Ups (Uninterruptible Power Supply) : Disusun Oleh

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Disusun Oleh:

1. Devia Rafika Putri (3332090934) 2. Ifat Fatmawati (3332090810)


1.1 UPS FUNCTIONS An Uninterruptible Power Supply is a device that sits between a power supply (e.g. a wall outlet) and a device (e.g. a computer) to prevent undesired features of the power source (outages, sags, surges, bad harmonics, etc.) from the supply from adversely affecting the performance of the device. There are basically three different types of devices, all of which are occasionally passed off as UPSes. 1. Standby power supply (SPS). In this type of supply, power is usually derived directly from the power line, until power fails. After power failure, a battery powered inverter turns on to continue supplying power. Batteries are charged, as necessary, when line power is available. This type of supply is sometimes called an "offline" UPS. The quality and effectiveness of this class of devices varies considerably; however, they are generally quite a bit cheaper than "true" UPSes. The time required for the inverter to come on line, typically called the switchover time, varies by unit. While some computers may be able to tolerate long switchover times, your mileage may vary. (Some articles in the trade press have claimed that their testing shows that modern PCs can withstand transfer times of 100ms or more. Most UPS units claim a transfer time to battery of about 4ms. Note that even if a computer can stay up for 100ms, it doesn't mean that 100ms switchover is okay. Damage can still be done to a computer or data on it even if it stays up). Other features to look for in this class of supplies is line filtering and/or other line conditioners. Since appliances connected to the supply are basically connected directly from the power line, SPSes provide relatively poor protection from line noise, frequency variations, line spikes, and brownouts. Some SPSes claim to have surge/spike suppression circuitry as well as transformers to "boost" voltage without switching to the battery if a modest voltage drop occurs. Often, as a "standby" UPS becomes more featureful it is called a "line interactive" UPS.

2. Hybrid (or ferroresonant) UPS systems. I only know one vendor who sells them - Best Power, Inc. (Now called Eaton Powerware. Note that Powerware also sells line interactive and online UPSes) The theory behind these devices is fairly simple. When normal operating line power is present, the supply conditions power using a ferroresonant transformer. This transformer maintains a constant output voltage even with a varying input voltage and provides good protection against line noise. The transformer also maintains output on its secondary briefly when a total outage occurs. Best claims that their inverter then goes on line so quickly that it is operating without any interruption in power. Other UPS vendors maintain that the transition is less than seamless, but then again it's not in their best interest to promote Best's products. (Note: According to some sources, ferroresonant transformers in an UPS system can interact with ferroresonant transformers in your equipment's power supply and produce unexpected results. On the other hand, ferroresonant UPS systems don't kick off a lot of heat, which is important in some environments. The Moral: Test equipment to make sure it meets your needs before you buy. npc) 3. What I call "true" UPS systems, those supplies that continuously operate from an inverter. Obviously, there is no switchover time, and these supplies generally provide the best isolation from power line problems. The disadvantages to these devices are increased cost, increased power consumption, and increased heat generation. Despite the fact that the inverter in a "true" UPS is always on, the reliability of such units does not seem to be affected. In fact, we have seen more failures in cheaper SPS units. (Note, though, that given the same quality inverter, you'd expect the one that runs least to last longest. These devices are often called "online" UPSes).

UPS (UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY) has several function: 1. Absorb relatively small power surges.

2. Smooth out noisy power sources. 3. Continue to provide power to equipment during line sags. 4. Provide power for some time after a blackout has occurred. In addition, some UPS or UPS/software combination provide the following functions: 1. Automatic shutdown of equipment during long power outages. 2. Monitoring and logging of the status of the power supply. 3. Display the Voltage/Current draw of the equipment. 4. Restart equipment after a long power outage. 5. Display the voltage currently on the line. 6. Provide alarms on certain error conditions. 7. Provide short circuit protection.

1.2 Static UPS Topologies A UPS is designed to provide protection from very short duration power loss; say from a few thousandths of a second up to fifteen minutes or so. The UPS does this by inserting itself into the path of power between the source and the load, and depending on the quality of power, acts to augment or filter that power to provide the best possible source profile to the load. The source monitoring, augmenting and filtering (collectively called conditioning) are all accomplished in different ways by different UPS topologies. There are five basic UPS topologies:

Offline Single Conversion Line-Interactive Online Double Conversion Delta Conversion Rotary

Offline UPS System Offline single conversion systems are the simplest but provides the least amount of conditioning. Power flows directly from source to load while the module monitors power quality. When the source fails, a transfer relay opens the source and closes into the stored energy source normally batteries and continues to provide power to the load through a DC/AC inverter. The main benefit of offline systems is their low cost. The main drawback to this topology is its lack of conditioning, both while the normal source provides the power, and during backup operation of the inverter.

