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G. Lakshm inarayanan Boby George B .Venkataramani A. Ramakalyan* Dept.of Electronics & Commn.Engg. Dept.of Instrumentation & Control Engg.' Regional Engg. College, Tiruchirappalli-620 0 15 bvenki6Jrect.ernet.h

In ATM networks several schemes have been proposed to shape the trafic in order to minimize the network congestion and increase channel throughput. A completely satisfactory solution has not yet been obtainqd due to conflicting requirements of acconiodating complex variable bit rate traffic and supporting real time call admission and congestion cnntrol mcchanism. The Shift Register Traflic Shaper (SRI'S) schemc proposyl in 12) pcrl'ortns bcttcr than LU mcchanism by incorporating multiple windows accomodating different degrees of burstiness in the tralfic. I lowcver the parameters o f SRI'S scheme is inscnsitive to congestion Icvel at the ATM node. In this paper a two pronied approach is suggested and shidied to combat congestion. ANN monitors the coi?gestion level at the ATM node and generates the c'oritrol signals to the sources. The SRTS scheme modifies its parameters in response to this signal to keep thc congestion under control. Depending upon tllc control signal rcceivcd, SICIS minimizes the cbngestion by either splitting the sources contending I'ur network access into groups or by modifying the window parameters of iiidividual SRTS. '1.0 validate these approaches an ANN is simulntetl and optimum weight vector is obtained. An ATM node with trallic from sources with SRTS is simulated and loss probability is obtained under dill'crcnt output burstiness. The results obtained con firhis the effectiveness of staggering and modification of parameters of SRTS.

at the output. However the disadvantage with SRTS scheme, is that it does not monitor the congestion level at the ATM node. In the proposed scheme an ANN is used to monitor the congestion level at the ATM node .The control signal generated by the ANN is used for staggering or to modi@ the SRTS parameters. The paper is organised as fol1ows.h section 2 integrating ANN with SRTS is described. Section 3 gives implementation and simulation results.The conclusions are presented in section 4.

2.SRTS & Integration of ANN With

In the propoEsd scheme (refer fig.1) the ANN monitors the congestion at the ATM node .A decision circuit at the ATM node measures queue length (QI,) at the buffer periodically aiid generates appropriate binary signal. This is fed to the ANN. The binary signals for different values of buffer status are given in the fo I lowing tab I e.

1.ln troduction 'The problems that are currently faced in ATM i i etwotks a re i in p 1einent i ng inecliaiiisms for efficient congestion control, call admission control and efficient bandwidth utilization. The disadvantage \ w i t h L13 scheme is that it smooths the oiitput traffic at the token generation rate inti-oducing unduly large delays at the output. This problem is solved in SRTS sclieine by perinitting short term burstiness

Queue Length

Binary Output

65% (QL) 5 75% 75% < fQi 1 I 85%




$10.00 0 1998 IEEE

'I'hc A N N functions in 4 phases as explained below.

Queuelength Less Than 65%

At this level the probability of having a

output burstiness the traffic going to the multiplexer is reduced . The effect of change of window size is illustrated in figures 4 and 5 .

congestion at the ATM node is very less. Hence there is no need to take any specific action i n this stage. But if any action have been taken by the ANN before this, this will reset the parameters which have mdergone changes.

3.Implementation'And Results ANN is used in our proposed scheme to

monitor the congestion level at the ATM node. The ANN model we have adopted in this paper is a three layer feedforward network with a 2:5:4 structure. Back propogation learning algorithm is used to train the neural network. Tansigmoid function is used as the hidden layer transfer function and linear summation is used at the output neurons. In our simulation, first the effect of multiplexing the sources individually is studied.The same sources are then put in different groups and their performance is compared with the individual cases.The size of the variable window is adjusted in the following sirnulation to study the effect on congestion at the ATM node.

Queuelength between 65% and 75%Primary stage of congestion

The ANN generates the control signals which are sent as warning signals to each SRTS . Upon receiving these signals each SRTS has to check for its negotiated traffic parameters and if they are violated, parameters have to be readjusted to their negotiated parameters.

Queuelength between 75% and 85%Secondary stage of congestion The signal which is generated by the ANN
is used to limit the number of sources that can be allowed to enter the buffer at the multiplexer during a particular period. The nTO mechanism in [3] is used in this phase.This is achieved by putting the individual sources into different groups. In this scheme, only one group is allowed to transmit to the multiplexer at a tinie and it proceeds in a round robin fashion. In doing so , the traffic going to the buffer at the ATM node is greatly reduced which in turn reduces the loss probability at the ATM node as illustrated in figures 2 and 3.

