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Study of Customers Satisfaction towards the Pure it (HUL) (With special reference to Cuttack city) For partial fulfillment of MBA degree course of Biju Pattnaik University of Technology

Submitted By:

Soumya Prakash Pani

Roll No. B/10/01 Reg. No.1006281028 MBA 2010-12

External Guide:
Mr. Pratim Chatterjee Territory Sales Officer HUL( Pure it )

Internal Guide:
Mr. Biswarup Singh Sc Lect. Marketing




I, Soumya Prakash Pani, a student of MBA (2010-12) studying at IPSAR (Institute of Professional Studies & Research), Cuttack, solemnly declare that the project work titled- Study of customers satisfaction towards Pure it (HUL) was carried out by me at Hindustan Unilever Limited; Cuttack, in partial fulfillment of the MBA programme. This programme was undertaken as a part of academic curriculum according to the University

Date : Place

Soumya Prakash Pani MBA 2010-12

I feel great pleasure for the completion of this project. At the very outset I would express my sincere thanks and deep sense of gratitude to personnel who helped me during the collection of data and gave me rare and valuable guidance for the preparation of this report. I am thankful to Dr J. K. Mishra, Director of IPSAR and Prof A. K. Mishra, Dean MBA for giving us such a wonderful opportunity to work with corporate as a part of our project work and constantly motivating right from the beginning. I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude and appreciation to my project guide Mr Biswarup Singh, Lect Marketing (IPSAR) for assistance, motivation, and being a continual source of encouragement for me. I would like to thank Mr. D. Roy, Business Development Executive (BDE), Mr. Pratim Chatterjee , Territory Sales Officer (TSO),HUL Pure it Cuttack, for always helping me right from the beginning of the Project. I am thankful to my project guide Mr. Pratim Chatterjee, TSO for his timely guidance, cooperation and encouragement. I take opportunity to thanks all my friends and also thank all people who directly or indirectly concerned with this project. I also express my gratitude to my parents who give a constant support and love throughout my life and career.

Soumya Prakash Pani

Chapters Page No. Introduction (1- 3) Objectives of study. (6) Scope & Importance of study(7) Methodology.. (8) Data collection... (9) Limitation of the study ........ (10) Review of literature (11-13) Industrial profile. (14-15) Company profile. (16-21) Selling strategy Adopted.. (22) Study of consumer satisfaction. (24-29) SWOT analysis of Pure it.... (31) Data presentation & analysis. (32-50) Finding....... (51)
Conclusion. (52)

Recommendations. (53)
Bibliography.... (54)

Questionnaire... (55-58)

Marketing research means the systematic gathering, recording, analyzing of about problems relating to the marketing of goods and services Marketing research has proved an essential tool to make all the need of data

marketing management. Marketing research therefore is the scientific process of gathering and analyzing of marketing information to meet the needs of marketing management. But gathering of observation is must be systematic. Growth Trends in Market Research India, fastest growing market research industry in the world, with growth rates at around 31 % (2006-07) . China is a distant second growing at 20 %. The size of the industry if of 595 crore, but the industry is growing rapidly with a lot of business coming from overseas. The business coming from overseas from overseas involves lot of outsourcing as cost advantages are enormous. The processing of data is almost 50% cheaper in India. The processing of data is almost 50% cheaper are in India than in developed countries. The outsourcing business amounts to almost for the 8 % industry and this figure is doubling in value every year. Key Players in Market Research:IMRB (Indian Market Research Bureau) ICMR (Indian Council of Market Research)

Scope of Market Research

Many people think that marketing research is just a consumer survey, asking consumers about certain product or services. Though consumer research is an integral part of marketing research, the latter is quite a pervasive activity, covering the various types of marketing problems that confront the marketing manager. There are various discussion confined to the market research which are as follows. Product Research Sales Research Customer Research Pricing Research Advertising Research

To know the satisfaction level of customers towards Pure it products and services. Motivating the customers to take Pure it water purifier. How to increase productivity of sales .


The project aims to get us out of the classroom and into the real world of companies/ competitors, markets, managers and customers. For me, it opens the way for walking into experiences. The ultimate goal of this research is enormous with its true sense. Physically and practically, it shows the potential for the company and me. The scope of the project helps in analyzing the factors, which influence the referring behavior of customers. The scope is such that the study has been conducted by taking samples from different areas, which depicts the overall picture. The results obtained will give an overview of the different criteria based on which an existing customer can be used to generate sufficient leads for the company. The study can be helpful in taking decision so as to improve the approach towards customers for getting reference and service. This project also helps to know how an organization works in real environment and under different market scenario. Importance of Study: The main purpose of study is to increase the productivity of kiosk (outreach) regarding HUL Pure it water purifiers. The survey was conducted in Cuttack area not all but only some parts have included for survey. Due to shortage of time it was not possible to cover the whole areas. Thus the scope of the study was completed with the time and resources available.

Type of research-Descriptive & Exploratory research
Descriptive study is a fact finding investigation with an adequate interpretation. It is the simplest type of research and is more specific. Mainly designed to gather descriptive information and provides information for formulating more sophisticated studies. Descriptive research, also known as statistical research, describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studies.

Scaling technique
For the measurement of variables, Nominal Scale is used which is the most widely used scale in market research, where respondents specify their response to a statement.

1. Primary Data
(A).Questionnaire: - A set of questions related to the research topic was formulated. Response for each questions included in the questionnaire has been collected from the customers. (B). Interview: - Apart from collecting different responses from the customers some extra information has been obtained through face to face interviewing activity.

