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UberZ Gift Giveaway Poster by TheyCallMeShift

Ol St. Alt and Unusually Festive Engineer present

UberZ Gift Giveaway

No. III Sponsored by Fair Trading Hosted by UberZ Community

Giveaway Sections I. Gentlemanne of Honour Award II. Donator List III. Prize Roster IV. Gift Values V. Rules, Terms, and Conditions VI. Questionnaire VII. Contests and Events VIII. Special Thanks IX. Creator Notes X. Terms of Use

Section I: Gentlemanne of Honour Award The Gentlemanne of Honour Award is dedicated to someone who constantly demonstrates acts of kindness, fairness, good-sportsmanship, and other thoughtful qualities in and throughout the gaming community. Recipient 2012: Olanav Awarded to: Gift(s): Successfully awarded on {Spring 2013} Section II: Donator List Users who thoughtfully donated to the Uberz Gift Giveaway before 12/27/12 Custo, Outkast the Utility Worker, Mork, TheyCallMeShift, =LoM=.Sir. Craft, Officer Figgleherp, Andrew900460, aRcTiC, (BTD) DUL, Dr.Matthewotten (Gold),

Section III: Prize Roster This section is solely intended for the current inventory of gifts present before 12/27/2012 Dishonored
SR3 Steam Key (1): [Removed] SR3 Steam Key (2): [Removed]
Humble THQ Bundle Steam Key: [Removed]

NOTE: We got lazy this year and decided not to type everything up.

Section IV: Gift Values This section defines the value/quality of gifts to be associated with questions, answers, contests, and events. Look below for example demonstration of use. Key: Item Quality Class (Distinct Item No.) Elixir Prizes (100): Grand Prizes (6): Dishonored, Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row: The Third, Humble THQ Bundle, Superb Prizes (4): Great Prizes (3): Good Prizes (2): Fair Prizes (1):

TOTALS Elixir Prizes (100): Grand Prizes (6): Superb Prizes (4): Great Prizes (3): Good Prizes (2): Fair Prizes (1): ~ EXAMPLE OF QUALITY QUESTION/ANSWER: q50.) Name one of the two possible vintage vintage hats. a50.) Vintage Merrywether or Vintage Tyrolean (1) q# = question no.; a# = answer no.; (1) = Quality Class (In this case, a Fair Prize).

Section V: Rules, Terms, and Conditions

1. Elixir Prize Winner (Earbud Recipient) may not win any more prizes after they have received their Elixir Prize. The three limitation cap does not apply to receiving/winning an Elixir Prize. 2. Three Prize Limitation Cap: No person may win more than 3 prizes in a single Gift Giveaway time increment. Even if the player answers the question correctly, they may not receive a prize if they have already received 3 or more prizes in the host-defined time increment. 3. One (1) Superb/Grand Prize per Steam I.D. (Steam Games). Three prize limitation cap (Rule #2) applies to this rule. If someone has already won 3 prizes and they answer a superb/grand prize question correctly, they may not receive the superb/grand prize. 4. Admins shall not have a greater chance of winning a prize than normal users. 4a. Free-to-Play (F2P) members are entitled the same rights as normal players. 5. If, for some reason, there is a dispute over who said something first, the giveaway host(s) may use their own discretion to decide who gets the prize. 6. *IMPORTANT* Persons with microphones are welcomed to play, but ALL responses to the questions MUST be typed into (all) chat. 7. Some questions will require correct spelling. Giveaway host(s) may use their own discretion to decide whether the answer shall be based on the MOST ACCURATE spelling, or the CORRECT spelling. 8. There will be NO reserved slots for this Giveaway, even for donators. The idea is to give everyone a chance at playing, not just a specified few. First come, first serve. 9. Vulgar comme ntary. If offensive, vulgar commentary shall be made within the duration of the giveaway, offenders shall be kicked/banned at an admins discretion. Racism, stereotyping, and sexual insults will result in an IMMEDIATE kick/ban during the duration of the giveaway. The goal is to create a happy atmosphere, not one dominated by haters. 10. In the event of a server crash during the jeopardy of a question, the question shall either be 1.) skipped, 2.) modified, or 3.)repeated. Giveaway host(s) may use their own discretion. 11. Rules are subject to change at all times by giveaway hosts. 12. If the trade servers go down while the giveaway is occurring, the hosts and admins have the right to: delay the giveaway; postpone the giveaway; continue with the giveaway; etc. Winners announced during the outage will receive their prizes AFTER trading comes back up.