Line-interactive UPS system Line-interactive systems are similar to offline in that the power flows directly to the load, but inserts an inductor (auto-transformer) into the path to provide some conditioning capability. The main benefit of line-interactive is its better conditioning capability with only a small premium to offline systems. The main drawback is its inability to completely isolate the load from source anomalies. Minor, short duration distrubances will flow through the inductor and affect the critical load adversely.

Online UPS System Online double-conversion is one of two robust static UPS topologies. Unlike the previous topologies, online systems insert themselves completely into the power path and provide complete isolation of source and load. The input power an AC/DC rectifier which simultaneously charges the batteries and provides continuous DC power to a DC/AC inverter which delivers conditioned AC power to the load. The main benefit of the online system is its isolation of source and load. The drawback is its more expensive and less efficient than offline or line-interactive systems.

Delta Conversion UPS System Delta conversion systems are somewhat of a hybrid that provide the benfits of both online and offline systems while minimizing the drawbacks. The delta conversion system provides both complete isolation and direct connectivity

while utilizing an input inductor, or delta transformer, to balance power flows from source to load through the unit. When normal power is delivered, it is passed thorugh to the load. When bad power arrives at the input, the system automatically delivers stored energy power to the load, conditioned through the main inverter. Rotary technology is not so much a different topology as it is a different technology all together. The first four topologies we discussed are called static UPS modules because they dont employ rotating machinery to re-create the AC sine wave. Instead, static UPS topologies take AC sine wave current and rectify it, or chop it up so that it looks and behaves like direct current to charge the batteries and provide input to the inverter. The inverter re-creates the AC sine wave by pulsing DC bursts of current that vary by frequency and duration. This is accomplished by the use of high speed silicon controlled rectifier transistors, or SCRs that are gated switches controlled through complex integrated circuits. Rotary systems utilize the same rectifier technology as static topologies on the front end to create DC current from AC, but use spinning motor-generators (MG) to re-create the sine wave on the output. This provides a number of advantages. First, the sine wave produced by the MG is a pure sine wave of very high quality. Second, the load is isolated from the source both electrically and mechanically. Third, the inertia of the rotating machinery provides short-term ride-through of sub-second anomalies that would normally cause a static UPS to go to battery. This last benefit alone saves a significant amount of wear and tear on batteries and the corresponding costs to replace them sooner than would otherwise be the case. 1.3 Rotary UPS Rotary technology has been utilized for many years and came into prominence at a time when loads would commonly exhibit a low power factor (which resulted in increased losses in the power distribution system and thus, an increased energy cost) and high harmonics (which prematurely shortened the life of transformers and capacitors). Users would experience the dimming of lights,

brought on by voltage dips and sags, when large motors turned on, for example. These load characteristics, in turn, would destabilize the electronics of connected loads within the electrical network. To address these issues, synchronous condensers / line conditioners were introduced. These were the precursors of todays modern rotary UPSs. Over time these synchronous condensers began to incorporate motor generators, inverters and rectifiers. Batteries and / or flywheels were then added as an energy storage source and the modern rotary UPS was born. The nature of the data center load has evolved over the last three decades. For several years now, electronic equipment placed in data centers has been designed with power factor correction. In addition, static UPSs began to demonstrate dramatic improvement in both efficiency and filtering capabilities. Insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) were designed into static UPSs and have resulted in a supply of clean output sine wave to the loads. Ironically, the original reasons that rotary UPSs came into being as a viable solution (low power factor corrected loads, high harmonics) no longer exist in most modern data center environments. The rotary UPS is called rotary because rotating components (such as a motor-generator) within the UPS are used to transfer power to the load. The true definition of a rotary UPS is any UPS whose output sine wave is the result of rotating generation. Therefore, the UPS in Figure 3, although it utilizes a flywheel as a rotating temporary energy storage source in case the utility fails, is not, by definition, a rotary UPS. According to Frost and Sullivan, flywheel UPSs represent less than three percent of the total UPS market1 with the vast majority of installed UPSs utilizing batteries as their primary means of energy storage.

Figure 3. Rotary UPS

1.4 DC Source

Figure 1

Basic Chemical Battery

Due to this action, electrons are deposited on the electrode, and positive ions from the electrodepass into the electrolyte solution (Part B). This causes a negative charge on the electrode andleaves a positive charge in the area near the electrode (Part C).The positive ions, which were produced by ionization of the electrolyte, are repelled to the otherelectrode. At this electrode, these ions will combine with the electrons. Because this actioncauses removal of electrons from the electrode, it becomes positively charged.