2. Secondary Data
Secondary research was done to build an in-depth understanding of the satisfaction levels of customers. Information from various published resources like India stat and other research bodies were also used to validate the market figures and cross-validate the data. Detailed analysis of secondary information was used to arrive at the specific frameworks provided in the report.

3. Sampling methodology:

The sampling methodology used is Non Probability

sampling technique-Convenience sampling (A non probability sampling technique that attempts to obtain a sample of convenient elements. The selection of sampling unit is left primarily to the interviewer)

4. Sample size: I had chosen 100 samples for the analysis. 5. Questionnaire:
The questionnaire is formed in such a way that the information

required for the study is acquired from each item i.e. questions. Here I have used Nominal scale of measurement to measure the respondents responses with each of the series of the items in the form of statements. The respondents category range from housewives & working women to working men.

6. Sampling design:
I. Selection of study area: Cuttack. Selection of Sample size: 100


At most attention was taken to eliminate any kind of biasness & mi-interpretation in the study to get optimum result. Even though the following limitations could have certain degree of impact on the findings. The study was confined to Cuttack city only which may not represent the real picture of the entire Orissa. Many retailers were not interested in Pureit because of steep competition in the locality among retailers. Data collected about satisfaction & awareness level may not represent the real picture. My Study is confined to 100 respondents. Lack of research experience.


Who is a Customer?
A customer is 'a person or organizational unit that plays a role in the consummation of a transaction with the marketer or an entity'. (Sheath et al., 1999). From this definition, customers of mobile phone companies could be individuals, households and organizations. Even as these companies pay more attention to meeting the needs of their individual customers, they need also to make sure that the needs of their corporate customers are met as well. .

Customer Satisfaction
customers' needs desires and expectations'. Kotler (2003) also defines satisfaction as 'a person's feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a product's perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations'. Satisfaction is an overall customer attitude towards a service provider, or an emotional reaction to the difference between what the customer anticipate and what they actually receive, as far as the fulfillment of some need, goal and desire is concerned. (Hans mark and Albinsson 2004). These definitions all point to the fact that every customer has in one way or the other something he/she expects from his/her service providers. These expectations have come into play because of a need that has to be satisfied. These expectations are not the same as there are many customers. Kotler et al (2002), posit that the customer gets dissatisfied if performance is below expectation and vice versa. If performance goes beyond the expectation of the customer, the customer is highly satisfied and delighted. Motley, (2003), corroborates the idea of matching service performance with customers' expectations. He notes that the mission of a business is the creation of satisfied clients who tend to favour the organization through time by patronizing the services being delivered by the business. He goes further to mentions that, businesses can achieve this aim by understanding what satisfies and dissatisfies their customers or clients. Christopher, Payne, and Ballantyne (1993) have defined service quality as the ability of the organization to meet or exceed customer expectations. Service quality is believed

to depend on the gap between expected and perceived performance (Anderson, Fornell, & Lehmann, 1994).Gitlow, Oppenheim, and Oppenheim (1989) also stated that service quality is the extent to which the customer or users believe the service surpasses their needs and expectations.

Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: The Relationship

The question which needs to be answered is whether there is any correlation and/or relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Kotler (2003) put forward that there is no direct relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. In other words, the relationship is not proportional. The idea of customer satisfaction not directly linked with customer loyalty is supported by Oechsli and Matt (2000). They hold the view that; the fact that a customer is satisfied with the services of a business does not guarantee his or her loyalty. They therefore see a sharp distinction between customer satisfaction and loyalty. In their own words, 'satisfaction is a fleeting emotional response to the quality of the client's last business transaction'. 'Being satisfied at the moment is no guarantee of an ongoing relationship'. Hokanson (1995) mentions the fact that a very satisfied customer does not necessarily mean a loyal customer. Winstanley and Martha (1997), have a different view about the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. They perceive a direct relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. They claim that when customers are satisfied, they concentrate their business with one business or service provider. Also customers who are highly satisfied are much more likely to view their service providers as their main relationship business. Thus, Clarke (2001), has put forward the argument that, 'a business that focuses exclusively on customer satisfaction runs the risk of becoming an undifferentiated brand whose customers believe only that it meets the minimum performance criteria for the category'2010




In the last decade and more, the country has undergone many changes and one of the important ones is that people have become health conscious. People realized that around 80 per cent of diseases in India are caused by water-borne micro-organisms. According to a 2009 World Health Organization report, 1.1 billion people lack access to an improved drinking water supply, 88% of the 4 billion annual cases of diarrheal disease are attributed to unsafe water and inadequate sanitation and hygiene, and 1.8 million people die from diarrheal diseases each year. The WHO estimates that 94% of these diarrheal cases are preventable through modifications to the environment, including access to safe water. Simple techniques for treating water at home, such as chlorination, filters, and solar disinfection, and storing it in safe containers could save a huge number of lives each year. Reducing deaths from waterborne diseases is a major public health goal in developing countries. Water purifier are one of the most used kitchen utilities .Available in India .water purification and backpacking is an industry in itself in India. Portable Version of Water purifiers are available for camping and hacking. Water purification methods include the mechanized version as well as the age old and time-tested water purification tablets. The Water purification process includes removing contaminants from the raw water source. Some of the home remedies for water purification are boiling or the use of the household charcoal filter. But these do not ensure the required standard of water
purification thus a proper treatment is mandatory. Thats where the water purifiers for home step in treatment of water by ozone also provides certain levels of purity.

