Total Eclipse Episode Three

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Episode Three

Written By Liam Jacobs

Based on, School,Horror,Drama

Address Phone Number

PREVIOUSLY ON TOTAL ECLIPSE The school explodes parts of the school breaks off flying into the air, SCREAMING IS ECHOING!! FLASH OF BLACK: Inside the prom hall the light falls off the sealing onto the floor. FLASH OF BLACK: Outside, The school sign breaks off the polls and flies into the air because of the impact of the explosion. Flames sparkle!! FLASH OF BLACK: Eric screams!!! ERIC (to Mike - shouts) MIKE WATCH OUT!!!!! Mike looks into the sky. MIKE'S POV - The School sign swings closer and closer to him. FLASH OF BLACK: Eric, Owen and Alice watches Mike's body being covered. FLASH OF BLACK: Stanley gets arrested and taken into a police car. CLOSE UP: Stanley's face watching Alice and Eric. FLASH OF BLACK: Eric runs away from Stanley, He looks back to see if he's behind him he turns back, Stanley is standing infront of him. ERIC Stay away from me! Stanley pushes Eric down the stairs, Eric falls flat on the floor. Eric wakes up in his room.

FLASH OF BLACK: A news report of Stanley escaping from prison flash on the screen, Alice doesn't notice as she cleans in the kitchen. FLASH OF BLACK: Stanley walks down the streets of Las Vegas in a big black hoodie, CLOSE UP: His face is dark as his hood is covering his dangerous looking face. FLASH OF BLACK: Alice picks up Eric's Diary and opens it. ALICE (reads off book) It's very hard to get on with life when your bestfriend fell victim of the disaster,Luckily me and Owen weren't hurt just minor cuts, I hope my mum tells me the secret i know shes keeping from me.

Alice looks up and closes her eyes. FLASH OF BLACK: In the Gymnasium the PE teacher speaks, Eric stands smiling. PE TEACHER As you all know we have agonized a rock climbing learning session on thursday and including the following day everyone in this room can join in by climbing the highest wall. Everyone cheers, Including Eric and Owen. Jenny listens outside the doors of the gymnasium. IN THE SCHOOL VAN The group of students start to jump and go along with the beat of the music. ERIC'S VOICE ECHOS. ERIC I can't wait!! FLASH OF BLACK: Alice's lays on her bed, She gets out of her bed and walks

into the bathroom , CLOSE UP: She turns on the taps on. Alice leans down to wash her face, She turns the tap off, and drys her face, Alice screams as Stanley attacks her from behind, She keeps screaming until crack, She falls to the floor. CLOSE UP: Stanley's face, his eyes go red, He smiles. FLASH OF BLACK: In Stanley's Little apartment, Stanley sits on his bed next to a girl. IT'S JENNY STANLEY Do you know what to do? JENNY I have to make Eric suffer until he goes into a big depression.

THE SCREEN IMMEDIATELY TURNS TO BLACK. The Title flash onto the screen. "TOTAL ECLIPSE" IT ZOOMS CLOSER TO THE SCREEN.. CUT TO: EXT. LAS VEGAS COLLEGE - YARD - MORNING *The Day after EPISODE TWO* Students flood in through the gates into the yard, one of the students kick a football another student joins in. Eric and Owen walk through the gates. OWEN (to Eric) How is your mum? ERIC I she hasn't called me since she left and i've called her but she hasn't answered.

OWEN Maybe she just wants space away from it all, including you. ERIC Maybe! But why me why her own son, couldn't she take me. OWEN Like i said she wants space. ERIC Maybe your right. OWEN Did you sleep ok? ERIC Still had them nightmares. OWEN They will fade as the months or years go on. ERIC But what if they don't? OWEN You know what you need? (smiles) ERIC NO? OWEN Wait i know what you need! ERIC Wait. You mean you didn't even know? OWEN Know what? ERIC Exactly. OWEN (as he gets out a book out of his bag) I've got a book, Take a look. Owen hands him the book.

