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How to create Summary View

Use the Summary View rule form to define a simple custom or personal query. This rule generates HTML that provides an attractive, custom interactive display or chart. Create a summary view rule by selecting Summary View from the Reports category. To create a summary view Select->Reports->summary view A summary view rule has three key parts:

Field Applies To

Description Select a class that this summary view rule applies to:

A concrete class to report only on instances of that class, stored as rows in a database table. An abstract class that is parent of concrete classes, to define a rule that at runtime can report on instances of a single class derived from the abstract class. The activity referenced in the Content tab must accept, as an input parameter, a concrete class equal to or derived from the class you enter here.

How to create Summary View

A concrete class that corresponds to a view of the PegaRULES database, to report on the rows of that view.

View Purpose Owner

Enter a purpose to identify this summary view rule; the purpose must be a valid Java identifier.

By convention, enter the keyword ALL as the initial owner of this summary view rule. Using the Customize button, authorized users can later create personal copies from the ALL rule.

Complete this tab to define which objects are selected for the display and how they are sorted and aggregated. Category Update the Category field if you need to fetch the data on any specific conditions. It indirectly means Selecting of data using SQL Query

How to create Summary View

Field Category

Description Optional. To assign a category to this report, select from the SmartPrompt list. This list shows field value rules with Rule-Obj-Report- as the first key part and pyCategory as the second key part. You can create field value rules in your application to define additional categories. Select one of seven standard categories to cause this report to be listed in a corresponding group on the Monitor Activity workspace, (and so visible and available to all users who can access this workspace). For example, choose WorkAnalysis to list this report in the Analyze Quality area. See A developer's view of the Monitor Activity workspace.

Fixed Header? Select to prevent the header from scrolling if a user scrolls the drill down listing. Move Group Select to present the Caption value from the current Group By element in the display By Caption to header. Header? Criteria

How to create Summary View If you leave the Criteria array empty, the summary view report selects all instances of the class, up to the limit in the Maximum Value field. In the Field field, you can specify only properties that correspond to exposed columns in the PegaRULES database. By default, custom properties in your application are not exposed; they are stored in a Storage Stream (BLOB) column. However, in many cases you can expose a Single Value property as a database column, after which it can be entered in the Field field. See How to expose a property as a column. Field Criteria Description Each row of this array identifies a selection criterion. The order of rows in this array is not significant. Process Commander converts information in this array to an SQL WHERE clause. You can specify only Single Value properties in the Field field. Each property you identify for selection criteria must be exposed as a column in the database table. Label Optional. Enter a letter or letters that uniquely identifies this row, to reference this row in the Logic field. For example, enter A for the first row, B for the second row, and so on. The Logic value must mention each label. Field Enter a property reference for a comparison. For exposed properties defined in the class identified by the Applies To key part of this summary view rule, start the property reference with a period. You can also identify fully qualified values on other clipboard pages that are always present on the clipboard, such as the requestor page or process page. If the Type of this property is TextEncrypted, special instructions apply to the Condition, Value, and Edit Input fields. See Property rules Implementing and using the TextEncrypted Type. If you enter .pxObjClass here and the Applies To key part of this list view rule is a framework class, at runtime the report execution can use the corresponding implementation class, not the framework class, for comparisons and report content. This feature eliminates the need to copy each framework class-based list view report into the implementation class. To enable this capability, select the Report on Descendant Class Instances checkbox on this tab. Caption Optional. Enter text to name this row of the array. If you do not specify a caption, the Field name will be used. Select a comparison condition, such as Is Equal or Starts With. Process Commander converts the Starts With, Ends With, and Contains comparison conditions to the standard SQL "LIKE" clause. Vendor-specific non-standard optimizations such as the Oracle CONTAINS feature are not used. If your application contains a summary view report that requires such comparisons for tables with very many rows, you can create a custom getContent activity that implements optimized SQL for retrieval. Value Enter one of the following options as a comparison value:


How to create Summary View

A literal constant, formatted in accordance with the property type. See Constants in expressions. To compare the Field value with multiple literal constants, surround each with double quote characters and separate each with a comma. Place a backslash character \ before any double quote character that appears within the constant. As described below, you can click the magnifying glass icon in some situations to review current clipboard values for the property identified in the Field field. A fully qualified property reference to a Single Value property that is present on the clipboard at runtime. The Type of this property must match the Type of the property in the Field field. A fully qualified property reference to a Value List or Value Group property present on the clipboard at runtime. The Type of this property must match the Type of the property in the Field field. To compare the Field value with multiple Value List or Value Group properties, separate each property name with a comma. The keyword param followed by a period, followed by a parameter that is defined on the parameter page of the calling activity. A period followed by the name of a Single Value property that is exposed as a column. This allows comparison of the values of two properties in the same instance (database row), if the types are identical or comparable. A symbolic date, for a Date or DateTime value. When the list value rule executes, this symbolic reference is converted to an actual date or date range based on the time zone of the user and the Condition value. For example, if the user selects Last Year and the Condition value is IS EQUAL TO, the result is a date range between January 1 and December 31 inclusive, of the previous calendar year.

