). -Were now setting the color per particle from the Ocean Shader with the new colorAtPoint sampling. The array values for color are: Red[0], Green[1], Blue[3]. -Finally, were culling the particles at birth based on their altitude (ocean_emitterPlane.sprayStart) and their initial color (ocean_emitterPlane.sprayStart), so that only particles born in upper foamy areas will appear at creation. We cull particles by setting lifespan to 0; 10- Connect spray_particle to the three field already in the scene: spray_turbulenceField : Its a stormy ocean; spray_gravityField : All things must fall (on Earth, anyway); spray_airField : Strong directional wind; You can Window > Relationship Editors > Dynamic Relations to do your connections;

11- The particles are emitting at the correct position during playback, but sometimes travel through the waves. Well create an air pressure zone above the waves that will pull the particles down if they travel too high. Well also prevent them from traversing the waves. All this with handy top-level controls to tweak our settings interactively.


Add a new float attribute to ocean_emitterPlane (Modify > Add Attributes) called sprayHeigh with default settings. Set the sprayHeight to 10.0 . Any spray particles above this height (relative to the water surface) will be pulled down; 12- Add one last float attribute to ocean_emitterPlane (Modify > Add Attributes) called sprayPull with default settings. This is the force well apply to particles above the sprayHeigh to pull the spray down towards the ocean surface; 13- Add the following Runtime Expression to spray_particleShape:
//runtime expression for ocean spray //check wave surface height vector $ppos = spray_particleShape.position; float $pu = $ppos.x; float $pv = $ppos.z; float $samp[] = `colorAtPoint -o A -u $pu -v $pv oceanShader1`; float $py = $samp[0]; //clamp lower particle altitude to wave height if($ppos.y <= $py) { spray_particleShape.position = <<$pu, $py, $pv>>; } //drive particle down when it's too high else if($ppos.y > $py + ocean_emitterPlane.sprayHeight) { vector $pvel = spray_particleShape.velocity; spray_particleShape.velocity = <<$pvel.x, $pvel.y ocean_emitterPlane.sprayPull, $pvel.z>>; }; //gradually lighten particle color after emission spray_particleShape.rgbPP += 0.005;

Expression Explained: -Were calculation wave height with colorAtPoint again, but this time only enforcing it when particles travel too low, effectively faking particle collisions with the water surface. -Were also driving particles down when theyre too high (ocean_emitterPlane.sprayHeight) relative to the waves. The downward force is achieved by subtracting Y velocity based on used input (spray_particleShape.velocity). Were creating a kind of custom pulling/sucking force that hugs the irregular ocean surface. -Finally, were incrementally adding brightness to the particle color so they will gradually turn white. Since were using hardware particles, the color will automatically clamp to <<1, 1, 1>>; 14- Well finish off the look of our particles by adding fading off the particles before they die, thus avoiding the popping. Select spray_particleShape . In the Attribute Editor, perform Add Dynamic Attributes > Opacity > Add Dynamic Attribute . If the new opacityPP attribute does not appear in your Per Particle Attributes, just refresh the Attribute Editor by deselecting/reselecting the particles;


15- Right click opacityPP , and open the Create Ramp option box. In the Map To dropdown menu, select SprayOpacity_Ramp (a ramp that was provided with this scene);

Final scene:


IV. MANAGING FLUID AND PARTICLE CACHES Caching can be a frustrating, yet necessary experience at the end of a long production. Disk caching with particles has been available for years, how does the new Fluid disk caching measure up? Well finish with an overview of the basic caching state of affairs; Basic Fluid Cache Management Fluids is the new kid on the bloc in Maya dynamics, but it brings a few tricks and improvement for disk cache management. Seeding: None of the Fluids have repeatability when being dynamically simulated. Only the Ocean Shader insures repetion without caching (unless you add a fluid texture simulation in one of the channels); There are numerous advatageous features to Fluid Caching. Dynamics > Fluid Effects > Create Cache Pros: -Can pick which elements to cache (Density, Velocity, Temperature, Texture); -Can pick which cache element to read, simulate, or turn off; -One cache node/Fluid. Can be connected, scripted, switched, and otherwise manipulated. You can find the cache node by selecting your cached fluid and viewing the connections in the Hypergraph or Hypershade; -Multi-session caching. So we can Cache Density/Velocity one day, and Color/Texture the next by adding to the first cache file. Also allows caches larger than a computers physical memory by building it incrementally; -Fluid cache files can be trimmed (truncated) from within Maya; -Simulations can easily be retimed/warped when theyre cached (by disconnecting the Time attribute); -Faster rendering for large Fluid simulations; Cons: -Can be very time consuming. Usually artist time; -A Fluid cache consists of a single file, this can be a curse when you run out of physical memory and the cache is ruined. Backups are mandatory; -Cache files have the scene name attached to them, so they follow their scene. When performing save as, Maya copies the cache file (with the scene name in it). Disk hog;

Disk Cache:


Basic Particle Cache Management To cache, or not to cache, that is indeed the question with particles and distributed rendering. Generally speaking, particle disk caching is not required unless a simulation is very heavy, mainly because particles are so easy to seed. Global Seeding: Maya has a MEL command called seed which can seed all math functions related randomizing (rand, sphereRand, gauss) in the entire scene. Seeding is only desirable when using randomize functions, since Mayas own internal seeds take care of insuring repeatability with other random-like functions (min/max distance, speed randomize, and life randomize in emitters); Here are a couple of seeding expressions. Apply them in a New Expression (not inside a dynamic expression): //resetting seed on a single frame //looks very random //user must be very careful to insure that triggering //frame will be evaluated at render time if (frame <= 1) seed 1; //resetting seed every frame //can reveal pattern if seed changes by small increments //patterns can be interesting //this particular large increment (1001) is safe //very safe for distributed rendering int $seeder = frame*1001; seed $seeder; Disk Cache: Here are a few pros and cons for disk caching: Dynamics > Slolvers > Create Particle Disk Cache Pros: -Faster rendering than calculating dynamics (faster than seeding); -A physical file means they can be backed up; -Can be exported to another 3dpackage or renderer; -Cached particles can operate independently of emitter, fields, and collisions. None are needed for rendering; -Very easy to change dynamic timings with Time attribute once particles are cached;


-Ramp driven attributes are not cached, so a well planed particle system can be cached and used for many render variation/passes with a single cache; Cons: -Very time consuming to generate large caches. Usually artist time; -The Create Particle Disk Cache tool caches all particle systems in a scene, even those with dynamics turned off; -Maya can only read cache files from one location at any given time; -Can be very IO intensive on a network; -Cane take huge amounts of storage space; dynExport: One of the tools that can help reduce most of the particle disk cache limitations, is the dynExport MEL command. DynExport allows a user to pick which particle system will be cached (one, a list, all), to which directory, and what Per Particle attributes to cache. A judicious use of this command can drastically reduce cache time and disk space requirement, as well as IO time. NOTE: With dynExport, you must export all the PPattributes that have input/output connections, else they may not read the cache. This almost never happens during the cache session, it usually breaks when trying to read the cache in a new session; Some cache management can be accomplished through you file browser. Since all particles disk cache filenames contain the particleShape name, its very easy to split, sort, and rearrange cache files and directories. So particle caches from different scenes can easily be brought together into a new one without resimulating (just copy/paste the desired files into a new directory in your particles folder);


Mooooooo J


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