Water Purifier Market in India 2011

The water purification and treatment industry in India, under siege from cheap imports of water treatment products from China, is working to set standards for the water treatment industry in the country as a safeguard against 'spurious' products. This is being done through a certification process. Hence, for the first time the industry has put its head together to come up with a solution. In a country like India, where water scarcity is growing by the day, there are too many issues relating to water. This has


meant that there are dime a dozen firms that are trying to make the best of the situation. Now there is a clamor for proper standards.

India Water Purifier Market has tremendous growth potential

Globally more than one billion people lack access to safe drinking water and approximately 2.4 Billion people lack access to proper sanitation, nearly all of them in the developing countries, including India. Nearly a third of the world's population worldwide live in water-stressed areas. This figure is expected to rise to two-third of the population by 2025.With increasing number of people becoming conscious of the risks of drinking contaminated water, the demand for water purifiers is rising rapidly. In the past few years, Indian water purifier industry has witnessed an exponential growth of 22% CAGR. The water purifier industry sales grew dramatically during FY'09 as compared to previous fiscals due to improving demand and expanding production capacity. The industry saw high growth of rate 17% during FY'08 due to the increasing awareness for safe drinking water. The UV segment, which constitutes more than 55% of the industry and is a key focus area for water purifier manufacturers, due to the higher margins it offers, is expected to continue its rapid growth. According to Research, Indian Water Purifier industry will continue its growth trajectory and is expected to witness a turnover growth of more than 22% CAGR during the period between FY'11 and to FY'14.Research conducted a survey across 10 major cities in India with 600 users of water purifier to understand the market size, growth drivers, issues and buying behavior patterns. The cities covered in survey were, NewDelhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmadabad, Chandigarh, Pune and Bhubaneswar.

Major players in water purifier market in India

Eureka Forbes, Philips , Kent, Whirlpool, UshaBrita, Alfaa, Godrej, Kenstar, Hitech, Jaipan, Maharaja White line, Orpat & Zero B are the competitors of Pureit.




Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is India's largest fast moving consumer goods Company, with leadership in Home & Personal Care Products and Foods & Beverages. HUL's brands, spread across 20 distinct consumer categories, touch the lives of two out of three Indians. They endow the company with a scale of combined volumes of about 4 million tonnes and sales of nearly Rs.13, 718 crores. The mission that inspires HUL's over 15,000 employees is to "add vitality to life". With 35 Power Brands, HUL meets everyday needs for nutrition, hygiene, and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life. It is a mission HUL shares with its parent company, Unilever, which holds 51.55% of the equity. The rest of the shareholding is distributed among 360,675 individual shareholders and financial institutions. A Fortune 500 transnational, Unilever sells Foods and Home and Personal Care brands in about 100 countries worldwide. HUL is also one of the country's largest exporters; it has been recognized as a Golden Super Star Trading House by the Government of India. Over time HUL has developed into a viable & competitive sourcing base for Unilever worldwide in Home and Personal Care & Foods & Beverages category of products. HUL is also a global marketing arm for select licensed Unilever brands and also works on building categories with core country advantage such as branded basmati rice. HUL's brands - like Lifebuoy, Lux, Surf Excel, Rin, Wheel, Fair & Lovely, Pond's, Sunsilk, Clinic, Pepsodent, Close-up, Lakme, Brooke Bond, Kissan, Knorr-Annapurna, Kwality Wall's are household names across the country and span many categories soaps, detergents, personal products, tea, coffee, branded staples, ice cream and culinary products. They are manufactured over 40 factories across India. The operations involve over 2,000 suppliers and associates. HUL's distribution network, comprising about 4,000 redistribution stockiest, covering 6.3 million retail outlets reaching the entire urban population, and about 250 million rural consumers. HUL believes that an organisation's worth is also in the service it renders to the community. HUL is focusing on health & hygiene education, women empowerment, and water management. It is also involved in education and rehabilitation of special or

underprivileged children, care for the destitute and HIV-positive, and rural development. HUL has also responded in case of national calamities / adversities and contributes through various welfare measures, most recent being the village built by HUL in earthquake affected Gujarat, and relief & rehabilitation after the Tsunami caused devastation in South India. In 2001, the company embarked on an ambitious programme, Shakti. Through Shakti,HUL is creating micro-enterprise opportunities for rural women, thereby improving their livelihood and the standard of living in rural communities. Shakti also includes health and hygiene education through the Shakti Vani Programme, and creating access to relevant information through the iShakti community portal. The program now covers 15 states in ndia and has over 45,000 women entrepreneurs in its fold, reaching out to 100,000 plus villages and directly reaching to 150 million rural consumers. By the end of 2010, Shakti aims to have 100,000 Shakti entrepreneurs covering 500,000 villages, touching the lives of over 600 million people. HUL is also running a rural health programme Lifebuoy Swasthya Chetana. The programme endeavors to induce adoption of hygienic practices among rural Indians and aims to bring down the incidence of diarrhea. It has already touched 84.6 million people in approximately 43890 villages of 8 states. The vision is to make a billion Indians feel safe and secure.


Home care brands

HUL has a diverse portfolio of brands offering home care solutions for millions of consumers across India.

Personal care brands

Companys personal care brands, including Axe, Dove, Lux, Pond's, Rexona and Sunsilk, are recognized and love by consumers across India. They help consumers to look good and feel good and in turn get more out of life.