If the Condition field is set to IS NULL or IS NOT NULL, leave this field blank.

Default Value Edit Input

Enter a comparison value to be used when you do not specify a value in the Value field. Optional. Identify an edit input rule to convert the value from the format supplied by the expression in the Value field to another format. Select to cause runtime tests or comparisons of the Field value and the Value value to occur after the system converts both to uppercase. In this situation, "a" matches "A" and is less than "B". This box is meaningful only when the value in the Value field is not a constant. By default, if the value in the Value field is null at runtime, the criterion defined by this

Ignore Case

Use Null*

How to create Summary View row is ignored; processing is the same as if this row is not present. Logic Optional. Using the labels entered in the Criteria array, enter a logical expression that defines how the system combines the criteria into an overall Boolean value at runtime. The expression can include parentheses and the operators AND and OR. For example, if the table contains four rows labeled A, B, C, and D, you can enter: (A OR B OR C) AND D in this field. This notation is the same as for the logic statement in when condition rules. If you leave the Logic field blank, the system selects only instances for which all criteria rows are true. Convert criteria Select to cause the system to convert of certain input values for parameters from a values from locale-specific format to the internal representation. When selected, the system attempts Locale values? to convert literal values or parameter value for numbers (Integer, Double, or Decimal), DateTime, and Date, specified in the Criteria section or trend section from a localespecific format. If not selected, enter parameter values and literal values for DateTime parameters in the form MM/DD/YY HH:MM AAA. When selected, conversion from the locale-specific format occurs before the activity specified in the Activity Name field runs. The system applies any edit input rules specified in the Criteria array after the conversion but before the activity runs.

Prompt Settings Click the Configure button to view or alter prompt settings. These determine the extent to which report users at runtime can view or alter report criteria. When one or more criteria allow All Access or Value Only, the user can review or enter criteria at runtime. . If a user adds a summary view report to the Monitor Activity workspace as a favorite, and the summary view is an interactive chart that allows selection criteria to be changed, and the Display criteria with results? option is selected, a Save Preferences button appears at runtime. The user can save criteria values for later reuse. See WorkManager portal Working in the Monitor Activity workspace. (no label) Select whether to use the default prompt settings or define custom settings. When you select Custom, the form changes. Identify on the Pages & Classes tab the class and page name of a page that can hold prompt values. Create and reference a section rule in that class to collect each prompt value. Use the standard control rule Reporting_SymbolicDates if you want to allow the user to select a symbolic date for a Date or DateTime property. You can also identify a section to hold report output and criteria values. Label Property Prompt Mode This label corresponds to the label defined in the criteria row. This field is corresponds to the field specified in the criteria row. Select a value to determine how a user of this report can modify the criterion in this

How to create Summary View row, when either prompted before report execution:

No Access No part of this row is visible. Read Only The criterion row is visible but users cannot alter the criteria. All Access The criterion appears. Users can change the Field, Condition, and Value fields. Value Only The criterion appears. Users can change the Value field.

Prompt user Select to cause the criteria to appear before the summary view report executes to users before executing who request this report. the report? When selected, at least one Criteria row must allow user input; the Prompt Mode for at least one row must not be No Access or Read Only. Display criteria Select to cause the criteria (both prompts and values) to appear at runtime as part of the with the results? report output. As a best practice to avoid confusion or error, select this option if the report user is allowed to change report selection criteria. If not selected, the output for a single report may vary from user to user for no easily detected reason because the users have different saved criteria. Display Available Values? Select to display at runtime a list of up to 1,000 values for a property referenced in the Field field. The system searches saved instances of the class until it finds 1,000 distinct values. User selections are recorded in the Value field for the current execution of the report. This checkbox is meaningful only when you selected Prompt user? and one or more rows of the criteria allow users to enter values. Display Valid Values? Select to display at runtime a list of values based on the Table Type area of the General tab of the property referenced in the Field field. User selections are recorded in the Value field for the current execution of the report. This checkbox is meaningful only when Prompt user? is selected and one or more rows of the criteria allow users to enter values. Select to display at runtime a list of properties eligible for comparison. These are properties in the Applies To class (or an ancestor class) that are exposed as columns and match the Type of the property referenced in the Field field. User selections are recorded in the Value field for the current execution of the report. This checkbox is meaningful only when Prompt user? is selected and one or more rows of the criteria allow users to enter property names. Search Button Label Group By Define in this array one or more properties to become summary break levels. Order is significant. Enter a text string to display on the search button.

