February 2013

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Contact Info

Dennis and Valerie Rew 1325 Denisonview St. Pittsburgh, PA 15205 412-922-7183 dvrew619@gmail.com

News and Prayer Letter February 2013

Deputation Happenings God is so good. This is one of our favorite chorus to sing in our house, because its so true. We have a long way to go in raising the support that we need. God has been good in providing 14 meetings so far this year. We would like to see that number increase to 30. Our spring will be especially busy with 9 meetings over the next 3 months. Please pray for safety as we travel, and that through us, others will be burdened for the Gospel to spread in Pittsburgh. This month we will be at Grace Baptist (Monroeville, PA), First Baptist (Ogden, PA), and First Baptist (Limestone, PA). You can follow our travels on our Facebook page. Just search for Plant Pittsburgh on Facebook. Potential Prospects A question that some of you may have and a question that sometimes crosses my mind is, where will we get the people to start a new church? Planting a church is truly a test of faith. There are no guarantees that God will call out people in Brookline/Dormont for a new church. In fact, Jesus even tells the disciples that they will go into some cities and their message will be rejected. For this reason, we are encouraged to have found interested people in our target area. This still guarantees nothing, but we are trusting that the Lord will raise up a people for His name. Team Update Please pray for our partners, Pete and Elisabeth, as they will soon begin preparations to relocate to Pittsburgh in June. Pray specifically for a job for Pete. The possibility exists that his employer may allow him to work from home (even in Pittsburgh!), but this would be an exception for the company. Housing update At the advice of our realtor, we will be listing our house this month. Please pray for Gods timing in the sale of our house. There is much planning and preparation that needs to be done. Some people have suggested or asked about us living outside of our target communities. While we understand that with modern transportation we can easily commute, our approach has been to invest ourselves in these neighborhoods. We believe that in order to know the people and community, it is best to live among them. We want to do our best to make sure we have connections to community centers, schools, and other community events. Living outside of these neighborhoods can close doors for involvement. Website We recently redesigned our website. Weve added some information to give supporters a clearer picture of our ministry plans and goals. When you have time, take a look at http://www.plantpittsburgh.com

Sending Church
Middletown Road Baptist Church 2660 Middletown Rd Pittsburgh, PA 15205 www.mrbcministries.org

Dennis Valerie Avalon Emily 5/28/81 8/15/81 5/13/09 10/26/11

June 19, 2004

Specific Prayer Needs

1. Financial Support 2. Sell/Buy House 3. Safety and Strength for upcoming meetings

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Thank you for your prayer and support, Dennis and Valerie Rew

So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and they increased in numbers daily. Acts 16:5

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