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Flippy Burger: The Musical By Ari Sims

Every character in this story is a parody of the people I know and love! Most likely it will be a fun-filled exaggaration. This story is dedicated to my home store, BK #1510

2007-2011 Ari Sims

INT. FLIPPY BURGER - FRONT CASH - NIGHT FADE IN: ALEX, twenty, a girl with light brown hair and black-framed glasses is behind the counter at FLIPPY BURGER. Various CUSTOMERS are on the other side of the counter. ALEX seems to be the only person working. DING! ALEX (ON HEADSET) Can I help you? D.T. SPEAKER Let me get a double burger, two heels...a medium diet, easy on the ice...and an apple pie! ALEX Okay, thatll be $3.84 at the windowwwwww. D.T. SPEAKER Whaaat? DING! ALEX Can I help you? D.T. SPEAKER Two single stackers and a soda thats a dollar ughhh... Alex goes to punch in the order but she cant. ALEX Fuck! CUE "I NEED A CASH PULL" ALEX Middle of rush time. Cant take an order, my drawer is so full. I need a cash pull. We have a new system and it is so dumb. I just did one. This is bull. I need another cash pull. CUSTOMERS Tell me why they came up with swipe cards.




ALEX It just makes everything two times as hard! CUSTOMERS When your drawer gets really full... ALEX I need a cash pull! I did one ahead then got a hundred. And the safe wont open. I need change again. CUSTOMERS Tell me why they came up with swipe cards. ALEX It just makes everything two times as hard! CUSTOMERS When your drawer gets really full... ALEX I need a cash pull! CUSTOMERS Why did you switch over to Micros, the new system is really bad. There wasnt even anything wrong with the registers you had. ALEX I need a cash pull, I need a cash pull, when my drawer gets really full, I need a cash pull. The line gets held up over a free cup. When my drawer gets real full, I need a cash pull. CUSTOMERS Tell me why this is taking so long. Tell me why you got my whole order wrong. ALEX When my drawer locks up and gets really full, I need a cash pull. I need a cash pull. END SONG. (CONTINUED)



LISETTE, a middle-aged, dark haired, worn out looking woman comes out from the office, smoking a cigarette. She has been the general manager of FLIPPY BURGER for twenty years. LISETTE What the hells going on? ALEX Ive been calling you for like, the last hour! I need a cash pull! LISETTE pulls a small, tiny swipe card from her pants and does something to the register. LISETTE All you had to do was come get my card. ALEX Im not the manager. How should I know? Anyway, were all clear. Can I go home now? LISETTE seems to have not heard her. ALEX Uh...can I go? Before LISETTE can answer, DELILAH, another middle-aged, blond haired manager comes out. She has been the assistant manager for fifteen years. She appears to be on edge and stressed out. DELILAH That was your boy Dan on the phone. Now hes not coming in at all! Great! Just great! After Alex leaves, its just me, Kim, and Jose until closing. On a Saturday night no less! LISETTE He aint my man. Enter Kim. KIM Hi guys! Alex comes over with a spray bottle in her hand.




ALEX Yo Kim, some customer just gave me this shit. Its burger-scented cologne. Here, tell me if it really smells like burger meat. She sprays it excessively. KIM ACHOO! BANG! Kims head slams right into the wall. KIM Oh shit, I think I need to go to the hospital! She passes out on the floor. ALEX Uh oh... LISETTE Way to go! She turns to ALEX. LISETTE Can you stay until close? ALEX What! No way! Ive been here since twelve in the afternoon! LISETTE ignores her. LISETTE Thanks, Alex. Then she hands her an empty box. LISETTE Fill up your sauces to the top so that theyre overflowing and after that make sure dining room gets done. DELILAH What are we going to do now? One isnt coming in, the other is passed out on the floor...ugh!




LISETTE Oh, thats nice, well I better be going, got to pick up my kids from soccer practice. DELILAH But its eight oclock at night...! INT. FLIPPY BURGER - DINING ROOM - CONTINUOUS ALEX goes out to the dining room with a mop and broom in her hand, shaking her head. Various CUSTOMERS are sitting at the tables, eating. Most of the CUSTOMERS are senior citizens. One of them is in a walker. Another one is dressed like a construction worker. Some have food store aprons on. There is a YOUNG GIRL sitting at one of the tables alone. ALEX does not recognize her as a regular. She stealthily moves towards her until shes next to her table. ALEX Wow. YOUNG GIRL What? ALEX Are you a broom cause you just swept me off my feet. The YOUNG GIRL gives ALEX a disturbed look and walks away. ALEX hangs her head low and begins to mop. LISETTE comes out from the behind the counter, ready to leave. LISETTE Dont forget to do the bathrooms either. She exhales a large cloud of smoke. ALEX What happened to the law that banned smoking in public places? LISETTE You dont get paid to stand around here and preach, now get to work! LISETTE walks away. ALEX starts mopping and talking to herself.


CONTINUED: ALEX Ive been working at this place for almost two years now, and I get nothing, not a raise, not a thank you, nothing. No matter what I do, I always get criticized for something Im apparently doing wrong. She puts the mop in the bucket.


CUE "EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH" ALEX glides her hand over the entire length of the shiny, silver drink station. ALEX Do you see a drop of liquid on this drink station? She turns and grips the mop with both of her hands, holding it up in the air. ALEX I am the key to Flippy Burger Corporation! I mop the floors and wipe all the doors. Im the hardest working crew member in this store! The CUSTOMERS stop eating and jump up. CUSTOMERS The hardest working crew member in all the districts stores! They continue eating. ALEX reaches into her pocket and pulls out a check, and then throws it over her shoulder. ALEX In a year Ive gotten no raise, yet I do more for then what this job pays! CUSTOMERS The hardest working crew member in all the districts stores! ALEX runs behind the counter, dragging the mop on the floor and opening the register. ALEX I pick up every crumb off this dirty floor. I always come out with an even drawer. (CONTINUED)



She takes a sleeve of cups out. ALEX I always make sure the cups are stocked, always make sure the playground is unlocked! CUSTOMERS The hardest working crew member in all the districts stores! ALEX Employee of the month is the least you could do. Just think you wouldnt have to hire anyone else new. CUSTOMERS The hardest working crew member in all the districts stores! She glides her hand over the drink station again, this time more faster. ALEX Do you see a drop of liquid on this drink station? I am the key to Flippy Burger Corporation! I mop the floors and wipe all the doors! Im the hardest working crew member in this store! CUSTOMERS The hardest working crew member in all the districts stores! ALEX One day I will rise to the top and somebody else will have this mop! CUSTOMERS The hardest working crew member in all the districts stores! ALEX runs amongst the tables of customers and high fives them. ALEX I mop the floors and wipe all the doors, Im the hardest working crew member in this store!




CUSTOMERS The hardest working crew member in all the districts stores! ALEX One of these days Ill be wearing that tie and youll be the one handing out that Hershey pie. END SONG. LISETTE cruises by Alex again and blows smoke in her face. LISETTE What the hells going on? Stop standing around and singing! We need to have this place clean by two! And when youre done with the dining room, go reorganize the tray of Hershey pies. Behind them, a CUSTOMER passes by and slips on the wet floor. ALEX suddenly realizes she didnt put the caution cones up. CUSTOMER 1 Youll be hearing from corporate about this! LISETTE Way to go, Alex! ALEX rolls her eyes. CUT TO: INT. FLIPPY BURGER - OFFICE - AFTERNOON JOSE, a middle aged mustached man and DELILAH are inside the office, chatting. DELILAH is fumbling with the schedules. JOSE is looking at the schedules and shaking his head. JOSE After Tuesday, even the calendar says W.T.F. Oh no! Oh ALEX pops in. DELILAH no! No, no, no!




ALEX Is this a bad time to ask for a raise? DELILAH Why is Lisette in charge of the schedules? She puts the entire store on for her shifts but no one for mine! Its only me and Dan tonight! JOSE elbows ALEX. JOSE Know what the bulletin board outside my church says? The most powerful position is on your knees. ALEX Damn, what church is that? Ill go. JOSE What on earth has this world come to? My churchs slogans are dirty and my hours are getting cut. You know, if you ever think that nobody believes youre alive, try missing a couple payments.... The phone suddenly RINGS. DELILAH sighs and answers it unhappily. DELILAH Good afternoon, Flippy Burger. (A beat.) WHAT! Dan! Come on! got picked up by the sheriffs office?...oh, whatever. DELILAH SLAMS the phone back into the receiver. DELILAH Great! Just great! Dan called out--hes at the state prison. Now what am I supposed to do? We need more crew members! Lisette doesnt look at ANY of the applications! JOSE She probably uses them to roll her cigarettes.


CONTINUED: ALEX Ooh! Ill stay! Ill stay!! JOSE If I stay overtime, maybe my lottery numbers will finally come out. ALEX Jose, I "bet" you that you cant stop gambling. JOSE waves his newspaper. JOSE Ive put all my money on the Giants. If they dont win, Ill probably be putting in double overtime! ALEX Man, I cant believe how hard it is to win some respect around here! JOSE The only thing around here Im trying to win is the mega millions. ALEX Well, Im also trying to get a girlfriend too. DELILAH The only thing Im trying to get around here is some peace and order! ALEX Oh come on, Delilah. You have me. All night long.


CUE "RUN THIS STORE" DELILAH Lisettes on another call. Kim banged her head on the wall. Jose never works past eight. Everyone is always late. Someones calling out again cause their drawer is missing ten. Only thing thats on my mind, is whos gonna run this store tonight? Whos gonna run this store tonight?




