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Use Failure To Boom Into Success

Perhaps you have read and listened to various books and tapes about personal development and success. If so, you have probably heard that secrets to success do not exist. Many of these sources say that essentially all you need to do is set goals and then work hard to achieve them. Don't believe them. Other books and tapes say that success secrets do exist. They say that success can be yours when you accept mystical notions and the supernatural. You need to pray or make contact with a higher dimension, according to these sources, to achieve success. Don't believe them either. When you attempt to succeed by using traditional methods or mystical notions, you achieve the exact opposite of success. You fail, often miserably. Success secrets do exist. They have nothing to do with tradition, mysticism, or higher realities. These secrets are valid, down to earth, and easy to use. If you use them, you will dramatically improve your life. If you don't use them, you will be left behind with those who are frustrated and unsuccessful. Most people live and die without ever discovering these secrets. Fortunately, this will not happen to you. For, this book reveals six dynamic secrets for your immediate use. These secrets are about your mind. How you use your mind will determine your personal and professional success throughout your life. Everyone has been taught since childhood to use their mind in ways that lead to average results or frustration. Occasionally, people achieve stunning success. But this success is usually temporary. What can you do to achieve limitless success now, here on Earth? You can learn and use the secrets revealed in this book. The first secret shows you how to turn negative situations into positive results. This can be done by anyone. The second secret shows you how to command tomorrow's power system today. You can control the events around you rather than being controlled by them. The third secret shows you how to remove all limitations by cleaning your mind. When you are free from mind impurities, you are ready for the fourth secret. The fourth secret shows you how to develop the mind of a winner. When you think like a winner, you will get what you want from life. The fifth secret shows you how to generate limitless wealth. When you have developed the mind of a winner, you can generate money without limits. The sixth secret shows you how to win every day. When you win every day, you build unstoppable momentum toward personal and professional success. Before you begin, you should know something about these secrets. Some of the richest, most powerful people in history implicitly used these secrets to various degrees. They sensed the money/power advantages these secrets deliver. Some people implicitly used these secrets to amass great wealth-more than a billion dollars. Others implicitly used this material to create and control vast industries of value production while wielding enormous power over conscious life. A few people implicitly used this material to develop and deliver new values to all of mankind. But each person who succeeded to a large extent used these secrets implicitly. In other words, no one in history has consciously used the following secrets. That is because these secrets have never been made explicit for everyone's use. Without explicit identifications, these secrets cannot be used to their maximum capacity. Today, you can consciously use all of these secrets to their fullest extent.

Why were these secrets not made explicit at an earlier time in history for everyone's benefit? There are two reasons for this. The first reason is that human knowledge had not developed to the level where these secrets could be formulated in explicit terms. Today, however, human knowledge has advanced to the level where these secrets are able to be developed and presented in a clear format for practical application. The second reason is that anyone who uses this material can break free from any negative situation, no matter how difficult. This means that once a person learns and uses the following secrets, he or she cannot be controlled, dominated or drained by anyone or any group. In fact, a person who uses these secrets will gain permanent and total control over his or her own life. No one can control and usurp values from the person who uses these six secrets. Obviously, leaders throughout history could not have survived if these dynamics existed. Therefore, leaders throughout history suppressed the ideas, destroyed the books, and confined the people that could produce these secrets. Today, however, Cyberspace--the Internet and beyond--is the eternal protector of ideas for everyone's benefit. Thus, in time, these secrets will probably be known by many people. They will probably cease to be secrets. But today they are new to Earth and, as such, they are known to almost no one. You can ascend to great power and wealth now by being among the first to explicitly use these secrets. Are you ready to begin? The first secret consists of using failure to boom into success. You can profit greatly from failure when you know how to do this.

Go From Endless Losses to Limitless Success Beginning on a solid foundation is the first step for abiding success. This means that facts are acknowledged as real. One obvious fact is that failure is something that happens to everyone. Failure is the opposite of success. If you attempt to succeed in any undertaking, you risk the possibility of failure. Fear of failure can decrease a person's performance at any given task. Sometimes it inhibits a person from taking necessary action. However, failure is a real part of life. The goal is to put failure in its proper perspective. This is not easy to do when failure is essentially everywhere. Millions of people try to improve their life by becoming successful, famous, or wealthy. Out of a population of over five billion people, most do not achieve outstanding success, fame, or fortune. Billions fail in their attempt to become fabulously rich. Dynamic careers, limitless prosperity, and exciting romance escape the grasp of most people. Why is this so? To answer this question, you must step back from your day-to-day routine and take a panoramic look at the world. What you will discover is both tragic and liberating. Until the early 1990s, every person on Earth was trapped in an upside-down world. No one could escape the hopelessly corrupt world that delivers endless losses. Everyone loses values--including their own life--in that upside-down world. In the twentieth century alone, 170 million people were purposely killed. That is the tragic news. The liberating news is that today you can forget that insane world. You can leave that world behind forever by entering the new, rational world arising in Cyberspace. This is the key to shifting from major losses to limitless prosperity. You may be tempted to change or improve the upside-down world. In the long run, however, you will waste your resources. For, that world is not based on reality; it is based on elaborate illusions. Those illusions directly and indirectly kill every human being on Earth. The entire upside-down world is laid out in one of the famous books in history. To understand that world, as well as permanently free yourself from its deadly illusions, examine The Republic by Plato.

You must realize that your chances for long-term success are slim if you remain in that world of elaborate illusions. The odds are high that you will experience constant losses if you remain in the non-Cyberspace world. On the positive side, the more losses you have suffered, the more motivated you will be to dismiss that insane world. You will see that it has no value for the future. You will eagerly seek ways to enter the clean, rational world in Cyberspace. So the answer to why billions fail to achieve great success is that they are trapped in a loser's world. They do not develop the mind of a winner because they are forced to develop the corroded mind. The cards are stacked against everyone even before they are born. With the exception of young children, no one ever glimpses a right-side up world. Thus, everyone resigns to the way things are in "the real world"--a world based on manipulated illusions, mysticism, dishonesty, guilt and shame. Cyberspace, however, is merciless toward illusions. It will not fake reality or preserve fragile illusions. Cyberspace shatters the upside-down world without a backwards glance as it extends its reach around the Earth and beyond. Let's look at some examples of using failure to boom into success. Take, for example, today's downsizing trend in big-business. Many people lose their job, which can be a source of frustration and pain. Say you lost your job recently. The traditional approach would be to think, "This is terrible. I don't know what I will do." When you apply secret #1, you leave the traditional approach behind. To begin with, you acknowledge all the facts of your situation. You evaluate your present circumstances without letting your emotions interfere. Then you ask yourself, "How can I use this negative situation to achieve an even greater positive result?" Or you ask yourself, "What can I do now to benefit from this situation? What can I do tomorrow or next week to benefit from this situation?" Finally, you remain calm and in control so you can be aware of the response from your subconscious. You write down everything that comes to your mind. Temporarily suspending conscious judgment, you list several ideas that your subconscious gives you. After this list is complete, you apply conscious judgment to decide which ideas are practical. Depending on your particular situation, you might decide to switch to an entirely different career, start your own business, or even get a job in Cyberspace. If you exert consistent thought and effort in your new work, you probably will discover that it is more rewarding--psychologically and financially--than the job you lost. You might open up unlimited opportunities for growth and prosperity as a result of losing your job. If so, then the loss of your job (a negative) would result in the gain of a prosperous livelihood (a positive). Another example of using failure to boom into success is the breakup of a long-term love relationship. Say you and your lover broke up after many years of a deeply passionate, intimate relationship. Imagine that both of you went your separate ways because of some serious problem. This can be psychologically and emotionally devastating at first. The traditional approach would be to say to yourself, "Look at how awful my life is. I am going to suffer for a long time. Why do these bad things always happen to me?" Then you might go into a state of depression and begin to feel sorry for yourself. When you develop the mind of a winner, you discard traditional approaches. Instead, you search for the positive in every negative situation. Thus, you might ask yourself, "What is the most productive way to deal with this situation? What can I do to turn this unpleasant situation into a long-range benefit for myself?" Then you remain aware of the response from your subconscious. Your subconscious might come up with the following ideas: "Find someone who is compatible with yourself." Or "spend some time alone to get to know yourself." Or "learn to enjoy the single's lifestyle while evolving into an independent person." Using your conscious judgment, you can then integrate these ideas into a plan. For example, you might decide to date other people, but you want to stay single for a while so you can get to know yourself and what you really want. You might learn many

interesting, useful things about yourself as a result of remaining single for a while. You might even make plans to acquire the things you truly desire. If you do this, you will feel motivated to live your life and achieve your goals. Then your actions will probably result in better circumstances in your life--physically, spiritually, and materially. You could then look back at the break up of your relationship as the beginning of a deeper, richer, more fulfilling life. The specific applications are endless: Problems with work, finances, relationships, health, etc. But the principle is the same: you consistently use failure to boom into greater success.

See Everything From a New Perspective As soon as you grasp the goofy nature of the upside-down world, you immediately see its irrelevance. You see the insanity of inflation, taxation, and regulations. They have nothing to do with increasing the quality of life for human beings. You realize that these and other similar stratagems only diminish the quality of life for everyone. You also see the futility of trying to fight these absurdities. Why bother? They are an inherent part of the upside-down world. If you complain to others about these insanities, they will think that you are crazy. From the time of Socrates until today, those advocating new, rational ideas have been silenced. The most effective solution to this problem is to see everything from a brand new perspective. Dogma and subjective rules become worthless. From this new perspective, you see everything in a new way. You see that the Cyberspace civilization will overtake the traditional pre-Cyberspace world. Suddenly, you see tremendous opportunities everywhere. By being the first in history to escape the upside-down world, you can capitalize on the unlimited opportunities in Cyberspace. Now let's look at a few common areas that trouble many people: health, money, and romantic-love relationships. These three areas of life capture the interest of billions of people. Everyone seeks these. Yet, most people view these areas from a traditional perspective. What is the result? Many people fail in these three crucial areas. In order to gain the maximum advantages from secret #1, you need to look at these areas from a totally new perspective. You need to expand your view of these areas into a much wider perspective. Secret #4 shows you how to widen your perspective in all areas of life. Let's begin by looking at health. Health is a function of self-responsibility. Professionals certainly can help you get well, but it is your responsibility to keep yourself healthy. Why are so many people unhealthy? Poor diet, lack of aerobic exercise, and self-destructive habits bring on unhealthy conditions. You might say, "Eating healthful foods, exercising every day, and eliminating selfdestructive habits is difficult." Yes, these can be difficult to do at first. Yet, being sick to the point of death is more difficult--much more difficult. When you learn to value your own life above everything else, you experience a shift in your thinking and attitude. You actually enjoy healthful living. You view the hard work required for building health as an investment in your future. And you see this as one of the best investments you can make. Why? Because you see that death holds no value to you, but life--your own life--is a great value to you. When you see everything from a new, wider perspective, one fact leaps out at you. That fact is this: the traditional lifestyle that leads to death is pointless and boring. Death worship--whether in the form of bad eating habits, drug use, laziness, dishonesty, wasting time, or any other form--does not hold any value for you.