LAST MODIFIED 12/27/12 at 10:06am by Ol St. Alt

Section VI: Questionaire

Written by Ol St. Alt and Unusually Festive Engineer and TheyCallMeShift

Please do not copy/paste anything beyond this point unless given permission to do so. Host(s) Please ensure you have included the proper gift value/quality number with your question.

1) What is the name of the 3rd weapon slot for any tf2 class? 1a) Melee 2) What is the basic weapon for the scout? 2a) Scattergun 3) Who are the hosts of the giveaway? 3a) Ol St. Alt & Jolly Ol St. Reznov 4) Can you sell crates on the Steam Market? 4a) Yes 5) How much is a crate on the Steam Market? 5a) $ 0.02 6) Name the best selling Mario game released on the Nintendo 64. 6a) Super Mario 64 7) What is the current value (in refined) of a Mann. Co. Key according to the TF2 Spreadsheet? 7a) 3-3.11 refined 8) Who was last years Gentlemanne of Honour Award gifted to? 8a) Unusually Festive Engineer OR Jolly Ol St. Resnov (either works) 9) What is the best New Years Resolution? 9a) Funniest / Coolest wins 10) What games are being offered in the giveaway? screw you!!!!:) C=====3 10a) (update on 26th) 11) Because _______? 11a) Funniest answer wins. 12) Name three administrators of the UberZ Servers 12a) Lots of answers 13) What does ASL mean in the internet world? 6

13a) Age/sex/location 14) How many CoD games have been published? 14a) 9 15) Approximately how many people (in percent) own the Ghostly Gibus? 15a) 1.3% 16)What does ASL mean to the deaf people? 16a)american sign language 17) What book series does the HBO TV series Game of Thrones come from (Name and Author spelled right) 17a) A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin 18) Who created (user name spelled correctly)? 18a) Drunken F00l 19) On what day was the Steam Market beta made public? 19a) December motherfucking 12th, 2012 20) In Call of Duty: Black Cops II, what is the rarest achievable camo for any weapon set? 20a) Diamond Camo 21) James Bond works for the________ 21a) British Intelligence 22) How many miscs can a class have equiped? 22a) 2 23) Unique items have yellow text. Unusuals--purple. What color do VALVe items have? 23a) Magenta 24) Instead of having a grand prize this year, $60 was donated to what fund? 24h) CHECK UBERZ ANNOUNCEMENTS 24a) Sandy Hook School Support Fund 25) This years banner, as seen in the MOTD, was made by which member of our community? 25a) TheyCallMeShift 26) Who is taking over the Giveaways? 26a) The Almighty Cthulhu (other satanic / lovecraft beings may be answers as well) 27) What Unusual is Alt wearing? 27a) Merryweather with Sunbeams 28) For how many giveaways has TheyCallMeShift made a banner for? 28a) 3 29) What video on Youtube has the most views on it? 29a Gangnam Style 7

30) Unlike the last two similar giveaways, the first UberZ Gift Giveaway was not entitled UberZ Gift Giveaw ay. What was it officially called? 30) UberZ Crate Giveaway 31) 31a) reddit 32) What is one of the worst games on steam? 32a) Bad Rats 33) What does the /r/ succeeding indicate? 33a) subreddit 34) Is NASA still operating? 34a) Yes (wonder how long this will take to get right) 35) How many Star wars episodes will there be? 35a) 9 36) 36a) 4 37) How many megabytes are in a gigabyte (classic question)? 37a) 1024MB 38) FIND THE RED BARN 39) FIND THE RED BARN 40) FIND THE RED BARN 41) FIND THE RED BARN 42) FIND THE RED BARN 43) FIND THE RED BARN 44) FIND THE RED BARN 45) FIND THE RED BARN 46) FIND THE RED BARN 47) Name ONE question we have asked in a previous giveaway (do not give answer) 47a) question 48) [That question] 48a) [That answer] 49) 49a) Fire axe 50) How many questions have we asked so far? 50a) 50 51) (Classic Question) To shit the ____ 51a) Fuck/funniest answer 8

