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Professor: Jim McCutcheon Sections: A, B, C, D, E Office: SBE 1268 Phone 884-0710, Ext. 2058 (24 hour automated) 884-1970, Ext. 2058 (switchboard 8:30am-5: 30pm) E-mail: Course Website:

Teaching Assistants: Room P1002 Phone 884-0710, Ext. 2190 Faculty Assistant: Office Hours: Jane Thomas Room SBE 2201, Phone 884-0710, Ext. 2063 Monday /Wednesday Tuesday: Friday 11:30am-12:15pm 1:00-2:00 pm 9:00-10:30 am (by appointment only)

Required Texts:

Business, Custom Edition for Wilfrid Laurier University, R.W. Griffin, R.J. Ebert, and F.A. Starke: Pearson Prentice Hall, Toronto: 2008 Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, Custom Edition for BU111 and BU121, B.R. Barringer and R.D. Ireland, Pearson Prentice Hall, Toronto, 2008 Business 111 Lab Manual, Twenty-Fourth Edition, Jim McCutcheon and Laura Allan: Captus Press, 2009. iClicker, Available from WLU Bookstore

Course Objectives:

Business 111 (Lecture Sections A,B,C,D,E) is designed to provide Honours Business students with five things: 1. 2. An integrative model or framework that shows the role of management in todays fast paced and ever changing business environment. An introductory overview to the external business environment and how it affects managerial decision making. Topics covered will include an examination of the Canadian capital markets and financial system, corporate and personal taxation in Canada, personal investing and the role of the stock market, different forms of ownership available to business, corporate structure and governance, business ethics and social responsibility, and the process of management (planning, organizing, motivating/empowering, controlling). The concepts advanced in the course will provide a foundation that will be further developed in Business 121 and senior business courses. A basic business vocabulary. Through active participation in the Lab component of the course, the opportunity to both understand and develop many of the interpersonal and managerial skills required of successful managers. A clear understanding of both the academic and behavioural standards expected of you in the Honours Business Administration Program at Wilfrid Laurier University. Since we are a professional school offering a professional education these standards and expectations will be consistent with those of Co-op and full time employers.

3. 4.


In Business 111 three approaches to learning are used: 1. Textbook Readings Your texts will provide you with a broad overview to the topics covered in the course. This Big Picture provides you with a conceptual framework that allows you to understand all of the environmental and functional considerations that impact on managerial decision making. The text also familiarizes students with the terminology or language of business. The conceptual framework and terminology provided by your text will prove to be invaluable throughout your four years of study in the Business Administration Program at Laurier. Recognize however, students are not expected to memorize the text for examination purposes. Lectures - Two lectures will be given each week. Lectures are designed to provide an in depth examination of a more limited number of topics than those broached in your text. Both the midterm and final examination in Business 111 will be based on the materials discussed in lectures. Students are expected to come to lectures having read the required textbook material. This will enhance and facilitate your understanding of how the specific topics discussed in lectures fit into the broader context of Canadian business and management. Failure to attend lectures and take detailed lecture notes will result in sub par performance on examinations.


PowerPoint slides. PowerPoint summaries of some of the materials covered in lectures will be provided on the Business 111 course website. Note that not all lecture materials will be provided in this format and that any materials so provided will be in summary form. As such, attendance at lectures is imperative to insure that students have all of the materials required for examination purposes. 3. Weekly Labs: Each student is required to register in a weekly lab where smaller groups of students (25) meet with a senior business student, acting as the Teaching Assistant or lab leader. Labs will provide the opportunity for personal participation in case discussions and simulated decision-making situations, as well as providing extra help with material covered in lectures. The material covered in lectures and your assigned readings provide you with the knowledge base required of first year BBA students. Labs provide you the opportunity to apply that knowledge base to situations that require managerial decision making. Labs also provide students the opportunity to develop many of the skill sets required of practising managers, particularly ones ability to work effectively in groups and achieve results through others. Lab Registration Lab registration will be conducted using our own on-line system separate from the university system. The lab registration procedures will be discussed in lectures. * NOTE: Attendance at labs is COMPULSORY! If a student misses more than two (2) labs without valid reasons (i.e. a doctor's certificate), then he or she will be assigned a mark of ZERO on the lab portion of the course! You will not receive any participation or clicker marks for missed labs. If you are aware that you are going to miss a lab, it is best to attend another lab during the week. This means that you will not be counted as being absent. You will need to fill out the Lab Make-Up Form available on the course website. There will be no clicker marks transferred, nor will participation marks be transferred. A completed form will simply insure that you are not counted absent from labs. It is your responsibility to complete the Lab Make-Up Form and to notify your TA in advance of missing a lab. Labs start the second week of classes.