With a shift in your thinking, you begin to enjoy eating low carbohydrate foods and you learn to eliminate sugar from your diet. Daily aerobic exercise, particularly running, becomes something you look forward to. After a while, a low carbohydrate diet and a daily aerobic workout become an enjoyable part of your life. Suddenly, you see destructive things such as sugar, tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, and drugs as ridiculous and unnecessary. You see all of these as they really are: they are as ridiculous as the upside-down world. In fact, you realize that all self- destructive acts can exist only in an upside-down world. When you value yourself, you leave the upside-down world behind forever. What about money? Making money is another area most people view from a traditional perspective. The traditional approach is: get a job, go into work early, stay late, and work hard. If you want to earn more money, you simply work more hours or get a second job. Does this sound familiar? The problem is that your income is restricted to the number of hours you can work. If you work fewer hours one week, your income will be less that week. If you work more hours the next week, your income will be more that week. But your income is chained to the number of hours you can work. For example, if you earn ten dollars an hour and you work forty hours one week, you will earn four hundred dollars that week. Now, if you work sixty hours the next week, you will earn six hundred dollars that week. Say you work sixty hours a week, at ten dollars an hour, for a whole year. You will earn $31,200 that year. Now say you work sixty hours a week, at twenty dollars an hour, for a whole year. You will earn $62,400 that year. Assuming that you can earn twenty dollars an hour and work sixty hours every week of the year, you will earn about sixty thousand dollars per year. From a traditional perspective, this sounds good. But what happens when you see things from a new, wider perspective? Let's take a look. When you interlock each of the six secrets in this book into one super unit, you see things that no one else has seen before. You can earn sixty thousand dollars every year if you choose. Or, you can earn sixty thousand dollars every month--even every week if you choose. How? You clean your mind and develop the mind of a winner so you can use the invaluable money-generating tools in secret #5. When you use these tools consciously, you gain maximum advantages. Until now, others used these tools implicitly. Thus, they could not use them to their maximum capacity. Still, the advertiser David Ogilvy, for example, went from earning little more than minimum wage to generating fifty million dollars per year. He did this in a decade. Others such as the restaurateur Ray Kroc and the insurer Ben Feldman also switched from an arithmetic increase in wealth to an exponential increase in wealth. Both of these men generated more than one hundred million dollars per year. You, however, are blocked from generating this kind of wealth when you hold traditional views about money. Thus, you cannot capture the big money that continuously circles the globe. The traditional view of money keeps you forever locked out of fabulous riches. As you begin seeing things from a new perspective, you see how stifling and unnecessary that old approach to money is. Stepping outside the upside-down world, you see that unlimited wealth is the natural, exciting mode for conscious beings. Using the mind of a winner, you discover and use powerful money ideas. Ideas such as multiplying your service and providing greater use-value than the price you charge for your products culminates in an explosion of wealth for you. You become independently wealthy while providing wanted and needed values to others. Secret #5 reveals several principles of limitless wealth creation you can use to build a fortune. However, you need to learn and apply secrets #2, #3, and #4 before you can gain the full benefits from secret #5. Now, how about romantic love? Romantic love is something that everyone wants to experience and enjoy. Yet, in many cases, after the first few months of a new relationship, intense romantic love declines. Many people resign to routine sex or seek sexual fulfillment outside their primary relationship. This does not build love between partners. Traditional views on sexual love hold that it is normal for this kind of intense, fulfilling love between partners to decline across time. Traditional approaches result in the couple enduring a stagnating, passionless relationship or seeking sexual gratification outside their relationship. The inherent limitations in traditional approaches to love

relationships prevent ever-increasing romantic love. This is a tragedy because romantic love is the supreme celebration of each partner's life. If this crucial celebration of a person's life ends, then the person loses one of the greatest joys available to conscious beings. When you see beyond the traditional approaches to life, new horizons of love open up. For example, the idea of justice in a love relationship becomes compelling. You see that the mutual exchange of values--both spiritual and material values--expands romantic love between both partners without limits. You also see that integrated honesty and mutual respect create an atmosphere where intimacy can flourish. Traditional manipulative techniques such as the use of guilt, shame, and seeing the partner as a thing to be used become obsolete. For, once you step outside of the upside-down world, you gain far greater advantages than those delivered by traditional techniques. The basic need of conscious beings is unlimited growth. Human beings require limitless growth in knowledge, productive achievement, finances, romantic love, happiness, etc. But, in the upside-down world, limitless growth is impossible. Limitless growth is impossible because, in the upside-down world, it is illegal. That's right; limitless growth is illegal. Does this sound absurd? Actually, it is in perfect harmony with the upside-down world. Here is how limitless growth is made illegal: Subjective laws and harmful regulations spring from the minds of Earth-bound authorities. These subjective laws and regulations have nothing to do with objective law, objective justice, or reality. Rather, these subjective laws provide false power to an elite class. This elite class can then live off the efforts of every working man and woman in the world. These subjective laws prevent each person from experiencing limitless growth. Because of this fact, the upside-down world kills every man, women, and child. The father of the criminal mind, Plato, gave birth to these dynamics. Should something be done to change the upside-down world? No. All these things are an integral part of an upside-down world. However, that world can be replaced by a right-side up world. Cyberspace is the right-side up world that is now replacing the upside-down world. All children under six years of age experience unlimited growth. They learn how to walk, talk, sing, think, work with numbers, produce art, and make friends. Every such child lives in a clean, healthy world of rationality. The upside-down world allows children under six to remain in that rational world of limitless growth. But after that brief period of unlimited growth, all children are forced into the upside-down world. No child can escape. Every child is defenseless against the criminalities inherent in an upside-down world. These children are systematically dragged into the Plato-world, where they switch from unlimited growth to limited growth to death. Again, no one escapes these dynamics. When you put a three-year-old next to a ninety-year-old, you can see that they live in two different worlds. The three-year-old beams with pristine beauty while commanding life on Earth. This child mesmerizes every adult with its natural powers. On the other hand, the ninety-year-old exhibits a drained, worn-out look. No one is mesmerized by the ninety-year-old. Credit for these life-draining dynamics goes to Homer, Plato, Virgil, Augustine, Kant, John Dewey, Sartre, and others. These poets, philosophers, and writers established the dynamics necessary to make unlimited growth illegal. Fortunately, you will escape these criminal dynamics that deny the basic need of conscious beings. You will leave that unreal world behind--a world based on force and fraud. You will enter the newly emerging world based on objective law, objective justice, and reality--the new Cyberspace civilization. In the newly emerging world of rationality, you see problems as a source for opportunity. Whenever you confront problems or failure, you always ask yourself how you can benefit from these negative situations. Eventually, you shift from avoiding problems to seeking out problems.

Convert Failures Into Success Converting failures into success requires that you discard traditional myths of success and failure. To learn how to convert failures into success, take a look at the definitions of these two words. Success is the favorable outcome of a goal, which usually results in the gaining of wealth, fame, position, etc. Failure is not achieving a desired outcome, which usually results in the loss of wealth, power, strength, etc. Tradition promotes that success is great and failure should be ignored or even avoided. But secret #1 has nothing to do with tradition. To begin with, people rarely stop to learn from their successes. They usually celebrate their success and then move on to other challenges. Without analyzing the causes of their previous successes, they do not become conscious of those techniques that brought them success. By not being consciously aware of success principles, many people might choose to stay with the familiar. If so, then these people will miss out on the pleasure that comes from succeeding in new areas. Failure does demand that a person learns what is necessary in order to succeed. If a person does not learn from his or her failure, the person cannot advance significantly beyond that point. When a person learns from failure, he or she becomes stronger and increases his or her odds for future success. Why is this so? Because a person's potential for success is in proportion to the extent of failure he or she has experienced. Failure and success are at opposite ends of the same spectrum. Success without the potential for failure is impossible. And failure without the opportunity for success is impossible. The degree of success a person seeks makes him or her potentially vulnerable to the same degree of failure. This is not a law that springs out of someone's head. This is an immutable law of reality; a principle that applies in all places at all times. For example, suppose that you became seriously ill and lost your job because of your long-term illness. The traditional approach is to think that you are doomed and that you should give up on life. You might even go into a deep depression. But when you know how to convert failures into success, you do not waste any time on traditional approaches. Instead, you might take a mental inventory of your deepest desires and decide to change careers. You might pick a career that is much more rewarding and that can make you rich. This principle applies to every specific situation, regardless of the problem. Your job is to examine the problem and figure out how to convert it into a success. This is how winners think and act. Some of the most enduring successes came from people who experienced wretched failure. For example, the moral ideas of Jesus are famous throughout the world today. Yet, he was a little-known teacher 2000 years ago who was put to death because of his moral teachings. Another example is Hank Aaron. He holds the record for the most home runs hit in baseball. Yet, he ended up striking out six times out of every nine times he went up to bat. So failure is not something to be afraid of. Failure needs to be used to boom into success whenever possible.

Your Greatest Successes Can Arise From Your Worst Problems Essentially everyone desires success over failure. Most people dislike problems. Yet everyone knows from their own experiences that life presents an endless stream of problems. Problems are an inherent part of life; they cannot be avoided. Successful living consists of effectively dealing with each problem that arises. Unsuccessful living consists of trying to escape one's problems or blaming other people for one's problems. In reality, each adult is responsible for solving his or her own problems. Some people might find this difficult to accept. The act of solving one's own problems requires thought and hard work, sometimes very hard work. However, something amazing happens when a person develops the mind of a winner. This is a little-known secret that is used by all mega-successful people. What is this secret? After a person develops the mind of a winner, he or she looks at the world