ALEX We gonna run this store. ALEX puts her arm around DELILAHS shoulder. ALEX We are, yeah I said it we are, this is just fast food. Get out of your bad mood. LISETTE comes in on her cell phone and points at ALEX. LISETTE Get your name tag on, all black everything, black shirt, black shoes, all black everything. LISETTE walks away. ALEX Our customers are seniors coming for their discounts. Just three senior coffees and well have em in and out. LISETTE walks in with her sunglasses on and her keys in her hand. LISETTE Well my shift is over, catch you guys later. Delilah make sure Dan changes the fryers. LISETTE leaves with no concern. ALEX Were a couple cars behind but I know well get back. I need seven burgers and a couple double stacks. DELILAH The truck order hasnt even been done yet? ALEX The timer is broken, the screen is frozen, hold up. DELILAH Labors lowered its not fair.




ALEX We break the rules so I dont care. DELILAH Lisettes over scheduling. JOSE Then Delilah starts yelling. DELILAH Wednesday night inventory! JOSE My hours just hit forty. DELILAH Only thing thats on my mind, is whos gonna run this store tonight? Whos gonna run this store tonight? ALEX We gonna run this store. We are yeah I said it, we are, lite Italian, Caesar, Jose had a seizure, please put up the POP but I dont know where the guide is. Oh my god look, its Andy and the OER! Got ya! And aint nobody faster, Jose is the burger-flipping master. On the board screaming fuck the drive-thru I dont make enough. I got a pocket full of scratch-offs and one way ticket home. DELILAH The menu boards flippin, breakfast ends at 11 these people are trippin. ALEX Somethings wrong with the lights in the fry station. DELILAH Where the hell is my two week vacation? Labors lowered its not fair. ALEX We break the rules so I dont care.




DELILAH Lisettes over scheduling. JOSE Then Delilah starts yelling. DELILAH Wednesday night inventory. JOSE My hours just hit forty. DELILAH Only thing thats on my mind, is whose gonna run this store tonight? Whose gonna run this store tonight? ALEX We gonna run this store. END SONG. Once the song ends, the phone RINGS again. DELILAH sighs. DELILAH Something tells me not to answer this. She answers it anyway. She listens for a beat. She says nothing. Then she hangs up. ALEX What? What is it? JOSE She looks like she just saw a ghost. Maybe it was Andy Madler on the phone. DELILAH Were down a manager. ALEX What! ALEX Who? DELILAH Rogers house just got raided by the cops. He was growing weed. Now hes going to jail. Oh, I cant (MORE) (CONTINUED) What! JOSE



DELILAH (contd) take this stress! Now Im going to have to work a double shift! A flash of an idea suddenly shines in ALEXS eyes. ALEX Wait! Delilah! You can make me a manager! DELILAH Well, take it up with Lisette and Andy Madler. ALEX I will! I know I can do it! Dont you agree, Jose? Jose raises his arm and looks at his watch. JOSE If I have to agree to anything its that this job sucks! He grabs a cup and fills it with some soda. JOSE If only we had some rum. INT. FLIPPY BURGER - FRONT - CONTINUOUS ALEX and DELILAH walk out into the front of the store. It is jam-packed with CUSTOMERS. Angry CUSTOMERS. CUSTOMER 1 Excuse me, can I get some help here? CUSTOMER 2 Ive been waiting in line for almost fifteen minutes! CUSTOMER 3 Isnt anyone working this joint? DELILAH Whos got front cash? CUSTOMERS Whos got front cash? ALEX takes her position behind the cash register. (CONTINUED)



CUE "WHOS GOT FRONT CASH!" ALEX Ive been working here for a year and all theyve taught me is front cash! Ive got no more change, were in a state of derange. She holds up a fresh twenty dollar bill. ALEX Will someone please break this twenty dollar bill? The CUSTOMERS are waving their fists, some holding fry containers, others holding coffee cups. They start circling the line dividers. CUSTOMERS Were waiting in line, we are trying to dine. But the speed of service is way too slow. Our fries are too cold and our coffees too hot. There must be somewhere much nicer to go. Everyone starts mumbling and agreeing. One of them throws a sandwich at ALEX. Another rips down a sign. ALEX Youll just have to wait. The computer has died. We dont have that sandwich anymore, I lied. No one said the inside was faster than out. Were doing all we can, theres no need to shout! The CUSTOMERS continue their "picket line". CUSTOMERS No matter what we order, somethings always wrong. Theres too many onions or weve waited too long. We asked for no lettuce, we got too much cheese. We said two number ones, not four number threes! ALEX holds her head in her hands. ALEX Oh my God, I cant take this. I have no more tens. Someone has used their charge card, now where are (MORE) (CONTINUED)



ALEX (contd) the pens? Were bombed for lunch time, I knew wed get hit. Screw being the manager! I fucking quit! ALEX throws her hands up and runs into the walk-in freezer. CUSTOMERS Were taking our money somewhere else to eat. Where the tables are clean and they can control heat. Dont expect us to come back, your stores a disgrace! Well go somewhere else, well remember your face! END SONG. The CUSTOMERS file out, unhappy about what just happened. INT. FLIPPY BURGER - WALK IN FREEZER - CONTINUOUS ALEX shuts the walk-in door behind her. It is the only place that isnt chaotic. She takes a few deep breaths and kicks a box. ALEX Fuck this shit! Screw being a manager! Screw getting a girlfriend! What on earth was I thinking? I cant do any of those things! I give up! Suddenly, the walk-in becomes illuminated with a bright, blue light. CALLIE, thirty-three, Alexs guardian angel, appears. CALLIE I did not just hear those three words come out of your mouth. ALEX falls over on a box of french fries in shock. ALEX What the...who are you? Are you trying to rob us? Because we have a time-delay safe, god damn it! CALLIE Dont be silly Alex.


CONTINUED: ALEX Whoa, whoa, how do you know my name? CALLIE I guess nobody ever told you. My name is Callie. Ive been your guardian angel for your whole life. ALEX My whole life? Then how come Ive never seen you before? CALLIE Youve never seen me before because Ive never seen you so down. ALEX Are you sure Im not just hallucinating you? CALLIE Pretty sure. ALEX Prove it. CALLIE You were hired on November 6th, 2006. ALEX looks surprised and sits down on a box of fries. ALEX Okay thats just fucking creepy. CALLIE Im only here to help you. ALEX With what? CALLIE Look, I know youve been stressing a lot lately, Alex. But you cant let that get you down. Youre such a hard worker. It just takes time to get to the top. ALEX Its more than stress. Its beginning to become depression. I get paid like crap, Lisette hates me, and I have no girlfriend.





CALLIE It takes time for relationships to form. Youve only been here for a year. Lisettes a hard person to work with until you really get to know her. ALEX I guess so... CALLIE Trust me, Alex. If only I knew now what I did back then. As for the girlfriend, love will come when you least expect it. You cant go looking for love--otherwise, youll never really find it. ALEX If you say so...and what about climbing to the top at Flippy Burger? CALLIE Never doubt yourself, Alex. Its a cold, hard world out there and it will chew you up and spit you out every chance it gets. As far as the job goes, the only thing that will get you through it is confidence. ALEX Right...what did you say your name was again? CUE "THE LEADERS PATH" CALLIE C-A-L-L-I-E, guardian angel! The walk-in turns into a disco dance floor. I dont know how, but its gonna be epic. CALLIE You can lead if you want too. You can leave your hat behind. Stay away from the rest cause they know youre the best and theyll take down your kind. She flicks ALEXS hat off of her head.




CALLIE You can climb to the top here. You can do it on your own. Youll do everything right and actually work and not sit on the phone. You can lead! ALEX This is insane! CALLIE You can lead if you want too, you can leave your hat behind. Stay away from the rest cause they know youre the best and theyll take down your kind. You can go to Miami or anywhere you choose. Just focus on work and lay off the girls and I promise you wont loose. You can lead! ALEX I can lead, I can lead, but this stores outta control. I can lead, I can lead, but Ill get 12 criticals. CALLIE You can lead how you want too, its totally up to you. You can stay in this store or explore something more, there is so much you can do. You can lead if you want too, cause youre on the leaders path. Keep up the hard work and youll make 8 figures, all you gotta do is the math. ALEX I can lead, I can lead, but this stores outta control. I can lead, I can lead, but Ill get 12 criticals. I can lead, I can lead, but this stores outta control. I can lead, I can lead, but Ill get 12 criticals. CALLIE AND ALEX Its the leaders path! Its the leaders path! Its the leaders path!




CALLIE You can lead if you want too. You can leave your hat behind. Stay away from the rest because they know youre the best and theyll take down your kind. Its the leaders path! Its the leaders path! Its the leaders path! You can lead if you want too. You can leave your hat behind. Stay away from the rest because they know youre the best and theyll take down your kind. ALEX I can lead, I can lead, but this stores outta control. I can lead, I can lead, but Ill get 12 criticals. I can lead, I can lead, but this stores outta control. I can lead, I can lead, but Ill get 12 criticals. CALLIE Its the leaders path! Its the leaders path! Its the leaders path! END SONG. ALEX Damn. Maybe youre right. Maybe I was born to lead. Alex thinks and then looks up, but Callie is gone. INT. FLIPPY BURGER - FRONT - CONTINUOUS ALEX comes back up front. Out of nowhere, MARCUS, a man in his twenties appears. He is LISETTES son. His hat is backwards and his pants are falling off his waist. He has a lot of facial hair. MARCUS My mom texted me and said to come in for Dan. Sorry Im late. DELILAH Finally, she used that phone for something productive. Whatever, just grab a headset.


CONTINUED: ALEX Marcus, thank god youre here. Did you hear about Roger? MARCUS What about him? ALEX Hes going to jail. Were down a manager. I want to be the new one. We just got bombed though. Im not sure if I can do it. MARCUS Dont quit, Alex. Youre like, the smartest person here. You got a future. I think youd be a great manager. ALEX I know, its just know, lifes been kind of lonely. I havent had a girlfriend in a few months. Ive been on the lookout but havent really found anything. I thought maybe becoming manager would make the chicks dig me. DELILAH Oh, youre only twenty. True love will come when youre least expecting it. MARCUS Yeah, dont worry Alex. Its not like youre ugly. ALEX Youre right. You know, without you and Delilah, and the rest, I dont know where Id be. You guys are like one big happy family. DELILAH At least SOMEONE considers me family, God, I go home to my husband and the kids and its like Im a total stranger! Im telling you, I need my two weeks vacation!