Marking Scheme**: Labs:

50 marks 10 marks Stock Market Competition Competition Runs from October 19th December 3rd (trading deadlines Oct. 27th, Nov. 3rd, Nov. 10th )

10 marks Group Case Hand-In Due Friday, October 23, before 12:00 Noon to and hard copy to the boxes outside the TA Office. Late cases will be assigned a grade of zero. 20 marks New Venture Project 5 marks: Initial Proposal due Friday, October 16, before 12:00 Noon to only 7.5 marks: Final Report due Monday, November 23 before 12:00 Noon to both and in hard copy to the boxes outside the TA Office. Late reports will be assigned a grade of zero. 7.5 marks: Lab Presentation 10 marks Participation See Guidelines on page vii of the Lab Manual

Midterm Exam*: 30 marks Final Exam*: Total

* 30 marks 110 marks

Friday, October 30, 6:00pm-9:30 pm. Date determined by the Registrars Office

NOTE: Both the midterm and the final exams are CONTROLLED ACCESS exams. Anyone who leaves the exam or lab room without handing back their exam, or who is subsequently caught with a copy of the exam, will receive a mark of zero on that exam, and an F grade in the course. Midterm deferrals are arranged through your professor (not your teaching assistant), whereas final exam deferrals are arranged through the SBE petitions committee. This committee does not look favourably on petitions for final exam deferrals due to travel commitments do not book any travel plans until you see the final exam timetable! It is our intent to fail those students who do not meet a reasonable standard of performance on their two examinations. Any student failing both the midterm and the final examination WILL NOT receive a passing grade, regardless of his/her overall mark in the course!


NOTE: The University has a strict policy regarding academic misconduct. Visit for a copy of the calendar! Click on the Tab AcademicInfo then click on Academic Calendar, click on Undergraduate Academic Calendar, click on 2009/10 Academic Calendar, click on University Undergraduate Regulations, under Academic Privileges and Responsibilities click on Student Code of Conduct and Discipline, read 12:2 I) Introduction, 12:2 II) Academic and Research

Misconduct, A and B. It is your responsibility to both read and adhere to the foregoing guidelines! The course Codes of Conduct can be found on pages ix-xiv of Business 111 Lab Manual. It is everyones responsibility to both read and adhere to these guidelines! All students will be required to sign a Statement of Academic Integrity as a mandatory course requirement in BU111. All work submitted for marking must be submitted electronically to by the due date indicated on the course outline. All work will be checked by turnitin for plagiarism against other student submissions as well as turnitins extensive database. Any student caught plagiarising will receive a mark of 0 on the assignment and possibly an F grade in Business 111, as well as having the incident noted on their permanent academic records at the University. It is recommended that you submit your assignments to well before the deadline, as sometimes the excess traffic generated by other students on slows service down, which could potentially make your assignment late. For assignments where hard copy is required, the hard copy must be identical to the digital assignment submitted to If changes have been made to the hard copy assignment this will be considered academic misconduct and a mark of zero may be assigned. Group work is taken very seriously in SBE. You will be assigned to your group in Labs early in Business 111. You will remain in this group until the end of Business 121 next April. In both Business 111 and Business 121 you will be undertaking a series of group exercises that will have a significant impact on the final mark that you attain in each of these courses. Management by definition is the process of working with and through individuals and groups in order to attain organizational goals and objectives. As such, your groups ability to effectively plan, organize, and control your groups processes and output, will be a true test of your collective managerial capabilities. If your group has difficulty with one or more members of the group failing to contribute please consult the Team Requirements and Group Disciplinary Procedure document on the course website. This document outlines the procedure to be followed to ensure that all members of your group are contributing at the level expected. The final step in the Group Disciplinary Procedure for any student who repeatedly fails to demonstrate commitment to his or her group is being fired from the group by other group members. Any student who is fired from their group will receive a mark of 0 on that (and any subsequent) group exercise(s). Students should begin the Group Disciplinary Procedure at the first sign of trouble. NOTE: Students with disabilities or special needs are advised to contact Lauriers Special Needs Office for information regarding its services and resources. Students are encouraged to review the Calendar for information regarding all services available on campus.