much differently than the average person. The average person spends his or her life reacting to problems and external events that are beyond his or her control. The average person does not profit much from this mode of living. Does a winner react to life? No. A winner surveys any particular situation, makes plans for a desirable outcome of events, and then takes action to control the situation. A winner does not react to problems or events. A winner plans events and anticipates problems in advance so he or she can solve them before they occur. This approach to life becomes a habit for the winner. And here is where the secret comes in: when you consistently plan the future and solve problems before they arise, you experience far fewer problems than the average person. Remember, the average person reacts to things that life presents to him or her. Thus, the average person ends up dealing with unanticipated problems. This is a frustrating trap to be caught in. The winner, by contrast, creates the future and is prepared for problems that might arise. The winner knows that this mode of living, while requiring effort, is actually easier and far more enjoyable than reacting to problems and events. By developing the mind of a winner, your life will become easier, happier, and richer. Secret #3 lays the foundation for the mind of a winner. Secret #4 provides the knowledge to develop the mind of a winner. A common mistake people make regarding problems is blaming other people for their own problems. The attraction of this method is that it requires less thought and effort in the short-term. But this approach to problems always delivers long-term suffering. Why? Because by blaming others for one's own problems, one does not solve one's own problems. They simply get pushed out of one's awareness until they reassert themselves in the future. Even worse, one's problem solving skills become weaker from a lack of regular exercise. The trap is believing that blaming others for one's problems is the easy way out of difficult situations. It is the easy way out--until reality asserts itself and one's problems boomerang back with compound interest. Then the easy way becomes the hard way. This is because reality cannot be contradicted. Even winners experience failures and problems, no matter how thorough their plans might be. However, losers seem to experience failures and problems as a way of life. Yet, both winners and losers can profit handsomely from problems. Simply be aware at all times that every problem contains the potential for an equal or greater opportunity. The worse the problem, the greater the potential opportunity. When you think like a winner (explained in secret #4), you will discover how to convert the problem into an opportunity for your own success. Also, by never leaving a problem without converting it into an opportunity, or at least figuring out how to do so, you will become unstoppable. This method of thinking and acting will become a habit and it will deliver benefits to you for the rest of your life. This is what the giants of wealth do every day to capture beyond-belief fortunes. You, too, can cash in on this little-known secret starting now. Take a look at some examples of people whose greatest successes arose from their worst problems. Nearly everyone has heard that Thomas Edison failed hundreds of times while trying to invent the electric light bulb. Those who did not know how to convert failure into success simply said the electric light bulb will never work. However, those who asserted that the light bulb was not possible missed a chance for great wealth. Thomas Edison, by contrast, knew that his problems and failures would lead him to his success. He used his failures to isolate what he needed to know. He persevered despite countless problems and obstacles, and eventually lit up the world. Yes, Thomas Edison became a very wealthy man as he used his failures to bring him--and everyone else--great success. Another example is Helen Keller. She had far more problems than the average person. Yet, through consistent effort and hard work, she achieved far more success than the average person achieves. Helen Keller could not see, hear, or talk; she could not communicate with the world. Do you think these conditions would be obstacles in learning to read and write? Remember, she could neither look at the pages of a book nor hear the voice of someone reading it. Yet, Helen Keller was committed to reaching out to the world through thought and expression. With heroic courage, she learned to read,

write, and speak. She then went on to become world famous for her achievements. She traveled the world to teach and inspire others to overcome problems similar to her own. Today you can read a book written by her--a person who could not see or hear. Most people have heard about these two examples of turning problems into success. But did you know that Ludwig van Beethoven, the German composer, was deaf? Yes, Beethoven lost his hearing while he was maturing as a musician. Experts say that a person has to be able to hear in order to produce music. Beethoven could not hear the experts. Instead, he focused his mind with tremendous intensity. He imagined in his mind how his audience would hear his music. With complete dedication and full focus, Beethoven produced great music after he lost his hearing. Some of this music, like Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, rivals the world's greatest classical music ever produced, such as The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi, The Marriage of Figaro by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and The Piano Concerto #3 by Sergie Rachmaninoff. The examples of people whose greatest successes arose from their worst problems are numerous. People like Johannes Kepler, Johann Sebastian Bach, and Soichiro Honda show that it is possible to turn difficult problems into fabulous success.

Develop a New Attitude Toward Life What would your life be like if much of what you knew became obsolete? Imagine, for a moment, if virtually all you knew was worthless. What would you do? Would you ask other people to give you accurate knowledge of the world? Or would you consult the world's greatest books to gain the knowledge needed for survival and success? What if other people and the world's greatest books also had knowledge that was practically obsolete? What would you do to survive and prosper? You would need to look at everything from a totally new perspective. You could not rely on other people's assertions. Dogma would wither up and blow away. In short, you would have to develop a new attitude about all of existence. Suppose the above scenario were real. What new attitude would be appropriate under those conditions? A positive attitude? You have probably read and heard about the importance of a positive attitude. Yet a positive attitude by itself is not enough. For, to survive when all that you know is useless requires more than positive thinking. Survival and prosperity in the above scenario would require an entire shift in the way you view existence. Certainly a negative attitude would make your life much more difficult than it needs to be. Thus, you would want to eliminate a negative attitude and all negative influences from your life. A positive attitude by itself would leave you vulnerable to overoptimistic conclusions. So you would need to develop a healthy, positive attitude that is grounded in critical thinking. In other words, you would need to face the world with an I-can-do-it attitude, and you would need to ground this attitude in rational thinking. A cynical attitude would only hurt you; it would not help you. Here is a surprise: as the old upside-down world gives way to the new right-side up world, much of what people know will become obsolete. Why will this happen? Aside from a scientific explanation about the new space-time coordinates in Cyberspace, one obvious fact emerges. All people have been force-fed dishonest and false ideas about life. The only way an upside-down world could endure is if most of its citizens are blinded, confused, duped, and stunted. The few who see through the illusions of the upside-down world are simply destroyed. Look at what happened to Socrates, Joan of Arc, and Giordano Bruno.

So the confusions, doubts, and false ideas that people are bringing into the newly emerging rational world are uncompetitive. Due to competitive survival pressure, people everywhere will undergo a shift in attitude. Cynicism will give way to optimism. Mysticism will give way to reason. Illusions will give way to reality. For, a rational world has begun to take over the irrational world. You can see this yourself by traveling through Cyberspace. Once a rational world begins, no amount of irrationality can stop it. Why is this so? Because rationality outcompetes irrationality. To deal with the task of acquiring useful new knowledge, you now have a healthy, positive attitude. This is valuable, but it is just the beginning. Building on a positive attitude, you need to use secret #3 and secret #4. That is to say, you need to clean your mind and then develop the mind of a winner. What is your life like after you do this? It is like winning a jackpot--every day. You see things from entirely new perspectives. All your limitations vanish. Money-making limitations disappear, romanticlove limitations disappear, work limitations disappear, health limitations disappear. All your limitations disappear because you have removed the limitations in your mind. You have developed the mind of a winner; you think like a winner. And you become a winner, permanently. From this point onward, you no longer fear failure. You see that every failure is your personal springboard into success. The greater the problems you face, the greater the opportunities that you cash in on. Suddenly, you wake up in a world that you have dreamed about since childhood. Everywhere you turn you can capture success. You transform from restricted opportunities to unlimited opportunities. You know exactly what you want and how to get it. Courage and excitement well up inside you. Fear and stagnation vanish. All the chains that bound one-hundred generations break apart as you exercise your new super power. Those who come to harm you will be driven back by your new-found power. Members of the opposite sex will be attracted to you because of your glowing power. Family and friends will be amazed by your achievements. Only you will know what is happening. What do you want? Millionaire wealth? An exotic convertible sports car? How about a fabulous vacation home in the middle of a remote island? Would you like to eat the best foods that money can buy? Wear the most fashionable clothes? Live in a palace that overlooks pristine acres of land and water? Enjoy a growing romantic-love relationship with a beautiful partner? You name it. You visualize it in clear detail. Then you work backwards to figure out step-by-step what you need to do to realize your dreams. Secret #5 provides you with the money tools you need to get what you want. You, the controller of your own megamillion dollar empire? Starting with little or no money? Or even starting in debt? Does this sound impossible? From the perspective of the Plato-mind that has been forced on everyone since age six, the above sounds like a dream, like a fantasy. But remember, the Plato-mind falls with the collapse of the upside-down world. And that collapse has already begun in Cyberspace. As everyone's mind has been corrupted by Plato's works, they cannot even imagine the above scenarios. Fortune building becomes too complex, too vast for the mystic-plagued Plato-mind. Those who try fail. Most simply give up in resignation, never knowing limitless money, health, romantic love, happiness, and excitement. However, the days of being an unconscious product of Plato are numbered. Let's take a look at what will happen as people around the globe de-Platonize themselves. Initially, a few people will break out of the hoaxed upside-down world. They will be free--immediately, permanently. They will prosper beyond belief. Their peers will not be able to understand what has happened to them. Everyone will look up to those who have de-Platonized themselves. Then, others will notice the de-Platonized people's new-found success. Others will examine these successful people's new life. Realizing that the upside-down world delivers death to all, these onlookers will figure out what they must do to capture limitless success. They will learn--quickly--that they, too, are unconscious products of Plato. These people will de-Platonize themselves; they will clean their mind. From their clean, healthy perspective, they will develop the mind of a winner. Using their new supra-

competitive minds, they will capture beyond-belief fortunes--guiltlessly, easily. Almost too easily. And when a tiny fraction of the population begins to do this, everyone else will rush out to rip away the Plato elements from their soul. Why will everyone else do this? To survive and then to prosper. The competitive advantages of the mind of a winner--the omnipotent, integrating mind--are too powerful for the wimpish, disintegrating Plato mind. You, however, don't have to wait years or decades to find out what is going on. Instead, you can use secret #3 and secret #4 to leave the entire mystical world behind as you control events. In the past, people thought the gods controlled the events of everyone's lives. Later, they believed that society controlled the events of everyone's lives. Today, you can control the events of your life. In fact, with the mind of a winner, you control reality. Your life has profound importance that will affect everyone eternally. Others want you to succeed. For, your success will directly and indirectly boost the quality of life for everyone. Using secret #1, you can convert all negatives into positives. You actually seek out negatives, failures, and problems. Knowing that these are where the greatest opportunities exist, you welcome them when they arise. Your whole attitude toward problems--and toward life--transforms from shunning negatives to aggressively pursuing negatives. Once you master the art of converting failure into success, an allpervasive calmness develops inside you. You become the master of your own soul. You become the master of your own destiny. Confidence and certainty become your normal experience in life. You will have mastered the use of secret #1. The next five secrets reveal new knowledge. They are easy to understand and easy to use. Essentially anyone can put them into use now to turn their thoughts into things. You, too, can get what you want and eliminate what you don't want using this new knowledge. Once you grasp the open-ended benefits that flow from the mind of a winner, you will see through traditional success techniques. Most of those traditional success techniques fail in the face of competitive pressures. With your winning mind, which is an omnipotent mind, you see beyond your peers and competitors. You see things from Godlike perspectives. Learn and use each secret for unbeatable advantages in everything you do. Integrate all six secrets together into one super unit and you will see through the 10,000 year hoax of false power. You will command undreamed-of power. And with that power, you can capture whatever you want. Money, love, happiness is yours for the taking. People will yield to you when they sense your winning mind. And the best part about this is that you operate in accordance with reality. Your new-found power is practically undetectable. It is not temporary either; it does not contradict reality. The winning mind identifies and acts on reality at all times. Thus, this mind grows in power and wealth eternally. This is the down-to-earth expression of limitless prosperity. You never need to be concerned about losing power--you steadily increase your natural powers. Yes, just a shift in attitude opens the door to a new approach toward life. A negative outlook transforms into a positive outlook. A losing approach transforms into a winning approach. Lack of fulfillment transforms into continuous fulfillment. A position of weakness transforms into a position of strength. Poverty transforms into prosperity. Loneliness transforms into exciting relationships. Unhappiness transforms into happiness. Is this shift in attitude difficult? At first, this transformation seems hard; even impossible. Yet, after a while, you notice how natural and easy life becomes with this change in attitude. No more cynicism. No more anxiety. And no more losses. Remember, you now see all losses, problems, and failures as opportunities for your success. Rather than reacting to problems with hostility or anger, you control each situation by answering these or similar self-imposed questions; "How can I benefit from this problem? What can I do to convert this negative situation into a positive situation?" You then take action on the most beneficial solutions that your subconscious gives you. Sometimes your subconscious will provide your conscious mind with an answer immediately. Other times it will take hours, days, or longer to come up with appropriate answers,