ERIC'S POV - The Book has a dark cover. ERIC (reads the title) Dark will rise? (to Owen) What kind of title is that? OWEN A very good one in fact. Please give it a read. ERIC OK. Owen stops and looks a the memorial notice with pictures of Mike, Principle Lexton and 5 other students who died in the explosion. Eric looks at the back of the book. OWEN Eric look. ERIC What. Eric looks up, He spots the notice on the door. OWEN Are you going? ERIC Of course i am, I will feel guilty for not going. OWEN Why should you feel guilty your not the one who started it. ERIC That's what i am wondering about who started it? OWEN Just forget the who done it and enjoy the day we've got a very exciting day. ERIC Your right. They walk out of SHOT.

INT. LAS VEGAS COLLEGE - LOCKERS Eric slams the locker, Owen joins him. OWEN What's the matter? ERIC I read the book... OWEN And.. ERIC It's right, I should focus on being happy and not the negative feelings. OWEN Your right. But I'm sorry to stop your happy feelings but it's time. ERIC OK. OWEN Are you ready? ERIC Of course i could be. OWEN I've just checked with Principle Bimary and i said to have Mike done first. ERIC I don't think i wanna go. OWEN Come on..It will be fine. ERIC OK. OWEN Do you want to make a speech? ERIC Yes. OWEN Good Mike would love that.

FADE IN EXT. LAS VEGAS COLLEGE - GARDEN GABRIELLE APLIN - THE POWER OF LOVE (INSTRUMENTAL)PLAYS. Students watch, holding a rose. Eric stands at the front, also holding a rose. ERIC Mike wasn't just a friend he was a friend that was just so caring, loving and a person that could light up your day without even talking to him. Mike was a friend who you could rely on. Mike was the life and soul of our school, (he starts to cry) He was a kind of person who make you feel happy when you are sad and i remember when he used to cheer me on when i was in a race last year. Mike was the one in a million friend. (He looks up into the sky) So Mike i would like to give you this to let you know i will never forget you. Eric knees down and puts the rose down next to Mike's picture. Owen starts to cry, Owen steps out and hugs Eric. CUT TO: Jenny, Who was standing on the other side of the garden. THE CAMERA ZOOMS CLOSER. She watches with a evil look in her eye, She smiles and walks away out of shot. CUT TO: Owen Still hugging Eric. MUSIC FADES OUT. FADE OUT BLACK

CUT TO: EXT. LAS VEGAS COLLEGE - LATER Eric is sitting on the bench crying, Owen sits beside him. OWEN Come on. Mike wouldn't want you to be crying like this, It's the rock climbing thing this afternoon. ERIC I don't want to go. OWEN NO you can't do this! It's been an hour come on today is supposed to be a fun day please. ERIC NO. OWEN Please come please you know how much you wanted to go. Well if you don't i'm not going anywhere without ya. ERIC OK, but i'm going on the biggest wall there is. OWEN No problem i'm going on the second biggest!! Which means the biggest one ever there is. ERIC You do know that were outside when rock climbing. OWEN What? ERIC Ya there' 4 climbing walls, 1st one small stupid one, 2nd one big, 3rd one very big, 4th one massive big. OWEN The massive wall is going to be mine.

ERIC No mine. They both laugh. Owen takes his bag off his back. He zips it open. OWEN (laughs) Look what i found. Owen puts his hand in his bag and takes out 10 Dollars! They laugh. ERIC Oh My god where did you get that? OWEN Staff room. ERIC Are you joking? OWEN No decently not. ERIC Was there anything else in that room? OWEN Some cola and food. ERIC Could you get us in the room together? OWEN Yes i could. ERIC How about later! OWEN Yes. INT. STANLEY'S APARTMENT Stanley's cell phone rings, He picks it up and answers it. STANLEY Jenny, I assume you have (MORE)