52) Who is our one and only god? 52a)Nick Cage 53) Say something. 53a) something (lol!) 54) Correctly spell how this word sounds: N-monia 54a) Pneumonia 55) How long was jesuss respawn timer in seconds? 55a) 259200 seconds 56) There are X number of classes in TF2. 4(X-2) = ? 56a) 28 57) Did the Mayan Calendar account for Le ap Years? 57a) nope 58) Did the world end December 21. 2012? 58a) No 59) Capricorns attract what animal? 59a)Pigeons 60) There are two versions of the Balloonicorn. What are they? 60a) Balloonicorn and Reindoonicorn 61) How many series of crates ***EXIST*** and were tradable at one time? 61a) 54 (series 50 was never/has not been released) 62) What was the official name for the Series #22 Summer Crate? 62a) Refreshing Summer Cooler 63) What is the Demomans real name (according to the TF2 wiki)? 64) Tavish DeGroot 64) 64a) THQ 65) (spelling): The Terrifying Team Fortress Haunted ________ Special 65a) Halloween 66) What is the smartest bot in MvM according to the comic? 66a) Engineer 67) Who wrote Fahrenheit 451? 67a) Ray Bradbury 68) Admins may NOT answer. There used to be three UberZ servers. What was their purpose? 68a) Achievements / Achievement Farming / along those lines 9

69) How many people w 69a) 3

orked on making these questions?

70) How many times has Alt hosted the giveaway high? 70a) 4 71) How many seasons of the Simpsons have been aired 71a) 24 72) How drunk is Alt right now? 72a) shit-faced lololol 73) Lifes a Bitch and then you_____ 73a) Die 74) How many days until Christmas? 74a) 343.66666666667 lol wait that worked out 75 Hat Hunt 76 Hat Hunt 77 Hat Hunt 78 Hat Hunt 79 Hat Hunt 80 Hat Hunt 81) Who is the head-owner of all the UberZ Servers? 81a) aRcTiC 82) How many PDAs does the Engineer carry, and what are their names (one chat box)? 82a) 2: Construction PDA, Destruction PDA 83) What is the color of the third TF2 faction? 831) Gray or Grey 84) the Soldier holds his shovel with which hand? 84a) Right hand 85) Who was Soldiers room-mate? 85a) Muriasmus (fuck his name) 86) Whos mother did the spy shag? 86a) Scout 87) The first drop week occurred between December __ and __, 2010. 87a) 23 and 30 88) Whos kind of a big deal in TF2? 88a) the Scout 89) Who got the last Meet the video? 89a) Pyro 10

90) Who ate my fucking sandwich? 90a) funniest answer 91) *speak in a different language* 91a) whoever says/types what first 92) What nationality is Heavy? 92a) Russian 93) What does the pyros mask say 93a) Optical sumthing sumthing 94) What is Medics basic melee weapon? 94a) Bonesaw 95) Call for medic. 95a) First person to call Medic! wins. 96) 96a) Infidels 97) What is the tenth slot for selecting classes? 97a) Random 98) What is the unique pack being offered in the giveaway? 98a) The Newell Pack 99) Before steam trading was released, what was the MAX amount of items that could be transferred in a trade? 99a) 8 100) What is the latest version of Counter Strike? 100a) Global Offensive 101) How many prizes are participants limited to? 101a) 3 102) What language do most Hispanics speak? 102a) Spanish 103) Who's a famous fat man that delivers presents to good children? 103a) Santa Claus or any variation 104) On what day do the naughty and nice crates expire? 104a) January 3 2013 105) What is the name of the donation account Me and Reznov own? 105a) Cuthulu the angry Snowflake 106) Who was one of the first people to dare write about the dark lord Cuthulu? 11

