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In the current era, the world has become a global village. People can travel from one end of the world to other end in few hours. Especially when it comes to the work related travel, companies are not hesitating to send its resources or employees to any corner of the world to satisfy their customers needs and to provide timely support as and when the clients need. When the resources are sent to any foreign country it is always important to have right type of visa for the right purpose of travel. This is exactly where the services of visa agents is required and mandated. For example, a person traveling on a business visa cannot work there; similarly, a person holding a tourist visa is not supposed to work in that country. It is always preferable to travel to a foreign country with right type of visa to fulfill the law of the land where the person stays; else it may result in illegal immigration or stay. To get the visas and work permits on time, the visa agents should be able file the applications with the immigration authorities on time. For this they need the required material and stationery to prepare the documentation part in order to file the application with the immigration authorities without any delay. The industry of immigration services is growing many folds every year. This is due to more mobility of people across the globe for various purposes. Companies ensure that their clients abroad do not face issues with their products by sending the experts in that particular field to their campuses in their country, so that company do not lack in customer satisfaction and support. Many students travel for higher studies abroad. Now-a-days, we see students

traveling abroad for their projects and researches too. In addition to this, the spending capacity of the present day human being has grown so much that even to celebrate certain personal mile stones (like anniversary, honeymoon, holiday, etc.,) they travel to foreign countries. The craze of sports is also to such an extent that even during cricket world cup matches, foot ball world cup matches, Olympic Games, sports competitions, etc. people like to go there personally to enjoy their favorite sport and to support their favorite player.

Visa Assistance Services is an ISO 9001 2000 visa services provider with good contacts with immigration authorities of almost all countries. Visa Assistance Services, have started its operations in 1986 under the Proprietary concern of Mr. Niranjan Raju with the short name "VAS". Since then till today this Company is one of the sources for major travel agents and corporate bodies all over India for their visa requirement, for the various Consulates in Bangalore. The Company then incorporated as a Private Limited Company in the year 1986. VAS, also now carries trademark logo of Visa Assistance Services Pvt. Ltd. This Company has all automation in house facilities. The Company currently serves more than 350 Travel Agents and few corporate houses all over the India for their visa and allied services facilities. Other than visa business they also do Car Rentals, Airport Assistance, Legalization of documents from Consulates, Passport assistance and Emigration Services. They have close associates in Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad and Kolkata for visa work and other travel related Services. The Company is projecting to grow almost double the number of visas in the next five years and looking for diversification on an area like operating outbound and inbound tours. Their Philosophy - Truthfulness | Work fullness | Love fullness Visa Assistance Services works on the following Consulting: Customers consult VAS for the assistance on getting visas and dependent permits for their dependents, Car Rentals: VAS also provides the cars for rent to the city wanderers and for site-seeing. They also arrange the travel services for the customers who have attend interview with the immigration authorities of several countries, Tourism: VAS arranges and advices customers on appropriate travel plans around the world according to their planned budget and spending capacity, Passport Services: VAS assists customers in getting a new passport, passport renewals, duplicate passport and other services related to passport, Legalization Services: The original certificates and documents are to be attested by certain Government officials and Central Departments to get the work permits and visas to certain countries. VAS assists its customers in getting the legalization of the documents too.

Material Management System Material and stationery is an essential commodity in an office of visa agent. All the documents that are required by the immigration authorities have to go as hard copies in spite of sending the soft copies. This is to ensure the authenticity of the information and documents provided for the visa purpose. If the stationery and material required for printing the documents, correcting the information, sending the documents, etc., are not available on time, there are all chances of delay in sending the documents to the immigration authorities, there by delaying in filing too. Hence, the need of proper material and stationery management system is to be followed at Visa Assistance Services in order to have the applications filed on time for ensuring customer satisfaction. Material Management System at Visa Assistance Services As of now, there is no such system being followed at Visa Assistance Services. This study is to suggest an appropriate material management system for the optimal use of the stationery and material including timely procurement in order not to hamper the process of visa and work permit processing at VAS. Customer Satisfaction and its importance The customers, in relation to their own expectations, value faster service. Focusing on customers means finding out what they want and need, trying to fulfill them in the faster getting of visas within stipulated time. It may be difficult for customers to state their needs, and it takes considerable empathy to understand what they actually require. When talking about customer satisfaction it is important to put it in relation to service. Customers require experience with a service to be able to determine how satisfied they are with it. Service can be perceived without actual consumption experience. Research studies shows customer satisfaction to be dependent relative value, hence also makes it dependent relative price, which quality of a product or service not in general need to depend relative to.