10 STANLEY (CONT'D) information or your wasting my time. JENNY (on the phone) Trust me you will want to hear this. STANLEY Spill. JENNY The school is going on a trip this afternoon, and it's Rock climbing and i know what i'm going to do. He hangs up. CUT TO: EXT. STREETS OF LAS VEGAS - CONTINUOUS Jenny wears dark clothes and her hair is now black. She hangs up. She smiles. INT. LIBARY - LAS VEGAS COLLEGE Eric sits on a desk reading Owen's book, He turns pages back and fourth. ERIC (reads off book) After a friend or family member has passed away or died in an accident you will start to feel guilty like it was because of you but the real answer it wasn't you, the reason of that this someone close or someone that used to be in your family or was in a passed life but you need to say to yourself "I WILL NOT FEEL SORRY OR FEEL SADNESS ANYMORE MY LIFE IS COMPLETE, DEATH IS PART OF LIFE AN ACCIDENT OR NO ACCIDENT IT'S PART OF LIFE" Owen looks through the library window, He makes his way to the doors. He opens the doors and walks in.


OWEN How is it going? ERIC I didn't think it would do me any good. OWEN OH didn't you how was it? ERIC Very good i really like this book.

OWEN I told you. ERIC Are you still up for the sneak in? OWEN Yes. INT. JENNY'S BEDROOM - JENNY'S HOUSE ROCK MUSIC PLAYS LOW. Jenny buttons up her red top and tightens her belt, brushes her hair, puts her make up on. She walks around her room, She holds her phone by her ear. CUT TO: LONG SHOT: She looks very normal and hair is now back brown. JENNY I'm ready. STANLEY (on the phone) Good, lets hope you don't screw it up. JENNY Don't worry they don't know anything about me teaming up with you. STANLEY Make sure you don't mess up i mean it.


JENNY Stanley, Eric won't know what hit him. She hangs up. ROCK MUSIC FADES OUT AS WE CUT TO DIFFIRENT SCENE.

INT. HALLWAY - LAS VEGAS COLLEGE Eric and Owen run and creep down the hallway, Owen stops at the staff room door. OWEN Here it is. ERIC I'm not stupid i can read, are you sure this is a right time. OWEN Trust me it is. Owen twists the door Knob, But it won't open!. Eric turns his head left and right to look if anyone's coming. OWEN Damm. ERIC What! OWEN It won't open! Owen looks in his pocket, Eric does too. He digs and digs in!! He finds a piece of a metal paper clip. OWEN Were going in. ERIC Yes. He puts the metal paper clip in the key lock. ERIC What's in this room?


OWEN Drinks, food and money. ERIC Wouldn't it be stealing? OWEN Yes. Owen twists the Clip in the lock back amd fourth, UNTIL CLICK. The door opens. Eric smiles and Owen grins. They step into the room. CUT TO: INT. STAFF ROOM Eric runs over to the cupboards. He takes out the staff money box. ERIC (smiles - to Owen) Look.! OWEN Jackpot man! They both giggle, Owen takes the lid off the Box and tips the money into his wallet. ERIC Were going to make a fortune with this. (laughs) Owen runs over to the refrigerator and opens it. Eric puts the lid back on the box and places it in the cupboard. ERIC (CONT'D) What have you found? OWEN (smiles) Three cans of cola and Chips. They put the things in there bagpacks. ZIP. They pull the zip to close the bags.


CUT TO: INT. HALLWAY They step out of the staff room slamming the door behind. OWEN Shhh!! ERIC Sorry!! A teacher, Mr Lennis walks around the corner going towards them. MR LENNIS Hey? They turn around and jump in fright. MR LENNIS Shouldn't you be in Math class. ERIC Yes. OWEN Yes. MR LENNIS Wait that were you doing in there? Eric stands, Not knowing what to say. OWEN (unsure as well - smiles) Er. We was delivering Mrs Milliton a letter. MR LENNINS OK. They stand not knowing what to do. ERIC (to Mr Lennis) OK So were off. There's a slight pause. MR LENNIS Well.. OWEN Well What?