106a) H.P. Lovecraft 107) Who won Demoman vs. Soldier update? 107a) Soldier 108) What kind of item is the Gentlemanne of honour award? 108a) Vintage Merryweather 109) Name two items you can get from the latest naughty crates. 109a) (All need festive in front) Buff Banner, Ubersaw, Fronteir Justice, Huntsman, Sandvich, Grenade Launcher, Holy Mackeral 110) What is one of the new holiday medic miscs? 110a) Doc's Holiday and Der Wintermantel 111) What disguise does Heavy, Soldier, and Miss Pauline use to infiltrate the Grey base? 111a) Soldiers cardboard costume 112) What is latest major addition Minecraft? 112a) (one of these) Fireworks or 3D dropped items 113) What Christmas song is Nat king Cole famous for singing? 113a) The Christmas Song 114) Who was gray Mann raised by? 114a) An eagle 115) What number can valve not seem to count to? 115a) 3 116) What series features an assassian named Ezio? 116a) Assassians Creed 117) "Hey Niko, want to go _____?" 117a) Bowling 118) What item is on the far left of the mantle in the Fair Trading group picture? 118a) Balloon Animal 119) What is the motto of Fair Trading? 119a) TF2 Trading: Where the "Fair" Happens 120) Name one of the pyro miscs for pyro from the pyro update. 120a) Infernal Orchestra or Burning Bongos 121) Piata 122) Pinata 123) piata 124) Piata 125) Pinata 126) piata 12

127) Pinata 128) piata 129) What is the namez of the new engi weapon? 129) Rescue Ranger 130) What is the special ability of the medics new Vaccinator? 130a) It can cycle through Buffs 131) What band is famous for it's song, Stairway to Heaven? 131a) Led Zepplein 132) Who came up with Queens, Bohemian Rhapsody? 132a) Freddie Mercury 133) Who sings Copacabana? 133) Barry Manalow 134) What animal took over the house Soldier and Merasumus used to share? 134a) Racoons 135) What adult swim characters does Heavy have items for? 135a) Brock Sampson and Carl from ATHF 136) What classes received Weapons from the rocket crashes? 136a) Soldier, Pyro, and Engineer 137) Spy Hunt 138) spy hunt 139) spy hunt 140) spy hunt 141) spy hunt 142) spy hunt 143) Is pyro a he or a she? 143a) It is not known (or any answer along these lines) 144) What team faces the gray team? 144a) Red team 145) What Skyrim DLC is known as a SIms simulator? 145a) Hearthfire 146) Who here wo 146a) First to say "Me" wins 147) What type of misc turns the classes into undead versions of them selves? 147a) Souls 148) When can souls be equipped? 148a) Halloween and Full Moons 13

149) Who is the monkeynaut that Mann Co. launches? 149a) Poopy Joe 150) What item stole Demoman's eye? 150a) The Bombmicon 151) Name the Halloween bosses in TF2. 151a) The Horseless Headless Horseman(HHH), Monoculus, Merasumus 152) How many Giveaways has Unusually Festive Engineer (Reznov) hosted? 152a) 2 153) Who wants to host the next giveaway? 153a) Who ever offers to gets the demo crown hat labelled "Giveaway Host" 154) Marco! 154a) first to say "Polo!" 155) Did the giveaway almost not happen this year? 155a) Yes 156) What class can create teleporters? 156a) Engineer? 157) What class has the largest health pool? 157a) Heavy 158) What is the name of Medic's beloved bird? 158a) Archimedes 159) What is the name of Engi's pocket bear? 159a) Teddy Rosebelt 160) How did one obtain a B.M.O.C. or an Ebemezer? 160a) By crafting coal together 161) What famous guitar game series has stopped being made? 161a) Guitar Hero 162) Where is Mission Control located? 162a) Houston Texas 163) What other game has Heavy been part of? 163a) Poker Night at the inventory 164) What item can you win from him? 164a) The Iron Curtain 165) What do filter parts do? 165a) Limit kills to a certain map 14

166) What is scout? 166a) a force of nature 167) Who is Black God? 167a) Morgan Freeman 168) What band sings "Dick in a Box"? 168a) Lonely Island 169) I'm on a ____. 169a) Best response wins 170) Which class has its own unique taunt? 170a) Medic 171) Halloween Hunt 172) Hall hunt 173) Hall hunt 174) hall hunt 175) Hall Hunt 176) hall hunt 177) Heavy Boxing 178) H. Box 179) h. Box 180) h. Box 181) Why so ____? 181a) Serious 182) What is the main enemy in Slender? 182a) Slender man 183) What meaning of life? 183a) 42 184) My ____ bring all the boys to the yard and there like it's better than yours. 184a) funniest 185) What item allows Engi to build the mini turrent? 185a) Gunslinger 186) What does "gg" stand for? 186a) Good Game 187) Who has directed the recent transformer movies? 187a) Michael Bay 188) What does B.M.O.C. name stand for? 188a) Big Man of Christmas 15