Rationale behind the Proposed Study

Successful businesses inevitably place great emphasis on managing, controlling and carefully planned steps taken to ensure that the products and services offered to their customers are consistent, reliable, timely, and truly meet their customers' needs. Multinational companies have entire departments of highly trained specialists to get the work permits and visas for the

respective countries from the immigration authorities to the company employees as per the business requirement. All management personnel, starting with the owner, must understand and agree that material management is essential to the success of the business and the organization by getting the work permits and visas to respective countries as and when customer needs our resources and services. Once that agreement has been reached, every employee must be involved in the process. All too often, employees are reluctant to report problems, feeling that they would be "rocking the boat" or seen as criticizing co-workers to management. Especially after the Satyam Scam every organization is looking at compliance, compliance and only compliance. Every effort must be made to convince each employee that jobs and prosperity depend on quality products and services, and that teamwork as well as cooperation is essential in ensuring compliance by sending only the eligible candidates abroad. Every process required in satisfying a customer needs to be analyzed with the goal of improving customer satisfaction. Profitability will inevitably follow. Problems resulting in customer dissatisfaction or financial losses most often occur when information is being passed from one process to another. Special care must be taken to ensure that every process connects reliably to the adjacent processes. Most thoughtful analysis should be lavished on any chronic problem areas. For example, if several customers have recently complained about visible issues and problems, then the service providers should be able find a compliant and feasible solution of the same and the right type of visa is to be obtained within the stipulated time. The attitude that says, "We've always done it that way" is the enemy of continuous service improvement. Instead, every team member should be encouraged to think, "There is no aspect of how we do our jobs that can't be improved in some way. Together, let's figure out how to do it."

Statement of the Problem

This project will aim at finding out the reasons for customers non-satisfaction due to delay in getting visas and filing applications with the immigration authorities. It also aims at finding out the flaws if any in the material management system at Visa Assistance Services.

This study is to suggest an appropriate material management system for the optimal use of the stationery and material including timely procurement in order not to hamper the process of visa and work permit processing at VAS.

Objectives of the Proposed Study

1. To Study the Material Management System at Visa Assistance Services 2. To identify and study the elements of customer satisfaction. 3. To study the activities of Material Management System at VAS leading to customer satisfaction. 4. To study, analyze and understand the customer preferences towards the services provided to them. 5. To analyze and identify value adding activities and separating them from non-value adding ones. 6. To provide suggestions and recommendations based on the findings of the study.

Scope of the Proposed Study

The scope of the proposed study extends up to study of the procedures in the organization and corresponding material management system being followed. Further to the scope of study with respect to customer satisfaction may extend up to variables like 1. Accuracy of the process 2. Timely procurement of material 3. Response to suggestions 4. Timely communication 5. Streamlined payment procedures 6. Commitment of the work force

Research Methodology
The proposed research methodology is to find the pattern of usage of materials and stationery at VAS from the employees and workers and to find out an appropriate way to organize.

1. Data collection The data collection process is one of the inseparable and crucial parts of research. For the proposed research both secondary and primary data will be collected and analyzed. a) Secondary data The sources of secondary data for the proposed study i) ii) iii) iv) Companys material procuring orders Procedure manuals Customers feedback reports Journals and articles on customers satisfaction

b) Primary data The primary data for the proposed study is collected through the responses to structured questionnaire consisting of both closed and open-ended questions. 2. Sampling Methodology a) Population The data would be collected from the employees in the organization that forms the population unit. There are 52 employees in the organization. b) Sampling methods Non-probability sampling method would be used in the proposed study. c) Sampling Technique The census survey would be conducted by collecting data from all 52 employees. d) Sample size Since it is census survey Population size = Sample size = 52 3. Plan of analysis The data hence collected would be subjected to thorough analysis. Proposed Statistical tools expected to be used in the study are

i. Simple and Weighted Averages ii. Graphs and Charts iii. Percentage Analysis iv. Correlation Analysis The graphs and charts wherever necessary would be appropriately furnished.

Probable Limitations of the Study

a. Time limitation - As the duration of project is 3 months, as limited number of aspects would be taken for survey. b. Cost limitation c. Omissions of significant aspects may affect the results of the study d. Since the employees are not aware of the material management systems and the study, they may give biased answers. e. As the intimacy with the employees is less, they may not give exact observations.

Expected Contribution from the Study

1. Expected contribution to the company a) The existing material management system is providing customer satisfaction or not. b) Other variables responsible for customer satisfaction c) Changes in the material management system necessary to ensure customer satisfaction. 2. Expected contribution to self a) Knowing deeper about material management system b) Importance of customer satisfaction c) Importance of material management system 3. Expected contribution to society a) Importance of customer satisfaction b) Importance of material management system by reducing the usage of paper

This project is intended to find out all the variables that are contributing to the timely processing of business visas and work permits by prioritizing the tasks determined. It also aims at enhancing the material management system to confine the variables towards customer satisfaction.


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