Multiple Choice

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03/01/2013 16:25:00

Multiple Choice 1) In March of 1919 delegates and workers met in Calgary to discuss: a) The formation of one big union b) To start a mass strike c) to protest the role of women in the workplace d) to show support for the Treaty of Versailles

2) During the First World War the CPR A) demonstrated its disapproval but not allowing the government and British empire to use its resources B) demonstrated its support by allowing the British empire and government to use its resources C) Only allowed the government to use its trains for Canadian soldiers D) Only allowed the government to use its trains for white Canadian soldiers 3) The destruction of the Halifax Harbor Explosion could have been minimized by: A) the closer policing and capturing of German spies B) The closer policing of Canadian water for German submarines C) Better harbor policies and policing of ships D) If the abandoned ship had not been allowed to drift 4) Relief efforts for the victims of the Halifax explosion where complicated by: A) A renewed German offensive B) hurricane C) a blizzard and the damaged rail lines D) all of the above 5) The Treaty of Versailles represented:

A) Canadas first involvement in international politics as an independent country B) a Declaration of guilt from all the triple alliance countries C) a promise for all countries to disarm and join the league of nations D) Germany was forced to accept blame for the war and disarm 6) One of the leading causes of the first world war was: a) the massive buildup of Navys and warships b) The bombing of Montenegro c) the assassination of Kaiser Wilhelm D) the sinking of the Lusitania 7) The Schlieffen Plan caused: a) The Germans to assume the aggressor position in warfare b) the bogging down of the western front in trench war fare c) the Germans to successfully march on Paris d) the destruction of all railways in Western France and Eastern Germany 8) Canadian soldiers fought bravely during the war but it was not until ______________ that they received international recognition a) Vimy Ridge b) Treaty of Versailles c) Battle of the Bulge d) Ypres 9) During this battle the German army introduced mustard gas as part of modern warfare for the first time. A) Ypres B) Somme

C) Battle of Aras D) Verdun 10) During World War One, women where given the right to vote if: A) they where over the age of thirty five and owned land B) if they where over the age of 25 and paid taxes C) if they worked in a war-related industry D) if they where the mother or wife of a soldier

03/01/2013 16:25:00

03/01/2013 16:25:00

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