depending on the extent of the problem and other factors. By changing your attitude toward life, you tap into this endless reservoir of solutions. After you learn and use secret #3 and secret #4, your winning mind works with stunning effectiveness. You turn your thoughts into things, not by magic, but through rational thinking and action. When you learn how to do this, you in fact know how to get what you want and eliminate what you don't want. Others will think you have magical powers. From their perspective, that is exactly what you will appear to have. Only you will know what is really going on. You will have developed the mind of a winner, and you will be consciously using it to get what you want. When that happens, you will have left the upside-down world behind permanently, without ever looking back. You will look into the future and capture its benefits now. You will control the future, just as the handful of money/power giants did. Giants such as John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and Henry Ford peered into the future--farther than their competitors peered. They then saw what the future of their industry would be like. Using this foresight, they applied the future to the present to create entire new industries, empires, and larger-than-life fortunes. These giants of wealth and power, however, were not explicitly aware of the money-gathering techniques that arise from the mind of a winner. While each one implicitly sensed those techniques, they did not take full advantage of them. For, one has to be explicitly aware of those money-gathering techniques to move into limitless wealth, power, and romantic love. Now you have those tools at your fingertips. Today--right now--you are privy to the secrets you can use for limitless success. No more guessing or trial-and-error. Gone are the days of hoping or praying that great success will come to you. For, you alone will know exactly what to do to gain maximum advantages in every situation. Nearly half a century ago, Earl Nightingale released The Strangest Secret. Afterward, he was surprised that his idea--we become what we think about--was a secret at all. This idea was repeated throughout history in the teachings of Buddha, Jesus, Emerson, and other famous figures. Today, you have six secrets for your own use that have been absent throughout history. They will not remain secrets for long. But they can be your doorway to prosperity now. As the rest of the world races toward the exits of the upside-down world, you will already be enjoying success and prosperity. For, you will have the mind of a winner.

Secret #2

Command The Ultimate Power System

Imagine this scene: as you walk into a house, you see vast open spaces spreading in all directions. You walk to the nearest window and look into the distance. You see miles of beautiful blue water and sky. You go upstairs into the enormous study room that has a fifty-foot-high glass ceiling and glass walls. Talking with your friend, you mention that this house, which sits on an island mountain, has twenty thousand square feet. The house looks out over an ocean and provides spectacular views. Standing at the edge of the topfloor deck, you look down. You see nothing but a steep mountain cliff, a zig-zag stairway, and a boat dock at the end of the stairway. Next, you turn to look at the island itself. A breathtaking scene of mountains unfolds in front of you. A few exotic birds are flying in the foreground. A panoramic view of white sand and crystal-blue water frames this scene. Then you tell your friend that you own this house, along with the entire island. Suddenly, you are stunned. "I am astonished that I own this awesome property," you think to yourself. You are stunned because just a short time ago you were an average person living an ordinary lifestyle. What happened in that brief period of time? How did you go from an ordinary lifestyle to an extraordinary lifestyle? Is it that you know something now that you did not know then? Of course; you recall exactly what happened. One day not too long ago, you learned about a brand new power system. That system is tomorrow's power system, but you immediately began applying it in today's world. You began to notice small changes at first. You started to feel good about your life as your fears and anxieties diminished. This enabled you to achieve things you never would have attempted. You planned your entire life and set inspiring goals for yourself. Then you began to take action on your plans with consistency. Rapid changes occurred all around you. Finally, you woke up one morning and realized that you were living your dreams. No one else but you know what happened to your life. Your life transformed so quickly that others ask if you won the lottery. Everyone is baffled by your supra-success. Looking back over the last few years of your life, you know exactly why you are a mega-success. You discovered the newly born power system called genuine power. By applying genuine power to every area of your life, your entire world changed. Losses converted to gains. Problems resulted in opportunities. Unhappiness was replaced by happiness. Stagnation ceased as excitement grew every day. Unbearable pain yielded to healthy pleasures. Anxieties vanished as you took conscious control over every area of your life.

The Old Power System Consider the above scenario. Although most people would love to experience this, they think it could never happen to them. Why do they think this? Because everyone--the past one-hundred generations-has been the prisoner of a cruel hoax. The hoax is the power system that has dominated life on Earth for the last twenty-three hundred years. That hoax is called false power. Originally identified and taught by Plato nearly four centuries before Christ, it has been implicitly used by all governments and religions since that time. Ever since that identification, false power has dominated life on Earth. With

the birth of genuine power, however, false power becomes the old, dying power system of the past. But before you can fully understand and use genuine power, you need to know what false power is. What is false power? It is a network of ideas that delivers power to some people at the expense of others--usually a lot of others. It is a win-lose approach to situations. One side wins by manipulating or harming the other side. Because this approach contradicts reality, even the winners end up as losers. For, those who use false power lose their humanity--and become self-made humanoids--as a result of manipulating others. In reality, false power is a lose-lose approach. But no other power system arose to compete with false power. Thus, this approach controlled, dominated, and drained everybody's life. Today, the newly born power system is competing with the old power system. The two power systems are engaged in a head-to-head battle. That battle is now taking place in the Cyberspace world. Since the new power system is grounded in reality and the old one is grounded in illusions, the new power system will vanquish the old power system--swiftly and permanently. In essence, false power is the purposeful integration of dishonesty to drain values and wealth from others. This draining of wealth enables those who use false power to live lavishly without producing values. For example, good-sounding tax laws and government regulations enable certain people to assemble immense fortunes. All such fortunes are based on force and fraud; these people never have to exert the hard effort required to produce values. Instead, these people destroy values while amassing financial empires. Crime flourishes where false power exists. False power delivers low-effort, prosperous livelihoods to those who use it. And those who use false power have gone unnoticed and unchallenged. Until today. Consider magicians: their work consists of deceiving people by faking reality. Magicians divert their audiences' attention with distraction techniques while they perform a trick. The result is an illusion that appears to be real. But magicians do not harm people; nor do they drain them. Everyone who pays to see a magic show knows that the magician's job is to make illusions seem real. Those who wield false power also make illusions seem real. But unlike magicians, those who use false power drain and destroy people's lives--sometimes millions of lives. False power enables a person to increase his or her power by diminishing the quality of life for all human beings. It intentionally delivers ignorance, poverty, sickness, and death. Consider, for example, a well-known person who wielded false power: Adolph Hitler. He used false power to dishonestly attack the Jews. While murdering millions of Jews, Hitler himself became rich and powerful. He commanded an empire that was preparing to rule the world. The more people he killed, the more powerful he became. Hitler is an obvious example of false power in action. Throughout history there have been many others who have used false power to build vast empires. Julius Caesar, Caligula, many Kings and Popes, Lenin, Stalin, FDR, and others used false power to usurp unearned power, wealth, and prestige. Perhaps the most wicked use of false power comes from those who are highly skilled in concealing its use. When this happens, most people are not aware of false power. One day, these people discover that they are entangled in a grotesque web of dishonesty and deception. In most cases, they cannot escape-unless they discover genuine power. For, a person who wields genuine power outcompetes everyone-including those who wield false power. If you look at someone like Hitler, his false power becomes obvious. Most people can see that he produced no values for others. He simply destroyed values produced by others. But those who conceal their use of false power are much more dangerous. For example, many people praise the work of Franklin Delano Roosevelt: FDR. He has been promoted throughout America and within the American psyche as a magnanimous hero. Yet the facts reveal the exact opposite; this man got away with grand-scale theft. Behind the facade of his New Deal, FDR used the same old techniques Plato

taught nearly 24 centuries ago. Using the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the United States Federal Government, FDR sacrificed those who produced values to those who did not produce values. Since the 1930s--as a direct result of The New Deal--those who held positions of government power stole more wealth from American citizens than any other theft in history. The FDR-initiated theft of American assets was so vast that organized criminals, such as Al Capone, could not even imagine such a massive robbery. Today, millions esteem FDR as much as Thomas Jefferson or George Washington. In reality, FDR was nothing more than a deeply dishonest and destructive person. Thomas Jefferson and George Washington are the exact opposite of FDR. They are heroes. False power is very dangerous and destructive. Without genuine power, it is impossible to detect and stop. How can you detect the use of false power? When any of the following techniques are being employed, you can be certain false power is being used. One technique is putting things into false contexts to make the wrong seem right and the bad seem good. Another technique is using nonessential points in an argument to hide the main point. A third technique is using specious reasoning to rationalize a person's harmful actions. Actually, there is a whole list of techniques that comprise false power. The three techniques listed above are the most common forms of false power. To protect yourself from all the techniques of false power, you need to learn and use secrets #3 and #4. Once you do that, you will identify and stop the use of false power all around you. You will be astonished to find that false power, today, is literally everywhere. After using secrets #3 and #4, you will gain a power that is far beyond the reach of false power. Another obvious way to spot those using false power is to see if they uphold anything as a higher value than the individual human being. Since genuine power holds the individual human being as the highest value in the universe, anyone who puts anything above the individual human being is using false power. For example, the politician who says that a tax increase is necessary for the good of the country is using false power. Or, the religionist who advocates the killing of certain individuals--non believers--in the name of God is using false power. Or, the environmentalist who prevents a housing project from being approved to protect the well-being of swamps and bugs is using false power. What is the common denominator between these and other similar people? They all promote something-anything--as a higher value than the irreplaceable, unrepeatable individual human being. These people, along with all others who use false power, strive to sacrifice the individual human being to some higher cause. They do this for no grander purpose than to live off the efforts of others. Step aside Plato, along with all your soul mates; here comes the new power system.