Suddenly, a loud DING rings throughout the store. MARCUS quickly turns away and goes to the drive-thru window. He presses a button her headset.




MARCUS Welcome to Flippy Burger, how may I help you? CUE "THE DRIVE-THRU SONG" This song should be very fast-paced and chaotic, with ALEX and MARCUS scrambling to get everything done at once. MARCUS The speed of service makes me so nervous! The speed of service makes me so nervous! Get the timer down, where are the crowns, which one is my first car? ALEX yells back into the kitchen. ALEX Where is my sandwich? I need my sandwich! I need my sandwich, my sandwich, my sandwich! Come on hurry up, I hand out cups, this ladys being a bitch. MARCUS Can I take your order? Number one with bottled water? Total comes to six oh nine. This is insane look at my time! ALEX The speed of service makes me so nervous! The speed of service makes me so nervous! MARCUS comes over to ALEX, looking for his food. MARCUS Get the timer down, where are the crowns? Which one is my first car? ALEX runs over to the window and talks to the car. ALEX Ill be right with you, we are so busy on drive-thru. We are going as fast as we can. Your foods coming, I just dont know when.


CONTINUED: ALEX The speed of service makes me so nervous! The speed of service makes me so nervous! Get the timer down, where are the crowns? Were out of Flippy wrap!

23. MARCUS The speed of service makes me so nervous! The speed of service makes me so nervous! Get the timer down, where are the crowns? Were out of Flippy wrap!

ALEX Dont make that! Dont make that order, I have to re-ring it! Dont make that, dont make that order, I have to re-ring it! Dont make that, dont make that order I have to re-ring it. Dont make that! Dont make that order, I have to re-ring it! MARCUS The speed of service makes me so nervous! The speed of service makes me so nervous! Get this timer down, where are the crowns, which one is my first car? END SONG. By now, MARCUS and ALEX are panting, but manage to give each other a high give. MARCUS Were clear! CUT TO: INT. FLIPPY BURGER - FRONT - AFTERNOON It is the next afternoon. ANDY MADLER, forty, the district boss of Flippy Burger, is in the store. He is professionally dressed in a blue collared shirt and black slacks. He is printing a receipt from one of the cash registers. LISETTE is standing behind him, watching nervously. ANDY The promotion signs for our new value dollar menu have to be up by tonight! Why dont I see them? LISETTE Promotion signs? Never got them! Probably got lost in the mail.




ANDY And what about the Trippy Flippy? LISETTE The Trippy Flippy? ANDY You know, the giant inflatable Flippy Burger thats going up on the front lawn for the kids to jump around in? You were supposed to rent it last week! LISETTE Oh, the TRIPPY Flippy! Right, well, youve seen the office. So many disorganized papers, you could lose your soul in there. The receipt finishes printing. ANDY holds it up and gasps. ANDY only made $15.10 for breakfast!? LISETTES eyes bulge and she quickly grabs his arm. Um, there on 18 and backed up time they was over! LISETTE was a huge accident over Ramleb Blvd! Traffic was for hours, and by the cleaned it up, breakfast

ANDY This is ridiculous! Last year when I checked the numbers we sold so many upgrades! Now all I see on every ticket is "small, small, small". Anyway, were getting rid of small. Were changing it to value size. Value size is dollar menu items, small is regular price. Your crew has to suggestive sell in order for us to meet labor. LISETTE I guess no one wants to waste their money on fast food. A CUSTOMER walks up to the counter. MARCUS comes out and takes their order.


CONTINUED: CUSTOMER 1 Can I get a small hamburger? MARCUS Yep, thats $1.07 ANDY No, no, no! Suggestive sell!! ANDY slams the receipt down on the counter.


CUE "DO YOU WANT IT LARGE SIZED?" ANDY Someone comes in and orders a meal. Or tells you that they want the latest combo deal. Do you want it large sized? Do you want it large sized? LISETTE Its only 80 cents more. Could I offer you two for four? I forgot to ask you before: Do you want it large sized? A CUSTOMER comes in and orders. MARCUS If I dont say this my manager will kill me. So for the love of god take the bacon and the cheese. ANDY Do you want it large sized? Do you want it large sized? LISETTE Do you want it large sized? Do you want it large sized?

MARCUS Its only 80 cents more. Could I offer you two for four? I forgot to ask you before: do you want it large sized? Yes? No? Yes? No? ANDY Do you want it large sized, do you want it large sized? LISETTE Do you want it large sized? Do you want it large sized?

MARCUS Its only 80 cents more. Could I offer two for four? I forgot to ask you before: Do you want it large sized? (CONTINUED)



END SONG. ALEX comes in through the counter door. ALEX Andy! Just the person I wanted to talk too! ANDY Yes, Alex? ALEX I heard that we have a managers position open and Id like to apply. ANDY No way! ALEX ...what? ANDY Absolutely not! ALEX But...! ANDY Its way too much for you to handle. Sorry Alex. Try again next year. As for everyone else, good start with the suggestive selling. But dont let your guards down. Ill be watching. He pats LISETTES shoulder and leaves. Alex stands there in shock. LISETTE hops on the counter and starts to smoke a cigarette. ALEX How could you just sit there and say nothing? LISETTE You want me to say something? Ill say something. Youre late. ALEX What are you talking about? Im two minutes late.


CONTINUED: LISETTE Youre on the schedule for three thirty, not four. ALEX Since when do I come in at three thirty? LISETTE Since your girl Delilah decided to change everyones schedules without telling anyone. ALEX Way to at least call me! Dont you do anything productive around here? LISETTE What did you just say? ALEX You heard me. LISETTE jumps off the counter.


CUE "LIKE A GM" This is LISETTES solo song, talking about her life. She should sound very angry. LISETTE Piling boxes in the walk in to the ceiling; Inventory fucked cause everyone is stealing. Get up to come close this store at 3pm. Now Im feelin so fly like a GM Like a GM, like a GM, Now Im feelin so fly like a GM Like a GM, like a GM, Now Im feelin so fly like a GM! She takes one long puff on her cigarette then throws it down. LISETTE I lost all my friends, no time to make amends. My marriage failed over my career, Im always stuck here. I used to be so nice and now my heart has turned into ice. Flippy Burger has ruined me more than anyone could ever know. She takes out her cell phone and puts it up to her ear. (CONTINUED)



LISETTE Give me them empty schedules. Give me the truck order. Corporate loves my style, making all the customers smile. Get the fries droppin, we get that grease and that salt. If someones order wrong well then it isnt my fault. DELILAH comes in and hands her a money tray and then walks out. LISETTE holds the tray in disgust. LISETTE Hell yeah, break spec down, break break spec down. With my crew around me new hires be actin like they dumb. They be acting like they dumb, acting acting like they dumb. With my crew around me they be acting like they dumb She throws the tray to the side. LISETTE Piling boxes in the walk in to the ceiling; Inventory fucked cause everyone is stealing. Get up to come close this store at 3pm. Now Im feelin so fly like a GM. Like a GM, like a GM, Now Im feelin so fly like a GM. Like a GM, like a GM, Now Im feelin so fly like a GM! She takes out another cigarette. Delilah hands her a cup. LISETTE Draggin on draggin on cigs. I hate this job I dont dig. I keep my store at the top. Keeping salads in the fridge. This is my career, every single night. Light me up a cigarette, my ashtrays a cup of sprite. She lights up. LISETTE Piling boxes in the walk in to the ceiling; Inventory fucked cause everyone is stealing. Get up to come close this store at 3pm. Now Im feelin so fly like a GM. Like a (MORE) (CONTINUED)



LISETTE (contd) GM, like a GM, Now Im feelin so fly like a GM. Like a GM, like a GM, Now Im feelin so fly like a GM! The customers come out. CUSTOMERS OER comes, make you act like you care, make you act like you care, make make you act like you care. OER comes, make you act like you care, make you act like you care, act like act like you care. Hell yeah! Make you act like you care, make you act like you care, act act like you care. LISETTE Piling boxes in the walk in to the ceiling; Inventory fucked cause everyone is stealing. Get up to come close this store at 3pm. Now Im feelin so fly like a GM. Like a GM, like a GM, Now Im feelin so fly like a GM. Like a GM, like a GM, Now Im feelin so fly like a GM! END SONG. LISETTE blows smoke in ALEXS face before hopping off the counter and disappearing, leaving ALEX very confused. Alex shakes her head and clocks in the computer. ALEX Ugh, this is going to affect my manager status. I work so hard to be on top of things but Lisette makes it so hard. Theyre on crack. Being a manager cant be that difficult. I would know, because Im always the one running things. Up front, in the back, in the kitchen. My life too, is run by Flippy Burger. I dont even have time to go out and meet girls! I want a girlfriend so bad, but who would date someone whos an employee at Flippy Burger? Im trying to become manager so it (MORE) (CONTINUED)



ALEX (contd) looks like I have at least a halfway-decent job. Who would date someone who smells like fryer grease? The only way I would ever find a girlfriend is if I met someone through this job. But who would ever want to come work at a place like this? Who would be that desperate? Who would be that...stupid? DELILAH runs by, with a big, cardboard box in her hands. DELILAH Oh no! We only have one more sleeve of small lids? What are we going to do when somebody orders a kids meal? And the only person on the schedule is the new girl? Great, just great! ALEX Whoa, back up! Did I hear the words "new girl"? DELILAH Yes! Lisette screwed me with the schedules again! How can I get anything done with a girl that doesnt know anything? A beat. ALEX ...Ill train her! Ill stay! Ill even clock out and work! DELILAH Stay clocked in for all I care! Give Lisette something to stress over in her easy life! DELILAH bursts out crying and runs out. ALEXS face lights up like a light bulb. ALEX A girl? Did my wish just come true? If I train her right, Andy Madler will HAVE to make me a manager! And shell HAVE to fall in love with me!