Display Compatible Columns?

How to create Summary View

Field Field

Description Identify the properties to correspond to summary levels, with the major summary level in the first row. Optional. Enter text to appear above the list display for this property. If you leave this blank, the text (empty) appears as the caption. If your application is to support users in multiple locales, choose a noun or noun phrase for the caption of 64 characters or less and select the Localize? checkbox on the HTML tab. When practical, choose a caption already included in a language pack, to simplify localization. Click the pencil icon to review or create the field value rule supporting localization. The pencil icon appears only after you select the Localize? checkbox on the HTML tab. See About the Localization wizard and Rules Inspector tool Localizing forms and reports with the Field Value Inspector.


Function Optional. When the property in the Field field has a type of Text or DateTime, you can use a function to transform the property value, to alter the grouping level or sort sequence. For example, if a property of type Text has hundreds of possible values from AAAAAA to ZZZZZ, you can truncate the value to the first character, to create a report with at most 26 toplevel groups. Similarly, values of a DateTime property are precise to the millisecond, but you can group rows by day or month. For the Text type, click the Details button to specify a string function that the system applies to the field before grouping. You can select a function that converts the field value to uppercase or lowercase, select a substring, or concatenate the value with another Text property value or with a literal constant. For DateTime type, click the Details button to specify a portion of the date to be used in grouping. For example, you can specify the year only (in the format YYYY), a two-digit month code (as YYYY-MM or only MM), or the day (as DD or YYYY-MM-DD). The Details button changes to after you select a function. Control Optional. Select a control rule to format the label for grouping. Many control rules accept parameters. Click the magnifying glass icon to the right of the Control value to enter parameters for the control rule. Click the pencil button to open the control rule. Export Control Optional. If this drill-down display can be exported to Excel, select a control rule to use for the export. Ordinarily, select one of the following, as appropriate to the type of the value: Export_Integer Export_Decimal Export_DateTime These five control rules accept parameters. Click the magnifying glass icon to the right of the Export Control value to enter parameters for the control rule. Export_Date Export_Time

How to create Summary View Click the pencil button to open the control rule. Fields Field Fields Function Description Identify the properties to summarize. Select a function such as Count or Average from the selection list.:

Count Counts the number of rows for which this field is not blank. Count Distinct Counts the number of distinct values of this field. Sum Adds all instances of this field. Can only be used with Integer, Decimal, and Double property types. Average Displays the average of this field. Can only be used with Integer, Decimal, and Double property types. Min Displays the minimum of this field. Can only be used with Integer, Decimal, and Double property types. Max Displays the maximum of this field. Can only be used with Integer, Decimal, and Double property types.


Optional. Enter a property in the class corresponding to the Applies To key part of this rule. If the function selected is Average or Sum, identify a property of type Number or Integer. Leave blank to use a DateTime property with trend reporting.

Trend Reporting Caption Sort

Optional. The system can count instances based on the value of a DateTime property. To define trend fields, leave the Field field blank. Click the details button and complete the Trend Definition form. See Summary View form Entering trend details. Provide a display caption for that property. Select No Sorting, Ascending, or Descending to control the sort order for this field. Sorting follows the order of rows within this array. If this field is set to Ascending in the first row and also in the second row, values corresponding to the first row form the major sort and values corresponding to the second row form a minor sort.


Optional. To override the presentation of this property defined on the Property form, identify here a control rule to use when presenting this property. Many control rules accept parameters. Click the magnifying glass icon to the right of the Control value to enter parameters for the control rule. Click the pencil button to open the control rule.


Optional. If this drill-down display can be exported to Excel, select a control rule to use for

How to create Summary View Control the export. Ordinarily, select one of the following, as appropriate to the type of the value:

Export_Integer Export_Decimal Export_DateTime Export_Time Export_Date ) to the right

These five control rules accept parameters. Click the magnifying glass icon ( of the Export Control value to enter parameters for the control rule.

Thresholds If this summary view rule is to present an interactive chart and you want the chart to include color-coded ranges, define them here. Field Define Thresholds Description Select if you want to define one or colors to identify ranges on an interactive chart (as backgrounds).