Food brands
HUL is one of Indias leading food companies. Our passion for understanding what people want and need from their food - and what they love about it - makes our brands a popular choice

Water purifier
Pure It is the worlds most advanced in-home water purifier. Pure It, a breakthrough offering of Hindustan Unilever (HUL), provides complete protection from all waterborne diseases, unmatched convenience and affordability. The most advanced in-home water purifier in the world! Pure It, a breakthrough offering of Hindustan Unilever, comes with many unique benefits complete protection from all water-borne diseases, great convenience, and unmatched affordability. Pure Its unique Germ kill Processor technology removes all harmful viruses and bacteria and removes parasites and pesticide impurities, giving to people water that's 'as safe as boiled water'. It assures your family of 100% protection from all water-borne diseases like jaundice, diarrhea, typhoid and cholera. Whats more, it doesnt need gas, electricity or continuous tap water supply. People will be further reassured to know that Pure It meets stringent international criteria of Environment Protection Agency (EPA), USA for harmful virus and bacteria removal.


Four purifier stages of Pure It

Pure it purifies your drinking water in four stages, beginning with the removal of visible dirt, followed by the removal of harmful parasites and pesticide impurities. Then, the harmful viruses and bacteria are removed and finally the water is rendered clear, odour less and great tasting by removing remaining impurities.

Water Purifiers offered by HUL

Pureit Marvella & Pure it Auto fill

Pureit Classic &Pureit Compact



Because of the low interest and since the product benefits needs to be demonstrated to the customers, conventional distribution was not viable. Hence Hindustan Unilever limited chose the less traveled Direct Selling route. The Hindustan Unilevers sales man in water division is called PWE. It has three streams for selling of product i.e. cold calls (door to door selling), outreach (Kiosk) and clinic (Hospital). It is a tough job for these salesmen who have to go through the "cold calls" to get a sale. At one point of time, because of the aggressive nature of these sales persons, people became scared even to listen to these sales persons. Now this aggression has mellowed down to a more professional sales approach. Selling Strategies adopted by company are 1. Direct Selling- Door-to-Door Selling 2. Outreach (Kiosk) 3.Clinic (Hospital)

Product Segmentation
Hindustan Unilever sells different water-purifiers on the basis of classifying their utility and price affordability. The water purifiers are classified as follows: (1)Pure it compact Rs 1000 /(2)Pure it M05 Model Rs 2000 /(3)Pure it Autofill Rs 3200 /(4)Pure it Marvella Rs 6900 /-





Consumer is king the statement carries profound truth in it. Today the success of any firm depends upon the satisfaction of consumers. For satisfying the consumers the firm should know about the behavior of the consumers. In these circumstances understanding consumer is a very difficult task because of the changing technology, innovation, and changes in life style. Researchers conducted many research in this area, and they given only few suggestion, but there is no final conclusion. As per the ideas given by the researchers, there are two factors influencing the consumers such as intrinsic and extrinsic factors. It is difficult to classify consumers by conventional demographic factors and unless their thought process and buying behavior are fully understood, decisions on product designs and packaging, branding and distribution channels are likely to be misplaced. With the inevitability of change looming large over the horizon, Indian companies must learn from their western counterparts; not only to identify the sources, timing and direction of the changes likely to affect India, but also the new competencies and perspective that will enable them to respond to these changes, comprehensively and effectively. This study mainly focus on understanding the external factors like demographic, social, cultural ,price, quality ,product attributes etc for buying water purifier like HUL Pureit . The market share of any product is highly determined by the purchasing behavior of the consumers. Following study is conducted by the researcher to find out the behavior of the consumers, to analyze the preference of consumers, & consumer awareness. Descriptive research design was adopted and the data is collected through primary and secondary sources.

Factors that affect the consumers decision & perception Product Type:
Past research indicates that consumers purchase and channel decisions might be influenced by the type of product being investigated (Cox and Rich 1964:Lumpkin and Hawes 1985;Morrison and Roberts 1998:Papadopoulos 1980:Prasad 1975:Sheth 1983: Thompson 1971).In particular ,these authors state 29 that certain products might be


more appropriate for one channel or another, which ultimately influences consumers channel preference and choice.

It is our aim to provide the best product for the consumer and we believe that if the products have quality the consumer will pay the price, says , regional business director of HUL.

The greatest challenge faced by companies today is holding and increasing their market share and value. This is always a strenuous exercise and one of the tools for the same is marketing. There is no specific game rule available for using these marketing tools .The reason is: each promotional tool has its own characteristics.

Brand Awareness:
According to Rossiter and Prey (1987), brand awareness precedes all other steps in the buying process. A brand attitude cannot be performed, unless a consumer is aware of the brand. In memory theory, brand awareness is positioned as a vital first step in building the bundle of associations which are attached to the brand in memory (Stokes, 1985).

Family influence:
A family exerts a complex influence on the behaviors of its members. Prior family influence research has focused on intergenerational rather than intergenerational influence in consumer renationalization. As has been compellingly demonstrated, parents influence children (Moore, Willkie, and Lutz2002; Moschis 1987).Yet, consumption domains clearly exist where sibling efforts may also be exerted

Demographic factor:
Based on this study demographic factor like age, gender, education, status, and income influence people indirectly for decision making. This is supported by following evidence. Demographic factors play a major role in childrens power to influence their parents. For example, Foxman et al. (1989) argue that age is a relevant variable as older children


are presumed to be more knowledgeable about products and family needs. This is mainly due to their increase in cognitive development (Piaget, 1972)

Brand image:

Based on this study the preference for selecting water purifier is mainly based on brand, quality, and taste. Brand image influencing the consumer mind and consumer feel the quality of the product. This is supported by the following review. Zeithaml, Parasuraman, and Berry (1985) suggested that the brand image was an extrinsic attribute of the product.