JOSE walks by and taps ALEXS shoulder with a newspaper. JOSE Did you see this? The government is trying to raise my tax dollars. With what I make at this place, they wont get a cent out of me. At this rate, Ill probably die here. That is, unless I win the mega millions. EXT. FLIPPY BURGER - SIDEWALK NEAR FRONT DOOR - MOMENTS LATER On the outside of the store, KARA, sixteen, the new girl, is getting ready to go inside for her first day on the job. She is very giddy, dusting off her shirt with her hands and fumbling with her hat. She has bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. She is very tan. She leans against the wall and takes out a blunt. CUE "TWO TO SIX TO GET MY FIX" KARA Working two to six. I hope they pay me so I can get my fix. Working two to six. I hope they pay me so I can get my fix. Working two to six. She lets out a huge exhale of smoke. KARA Times were getting really hard and I was completely broke. I decided to apply for a new job so I could continue to smoke. She takes a long inhale. KARA Ive had some jobs before but not for very long because I am a drug addict. Im nervous to go in there, Im afraid of a drug test, I think that Im going to be sick. She then tosses it aside and grabs onto a nearby lamp post, and starts dancing and twirling herself around it. KARA Working two to six. I hope they pay me so I can get my fix. Working two (MORE) (CONTINUED)



KARA (contd) to six. I hope they pay me so I can get my fix. Working two to six. She takes out another blunt and lights up. KARA Before applying here I had a good job--I worked at a bank. I had to work after prom night and showed up wasted and they found out I drank. Then I landed a job at the sub shop and they said "we dont mind her," but then they got rid of me because I left some things out and they found my grinder. She quickly finishes the blunt up and then starts to twirl happily again. KARA Working two to six. I hope they pay me so I can get my fix. Working two to six. She suddenly stops dancing and peers inside the store. KARA Its been so long since Ive smoked a blunt. So I guess Im working up front. END SONG. She slowly and nervously starts to walk inside. INT. FLIPPY BURGER - FRONT CASH - CONTINUOUS JOSE is talking to ALEX from in the kitchen. JOSE So hows the girlfriend hunt going? ALEX Not so easy. I dont want just any girl. I want a girl with bright. vibrant eyes...long, silky hair...I want a girl KARA suddenly shows up behind the counter and clocks in.


CONTINUED: ALEX Like THAT! ALEX drops to her knees, her jaw hitting the floor.


CUE "ILL NEVER BREAK YOUR HEART" A spotlight focuses on Alex and nothing else. She is in her own, dazed out world. She sings her heart out. ALEX Ive never seen this store hire such a pretty face. No longer will I dread to work behind this salad case. You lighten this store up just by the way your eyes shine. I know youre probably straight but soon I will make you mine. She gets up and starts to circle KARA in awe. ALEX How could someone like you get a job with someone like me? I know we barely make ends meet here but this must be meant to be. ALEX starts to absentmindedly walk around. She walks into the counter, and then the wall. ALEX Ive broken so many drawers, but Ill never break your heart; Ill be the manager, way up top, and Ill win over your very heart. She grabs KARAS hand. ALEX Ill teach you everything I know, like how to capture my soul. To become manager and win your heart is my new goal. Ive broken so many drawers before, but Ill never break your heart. Ill be the manager, way up top. I will win your very heart. Ive never seen this store hire such a pretty face. No longer will I dread to work behind this salad case. You lighten this store up just by the way your eyes shine. I know youre probably straight but soon I will make you mine. (CONTINUED)



DELILAH walks up to ALEX, but ALEX doesnt notice. ALEX Ive broken so many drawers, but Ill never break your heart; Ill be the manager, but here I start. I will over your very heart. END SONG. DELILAH is waving her hand in front of Alex. DELILAH Alex? Alex? Oh my God! Is she having a seizure? Not her too! ALEX suddenly breaks out of her daze and vigorously shakes her head. ALEX Holy shit... KARA lets out an innocent yet obnoxious giggle. DELILAH Are you the new girl? Thank god, at least you showed up on time. Alex, youre in charge while I try to get my life back in order. DELILAH walks away, leaving ALEX and KARA alone. ALEX Oh yeah, youll be pushing my--I mean, the computers buttons in no time. KARA bursts out laughing. MARCUS walks up front. MARCUS Well now, who do we have here? ALEX Marcus, this is....the one. MARCUS Good pick, Alex. So whats up for later? Tonights forecast is alcohol, low standards and poor decisions!




ALEX Marcus, you know I dont do any of that shit. KARA Wow, sounds like a party. Ill go! MARCUS Suit yourself, Alex. You know youre always welcome. Suddenly, the door bursts open. KAYLEE, sixteen, a skinny blond girl with a big attitude dramatically crawls in. CUE "I ALL WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS FREE FOOD" KAYLEE Its so cold outside, I havent eaten all day. I came to Flippy Burger so I could have it my way. She reaches over the counter and pulls the collar of ALEXS shirt. KAYLEE Listen please Im begging you, it is all I ever do. Please just hear me through; all I want for free food. She suddenly loses her weakness and starts to display a straight forward attitude. KAYLEE I just came through the snow, to the place I always go. Now free me in a Flippy and make sure its not to go. She puts her hand on her stomach and her arm across her forehead. KAYLEE I havent eaten all day, I just walked this long way, Im your only sales today. Make me a Flippy my way. She points out the door. KAYLEE I just came through the snow, to the place I always go. You know (MORE) (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: KAYLEE (contd) its true, all I want for Christmas is free food. She then hops on the counter and tugs on MARCUSS tie. KAYLEE You know you cant deny underneath that ugly tie, that you want to make me food and wont charge me at all. I just came through the snow, to the place I always go. Now free me in a Flippy and make sure its not to go. She glances up the menu. KAYLEE Add a large fries to that, Im surprised that Im not fat. You know its true, all I want for Christmas is free food.


ALEX and MARCUS continue to stare at her strangely. KARA is happily swaying to the music. KAYLEE gestures to the cash register. KAYLEE Why bother to open the drawer? Money you wont get anymore. Dont be so hesitant, its my Christmas present. She spreads herself out on the counter and pulls on MARCUSS tie again. KAYLEE You know you cant deny underneath that ugly tie, that you want to make me food and wont charge me at all. She hops off and acts dramatic again. KAYLEE I just came through the snow, to the place I always go. Now free me in a Flippy and make sure its not to go. Add a large fries to that, Im surprised that Im not fat. You know its true, all I want for Christmas is free food. All I want for Christmas is free food! All I want for Christmas is free food! (CONTINUED)



END SONG. The only one who isnt looking at KAYLEE weird is KARA. She actually seems happy to see her. KAYLEE Kara! I didnt know you worked here! ALEX You two know each other? KARA Know each other? We party together every weekend! ALEX steps up to the counter. ALEX Oh! How rude of me not to introduce myself! Im Alex. Im a lesbian. ALEX offers her hand but KAYLEE refuses. KAYLEE Im straight. Nice to meet you. Now wheres Dan? ALEX Well, Dans not here right now...but I bet I could help you. ALEX winks and KARA bursts out giggling. KAYLEE What? Wheres Dan?? ALEX Can I sleep with you? KAYLEE Excuse me? ALEX I said, can I sleep with you? Im a very straightforward person. KAYLEE Did I not just tell you that Im not a lesbian?




ALEX Correction. Youre not a lesbian. Yet. KAYLEE Kara, what the hell is this? KARA is uncontrollably laughing so hard that she has to hold her stomach. KARA I dont know! KAYLEE For the last time! Go get Dan! DAN, late twenties, suddenly appears behind ALEX, smiling mischievously. DAN is short and muscular. KAYLEE squeals out of happiness and throws her arms around him. KAYLEE Dan, I missed you! DAN Youre worried about all that snow out there? Hang out with me tonight baby and I promise there will be more than just a couple of inches. KAYLEE Dan, this girl keeps hitting on me! DAN Who, Alex? Shes a lesbian, didnt you know? She thinks shes just as good as picking up chicks as I am. KAYLEE Well, can you get her to stop? DAN starts pressing KAYLEES buttons. DAN I think she likes you. KAYLEES mouth drops in shock and she takes a defensive step backwards. KARA starts giggling. DAN finally notices KARA. DAN Damn girl! He takes out a quarter from his pocket.


CONTINUED: DAN So if I flip this coin, what are my chances of getting head? ALEX Actually Dan, I think I really like this new girl. DAN Oh! Well in that case, can I watch? You know what would be hot? You, Kaylee, and the new chick! KAYLEE steps up and swats at DAN but he evades it. ALEX Tough luck, buddy. I cant lesbian give me Jr with onions. KAYLEE take anymore of this shit. Dan, can you just what I came for? A Flippy cheese, no pickles or


ALEX Strange, I thought you enjoyed pickles. KAYLEE Shut up! DAN Come on everyone. Lets go sit outside so I can smoke. INT. FLIPPY BURGER - WALK IN FREEZER - CONTINUOUS Before ALEX joins them, she runs back into the walk-in. ALEX Callie? A bright light. CALLIE appears. CALLIE Im here, Alex. ALEX Are you seeing what I have to put up with? Dans going to nail the new girl, I know it.