Configure... If you selected the Define Thresholds box, click to enter threshold values and colors for each. Complete these fields on the pop-up window to define colors for each range you want to appear on the interactive chart (if any) and the rows of the report. Field Define Thresholds on Background Opacity Description Select the Group By property that thresholds are to label. Select a value to determine the color intensity, from 10 to 100. High values may make the black text more difficult to read. Enter at least one row, choosing non-overlapping ranges. Order is not significant. If you define two or more ranges, use distinct background colors for each. Min Value Enter a number that defines the start of a range, exclusive of this value. For example, enter 0 to restrict the range to positive values. Enter a number, larger than the Min Value value, that defines the end of a range, inclusive of this value. For example, enter 50 to restrict the range to values less than or

Max Value

How to create Summary View equal to 50. Caption Optional. Enter text to provide a short description of this threshold, such as "0 to 60" or "Good". Optional. Enter a six-character hexadecimal value to define the RGB background color for the threshold, such as 0000FF for blue. Choose a background color that allows black text to be legible. Click to access the Windows color-picker control on your workstation. Select a background color. Optional. Enter a six-character hexadecimal value to define the RGB color for the threshold borders. Click to access the Windows color-picker control on your workstation. Select a border color.

Background Color


Border Color


Click Apply to save the threshold settings and return to the Summary View form. Report Source Field Report Source Page Name Activity Name Enter a clipboard page name to contain the report contents. Optional. Identify an activity that applies to the Embed-SummaryParams class to support summary calculations. In most cases, accept the default activity named getContent. Description

Maximum Value Optional. Enter a maximum number of instances to retrieve for the report contents in each drill-down and at the summary level. As a best practice during testing, enter 500. If you leave this blank or enter a value above 9,999, the system enforces a limit of 9,999. Display Count of Select to include a message at the top of the output display if not all rows that meet the Records? selection criteria are included in the report output. The message is: Found more than the maximum number of records (nnn) where nnn is the Maximum Value limit. If all records are displayed, a record count appears. Displaying nnnn records Clear to disable this message. This option is enabled by default for new reports you

How to create Summary View create and disabled for reports created in versions prior to V5.5. Read Only Select in most cases to mark the Code-Pega-List page returned by this summary view at runtime as "read-only", meaning that later processing cannot alter the values of properties on the embedded pages. This has multiple benefits: .

The report display always matches data exactly as retrieved from the database; it cannot be altered through post-processing. Internal processing reuses certain clipboard pages, reducing database access and improving performance.

Use alternate database?

Select to indicate that summary view processing is to use the database identified in the Reports Database field of the Data-Admin-DB-Table instance that supports the Applies To class of this summary view. See How to use a reports database. Chose this option only if the Reports Database field is not blank and identifies a database table that is replicated from the production PegaRULES database. If the report uses JOIN operations that draw from multiple database tables, all tables must be in the same reports database. When this option is selected, at runtime the report uses data from the alternate database. It sets property pyUseAlternateDb to true on the top-level output CodePega-List page.

Report on Select to cause this report, at runtime, to use an implementation class derived from the Descendant Class current rule's Applies To class as the source of report contents. Instances Select this to allow one summary view rule, saved in a framework class, to execute against the work items in an implementation class. This capability reduces the number of rules needed when building an implementation of a framework. This checkbox is effective only if the Applies To class of this summary view rule is derived from the Work- base class. To determine the Work- class actually used in report execution, use the Tracer tool, or, from the list view display, right-click and select View Source from the browser menu; search for ViewClass.

Sub-Classes This array appears only when the Applies To key part of the summary view corresponds to a class group. Field Description (n) Optional. Identify a work type within the class group. The summary view output may include properties from this class (work type) when they exist. For example, if the class group has three work types, you can report on properties defined in the first type even though these properties do not exist for the other two types.


How to create Summary View To successfully execute a summary view rule, a user must hold an access role that provides the ability to execute rules in the Applies To class and to search instances of the Applies To class. Optionally, you can restrict execution of this summary view rule to only those users who hold any one of a list of privileges. Leave this array blank to impose no additional restrictions. Order in this array is not significant. Field Security Class Optional. Select a class that the system can use to find the Applies To key part of a privilege rule. Optional. Select the Privilege Name key part of a privilege rule. The system uses the Class and Privilege values with class inheritance to look for the privilege rule. Web Enabled? Optional. Select to allow this summary view rule to be executed on a web node, as part of a Pega composite application. If selected, users of a Pega composite application can display this report, if the normal access roles, RuleSet list, and privileges requirements are met. If not checked and a user at a web node attempts to execute this summary view rule, the rule does not run and a security exception is added to the Alert log. This tab is optional. You can allow the summary view report user to drill down from summary statistics to the supporting detail by clicking a plus sign icon. When a user clicks a plus sign to perform the drill-down operation, Process Commander uses information in this tab to query the database, sort the results, and present the details. Define on this tab the fields in each detail or drill-down row. Drilldown Options Columns appear in the order listed. Sorting occurs in the order listed. Field Description Description


Drilldown To Select a view type to display when the user drills down on a row in the report. You can drill down to another report or chart from the selected row.