MR LENNIS What are you two still doing here get to class! OWEN OK See you Sir. ERIC Bye. They walk around Mr Lennis, Mr Lennis walks on the otherway. Eric and Owen starts to run. INT. DINNERROOM - LATER The Dinner room is very big filled with tables and chairs. Owen walks over to Eric sitting on a table with two girls from Grade 11, Maddie Worrison, A sexier version of Evil Jenny and Her friend Jasmine Fox, 17 slightly sexy girl. Owen puts his tray down with his dinner and drink on it. OWEN (to Girls) Are you going? He puts his tray on the table. JASMINE Yes, I wanna but Maddie doesn't? MADDIE It's because of the accident my cousin Ryan had last year on Rock Climbing, He broken both his legs. ERIC Why what happened? MADDIE I wasn't there, But he told me tha.. OWEN Oh My Jesus you mean he's still alive? MADDIE (to Owen) Yes.


MADDIE (CONT'D) Well the harness that he was strapped into was loose and the guider never strapped it on properly and He got to the top of the climbing wall and trust me i seen that climbing wall on the internet and it was massive i couldn't see the top, the guider told him to let go of the wall because he would just float to the floor but with the harness being loose he let go of the wall and he plunged so fast i'm surprised he never died, I was in shock when i heard... ERIC Is he better? MADDIE Ye loads but he's still in hospital JASMINE I can't wait!! Eric takes a sip of his cola through a straw.

JASMINE (to Eric) How are you doing? ERIC I'm OK Thanks. (to Owen) Has my mum phoned you yet? OWEN No! ERIC I don't know?. i haven't even spoken to her in days, I wonder what's wrong? OWEN It's the explosion and plus she needs a break.


Eric pauses and thinks, he holds his drink by his mouth twisting the straw. MADDIE (to Eric) Are you OK hun? ERIC Yes i'm fine Maddie. JASMINE Are you sure? ERIC Wait here i need to do something. Eric puts down the drink, stands and runs out. JASMINE (to Owen) What's wrong with him? OWEN Don't know? INT. HALLWAY Eric runs to the front exit, Behind him Stanley stands watching. STANLEY'S POV - Eric opening the door. He speaks out to Eric. STANLEY Eric! Eric turns around. STANLEY Hello Eric. ERIC Can i help you. STANLEY My names Stanley ERIC I'm sorry? STANLEY It's coming!


ERIC What's coming?! I'm sorry who are you? Stanley walks closer to Eric. STANLEY (threatening) I was your mums old boyfriend but she turned me down but now i'm back and i'm going to make sure your life's a living hell, (echos) Listen to me are you listening to me. Are you are you listening to me Eric Eric!! WHITE COVERS THE SCREEN CUT TO: Eric awakes up on the floor by the entrance He takes a big deep breath, A teacher is kneeling beside him, Owen, Jasmine and Maddie are standing behind her. TEACHER Eric! Are you Ok? ERIC I think so? MADDIE Your ok! The teacher stands and helps Eric to get up. TEACHER (to Eric) We need to take you to a doctor! ERIC No! TEACHER Yes. ERIC NO! I'm fine! TEACHER Are you sure? ERIC Yes I just fell over!


OWEN Really are you sure because if your not! ERIC Please i'm fine for gods sake. MADDIE We was worried sick! OWEN (to Eric) Do you still wanna go? ERIC Yes!! (SMILES) JASMINE The PE teacher has got the van to take us to the Rock climbing Centre are you ready?!! ERIC (smiles) Yes Lets go.

INT. VAN - AFTEROON Students are sitting at the backseats and Eric, Owen, Jasmine and Maddie all sit in the middle seats. Owen is dancing to the song played on the radio, Eric looks out the window on his left. Owen starts to go louder and louder. ERIC (annoyed - shouts) Will you shut up. OWEN What? ERIC I'm sorry it's just the rock climbing thing is all starting to get real. MADDIE Don't worry it will be ok your strapped in remember.