CALLIE Now you dont know that for sure. ALEX Arent you supposed to be watching my life? Did you hear that stupid little pick up line? That new girl is totally straight. CALLIE Now, now, theres no need for assumptions. ALEX Well I sure know that I have no chance in hell with Kara. CALLIE Believe me, its for the best. You dont want to hang out with those people. Theyre no good for you. They have no business doing drugs and drinking and whatever else they do. ALEX But Kara is so...beautiful. Theres got to be some good in her. CALLIE Theres good in everybody. If Kara is a real friend, you wont have to change for her. Shell like you for who you are. But do me a favor, stay away from the rest...Dan and Kaylee...theyre bad news. Dont get caught up with them. ALEX Okay, okay, I wont. CALLIE Promise? ALEX Yeah, sure, promise. CUT TO:

41. EXT. FLIPPY BURGER - PLAYGROUND - CONTINUOUS DAN, KARA, KAYLEE and ALEX are now sitting outside near the playground. They are all sitting on the picnic tables. DAN is smoking a cigarette. ALEX So Kaylee, have you ever even kissed a girl? KAYLEE Oh hell no! Only when I was drunk. DAN Thats the same thing. You still kissed one. God, Kaylee, youre as straight as a rainbow. KAYLEE Please, Im allergic to lesbians. DAN Im allergic to girls. Every time I get near one, my dick swells up. You wanna know the reason why I ever got arrested for the first time in my life? Cause I was doing 69 on 35 mile highway. KAYLEE Sex on the highway? Wow, Im surprised you didnt get into any accidents. They would have put you away for longer and you wouldnt be all up in my face. DAN Were you born on the highway? Cause thats where most accidents happen. KAYLEE Oh hell no! Oh wait, I didnt it? an apology to be your DAN know...the condom broke, The condom factory sent letter but it turned out birth certificate.

KAYLEE Oh thats real funny, Dan. Youre such a jokester. I got one for you. What does your dick and a white crayon have in common? (CONTINUED)



DAN I hope youre talking about the extra thick crayons. KAYLEE They both never get used! DAN Anyone ever tell you that youd be in great shape if you ran as much as your mouth did? ALEX Guys, chill out! DAN Whatever. The point is that Kaylees a closet lesbo. Enraged, KAYLEE holds her cup of water over DANS head in a threatening manner. DAN You wouldnt dump that on anyone. KAYLEE Oh? Want to bet? KAYLEE holds it above DAN, who knocks it out of her hands. KAYLEE is soaked in water. Everyone laughs. KAYLEE gives each and every one of them the finger. KAYLEE I hate you, and you, and you... She turns to ALEX. KAYLEE And especially YOU! DAN You know, when you say you hate someone, it really means you like them. KAYLEE glares at DAN and punches him in the stomach. She kicks off her wet shoes and pulls off her shirt and begins to wring it out. Suddenly, four patrol cars with flashing lights pull up outside the playground. DAN Shit! I gotta get outta here!




DAN climbs over the fence and runs off. ALEX looks inside the restaurant. ALEX Looks like we have an order. She turns to KAYLEE. ALEX Dont worry, you can come in too. No shirt, no shoes, no problem. INT. FLIPPY BURGER - FRONT CASH - CONTINUOUS KARA walks over to the fry station and looks in it. Its empty. KARA Oh no! We need more fries! ALEX Dont tell me, baby. Yell it back into the kitchen. ALEX points into the kitchen. ALEX Now go on. Tell them you need more fries. KARA nervously looks into the kitchen. KARA Can you make more fries...when you have a chance? ALEX No, no, no, sweetheart. Be aggressive! Now one more time, with feeling! KARA Um...can you make more fries? ALEX No, no, no, like this! ALEX pushes KARA out of the way and leans into the kitchen. CUE "DROP MORE FRIES"




ALEX When you see the fries are out, dont start to worry or doubt. No need to cry, yell back to the guys, in a loud annoying voice that says drop more fries! Drop a basket like a casket, being lowered into a grave. Yell it back there like saying a prayer, cause hot, crunchy fries are what everybody craves! KARA starts bouncing her head and getting into it. KARA Drop a basket, make it two, and when its down, drop another few. ALEX spins around, falls to her knees and hugs KARA. ALEX Im so proud of how much you grew! KARA helps ALEX jump up and they start jumping up and down. ALEX When you see the fries are out! Drop a basket of fries, we need a snack to be King sized! KARA When you see the fries are out! Drop a basket of fries, we need a snack to be King sized!

ALEX grabs the salt can from the station and starts dramatically shaking it. ALEX Salt them right before my eyes! ALEX When you see the fries are out, dont start to worry or doubt. No need to cry, yell back to the guys, in a loud annoying voice that says drop more fries! Drop a basket like a casket, being lowered into a grave. Yell it back there like saying a prayer, cause hot, crunchy fries is what everybody craves! KARA When you see the fries are out, dont start to worry or doubt. No need to cry, yell back to the guys, in a loud annoying voice that says drop more fries! Drop a basket like a casket, being lowered into a grave. Yell it back there like saying a prayer, cause hot, crunchy fries is what everybody craves!




KARA Drop more fries! END SONG. ALEX See? Thats the way you have to act if you want to get things done around here. When in doubt, act like Lisette. DELILAH comes running out with the headsets in her hand. DELILAH Oh no! Oh no! No, no, no! The headset batteries! Theyre all dead! Andy Madler and the OER people could just walk in here any second and fail us! ALEX Delilah, calm down. Im sure we can fix it. DELILAH Lisette was supposed to order a new charger WEEKS ago! ALEX Delilah, dont worry! Borrow a battery from another store! Or just shut the drive-thru down! Do something productive! DELILAH Yes, anyway...Im going to rearrange the plastic utensils. Why dont you show Kara how to do drive-thru? DELILAH walks away. ALEX Man, did you just hear me? I so could be manager. Anyway, drive-thru. Alright. Follow me. ALEX leads KARA to the drive thru drink station. ALEX Now remember, when you hand out a bunch of cups, the customer will most likely want a drink tray. The (MORE) (CONTINUED)



ALEX (contd) drink trays are right here, so just take one out... ALEX struggles to get the trays unstuck from each other. She pulls three times and finally gets one, but the force causes her arm to smack into KARAS face. ALEX gasps in horror. ALEX Oh my god! I am SO SORRY! Kara giggles, as if nothing even hit her. KARA Its alright, were cool. ALEX tosses the drink tray aside. MARCUS (O.C.) INCOMING! Suddenly, ALEX is hit with a flippy burger. The condiments explode all over her face. MARCUS runs in. MARCUS Oh my God, Alex! That wasnt supposed to hit you! That was supposed to go in the trash can! MARCUS runs out in embarrassment. ALEX signs. KARA sympathetically puts her hand on ALEXS shoulder. In turn, ALEX gazes into her eyes. ALEX You know, I bet a million people have told you this, but I mean it: youre the most beautiful girl Ive ever met. KARA Aw, thank you Alex. ALEX No girl like you has ever wanted to talk to me before. KARA Well, I think youre really fun and everything, but Im kind of straight...




ALEX Kind of? KARA No, no, no, I mean, I am straight. But I really want to be your friend. ALEX has a look of hurt on her face. She gently takes KARAS hands and begins to sing. CUE "I CANT BE YOUR DATE" ALEX I spend every hour of the day slaving over hot fries. I never have the time to just go out and avoid all of the guys. I think that Im such a hard working girl, dont you think I deserve more? Please just give me one small chance, youll see. I wont walk out through the door. KARA forces herself to turn her back on ALEX. KARA You know that I dont hate, but Im straight. I think guys are great. I cant be your date. I dont hate, but Im straight. I think guys are great. I cant be your date. ALEX spins her back around so theyre face to face. ALEX Youre the most beautiful girl that I know and you even let it show. You have such a happy outlook on life. Please just let me be your wife! KARA You know that I dont hate, but Im straight. I think guys are great. I cant be your date. I dont hate, But Im straight. I think guys are great. I cant be your date. I cant be your date. ALEX I promise I wont hurt you. After what Ive been through, youre my (MORE) (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: ALEX (contd) only ticket out. Just hold my hand and have a kiss and...Ill show you what love is really about. KARA You know that I dont hate, but Im straight. I think guys are great. I cant be your date. I dont hate, But Im straight. I think guys are great. I cant be your date. ALEX drops to her knees as KARA walks away. ALEX Just one chance! Take this dance! Ill stay out of your pants! Please be my date! Just one chance! Take this dance! Ill stay out of your pants! Please be my date! Just one chance! Take this dance! Ill stay out of your pants! Please be my date! KARA kneels down and helps ALEX up. KARA You know that I dont hate, but Im straight. I cant be your date.


END SONG. As soon as ALEX and KARA redeem themselves, KAYLEE comes storming inside. ALEX returns to her normal self. ALEX Back so soon? KAYLEE What happened to you? ALEX Its just so hot in here, I had to get naked and bathe in the condiments. What do you think happened? KARA She had a few accidents. ALEX Whatever. Hey Kaylee, what do you say we go for a spin in my new car? I get off in like, two minutes. (CONTINUED)



KAYLEE Oh gee, let me ALEX Oh come on. Well just take a short ride. I promise I wont pull anything. KAYLEE seriously considers for a moment. KAYLEE Fine. Meet me outside when youre done. KAYLEE leaves the store. ALEX Well, time flies when youre trying to win over a girl. Ill see ya tomorrow, Kara. Wish me luck. Ive had enough mishaps for one night. KARA Good luck, Alex. See you tomorrow. They hug. EXT. FLIPPY BURGER - PARKING LOT - CONTINUOUS ALEX comes out of the store. She throws her hands up. ALEX Could my life get any worse? Suddenly, she is hit with a bright, blue light. CALLIE appears in front of her. CALLIE Im afraid so, honey. ALEX That was a rhetorical question, not a challenge. CALLIE Ill say it straight out, stay away from that girl Kaylee! Shes no good for you. That girls been banged more than the bottom of a ketchup bottle!




