Techincal English For Computer Science Course Book For The Academic Year 2010-2011

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Contents Course coordinator List of lecturers of the course Course overview Course objectives Course references Syllabus Subjects Exams


Course Book
College: Science Department: Computer Course: Technical English for Computer Science / First year students Course coordinator: Dr. Kamaran Faraj

Other participants of lecturers of this course:

Non Applicable

Course overview
Technical English is one of the subjects in first stage of computer department at Science College. Student must study this subject during the full study-year. This course is intended for both students of computing and those working in the computing sector. It is suitable for students at intermediate level who need to upgrade their knowledge of English in a professional context. This course provides language and communication skills specifically designed to help students from the College of Computing and Technology meet the demands of their courses of study.

Undergraduate students studying in the College of Computing and Technology who wish to improve their Academic English skills.

Course objectives
Development and consolidation of the Technical English, as a basis to the Technical Language to be introduced, relating to the specific field of Computer Science: Practice of the four language skills (reading and Listening comprehension, written and oral Production), highlighting the Reading comprehension and written production; Practice and Development Of the basic vocabulary and gradual introduction of the Computer Science Specific vocabulary; Practice of the language Functions most associated With the English used in Computer Science And computer technology: Explaining, defining, classifying and Predicting. At the end of the course, the students must learn: First: Up-to-date basic information about computers and how they operate: Popularity and History of computers, including the Internet and the World Wide Web history, electronic Communications, computer networks (LAN / WAN) and online services; computer Applications and configuration, technical specifications of different models of computers. Also Analyze computer in to two important parts: Hardware (Input Devices, Output Devices, Processing &Storage Unit and Some other parts) Software (Application, Operating System and Utility) Second: differences between the computer qualification and computer certificate. All types of qualification and certificate

Third: CV and each student have to make a CV online CV and traditional CV, and differences between Fourth: How to fill an application Form Fifth: E-advertise and how to advertise a computer in to the newspaper Sixth: Types of computer and history of computer Seventh: Health and Safety for computer students Eighth: how to manage to write letters for your final thesis supervisor Ninth: Article, Essay, Thesis, Proposal Tenth: Seminar, weakness and strength Eleventh: Memo and types of memo Twelfth: Organizing information Thirteenth: Computer capabilities and limitation Fourteenth: Computer Components Fifteenth: Flowcharting
Course references Text books available in the college library

English for Computer Science By Norma D. Mullen, P. Charles Brown

No. 1 2 3 Title of the Subject
Course overview & survey
(Theory) analyses a computer. (Theory)
differences between the computer qualification and computer certificate. All types of qualification and certificate

Lecturer's/Tutor's Name
Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli

Dr. kamaran HamaAli

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Resume, CV and each student have to make a CV online CV and traditional CV

Dr. kamaran HamaAli

application Form

Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli

(Theory) advertisement (Theory) computer and history of computer (Theory) Components of computer, Hardware and Software (Theory)
Health and Safety

Inclass Test-1-

manage to write letters

Dr. kamaran HamaAli

(Theory) Conversation (Theory) Conversation (Theory)

Dr. kamaran HamaAli

Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli

(Theory) Reading (Theory) Article, Essay, Thesis, Proposal (Theory)

Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli

Seminar, weakness and strength

(Theory) each group of student have to present a seminar for 15 minutes (Theory) each group of student have to present a seminar for Dr. kamaran HamaAli

Dr. kamaran HamaAli

15 minutes

20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

9.(Theory) Memo and types of memo (Theory) Organizing information (Theory) Operating System (Theory) Computer capabilities and limitation (Theory) Flowcharting (Theory) Internet, Intranet, Network (Theory) Quality of Service Theory INCLASS TEST-2Oral test (Theory) e-learning, e library, e-ticket (Theory) Requirements of Website, why websites becomes very popular, Configuration. Error message type (Theory) Viruses and Anti-Viruses (Theory) how to protect you computer. (Theory) role of computer in society (Theory) submit of assignment (Theory) English for Computer Hardware

Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli

Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli

Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli

(Theory) English for Computer Software

36 37 38

Revision Week Revision Week Revision Week

Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli Dr. kamaran HamaAli

First Subject: Introduction Lecturer/tutors name: Dr. Kamaran HamaAli Objective: To provide the student knowledge of computer science in English language, how to write a letter, conversation and general writing and reading..
This subject has been included in to the syllabus so that students understand: - First: Analyses a computer.

- Second: Health and Safety - Third: Conversation between two parts - Fourth: Computer Security (viruses and Anti-viruses) - Fifth: Why English language is important for computer science

Student's feedback on the subject Date: Course: Year: Lecturer/ tutor:

1 2 3 4

Evaluation Questions
The objectives and key messages of the subject were clear The contents of the subject were useful and related to the main objectives of the course The materials were prepared carefully as needed The lecturer/ tutor while lecturing tried to analyze the principles, contents and the important points of the subject simply and properly. The lecturer/ tutor while lecturing kept my attention. The lecturer/ tutor came into the classroom on time and was committed to the duration of the lecture. The lecturer's behavior in the classroom was calm and respectful. The slides used in the lecture were clear and attractive. At the end of the lecture, the lecturer gave the students a chance for questions and comments. His/ her answers were complete. The reading sources are new and compatible with the subject. Total of the levels

Subject's Level 1-5

Subjective Remarks

5 6 7 8 9 10

Standards to evaluate the level of the contents 1 Very bad 2 Bad 3 Medium 4 Good 5 Very good


A. Times of exams The following outlines of examinations are depended for the English for Computer Science course: 1. Quizzes of the first semester (5 marks). The quizzes are sudden short quizzes that can be taken During (without any Previous declaration) 2. Two Final-term exams (30 marks). The mid-term exams are usually taken by the end of the first and second semester. They include: a. A 15 mark exam in theoretical lectures (first semester). b. A 5 mark exam in the practical lectures (first semester). C. A 15 mark exam in theoretical lectures (second semester). d. A 5 mark exam in the practical lectures second semester. 3. Two website publishing (10 marks). Assignments (3) or student Activity (5 marks) 4. Final exam (50 marks)
The final exams are usually taken by the end of the second Semester

B. Exams duration No specific duration is determined for the quizzes, it will be determined at their times depending on the number and type of the questions but usually, the duration of the quiz is not more than 5 minutes. The duration of the Mid-term and final exams is three hours.

