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Facts & Figures for February 3, 2013 Attendance (112 and 110)..........................222 Sunday School.....127 General Fund Receipts.$11,553.00 Capital Fund Receipts..........................$320.00 Loose Offering/Sunday School..$104.00 Non-Budget Funds Receipts..........$2,838.77 Facts & Figures as of December 31, 2012 YTD Budget Receipts.........$484,747.04 YTD Budget Expenses...$451,300.44 Net Receipts over Expenses$33,446.60 Presented by Kay Smith, Treasurer,

Volume 2013

The Stillwater Christian

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February 5

In This Issue
Care and Feeding of a Candle

Ash Wednesday is Wednesday, Feb. 13th. Dinner and Service begins at 6pm.

CMF Breakfast Saturday, Feb 9th @ 8am Everyone is invited, but RSVP by email or phone to Tom Ikard.

WNF: THRIVE This Week! There is a basketball game Wed. night at 6pm, so a few changes Birthdays & 3 have been made to accommodate. Anniversaries 1. We will not be selling any parking spaces for the game, so all of the lots Facts & Figures 4 are reserved for church activities. However, the area will be congested, so you may want to plan to arrive early. 2. Dinner will be served 5:30-6:30 to better accommodate everyones comings and goings this evening. The menu is Beef Stew, green beans, turkey porcupine meatballs, biscuits, ambrosia, and oatmeal cookies 3. Class time will remain the same: 6:30-7:30. CWF Meeting Feb 6, 2013 Exec. Board meets at 11am, Luncheon (Ruth Group hosting) at noon, and General Meeting at 1pm. Nancy Crenshaw will present, Make a Joyful Noise. Co-Ed Volleyball Team A new church Volleyball team is forming! Anyone over 16 is invited to participate. The season lasts just 8 weeks and there are 2 games per week with no practices. If you are interested, contact Michelle Schaecher by voice or text at 762-2362 or email at You dont have to be the youngest or the tallest; this will be a blast!

Central Area Churches Praying for Churches This week we are praying for: Crown Heights in OKC Summer Camp Info Is Available on the Website! ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Including: Dry Gulch, El Reno Mission Camp and Jamaica Mission Trip!

Blessed Are the Saints of Past

FCC has been blessed by those who came before us providing financial support, spiritual leadership, and our history. We regularly highlight an endowment fund that benefits many of our ministries. Today we honor the Phillips Trust, a restricted endowment fund. This endowment was initiated by FCC members who wanted to support the education of those called to pastoral ministry. The income earned on the invested funds is distributed yearly to Phillips Theological Seminary. Over Outreach Corner the past three years, it has generated over $3303 for pasDid you know that our toral development at PTS. Please keep the FCC managed endowment trust in Outreach fund gave more mind as you make plans for your future financial gifts and than $45,000 to local asset allocations. causes in 2012?
Join us this Sunday for Owen Caytons Message, Better Than a Halleluiah based on Luke 9:28-43 and 2 Cor. 3:12-4:2 Traditional 9:00am Sunday School 10:10 Contemporary 11:10

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Of Stillwater, OK, Inc. 411 W. Mathews Ave. Stillwater, OK 74075-7517

The Stillwater Christian is a weekly publication of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The deadline for articles each week is 1pm Monday. Tracy Freeman, Editor Church Office Phone: 405.372.7722 Fax: 405.372.7726 Find The Stillwater Christian and more information at