The New Power System Finally: The new power system has arrived. After two and a half millennia of darkness, humans beings can finally see the light. That dark, guilt-filled world of elaborate illusions is finally collapsing. That collapse has begun in the non-Cyberspace world and is now happening in the Cyberspace world. The light that is replacing the darkness comes from unbreached, integrated honesty. That unbreached honesty radiates throughout the universe and shimmers in the eyes of every child. Think for a moment what things you really want in your life. Do you want a passionate romantic-love relationship? How about an exciting, rewarding career? Maybe you want satisfying relationships with family and friends. What about more money--a lot more money? A beautiful home? A luxury car? Fabulous vacations around the world? The ability to make a positive difference in the lives of others? Would you like any or all of these things to be a part of your life? Essentially everyone wants these things. What reasons do people give for not achieving these results? They say they are unlucky. Or they say these things are idealistic and unreal--a product of wishful thinking. Some people think they are not good enough to ever enjoy these things. Others have deep-rooted guilt and fear about

experiencing unlimited abundance and pleasure. Whatever the reasons, and they are numerous, they can be overcome. If someone told you that you can have all the things listed above, what would your response be? Many people would laugh. They might think to themselves, "That is ridiculous, even impossible. Others can have those things, but I cannot." Yet, if those same people know someone who is super successful, they probably could imagine themselves being a super success. Knowing a super successful person tends to weaken the belief that super success is beyond one's reach. So how can you be a super successful person? How can you enjoy limitless success and prosperity now, here on Earth? How? You need to command the ultimate power system. You need genuine power. Genuine power is not an Earth-bound system of ideas. It is the power system that dominates this universe, all universes--all of existence. Genuine power delivers de facto omnipotence to you immediately, eternally. Once you wield genuine power, you, not God, become the ruler of existence. You align yourself with the power of the universe. You become the master of the universe. Working within the laws of reality, you control reality. This is not hyperbole. This is real, in-the-flesh, unbeatable power that flows from your own consciousness. Once you begin to use genuine power consciously, everyone notices. Especially the opposite sex. All young children wield genuine power, although they are not aware that they do. In fact, when you were a child under the age of six, you too harnessed genuine power. Thus, for a brief period of time, you commanded the power system of the universe. The power that flows from young children is awesome. Children command the attention of adults. Adults are mesmerized by the awesome power flowing from young children. That power is meant to grow as the child develops. Every child is meant to grow up and enjoy limitless success--to achieve the things listed above and much more. Why do only five percent of adults achieve those things listed above? The upside-down world criminally prevents every child from learning about his or her own natural powers. Children are blinded from the fact that they hold the power of the universe. Then they are turned into sacrificial animals by those who wield false power. When these blinded children become adults, they believe that endless losses, suffering, and death are a normal, natural part of conscious life. In reality, endless losses, suffering, and death are the antithesis of conscious life. Conscious beings require endless prosperity, excitement, and life. But these blinded adults are caught in a master hoax. That master hoax is the sacrificing of one's self to higher causes. The master hoaxers are Homer, Plato, Virgil, Augustine, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Sartre, and others. How can you break out of that master hoax now? What do you need to free yourself eternally from the cruel hoax of selfsacrifice? You need the new power system. You need genuine power.

What is Genuine Power? What is the essence of power? Where does it come from? How could you use it to make your life easier, richer, and happier? These are questions man has asked throughout history. For, if a person knew the answers to these questions, he or she could live an exciting, prosperous, and rewarding life. This person would have an accurate map to the buried treasures of life. The definition of power is the ability to take actions which influence or strongly affect the outcome of a situation. Power originates in one's own mind. When you use secrets #3 and #4, you will boost your own power. You will supercharge your life and discover a whole new dimension of prosperity and excitement. By taking conscious control over every area of your life, you can boom into great power and wealth.

Remember, the upside-down world is ruled by false power. Thus, you are urged--from early childhood to the time you die--to sacrifice yourself for the good of some higher cause. That higher cause can be anything--animals, the ozone, one's country, God--except your own self. Yet the self is the mind and the selfless is the mindless. When you sacrifice your self, whether out of fear, shame, guilt, duty, or any other reason, you sacrifice your mind. And when you sacrifice your mind, you surrender your power. Then you are controlled by the leaders of the upside-down world. The result? You are led to poverty, old age, and death--quickly, mercilessly. Now, today, for the first time in the history of the world, you do not need to be led to your own death. You do not need leaders to manipulate, control and drain you. You do not need force-backed education, taxation, inflation, regulations, or wars. You do not need to surrender your power and you do not need to sacrifice your self. However, you do need protection from those who force everyone to sacrifice themselves. What is that protection? Genuine power. In essence, genuine power consists of using secrets #3 and #4. It also consists of taking conscious control over every area of your life. This means consciously choosing your philosophy, your convictions, your principles, your judgment of the universe, your values, your virtues, your life mission, your goals, your plans, and your time line. Now, this list may sound good, but you might think that it is impractical. You might think you cannot do this because you are too busy with day-today issues such as work and family life. But this is not a superfluous exercise; this is not a goodsounding task that merely wastes your time. Developing genuine power by consciously choosing the ten areas listed above delivers two real-life products: survival and prosperity. People will develop genuine power, not for good-sounding reasons, but to survive. Those that develop genuine power will survive and then prosper magnificently. In the future, those who do not develop genuine power will not survive. Ironically, learning to use genuine power is no harder than learning to walk or talk or ride a bike or read. Why is this so? Because genuine power is the natural condition for human beings. By contrast, false power is the unnatural condition for human beings. Genuine power is the dynamic that guarantees a person's survival. With it, a person actively grows toward knowledge, prosperity, and life. Without it, a person passively grows toward ignorance, poverty, and death. Genuine power delivers a new array of values to conscious beings. Using a boat as an example, one can see its survival advantages. Picture the portion of a boat that is below water. In some boats, this lower portion is divided into eight parts. Each part is sealed to act as its own compartment. If the bottom of this boat receives a puncture, then only that one compartment will fill up with water. The other seven compartments will remain airtight. Thus, even with a punctured bottom, this boat will remain afloat. In this way, the operator can safely navigate the boat back to shore for repair instead of watching the boat sink. With genuine power, you divide your life into eight parts or goals. These parts are physical goals, psychological goals, intellectual goals, emotional goals, value production goals, financial goals, material goals, and romantic love goals. Then you make each one an integrated whole by choosing specific objectives for each goal. After you have done this for each of the eight goals, you can work on the one that is most important to you. Then you can work on the second most important one, and so on. When you encounter a problem in one part, you still have seven other parts that will keep your life afloat. Rather than giving up on life, you simply work on other parts until you figure out how to convert the problem into an opportunity. This system provides you with two advantages. The first is that you maintain forward momentum no matter what problems are in front of you. The second is that you have time to figure out how to convert problems into opportunities. Without this system, a person is likely to give up in the face of severe difficulties.

For example, look at a person who is building his life. Suppose he is striving to establish a family and a career. Then, say, his marriage fails, which causes his family to break apart. This will probably adversely effect his career. He might decide to give up on life and turn to alcohol because his failed marriage supposedly ruined his life. This is an example of a person who does not have genuine power. Now look at a person who does have genuine power. Suppose that his marriage also fails. This person will probably experience painful emotions at first. But he will put this negative situation in the appropriate context of his life. He knows that he has seven other parts of his life to focus on until he can repair the damaged one. Where the first person drowns in alcohol, this person remains afloat through continuous growth. Because this person has genuine power, he survives any storm--small or large--in the sea of life. The above example describes just one section of genuine power: goals. Yet, genuine power consists of ten sections. You can gain limitless advantages by taking conscious control over every section of your life as revealed in Genuine Power by David L. Hunter, The Local Group, 1996.

Why You Need Genuine Power The upside-down world is sinking. Vicious dictators are falling, along with their empires of evil. As the upside-down world is replaced with the right-side up world, people will see a widespread trend begin. False power, which is purposely integrated dishonesty, will grow less and less competitive. In the upside-down world, false power is very competitive. In fact, those who exercise it most skillfully rise to the top like Lenin, Stalin, or Hitler. In that backwards world, no one can compete with those who are highly skilled in using false power. But as that upside-down world is replaced piece-by-piece with a rational world, people will see the real impotence of false power. Does this sound naive? Think about today's world. Mega value destroyers--such as the politicians FDR and Mao--are praised and glorified. Mega value producers--such as the grocer Stew Leonard or the financier Michael Milken-are scorned and jailed. Crime flourishes in today's world. Those who use dishonesty and initiatory force rise to the top of the hopelessly corrupt world. In a criminal-based world, dishonesty pays. Most people would agree with this from their own experiences in the upside-down world. Now imagine a rational world based on objective law and objective justice. Imagine an honesty oath (objective) instead of a truth oath (subjective) in the law courts. This rational world has not existed on planet Earth. But if it did, value destroyers could not survive. Mega value destroyers would be scorned and ostracized while mega value producers would be praised and glorified as the sustainers of everyone's life. Ignorance, poverty, and crime would dry up. Those who use honesty and competitive business dynamics would rise to the top of the rational world. In a law-based world, honesty pays. Honesty is the best way to get rich. In a rational world, honesty is the only way to get rich. Genuine power integrates honesty into every nook and cranny of an individual's life. With the rise of the forthcoming rational world, genuine power will become everyone's prosperity mechanism. Those who develop genuine power will experience something curious. As soon as genuine power becomes an integral part of a your life, you become aligned with the laws of reality. You do not need a college degree in science to understand this situation. You simply need to learn secrets #3 and #4. By working within the immutable laws of reality, you will experience the law of attraction. Most people have heard about the law of attraction, but from a mystical base. In reality, the law of attraction is a nonmystical, immensely powerful law. It states that a person who is well prepared for a particular circumstance will attract it to himself or herself.

For example, almost everyone wants more money. But money goes in and out of the hands of most people, and they end up with little or no money. However, some people are money magnets. Vast amounts of wealth flow directly to them without limits. Why does this happen? Consider that many people have not prepared themselves to transform money into ever-greater values. Yet, money is another form of values; somewhat like energy is another form of matter. Money seeks to be transposed into ever-greater values. Those people--such as successful inventors, entrepreneurs, and artists--who are prepared to convert money into ever-greater values consistently attract money to themselves. Those who are not prepared to convert money into ever-greater values consistently repel money. Thus, money flows to those who work in harmony with the nature of money. And money flows away from those who violate the nature of money. Another example of the law of attraction can be seen in love relationships. Essentially everyone wants a deep, fulfilling romantic-love relationship. But many people complain they cannot attract a suitable love partner. The primary reason why a person does not attract a suitable love partner is because the person is not prepared for a romantic-love relationship; the person has not fully developed the self. How do you develop the self? You spend time alone. During this time, you introspect to discover your values, goals, and inner wounds. Your values are what you choose to pursue in life. Your goals are the specific objectives you will work toward to achieve your values. And your inner wounds are the areas where you need self-healing. Inner wounds come from various sources, such as a lack of love from parents or being controlled by guilt and shame. Once you have developed the self and are self-healed, you are prepared to attract a lover and develop an exciting romantic-love relationship. Why do you need a fully developed self before you can experience a rewarding romantic-love relationship? Because in a romantic-love relationship your partner reflects your own self back to you. Your lover makes your self visible to you. If a person is selfless, then nothing is reflected back to the person; romantic love is meaningless to this person. Or, if a person does not like his or her self--if he or she does not like what is reflected back--then the love relationship is doomed. Consciously or unconsciously, this person will do things to sabotage the relationship. This way he or she can end the mirroring of an unpleasant image. When you develop genuine power and exercise it in all your relationships--especially the relationship with your self--you will experience the law of attraction. In the realm of romantic-love relationships, you will discover that genuine power assists you in finding a love partner. The opposite sex will be attracted to you. And by exercising genuine power, you can quickly sort out those who are compatible with you from those who are not. Then you will be ready to initiate and develop a long-term romanticlove relationship. At this point you will have benefited from the law of attraction.