C. Answering technique by the student: Our advices to the students are:

1. To read and think about the questions deeply before answering. 2. If the student doesnt know the correct answer of a particular question, in this case there is no benefit from wasting the time and he (she) should skip it and go to the next, and at last when there is a space of time he (she) could go back and try to answer the skipped question.
IN CLASS TEST-2Q1) (6.5 M)
1) When sitting at a computer in a room near a window, you should be .. A) Sitting sideways to the window. B) Facing away from the window. C) Facing towards the window. 2) The height of your monitor screen should be adjusted so that... A) The top of the screen is at eye level. B) The bottom of the screen is at eye level. C) The centre of the screen is at eye level. 3) When seated at a computer, you should make sure that A) You have your lower arms and thighs in a horizontal position. B) You have your feet flat on the ground. C) You can reach the keyboard. 4) The best type of chair to use when sitting at a computer is a ...... A) Swivel chair with adjustable height normally seen in an office. B) Normal classroom chair of moulded plastic with four fixed legs. C) Wooden stool normally seen in a science laboratory. 5) Which type of fire extinguisher is required in a room containing computers? A) Carbon dioxide B) Sand C) Water 6) Mains plugs and leads on all computer equipment should be checked by a qualified tester ... A) Every year. B) Every month. C) Every week. 7) A symptom of repetitive strain injury caused by using a computer is..... A) Aches in the finger joints. B) Backache.

C) Sore eyes. 8) A paper holder that fixes to the side of a monitor is not allowed under the regulations because ... A) Your eyes will not change focus when you look from one to the other. B) It is difficult to read what is on it. C) It is a fire hazard. 9) Health & Safety regulations apply to...... A) Employees who use a computer for most of the time that they are at work. B) Everyone who uses a computer. C) School pupils using computers for one or two lessons every day. 10) The recommended way to reduce the possibility of any problems that may arise from the long-term use of a computer is to..... A) Have frequent intervals where you are involved in other types of activities. B) Take frequent rest breaks. C) Have frequent intervals where you are involved in other types of activities. 11) Information that travels over the Internet does so via a variety of languages known as: A) User B) Internet C) Protocols .------------ KURD?1=+1966 is a (12 A) Weak password B) Strong password C) Non of them 13) The communication between more than two computers known as: A) Network B) Internet C) Protocols Q2) A) what is the reference, reference types and how to write a reference? B) Four American words that related to computer science (1M) C) Memo and explain one of them. (2.5M)


Q3) put the words into the gaps in the text.


{Anti, beefing, mystery, data, come, chaos, Originated, accusing} Countries around the world are ____________ up their Internet security systems following cyber attacks in South Korea. Up to 60,000 computers in South Korea have been hit by ____________ hackers in the past few days. The virus is spreading and could erase all ____________ on infected machines. South Korean computer security experts say there is more to ____________. They warn the hackers are aiming at government websites. This

could create ____________ with the countrys transport, hospitals, banks and social services. Philip Kim, CEO of South Korea's largest ____________ -virus software company Ahn Lab, wouldn't comment on where he thought the attacks ____________. However, South Korean government officials are ____________ North Korea.

Q4) Translate the Kurdish Article below into English

BEST OF THE LUCK. DR. Kamaran HamaAli

INCLASS TEST-1-(Open-book)

Q1) (6 M)

Computer is not powerful, but cleaver (True or False) WAN is world wide web (True or False) Space efficiency (reliable and errorless). (True or False)

2. 3.

4. Viruses is an operating system and part of software

(True or False)

Example of some other parts is LAN card (True or False) The portable computer is called Desktop(True or False)


Q2) Write an essay not less than 200 words (9M) English language is not best language in the world, but its international language. Hard to move forward, if you always look backwards Viruses and Antivirus Storage Device

Q3) (2.5)

Write down in detail about:

Steps to write an Essay and explain only four of them Grammatical error CV components Q4) {Certificate, Qualification, Brainteaser, Brainstorm, Computer, Handout, Suitable, Excellent, ID , Normal} (2.5 M)

1) The birth ..

all exams)

(After four years study and pass

3) Child .. 4) Essay writer 5) Popularity of ..

GOOD LUCK.. Kamaran HamaAli Faraj

INCLASS TEST-1-(Open-book)

Q1) (6 M)

Computer is powerful, and faster than human(True or False) Modem is world wide web (True or False)



Space efficiency (reliable and errorless). (True or False)

4. Linux is an operating system and part of software

(True or False)

Example of output devices is LAN card (True or False) The portable computer is called Desktop(True or False)


Q2) Write an essay not less than 200 words (7 M) a. English language is not best language in the world, but its international language. b. Health and Safety for computer users Q3) (3)

Write down in detail about:

Steps to write an Essay and explain only four of them

CV components Q4) {ID, Certificate, Qualification, Brainteaser, Brainstorm, Computer, Handout, Suitable, Excellent, Normal} (4 M) 1. Student ---------------2. The birth ..

all exams)

(After four years study and pass

4. Child .. 5. Essay writer 6. Popularity of .. 7. --------------- Results. 8. lecture ---------------GOOD LUCK.. Kamaran HamaAli Faraj

Sulaymani University College of Science Computer Department

H. Diploma Course Final Exam

Duration: 2 Research Methodology Open-Book Exam


SECTION A-: What are A1) (8 M)

The references and Types of references? Write only six references which mixed with all types of references? A2) (4 M) The plagiarism? The techniques to avoid plagiarism and how to avoiding it?


(6 M)

The conducted using model by the Research? The main forms of Research methods? Research methods used by scholars and explain only three of them? A4) (6 M) The researcher duty before start to decide work on the project? The Feasibility Study and components of Feasibility Study?

