El Horno Letter

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Chamber of Commerce
2012-2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Board Stephanie Frisch Chairman Carolyn Franks Chair Elect Ann Ronan Treasurer Anthony Holguin Secretary Directors Ricardo Beas Jim Carter O.J. Gause John Heffernan Carl Linhardt David Malt Melissa McCormack Becky Rodarte Ketra Slayton Matthew Timmes Ace Villagrana CHAMBER STAFF Mark Bodenhamer Chief Executive Officer Jennifer Pointer Operations Manager Claire Sussex Program Manager Thursday, February 07, 2013 Mayor Taylor & Members of the Council: On behalf of the San Juan Capistrano Chamber of Commerces Board of Directors, I am writing to urge the City of San Juan Capistrano to consider the temporary opening of the El Horno Street undercrossing for vehicle traffic during the Ortega Highway reconstruction project. Until its completion, this project will have tremendous negative impacts on our residents and businesses throughout its multi-year planned timeline. Even now, prior to the project, traffic is always at the top of many residents list of most pressing issues facing our City. Traffic not only diminishes the quality of life of residents, it also impedes economic activity and can impact public safety by extending response times. Simply put, El Horno Street is the only realistic alternative we have to alleviate the EastWest connection shortage that will be caused by this project. We believe it is important that the City of San Juan Capistrano take steps to evaluate using the El Horno undercrossing for vehicle traffic during this time period. We recognize there are new issues that would arise from opening El Horno. The adjacent neighborhood is home to many residences, the Scout Hut, childrens programs at the Lacouague Building, etc. The preservation of the unique feel of this neighborhood and the safety of the residents (particularly the children) are important factors that should be considered as part of this discussion. However, it is because of these concerns that we suggest action now. At this relatively early stage, we have time to work collaboratively with the residents and other stakeholders who would be directly impacted by such a change. It is our hope that with everyones input a mutually agreeable plan can be enacted that would reduce construction-related traffic issues and address those safety concerns. For example, the City might consider restricting access to La Matanza/ and La Calera and/or utilizing some kind of speed impediments along the route. I would like to specifically note that our suggestion for the use of El Horno Street is temporary and confined to the construction period. We recommend that any action taken by the City includes a plan for El Horno Streets re-closure upon the completion of this projects primary traffic impacts. Thank you for your consideration.

Mark Bodenhamer President/CEO San Juan Capistrano Chamber of Commerce

San Juan Capistrano Chamber of Commerce

31421 La Matanza St. San Juan Capistrano, California 92693 Phone: (949) 493-4700 Fax: (949) 489-2695 Email: info@sanjuanchamber.com Website: www.sanjuanchamber.com

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