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(-Dr Ajey Bhat, MDS, Asst Professor-Anjarakandy Integrated Campus) Modern Parashara, shri K N Rao gave much importance to Jupiter and Saturn transit for predictions as reflected by many of his books. Recently, internationally renowned astrologer, Shri Shankar Hegde uploaded a video in youtube ( on BSP which works with accuracy. I saw in few horoscopes, that whenever Jupiter/sat transits on/aspects natal Jupiter or Saturn, count the houses from natal Jupiter to transit Jupiter and count same for Saturn, the resultant house number related significant event takes place in that year. This inter relation works mainly for Jupiter and Saturn, some role of moon is also seen(moon lagna) . When related to lagna, this is more significant.Have to give importance to dasha as well before predicting. e.g., if jup is in nat Jupiter, and when aspects Saturn, 1st house related event in D1. when jup is in 5th frm natal jup and aspects Saturn and lagna, 5th house related event, if confirmd in d9, then birth of child etc. Some more minor inter relations must be there but have to trace out hence i need time. At the time of birth, natal planets and transit are same, as planets move, life moves, lagna and moon have role, fast moving planets give results but difficult to trace,leaving Jupiter and Saturn perceivable!
Practical illustrations 1. Male, 3rd March 1985, 8.58.20PM, Puttur, karnataka, India. He is a mechanical engineer working in design field, a very good friend of let us quickly look at some of the events. November 2007..... Jup is aspecting natal Saturn....sat to count the position of transit jup from get 11..... of course his source of income increased....he got placement in a company..... June6, 2010.......he suffered from Hepatitis A-Jaundice..... Transit Saturn aspecting natal Saturn and Jupiter aspecting it as well.....connection to ascendent.....what else can be expected??!! Now look at the year 2011 around June.... Saturn has aspect to his natal position....he is in 11th from natal see Jupiter is in 4th from natal.....he purchased a very nice property and started house construction!! Now see 2012....Jup is in 5th from Jup.....he made a very nice progress in his post graduation and in 2013 before may(before Jup enters gemini ) he will complete as far as this horoscope is concerned, the rule is aptly justfied.... 2. Amitabh bacchan, DOB - 11OCT-1942, TIME -15:50,Place Allahabad

His natal Jupiter is in cancer and Saturn is in Taurus. D30 Jup is Jupiter is in Taurus and Saturn is in Piesces..on JULY 26, Mr. Bachchan was seriously injured during a fight scene sequence. He was in the hospital with a ruptured intestine for months. Saturn is in Virgo and Jup is in Libra.Saturn is aspecting natal D30 Saturn, activating something bad for the native. Jupiter is in 6th from natal Jupiter during that time. So Saturn activating something and Jupiter granted it.
Events can be justified through multiple Divisional charts including D60.....rule is aptly justified.

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