SECTION-B-: Differences between B1) interview and interviewer B2) Memo and SMS B3) CV and Application Form B4) Abstract and conclusion SECTION-C-: Write down in detail about C1) the structure of the final thesis, from first front-page to back-page C2) Steps to write essay and explain only three of them SECTION-D-: Write

(8 M)

(10 M) (8 M)

A proposal to clarify all components and strategies of your final project (not less than 150 words) (10 M) An assignment about whatever objects that related to computer science. (not less than 250 words) (10 M)


Lecturer: kamaran HamaAli Faraj

Sulaymani University College of Science Computer Department

First Stage Final Exam

Duration: 3 English for computer science Open-Book Exam


SECTION-AA1) Translate the Article below into Kurdish language.

(10 M)

I remember the day as if it were yesterday. During my second year in college, I was attempting to transmit a group of characters comprising my name from one computer to another. I connected the computers using RS-232 cable, wrote the necessary programs and executed them. I typed my name on one terminal and rushed to the other to see the results. "Wow, this is magic!" I exclaimed as I read 'SHVAN' on the screen. While I realized intuitively that a complex version of this elementary network could achieve much, at the time I had no real idea what. Now, four years later, I know that Networking makes possible a plethora of applications, from video-conferencing over the Internet to linking banks through private networks. It still seems like magic. Or rather, a grand adventure - one that I most certainly want to be part of.



B1) an email to Dr. Suzan Abdullah, explain to her that you are in final stage of computer science Dept, and your interesting subject area is computer Architecture. Ask her if it is possible to become your final year project supervise. (Not less than 100 words) (8 M)

B2) down in detail about all types of Memo and explain one of them.

(6 M)

C1) {Certificate, Qualification, Brainteasers, Brainstorm, Computer, Handout, Suitable, Excellent} 6) The birth .. 7) University.. (After four years study and pass all exams) 8) Child ..

9) Essay writer 10) (5 M) C2) 7. 8. 9. (6 M) Computer is powerful, but not cleaver (True or False) WAN is world wide web (True or False) Space efficiency (reliable and errorless). (True or False) Popularity of

10. WINXP is an operating system and part of software (True or False) 11. Example of some other parts is LAN card (True or False) 12. The portable computer is called Laptop(True or False)

SECTION-D-: To Whom It May Concern:

(15 M)

Re: Eva Gomez 28041973

Eva Gomez had studied for a BSc in computer science. I know him in my capacity as a lecturer in one of the modules. She strikes me as a polite and diligent character, eager to get the job done well. I have known her as an intelligent person and capable to achieve Diploma in her subject area and I highly recommend her for this course. Yours Kamaran fararj HND, Bsc, Msc computer Science

University of London, UK., contact num: 00447781520473


1) To Whom It May Concern: 2) RE: 3) Eva Gomez 28041973 4) UK 5) Subject Area 6) Country code number

How many types of qualification you can find in this letter? What is the purpose of writing this letter, and how to contact the person who writes this letter?

BEST OF THE LUCK Lecturer: kamaran HamaAli Faraj

In class Test-3-


Translate the Article below into Kurdish language.

Computer mouse turns 40

The computer mouse celebrated its 40th anniversary on December the 8th. It was in 1968 that computer visionary Douglas Engelbart showed off his new invention to an audience of 1,000 at a technology conference in California. They witnessed the very first public demonstration of the personal computer. Engelbarts revolutionary pointing device was made of wood and had two wheels built into the bottom. It was originally designed to highlight text on a written document. Engelbart wowed onlookers by demonstrating how text could be selected, copied and pasted. Engelbart said he always wondered why the term mouse never changed into a more technical word after it became a commercial success. Today computer mice or mouses (both are widely accepted as plurals) are absolutely everywhere. The only real changes to their technology in the past four decades are the transition to laser mice, the right-click button, and the scroll wheel. It looks like mice are here to stay, despite new innovations such as touch screens. Experts say the mouse is still

difficult to beat in terms of ease of use and functionality. On the mouses 40th birthday, computer-device maker Logitech announced it had produced its one-billionth mouse. The Swiss company churns out nearly 8 million mice a month. The pioneer, Douglas Engelbart, has never received a penny for his world-changing invention. His patent ran out before computer companies started mass-producing mice.

Q2) TRUE / FALSE: Look at the articles headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F):

a. The computer mouse just celebrated its 40th birthday. T b. Just a handful of people saw the first mouse at a California T conference. c. The inventor initially designed the mouse to play computer games. T d. The mouses inventor is surprised people stuck with the word T mouse. e. The plural mouses is grammatically incorrect. T f. There have been three major changes to the mouse in its history. T g. A computer-device maker recently churned out its billionth mouse. T h. The mouses inventor made a fortune from his creation. T Q3) Write five GOOD questions about mouse from Article.

/F /F /F /F / / / / F F F F

Sulaymani University College of Science

First Stage Final Exam

Computer Department

Duration: 3 hours

English for computer science Open-Book Exam


A1) Translate the Article below into Kurdish language.

[5 M]

A British computer magazine has discovered our computer keyboards could be bad for our health. Which? Computing asked a laboratory to check 30 keyboards in its London office for bacteria. The results were shocking, and disgusting. The lab scientists said five of the keyboards they tested put people at risk of illness. One keyboard contained 150 times more bacteria than health officials say is safe. Its test results showed it was five times dirtier than a toilet seat. The researchers said the germs they found could easily cause symptoms similar to food poisoning, such as diarrhoea and upset stomachs. They named these illnesses QWERTY tummy, after the first six letters on the keyboard. The magazine recommended people clean their keyboards regularly to stay healthy and avoid stomach bugs. The magazine said almost half the people they interviewed cleaned their keyboard less than once a month. Ten percent of people said they never cleaned it. Editor, Researchers, warned: Most people don't give much thought to the [dirt] that builds up on their PC.But if you dont clean your computer; you might as well eat your lunch off the dirt. The main causes of germs and bacteria are crumbs and other small pieces of food that drop onto the keys while workers eat at their desks. Oily fingers from eating potato chips and fries also attract bacteria.
A2) SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article: (5 M) 1. 2 3. Discovered Laboratory Disgusting a. b. c. Lab Stomach Sick

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Symptoms Tummy Interviewed Dirt builds up Oily Ill

d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

Nasty Questioned Greasy Found Filth Collects Signs

A3) TRUE / FALSE: Look at the articles headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F): (3 M) a. b. c. d. e. Computer keyboards can be unhygienic and make us ill. Many germs found on keyboards can cause food poisoning. Typing QWERTY (the first six keyboard letters) helps keep germs away. Around fifty per cent of people clean their keyboards each month. Eating fries while using a keyboard can attract bacteria and germs. T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F

f. A secretary couldnt wait to find the bacteria hiding in her keyboard.

