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Crystal Clear

Madman Matt

Stay single, they said. Its awesome, they said. Whole lot of bull crap. I guess at one point everything you ever hear about are boyfriends and love and about relationships Crystal was finding it hard to remain calm and composed. I mean I have had a boyfriend but then he turned out to be a total jerk! And it was like long back. I know you dont like listening to me go on and on about how messed up my life is and ... You are desperate Kate interjected. Crystal wanted to deny it but she couldnt. It was true. She was indeed desperate. She nodded and took a sip of the champagne she was holding. She turned, pointed at the altar and said Look at her in her very white beautiful dress. She is so happy and I am ... Jealous Kate butted in again and she was right once again. Yes, I am Crystal accepted it, yet again. [You know the world is a funny place. Its not just in stories, but even in real life things happen really fast] Excuse me ladies He was tall five foot eleven handsome and in his suit he looked all the more masculine. The ladies gave way. He took a plastic cup and started filling it in with fruit punch. Hi Crystal could not hold back her words. As soon as she realised that words had come out of her mouth, she looked at Kate. There was some amount of fear in Crystals eyes. Kate took it as a signal. She just left. [Yes, it was awkward. But thats what friends do when they are clueless they walk away from an awkward moment to make it all the more awkward] She looked at him, stretched out her hands and said Crystal What? he seemed to be clumsy. He almost tripped although he didnt move much. I am Crystal they shook hands Brad... his voice was muffled and he did not sound well. He cleared his throat and continued Im Brad. Are you a friend of the grooms? No, the brides. Carla and I have been friends for some time now She did not know what she was speaking. Its as if the words had a mind of their own. Oh, ... um truth be told I am gate crashing he smiled. She looked confused and a bit scared too. Just kidding, just kidding... Bryans a friend of mine Bryan? Yup, Bryan figuring out why she had a doubt he continued Oh... Bryans Ricardos brother. Ricardos the groom and Bryan, his brother. He almost spelled out awkward under his breath. He just took a sip of the punch to save himself. Oh that makes sense

Um.. you look beautiful by the way Brad said. It was a bold statement, especially since he barely knew her. She blushed and thats all she did. Her heart was raised and she did not know what to do. So she just took a small sip of her champagne and smiled. Your smile is also beautiful Brad was not an adept at flirting, but he was pretty good at it and he was bold. Her smile grew wider. It felt as she was asking for more. What Brad did next led to them being together from then on. He reached for his phone, pulled it out of his waistcoat, looked Crystal into her eyes and said Give me your number *** The exchange of numbers was probably the best and brightest moment of their relationship. Brad was always busy with work. He got some time off of work from time to time. He used them wisely. He caught up with most of the TV shows, hung out with friends, went to movies and yes, of course there was Crystal. They hung out and made out from time to time but that initial fire seemed to have waned away. [Actually waned away is putting it subtly. It was more like this. Imagine the flame of a candle burning with all its vigour. Now pour a bucket full of water on it, throw the candle to the ground, throw a tap dance tandrum on it and cut its wick. Thats how waned away it was.] But they were still close on the phone and she felt there was hope, even though it was just a small shard there was hope and she believed in it. It was on the third month into the relationship that Crystal introduced Kate to Brad. Brad complimented Kate on her beauty. He was the kind of guy who was pretty simple and knew girls liked it when they were told how they looked. [only the better half of it. Tip Do not ever mention the other side. It does not exist. Even if it does, it doesnt] At the end of the night, Kate and Brad exchanged numbers while Brad and Crsytal exchanged kisses. A simple bye later, ended the night. Thanks to the advent of technology, keeping your loved ones close is an easy takes. So is keeping your loved ones best friend close. Brad and Kate grew close fast. Soon they found themselves sitting on a table for two with a candle lit dinner served on the table. Even though Kate knew Crystal loved Brad, she could not resist his charm. Brad, on the other hand, did not see any fault in what he was doing. Kate was just a friend. Though they did have dinner alone, he could not see her as a lover [Guys are so sensible at times] *** I loved him and he loved me Tears filled her eyes. Her cheeks flushed. She had one too many to drink. This was her way of comforting herself she was letting out all her problems to a stranger. He was using me to get to her all along. He patted her gently. Its ok. Its ok he said