Detailed View this option displays detailed information in the called report or chart. Summary View this option displays summary information in the called report or chart and allows you to specify an additional drill-down to another report or chart. When you select this view, a Configure button appears that allows you to configure the summary view drill-down display. List View this option allows you to specify a list view rule to appear when the user at runtime clicks to drill down. When you select this view, a Configure button appears that allows you to configure the summary view drill-down display.

How to create Summary View Configure... If you selected List View or Summary view in the Drilldown To field, click to identify the target rule in a pop-up window Complete this window to configure a drill-down from one summary view to another from a row in the summary view, from one interactive chart to another, or from a summary view or interactive chart to a list view (Only interactive charts, not image charts, can be the source or target.) If the summary view rule is within a harness rule, and the drill-down chart replaces the original summary view chart, then both the original and drill-down chart must be of the same type. If the original chart is not replaced, the drill-down chart can be of a different type. No data set is passed to the target list view or summary view, only parameters:

Class Name Applies To key part of the target summary view or list view. Purpose Second key part of the target summary view or list view Owner Third key part of the target summary view or list view Parameter Name Name of an input parameter in the target view, identified on the Params tab. Parameter Value Three types of values are supported:

Literal Text string enclosed by quotes. Parameter Reference This is an existing parameter that gets passed to the drill-down view, for example, Parameter Name:MyParamValue and Parameter Value: The abc parameter value in the current summary view will be passed to the drill-down view. The drill-down view can access this parameter by getting the value of Param.MyParamValue. Groupby Column You can provide a "group by" column property name to pass the value of the group by value clicked by the user to the drilldown summary view. For example, assume the MyGrpValue parameter holds the value of the Groupby value you clicked. When you click Operator:tom from the summary view results page, then MyGrpValue holds the value of tom.

Include Column Condition When checked, this passes the field setting to the target view and applies the same setting. When you click an aggregate value in the summary view, then the drill-down summary view or list view uses the column condition of the aggregate value along with other criteria in the drill-down view.

Click Apply to save your changes.

How to create Summary View Defining a Detailed View

Complete these fields when you select Detailed View for the Drilldown To value. Field Enable Sorting? Fixed Header? Field Description Select to allow the user to sort the drill-down display by clicking a column header.

Select to prevent the header from scrolling if a user scrolls the drill down listing. Optional. Enter a property reference for a value to appear at runtime when users request a drill-down from the summary report. Optional. Enter text for a caption for the value in the Field field. If your application is to support users in multiple locales, choose a noun or noun phrase for the caption of 64 characters or less and select the Localize? checkbox on the HTML tab. When practical, choose a caption already included in a language pack, to simplify localization. Click the pencil icon to review or create the field value rule supporting localization. The pencil icon appears only after you select the Localize? checkbox on the


How to create Summary View HTML tab. See About the Localization wizard and Rules Inspector tool Localizing forms and reports with the Field Value Inspector. Sort Select Ascending, Descending, or No Sorting to indicate how the drill-down data is to be sorted. Sorting occurs in the Process Commander server. Optional. To override the normal HTML display-mode presentation of this property, identify here a control rule to use when presenting this property in this report. Click the pencil button to open the control rule. Click the magnifying glass button to enter parameters for the control rule. Images and Links Two control rules are useful here:


Select reporting_image to present a clickable image in the row; reference a binary file rule in the ImageSourceName parameter in the format /dir/name.jpg. Select reporting_link to present a clickable link.

parameters to reporting_image and reporting_link include an activity that executes upon click. Typically, this activity executes an HTML rule, displayed in a new window Export Control Optional. If this drill-down display can be exported to Excel, select a control rule to use for the export. Ordinarily, select one of the following, as appropriate to the type of the value:

Export_Integer Export_Decimal Export_DateTime Export_Time Export_Date


Select to retrieve this column in the drill-down detail, but to present it in a hidden field in the HTML display.

Get DISTINCT records Get Row Key

Select to eliminate duplicate records in the view.

Select to have the report display the key field for each row.

Detailed View Data Source and Report Source These fields are optional when you select Detailed View for the DrillDown To value.

How to create Summary View

Field Data Source of Drill Down View


Optional. Leave this field blank in most cases, to use instances of the Applies To key class of this rule as the source of drill-down information. You can choose a different concrete class that contains the properties to be displayed in the drill-down display, if:

All properties listed in the Criteria array (on the Content tab) are present in both the Applies To class and the class you enter in this field, and all are exposed as columns. The properties in the Group By array (on the Content tab) are present in both classes.

Report Source Page Name Enter a clipboard page name to contain the report contents. (You can't use pxResults as the name of this page.)