SECTION-BThe computer mouse celebrated its 40th anniversary on December the 8th. It was in 1968 that computer (1) ____ Douglas Engelbart showed off his new invention to an audience (2) ____ 1,000 at a technology conference in California. They witnessed the (3) ____ first public demonstration of the personal computer. Engelbarts revolutionary pointing device was made of wood and had two wheels (4) ____ into the bottom. It was originally designed to highlight text on a written document. Engelbart wowed onlookers (5) ____ demonstrating how text could be selected, copied and pasted. Engelbart said he always wondered why the term mouse never changed into a more technical word after it became a (6) ____ success.

B1) put the correct words from the table below in the above article.

(6 M)

1. 2. 3. 4.

(a) (a) (a) (a)

visionary To Really building

(b) (b) (b) (b)

Vision For Too Built

(c) (c) (c) (c)

Envision Of Just Builder

(d) (d) (d) (d)

Visions At Very Build

5. 6.

(a) (a)

To commercials

(b) So (b) Commerce

(c) At (c) Commercial

(d) (d)

By Commercialise

B2) put the words into the gaps in the text.

[8 M]

[Widely, decades, looks, beat, device, churns, penny, mass]

Today computer mice or mouses (both are _____accepted as plurals) are absolutely everywhere. The only real changes to their technology in the past four ____ are the transition to laser mice, the right-click button, and the scroll wheel. It ____like mice are here to stay, despite new innovations such as touch screens. Experts say the mouse is still difficult to __________ in terms of ease of use and functionality. On the mouses 40th birthday, computer-__________ maker Logitech announced it had produced its one-billionth mouse. The Swiss company __________ out nearly 8 million mice a month. The pioneer, Douglas Engelbart, has never received a __________ for his world-changing invention. His patent ran out before computer companies started __________ -producing mice. B3) Write five GOOD questions about mouse from Article. [2.5 M]

SECTION-CWrite down C1) An email to Dr. Juliana Alex, explain to her that you are in final stage of computer science Dept, and your interesting subject area is computer Architecture. Ask her if it is possible to become your final year project supervise. (Not less than 100 words) (5.5 M)

C2) in detail about all types of Memo and explain one of them. C3) all Types of references with examples? C4) The seminar weakness?

(4 M) (5 M)

(3 M)

C5) in detail about Advertising, all types of advertising with example (3 M)

Sulaymani University College of Science Computer Department

First Stage Final Exam

Duration: 3 English for computer science Open-Book Exam


SECTION A-: What are A1) (5 M)

The references and Types of references? Write only four references which include all types of references? A2) (6 M) The conducted using model by the Research? The main forms of Research methods? Research methods used by scholars and explain only three of them? A3) The researcher duty before start to decide work on the project? (4 M)

A4) The seminar and how to prepare a seminar?

(6 M)


Differences between -:

(6 M)

B1) Memo and SMS B2) CV and Application Form B3) Abstract and conclusion



C1) an email to Dr. Jenny, explain to her that you are in final stage of computer science and your interesting subject area is computer Architecture. Ask her if it is possible to become your final year project supervise. (Not less than 100 words) C2) all Steps to write an essay and explain only four of them SECTION-D-: (6 M) (6 M)

D1) Explanation (not less than 50 words)


Received $ 150, as a deposit for the purchase Of Sony computer Laptop, Pentium 4 For total sum of $550, Mrs. Tara Ali D2) (6 M) 13.Computer is not powerful, but cleaver (True or False) 14.WAN is world wide web (True or False) 15.Space efficiency (reliable and errorless). (True or False) 16.Viruses is an operating system and part of software (True or False) 17.Example of some other parts is LAN card (True or False) 18.The portable computer is called Desktop(True or False) BEST OF THE LUCK Lecturer: kamaran HamaAli Faraj

Sulaymani University College of Science Computer Department

First Stage Final Exam

Duration: 3 English for computer science


Open-Book Exam

SECTION-AA1) Translate the Article below into Kurdish language.

(10 M)

I remember the day as if it were yesterday. During my second year in college, I was attempting to transmit a group of characters comprising my name from one computer to another. I connected the computers using RS-232 cable, wrote the necessary programs and executed them. I typed my name on one terminal and rushed to the other to see the results. "Wow, this is magic!" I exclaimed as I read 'SHVAN' on the screen. While I realized intuitively that a complex version of this elementary network could achieve much, at the time I had no real idea what. Now, four years later, I know that Networking makes possible a plethora of applications, from video-conferencing over the Internet to linking banks through private networks. It still seems like magic. Or rather, a grand adventure - one that I most certainly want to be part of.



B1) an email to Dr. Suzan Abdullah, explain to her that you are in final stage of computer science Dept, and your interesting subject area is computer Architecture. Ask her if it is possible to become your final year project supervise. (Not less than 100 words) (8 M)

B2) down in detail about all types of Memo and explain one of them.

(6 M)

C1) {Certificate, Qualification, Brainteasers, Brainstorm, Computer, Handout, Suitable, Excellent} 11) The birth ..

12) 13) 14) 15) (5 M) C2)

University.. (After four years study and pass Child .. Essay writer Popularity of (6 M) 19. Computer is powerful, but not cleaver (True or False) 20. WAN is world wide web (True or False) 21. Space efficiency (reliable and errorless). (True or False) 22. WINXP is an operating system and part of software (True or False) 23. Example of some other parts is LAN card (True or False) 24. The portable computer is called Laptop(True or False)

all exams)

SECTION-D-: To Whom It May Concern:

(15 M)

Re: Eva Gomez 28041973

Eva Gomez had studied for a BSc in computer science. I know him in my capacity as a lecturer in one of the modules. She strikes me as a polite and diligent character, eager to get the job done well. I have known her as an intelligent person and capable to achieve Diploma in her subject area and I highly recommend her for this course. Yours Kamaran fararj HND, Bsc, Msc computer Science

University of London, UK., contact num: 00447781520473

Explanation: 1) To Whom It May Concern: 2) RE: 3) Eva Gomez 28041973 4) UK 5) Subject Area 6) Country code number

How many types of qualification you can find in this letter? What is the purpose of writing this letter, and how to contact the person who writes this letter?