It not all ok, ok? She was accusing Brad for having cheated on her with her friend, Kate. There could be perfectly logical explanation for it all He continued. It was in his best interest to cite his bitter luck with women, to ease her grief. Take me for example. My roommate thought ... wait... my previous roommate thought he should set me up with some random girl. Three weeks into my random relationship, she starts going out with him! What an ass! Chad knew she was listening. His strategy was to sway her off course and to make her forget what was happening in her life. Do you think Ill ever find a guy who would love me? There was a tear rolling down her cheek. Chad nearly melted and he vowed to help her out. Look at me. You are a strong, lovely, beautiful lady. I dont know what that guys problem was but he made hell of a mistake leaving you for any other girl He presented a solution himself [Smooth, no?] *** Yes! Crystal had not one but TWO true loves in her life. I am sure most of us have had that dilemma in our lives. But then again I guess not. She discovered her first true love when she was desperate to be loved and her second true love came at a time when she needed a lot of help. She did love both of them and she was clueless as to what to do. Theres always that one best friend of yours who loves to make your life miserable, as if it already wasnt, by stating the obvious a true best friend. Nina, Crystals best friend, told her she had to choose and going out with two guys at the same time was not right even if one of her true loves stayed in touch mostly through a phone and the other one took her out her almost daily. She was confused and clueless but then she thought of Kate. She hated her. Kate stole the love of her life, but she was still a friend. In a weird way she could comprehend it, probably because of an alternative at her disposal. So she did the most logical thing she could think of she broke up with Brad. The reason? We loved each other through a phone and didnt get to meet much. Its over And then she hooked up with her alternative Chad! When you break up with someone and immediately get on with someone else there is this thing that develops inside you its called as guilt. It crept onto her every day, but being with Chad subdued the effect. Remember that I told you shit happens in the beginning of the story? The you know the worlds a funny place thing. Shit happens is what I meant. On a bright Sunday morning at a diner Crystal bumped into a man who reeked with the smell of alcohol. She did not expect to meet him ever again. He was depressed and had turned to alcohol and cannabis to keep himself composed. He wanted another chance. She fell for it. Dont ask me why. Remember the first movie you ever saw at the movies? You loved it right? No matter how many awesome movies you saw after that, nothing could be compared to that first one. She just did. She got back together with Brad. [Told you so, Shit happens] But she had to break up with Chad and she needed a reason. Easier said than done, one would think. Nope, you are wrong!

There was a time when Crystal craved for a burger so badly that did not know what to do in the midnight. She called up Chad who had no clue how to get a burger that late. Yes, that was the reason she cited. Ironically, with Brad, it was another episode of sympathy love. Brad was different this time around. He was a bit paranoid and didnt want to lose her. He acted very strange around her and he lost the charm he once had. She did not like the new Brad 2.0., but she tried to adjust to his new was. It was not long before Brad 2.0 downgraded to Brad 1.0 and started complimenting other girls on their charm. This made Crystal uncomfortable and she broke up with Brad. She wanted to be with someone who cared for her even if he could not get her a burger in the late hours of the night. Once again Chad was topped her list. Actually, he was the only guy in that list. Crystal hooked up with Chad once again. This young lady just doesnt know when to quit! Chad was a good guy. He accepted her apology and let her back into her life. Chad too changed though. When guys lose someone they really care about, they just change. He grew scared of losing her (remember Brad?) He became the golem and she was his One Ring. He smothered her with overprotection and Crystal, being human could not take anymore. She could not adjust with the excessive love she was being showered upon. It was a burden. So she did the most logical thing she could - she broke up with him as well. *** After over one and a half years of a tennis love game, Crystal was single. It was on a Wednesday evening, while sitting on a bench in a park under an oak tree, when she received a message. It read Stay Single. Its awesome! She looked at the many couples on the park, smiled and resumed reading her book.

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