What Genuine Power Can do For You Genuine power delivers stunning mindpower, health, wealth, romantic love, and happiness. Genuine power is a universe-centered journey that is unlike anything else on planet Earth. A new, integrated control will forever replace that out-of-control feeling by anyone who develops genuine power. That control develops slowly at first. It then builds astonishing momentum over time. You will never be the same person again. Once you clean your mind (secret #3) and develop the mind of a winner (secret #4), you will immediately command the ultimate power system: genuine power. No one in the upside-down world will acknowledge your new power, although they will instantly recognize it. They have their entire lives invested in that world of elaborate illusions. You, with genuine power, do not need their acknowledgments or acceptance. For, you shatter that world of fragile illusions with your omnipotent

power. You soar far above peers who remain chained to Plato's cave of shadows. While others are competing for today, you are creating the future. Once soaring with genuine power, what can you expect? To begin with, you can expect to integrate your mind. The integrated mind rules existence. You can also expect to gain an integrated view of existence. Then you can expect all knowledge to come together to produce a powerful new picture of life. You will see everything in a brand new way. Finally, your thinking will be reversed. You will think in a totally different way than adults think today. Rather than thinking in small picture-images and struggling to fit those images together into a larger picture, you will do the opposite. With genuine power, you will be free of all limitations on your thinking. You will see larger-than-life pictures in your mind--pictures that no one else has ever seen before. Then you will break those grand pictures down into smaller pictures. You will figure out how to actualize each small picture. As you actualize each small picture, you integrate your results into a total puzzle-picture. In this way, you achieve your visions--the larger-than-life pictures in your mind. You will get whatever you want. No one can stop the man or woman with genuine power. With genuine power, you will live the consciously controlled life. This culminates in the good life. If the good life is desired by so many people, why have so few achieved it? The upside-down world, along with its narrow-range thinking processes, prevents most people from living the good life. The few who have discovered the good life, men like Jay Gould and John D. Rockefeller, were attacked by the upside-down world. Each was given the label "the most hated man in the world." Today, with genuine power, you become immune to such emotional attacks from the unsound Plato mind. You see that the Plato mind originates from hallucinations, not reality. Thus, you see right through their dishonest tactics. You dump their emotional attacks and move straight into power, wealth, and romantic love--the good life. You get whatever you want. By taking conscious control over every area of your life, you become your own conscious master. External authorities become as obsolete as Zeus and the Oracle at Delphi. Look how genuine power influences your goals. Genuine power consists of physical goals, psychological goals, intellectual goals, emotional goals, value production goals, financial goals, material goals, and romantic love goals. What do these goals consist of? Physical goals consist of improving your well-being with respect to nutrition, exercise, sleep, appearance, bodily protection, and so on. For example, you eat low carbohydrate, sugar-free foods. You engage in aerobic exercise, such as running, everyday. You schedule time for sleep every night. You maintain an attractive appearance everyday. Psychological goals consist of improving your well-being with respect to developing full conscious awareness, eliminating all forms of irrationality, integrating the contents of your mind, developing psychological protection, and so on. For example, you remain fully conscious during waking hours. You remove all conscious and subconscious mysticism from your mind. You use the faculty of reason to integrate the contents of your mind. Intellectual goals consist of improving your well-being with respect to learning how to use integrated thinking, developing new cognitive skills, generating new knowledge, and so on. For example, you learn how to think in essentials and principles through study and practice. You learn reasoning, business, scientific, artistic, and loving skills. You continuously develop new knowledge using horizontal (creative) thinking and vertical (logical) thinking. Emotional goals consist of improving your well-being with respect to accepting your emotions without acting on them, experiencing the full range of your emotions despite guilt or fear, learning the specific causes of your emotions, releasing all repressed emotions buried in your subconscious, and so on. For example, you acknowledge the reality of every emotion that you feel, but you do not use your

emotions as a guide to action. You allow yourself to feel the full range of every emotion; you do not truncate them because of guilt, shame, or fear. You learn how to release the repressed emotions and feelings from the past. Value production goals consist of improving your well-being with respect to producing values for self, others, and society. For example, you choose productive work that integrates with your values. Productive work consists of providing goods and services to people who need, want, and will voluntarily pay for them. Financial goals consist of improving your well-being with respect to taking control over your finances, researching all expenditures before each transaction, choosing annual income and savings objectives, and so on. For example, you seize permanent control over all your business and personal finances. You research all investments and expenditures before spending your money. You determine the specific amount of money you want to earn each year. You decide how much money you want to have in a savings account by a specified time. Material goals consist of improving your well-being with respect to your business, housing, transportation, and recreation needs. For example, you purchase necessary business equipment, a residence, an automobile, and a recreation vehicle. Romantic-love goals consist of improving your well-being with respect to the initiation and development of a romantic-love relationship, growing this relationship through abstract and material value exchange, planning and experiencing pleasurable adventures together, and so on. For example, you consciously initiate and develop a romantic-love relationship with a compatible partner. You consistently build this relationship into a source of growing values through abstract and material value exchange, respect, and intimacy. You travel to exotic places to enjoy pleasurable experiences together. You can use these goals to take total control over your life. They provide the structure and direction that enable you to integrate your days, weeks, months, and years, that is, your entire lifetime. These goals culminate in a purposeful life. Since genuine power is grounded in reality, it delivers unbeatable advantages. Everyone benefits from the use of genuine power. No one loses with genuine power. In fact, genuine power is the ultimate form of a win-win relationship. Why? Because it delivers only values to self, others, and society. False power, by contrast, is grounded in illusions. It delivers only destructions to self, others, and society. Once you use secrets #3 and #4, you will harness unbreached power--the power of the universe. This is not an exaggeration. This is a real, omnipotent power that controls the force fields of existence. Through genuine power, you become the ruler of existence. You capture the same power that every child has before they are drawn into the upside-world. A word about principles. Most people dislike unprincipled persons. Many people would like to be principled. But what is a principled person? What does being principled mean? What is the value of being principled? Are principles just another good-sounding idea designed to inspire people? Principles and genuine power go together. A person cannot experience genuine power without being principled. Principles play a crucial role in the human mode of survival. To understand principles, compare animals and man. Both have a conscious form of awareness, but animals have a perceptual form of consciousness. That is, animals are aware of only those things in their environment that they directly perceive. They cannot integrate their percepts into concepts. Since animals function at the perceptual level of consciousness, and principles apply to the conceptual level of consciousness, they do not need principles. Furthermore, animals are incapable of using principles.

Man has a conceptual form of awareness. Man perceives things in his environment. He then integrates his percepts into concepts. For example, a person perceives elephants, bears, tigers, and monkeys at a zoo. His conceptual form of awareness enables him to integrate those percepts into the concept "animal." Next, he perceives trees, bushes, flowers, and grass at the zoo. His conceptual form of awareness enables him to integrate these percepts into the concept "plant." He can even integrate the concepts "animal" and "plant" into the abstract concept "living entity." This process of integration has no limits. Once a person has concepts, such as "animal", "plant", and "living entity", he can form complete thoughts. For example: a zoo consists of a large variety of animals and plants. Since the process of integration, which is called reason, has no limits, man can form an unlimited number of concepts and thoughts. But man's conscious awareness cannot hold several different thoughts at one time. Therefore, man needs to condense his endless thoughts into a few easy-to-use units. These units are principles, and they condense an open-ended array of knowledge into a format that man can easily retain and use. For example, consider a person who formed the principle of individual rights. Imagine this person sees an expensive car in a parking lot. He walks up to it and looks inside. On the passenger seat is a wallet stuffed with credit cards and cash, probably a lot of cash. He then notices that the car door is unlocked. He realizes that he can open the door and take the wallet. Nobody would ever know he took the wallet. But he just admires the car and walks away. Why? Because this person is principled. He knows that the wallet does not belong to him. Having formed the principle of individual rights, he knows that taking the wallet from someone else is a violation of that person's right to possess property. He also knows that theft is an indirect use of initiatory force. And the use of initiatory force, fraud, and coercion result in the violation of individual rights. So this person adheres to the principle of individual rights. He does not take the wallet--or anything else he does not earn. Principles abstract away from time concerns. Because of this fact, they enable man to predict the future. By forming a principle that describes how a thing functions, a person can know how a thing has acted, is acting, and will act in the future. For example, a person who forms the principle "planets orbit stars" knows that planets have orbited stars in the past. This person also knows that planets orbit stars in the present. He or she also knows that planets will orbit stars in the future. Since principles apply to everything in existence, living and nonliving, they enable man to predict the future. This allows a person to survive as a conceptual being by planning his or her future. Principles obsolete the need to use force, threat of force, and fraud against others as a means of survival. The ability to predict the future gives man super power--genuine power--to prosper without limits. No amount of force or fraud can compete with the principled person who accurately predicts the future. Genuine power consists of taking conscious control over every area of your life. It delivers super power to everyone. Genuine power flows from the use of secrets #3 and #4. Now you, too, can use these secrets to capture growing confidence, prosperity, and happiness. In review, genuine power consists of ten sections. These are philosophy, convictions, principles, judgment of the universe, values, virtues, life mission, goals, plans, and time line. The result of developing each of these areas is that you control the future. And with that magnificent control, you will get whatever you want from life.

Secret #3

Clean Your Mind For Explosive Results

Some people see psychologists and psychotherapists to understand their own internal conflicts. They then seek to resolve their internal conflicts by thinking and acting differently. Ultimately, their goal is to live an easier, happier life--a life without painful internal conflicts. Other people ignore their internal pain and conflicts. They do this by denying to themselves the emotional pain that they feel. They cut themselves off from their own emotions so they do not have to feel the pain that arises from internal conflicts. The result is that they become numb to their own feelings, emotions, and internal experiences. Sometimes these people use addictions to cover up this inner numbness. These addictions might include alcohol, drugs, promiscuity, gambling, overeating, lying, manipulating other people, or stealing. Other people just resign to feeling deep inner pain. They try to convince themselves that inner pain is a metaphysical fact of human life. They believe, consciously or subconsciously, that inner pain is a basic part of life as a human being. Then they continue to feel pain for the rest of their life. These people blind themselves from knowing genuinely happy people. A genuinely happy person would contradict their view of human life. What do all these people have in common? They have inner conflicts and unresolved problems. All of these people have conflicting thoughts, which produce painful emotions. Thoughts and convictions, held consciously or subconsciously, determine one's emotions. For example, say a girl came to the conclusion that boys with long hair are dangerous. Her past experiences led her to this conclusion, although she has never articulated it. Now, when she sees a boy with long hair, she feels fearful and uncomfortable in his presence. She does not know what he will do to her. Maybe he will hurt her; maybe he will kill her. She does not know, but she feels frightened. Her only desire is to escape from this "dangerous" boy. So if inner conflicts come from contradictory thoughts, where do contradictory thoughts come from? Equally important, how can you permanently remove all of your contradictory thoughts? And, what happens after you clear away inner conflicts, contradictory thoughts, and their source? What will you experience? These are the questions that are answered throughout secret #3.

A Journey Inside The Corroded Mind Until ten thousand years ago, man's mind was essentially the same as the animal mind. Man had a perceptual mentality that was stuck in the present moment. Like the primates and other mammals, he used his mind for rudimentary tasks. His main goal was physical survival. Thoughts of skyscrapers, space travel, and symphonies were beyond his grasp. With the evolution of man's spoken language, however, he was able to advance beyond the level of the animal mind. Until about three thousand years ago, man's mind functioned through audio hallucinations. (Reference: Neo-Tech III by Frank R. Wallace) Man's spoken language, along with the voices in his head, became his guide to action. The voice of other people or internal voices would direct his actions. Man was unable to self-debate the validity of these voices since man was not yet conscious. Man had not yet developed the self. He simply obeyed the voices. These voices enabled man to build prehistoric civilizations. With the evolution of the alphabet, man was able to advance beyond this level of mind.