BEST OF THE LUCK Lecturer: kamaran HamaAli Faraj

In class Test-3-


Translate the Article below into Kurdish language.

Computer mouse turns 40

The computer mouse celebrated its 40th anniversary on December the 8th. It was in 1968 that computer visionary Douglas Engelbart showed off his new invention to an audience of 1,000 at a technology conference in California. They witnessed the very first public demonstration of the personal computer. Engelbarts revolutionary pointing device was made of wood and had two wheels built into the bottom. It was originally designed to highlight text on a written document. Engelbart wowed onlookers by demonstrating how text could be selected, copied and pasted. Engelbart said he always wondered why the term mouse never changed into a more technical word after it became a commercial success.

Today computer mice or mouses (both are widely accepted as plurals) are absolutely everywhere. The only real changes to their technology in the past four decades are the transition to laser mice, the right-click button, and the scroll wheel. It looks like mice are here to stay, despite new innovations such as touch screens. Experts say the mouse is still difficult to beat in terms of ease of use and functionality. On the mouses 40th birthday, computer-device maker Logitech announced it had produced its one-billionth mouse. The Swiss company churns out nearly 8 million mice a month. The pioneer, Douglas Engelbart, has never received a penny for his world-changing invention. His patent ran out before computer companies started mass-producing mice.

Q2) TRUE / FALSE: Look at the articles headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F):

a. The computer mouse just celebrated its 40th birthday. T b. Just a handful of people saw the first mouse at a California T conference. c. The inventor initially designed the mouse to play computer games. T d. The mouses inventor is surprised people stuck with the word T mouse. e. The plural mouses is grammatically incorrect. T f. There have been three major changes to the mouse in its history. T g. A computer-device maker recently churned out its billionth mouse. T h. The mouses inventor made a fortune from his creation. T Q3) Write five GOOD questions about mouse from Article.

/F /F /F /F / / / / F F F F

Sulaymani University College of Science Computer Department

First Stage Final Exam

Duration: 3 English for computer science


Open-Book Exam

A1) Translate the Article below into Kurdish language.

[5 M]

A British computer magazine has discovered our computer keyboards could be bad for our health. Which? Computing asked a laboratory to check 30 keyboards in its London office for bacteria. The results were shocking, and disgusting. The lab scientists said five of the keyboards they tested put people at risk of illness. One keyboard contained 150 times more bacteria than health officials say is safe. Its test results showed it was five times dirtier than a toilet seat. The researchers said the germs they found could easily cause symptoms similar to food poisoning, such as diarrhoea and upset stomachs. They named these illnesses QWERTY tummy, after the first six letters on the keyboard. The magazine recommended people clean their keyboards regularly to stay healthy and avoid stomach bugs. The magazine said almost half the people they interviewed cleaned their keyboard less than once a month. Ten percent of people said they never cleaned it. Editor, Researchers, warned: Most people don't give much thought to the [dirt] that builds up on their PC.But if you dont clean your computer; you might as well eat your lunch off the dirt. The main causes of germs and bacteria are crumbs and other small pieces of food that drop onto the keys while workers eat at their desks. Oily fingers from eating potato chips and fries also attract bacteria.
A2) SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article: (5 M) 1. 2 3. 4. 5. Discovered Laboratory Disgusting Symptoms Tummy a. b. c. d. e. Lab Stomach Sick Nasty Questioned

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Interviewed Dirt builds up Oily Ill

f. g. h. i. j.

Greasy Found Filth Collects Signs

A3) TRUE / FALSE: Look at the articles headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F): (3 M) a. b. c. d. e. Computer keyboards can be unhygienic and make us ill. Many germs found on keyboards can cause food poisoning. Typing QWERTY (the first six keyboard letters) helps keep germs away. Around fifty per cent of people clean their keyboards each month. Eating fries while using a keyboard can attract bacteria and germs. T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F

f. A secretary couldnt wait to find the bacteria hiding in her keyboard.

SECTION-BThe computer mouse celebrated its 40th anniversary on December the 8th. It was in 1968 that computer (1) ____ Douglas Engelbart showed off his new invention to an audience (2) ____ 1,000 at a technology conference in California. They witnessed the (3) ____ first public demonstration of the personal computer. Engelbarts revolutionary pointing device was made of wood and had two wheels (4) ____ into the bottom. It was originally designed to highlight text on a written document. Engelbart wowed onlookers (5) ____ demonstrating how text could be selected, copied and pasted. Engelbart said he always wondered why the term mouse never changed into a more technical word after it became a (6) ____ success.

B1) put the correct words from the table below in the above article.

(6 M)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

(a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a)

visionary To Really building To commercials

(b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b)

Vision For Too Built So Commerce

(c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c)

Envision Of Just Builder At Commercial

(d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d)

Visions At Very Build By Commercialise

B2) put the words into the gaps in the text.

[8 M]

[Widely, decades, looks, beat, device, churns, penny, mass]

Today computer mice or mouses (both are _____accepted as plurals) are absolutely everywhere. The only real changes to their technology in the past four ____ are the transition to laser mice, the right-click button, and the scroll wheel. It ____like mice are here to stay, despite new innovations such as touch screens. Experts say the mouse is still difficult to __________ in terms of ease of use and functionality. On the mouses 40th birthday, computer-__________ maker Logitech announced it had produced its one-billionth mouse. The Swiss company __________ out nearly 8 million mice a month. The pioneer, Douglas Engelbart, has never received a __________ for his world-changing invention. His patent ran out before computer companies started __________ -producing mice. B3) Write five GOOD questions about mouse from Article. [2.5 M]

SECTION-CWrite down C1) An email to Dr. Juliana Alex, explain to her that you are in final stage of computer science Dept, and your interesting subject area is computer Architecture. Ask her if it is possible to become your final year project supervise. (Not less than 100 words) (5.5 M)

C2) in detail about all types of Memo and explain one of them. C3) all Types of references with examples? C4) The seminar weakness?

