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Endowing the Second Century

United Way of East Central Iowa Endowment Fund

Touch Tomorrow Society members Jack and Nancy Evans, shown here with three generations of the Evans family, have included the United Way endowment in their estate plans.

Your investment helps strengthen our community and meets the needs of individuals and families who live and work here.
Lois Buntz

Letter from the President

A better future starts with you. And with me. And with
all of us who believe in helping our community improve in the areas of health, education and financial stability. United Way has responded to the changing needs of our community for nearly a century. Since 1914, millions of dollars have been invested in our region, thanks to loyal donors like you. As we embark on a second century of advancing the common good, your gift to the United Way of East Central Iowa Endowment Fund will help strengthen our communitys social fabric and create lasting change. Your gift will help your neighbors and friends for generations to come. When we all LIVE UNITED, our community thrives. Thats been true for nearly 100 years. With your help, this outstanding tradition will continue for another century and beyond. Sincerely,

Lois Buntz President & CEO, United Way of East Central Iowa

Arthur Barlow established United Way of East Central Iowas
Why Now? Since 1914, United Way has been improving the lives of generations of Eastern Iowans in need. Almost a century later, the needs are increasing at a faster rate than ever.

Tom and Touch TomorrSarah Anderson ow Society M embers

endowment fund in 1981 with an estate gift of $15,000. Since then, hundreds of contributions have been added to the Endowment, including estate, memorial and honorary gifts. Those gifts have grown to an Endowment Fund of more than $3.3 million.

Our belief is that its important to give within your will because youre trying to make an impact.
Tom Anderson

Why This? An endowment is a permanent financial resource that provides perpetual income. Donations to the Endowment Fund are invested to provide steady amounts of spendable income over time. A portion of the annual income generated by the Endowment is used each year to support United Way partners and initiatives. Your gift to the Endowment will make an everlasting impact.

I feel good knowing that there will be funds for the people who will really benefit from them.
Jack Cosgrove

Endowment Investment
An endowment is a permanent financial
resource that provides perpetual income. Donations to the Endowment Fund are invested to provide steady amounts of spendable income over time. A portion of annual income generated by the Endowment is used each year to support United Way partners and initiatives. The Finance and Aministration Committee of the United Way of East Jack Central Touch Tomorr Cosgrove ow Society M Iowas Board ember of Directors manages the fund, along with our CEO. Performance is reviewed quarterly. The Endowments annual spending rate varies from 4.5 to 5 percent.

When you give to the Endowment Fund, you are leaving a legacy that will strengthen our communities, improve lives and make an everlasting impact. The United Way Endowment Fund is valued at $3.3 million. The first priority of the United Ways investment policy for the Endowment is to preserve capital; second is financial growth. Your Endowment Fund gift is invested separately from United Ways annual campaign funds. The United Ways Endowment is invested at Robert W. Baird & Co., Cedar Rapids, and the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation.

Endowment Fund Growth

$3,500 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 0 Jan. 09 Jan. 10 Oct. 12

(in thousands)

Ways to Support the Endownment

Cash An outright gift of cash qualifies for a full charitable deduction for most donors who itemize their federal income tax returns. Appreciated Property Gifts of securities and real property may provide important tax advantages. Their full fair market value is deductible as a charitable contribution with certain limitations. Bequests A gift can be made through your Last Will and Testament as an outright, residuary, contingency, or restricted bequest. Below is our preferred bequest language you can share with your estate planning attorney: I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to United Way of East Central Iowa [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose. Retirement Plan Assets Significant tax benefits can be gained by naming the United Way of East Central Iowa as a beneficiary of retirement plan assets. This option allows a donor to defer a gift to the end of his or her lifetime and reduce the size of the estate. Plus the dollars are tax-free to a charity.

Life Insurance The United Way of East Chuck and Central Touch Tomorr Mary Ann Peters ow Society M Iowa can be embers named as the beneficiary of a new or existing life insurance policy. If the United Way of East Central Iowa is also named as the owner of the policy, all of the donors premium payments are charitable deductions. Charitable Trusts The United Way of East Central Iowa can be named as the ultimate beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust or the income beneficiary of a charitable lead trust. Both are highly effective estate planning tools that can benefit donors now or later. Charitable Gift Annuities This gifting technique is an outright gift of cash, securities or other property to United Way of East Central Iowa made during a donors lifetime in return for the organizations promise to pay a lifetime annuity income to the donor.