DC Generator DC Generator a simple DC generator consists of an armature coil with a single turn of wire. The armature coilcuts across the magnetic field to produce a voltage output. As long as a complete path is present,current will flow through the circuit in the direction shown by the arrows in Figure 2. In thiscoil position, commutator segment 1 contacts with brush 1, while commutator segment 2 is incontact with brush 2.Rotating the armature one-half turn in the clockwise direction causes the contacts between thecommutator segments to be reversed. Now segment 1 is contacted by brush 2, and segment 2 isin contact with brush 1.

Due to this commutator action, that side of the armature coil which is in contact with either ofthe brushes is always cutting the magnetic field in the same direction. Brushes 1 and 2 have aconstant polarity, and pulsating DC is delivered to the load circuit.

Thermocouples Thermocouples a thermocouple is a device used to convert heat energy into a voltage output. The thermocoupleconsists of two different types of metal joined at a junction (Figure 3).

As the junction is heated, the electrons in one of the metals gain enough energy to become freeelectrons. The free electrons will then migrate across the junction and into the other metal. Thisdisplacement of electrons produces a voltage across the terminals of the thermocouple. Thecombinations used in

the makeup of a thermocouple include:

iron and constantan; copper

andconstantan; antimony and bismuth; and chromel and alumel.Thermocouples are normally used to measure temperature. The voltage produced causes

acurrent to flow through a meter, which is calibrated to indicate temperature. Rectifiers Most electrical power generating stations produce alternating current. The major reason forgenerating AC is that it can be transferred over long distances with fewer losses than DC;however, many of the devices which are used today operate only, or more efficiently, with DC.For example, transistors, electron tubes, and certain electronic control devices require DC


If we are to operate these devices from ordinary AC outlet

receptacles, they must beequipped with rectifier units to convert AC to DC. In order to accomplish this conversion, weuse diodes in rectifier circuits. The

purpose of a rectifier circuit is to convert AC power to DC.The most common type of solid state diode rectifier is made of silicon. The diode acts as a gate,which allows current to pass in one direction and blocks current in the other direction. Thepolarity of the applied voltage determines if the diode will conduct. Forward Bias A diode is forward biased when the positive terminal of a voltage source is connected to itsanode, and the negative terminal is connected to the cathode (Figure 4A). The power sourcespositive side will tend to repel the holes in the p-type material toward the p-n junction by thenegative side. A hole is a vacancy in the electron structure of a material. Holes behave aspositive charges. As the holes and the electrons reach the p-n junction, some of them breakthrough it (Figure 4B). Holes combine with electrons in the nThe two polarities areknown as forward bias and reverse bias.

type material, and electronscombine with holes in the p-type material.

When a hole combines with an electron, or an electron combines with a hole near the p-njunction, an electron from an electron-pair bond in the p-type material breaks its bond and entersthe positive side of the source. Simultaneously, an electron from the negative side of the sourceenters the n-type material (Figure 4C). This produces a flow of electrons in the circuit. Reverse Bias Reverse biasing occurs when the diodes anode is connected to the negative side of the source,and the cathode is connected to the positive side of the

source (Figure 5A). Holes within thep-type material are attracted toward the negative terminal, and the electrons in the n-type materialare attracted to the positive terminal (Figure 5B). This prevents the combination of electrons andholes near the p-n junction, and therefore causes a high resistance to current flow. This resistance prevents current flow through the circuit.

Half-Wave Rectifier Circuit When a diode is connected to a source of alternating voltage, it will be alternatelyforward-biased, and then reverse-biased, during each cycle of the AC sine-wave. When a singlediode is used in a rectifier circuit, current will flow through the circuit only during one-half ofthe input voltage cycle (Figure 6). For this reason, this rectifier circuit is called a halfwaverectifier. The output of a half-wave rectifier circuit is pulsating DC.

Full-Wave Rectifier Circuit A full-wave rectifier circuit is a circuit that rectifies the entire cycle of the AC sine-wave. Abasic full-wave rectifier uses two diodes. The action of these diodes during each half cycle isshown in Figure 7.

Another type of full-wave rectifier circuit is the full-wave bridge rectifier. This circuit utilizesfour diodes. These diodes actions during each half cycle of the applied AC input voltage areshown in Figure 8. The output of this circuit then becomes a pulsating DC, with all of the wavesof the input AC being transferred. The output looks identical to that obtained from a full-waverectifier (Figure 7).

DC Sources Summary 1. There are four common ways that DC voltages are produced: Batteries DC Generator Thermocouples Rectifiers

2. Thermocouples convert energy from temperature into a DC voltage. This voltage can be used to measure temperature. 3. A rectifier converts AC to DC. 4. There are two types of rectifiers: Half-Wave rectifiers Full-Wave rectifiers

5. Half-wave rectifiers convert the AC to a pulsating DC and convert only onehalf of the sine wave. 6. Full-wave rectifiers convert the AC to a pulsating DC and convert all of the sine wave.


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