(4 M) (5 M)

(3 M)

C5) in detail about Advertising, all types of advertising with example (3 M)

Sulaymani University College of Science

First Stage Second Trail

Computer Department

Duration: 3 English for computer science Open-Book Exam



A1) Translate the Article below into Kurdish language.

[5 M]

I remember the day as if it were yesterday. During my second year in college, I was attempting to transmit a group of characters comprising my name from one computer to another. I connected the computers using RS-232 cable, wrote the necessary programs and executed them. I typed my name on one terminal and rushed to the other to see the results. "Wow, this is magic!" I exclaimed as I read 'SHVAN' on the screen. While I realized intuitively that a complex version of this elementary network could achieve much, at the time I had no real idea what. Now, four years later, I know that Networking makes possible a plethora of applications, from video-conferencing over the Internet to linking banks through private networks. It still seems like magic. Or rather, a grand adventure one that I most certainly want to be part of. A2) SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article: (5 M) 1. celebrated 2. audience 3. witnessed 4. wowed 5. wondered 6. absolutely 7. transition 8. innovations 9. churns out a. saw b. makes c. finished d. thought about e. commemorated f. changes g. amazed h. crowd i. j. completely

10. ran out

sentences are true (T) or false (F): 1. Computer is powerful, but not cleaver.

A3) TRUE / FALSE: Look at the articles headline and guess whether these (3 M)

2. WAN is world wide web. 3. Space efficiency (reliable and errorless). 4. WINXP is an operating system and part of software.

5. Example of some other parts is LAN card . 6. The portable computer is called Laptop.
SECTION-BA leading US scientist has (1) ____ that computers will be as intelligent as humans by 2029. Futurologist Dr Ray Kurzweil told the American Association for the Advancement of Science that in the (2) ____ future, machine intelligence will overtake the power of the human brain. He said that (3) ____ two decades computers will be able to think quicker than humans. Dr Kurzweil painted a picture of us having tiny robots called nanobots implanted in our brain to (4) ____ our intelligence and health. He told reporters that these (5) ____ nanobots would work with our brains to make us think faster and give us more powerful memories. Kurzweil explained that we are already a human machine civilization and that the upcoming technology will be a further (6) ____ of that." Dr Kurzweil was one of 18 top intellectuals asked (7) ____ the US National Academy of Engineering to identify our greatest technological challenges. Other experts included Google (8) ____ Larry Page and the human genome pioneer Dr Craig Venter. Kurzweil has a very impressive background (9) ____ science and innovation. He was an innovator in various fields of computing, including the technology (10) ____ CDs. He also pioneered automatic speech recognition by machines. He predicts the (11) ____ of new inventions will increase greatly from now, saying: "the next half century will see 32 times more technical progress than the past half century." This means scenes from science fiction movies, like Blade Runner, The Terminator and I Robot, will become more and more a part of our (12) ____ lives.

B1) put the correct words from the table below in the above article. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) Predict Near Without Boot Microchip Extended By Finder (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) Prediction Nearly Therein Boost Microscope Extends For founder (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) predicted nears herein boast microscopic extended to fonder (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d)

(6 M)

Predictably Nearness Within Beast Micros Extension Bye Fender

9. 10. 11. 12.

(a) (a) (a) (a)

On Rear Race Everyday

(b) (b) (b) (b)

As back pace every day

(c) (c) (c) (c)

for behind space all day

(d) (d) (d) (d)

In Beyond Ace Today

B2) PHRASE MATCH: Match the following phrases from the article (sometimes more than one combination is possible): (5 M)

1. Computers will be as intelligent 2. Overtake the power 3. Tiny robots 4. Make us think faster and give us more 5. Technology will be a further 6. One of 7. Identify our greatest technological 8. a very impressive 9. He also pioneered automatic 10. More and more a

a. part of our everyday lives b. 18 top intellectuals c. powerful memories d. as humans e. called nanobots f. challenges g. speech recognition h. extension of that i. of the human brain j. background in science

B3) put the words into the gaps in the text.

[2.5 M]

{Certificate, Qualification, Brainteasers, Brainstorm, Computer, Handout, Suitable, Excellent} 1. The birth .. 2. University.. (After four years study and pass all exams)

3. Child .. 4. Essay writer

5. Popularity of
SECTION-CWrite down C1) An email to Dr. Suzan Abdullah, explain to her that you are in final stage of computer science Dept, and your interesting subject area is computer Architecture. Ask her if it is possible to become your final year project supervise. (Not less than 100 words) (6 M)

C2) in detail about all types of Memo and explain one of them. C3) all Types of references with examples? C4) The seminar weakness?

(4 M) (5 M)

(3 M)

C5) in detail about Advertising, all types of advertising with example (3 M)

C6) All types of qualification for computer science (2.5 M)


Q1) Translate the Article below into Kurdish language

(7.5 M)

A leading US scientist has predicted that computers will be as intelligent as humans by 2029. Futurologist Dr Ray Kurzweil told the American Association for the Advancement of Science that in the near future, machine intelligence will overtake the power of the human brain. He said that within two decades computers will be able to think quicker than humans. Dr Kurzweil painted a picture of us having tiny robots called nanobots implanted in our brain to boost our intelligence and health. He told reporters that these microscopic nanobots would work with our brains to make us think faster and give us more powerful memories. Kurzweil explained that we are already a human machine civilization and that the upcoming technology will be a further extension of that." Dr Kurzweil was one of 18 top intellectuals asked by the US National Academy of Engineering to identify our greatest technological challenges. Other experts included Google founder Larry Page and the human genome pioneer Dr Craig Venter. Kurzweil has a very impressive background in science and innovation. He was an innovator in various fields of computing, including the technology behind CDs. He also pioneered automatic speech recognition by machines. He predicts the pace of new inventions will increase greatly from now, saying: "the next half century will see 32 times more technical progress than the past half century." This means scenes from science fiction movies, like Blade Runner, The Terminator and I Robot, will become more and more a part of our everyday lives.
Q2) TRUE / FALSE: Look at the articles headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F): (2.5 M)

A. Machines will be more intelligent than humans within two decades. B. A leading scientist likes painting pictures using very small robots. C. The scientist in the article has no background in computing D. Technology developments will increase by 50 times in 32 years. E. The scientist suggested that machines inside us is natural progress. Q3) You can answer only one: A) B) C) D)
in detail about Advertising, all types of advertising with example (3 M) All types of qualification for computer science (3 M) The seminar weakness? (3 M) Steps to write thesis and explain ony four of them (3M)

Q4) put the words into the gaps in the text.