Content Activity Optional. Identify the Activity Name key part of the getContent activity for the drilldown operation, which applies to the Embed-DrilldownParams class. In most cases, accept the getContent default value. Maximum Value Optional. Enter a maximum number of instances to retrieve for the report contents. As a best practice during testing, enter 500. If you leave this blank, the system enforces a limit of 9,999. Title of Drill Down Display Optional. Enter text for a title for the drill-down display. Key of a row Identify a property that is present in every row of the drill-down display and uniquely identifies the row. Enter pzInsKey (identifying the handle of an instance) in most cases, where Data Source field is blank or identifies an internal class. If the Data Source identifies an external class, enter the property that forms the key of a row. (A custom GetContent activity must copy this property to the pxInsHandle property in each page within the pxResults list.) Field Description

How to create Summary View Organize Title Customize View Select to cause the Customize View button to appear in the title area. This permits button report users to make a personal copy of the summary view rule, altering any part of it that can be changed using the Report wizard. Enter a Caption to appear as button text. The default is Customize View. This capability is not available when the Activity Name identified on the Content tab is not GetContent. If your application is to support users in multiple locales, choose a noun or noun phrase for the caption of 64 characters or less and select the Localize? checkbox on the HTML tab. When practical, choose a caption already included in a language pack, to simplify localization. Click the pencil icon to review or create the field value rule supporting localization. The pencil icon appears only after you select the Localize? checkbox on the HTML tab. See About the Localization wizard and Rules Inspector tool Localizing forms and reports with the Field Value Inspector. Customize Criteria link Select to cause the Customize Summary Criteria link to appear in the title area. This permits report users to make a personal copy of the summary view rule, altering the criteria. Enter a Caption to appear as button text. The default text is Customize summary criteria. Export to Excel Select to cause the Export to Excel button to appear in the title area. This allows button (Summary and users to export the report contents to Microsoft Excel. Enter a Caption to appear as button text. The default text is Export to Excel. Drilldown) Export to PDF link (Summary and Drilldown) Add to Favorites Button Open button Select to cause an Export to PDF link to appear in the title area. When clicked, the report output is converted to a Portable Document Format file and downloaded to the user workstation.

Select to cause the Add to Favorites button to appear in the title area. This allows users to add a shortcut to this report on their Monitor Activity workspace. Enter a Caption to appear as button text. The default text is Add to Favorites. Select to allow users to open this summary view rule, allowing them to update it (unless it is locked) or to save a copy for personalization. Enter a Caption to appear as button text. The default text is Open.

New button on Drill Down display

Select to include a New button ( ) in the title area after drill down. This allows users of the report to add a new instance of the class supporting the drill-down report. Enter a Caption to appear as button text. The default text is New...

How to create Summary View Data Transform Optional. Specify the name of a data transform to be applied when users click the New name for new button. The data transform must have the same Applies To class as this summary view rule. If this field is blank, the system uses the data transform named pyDefault in the window summary view rule's Applies To class. All fields on this tab are optional. Complete this tab to control the runtime appearance and behavior of rows of the display, and up to two pop-up SmartInfo sections. View Style Field View Style Style Name Optional. To override the default CSS styles associated with the display of this summary view report, identify the final and middle key part of a text file rule containing report styles, with the format css/reports_zzzz, where the rule key is webwb.reports_zzzz.css. You can override the styles for all list view and summary view reports at the portal level, through a skins rule that references your custom report styles. See About Skin rules. Use the Style Viewer tool to help identify the names and appearance of the styles used in the report. See About the Style Viewer tool. Events Handling Field Description Description

Events Handling Complete these optional fields to allow the view to respond to mouse clicks. The response can be an activity, started on the Process Commander server, or a JavaScript function, executing in a client browser session. When the parameter param.glimpseMode is set to the literal value Scripts, the system responds to click events by calling the script identified in the call script function field. Otherwise, it responds by calling the activity. Single click event Optional. Identify an activity to run upon single click. - call Activity call script function Custom tool tip for summary view

Optional. Identify a JavaScript function to run upon single click.

Optional. Enter Tooltip text to appear explaining the single-click event.

Custom tool tip Optional. Enter Tooltip text to appear explaining the drill-down to detailed view. for detailed view

How to create Summary View Target Frame

Optional. Identify the HTML frame in the display for the output of the event. The default frame is DETAILS. Optional. Identify an HTML Fragment rule that contains the JavaScript functions identified above, or that references a static file containing the script functions.

