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Hi guys! My name is Yi Zhang and Im one of the TAs in this class. Today Im going to talk about 2 articles.

In the other video I shared my thoughts with you on a paper called Collective Intelligence Ratio, so today lets do: Action Research Approach on Mobile Learning Design for the Underserved. The author is Dr. Paul Kim. And the journal in which the article was published is called Education Technology Research Development. In this paper, Dr. Kim focused on using the 4 steps of an action research approach strategizing, applying, evaluating, and reflecting - in order to prove that a mobile learning model can positively impact the literacy development of the indigenous children who lived in very isolated and poor areas in Latin America. Not only were multiple groups such as corporate and government representatives, and NGO as well as university partners actively involved in the project, but they also conducted a series of meetings, observations, interviews, and video-taping. The mobile learning devices were preloaded well-narrated alphabetic tutorials and short stories to teach children. The 2 most important things I learned from the paper are that, FIRST, academic research on social entrepreneurship is still in its infancy. This made me feel that if we are not able to develop a hybrid model soon, the equipment or financial support to those children may not be sufficient to support their literacy development. AND SECOND, although the children lived in isolated areas with little access to technology, they were still able to handle all the training and manipulate the devices. It shows to me that well designed mobile devices and user interface can be intuitive to even novice users. This paper is definitely relevant to the design of online learning environment, esp. for potential learning environments in the isolated and underserved areas. We all know that nowadays there is growing number of online and mobile programs if googling the phrase online learning class you may find there are more than 165,000,000 results for you to choose. In the mean time, we cannot forget that there are more people in the world who live under poor conditions with no Internet access or great education opportunities. When we keep talking about how to build better learning environments for the modern society today, we will have to look for innovative digital learning approaches for those marginalized communities because everyone has the right to education. So this is it! I hope you enjoyed this paper as well. And Ill see you in the other video.

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