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Division 2

Section 02100

Demolition and Site Clearing

Rev: 02

Jan. 2011

Page 1 of 9

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)


Revision No Date Revision Description / Purpose of Issue


April 2008

First Issue.


Jan. 2011

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Division 2

Section 02100

Demolition and Site Clearing

Rev: 02

Jan. 2011

Page 2 of 9

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

1 GENERAL .......................................................................................................... 4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.4 2 2.1 2.2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 SCOPE ................................................................................................... 4 RELATED DOCUMENTS ....................................................................... 4 SUBMITTALS ......................................................................................... 4 PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS APPROVAL .......................................... 4 METHOD STATEMENTS ....................................................................... 4 DRAWINGS ............................................................................................ 5 QUALITY CONTROL .............................................................................. 5 FILL MATERIALS FOR BACKFILLING ................................................... 6 HERBICIDE ............................................................................................ 6 PREPARATION ...................................................................................... 6 DEMOLITION ......................................................................................... 6 GENERAL SITE CLEARING ................................................................... 8 TOPSOIL EXCAVATION ........................................................................ 8 COMPLETION OF FINISHED WORK ..................................................... 9

PRODUCTS ....................................................................................................... 6

EXECUTION....................................................................................................... 6


Division 2

Section 02100

Demolition and Site Clearing

Rev: 02

Jan. 2011

Page 3 of 9

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)


SCOPE This section of the specification gives the requirements for demolition, general site clearing and topsoil removal.


RELATED DOCUMENTS The following sections of the specification shall be read in conjunction with this section. Section 01000-07 Submittals Section 01000-08 Quality Control Section 01000-09 Materials and Equipment Section 02110 General Earthworks

1.3 1.3.1

SUBMITTALS PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS APPROVAL a) In order to verify compliance with the specification the Contractor shall submit information for all products and materials used in the Works to the Engineer for approval sufficiently in advance of their use in accordance with the Contract programme allowing for ordering and approval times. Reference shall also be made to Section 01000-09 of the specification on products and materials approval. Information to be submitted shall comprise but not necessarily be limited to: i. ii. iii. iv. Manufacturers/suppliers name. Product name/description. Manufacturers technical data. Storage instructions.


METHOD STATEMENTS a) The Contractor shall submit method statements to the Engineer for approval 4 weeks in advance of commencing the site activity in accordance with Section 01000-07 of the specification. These shall comprise but not necessarily be limited to:


Division 2

Section 02100

Demolition and Site Clearing

Rev: 02

Jan. 2011

Page 4 of 9

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)


Demolition and removal procedure which shall address: Description of methods and equipment to be used for each operation and sequence of operations. Safety precautions to ensure safety of workers, members of public and users of adjacent facilities. Proposed measures to protect permanent structures, roads and sidewalks from demolition activities. Removal and disposal of hazardous materials. Removal, protection and transportation of salvageable materials. Co-ordination with any existing facility operations. Shut down schedule of equipment and disconnection sequence of utilities involved.


DRAWINGS a) The Contractor shall submit drawings to the Engineer for approval in advance of commencing the site activity in accordance with Section 01000-07 of the specification. These shall comprise but not necessarily be limited to: i. Location and construction of temporary barricades and fences.


QUALITY CONTROL a) Prior to dispatch of any product and/or material from source the Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing in sufficient time to allow the Engineer the opportunity to inspect and test the product and/or material prior to delivery in accordance with Section 01000-08 of the specification. b) Products and materials shall be from a manufacturer/supplier who operates a quality system which is registered to ISO 9000 series or approved equal. c) To allow the Engineer to inspect the Works the Contractor shall give the Engineer a minimum of 24 hours notice of carrying out the following activities on site. i. ii. iii. Commencement of demolition. Commencement of general site clearing. Commencement of topsoil removal.

d) Conform to applicable code for demolition of structures, safety of adjacent structures, dust control, runoff control and disposal and regulatory procedures when discovering hazardous or contaminated materials.


Division 2

Section 02100

Demolition and Site Clearing

Rev: 02

Jan. 2011

Page 5 of 9

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)


FILL MATERIALS FOR BACKFILLING Suitable fill material shall consist of excavated or borrow material free of lumps greater than 75mm, rocks larger than 50mm and debris


HERBICIDE Herbicides shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and should be fit for their intended use. Whilst using such material all practicable steps should be taken in terms of health and safety requirements.