Experiment 1:
In this experiment, the loss characteristics as a functon of the ON-Period is studied for individually multiplexed and group multiplexed sources. The simulation is first performed for 5 individual sources and then the same 5 sources are split into two groups to study the effect of grouping. The grouping of sources is more effective when the traffic to the ATM node is high or under medium level of congestion. In order to study this effect, the traffic to the ATM node is kept high by keeping the ON-Period high compared to the OFF-Period .The simulation is performed for different values of ON-Periods but keeping the burstiness close to 1. The intercell time is taken as I O msec to have a peak rate of 100 cells/sec at the input. The OFF-Period is kept constant at 100 msec. The transmission rate to the ATM node is kept higher than the sum of average rates of all the sources. The output rate of all the shift registcr traffic shppcrs are kept equal to the input rate. A data

Queuelength between 85% and 95%Final stage of congestion

At ATM node the loss probability becomes very high. In order to reduce this , ANN gnerates control signals which are sent to each SRTS. Upon receiving this signal the size of the variable window of the shift register traffic shapcr is adjusted to reduce the output burstiness. By adjusting the


butlcr size of 94 is provided at the input of cadi shift register traffic shaper to keep the loss probability at the sources to a minimum. Loss probability at the ATM node buffer versus ON-Period and no of packets lost in buffer versus ON-Period are plotted to compare the results.

Experiment 2:
In this experiment, the loss characteristics as a function of ON-Period is studied for
djtfereiit sizes of the variable window.First the simulation is performed for a window size of 450 and then it is increased to 500 to study the effect of change in window size on the loss probability. I n this case also the traffic to the ATM node is kept high to study the effect of changing window size on the loss probabiliq. The input peak rate to die SRTS is kept coilstant at 1 OOcells/sec. I lie colillnon buffer size is redued to have a iiiedium level of congestion at the ATM node buffer. The other parameters are kept same as in the case of the first experiment.

Froin I?gure(2), we may observe when we
inU It i p lex the scurces with out staggering the,

Reference [I] Onvural. R. 0. , Asynchronous Transfer mode Networks: Performance Issues, Artech House, 1994 [2]Radhakrishnan.s., Raghavan .S.V., Ash0k.K. Agrawala , A Flexible Traffic Shaper For High Speed Networks : Design And Comparative Study With Leaky Bucket , Comp.Net. & ISDN systems, Elsevier, 28, pp 453-469, 1996 [3]Jin-long Wang and liang-tch lee Two Level Congestion Control Schemes for ATM networks, ACM SIGICE Bulletin, v01.20, No.2, pp 13-32,October 1994. [4]Liu, Y.c., Dodigeris, c., Rate regulation with feedback controller in ATM networks-A neural network approach, IEEE journal on selected areas in communications, vol. 15, No.2, pp 200-208, 1997. [ 5 ] Boby George, M.E.Thesis on Neural Network Controlled Shift Register Traffic Shaper for ATM networks, Dept.Of Commn. Engg., Electronics and R.E.C.,Trichy, 1998 - under preparation.

loss probability is above 0.5 with a cell loss of 5.2* IO5 which when staggered gives a loss probability of 0.13 with a cell loss of 3.8*105. Hence the loss probability is reduced by 75% which is illustrated in figures 2 and 3. From figures 4 and 5 , we observe that changing the size of the variable window to 500 gives a low loss Probability at the ATM node compared to the window size of 450. Hence the above simulation results shows that the proposed scheme is effective in hrinsing down the loss probability at the AIM node.



High speed Line




Figure 1SRTS With ANN controller


Effect Of Staggering on loss probability

Effect Of Window Size Change On Loss Probability

0.555 r
o . - - - - - - . - - - o - . . . . .Q.---- - - - - - - - - O . -_.__....-a-


Without Staggering - - o With. Staggering ----x----

..-._. -*..

._ -.

Window Size = 450 - - o - *. .

. .

a. -. ..


Window Size = 500 ----x----


n -


i 1



Ton in SEC

0.515 05




07 075 Ton in sec




Fig.2.LossProb. Vs Ton

I Fig.4. Loss Prob. Vs Ton


5 45 .

--.-._._ --.___ *---. --. -.. --.

Window Size = 450 - - o -

c 5.35 2



Size = 500 ----x----



5.3 -

c - 52"515m


1 :


5 05 1-4





Ton in sec




Ton in sec

Fig.3.Cell Loss in Buffer Vs Ton

I Fig.5.Cell Loss in Buffer Vs Ton I


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