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Whenever giraffeseat

cookies they play hopscotch because the weather is (soooo) beastbecause

lionseat nutella. Hopscotch makes you fatso youcan't even die or sleep because you're like a G6 infinitely asymptotic 2D gorilla. >>>This is why<<< I'm hot. So is yo face! WINNIETHEPOOH is very YELLOWISH GREENwhen piglet ate tiggerfor lunch Yum, Yum! He puked rainbows into devin lo's ugly backpack. It burst into 9000rats of Mars. They attacked Katisha, a waterbottle, and a sick anteater catapulted into a gigantic radioactive pool of slush, eaten by a walrus! It exploded after the walrus burped out Osama bin-Laden's teddy bear and Obama bin-Biden's troops destroyed Southern Mars. After lunch they died figuratively because the loophole in quantam doesnt work on Mars or earth. The megalomaniac fell into a pool of melting ice cream but the pie that aforementioned megalomaniacthrew at a non-flying big bird ate him and becamecookie monster. Then Elmo ate bert. Then Ernie ate Bernie. So their friend grover randomly exploded into millions of birds and cats and freeziesthat were not frozen. A hippophobic person saw Waldo and Spirit, the bald hobo who lived in a cardboard box under the railway tracks and freaked because that is what hobos do. The bald hobo killed waldo. Thenthe police arrested the bald hobo for eatingburnt worms from the tip of Mount Everest. A flying bald hobo, the twin of dora wove hemp into a bald hobo's old rags. This doesn't make sense like you, lol. The farting bald hobo + Andrew Kim met five Furry teletubies who ate Donald Trump + Andrew Kim for dessert. After dessert, they went to Stonehenge for lunch. They met alan thicke while eating hotdogs in the scorching hot trampoline, which burnedinto cheese from Transformice. A giraffe kicked alan in the head [what were you thinking?][Im not nasty, dont worry. :):):):):):):)]. He was hospitalized.
flying Later Alan remembered ostrichesfrolicking in evergreen rainforests like to visit Gallifrey the great

leader of the dementors. Alan grabbed a club and beat his face until it was twistedwith

pain, but died figuratively because he didn't breathe air. This caused chemical reactions, which then caused Rebecca Black's voice to crack . She sang soooooooooooooooooooooooo well, Mount Fuji exploded into millions of buttered asprins. Jenna Rose was nearby, singing Baby, which is epicly disturbing to mankind and animalkind in mexico where timelords ate crabs. I liek mudkipz and santa and MCDONALLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDDZ (lol, I kid. I HATE McDonald's, are you kidding me?) And KIRBY!11 because they killed off the mudkipz, we rage quitted life, and died because they ate kirby, >>who punched chuck norris who sucks, but kirby started farting little stars i give up :( :) flying through colourful rings of marinated anchovies and

fried pickles om nom, so kirby ate everything previously mentioned and raged at daleks. kirby boinged his stars together, causing nuclear reactions</SPAN> that
killed fairy princesses and frog princes, unless Osama bin smith had kirby bonging two helpings of pot every day for a full year. The pot was disgusting, having been

submerged in sewage water like most onions. Fortunately, Sean Kingston tranpolined on Mario's hat, killing Luigi and Yoshi and kirby, who died. Cptn. Jack Sparrow had to revive Yoshi, who died and resurrected but diedfrom progeria and [numerous] concussions...Mcdonalds killedJ. Sparrow for

ressurecting Yoshi, but ate reincarnated kirby

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