PREPARATION a) Accurately survey and record the conditions of existing permanent structures, utilities and subsurface obstructions before commencing demolition activities. Drawings showing the size, depth, location and type of utility to be disconnected shall be provided by the Contractor. b) Provide, erect, and maintain temporary barriers and security devices as agreed with the Engineer. c) Protect existing landscaping, appurtenances and structures which are not to be demolished. Cover and protect equipment, fixtures, surface finishes and floors remaining in the demolition area to prevent damage. d) Prevent movement or settlement of adjacent structures. Provide bracing and shoring as necessary to achieve this. e) Obtain any required permits to work from relevant Authorities. f) Do not close or obstruct roadways and sidewalks without permits.

g) Disconnect and cap designated utilities within demolition areas as directed by the Engineer and make sure any necessary temporary arrangements are made. Co-ordinate work with utility companies. 3.2 DEMOLITION a) Demolish the existing structures on site to a minimum depth of 1000mm below any new permanent works or finished ground level or to such other levels as directed by the Engineer. b) Remove reinforced concrete slabs on grade. c) Cease operations immediately if adjacent structures appear to be in
ADSSC/GSCW Division 2 Section 02100 Demolition and Site Clearing Rev: 02 Jan. 2011 Page 6 of 9

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

danger. Notify the Engineer. Do not resume operations until directed. d) Conduct operations with minimum interference to public or private accesses. Maintain protected egress and access at all times. e) Sprinkle Work with water to minimise dust. Provide hoses and water connections for this purpose. f) Before demolishing pumping stations and valve chambers thoroughly flush out the pumps, wet wells, pumping mains and incoming sewers. De-sludge and clean the sump and dispose of all surplus water and residuals.

g) Take out, clean and make good salvageable items, such as the sewage pump guide rails, delivery pipework, valves, fittings, float switches, cables, control equipment, kiosk basket stone traps, access covers, frames and ladders. Deliver all salvaged items as directed by the Engineer. h) De-sludge and clean septic tanks, cesspits, soakaways, manholes and chambers. Dispose of all surplus water and residuals before proceeding with the demolition of these structures. i) Upon de-sludging and cleaning of structures such as septic tanks, cesspits, soakaways, manholes, chambers, pumping station sumps and the like and receipt of the Engineers acceptance, puncture the base of the structure and break out the roof slab and tops of walls and use this material to partially fill the void. Fill the remaining void with fill in accordance with Section 02110 of the specification. Remove manhole frames and covers and hand them over as directed by the Engineer. Empty any other buried tanks located within demolition area. Remove buried tanks, components and piping from site. Backfill in accordance with Section 02110 of the specification.


k) When instructed by the Engineer to abandon only and not fully demolish a structure, backfill the void in accordance with Section 02110 of the specification up to the underside of the cover slab. Remove and hand over manhole covers and frames as directed by the Engineer, seal all openings with a concrete slab and reinstate the final surfaces in accordance with the Engineers instructions. l) Remove materials to be re-installed or retained in a manner to prevent damage.

m) Backfill areas excavated caused as a result of demolition in accordance with Section 02110 of the specification. n) Rough grade and compact areas affected by demolition to maintain site grades and contours.
Demolition and Site Clearing


Division 2

Section 02100

Rev: 02

Jan. 2011

Page 7 of 9

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

o) Except as provided for above, remove demolished materials from site. Any remaining debris resulting from demolition work shall become the property of the Contractor who shall be responsible for its disposal off site to an approved tip or otherwise. p) Do not burn or bury materials on site. q) Remove temporary work. r) Relics, antiques, and similar objects remain the property of the ADSSC s) Obtain direction regarding method of removal. 3.3 GENERAL SITE CLEARING a) Verify that existing plant life designated to remain is tagged or identified. Protect trees, plant growth, and features designated to remain, as final landscaping. b) Locate, identify, and protect utilities that remain, from damage. c) Protect bench marks, survey control points and existing structures from damage or displacement. d) In the event that the Contractor is granted permission to remove planted areas, he shall follow the instructions of the Engineer. Any holes left by removal of trees and shrubs shall be filled and compacted to the approval of the Engineer. Any debris shall be disposed of to an approved tip. e) Clear undergrowth and deadwood, without disturbing subsoil. f) Apply herbicide to remaining stumps to inhibit growth.

g) Remove debris, rock, and extracted plant life from site. h) Remove paving and kerbstones together with their concrete haunching and foundation and dispose of from site. i) Paving slabs such as interlocking blocks bedded in sand shall be carefully removed and stored in the event that the Engineer approves their subsequent reuse in the works or elsewhere. Existing road signs shall be carefully taken down and handed over to the appropriate Authority.



TOPSOIL EXCAVATION a) Excavate topsoil from areas to be further excavated, re-landscaped, or

Demolition and Site Clearing


Division 2

Section 02100

Rev: 02

Jan. 2011

Page 8 of 9

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

regraded, without mixing with foreign materials. b) Do not excavate wet topsoil.

c) Stockpile in area designated on site to depth not exceeding 2.5m and

protect from erosion. d) Remove excess topsoil not intended for reuse, from site as agreed with the Engineer. 3.5 COMPLETION OF FINISHED WORK a) Upon completion of the work of this section, all rubbish, debris and excess or waste material shall be removed from the site. b) All areas subject to vehicular traffic during construction shall be reinstated to their original condition.



Division 2

Section 02100

Demolition and Site Clearing

Rev: 02

Jan. 2011

Page 9 of 9

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