[4 M]

{Certificate, Qualification, Brainteasers, Brainstorm, Computer, Handout, Suitable, Excellent}

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The birth .. University.. (After four years study and pass all exams) Child .. Essay writer Popularity of ------------ lesson

7. ------------ color 8. ----------- Mark Q5) SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article: (5 M) 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. leading predicted within upcoming extension identify experts pioneer pace science fiction a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. speed point out future developer top specialists forecast inside sci-fi addition

BEST OF THE LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!


1) When sitting at a computer in a room near a window, you should be .. A) Sitting sideways to the window. B) Facing away from the window. C) Facing towards the window. 2) The height of your monitor screen should be adjusted so that... A) The top of the screen is at eye level. B) The bottom of the screen is at eye level. C) The centre of the screen is at eye level. 3) When seated at a computer, you should make sure that A) You have your lower arms and thighs in a horizontal position. B) You have your feet flat on the ground. C) You can reach the keyboard. 4) The best type of chair to use when sitting at a computer is a ...... A) Swivel chair with adjustable height normally seen in an office. B) Normal classroom chair of moulded plastic with four fixed legs. C) Wooden stool normally seen in a science laboratory.

5) Which type of fire extinguisher is required in a room containing computers? A) Carbon dioxide B) Sand C) Water 6) Mains plugs and leads on all computer equipment should be checked by a qualified tester ... A) Every year. B) Every month. C) Every week. 7) A symptom of repetitive strain injury caused by using a computer is..... A) Aches in the finger joints. B) Backache. C) Sore eyes. 8) A paper holder that fixes to the side of a monitor is not allowed under the regulations because ... A) Your eyes will not change focus when you look from one to the other. B) It is difficult to read what is on it. C) It is a fire hazard. 9) Health & Safety regulations apply to...... A) Employees who use a computer for most of the time that they are at work. B) Everyone who uses a computer. C) School pupils using computers for one or two lessons every day. 10) The recommended way to reduce the possibility of any problems that may arise from the longterm use of a computer is to..... A) Have frequent intervals where you are involved in other types of activities. B) Take frequent rest breaks. C) Have frequent intervals where you are involved in other types of activities.

Q2) (8M) A) what is the reference, reference types and how to write a reference? B) Four American words that related to computer science C) Memo and explain one of them.

Q3) put the words into the gaps in the text. (4M) {Anti, beefing, mystery, data, come, chaos, Originated, accusing} Countries around the world are ____________ up their Internet security systems following cyber attacks in South Korea. Up to 60,000 computers in South Korea have been hit by ____________ hackers in the past few days. The virus is spreading and could erase all ____________ on infected machines. South Korean computer security experts say there is more to ____________. They

warn the hackers are aiming at government websites. This could create ____________ with the countrys transport, hospitals, banks and social services. Philip Kim, CEO of South Korea's largest ____________ -virus software company Ahn Lab, wouldn't comment on where he thought the attacks ____________. However, South Korean government officials are ____________ North Korea.

College of Science Computer Department English for computer science

Open-Book Exam

Second Trail Duration: 3 hours

Bill Gates launches Microsoft OS Vista

Microsoft (1) _____ released the latest Windows operating system around the world on Tuesday. Titled Vista, the (2) _____ -awaited program was on shelves in 40,000 stores worldwide. It was more than five years (3) _____ the making, created by 8,000 people and cost over $6US billion to develop. Microsoft founder Bill Gates flew to London for the unveiling. He said his new slogan - The Wow starts now - would (4) _____ what consumers should expect from the product. Gates believes users will be wowed by whats on offer. He said: "There are chances for wows all over the product." These may come in the form of a (5) _____ new 3D interface, a digital media lifestyle focus, a quick search function, and (6) _____ up security. Vista is "dramatically more secure than any other operating system released", Gates told the BBC News. Despite the hype and (7) _____, the new operating system does have quite a few hurdles to overcome. One is that it cannot be used on any PC that is over two years old, which will be too slow to run the applications. Another potential pitfall is that hackers have also been waiting five years to (8) _____ the softwares code. There (9) _____ well be a race to see who can find holes and start the first viruses. Many analysts have advised consumers to be (10) _____ and wait to see how secure Vista really is before buying it. A further reason why customers may not dash to the stores to buy Vista is the confusing (11) _____ of versions. Will people want Vista Starter, Vista Home Basic, Vista Home Premium, Vista Ultimate or Vista Business? And finally, Microsoft will need to deal with people calling Vista a (12) _____ of Apples Mac OSX.

Q1) Translate the highlight words into Kurdish language. (2 M)

Write down all versions of vista. What we mean by: 1) Bill Gate 2) Vista Q2) choose the correct words from ad below. M) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. (a) Finality (a) Long (a) In (a) Essence (a) Licks (a) Beefy (a) fun fair (a) crack-up (a) May (b) finalized (b) longish (b) on (b) epitaph (b) slacker (b) beefed (b) fanfare (c) final (c) lengthy (c) of (c) epitome (c) slick

(4 M) (2 M)


(d) finally (d) longing (d) at (d) epitomize (d) slack

(c) beefcake (d) meaty (c) fan belts (d) fan mail (d) click (d) have to (d) cautionary (d) various (d) copycat

(b) crackdown (c) crack (b) can (c) will (c) caution (c) vary (c) fishbowl

(a) cautioned (b) cautious (a) Array (a) top dog (b) arrange (b) horseplay

Q3) Look at the articles headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F): (4 M) a. b. c. d. e. f. Microsoft Vista was released in the USA only. Vista was developed by 8,000 people. Microsofts slogan is Open bigger vistas with Vista. Bill Gates said Vista was dramatically more secure than before. Vista can be used on any PC bought in the last ten years. Analysts caution consumers against buying now in case of viruses.