Send prayer requests and general email to

Owen Cayton, Senior Minister

The Care and Feeding of A Candle


Sondra Ladd, Children/Youth Ministry Director

I first want to offer my thanks to several of you who shared a response to my last newsletter article. It is marvelous to know that people read the words I write! More importantly, those that did respond to my question about the relationship between music and worship did so with thoughtfulness and honesty! I had intended to write this newsletter article about a different aspect of worship, but feel compelled by a convergence of moments to write a follow-up about music. Last night, I was working with my oldest son Toviel on the faith component of his Webelos achievement for Cub Scouts. He and I were talking about becoming closer to God, and I asked him, What is something that you can do to become closer to God? He responded, I could sing to God more! This morning when I opened up Facebook, one of the first posts I saw was a comic strip called Coffee with Jesus. (I wanted to paste the comic strip with the article, but cant find or get permission soon enough, so I will describe it.) Jesus is having coffee with Carl when Carl asks, Who is your favorite Christian singer, Jesus. Jesus replies, One of my favorites is a woman from a small village in Thailand. Sings her heart out all day while farming. Oh. So, no one anyones ever heard of, ponders Carl aloud. She wont be touring the church circuit anytime soon, Carl, but shes famous where I come from. One of the responses I received from last weeks article was a very thoughtful one from Nancy Crenshaw. She observes, I think music is much more essential to our humanness. Indeed to all of creation. There is something about us that longs to make music, even that makes and hears music without our intention we keep rhythm: our hearts beat, our bodies breathe, and we hear sounds and voices all around us: voice of friends and family and nature, even sometimes things we recognize as music. I recall reading that Mother Theresa and those who worked with her with some of the poorest in the world would sing hymns of praise to God while they bathed the people for whom they were caring. They would sing while they cleaned and served. Music is a universal language! If you can, I invite you to go to On it are a number of videos put together of musicians from different places in the world. The really cool thing is that they are in their different places as they are making this music together. I also invite you to make music. Belt out a song as you take your shower. Hum a tune while you do the dishes. Sing your prayer for the meal (especially if youre in a restaurant). Sing to your childrensing with your children. Pat out a rhythm while you work at your desk. Make music. I look forward to seeing you as we stand intentionally together in Gods presence again! Shalom, Pastor Owen

Keri Bruce is teaching Worship and Wonder this Sunday. Childrens Sunday School Teachers Needed! We are excited to share that we are going to revamp the Childrens Sunday School program! Were going to use a new curriculum and move to a rotation system that will enrich the childrens experience and also encourage teachers, without burning them out! We need more teachers who will work with our team and commit to teaching, just one month at a time. If you are interested, please contact Amy Goad, the Disciple Development Chair at Keep watch for more info! CYF 2013 Mystery Trip! Were once again heading into the great unknown! Clues: 1) We ARE NOT heading East 2) Bring a swimsuit and warm clothing 3) Dont look for the Big D, look for the L 4) Expect the unexpected; and 5) Is kidnapping legal??? Everyone needs a swimsuit, warm and comfortable clothing and shoes (nothing dressy), and money for 3 fast food stops. Also, make sure your final $25 balance is paid. (Everyone should have paid a $25 deposit, some paid in full, and some need to pay the full $50.) Be at the church ready to go at 3:30 Friday! Well return Sunday afternoon/early evening. After School Fun for SMS and SJH Students Schedule Tues., Feb. 5 - SMS girls and Thurs, Feb. 7- SJH guys & girls. Picked up at FCC at 5:00pm. Chi Rho Youth (Grades 6-7) Pizza and Movie Night Friday Night Come down Friday for a pizza and movie night! Starts at 5:00pm. Be ready to stuff your face and chill with the coolest 6-7 grade kids. Friends welcome! Parents, pick up at FCC at 7:30.

Prodigal Clown Forms Due This Week!

If you have not submitted registration/cast options, YOU NEED TO GET THEM TO SONDRA BEFORE WED. NIGHT! This is the week we announce parts. All parts, dancing duos, and solos will be announced at rehearsal this week! Its gonna be sooooooooo much fun!!!!

Dry Gulch is June 3-7th

Attention all campers 7-12 years old! We only have a few spaces left! Sondra is doing her best to ensure that every child goes that wants to. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, YOU MUST REGISTER NOW! Registration is online at> summer camp> application form, our group code for registration is 1366777. Cost is $200 per person and a $100 deposit is due once you have completed your registration. (PLEASE DONT LET COSTS KEEP ANY CHILD FROM ATTENDING! SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE!) Happy Birthday to: 2/6 Claire Schaecher, Jackson Sorrel; 2/7 Cara Beer, Jeff Miller; 2/8 Tucker Cathey, Sam Fuhlendorf, Steven Webb; 2/9 Chris Armstrong; 2/10 Carolyn Hert, Trevor Fieldsend

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