ALEX She isnt that bad. CALLIE Youre so much better than her, Alex. I know what youre thinking. Dont degrade yourself. ALEX God, am I allowed to have friends around here? CALLIE Dont take it like that, Alex. You have Marcus and Delilah. You dont need to stoop this low. ALEX Callie, Im at my all time low! I cant get with Kara, Andy wont make me a manager, nothings working for me, lifes a fucking bitch! CALLIE Of course lifes a bitch, if it were easy itd be a slut! ALEX Look, I dont need some...some...freezer-fairy following me around, telling me what to do! Im twenty, Im an adult, I can make my own decisions! I know whats right for me. You dont. A beat. CALLIE Well, Im sorry you feel that way, Alex. Im not saying this to be mean. Im saying this because its true. I know it doesnt feel that way. But I guess for now, Ill leave you alone, if thats what you want. ALEX Yeah, it would be great. CALLIE disappears. ALEX walks to her car, angry and upset, only to find KAYLEE leaning against it.




ALEX Wow, youre still here? KAYLEE Yeah, because youre going to drive me home. ALEX Hey, does my car look like a taxi cab? KAYLEE Just get in the car and drive! ALEX and KAYLEE get in ALEXS car and pull away. KAYLEE Pull around drive-thru. ALEX If you want me to buy you food, the answers no. KAYLEE God damn it, Alex, just do it! EXT. FLIPPY BURGER - DRIVE THRU LANE - CONTINUOUS ALEX sighs as they pull up to the speaker. ALEX No ones gonna take your order... MARCUS (O.C.) How may I help you? KAYLEE Marcus! I missed you! MARCUS (O.C.) Whats happening, Kaylee? I missed you too! KAYLEE Do you think you can get me some free food? MARCUS (O.C.) Whats in it for me?




KAYLEE Oh, you know. MARCUS (O.C.) Oh I know. What would you like, sexy? KAYLEE The usual. Flippy Jr with cheese, no pickles no onion and a large fry. MARCUS (O.C.) Drive around and Ill deliver your most wanted desires. ALEX Give me a break... MARCUS (O.C.) I heard that. EXT. FLIPPY BURGER - DRIVE THRU WINDOW - CONTINUOUS ALEX and KAYLEE pull up to the window. ALEX Are you trying to get with Marcus now? KAYLEE Maybe. Maybe not. Jealous? ALEX You know, why even bother to order free food? Im wearing a Flippy, why dont you just eat it off me? Im all salty too, lick it off me and pretend like Im one big french fry! KAYLEE Alex! Will you shut up! You are so disgusting! MARCUS appears in the window and opens it. KAYLEE Marcus, Alex is being an asshole.




MARCUS Dont sweat it babe. Shes only fucking with you. ALEX Marcus, I just embarrassed myself in front of our most gorgeous employee! To top it all off, shes the most beautiful girl Ive ever met and shes straight... MARCUS Oh, Alex. Dont sweat it. You dont need a girlfriend. ALEX I dont? MARCUS Nope. I have something for you thats way better. He hands her a dime bag of weed through the window. She hesitantly takes it. ALEX Really, Marcus? I dont do drugs. MARCUS Im telling you, its all youll need to feel better. You dont need no girlfriend when youre on that. ALEX Well, much? MARCUS For you, free. I like you, Alex. You deserve a break. ALEX Thanks Marcus. KAYLEE Marcus! What about my weed? MARCUS Please! Youre so skinny youd smoke yourself dead. KAYLEE gasps in shock. MARCUS hands KAYLEE her food and ALEX starts driving away.


EXT. TOWN OF RAMLEB - HIGHWAY - CONTINUOUS KAYLEE My sour and sweet sauce! Wait! Stop! Go back! I need my sauce! ALEX Youll be fine. Ive got all the sauce youll need. Now where the hell am I taking you? KAYLEE Ramleb Blvd. Take that ramp there. ALEX makes a wrong turn. KAYLEE No, not in there, you dumb ass! The next one! ALEX Will you chill? Before I lock you in my trunk of something. EXT. TOWN OF RAMLEB - RAMLEB BLVD - CONTINUOUS ALEX turns onto Ramleb Blvd and parks on a dark side street. KAYLEE What the hell are you doing? ALEX Want to go see the back seat? KAYLEE Hell no! ALEX Oh look, its so nice and spacious back there. Just go take a look! KAYLEE gets out of the car. ALEX follows behind and pops the trunk with her keys. ALEX Would you rather see the trunk? She chases KAYLEE to the rear of the car. KAYLEE Get away from me, Alex!




ALEX Why dont you get in the trunk? KAYLEE Just give up, Alex. Youre too different. ALEX stops in her tracks. ALEX What do you mean Im too different? KAYLEE You just dont fit in with us. Youre a lesbian, you dont smoke pot. All you care about is your stupid job. A beat. ALEX Kara likes me.... KAYLEE Wow, big deal! Kara is stoned out of her mind 24 hours a day. She doesnt know any better. ALEX Youre...youre insane. KAYLEE Whatever. Take your stupid ego and go someplace else. But first you gotta drive me home. A beat. Cop car sirens can be heard in the background. KAYLEES eyes bulge. KAYLEE SHIT! ALEX What? KAYLEE Theres a warrant out for me! She turns to the car and starts furiously pulling on the handle, trying to get the door open. Its locked.


CONTINUED: KAYLEE Open the door, Alex!


ALEX stands there in silence, a menacing look on her face. KAYLEE grows more and more distressed as the sirens get closer. KAYLEE Alex, come on! I was just kidding before! None of that stuff is true! Alex! ALEX Are you kidding me? Im not being your getaway driver! KAYLEE Alex, Ill do anything, please, just get me out of here! ALEX Fine. Ill open the door. ALEX makes her way to the drivers side door. KAYLEE is frantically trying to get inside. Instead of hitting the auto unlock button, ALEX only unlocks her side of the car. She rolls down the passenger side window a crack and smiles. ALEX Fuck you. She floors the gas and speeds off. KAYLEE stumbles and nearly falls over. She pumps her fists towards the speeding car. KAYLEE Ill get you for this, Alex! Ill get you! CUT TO: INT. LISETTES HOUSE - NIGHT - HOURS LATER Later that night, MARCUS throws a party at his house while LISETTE is at work. There are beer cans and whatnot strewn around the house. KARA is sitting on the couch, stoned out of her mind. In stumbles into KAYLEE, who is drunk out of her mind. KARA Kaylee! I didnt know you were here!




KAYLEE Do you know what your little girlfriend did to me tonight? KARA What did she do? KAYLEE The cops were after me and she left me in the middle of Ramleb Blvd in the middle of the night and fucking drove off! She even took my free food! KARA starts uncontrollably laughing. KAYLEE Whats so funny about that? Are you two dating or something? KARA You know Im straight, Kaylee. KAYLEE Well, so am I. At least when Im sober. KARA starts laughing hysterically again. KARA So you mean when youre drunk, you like girls and when youre not, you like guys? KAYLEE You got it. KAYLEE stumbles forward and falls into KARAS arms. KAYLEE starts making out with KARA until KARA pushes her away. KARA Um, Kaylee, the was totally weird. KAYLEE Where am I? KAYLEE stumbles away. KARA appears to be very confused. MARCUS walks in and takes a seat next to her on the couch. MARCUS Did I just see what I think I saw or am I drunk already?


CONTINUED: KARA I cant believe I just kissed a girl. MARCUS Did you like it? KARA It was kind of weird...but yeah, I liked it...does this mean Im bi? MARCUS It can mean anything, I guess. Its not like it matters though. You have my support. KARA I used to think about girls but never sexually...I never have the time to hang out with guys either, especially now that I have a job. I thought Id meet some guys at work but so far the only person to stand out is... MARCUS Alex fucking loves you, Kara. Ive never seen her so happy before. KARA Alex looked so hurt last night when I told her I was straight. I didnt want to hurt Alex but Im straight...arent I?


CUT TO: INT. FLIPPY BURGER - FRONT CASH - NIGHT ALEX and KARA are chatting behind the counter. ALEX So then I jumped in the car and sped off! ALEX laughs maliciously. KARA Oh my god! Anyway...Alex, theres something I wanted to tell you. Their conversation is suddenly interrupted by KAYLEES fuming entrance. (CONTINUED)



ALEX Well hello! KAYLEE How could you just leave me there in the middle of the fucking night with the cops on my ass? ALEX Easy. I jumped in my car and sped off. KAYLEE If I violate probation theyll send my ass back to jail! ALEX Thats nice, Im sure you and Dan can make lots of babies on your lunch breaks. KAYLEE lunges for ALEX, but she is blocked by the counter. KAYLEE I finally got home at midnight! I could have been arrested! Mugged! I could have been raped! I could have even been killed! ALEX And with your luck, it would have been a lesbian rapist! KAYLEE screams in major frustration. KAYLEE Youll pay for this, Alex, I swear! ALEX Oh yeah? With what? KAYLEE Ill hurt you with what you love the most. Kara, give me some buffalo sauce. KARA hands KAYLEE a handful of sauce. KARA Anything else?




KAYLEE And a cup. Once KARA hands KAYLEE the cup, KAYLEE storms out. ALEX What the hell? Shell hurt me with what I love the most? What drugs is she on? KARA I think someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. ALEX Or the curb, for that matter. So what did you do after work last night? KARA Oh... ALEX Oh? What happened? KARA I went to Marcuss house. ALEX Do you think hes cute? KARA No, no, no, not like that. We had a little party. Kaylee was there too. ALEX Anything exciting go down? KARA Well, actually... They are once again interrupted by DAN, who is panting on the other side of the counter. DAN Alex! Come quick! ALEX Whats wrong? Are the cops out there?