Tax Advantages
Endow Iowa Tax Credits The Endow Iowa program provides tax incentives to donors to United Ways Endowment Fund at the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation. In addition to the standard federal tax deduction, Iowa residents may be eligible to receive a 25 percent Iowa income tax credit.

Jim Nikrant That means that your contribution might have a net cost Touch Tomorrand Barbara Knapp of 50 cents or less on the dollar! Making your gift with ow Society M embers appreciated stock lowers the net cost of your gift even further. The tax credit is limited to $100,000 per taxpayer. Any excess Endow Iowa tax credits not used in the authorized tax year may be carried forward by the donor for up to five years.
Other Tax Advantages Other giving options also provide tax advantages to donors. United Way is happy to help you, in conjunction with your professional advisors, develop a gift plan that takes maximum advantage of tax laws while also accomplishing your charitable and financial goals.

Benefits of Planned Gifts

In addition to planting a seed that will continue to grow for generations to come, there are financial incentives that may apply to planned giving: Can provide tax-free or tax-advantaged accumulation of assets for charity and heirs Can increase current and/or future after-tax cash flow Can facilitate tax-advantaged transfer of wealth to heirs or other beneficiaries Can reduce or eliminate estate shrinkage due to taxes

Dick and Ja Touch Tomorro ckie Johnson w Society Mem bers

The more I am able to give, the more that is given to me.

William P. Whipple

William P. and Gayle S. Whipple Legacy Circle

As past president of the Hall-Perrine Foundation,
William P. Whipples familiarity with the community and its needs was unmatched. And his commitment to sustaining one of the most giving communities I have ever known should come as no surprise. Thats why he included United Way of East Central Iowa in his estate plans. The more I am able to give, the more that is given to me, said Bill. For me, giving is almost a religious experience. I get a feeling of happiness that I have not gotten any other way.

William P. W hipple

Bill loved both Cedar Rapids and United Way. When he passed in 2010, his estate plans reflected his values. He endowed his annual gift to United Way, so he and his wife, Gayle, would continue giving to the annual campaign in perpetuity. Each year, the earnings from the endowment he established provide a contribution at the Tocqueville Society level ($10,000 or more). Bill and Gayle were the first Eastern Iowans to endow an annual campaign gift for United Way. In recognition of their significant generosity, United Way established the William P. and Gayle S. Whipple Legacy Circle. This new society honors individuals who endow their annual leadership gift. We invite you to commit to your community forever and become a William P. and Gayle S. Whipple Legacy Circle member.

Touch Tomorrow Society Members

Robert & Elizabeth Allsop Robert & Lola Anderson Thomas J. & Sarah E. Anderson M. Paul Brimmer Bob & Lois Buntz Melvin L. Campbell Jack & Dilla Cosgrove Ben Dukes Rex & Kathy Eno Gordon & Jean Epping Jack & Nancy Evans John & Kay Hegarty G. Richard & Jacqueline R. Johnson Kenneth Johnson Dannie & Darlin Keck Frank & Geri Kintzle Mary Klinger Barbara Knapp & Jim Nikrant Robert Kucharski Hilery Livengood Dave & Pat Miller Paul P. Morf

Donors who have supported the United Way Endowment through outright or estate gifts.

Greg & Debora Neumeyer Chuck & Mary Ann Peters Jay Petersen Susan Roben John & Betty Rogers Nancy Ruggiero-Petersen Duffy & Belva Schamberger Aileen Simmons Eleanor M. Streletzky Christoph & Rachel Trappe Mark & Jan Watson Myron F. & Esther S. Wilson

In Memoriam
Arthur Barlow Edith Boggard Glennys Brimmer Orvilla Broadston Rozelle B. Cram Norma Detlefs Ruth Garber Charles K. Glidden Genevieve Haloupek Millie Johnson Vryl Justice Minnie Kotaska Caroline Kucharski Irene Hall Perrine Bonnie Petersen John Rayburn Donald Reiner Emily Reuwsaat Franklin Sindelar Beth Van Alsten Gayle S. Whipple* John W. Whipple William P. Whipple Sr.*

*Members of the William P. and Gayle S. Whipple Legacy Circle

Contact Us
For additional information about how you can support the United Way Endowment Fund, please contact: Lois Buntz, President and CEO 319-398-5372 ext. 20 Hilery Livengood, Vice President of Donor Relations 319-398-5372 ext. 18 United Way of East Central Iowa 317 7th Avenue SE, Suite 401 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 Please visit our website at

Photo of Cedar Rapids is courtesy of Wil Hatchel.

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