During the last three thousand years, man has functioned through conceptual consciousness. Using the alphabet, he was able to discover conceptual consciousness and spread it throughout the world. With his conceptual mentality, man developed the self. Using the self, man was able to imagine, visualize, and plan his future. Man's conceptual consciousness enabled him to develop conscious societies, literature, philosophy, law, economics, science, technology, and art. With the development of genuine power, man is now evolving into the integrating mind--the mind of a winner. Now, today, men and women are discovering the supra-competitive integrating mind. They are discovering the mind of a winner. Each such person who evolves into the mind of a winner obsoletes all mind circuitry of the past. There are two things people have to do to evolve into the integrating mind. First, they need to use secret #3. Then they need to use secret #4. They need to clean their mind of all impurities and then use integrated thinking. The mind must be free of impurities before a person can explode into the mind of a winner. Impurities? What are they? Where did they come from? Does everyone have impurities in their mind? When man evolved into consciousness about three thousand years ago, his whole world changed. As his mentality shifted from non-conscious to conscious, essentially everything was new to him. Man viewed stars, planets, men, women, animals, and life itself in entirely new ways. Literature and philosophy were born from the development of consciousness; this is where the impurities began. Impurities are the bits and pieces of irrationality in one's thinking. That irrationality then becomes integrated into one's subconscious. Once irrationality becomes integrated into one's subconscious, it pollutes one's thoughts. The degree that one has irrationality in one's mind is the degree to which one's thinking is impaired. Throughout the ages, mystics have promoted irrationality as a value. They say it is the ticket to a higher understanding. However, irrationality holds no value. In reality, understanding comes from rational thinking. Irrationality only leads to the loss of values, nothing else. After man evolved into consciousness, epic literature and philosophy were born. However, these major works of literature and philosophy contain profound errors. Since entire societies were brought up on these major literary works, everyone's mind became contaminated. For example, the epic poems by Homer--The Iliad and The Odyssey--set the standard for morality. Yet, the main characters in Homer's works are nothing more than destructive, unprincipled plunderers of property and human lives. They lack the requirements of human life: rationality, honesty, and productiveness. (Reference: Rise and Fall of the Anticivilization by Frank R. Wallace) People like Alexander The Great emulated Homeric heroes and slaughtered innocent value producers throughout the world. Another example is the epic poem by Virgil: The Aeneid. Virgil cleverly promoted self-sacrifice as a virtue and a noble ideal. The main character of The Aeneid sacrificed his love and his life for a higher cause. Young Romans were brought up on Virgil's masterpiece and their minds were contaminated by his upside-down morality. From their youth, Romans learned that sacrificing the self is heroic. Perhaps the most profound source of impurities came from the father of the criminal mind. The father of the criminal mind spread more impurities than any other philosopher. In fact, he has more books in print today than almost any other writer in history, past or present. Amazingly, he lived before the invention of computers, printing presses, bound books, pencils, or even processed paper. The impurities this man spread blocked everyone from discovering the integrating mind. Their ability to integrate new knowledge became impaired. When this happens--the crippling of everyone's mind-an upside-down world can arise. That is exactly what happened. Who is this man? Is he Immanuel Kant? Is he Niccolo Machiavelli? Is he Augustine? No. He made all these people possible. His name is Plato. (Reference: Neo-Tech Advantage #103 by Frank R. Wallace)

Everyone's Mind is Corroded What are the chances that you escaped the impurities of the mind? Essentially zero. How about your neighbors; did they escape Plato's irrationalities? No. For, as Alfred North Whitehead identified, western civilization is a series of footnotes to Plato. That civilization is the upside-down world. From the earliest years, all children are exposed to the irrationalities in the upside-down world. Parents feed children bizarre ideas. School teachers embrace John Dewey's bogus approach to education, which harms children's minds. The media relentlessly hammers negative ideas into children's malleable minds. Religious mysticism short-circuits children's thought processes. Government propaganda distorts children's minds. And the pinnacle of mind destruction happens in college. Many professors, who are supposed to be the dispensers of knowledge, warp vulnerable students' minds with vicious ideas. What is the result of all this? Young adults become immobilized by confusion, selfdoubt, and anxiety. While Immanuel Kant certainly advanced these irrationalities, Plato made them all possible. The mystical notions that corrode everyone's mind infiltrate every nook and cranny of the upsidedown world. In fact, the entire upside-down world is rooted in mystical notions. Once a person becomes conscious of these mystical notions, he or she can spot them everywhere. People are bombarded with such notions every day by the media, education, and entertainment. What are the mystical notions that corrode everyone's mind? Mystical notions include religious ideas. For example, the ideas of original sin, reincarnation, God, saviors, angels, devils, Heaven, and Hell are mystical. Mystical notions also include secular ideas. For example, the ideas of altruism, external authorities, statism, war, "man is inherently evil", and "sex is dirty" are mystical. Other mystical notions include effortless routes to achievement. These include luck, gambling, praying, faith, ESP, astrology, psychics, hypnosis, drug & alcohol use, and manipulating others. The corroded mind impairs a person's ability to survive and prosper. Impurities of the mind prevent people from achieving abiding success and prosperity. Mind impurities stop people from transposing their thoughts into things. These impurities are in everyone's mind. So what do people need to do to survive and prosper? They need to extirpate all mind impurities.

Remove The Impurities Now That's right. Yesterday people survived with mind impurities. Tomorrow people will not be able to survive with those mystical blocks in their minds. Why not? Let's take a look. In prehistoric times, man's mind functioned through hallucinations. Everyone hallucinated. No single person at that time was abnormal in their mental functioning. Today, however, a hallucinating person could not survive independently. This person would be institutionalized with other schizophrenics. Why? People exchanged their minds a few thousand years ago. They replaced the hallucinating mind with the conscious mind. This resulted in a conscious society. Schizophrenics cannot survive in a conscious society. The hallucinating mind is not capable of keeping up with the dynamics of a conscious world. So these people are put into institutions. Shortly after man evolved into consciousness, irrationality infected all conscious minds. With this contaminated mind, man created a bizarre, upside-down world. Initiatory force, fraud, and coercion lie

at the very core of this world. For example, innocent producers are forced to give some of their earnings to those who never produce anything. Using the corroded mind, man integrated irrationalities throughout the fabric of society. The result is that impurities are everywhere. When everyone's mind is corroded with mystical impurities, each person appears to be normal. For example, a leader marches millions of innocent people into gas chambers. Since everyone's mind is corroded, they salute the leader while he does this. Or, certain criminals are set free by the courts without being punished for their crimes, while certain value producers are thrown into prison on minor technicalities. People just accept these situations as a part of life. Why? Because everyone's mind is corroded. Consider the situation with prehistoric man. When everyone is hallucinating, everything appears normal. Their society supports this hallucinating mentality. Now consider mysticism-plagued conscious man. When everyone's mind is corroded by mystical impurities, everything appears to be normal. Their society supports this mystical mentality. Today, some people have removed the impurities of mysticism from their mind. They are able to see an entirely new perspective of life. Poverty, value destruction, and murder become blatantly ridiculous for mystic-free people. Those who have removed the impurities from their mind see these things as unnecessary and insane. Moreover, those who are free from the impurities of the mind learn how to survive and prosper almost anywhere, anytime. They figure out how to earn wealth, power, and romantic love quickly, permanently. No corroded mind can compete with the clean, integrating mind for money, power, or romantic love. And that is why you need to remove the impurities of the mind now: to survive and prosper. Indeed, those who remove their impurities will gain unbeatable advantages over all corroded minds. The corroded mind becomes uncompetitive against the clean, healthy, mystic-free mind. For example, look at the power of just three corroded minds: Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler. Together they killed nearly one hundred million people for their own survival. Yet, against mystic-free minds, these three people become obvious pip-squeaks. Their false power and tools of destruction are going to be kicked off planet Earth forever. Anyone can clean his or her mind for explosive results. They can exchange the corroded mind for the clean, healthy mind. Those that are first to do this will profit greatly, immediately, for the rest of their lives. In fact, those who clean their mind and use secret #4 will control all the money, power, and romantic love in this world for many years into the future. Those first few people who remove the mystical impurities from their mind will experience an epochal powershift. For example, before the mid-eighteenth century, people lived in an agricultural economy. Kings and feudal lords had a monopoly on power and wealth. Essentially everyone served them. Corruption was rampant. But with the rise of an industrial economy during the mid-eighteenth century, society experienced a powershift. Kings and feudal lords were swept away by the currents of mass production and an industrial economy. All the threats emanating from these power elites were based on nothing. Today, many of these kings and lords are unknown. In their place are factories, goods, prosperity, and freedom for an unprecedented number of individuals. Likewise today: all the threats, attacks and destructions delivered by those who wield false power are literally based on nothing. Those corroded minds that control the upside-down world will be swept away by the currents emanating from the supra-competitive integrating mind. Yes, those in power have corroded minds. Some leaders of the upside-down world have no idea what honesty, integrity, and objective justice are. Do not worry. Their Plato-based platform of false power will crumble under the heat of competition arising from the mystic-free mind. No corroded mind--not even massmurdering Marxist/Maoist minds--can compete with the mind of a winner. For, the mind of a winner is (1) grounded in reality, (2) functions through unbreached, integrated honesty, and (3) delivers only values. The criminal mind and its value destruction cannot survive once people develop the mind of a winner. Today, people are developing the mind of a winner.