189) What hat what first given away by adult swim prior to the Pyro Update? 189a) Genuine Robot Chicken 190) Say what again mothafucka. 190a) first to say what wins and is slain 191) What Christmas song is named after an instrument? 191a) Jingle Bells, player has jingle sound enabled when they walk 192) According to our updates, how did we come across so many presents? 192a) Santa's Train Crashed 193) Who was the first donator this year? 193a) Custo 194) How many donators were there for this giveaway? 194a) 7 195) How long was the last giveaway? 195a) 2 days due to delays 196) What country is Sniper from? 196a) Australia 197) Who is the CEO of Mann Co. ? 197a) Saxton Hale 198) How much is the ring misc? 198a) $99.99 199) What does F2P stand for? 199a) Free to play 200) What update did TF2 go F2P? 200a) Uber Update 201) What class attacked red during Meet the Medic? 201a) Soldier 202) What class had Archimedes stuck in their chest? 202a) Scout 203) In what update was the Mann. Co. Key introduced? 203a) Mann-conomy Update 204) What was the name of specialized/unique Mann. Co. Key during the Pyromania Update? 204a) Scorched Key 205) What was the name of the first event key (spelled correctly/completely)? 205a) Festive Win ter Crate Key 16

206) What are the two weapons that, on kill, can turn players into solid gold? 206a) The Saxxy and the Golden Wrench 207) What is the only class that can carry both weapons that, on kill, can turn players into solid gold? 207a) The Engineer 208) In order for the Engineer to taunt kill with a guitar, what weapon MUST be equipped? 208a) The Frontier Justice 209) Aside from the Ring, what other limited-time TF2 item had a store price of $99.99? (SPELLING) 209a) Magnanimous Monarch 210) How many MVM maps are there? 210a) 5 211) The map itemtest was released in what major TF2 Update? 211a) Australian Christmas update 212) sqrt(-1) = what letter? 212a) i 213) In Minecraft, what character ceases to exist, despite constant removal from updates? 213a) Herobrine 214) What is the latest Nintendo console that has been released? 214a) Wii U 215) Name the three TF2 UberZ servers 215a) Uber TradingZ, Uber AchievementZ, Uber Saxton HaleZ 216) 216a) 51 217) What time did we start this give away? 217a) 11 am EST 218) As always, translate the following into English: m1g4115t4r0mg1337pr0sn1p3r 218a) MLG ALL STAR OMG LEET PRO SNIPER 219) What exact date MM/DD/YY was TF2 Released to the public (excluding beta)? 219a) 10/10/07 220) What was the latest MAJOR update? 220a) Mecha Update (easy) 221) Reclaimed Metal + _________ = Your Eternal Reward (crafting question) 221a) Cloak and Dagger 222) What classes is the Mutton Mann equipable for? 17

222a) Demoman, Engineer, Medic, and sniper 223) Excluding the stock weapon, name two of the three medic primaries (spelling = no). 223a) Blutsauger, Crusaders Crossbow, Overdose 224) What two items from the 2012 nice crate series are all class? 224a) Mercs Muffler and Tough Stuff Muffs 225) Who was the last class to receive a taunt kill? 225a) Engineer 226) Who is our one and only god? 226a) Nicolas Cage 227) The All Father is equippable on what classes? 227a) Heavy and soldier 228) (fill in da blank mothafucka) YELLLLOOOOWW ___________! 228a) CARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!1!!one!!!!! 229) When was the Pyro Update released? (MM/YY) 229a) June 2008 (06/08) 230) The Ambassador and Huntsman were added in what major patch? 230a) The Sniper vs. Spy Update 231) FIRST ONE TO SAY QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM GETS A PRIZE! 231a) Derp 232) Who is the current Vice President of the United States of America? 232a) Hat prop hunt Hat prop hunt Hat prop hunt Hat prop hunt music identification music identification music identification music identification music identification Kill the giant pyro - sm_hp @me #### spyhunt piata Last man standing Questions heavy boxing find the red barn music identification 18

spray contest Hat prop hunt


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