ERIC (to Maddie) I know but it's what you said. MADDIE If that's how you feel Eric I'm sorry look it will be fine. JASMINE (to Eric) You will enjoy it as much as we will you'll see. ERIC Look i'm sorry i'm making you guys feel horrible. OWEN No your not. It's fine to be scared it's just your mind playing with your brain. A boy, SID REXFORD, 14 turns around in his seat. SID OOH are you scared Eric. ERIC Shut up! Sid! SID Make me!! Maddie smacks Sid on the head. MADDIE (mad at Sid) Turn around big head! TEACHER (in the drivers seat) Stop it you guys were nearly there. Sid turns back around in his seat. MADDIE (to Eric) Don't listen to him Eric, He's being a cow! ERIC Maddie thanks!


MADDIE Your welcome (smiles) EXT. FIELD. The van drives into the field, A big white hut is located in the middle of the field. Inside van, Eric looks at the hut sign ERIC (reads off sign) "Rock climbing harness placement" OWEN It looks amazing. MADDIE Oh my god look at that! She points, Owen, Eric and Jasmine looks. IT'S THE VERY HIGH ROCKCLIMBING WALL. TEACHER Are you ready guys!! EVERYONE YES!!! EVERYONE CLAPS! CUT TO: EXT. FIELD A Guy stands outside the Harness Hut. The van stops, The doors open, Everyone gets out ready for the awesome climb of a lifetime. SLAM. The doors shut. Everyone gathers around The Rock climbing Guy. ROCKCLIMBING GUY Hi guys my name is Jerry Hardson (smiles) Are you ready guys, Now guys this (Points to the big Hut) is where you will be getting strapped up onto a Harness and an Anchor for the climb, But first i will be showing you some safety tips, Come guys,


They go inside the other hut beside the Harness Hut. CUT TO: DARK MUSIC PLAYS! LOW EVIL! JENNY watches them, She starts walking to the Harness hut. EXTREME CLOSE UP: AS SHE WALKS, SHE TAKES OUT A POCKET KNIFE OUT OF HER POCKET AND UNFOLDES IT. IT'S VERY SHALP. She opens the door to the harness hut and steps in, The door closes behind her. CUT TO: INT. SAFETY HUT - SECONDS LATER Jerry stands at the front showing a presentation about Safety. Eric and Owen are stand watching JERRY Here are your helmets. Jerry passes out the helmets some are red and some are blue. JERRY Don't put them on until your in the hut. INT. HARNESS HUT The doors open, Jerry walks in along with the students and school PE teacher. JERRY (serious) Listen guys, your harness's and your anchor are all placed below your names. Find your names and put your gear on if you need help with the gear please ask me. CUT TO: CLOSE UP: Half of the Anchor wire is cut. Eric runs over to his Harness, Owen's Harness is beside Eric's.


OWEN How are you feeling? ERIC I'm feeling fine, Excited in fact. OWEN Good. (smiles) Eric and Owen put there harness on and the Anchor. ERIC (looks at the Anchor) What's this? OWEN It's an Anchor. ERIC Is it meant to be like that. OWEN Like what? ERIC Little messed up? OWEN Yes everyones been on yours including mine well everyones, It will be fine don't worry. ERIC Your right. They both put there helmets on, They tighten the strap. JERRY OK guys i see your all finished, now lets go and see what we are climbing on. OWEN Ready to boogie. ERIC Lets boogie. THE CAMERA ZOOMS TO THE HUT WINDOW. Through the window Outside, EVIL JENNY WATCHES ERIC.