DAN Its your car! Kaylee! She poured sauce and soda all over it! ALEX What! ALEX jumps over the counter and grabs DAN. ALEX What did you do? DAN I didnt do anything! I came to tell you! EXT. FLIPPY BURGER - PARKING LOT - CONTINUOUS ALEX and DAN come running out. KAYLEE is busy absentmindedly pouring things all over ALEXS car. ALEX What the hell! What the hell! Whats the matter with you? KAYLEE I said Id get you with what you love the most! ALEX Water and buffalo sauce? KAYLEE No, Flippy Burger, you idiot! ALEX I dont help you escape from law enforcement so you trash my car? ALEX furiously grabs the cup out of KAYLEES hand and tears it apart. ALEX Im gonna fucking kill you! KAYLEE Oh shit! Shes mad! KAYLEE and DAN run back into the store. ALEX angrily follows.


INT. FLIPPY BURGER - BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS DAN and KAYLEE run into the bathroom, followed by ALEX. DAN and KAYLEE lock themselves in a stall. DAN Lock the door! Lock the door! They fumble with the lock. ALEX remains silent. She locks the main door. KAYLEE opens the stall and peers around the corner. She screams when she sees ALEX. ALEX The doors locked! No one is going anywhere! KAYLEE I told you that youd pay for this, Alex! ALEX Youre on crack, you know that? DAN Actually shes on heroin! KAYLEE can be heard smacking DAN in the face. KAYLEE I know that I aint no lesbian like you are! ALEX Callie was right about you! I never should have taken you on that ride? KAYLEE Callie? Who the fuck is Callie? Dont be running your mouth to people about me, Alex, I got people wholl fuck you up! ALEX Please! You dont even know where I live! KAYLEE Pretty soon its gonna be the morgue! DAN Girls, girls, why cant you just uh...kiss and make out? (CONTINUED)



KAYLEE Shut up, Dan!

ALEX Shut up, Dan!

DAN Alex, come on girl. Let us out. First of all, I didnt do anything. Second, Lisette is probably on her way outta the office, looking for someone to harass. Third, I think Im getting an STD just by being in this stall with Kaylee. KAYLEE can be heard smacking DAN in the face again. ALEX Fine, Ill let you out. Ill be the better person, like always. But I find any paint chipped off my car Ill make sure the cops know you violated probation. ALEX unlocks the door. INT. FLIPPY BURGER - DINING ROOM - CONTINUOUS As ALEX backs up out of the bathroom, she backs into LISETTE. ALEX Oh! My god! LISETTE is coldly staring down Alex with her arms crossed. CUT TO: EXT. TOWN OF RAMLEB - STREET - HOURS LATER ALEX is walking on a random street. Her hood is up and her hands are in her pockets. ANDY (V.O.) Im sorry Alex. Try again next year. LISETTE (V.O.) You want me to tell you something? Ill tell you something. Youre late.




KARA (V.O.) No, no, I mean, I am straight...but I want to be your friend. KAYLEE (V.O.) Give up, Alex. Youre too different. MARCUS (V.O.) You dont need a girlfriend when you have this. CUE "FLIPPY BURGER RHAPSODY" ALEX Is this for real or are they fucking with me? Caught in a huge mess, gotta escape from reality. The CUSTOMERS come out, acting as the chorus. CUSTOMERS Open your eyes. Look up for advice from Callie. ALEX helplessly drops to her knees. ALEX Im a crew member. I have no common sense. CUSTOMERS Cause Lisette let you go. Kicked you out. But thats not what its about. ALEX Im really upset but that dont matter to Lisette...or Andy. She gets up and starts walking again, desperately looking up at the sky. ALEX Callie! Where are you? I just got fired, feels like I was just hired. Callie, I need you now. Cause Im about to throw my life away. She digs into her pocket and takes out the weed.




ALEX Callie, what do I do? Marcus gave me some pot. I dont know if I should smoke it or not. CUSTOMERS She said stay out of trouble if you wanna be manager. Lisette beating stomach Burger, you all ALEX just kicked me out. Made my heart stop and I felt my drop. Goodbye, Flippy Ive got to go. Gotta leave behind to face Lisette.

She stares at the pot. ALEX Callie, what do I do? CUSTOMERS Shes really upset.

ALEX Marcus gave me pot. I dont know if I should smoke it or not. Guitar Solo. ALEX packs the weed into a bowl and takes huge hits from it. She starts stumbling around. The weed is kicking in. ALEX Im so lightheaded, I cant stand up straight. Think Ill call Flippy Burger and tell them what I think. She grabs her cell phone. CUSTOMERS 7-3-2-6-8-1-9-6-1...0! ALEX Delilah! CUSTOMERS Delilah! ALEX Delilah! CUSTOMERS Delilah!




ALEX Put Lisette on the phone! CUSTOMERS Here she goes. ALEX Im a crew member, nobody loves me. CUSTOMERS Shes a crew member from a poor family, trying to be the next manager. ALEX Hire them, let them go, then you let me go. CUSTOMERS Andy told her "try again next year,". Andy said to try again next year. Andy said next year, next year, next year. ALEX Flippy Burger, Flippy Burger, Flippy Burger let me go. I hope you know you cannot go on without me. Without me. Without me! Guitar Solo. Alex suddenly snaps out of it and panics. She isnt high anymore. ALEX Oh my god what the hell did I just do? Embarrassed myself in front of the entire crew. Ooh, Flippy. Cant live without you, Flippy. Just gotta go back, just gotta go back and fix things. She starts running back towards Flippy Burger. Once she gets to the store, she stops. EXT. FLIPPY BURGER - PARKING LOT - CONTINUOUS She cant bear to go inside. Instead, she takes a seat on the curb and hugs her legs.




CUSTOMERS Ooh yeah, ooh yeah. ALEX Im really upset. Im so depressed. Im really upset. And that dont mean a Lisette. She bursts out crying. CUSTOMERS Shes really upset... END SONG. ALEX lays down on the curb and falls asleep. MATCH CUT: INT. FLIPPY BURGER - PARKING LOT - CONTINUOUS ALEX wakes up on the curb, cold and stiff. She groans, cracks her neck and looks around. She holds her head in her hands, obviously still feeling the pot from the previous night. Inside, KARA is trying to juggle a bunch of customers at once. CUSTOMER 1 Ill take a cheeseburger, a small fry, and a small drink. KARA Okay, thats $3.95 CUSTOMER 1 No, no, no, thats not right! Everything is off the dollar menu! KARA Hold on. Lisette! LISETTE comes out with her cigarette looking as angry as ever. LISETTE What the hells going on? CUSTOMER 1 I ordered a cheeseburger, small fry, and a small drink and this ones trying to tell me its $3.95!


CONTINUED: LISETTE Shes right. It is. CUSTOMER 1 No! Everything small is supposed to be a dollar! LISETTE Well whoever told you that was wrong.


Suddenly, DELILAH comes running out with a bunch of signs in her hand. DELILAH Oh no!! I was supposed to put the new value menu up last night!! If Andy Madler walked in here we would fail in no time!! LISETTE Way to go! CUE "VALUE-SIZED" LISETTE jumps up on the counter and starts singing and rocking out. LISETTE All the small things are not a dollar anymore. Learn how to read the menu or get out of my store. Maybe if you learned how to read signs then your total would sound perfectly fine. Do not harass my employees just because you dont know how to read. (Guitar solo) KARA, MARCUS, and JOSE come out start rocking out. DELILAH jumps up on the counter and starts dancing too. DELILAH We close at two. Theyre like, who knew? Everyones like "this is medium?" How can everyone be so dumb? LISETTE Do not harass our employees just because you dont know how to read. DELILAH Do not harass our employees just because you dont know how to read.




(Guitar solo) LISETTE Do not harass my employees just because you dont know how to read. CUSTOMERS Flippy Burger sucks and so do you. Well go somewhere with a dollar menu! END SONG. All of the CUSTOMERS storm out. INT. FLIPPY BURGER - OFFICE - CONTINUOUS LISETTE and DELILAH jump off the counter and go into the office. DELILAH Wow, that was the angriest Ive ever seen you. LISETTE I still cant believe what Alex did last night. Alex! Of all people! Pot? Where the hell did she get an idea like that? DELILAH Dont you think you were a little hard on her? LISETTE Nope! You know my rules: do my work first and THEN you dont have to give a shit. DELILAH I think she deserves to be a manager. I dont know why Andy wont make her one. I worked with her the other night and she stayed late to train Kara. Shes always got everything in order and she can hold down the front by herself. LISETTE I just cant believe her! Pot!


CONTINUED: DELILAH Thats not everything. Ive known you for fifteen years. Something tells me that something else is bothering you. LISETTE lights up another cigarette and takes a seat. LISETTE I have a confession to make... DELILAH What is it? LISETTE Ive known Alex since she was born. DELILAH No! LISETTE Yes. DELILAH Well if thats the case, shouldnt you love her? LISETTE I do love her. She and Marcus used to be like glue. We all did. DELILAH But what happened? LISETTE I became a manager. Soon I was working all of the shifts that I didnt have time to do all that stuff, hell, I barely had time to raise Marcus, my own son. We all changed and went our separate ways...well, everyone but Alex. Alex never stopped being happy. She never stopped believing that I could be a happy person again. It just kills me on the inside to know that her dream of having things be like they were will never come true.... DELILAH I think you need to tell Alex everything that youve just told me.





LISETTE Are you kidding? Alex is never going to talk to me again, especially after what I did... DELILAH What did you do? LISETTE I crushed her only other dream. INT. FLIPPY BURGER - FRONT CASH - CONTINUOUS ALEX desperately runs in. ALEX Kara! What have I done? KARA I dont know, what did you do? ALEX Havent you heard? Ive been fired! KARA What! No! Oh Alex...what did you do? ALEX I locked Kaylee and Dan in the bathroom and then I smoked pot and told off Callie AND Lisette...oh, I cant even face her! KARA You smoked pot? But Alex, why? Youre not a stoner! ALEX I was upset about a lot of things. I wanted to escape from reality...and I wanted to impress you. KARA comes out from behind the counter and takes ALEXS hands. KARA dont have be a pothead to be my friend.