Course Syllabus:
Week 1: September 14-18 Note: There are no Labs this week. On Line Lab Registration for BBA students takes place this week. Instructions will be provided in lectures and on the course website. Lecture Topics: Course Introduction and Course Model Capital Markets and the Capital Formation Process Read: Business Chapter 2, Understanding the Environments of Business pages 36-68 Lab Manual: Factors to Consider Before Investing The Canadian Financial System, review chart in Lab Manual page 6 Overview of the Canadian Financial System What Is A Case? An Introduction to the Case Method Prepare: The Joe McBrine Case Lab Manual, for discussion in Labs September 21-25

Week 2: September 21-25 Lecture Topics: Why Invest? Factors to Consider Before Investing Personal Taxation in Canada Taxation of Investment Returns Read: Business, Chapter 4 Understanding Entrepreneurship, Small Business and New Venture Creation pages 102-119 Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, Chapter 1: Recognizing Opportunities and Generating Ideas, pages 1-23 Lab Manual: The Taxation of Investment Returns in Canada Lab Manual: How to Invest in Canadian Securities, Chapter 1, Investing and the Capital Markets p.255-276 in the Lab Manual

Prepare: Tax Problems: Set #1, Lab Manual, for discussion in Labs September 28-October 2 The Jeff Martin Case, Lab Manual, for discussion in Labs September 28-October 2

Week 3: September 28-October 2 Lecture Topics: Alternative Types of Investments: Bonds and Debentures Read: Lab Manual: How to Invest in Canadian Securities, Chapter 2, Bonds, Debentures, and the Money Market p.277-303, 313-318 The materials covered on p.304-312 pertaining to zero coupon or strip bonds are optional and will not be tested on the midterm examination Lab Manual: How to Invest in Canadian Securities, Chapter 3, Stocks p.319-335, p.337344, p.353-356 The materials covered on p.335-337 pertaining to rights and warrants, and p.344353 pertaining to selecting an investment based on quantitative analysis of the firms financial statements is optional and will not be tested on the midterm examination. You will be learning about financial statements and ratio analysis in Business 121 next term Prepare: Tax Problems: Set #2 and Set #3 for discussion in Labs October 5-9 Filmore Automated Systems Case, Lab Manual, for discussion in Labs October 5-9 Week 4: October 5-9 Lecture Topics: Alternative Types of Investments: Preferred Stock and Common Stock Read: Stock Market Competition References Tab (This tab contains a drop-down menu that includes a total of 16 sub-menus all of which must be read), on-line at Note: It is important that you have read this material prior to attending your Lab in the week of October 12-16. It will be discussed by your Teaching Assistant at that time. Lab Manual: How to Invest in Canadian Securities, Chapter 6, Getting Into the Market p. 411-435 Lab Manual: How to Invest in Canadian Securities, Chapter 7, Financial Planning p. 437463 Lab Manual: Buying and Selling Equities: The Mechanics Prepare: Stock Market Problems Set #1 and Set #2, for discussion in Labs October 12-16

Week 5: October 12-16 Monday October 12th Thanksgiving Holiday! No lectures or Labs on October 12th The last day of lectures for BBA students will be Monday, December 7 (which is the make-up day for the Thanksgiving holiday). Lecture Topics: Security Market Transactions: Short Sales Security Market Transactions: Buying Stock on Margin Read: Lab Manual: How to Invest in Canadian Securities, Chapter 4, Options, p.357-383 Lab Manual: How to Invest in Canadian Securities, Chapter 5, Mutual Funds, p.385-409 Prepare: Stock Market Problems Set #3 for discussion in Labs October 19-23 Twin City Credit Union Case for discussion in Labs October 19-23 Friday, October 16: New Venture Proposal due to before 12:00 Noon. No exceptions!!! Late proposals will be assigned a grade of zero. Week 6: October 19-23 Monday October 19th Stock Market Competition Begins Lecture: Stock Options: Call Contracts Stock Options: Put Contracts Read: Business: Chapter 4, Understanding Entrepreneurship, Small Business, and New Venture Creation, p.121-133 Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, Feasibility Analysis pages 35-57 Lab Manual: Crucial Considerations Regarding Forms of Business Ownership Prepare: Stock Market Problems, Set #4 for discussion in Labs October 26-30 Friday, October 23: Group Informal Report on The Burlington Brick Company due in electronic form to and in hard copy format to the boxes outside the TA Office