Based on this study majority of the respondents influenced by advertisement for buying water purifier. In recent circumstances technology plays an important role in decision making; especially in advertising field the technology role is very high. Television advertisement inducing the consumer mind for decision making, especially advertisement for water purifier influencing the consumer to buy a particular brand. Other kind of advertisement in magazine, newspaper also influencing the people. Advertising is a strong base for consumer.

Product attributes:
Based on this study product attributes also influencing the consumers for decision making. Most of the respondents gave importance to healthy prevention of any water born diseases, herbal attribute, and fresh water. So people consider the benefit of the product for buying water purifier.

Based on this survey, most of the respondents are influenced by price then availability, and then packaging .For increasing the price of a product the company should consider the views of consumer otherwise the consumer switch over to competitor product.


Why customer will choose Pure it as ultimate water purifier? Feature Comparison
Compared with other available water purification methods, Pureit is by far the best option, in terms of safety, convenience and affordability. Key features Pureit Boiling process Leading inline purifier UV Candle filter

Removes harmful Viruses

Need to boil

Removes harmful Bacteria

for 30-40





amoebiasis, diarrhoea, etc)

End-of-life indicator

Advanced Auto Switch-off

Great taste


Improves clarity

Removes odour

Doesn't need expensive gas

Doesn't need electricity

Doesn't need continuous tap water

Doesnt need plumbing

Doesn't need an expensive

maintenance contract

Low initial cost

Low on-going cost


The above table shows that Pureits initial price of Rs. 2000 and the ongoing price of only Re. 1 for 4 litres of water is the most competitive offer in the market. This is because Pureit doesnt need expensive gas, doesnt need electricity, doesnt need maintenance
Cost comparison across purification methods Method of purification Cost of Pureit water Cost of Pureit water Cost of boiling water Cost of leading UV in-line purifier Cost of 20 litres of leading bottled water brand Cost of 1 litre of leading bottled water brand 1200 350 paise/litre 24 35 47 64

This study is especially conducted on Consumers preference and buying interest towards HUL Pure it and in this process of research I have take opinions of 100 people through questionnaire method made by myself.





HUL has more than 100 million customers. It is the largest FMCG company in India, and also put a step forward to the water purifier industry by lunching Pure it. The company has covered the entire Indian nation with its Product. This has underpinned its large and rising customer base. It is the 4th largest FMCG Company in the world.

UL have stopped door to door selling from 2009 which going to be a biggest weakness for the company and newly introduced market strategy for Pure it not working effectively.

HUL Pure it have newly introduced Pure it Marvella RO with reverse osmosis technology which now going to compete with Eureka Forbes Aqua guard Ro. Opportunity is always there because of a strong brand name also. HUL Pure it going to make available there product in rural areas in India by spreading there distribution channels which going to help them to get more consumers because the quality of drinking water is not good there.

Quickly changing global industry can be a matter of threat for HUL in india. TATA have introduced its product in Indian water purifier market, Tata Swach which is a matter of concern for Hul Pure it.



The following data have been collected during the research period taken by me through the questionnaire method on 100 people of Cuttack city, Orissa.

Frequency Table

Table 1: Frequency and Percentage of the respondents who have water purifier

Have a Water Purifier Yes No Total

Frequency 65 35 100

Percent 65.0 35.0 100.0

Fig 5.1: Frequency and Percentage of the respondents who have water purifier

70 60 Axis Title 50 40 30 20 10 0 preference yes 65 no 35



The total no. of respondents includes in the research is 100.Out of 100 respondents, 65 % (65) of people have a water purifier and 35 % (35) people have not water purifier.
Table 5.2: Frequency and Percentage of respondents which company water purifier, you are using and will use

Which Company Eureka Forbes HUL Pure it Kent Philips Whirlpool Any Other Total

Frequency 35 25 15 10 6 9 100

Percent 35.0 25.0 15.0 10.0 6.0 9.0 100.0

Fig 5.2: Frequency and Percentage of respondents which company water purifier, you are using and will use


35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 35 25 15 10 6 9 Eureka Forbes HUL Pure it Kent Philips Whirlpool

0.6 10

35 Eureka Forbes HUL Pure it Kent


Philips Whirlpool 25


Out of 100 respondents, the data of people are using water purifier and people are not using water purifier .Those people are not using water purifier, if they will buy ,they will buy only this companys product like Eureka Forbes,Hul,Kent,Philips,Whirlpool.35% (35),25% (25),15% (15),10%(10),6% (6),9% (9) of people are using and will use Eureka Forbes, Hul, Kent, Philips, Whirlpool and any other companys water purifier.


Table 5.3: Frequency and Percentage of respondents about the quality of Battery kits of Pure it

Quality Good Poor Dont know

Frequency 65 25 10

Percent 65.0 25.0 10.0




Fig 5.3: Frequency and Percentage of respondents about quality of battery kits of pure it

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Good Poor Don't Know 25 10 65 FREQUENCY 25

10 good poor 65 Don't Know


The above data tells about Battery kit quality of Pure it water purifier, that is the Pure it is working with battey kit is good or not. Out of 100 respondents, 65 % (65) of people have given their view that yes and 25 % (25) of people have given their view No& rest 10% have dont know about it.

Table 4: Frequency and Percentage of respondents Pure it doesnt use chemicals.

Pure it uses no chemical Yes No Don't Know Total

Frequency 40 50 10 100

Percent 40.0 50.0 10.0 100.0

Fig 4: Frequency and Percentage of respondents Pure it doesnt use chemicals

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

10 40 Yes No

50 40 FREQUENCY 50

Don't Know

10 Yes No Don't Know

INTERPRETATION The above data has given that out of 100 respondent 40% (40 )of them agreed that there is no chemical use in Pure it water purifier.50% (50) people not agreed to the statement & rest 10% tell dont know about it.