EXT. FIELD - CLIMBING WALL The students are all amazed on what they were going to climb on! JERRY Look i'm not forcing you to climb the wall but if you don't want to you don't have too. ERIC Like thats ever going to happen. GIRL No i don't think i wanna do this! SID (to Girl) It's not scary! Chicken OWEN It just did. JERRY (to Girl) Well like i said you don't have to, You can wait in the Safety hut. GIRL OK I'll wait in the safety hut. JERRY (to girl) It's up to you, Go. The girl walks to the hut. ERIC (to Owen) What a wimp. OWEN Wait you nearly backed out. ERIC I know, but i'm no backing out now! JERRY Who wants to go first! MADDIE Me!!!


JERRY (to Maddie) OK come on. Maddie stands by the rock climbing wall. JERRY OK what's your name? MADDIE Maddie Sir. JERRY OK Maddie what i need you to do when you get to the top is climb or reach for the top of the moutain where you will see the summit, Where you will wait until everyone will come up. Ready? MADDIE Yes. JERRY OK Climb. Maddie puts her hands on two of the rocks and then her left foot onto the wall, followed by Her right foot. CUT TO: Eric, He seems very dizzy. ERIC (to Owen) I'm going to the toilet. OWEN OK. (To Maddie - SHOUTS) COME ON MADDIE!!

CUT TO: INT. BATHROOM HUT Eric takes off his harness and goes into a cubical. SLAM. The Cubical door slams shut.


EXT. BATHROOM HUT - FIELD - CLIMBING WALL Owen walks to the doors, He opens them and walks in. CUT TO: INT. CUBICAL - BATHROOM HUT Eric sits with the toilet seat down, he looks very scared and nervous. Outside the Cubical, Owen turns the tap on. OWEN Eric. ERIC Hi Owen. OWEN Maddie is nearly finished on her wall i asked if you could go first how about that. ERIC (In cubical - nervous) Oh cool ye i'll be out soon. Owen turns the tap off, He sees Eric's Harness, Owen picks it up. In Cubical, Eric stands wiping his tears. he opens the cubical doors and walks out. CLOSE UP: Eric Harness, Half cut anchor wire. Eric turns the tap on and washes his hands.... He turns the tap off, grabs the towel and dries his hands. EXT. FIELD - CLIMBING WALL - SECONDS LATER - SUMMIT Maddie is looking down waiting. On the ground, Eric gets ready to climb, He puts two hands on a rock and his foot on the rock below. OWEN (to Eric) Come on Eric you can do it!! JERRY Eric one foot up and one hand up come one!!


ERIC (struggling) I'm getting higher this is way scary!! OWEN (to Eric) COme on Eric!!! Eric gets higher and higher nearly close to Maddie who is wait in the summit. CLOSE UP: Eric's hand and he reaches for the rock above. CLOSE UP: Anchor wire begins to rip slowly. Eric now gets very scared as he is very high off the ground, He looks down. ERIC'S POV - He is very high now! Suddenly, Eric lets go and he hangs down. JERRY (shouts - to Eric) Don't worry just try and grab the rock infront of you. ERIC OK. Eric looks and takes all his strength and tries to grab the rock. Maddie looks down from the top of the summit. MADDIE'S POV - Eric is very near her now. CLOSE UP: Eric's Harness Anchor wire, Nearly fully ripped. Eric is still try to reach the rock, He doesn't seem to be reaching the rock anytime soon, He is trying. Maddie spots the Anchor wire. CLOSE UP: Eric's Anchor wire ripping to the point it will give way. CUT TO: CLOSE UP: Maddie's face shocked.


MADDIE (SHOCKED - SCREAMING ECHOS) ERIC GRAB THE ROCK NOW!! THE WIRE INFRONT! Eric looks at the anchor he notices, He starts to panic. ERIC (shouts to Jerry) The wire is snapping. On the ground, Owen watches worried. OWEN What's happening!! CUT TO: MADDIE SCREAMS VERY LOUD (IT ECHOS) MADDIE (screams) NO!!!!! The ANCHOR WIRE SNAPS!!! THE SCREEN IMMEDIATELY TURNS TO BLACK. AND CRASH AND BURN...

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