P1002 before 12:00 Noon. No exceptions!!! Late cases ( or hard copy) will be assigned a grade of zero. Week 7: October 26-30 Lecture Topics: Factors Affecting Option Premiums Mutual Funds Forms of Business Ownership: Partnerships and Proprietorships Read:

Lab Manual: Two Thirds of Everything Lab Manual: Boomers and Other Cohorts

Prepare: Tax Problems, Set #4, for discussion in Labs November 2-6 Derek Wade Case for discussion in Labs November 2-6 Review: All course materials that will be covered on the Midterm Examination. The exam format and materials to be covered on the exam will be discussed in lectures. Friday, October 30, 6:00-9:30 p.m. Midterm Examination. Room Locations will be distributed in Lectures and posted on the course website

Week 8: November 2-6 Lecture Topics: Forms of Business Ownership: Corporations Taxation of Corporations Corporate Structure Corporate Governance Read: Business, Chapter 3, Conducting Business Ethically and Responsibly, p.70-97 Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, Industry and Competitor Analysis, pages 67-87 Lab Manual: Social Responsibility of Business Lab Manual: Ethics Lab Manual: Guidelines for Ethical Decision Making

Week 9: November 9-13__________________________________________________________

Lecture Topics: Social Responsibilities of Business Business Ethics Read: Lab Manual: The Great Non-Debate Over International Sweatshops Lab Manual: Schools of Management Thought Lab Manual: The Modern School Prepare: Liberty Oil Case for discussion in Labs November 16-20 Chrysler and Gao Feng: Corporate Responsibility for Religious and Political Freedom in China Case for discussion in Labs November 16-20 In Labs this week you will be taking up your midterm examination

Week 10: November 16-20 Lecture Topics: The Evolution of Management Thought The Process of Management Read: Business: Chapter 6, Managing the Business Enterprise, p174-199 .Week 11: November 2327________________________________________________________ Monday, November 23: New Venture Reports due to and in hard copy format to the boxes outside the T.A. Office, P1002 prior to 12:00 Noon. No exceptions!!! Late reports will be assigned a grade of zero. Lecture Topics: Planning, Organization, Control Employee Motivation and Empowerment Read: Business: Chapter 7, Organizing the Business Enterprise, p204-230 Presentations:

Selected groups will present their New Venture Feasibility Proposals in Labs this week
Week 12: November 30-December 4 Lecture Topics: Employee Motivation and Empowerment Read: Business: Chapter 10, Motivating and Leading Employees, p300-325 Thursday, December 3: Stock Market Competition Ends Review: All course materials to be covered on the Final Examination. A review sheet will be distributed in lectures. Presentations: Remaining groups will present their New Venture Feasibility Proposals in Labs this week Monday, December 7: Make-up day for Thanksgiving holiday. Final day of lectures and Labs. Examination and Assignment Due Dates BU111 Fall 2009 Date October 16, before 12:00 noon October 19 October 23, before 12:00 noon Assignment/Examination New Venture Proposal due to Stock Market Competition Begins Group Case: The Burlington Brick Company, due to and in hard copy format to the boxes outside the TA Office P1002. At least one valid transaction entered into Stock Market Competition to avoid loss of one mark Midterm Examination 6:00pm-9:30pm At least one valid transaction entered into Stock Market Competition to avoid the loss of two marks At least one valid transaction entered into Stock Market Competition to avoid the loss of three marks

October 27, before 4:00 pm

Friday, October 30 November 3, before 4:00 pm

November 10, before 4:00 pm

November 23, before12:00 noon

New Venture Report due to and in hard copy format to the boxes outside the TA Office P1002 Stock Market Competition Ends Final Exams. Actual date for the BU111 final exam will be determined by the Examinations Office and announced in mid-October

December 3 December 10-22**

** Do not make any travel or vacation arrangements until you have your final examination schedule. The SBE Petitions committee will not allow final exam deferrals for travel or vacation arrangements booked prior to the release of the final exam schedule in October.

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