Table 5: Frequency and Percentage of respondents about taste good, odorless and looks clear TASTE GOOD,ODORLESS LOOKS CLEAR satisfied Not satisfied Say nothing Total FREQUENCY 75 10 15 100 PERCENT 75.0 10.0 15.0 100.0

Fig 5: Frequency and Percentage of respondents about taste good, odorless and looks clear for Pure it

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0




15 10

satisfied 75 Not satisfied Say nothing



Not satisfied Frequency

Say nothing

INTERPRETATION The above data has given the frequency and percentage of respondents about taste of water is good, odorless, looks clear in case of Pure it . Out of 100 respondents, 75 % (75) of people have given their view YES. the taste of water is good, odorless and looks clear.10% (10) of people have told NO, the taste of water is good, odorless and looks clear and 15 % (15) of people have given their view dont know about taste of water.


Table 6: Frequency and percentage of respondents about Pure it give water as safe as boil water. Pure it gives water as safe as boil water Yes No Don't Know Total FREQUENCY 67 23 10 100 PERCENT 67.0 23.0 10.0 100.0

Fig6: Frequency and Percentage of respondents about Pure it gives water as safe as boil water.


Yes No Don't Know

10% 23% 67 23 Yes No 10 Don't Know 67%

INTERPRETATION The above data has given the frequency and percentage of respondents about Pure it gives water as safe as boil water. Out of 100 respondents, 67% (67) of people have given their view YES. the water is as safe as boiled water.23 % (23) of people have told NO water is no as safe as boil water and 10 % (10) of people have given their view dont know about taste of water.


Table 7: Frequency and Percentage of respondents about after sales service of Pure it water purifier. SERVICE AFTER SALES Satisfied Not satisfied Total FREQUENCY 68 32 100 PERCENT 68.0 32.0 100.0

Fig7: Frequency and Percentage of respondents about after sales service of Pure it

80 60 40 20 0 Yes No
68 32 68 32 Yes No



INTERPRETATION The above data has given frequency and percentage of respondents about service after sales of Pure it.64 % (64) of people have given their view that they are satisfied with after sales , service of Pure it and 36 % (36) of people have given their view that after sales service of Pure it is not good.


Table 8: Frequency and Percentage of respondents about what comes your mind first i.e. Price or Health & Safety or Both What comes your mind first Price Health & Safety Both Total Frequency 16 39 45 100 Percent 16.0 39.0 45.0 100.0

Fig 5.10: Frequency and percentage of respondents about what comes your mind first i.e. Price or Health & Safety or Both

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 16 Price 45 39 16 Price Health & Safety Both 45 Health & Safety Both 39 Health & Safety Both Price

The above data has told, frequency and percentage of respondents about what comes customers mind first i.e. Price or Health or Both. Out of 100 respondents, 45 % (45) of respondents have given their view that both that is price as well as health and safety. Percentage of respondents who are only concern about health and safety was found 39 % (39).Percentage of respondents who are concern about only price was found 16 % (16).


Table 9: Cross tabulation between Company and Taste of water

WHICH COMPANY Eureka Forbes Hul kent Philips Whirlpool Any Other Total

Tastes good ,odorless ,looks clear Yes 45 9 9 8 4 5 80 No 1 2 1 1 2 2 9 Dont Know 4 3 0 1 1 2 11


50 14 10 10 7 9 100

Fig 5.12: Cross tabulation between Company and Taste of water 45 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 4 1 9 23 9 10 8 4 11 5 21 22 Yes No Dont Know




Eureka Forbes : Among the total 50 Eureka Forbes users found, Yes 90 % (45), No- 2% (1), Dont know- 8% (4) Hul : Among the total 14 Pure it (Hul) users

The view of Eureka Forbes users toward taste of water is good, odorless and looks clear


The view of Hul users toward taste of water is good, odorless and looks clear was found, Yes 64.3 % (9), No- 14.3% (2), Dont know- 21.4% (3)


Kent : Among the total 10 kent users

The view of Kent users toward taste of water is good, odorless and looks clear was found, Yes 90 % (9), No- 10% (1), Dont know- 0% (0)

D. Philips Among the total 10 Philis users

The view of Philips users toward taste of water is good, odorless and looks clear was found, Yes 80 % (8), No- 10% (10), Dont know- 10% (10)

F. Whirlpool: Among the total 7 Whirlpool users

The view of Whirlpool users toward taste of water is good, odorless and looks clear was found, Yes 51.1 % (4), No- 28.6% (2), Dont know- 14.3% (14.3)

G. Any Other: Among the total 9 any other water Purifier users
The view of any other Water purifier users toward taste of water is good, odorless and looks clear was found, Yes 55.6 % (5), No- 22.2% (2), Dont know- 22.2% (2)

2. A.


Yes: Among the total 80 respondents for whom the taste of water is good, odorless and looks clear.

The percentage of Eureka Forbes users, Hul users, kent users, Philips users, whirlpool users was found 56.3% (45), 11.3% (9), 11.3 % (9), 10 % (8), 5 % (4), 6.3 % (5) respectively.



No: Among the total 9 respondents for whom the taste of water is not good, odorless and looks clear

The percentage of Eureka Forbes users, Hul users, kent users, Philips users, whirlpool users was found 11.1% (1), 22.2% (2), 11.1% (1), 11.1 % (1), 22.2% (2), 22.2% (2) respectively.