Fragment for script functions Preview Setting Field Preview Setting


Show glimpse Select if you want the summary view display to be included in a FRAMESET. The upper of record? frame displays the drill-down data. The bottom frame renders the HTML code produced by the activity in the Single Click event call Activity field. Size of top frame in % Optional. If you selected Show glimpse of record?, specify here what percent of the height of the workspace is to hold rows of the report. For example, enter 80 to leave 20 percent of the height for the FrameSet information. The default value is 70. SmartInfo Settings (for hover) Field Smart Info Settings Description Optionally, you can define a source for HTML code to be rendered in a pop-up window or displayed as an embedded <DIV> when users hold the mouse pointer over a row (hover) or when they click a row expand arrow( ) at the beginning of the row. For example, this capability can allow users to review details about a work item on a worklist, without requiring the users to open the work item. SmartInfo pop-ups are designed for read-only presentation. Do not attempt to include input fields or other controls. Header Enter text to appear in the header of the pop-up window. Alternatively, if this summary view report is to be localized, identify a field value rule to contain the header text. Enter text to appear in the header of the pop-up window. Identify the name of an activity to develop the HTML text to be rendered. This activity must meet the following conditions:

Header Content

The Applies To key part of the activity matches the Applies To key part of the summary view rule, or is a parent class of this list rule The activity accepts a parameter named keyHandle. The activity assembles and returns text or an HTML stream that meets certain

How to create Summary View restrictions listed here. The activity can return HTML code that is a partial document that contains:

No <HTML> or </HTML> elements No input fields No <TEXTAREA > elements No JavaScript code or calls

It may be beneficial to record in the Description field a notification that this capability is available, for example: Hold mouse pointer over any row to see details... This facility uses AJAX to communicate the request to the Process Commander server. Embedded? Select to have the SmartInfo content embedded in the report to display when you click the expand arrow at the beginning of the row.. Optional. Select one field from those appearing in the Display fields tab to activate the SmartInfo display to cause the SmartInfo display to appear only when the mouse pointer is held over a value in that field. If blank, the SmartInfo display is activated when the mouse pointer is held over any field in the row and does not move for at least 700 milliseconds. The workstation sends a request to the server to run the Content activity specified in the previous field, and the resulting HTML output appears in a pop-up window. This field appears only when the Embedded? option is not selected. SmartInfo Examples Right-click SmartInfo settings Optionally, you can define a source for HTML code to be rendered in a pop-up window or displayed as an embedded <DIV> when users right-click a value in the row. For example, this capability can allow users to review details about a work item on a worklist, without requiring the users to open the work item. SmartInfo pop-ups are designed for read-only presentation. Do not attempt to include input fields or other controls. Field Header Description Optional. Enter text to appear in the header of the pop-up window. Alternatively, if this summary view report is to be localized, identify a field value rule to contain the header text. Optional. Identify the name of an activity that computes the HTML text to be rendered. This field functions similarly to the Content field in SmartInfo Settings. Optional. Select one field from those appearing in the Display fields tab to activate the SmartInfo display to cause the SmartInfo display to appear only when the user right-clicks over a value in that field. If blank, the Smart Info display is activated from a right-click in any




How to create Summary View field in the row. The workstation sends a request to the server to run the Content activity specified in the previous field, and the resulting HTML output appears in a pop-up window. Header and Footer You can add a header and footer to reports. Header Footer Optional. Select a section that specifies content to be included in the section as a header. Select a section that specifies content to be included in the section as a footer.



Use a chart Select to cause the results of this summary view rule to appear as a chart. When selected, this for the tab changes to present additional fields. view? Chart Output Type Chart Output Type Select:

Image to develop a static chart and send to the browser as a PNG image. Complete the remaining details on this form. Interactive to develop an interactive chart as an Adobe Flash file. Complete the Select output layout field, but do not complete other fields on this tab. Then click Configure Interactive Charts to specify parameters for this chart. See Help: Interactive Charts.

Select Output Layout

Indicate whether the chart appears at runtime above the data values, presented in a table.

Interactive Charts To define an interactive chart: 1. Select Interactive for the Chart Output Type. 2. Choose a Select output layout value. 3. Click Configure Interactive Charts to complete other parameters in a new window. See Help: Interactive Charts. Static Charts

How to create Summary View To define a static chart, complete the Charts tab. Static image charts cause summary view report results to be presented as an image, or as an image above tabular numeric data. For examples, the standard summary view rule Work-.ArrivalsPastEightWeeks illustrates a line chart. The standard rule Work-.CountResolvedByResolverTop5 illustrates a pie chart. Process Commander saves static chart images in the StaticContent/global/webwb/graphs directory on the server. Field Select Chart Type Description Select a chart format:

Pie Horizontal Bar Horizontal Stacked Bar Vertical Bar Vertical Stacked Bar Line (available only for trend reports)

Chart Size Chart Title

Choose a size for the chart. Enter text to label the chart.

