Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Ryan Gardiner
BBC. "Q&A: Mexico's Drug-related Violence." BBC News. BBC, 10 Sept. 2012. <http://>. 13 Nov. 2012. This article gave me insight to the locations that the drug smuggling is going on. It also shows the variation of deaths per state in Mexico. Besides just Mexico it also discuss the United states role in the mexican drug war. This article is very important to my project because it provides geo-graphical support to the information that I have collected. It also shows how much the smuggling has migrated and moved from past years to current times. This is something I found it very interesting, I can also incorporate this into my art piece or another part of my project. In conclusion this article will work very well as a reference to cities and locations with connections to the drug war. Booth, William. "In Mexico, 12,000 Killed in Drug Violence in 2011." Washington Post, 02 Jan. 2012. <>. 8 Nov. 2012. This article discusses how many people were killed and the ineffectiveness of President Felipe Calderon's regime is on the drug cartels. This article goes into explicit detail about the process the merida initiative and the Mexican government has taken from 2004 to 2011. It also discuss the deaths of 1200 people and the amount of those people that are civilians, officers, and cartel members. Finally, it talks about international cooperation and how other governments are supplying foreign aid. I will use this information to give evidence on how the problem has progressed from 2004-2011. It will also be valuable when describing who are the victims in this issues. Hernandez, Daniel. "In Monterrey, Mexico, a Culture of Fear Is Evident." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 03 Apr. 2012. <>. 13 Nov. 2012. In the article, as stated above it was a recurring theme that drug related violence is causing fearful citizens of Mexico to fear for their life and the life of their family members. It provides quotations and interviews from people that are experiencing this fear. I think that this is a valuable insight because social injustice is not just about people dying and being injured it is also about how peoples lives are affected. That I feel is more important to my project then facts and statistics about how many people were injured or how much money was spent. I will try to use the quotes in the article as well. Overall this is an important article because it opens up more things I could represent with my project. "Mexico.", Central Intelligence Agency, 6 Nov. 2012. < the-world-factbook/geos/mx.html>. 3 Nov. 2012.

This web page contains many facts about the country of Mexico. It has all the information that I could possibly need to know about the mexican economy, government, geography, infrastructure, and culture. Thus will provide a backbone to my project and help me demonstrate the country of Mexico in the correct way. I have annotated it in a way that allows me to have relevant information such as geography, and economy available and easy to find.

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