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The KINGS SPEECH is the story of Bertie ,the man who reluctantly assumed the throne to become King George VI and Lionel Logue ,the speech therapist who helped the unsure monarch become worthy of it The film opens as the Prince Albert, Duke of York (Colin Firth), the second son of King George V, stammers through his speech at Wembley Stadium in front of thousands of listeners The Duke has given up hope of a cure, but his wife persuades him to see Lionel Logue , an Australian speech therapist in London. During their first session, Logue breaches royal etiquette and insists on calling his patient "Bertie," a name used only within the Duke's family. When Albert decides Logue's methods and manner are unsuitable, the Australian bets that the Duke can recite Hamlet's "To be, or not to be" without trouble while listening to The Marriage of Figaro played out loud on headphones. Logue records his performance on a gramophone record; convinced he has stammered throughout, Albert leaves declaring his condition "hopeless" and dismissing Logue. Logue offers him the recording as a keepsake. After King George V makes his 1934 Christmas radio address, he explains to Albert the importance of broadcasting . He declares that "David" (Edward, Prince of Wales ), Albert's older brother, will bring ruin to himself, the family, and the country when he accedes to the throne, leaving Chancellor Hitler and Premier Stalin to sort out matters in Europe. King George demands that Albert train himself, starting with a reading of his father's speech. He makes an agonising attempt to do so. Later, Albert plays Logue's recording and hears himself unhesitatingly reciting Shakespeare. He returns to Logue, but he and his wife insist that Logue stop probing into his private life and merely work on the physical aspects. Logue teaches his patient muscle relaxation and breath control techniques, but continues to probe gently at the psychological roots of the stutter. The Duke eventually reveals some of the pressures of his childhood: his strict father, his natural left-handedness, painful childhood metal splints to correct his knock-knees, his first nanny, who secretly mistreated him, and the early death of his epileptic younger brother, John. The two men become friends.

In January 1936, George V dies, and David ascends the throne as King Edward VIII, but causes a crisis with his determination to marry Mrs Wallis Simpson , an American socialite and twice a divorce. Albert points out that Edward, as head of the Church of England, cannot marry a divorced woman; Edward accuses his brother of wanting to be the King and declares his speech lessons as preparation to be king. At his next session, Albert expresses his frustration that his speech has improved while talking to most peopleexcept his own brother. When Logue insists that Albert could be a good king instead of his brother who finally gives up the throne to marry Mrs Simpson, Albert becomes King George VI. The new King and Queen visit Logue at his home to apologise, startling Logue's wife (who had been kept in the dark about the patient's identity). During preparations for his coronation ,George VI learns that Logue has no formal qualifications. Logue explains that, as an elocution teacher, he was asked to help shell-shocked Australian soldiers returning from the First World War, and thereby found his calling. When George VI remains convinced of his unfitness to be king, Logue sits in King Edward's Chair and dismisses the underlying Stone of Scone as a trifle. Bewildered by Logue's seeming disrespect, the King surprises himself with his own sudden outraged eloquence.Upon the declaration of war with Nazi Germany in September 1939, George VI summons Logue to Buckingham Palace to prepare for his upcoming radio address to millions of listeners in Britain and the Empire. The King is left alone with Logue in the room with the microphone. He delivers his speech competently, as if to Logue alone, who guides him silently throughout. Afterwards, the King and his family step onto the balcony of the palace to be viewed and applauded by the thousands who have gathered. Finally ,A title card explains that Logue was always present at King George VI's speeches during the war, and that they remained friends for the rest of their lives.


1. Have faith in your voice : Just as the throne was thrust upon Bertie ,everyone will have his moments to step up 2. Admit you need help : Bertie success was mainly attributed to his willingness to accept the guidance of the speech therapist and support of his wife .One needs to let go of the ego ,reach out and be open to feedback.

3. You have to roll up the sleeves and put the hours in to get to where you want to be even if you are the King of England. There is no substitute for hard work 4. Excellence comes with experience : Logue had no academic credentials ,still he believed that getting to the heart of Kings psychological distresses will help cure the problem ,and this he knew from his work and experience 5. Broadcast a true version of yourself ,be genuine ,accept your flaws . Thats what makes you human and loved by the people.

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