Cache chart image for Select a time interval during which the chart image is cached rather than regenerated. Choose don't cache image to force the system to recompute the image upon every refresh. Build Chart Include Limit to top Select one field (from the Fields array on the Content tab) to chart. The list presents the Caption you entered for each field. Charts can be easier to interpret if they present smaller groupings as a single element. Select a number to indicate how many of the largest groupings are to appear, or accept the default value No Limit. For example, you can chart the top four values, with all values beyond the top four grouped together and labeled "Other". If Limit to top is not set to No Limit, indicate which field (from those in the Include list) the limit applies to.


How to create Summary View

How to create Summary View

PARAMETERS TAB: Use the Parameters tab for informational purposes to record the name, description, and data type of parameters used in the view. In most cases, an activity with a Property-Set method is executed before the list view is executed, supplying values for the parameters. Then the standard activity Rule-Obj-SummaryView.ShowView is called, passing the parameter page. Field Name Description Data Type Description Enter the name of the parameter. Enter the description of the parameter. Enter the data type of the parameter. Select from string, boolean, and integer.

How to create Summary View Complete this optional tab if other tabs contain references to properties on a page other than the primary page of the rule the page corresponding to the Applies To key part of the summary view rule. Field Page Name Class Description Identify a clipboard page. It can represent an embedded page or a Page List. Select the class of that page.

JOIN TAB: Use the Join tab to merge data from multiple tables into a single report. You can report on data from two tables using a join clause to concatenate the data from both tables using a common column. For example, you can join Work- objects with their associated assignments or lists of embedded properties of an object using Index- classes defined by a Rule-Declare-Index rule. A JOIN expands the primary table to include duplicate entries of its data, having one additional row for each row that matches the key in the secondary table.

Joins can be done with additional classes by matching properties between the classes. This feature provides new reporting capabilities between classes with a common field. These features are independent of each other. Description Enter a text string to be used as an alias for the joined class and all its properties. The Prefix is assigned to all the properties in the class and used to reference the properties from these fields for the Display Fields and Content tabs.

Field Prefix

Class Name Select a class to be the primary class for the join. The Prefix plus this class name specify the joined class. You can specify multiple primary classes to be joined. If this work type is derived from Work-, choose carefully whether you want to join to an implementation class, or in a framework class. At runtime, list view rules with a framework class in this field can report on work items in the associated implementation class, if the Report on Descendant Class Instances option on the Content tab is selected. Edit Click to open the Join Conditions window and specify the columns to join in the two tables. Conditions Field Label Description Enter a text label that uniquely identifies this row. The label is used in the Logic field to compare rows. Select a property from the SmartPrompt list. Note that the properties are all those associated with the class you specified in the Join tab. This must be an exposed column. Select Is Equal.

Property Condition

How to create Summary View


Select the value of the property that you want to use in the joined report. Optional. Using the labels entered in the Criteria array, enter a logical expression that defines how the system combines the criteria into an overall Boolean value at runtime. The expression can include parentheses and the operators AND and OR.


For example, if the table contains four rows labeled A, B, C, and D, you can enter: (A OR B OR C) AND D in this field. This notation is the same as for the logic statement in when condition rules. If you leave the Logic field blank, the system selects only instances for which all criteria rows are true.

Declarative Index Join Index- instances created by Rule-Declare-Index rules can be specified in the rule and used to reference embedded properties for both display and criteria from the Applies To class. This facilitates using RuleDeclare-Index rules for performance by avoiding retrieving properties from the BLOB (Storage Stream) column. You can attach an alias to any declarative index that you have previously defined. Prefix Enter an alphanumeric text string to be used as an alias for the joined declarative index class and all its properties. The Prefix is assigned to all the properties in the class and used to reference the properties from these fields for the Display Fields and Content tabs. Specify the Index- class created by the Rule-Declare-Index rule.

Index Name

Note that if an application is designed such that concrete Work- classes are mapped to different DB tables, then reports defined on the work pool or on any abstract class containing those classes (like standard reports defined on Work- or joining from Assign-Worklist to Work-) will not include data for all of the classes, since Process Commander does not dynamically UNION the data from multiple tables by default. After you save the Summary View form, this tab contains the HTML code that the system generated for this rule. Field Generated HTML Localize? Select to indicate that the generated HTML for this summary view rule is to use field value rules in localization RuleSets to localize column labels. See About the Localization wizard and Localizing forms and reports with the Field Value Inspector. Read-only generated HTML text for this summary view rule. You can review this directly, Description

How to create Summary View or copy it into Notepad and print it. You cannot alter this generated HTML directly.

If we run the summary view the chart will appear in the way below:

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