There are five different versions of the operating system for sale. h. Many people think Apple Computer will copy Vista.
Q4) Match the following synonyms from the article:



(10 M)

a. b.



Epitomize c. Wowed d. Slick e. beefed up

f. g. i. j. Hype Overcome Array Copycat

Polished Imitator Strengthened Hazard

Launch Range sum up get the better of Astonished

h. Pitfall

Q5) Write down 1) An email to Dr. Juliana Alex, explain to her that you are in Final stage of computer science Dept, and your interesting subject area is computer Architecture. Ask her if it is possible to become your thesis-supervisor. (Not less than 100 words) (5 M)

2) In detail about all types of Memo and explain one of them. (5 M) 3) All Types of references with examples? 4) The seminar weakness? (5 M) (4 M)

5) In detail about Advertising, all types of advertising and how to advertise your Desktop for sale (3 M)


Dr. Kamaran HamaAli

College of Science Computer Department English for computer science

Open-Book Exam

Second Trail Duration: 3 hours

Arabic in First Non-English Web Addresses

The international organization that controls website names has allowed non-English characters (1) ____ the first time. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has approved websites from three Arab nations to use Arabic in Internet (2) ____. Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are the first countries in the world that can use their (3) ____ scripts in Internet addresses. ICANN says this is the first step in allowing more scripts in web addresses. Next in (4) ____ for approval are Chinese, Tamil and Thai. The new system is part of a plan to make the Internet more (5) ____. Until this new change, anyone making a website had to use English in the address, (6) ____ if they didnt understand the language.

One of the first websites with an Arabic address is the Egyptian Ministry of Communications. Its spokesman and told the Associated Press that the new system was a "(7) ____ in internet history". He added: "This great step will open up new (8) ____ for e-services in [Arabic]. It will boost the number of online usersand enable Internet services to [break (9) ____] new [markets] by eliminating language (10) ____." Website makers will be able to create Arabic addresses that are read from right to left. Arabic only makes up one per cent of all the (11) ____ on the Internet. However, Arabs make (12) ____ five per cent of the world population and Arab web surfers have increased by 2,000 per cent in the past ten years
Q1) Translate the highlight words into Kurdish language. (2 M) (3 M)

What we mean by:

1) Kurdish in First Non-English Web Addresses 2) ICANN

Q2) choose the correct words from ad below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) by URLs down circle globally (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) at WWW own square globalizatio n (b) even (b) kidney stone (b) horizontal (b) (b) (b) (b) into exams word in (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) from MP3s town line global (d) (d) (d) (d) (d)

(6 M) for Webs mown cross globe

(a) never (a) stone (a) horizons (a) (a) (a) (a) onto letters constant up

(c) evens (c) stones (c) horizon (c) (c) (c) (c) up to study content on

(d) ever (d) milestone (d) horizontall y (d) so to (d) barriers (d) languages (d) over

Q3) Look at the articles headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F): (4 M)

a There is no organization that looks after web addresses. T . b There are three Arab nations that can make websites in T . Arabic. c The article says there are another thirty scripts waiting to T . be approved. d Only high-level English speakers could make websites in T . the past. e The very first website with an Arabic address was the T . Associated Press. f. An Egyptian said the new addresses would increase T Arabic e-services. g New addresses will still have to be written and read from T . right to left. h The number of Arab surfers has risen by over 1,000% in T . 10 years.

/F /F /F /F /F /F /F /F

Q4) Match the following synonyms from the article(10 M)

1. allowed 2 scripts

3. in line 4. web addresses 5. global 6. spokesman 7. milestone 8. boost 9. eliminating 10 content .

a waiting . b getting rid of . c.representative d significant event . e URLs . f. permitted g material . h alphabets . i. increase j. international

Q5) Write down An email to Dr. Suzan Abdulla, explain to her that you are in Final stage of computer science Dept, and your interesting subject area is computer Architecture. Ask her if it is possible to become your thesis-supervisor. (Not less than 100 words) (5 M) In detail about all types of Memo and explain one of them. (4 M) All Types of references with examples? (5 M)

The seminar weakness? Health and safety for computer

(4 M) (4 M)

In detail about Advertising, all types of advertising and how to advertise your Desktop for sale (3 M)

BEST OF THE LUCK Dr. Kamaran HamaAli

External Examiner From now on every course should have its own external examiner with identified roles. The one who can play the role of an external examiner should:

Have an academic post with the scientific rank of assistant Professor and higher. He/she should be an active, reputable and experienced academic staff in his field or a related field to the course.

He/she should have not participated in lecturing or administering of the course. The roles of the external examiner are: Evaluating the contents and the program of the course.

Prior to the exam, he/she should contribute to choosing the questions and looking at the ideal answers. Evaluating the process of the examinations: he/she should see all the marked exam papers, then choose randomly nine marked papers: three with high marks, three with medium and three with low marks.

Evaluating the students' feedbacks

He/she should participate in the final meeting of the first round examinations committee and give his assessment on the entire course and the examination process, then to give his opinion about the final results. He/she should participate in the final meeting of the second round examinations committee and should have a main vote on those problems that may face them.

Then the lecturer/ tutor in charge will respond to the external examiner's questions and will reply officially to all the questions and clarify the reasons.

Student's Feedback on the Course Date: Course: Year: Lecturer/ tutor:

Evaluation Questions
1 The objectives and key messages of the subject were clear The contents of the subject were useful and were related to the main objectives of the course The coordinator teacher had worked hard to prepare the materials The coordinator teacher had worked hard to cooperate and prepare the course The lecturers were carefully selected and were expert in their fields The coordinator teacher gave a good attention to the students' criticisms and claims Information on the Examination process was well provided The questions of the exams were related to the contents of the course. Total of the levels

Subject's Level 1-5

Subjective Remarks


There is a potential to promote and develop the course in the following areas:

Standards to evaluate the level of the contents 1 Very bad 2 Bad 3 Medium 4 Good 5 Very good

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