Dont know : Among the total 11 respondents ,they dont know the taste of water is good, odorless and looks clear .The percentage of Eureka Forbes users, Hul users, kent users, Philips users, whirlpool users was found 36.3% (4), 27.3% (3), 0 % (0), 9.1 % (1), 9.1 % (1), 18.2 % (2) respectively.

Table 10: Cross tabulation between Which Company and Prefer to buy the product

Which company Retail Outlet Eureka Forbes Hul Kent Philips Whirlpool Any other Total 15 4 4 3 2 2 30

Prefer to buy the product


Franchisee Dealer 10 2 4 5 4 5 30

Demo at your doorstep 25 8 2 2 1 2 40 50 14 10 9 7 9 100


Fig 10: Cross tabulation between Which Company and Prefer to buy the product

Chart Title
Retail Outlet 25 Franchisee Dealer Demo at your doorstep

15 10 8 4 2 4 4 2 5 3 2 2 4 1 2 5 2

Eureka Forbes





Any other

INTERPRETATION 1. PERCENTAGE WITHIN COMPANY A. Eureka Forbes: Among the total 50 respondents The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from retail outlet was found 26 %( 13).The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from Franchisee Dealer was found 48 %( 24).The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from Demo at your door step was found 14 %( 7) B.Hul: Among the total 14 Pure it (Hul) users The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from retail outlet was found 35.7 %( 5).The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from Franchisee Dealer was found 50 %( 7).The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from Demo at your door step was found 7.1 %( 1) 44

C.Kent : Among the total 10 kent users The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from retail outlet was found 20 %( 2).The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from Franchisee Dealer was found 40 %( 4).The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from Demo at your door step was found 20 %( 2) D: Philips Among the total 10 Philis users The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from retail outlet was found 30 %( 3).The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from Franchisee Dealer was found 50 %( 5).The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from Demo at your door step was found 10 %( 1) E. Whirlpool: Among the total 7 Whirlpool users The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from retail outlet was found 0 %( 0) The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from Franchisee Dealer was found 57.1 %( 4).The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from Demo at your door step was found 42.9 %( 3) F.Any Other : Among the total 9 any Other water Purifier users The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from retail outlet was found 22.2 % (2).The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from Franchisee Dealer was found 55.6 % (5).The percentage of respondents toward prefer to buy the water purifier from Demo at your door step was found 22.2 % (2)


A.Retail Outlet: Among the total 30 respondents 45

The percentage of people who prefer to buy the Eureka Forbes water Purifier from Retail Outlet was found 52% (13).The percentage of people who prefer to buy the Hul water Purifier from Retail Outlet was found 20 %( 5).The percentage of people who prefer to buy the Kent water Purifier from Retail Outlet was found 8% (2).The percentage of people who prefer to buy the Philips water Purifier from Retail Outlet was found 12% (3).The percentage of people who prefer to buy the whirlpool water Purifier from Retail Outlet was found 0 %( 0).The percentage of people who prefer to buy the any other water Purifier from Retail Outlet was found 8% (2) B.Franchisee Dealer: Among the total 30 respondents The percentage of people who prefer to buy the Eureka Forbes water Purifier from Franchisee Dealer was found 49%(24).The percentage of people who prefer to buy the Hul water Purifier from Franchisee Dealer was found 14.3% (7).The percentage of people who prefer to buy the Kent water Purifier from Franchisee Dealer was found 8.2 % (4) .The percentage of people who prefer to buy the Philips water Purifier from Franchisee Dealer was found 10.2 %( 5).The percentage of people who prefer to buy the whirlpool water Purifier from Franchisee Dealer was found 8.2 % (4).The percentage of people who prefer to buy the any other water Purifier from Franchisee Dealer was found 10.2% (5) C.Demo at your door step: Among the total 40 respondents

The percentage of people who prefer to buy the Eureka Forbes water Purifier from Demo at your door step was found 43.8% (7).The percentage of people who prefer to buy the Hul water Purifier from Demo at your door step was found 6.3 % (1).The percentage of people who prefer to buy the Kent water Purifier from Demo at your door step was found 12.5% (2) .The percentage of people who prefer to buy the Philips water Purifier from Demo at your door step was found 6.3 %( 1).The percentage of people who prefer to buy the whirlpool water Purifier from Demo at your door step was found 18.8 % (3).The percentage of people who prefer to buy the any other water Purifier from Demo at door.


Table 11: Frequency and Percentage of respondents satisfaction status of Pure it Order delivery satus Satisfied Not satisfied Don't Know Total Frequency 64 26 10 100

on Order delivery

Percent 64.0 26.0 10.0 100.0

Fig 11: Frequency and Percentage of respondents satisfaction on Order delivery status of Pure it

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


Don't Know 10%


26 10

Not satisfied 26% satisfied 64%


Not satisfied

Don't Know


Not satisfied

Don't Know

INTERPRETATION The above data has given, for Pure it water purifier delivery status ; people satisfaction on order delivery of the product.64 % of people have given their view satisfied.26 % of people have given their view not satisfied, .10 % of people have given their view dont know.


Table 12: Frequency and Percentage of respondents satisfaction on pcice of Pure it

Price of pore it Satisfied Not satisfied Don't Know Total

Frequency 75 15 10 100

Percent 75.0 15.0 10.0 100.0

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 satisfied Not satisfied Don't Know
15 10 75

satisfi ed Not satisfi ed

10 15 satisfied Not satisfied 75 Don't Know


INTERPRETATION The above data has given, on the basis of view of the respondent on price of the product; people satisfaction on price of the product.75 % of people have given their view satisfied.15 % of people have given their view not satisfied, .10 % of people have given their view dont know.