ALEX Thats...thats what Callie said...I mean, I dont? KARA No. I like you for who you fact, theres been something Ive been meaning to ask you... Before ALEX can ask what, LISETTE and DELILAH come out. ALEX drops to her knees. ALEX Lisette! Please! Please! Give me my job back! LISETTE painfully looks at DELILAH. Before they say anything, CUSTOMERS start swarming the inside and out. DELILAH Alex, get your ass in that kitchen! INT. FLIPPY BURGER - KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS ALEX heroically jumps the counter and runs into the kitchen with JOSE. Jose is bugging out. JOSE Finally! The things you have to do to get help around here! CUE "THE KITCHEN SONG" ALEX Im working in the kitchen tonight. Ill make your sandwich just right. Ill wrap it up nice and tight. Do you want it heavy or light? JOSE begins to make 5 burgers at a time. ALEX helps send buns. JOSE Im working in the kitchen too. Ill make a sandwich just for you. No one can wrap it like I do. We are the greatest kitchen crew. ALEX You can have it your way, thats what we promise. You can have extra pickles or however you want it. (MORE) (CONTINUED)



ALEX (contd) Cook-out times are okay. Lets put up a new level. Heat chute jam packed hot as a dare devil. JOSE Break Flippy board down for me now, baby its simple. If you get the junior, Ill get the triple. In the walk-in or in the back of the crew room, get me a new block of cheese and pan of some mushrooms. ALEX Got some chicken tenders, fill the fry master. Put the old fries in the fryer to make em hot cause its faster. Show me you can work the kitchen. JOSE No problem, give me some gloves and a newspaper and Ill quit bitchin. Im so experienced when it comes to this shit, been here since 1985 though I hate to admit. Im dropping food as fast I can, but I made so much it wont fit in the pan. ALEX Im working in the kitchen tonight. Ill make your sandwich just right. Ill wrap it up nice and tight. Do you want it heavy or light? JOSE Im working in the kitchen too. Ill make a sandwich just for you. No one can wrap it like I do. We are the greatest kitchen crew. ALEX Boy what we drop. JOSE What we drop. ALEX I need a mop.




JOSE Get the red mop. ALEX The things we do. JOSE But I dont do drive-thru! ALEX Show me how to wrap it nice and slow. Put an onion ring on it and call it rodeo. JOSE I aint never dropped fries like this before cause the lines never been out the door. ALEX Soon as I go to clock out everyone comes running in. No matter the time of day I just cannot win. Doesnt it suck how much we get fucked. JOSE I been here for so long but I really think Im stuck. ALEX Im working in the kitchen tonight. Ill make your sandwich just right. Ill wrap it up nice and tight. Do you want it heavy or light? JOSE Im working in the kitchen too. Ill make a sandwich just for you. No one can wrap it like you do. We are the greatest kitchen crew. END SONG. He sends the last burger flying down the food chute. INT. FLIPPY BURGER - FRONT CASH - MOMENTS LATER All of the food comes flying out and the CUSTOMERS slowly disappear. LISETTE watches in shock.




LISETTE Oh! My god! ALEX runs out from the kitchen, complete with her gloves on. ALEX Lisette, that never would have ended if I wasnt back there! DELILAH Shes got a point. LISETTE I...I dont care! You had your chance and you blew it! MARCUS comes in. MARCUS Jesus Christ, Mom! LISETTE Marcus! MARCUS Alex is fucking amazing! DELILAH Lisette, I think this is the perfect time to express your feelings since we have Marcus and Alex together. ALEX Think what you want, Im not marrying him. LISETTE No, no, its not that... She lights up a cigarette and pulls up a chair. LISETTE Alex, you know that I love you. And I know that you want to be a manager...but Alex, dont. I became a manager and look what happened. Everything slid down the drain. I was just being mean to you because I was trying to protect you.


CONTINUED: ALEX I know, Lisette. But I think a lot of things have changed since youve become a manager. Im not a little kid anymore. I really think I can do a good job. LISETTE I know you can Alex. I have 100% confidence in you. I just dont want you to regret it. MARCUS Mom, if youre so miserable why dont you just quit? LISETTE Because it was always my dream to have another position... ALEX What position?


Suddenly, ANDY MADLER and the OER people walk in. Everyone gasps and freezes. DELILAH Oh my god! Andy Madler and the OER people! I knew we were due for our next OER! Quick everyone! Check the hold times! Hit the switch! ANDY Calm down, were not here for a check. Its Sunday afternoon, you think Im here to do my job? JOSE Does he ever do his job? ALEX Then what are you here for? ANDY Im here to realign everyones position. KARA Will it require a drug test? ANDY Lisette, youve been a manager here for how long? twenty years? Im here to finally make you an offer. (CONTINUED)



LISETTE Theres no way in hell Im transferring. ANDY No, no, thats not it. After all of these years, Ive finally noticed that being a manager isnt for you. Ive discussed it with the CEO and, well...given your harsh nature, quick to criticize and your misery, we feel that you would do better as an OER person! So what do you say? Offer accepted? LISETTE face is in shock. Her cigarette falls out of her hands. LISETTE Andy... They all wait in anxiety for her answer. LISETTE YES! Yes, yes yes!! Everyone cheers. ALEX But whos gonna take Lisettes place? ANDY Why, Delilah of course! We need a perfectionist in the line of fast food! Everybody cheers again...except for DELILAH. DELILAH Oh no! Now I have MORE responsibility! Now its really going to be my fault if we get a critical!!! She bursts out crying. ALEX But that still leaves one more spot open for...




ANDY Assistant manager! And Alex, I believe I may have been too quick to judge. Youve proven loyalty and commitment to the Flippy Burger name. And after reviewing your files, we are happy to offer you the job. ALEX Me? A manager!? Yes!!! Yes, yes, yes!!! More cheers. ALEX runs off into the walk-in. INT. FLIPPY BURGER - WALK IN FREEZER - CONTINUOUS ALEX runs into the walk-in, happy and excited. ALEX Callie! Callie! CALLIE appears in a bright light. CALLIE What is it, Alex? ALEX Im a manager! All thanks to you! CALLIE I cant take the credit for it at all, Alex. You did it all on your own. I knew you would. ALEX Im sorry about the other night. You were right about Kaylee. CALLIE Its all good, Alex. I knew you would have to learn on your own. ALEX I cant thank you enough, Callie...but I do have one question. CALLIE Yes?


CONTINUED: ALEX Why didnt you answer me on the night that I smoked pot? I know I pissed you off, but really needed your guidance. CALLIE I didnt answer you because you needed to learn what its like to make a mistake or two. Youre still young and you still have a lot to learn. I knew if you came close to losing something that you love you would be more careful in the future. Everyone makes mistakes, Alex. Nobody is perfect. And I wanted to make sure that you knew that before you took on a major responsibility. ALEX Youre right, Callie. touch a drug again in never want to risk my Thank you for helping that. Ill never my life. I job again. me realize


CALLIE Youre welcome Alex. I have to go now, but if any time you need me, Ill be right here. Ill help you as much as I can with anything that you need. I love you. ALEX I love you too, Callie. A bright light flashes and CALLIE is gone. ALEX smiles to herself. INT. FLIPPY BURGER - FRONT CASH - CONTINUOUS ALEX returns to front cash. Everyone is in a good mood. KARA Alex! She tugs at her shirt. ALEX Kara, baby! Isnt this amazing? Im a manager!


CONTINUED: KARA Im so happy for you Alex. ALEX Oh, what was it that you wanted to ask me before? KARA Well...


She glances at Marcus, who gives her an encouraging thumbs up. KARA Something happened the other night and... She looks back at Marcus again, who gives her two thumbs this time. KARA Will you be my girlfriend? ALEX Oh Kara! Yes! Yes, yes, yes! She scoops KARA up, twirls her around and kisses her. Suddenly, JOSE runs on stage waving a lottery ticket in his hands. JOSE I won the lottery! Everyone cheers and confetti falls on the stage. CUE "FAST FOOD MINORITY" This is the final song of the show. The entire cast should be onstage. ENTIRE CREW We are the fast food minority. Minimum wage fast food employees. We are what nobody else can be. Because we are the fast food minority. LISETTE We deal with people every single day. The customer complaints and rushes never go away. But at the end of the day, were all in it together. Its what makes working fast food all the better. (CONTINUED)



ENTIRE CREW We are the fast food minority. Minimum wage fast food employees. We are what nobody else can be. Because we are the fast food minority. Even though our job sucks, we would never trade it in. No one could make us leave for a million bucks. ALEX Well maybe Jose would. MARCUS Alex is manager. Kara turned gay. Dan will probably get arrested today. I didnt get in trouble for dealing the pot. Careful of the fries they just came up so theyll be hot. At this time, a bunch of COPS, with their flashing red and blue lights bouncing off the stage, come running up and chase DAN off the set. ENTIRE CREW We are the fast food minority. Minimum wage fast food employees We are what nobody else can be. Because we are the fast food minority. DELILAH We go through so many people. Only the strongest survive. But even though this job sucks, we would never leave for a million bucks. ALEX Yes you would. KARA We deal with people every single day. Customer complaints and rushes never go away. But at the end of the day, were all in it together. Its what makes working fast food all the better! ENTIRE CREW We are the fast food minority Minimum wage fast food employees We are what nobody else can be. (MORE) (CONTINUED)



ENTIRE CREW (contd) Because we are the fast food minority. We are the fast food minority Minimum wage fast food employees We are what nobody else can be. Because we are the fast food minority. END SONG. FADE OUT.

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