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Gmail - Fw: Dissent and dissent now!

Brenda Burton <>

Fw: Dissent and dissent now!

1 message Shirley Rickett <> To: Undisclosed recipient <> WOW, THANKS, MR. T CAN'T WAIT TO GET IT INTO OPERATION --- On Fri, 9/28/12, Law Research <> wrote: Date: Friday, September 28, 2012, 5:29 PM Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 7:10 PM

Tami Pepperman has begun indicting the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). IRS acting as fiduciary in trust of 1/5 of Northern Holdings & Trust (NH&T), which in fact is the Internal Revenue Service. Tami Pepperman, representing one of her clients who is an retired Caterpillar Employee, found out that the IRS is Acting as Fiduciary in Trust and is 1/5th in total in the "Northern Holdings & Trust" company. They were garnishing her clients retirement account and a social security account as well. She looked at the Portfolio of NH&T and discovered the Internal Revenue Service is a service in five parts. NH&T is but one portion of the Internal Revenue Service. Another trust is the Ridges Trust which is an

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1/27/13 5:17 AM

Gmail - Fw: Dissent and dissent now!

inland revenue service of the United Kingdom, Canada and other countries. She filed a Motion for Equitable Estoppel against the IRS. The IRS operates under the doctrine of "agency by estoppel" also called "presumption of agency". Agency by estoppel gives rise to a situation in which a reasonable person may assume agency agreement exists when it does not. For example, the IRS corresponds to you under Treasury letterhead, i.e., The Department of the Treasury, so you presume the IRS has agency under the Department of the Treasury. Because this agency is assumed, the (presumed) principal, the Department of the Treasury, may be legally bound by any actions commenced by the IRS employee, officer or agent against you. Agency by estoppel arises when a principal allows someone to engage in such activities that the public is justified in believing the person is acting as an agent, even if the person had no such authority. This becomes important when someone makes commitments he or she had no authority to make, and an innocent third party, relying on those commitments, suffers an injury. The principal will not be allowed to avoid the commitment by claiming the supposed agent had no authority, because the law will impose an

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Gmail - Fw: Dissent and dissent now!

agency by estoppel. Thus the Treasury is liable for the unjust or illegal acts of the alleged agent and subject to an action for a tort claim. However, the other side of the coin is that you will be held to performance because you acquiesced to the appearance of an agency relationship with the Treasury. The IRS is a mere fiction of law and has no authority with respect to internal revenue taxation. Taxation under the inland revenue service used to be a stamp tax, which no longer exists. Social security cannot be used in any legal process for purposes of garnishment according to the Social Security Act. However, the IRS garnishes social security payments all the time, because you allow it. What Pepperman found was they are actually doing is garnishing themselves. They are a fiduciary in trust and are garnishing the account as a different agency which they are not. They are only a different agency by appearance, being an agency by estoppel. You can file a motion for equitable extoppel and request for injuction, as Pepperman did for her client, which will compel the IRS to lift any liens against you. You must also request the Registrar of Deeds to pull the deeds. It is important that you dissent to IRS's

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Gmail - Fw: Dissent and dissent now!

authority pursuant agency by estoppel, because if you do not it will be presumed they are acting under the authority of the Treasury. Under maxims of law, you assent if you do not expressly dissent. This goes along with the cestui que vie act as well. The cestui que vie act says you cannot simply write the Secretary of State and obtain evidence of the Birth Certificate Bond. You must have an action--a bona fide court action. In such an action you can compel the judge of that court to appear for purposes of admitting evidence on the court record or you can do a motion to compel judicial boundries. You have to maintain an action of an actual court record of law, not legal process, not statute, not code and you have to dissent to their authority. Once you do that you are no longer consenting. Your intentions are known and they cannot maintain you any longer as a prisoner of war in their Prize Courts of admiralty. Since 1929 when the United States went into bankruptcy, sovereign government ceased and corporate governance was created under the Geneva Convention. Sovereignty means not being subject to the will of another. Corporate governance requires consent! If you dissent, you are your own sovereign, ergo "government". You are no longer subject to self-presentation or re-presentation, you are the supreme authority. You must dissent and dissent now!

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Gmail - Fw: Dissent and dissent now!

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