It can be observed that the from overall data analysis provides a positive picture about the market position of Pure it. Out of 100 respondents 42% agreed that Pure it market position is good, 25% agreed that market position of pure it is excellent, 21% people said that market position of pure it is average & rest 13 not satisfied with the market position.

Unsatisfied 13% Excellent 25%

Good 41%

Average 21%


65% of the respondents are have a water purifier while 35% of the respondents do not have a water purifier. 25% of the respondents use Pure it, 35% respondents use Eureka Forbes Aqua guard while 15% respondents use Kent, 10% Philips and other . Out of 100 respondent 40% (40 )of them agreed that there is no chemical use in Pure it water purifier.50% (50) people not agreed to the statement & rest 10% tell dont know about it. Out of 100 respondents 42% agreed that Pure it market position is good, 25% agreed that market position of pure it is excellent, 21% people said that market position of pure it is average & rest 13 not satisfied with the market position
for Pure it water purifier delivery status, 64 % of people have given their view satisfied.26 % of people have given their view not satisfied, .10 % of people have given their view dont know.


On the basis of view of the respondent on price of the product; people satisfaction on price of the product.75 % of people have given their view satisfied.15 % of people have given their view not satisfied, .10 % of people have given their view dont know. 64 % (64) of people have given their view that they are satisfied with after sales , service of Pure it and 36 % (36) of people have given their view that after sales service of Pure it is not good. Out of 100 respondents 42% agreed that Pure it market position is good, 25% agreed that market position of pure it is excellent, 21% people said that market position of pure it is average & rest 13 not satisfied with the market position. Out of 100 respondents, 45 % (45) of respondents have given their view that both that is price as well as health and safety. Percentage of respondents who are only concern about health and safety was found 39 % (39).Percentage of respondents who are concern about only price was found 16 % (16).


I had conducted the market survey in the town of Cuttack in Orissa. I had chosen the product as Pure It because people are very cautious about their health these days and are very particular about their drinking water. In such a scenario most of the people are using water purifier. I was very lucky to join this company and learnt so many things, like punctuality, hard work, selling strategy of company etc. I had met different kinds

of people, coming from different religion. Thus I came to know about the different views of these people. After the survey I came to a solution that the people of Cuttack are very much aware of Pure It water purifier and maximum of them are satisfied with the product.. Although maximum people are satisfied with the product but still there a pinch of dissatisfaction among some of the consumers. But the ratios of these people are negligible. I would like to discuss about an industry which is responsible and absolutely welcomes enhanced competition. I believe that the success of this industry in the market place is by delighting customers through affordable price and high quality and better after sale services, instead of any possible manipulation in the area of spectrum management. We can find that HUL is not the best water purifier provider in India because apart from the price & quality of output, its not good at any point. Because most of the respondents have rated it as average more. And of course the survey research always reflects the truth. No doubt HUL Pureit have very good quality of product and availability in Cuttack. Customer feels delightful with the HUL services and is satisfied with HUL Customer service.


As per the survey done following were the recommendations of the Survey:


Depending on the market conditions / competition from other competitors and also to suit local conditions, there should be flexible pricing mechanism (either at central or local level).

HUL Pure it should immediately shift to new technology by replacing its old technology as per requirement. This will improve the quality of service to desired level and provide simultaneous integration with the nationwide.


Large part of Orissa rural market is still untapped therefore HUL Pure it is required to bring that area under mobility. Pure it needs to spend on advertisement to attract new customers. HUL Pure it should continue to offer the best toppings to stay at the top. There should be no compromise in quality of the product Sales person at the retails counters should have proper knowledge about the product. Customer service is something which company should pay more attention.



Principles of Marketing Philip Kotler and Gerry Armstrong Marketing Research D.D. Sharma Marketing Research Green &Tull




OBJECTIVE: To do a in-depth survey of water purifiers available in the market and to arm you with the information with which you can select the best water purifier device suitable for home.

1. Do you use any kind of water purifier at home? Yes No

2. If yes, which company water purifier you have ? Eureka Forbes Hul Whirlpool Kent water purifier Philips Any other

If, not Hul then go to Q .no 13 (If HUL then proceed ) 3.From which source you came to know about HUL? Advertisement News- papers Hoardings Mouth publicity

4. Since how long you are using HUL Pure it?

Less than 1 month 6-12 months

2-6 months More than 1 year

5. Are you taking benefits of any offer from HUL Pure it? Yes No

6.Do you agree on Pure it claim that it doesnt use chemicals? Yes No

7.what is your view on battery kit used in Pure it water purifier? Good Poor

8. What is your view on test, order& clarity of water you get from Pure it water purifier? Satisfied Not satisfied

9.Do you believe that Hul Pure it give output as safe as boil water? Yes No

10. Are you satisfied with the after sales service of HUL Pure it? Satisfied Not satisfied

11. Are you satisfied with the order delivery service of HUL Pure it? Satisfied Not satisfied

11. What is your view on price of HUL Pure it water purifiers? Satisfied Not satisfied

12. After rating above question your overall satisfaction towards HUL Pure it services? Highly Satisfied Dissatisfied Average Strongly Dissatisfied


13. What makes you unaware about Pure it? Least advertisement Others. (If other then mention____________________________) 14. Why you are not using HUL Pure it? Lack of awareness High price poor quality Poor services Least publicity

15. How likely are you to recommend HUL Pure it to a relative? Would you say the chances are? Excellent Good Very good Fair Poor

16. Give your suggestions to help in serve you better(_________________________________________)



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