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A five hundred foot deep water well, will ensure the distribution of drinking and multi use water to all programs designed for people with disabilities of Transitions mission. Through this new water well Transitions will be able to asure the clean water in its programs and provide it to more than 1500 families that attend Transitions programs. This would not have been possible without the great collaboration of Global Partners Running Waters Inc. This is our third week of the drilling implementation and are meeting the schedule established by Transitions and Agropozos Company to ansure the delivery of this vital liquid for our community. Following is the description of the current development of the water well project.

Transitions Mission: Mobilizing Guatemalans with disabilities through health, rehabilitation, education, spiritual development, leadership skills, social integration and employment. At Transitions, we take a holistic perspective on health and recognize the myriad social factors that promote and/or impede the welfare of Guatemalans with disabilities. Thus, we believe health to mean more than merely the absence of disease or infirmity, but believe health to be a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing. In this vein, Transitions advocates for the rights and social inclusion of Guatemalans with disabilities by not only focusing on health promotion in the conventional sense, but by also providing access to social development programs, mobility equipment and opportunities for independent living that promote human dignity. Please learn more about the incredible mission of Transitions Foundation:


Signed contract and worked schedule to prepare drilling the well Preparing the heavy-duty equipment, assigned place to drill with Architect and logistics. Dug a 4x4x 4 square meter pit to use as a cleaning system for the drilling machine. Filled with water to lubricate drill bits. Unload 20 feet pipes for driling the well.

Unloading 20 feet long pipes and drill bits for drilling the well. Workers got set, housing, food and directions were given to execute project. Safety instructions were given to the engineers and technicians.

First stage of drilling the water well, getting samples of soil to determinate proper and adequate water pump for well and distribution of water.

Inserting more 20 feet long extension for drill bit. 300 feet have been dug, 200 more to go. Steel pipes have been brought to insert permanently.

Arriving of special heavy -duty machine for cleaning the well, machine will keep inserting special drill bits to clean the inside of well

Getting water from the well that has been in the cleaning process, need more than a week for this process; special chemicals are been used to ensure cleanliness for pure water

On behalf of Transitions Foundation we want to thank you very much for supporting our mission with this necessary water well. God bless all of you for sharing your compassion with the people with disabilities of Guatemala. Alex Glvez

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