So how do you remove the mind impurities that cripple everyone's thinking? What can you do now, today, to capture the benevolent power of the honest integrating mind? First you need to recognize the valid and invalid contents in your mind. Then you need to dismiss all the contents of your mind that do not correspond to reality. Those irrational elements in your mind prevent you from discovering God-like power, limitless wealth, and exciting romantic love. Do not be afraid to extirpate the impurities from your mind. They were put there by evil geniuses. To survive and prosper, you need to reject those irrationalities. After you identify the impurities that permeate your conscious mind and subconscious, you can remove them. Once you see how these impurities harm your life, you can eliminate them one at a time. How? By suppressing each mystical notion until it disintegrates from your mind. For example, suppose the thought "sex is dirty and shameful" is in your subconscious. Perhaps you absorbed this idea from a religious upbringing. Now, when you want to have sex, you feel unclean and guilty. Those feelings may have nothing to do with reality. But if you subconsciously hold the idea that sex is bad, then you automatically feel like a bad person when you desire sex. When you explicitly grasp that sex is good, you can uproot the erroneous idea that sex is bad. Every time this false thought comes to you, you simply do not nourish it. You starve the thought. You dismiss it as not worthy of attention. Over time, the idea that sex is bad will weaken and disintegrate from your mind. While you are suppressing the erroneous idea, you need to integrate the correct view: sex is good. You need to understand that sexual love is a productive person's greatest celebration of his or her value. Then, eventually, your whole attitude and feeling toward sex will shift 180 degrees. When you think about sex, you will feel good. You can now enjoy guiltless sex, which is one of the most pleasurable experiences for human beings. You need to look at each area of your life to find out where impurities exist. The areas of money and love usually contain a lot of impurities. This is because of the corrupt idea matrix that permeates the upside-down world. Other areas also should be examined. Areas such as diet, fitness, health, time management, and friendships typically contain mystical notions. You need to remove all the impurities from your mind by suppressing false ideas and integrating correct ideas. The above example of sex is one application of removing impurities from the mind. This principle applies to all false ideas, whether they are about work, happiness, relationships, or anything else. One other aspect of mind impurities exists. That aspect is the repressed feelings and emotions buried in one's subconscious. Children are bombarded with zany ideas from their earliest days. Many children proceed to cope with bizarre ideas and difficult situations by repressing their feelings and emotions. Over time, children accumulate repressed emotions that are stored in their subconscious. After a while, these repressed emotions block certain areas of thought and feeling in the child. By the time the child becomes an adult, he or she can repress unpleasant experiences without being conscious of this process. For example, adults tell a boy not to cry. They tell him that big boys don't cry. Then when someone hurts this boy, he wants to cry but doesn't. He remembers what the adults told him. He wants to be a big boy, so he represses his feelings. Instead of crying, he pushes his pain underground where he can avoid it. Once his emotional pain is repressed from his conscious mind and into his subconscious, he can act as if nothing bothers him. He can cut himself off from his own painful emotions. But since reality cannot be evaded or contradicted without paying a price, this child suffers over the long-term. As repression becomes his way of dealing with emotions, his subconscious becomes clogged with repressed feelings and emotions. This repressed material, which builds up over a lifetime, impedes and distorts his thinking. What can this person do? He can remove all the repressed material from his mind. The process of removing repressed emotions from one's mind is called de-repression. How can a person do this? A

person can eliminate these buried emotions through psychotherapy or sentence completion exercises. Both techniques mentally bring the person back to his or her painful experiences to work through them in a non-threatening setting. After the person removes all emotionally charged material by mentally reexperiencing painful situations, he or she feels great. The person feels clean, healthy, liberated, and more aware. When free of false ideas and repressed emotions, the human mind integrates knowledge swiftly, accurately--without limits.

Discover Vast New Horizons Now you can remove the impurities from your mind. Suppose you have done just that. What happens? All your limitations fall away. You have no impediments on your thought processes. You can think in all directions of human knowledge. You do not need to have the IQ of Einstein. Every conscious mind is capable of knowing anything in existence. This is so because consciousness is the faculty that perceives what exists. This means you, who have the faculty of consciousness, can understand anything. If parents, teachers, or friends say there are some things you can never know, forget their assertion. It is just another false idea. The degree to which you have removed impurities from your mind is the degree to which your mindpower increases. The fewer impurities you have removed from your mind, the less powerful your mind will be. The more impurities you have removed from your mind, the more powerful your mind will be. Ultimately, when you remove all impurities from your conscious mind and subconscious, you explode into limitless power. Like splitting the nucleus of an atom, your power rapidly expands in all directions. Those who come to manipulate, drain, or stop you are vaporized by your inflationary expanse of power. You are then ready to cash in on secret #4: the mind of a winner. For example, suppose you removed the three thousand years of impurities revolving around money and values. Essentially everyone has been bombarded by distorted ideas about the nature of money and values. But once you are free from those mind blockages, you see vast new horizons of value production and wealth. Suddenly, traditional ideas of making money become obsolete. You dismiss the idea of waiting for others to make you rich. In fact, many traditional ideas begin to look silly. All ideas that cleverly avoid constant honesty and effort vanish into the nothingness from which they arose. Only constant self-discipline, honesty, and productive work deliver the wealth that everyone wants. In reality, there is no other route to liberating prosperity. This is especially true as initiatory force and fraud become uncompetitive with the collapse of the upside-down world. With the clean, healthy mind, you do not need to fear the collapse of the upside-down world. That collapse will propel you into limitless wealth and success. Without mental limitations, you see and capture advantages everywhere. Because the clean mind is fearless, you take actions based on widescope thinking that would intimidate others. You integrate concepts into new thoughts. Then you integrate these new thoughts into brand new knowledge. You see things that no one else has ever seen. When you act on your thoughts, you set into motion powerful currents of achievement. You deliver values to self, others, and society. To get an idea what it is like to explode into mindpower by removing impurities, imagine the following scenario. You go into a gym to lift weights. You have been lifting weights for a long time, but now you are stuck at a certain level of progress. You know that you are doing everything you need to do to become stronger. Yet, you sense that not much is happening. Progress is minimal. In short, you are frustrated. What can you do? You simply continue lifting weights according to your plans. One day you actually feel like you are getting weaker. Others around you are making gains in strength and size, but you appear to be going

backwards. You feel as if you cannot even lift the weights to which you have become accustomed. You do not understand this, and you consider giving up weightlifting. "Perhaps I am not cut out for weightlifting," you tell yourself. "Maybe I should give up," is the thought your subconscious feeds you. However, you made a commitment to yourself to be a weightlifter. You set specific weightlifting goals and you are determined to achieve them. So you think about all the obstacles that lie between you and your goals. With determination and enthusiasm, you remove each obstacle that stands in your way. You exert tremendous effort to overcome everything that stands in your way. You dismiss all non-constructive thoughts and continue to move forward. Then, a short while later, to your surprise, you go through a transformation. You experience an enormous gain in strength. You are at the gym and suddenly every exercise becomes incredibly easy. Your excitement temporarily overrides your understanding. You are stunned. As you capitalize on this situation, you realize that you can lift far more weight than ever before. All your previous limits are obsolete. Now you are pushing into new realms of weight that baffle yourself and others. "What happened to that guy?," people wonder. "I never knew he was that strong," they say. What happened was you followed a rational strength building plan and you worked at it constantly. The rewards were inevitable and you earned them. At times you thought the rewards would somehow elude you, but you persevered. Then you woke up one day to experience triumph. And that triumph was sweet because you had paid the price in advance; now you can enjoy the results. The same principle applies to cleaning the mind. At first, the effort required to remove mind impurities does not seem to accomplish much. Sometimes it seems as though others with their corroded minds catapult past you. You might think the rewards are not worth the effort. However, if you relentlessly identify and remove the impurities from your mind, you will go through a transformation. One day you will wake up and realize you have made an enormous gain in mindpower. All your previous mental limitations have become obsolete. Everyone, including yourself, will be amazed at your limitless thinking capacity. Then, suddenly, your ability to solve problems increases exponentially. You aggressively confront problems everywhere so you can exercise your newly discovered problem-solving powers. With the clean, healthy, integrating mind, you see far beyond all specialized minds. While the traditional specialized mind functions in narrow ranges of knowledge, you break into vast horizons of new thoughts and knowledge.

The Clean Mind Remains Youthful Babies evolve into consciousness between eighteen and twenty-four months of age. When babies evolve into consciousness, which normally occurs by age two, they have a complete working vocabulary. Most babies can talk by this time. Essentially all babies use their working vocabulary to conceptualize things in their environment. They are able to grasp what simple objects are, such as a ball, dog, and doll. A short while later, perhaps around age three, babies expand their thinking skills to include numbers and attributes of objects, such as color, shape, size, etc. For example, if you point to a large red ball, a three-year-old can say "ball." He can also say "big" and "red." Soon the child begins to read letters of the alphabet. Then he begins to read words and simple sentences, such as "I am Tommy." Many children can read words and sentences by age five. Normal five-year-old children can walk, talk, read, produce artwork, and work with numbers. The five-year-old child has exercised enormous effort to accomplish these things. Each such child exerted intense, integrated effort to grow into these new

realms of achievement. The child has done this--performed honest integrated thinking--before being infected by the impurities from the upside-down world. At this stage of development, the child's mind is mystic-free and is operating in the integrating mode. The child at age five has the mind of a winner. Nothing is beyond the grasp of this child. With the high level of effort this child exerts, he or she can learn anything. A short time later, by age six, this mystic-free child is drawn into the upside-world. Impurities bombard the child from every angle, at all times, in ever increasing amounts. Later in life, usually by age ten, children's capacity to integrate knowledge becomes impaired. Many children stop exerting the intense, constant effort required to continue learning and growing. As they enter adolescence, their minds become clogged with impurities. They lose the omnipotence they wielded as mystic-free children. They lose the radiant beauty that sparkled from their eyes. As young adults, they get jobs and spouses. By about age thirty, after being bombarded with mind impurities for decades, they begin to lose their happiness. Four or five decades later they lose their lives. They die unfulfilled, never knowing abiding prosperity and happiness. If you question the average person about this situation, he would probably say it is normal and natural. "That is how things have always been," he would assert. "Those things can't be any different; they will never change," he might add. However, in another conversation this person would be quick to say, "The only thing constant is change." Do things have to remain as they are now? Do adults really have to lose their youth and happiness? If children were not drawn into the upside-down world--if they were not bombarded by impurities of the mind--their development would be radically different. They would exert continuous integrated thinking and grow into magnificent lives of unbounded prosperity and fulfillment. Without mindblocking impurities, children would grow through the dynamics of positive peer pressure. They would continuously grow into new levels of accomplishment. For example, look at a child as he is drawn into the upside-down world. At first he is a misfit because he is clean, healthy, innocent, honest, and effort-driven. He is pristine. Not knowing the dynamics of that goofy world, he violates essentially every protocol of the upside-down world. However, this situation is corrected swiftly. After relentless negative peer pressure, he eventually learns that it is not "cool" to exert the intense effort required to grow. So the child gives up books and homework to fit in. Later in life he learns to be "cool" by using drugs and alcohol. He may experiment with promiscuity or even crime to appease the constant negative peer pressure urging him to be "cool." Yes, these are some of the dynamics that perpetuate the upside-down world. What happens to this person who was once a clean, innocent child? He transforms into a bewildered, lost soul. He is all alone in a world he does not understand. In time, he gives up the struggle to understand the world. This culminates in a slow psychological death, which terminates in physical death. Now imagine a child who bypasses those awful experiences. Imagine a world based on reality where rationality, objective morality, objective law, and positive peer pressure dominate. In other words, imagine a world that is the exact opposite of the upside-down world. If the child was never drawn into the upside-down world, how would he receive impurities? The answer is that he would not receive impurities. His mind would remain clean and healthy. He would continuously advance to new levels of achievement and personal growth. He would grow into a fully functioning, mature human being. What is the most radical implication of this scenario? The child would grow into unlimited knowledge, not old age. Without mind impurities, children integrate knowledge and grow without limits. They avert the aging process via constant growth. Aging begins when growth slows down or stops. If children remain free

of mind impurities, they will not stop growing. For, growth, not stagnation, is the natural condition of conscious life. Aging seems bizarre, even frightening, to a child who is free of impurities. Why then does the clean mind remain youthful? What are the dynamics that keep the clean mind young? The clean mind--the mind that is free of impurities--integrates new knowledge at an everincreasing speed. When a mystic-free person acquires a critical mass of knowledge, he outcompetes nature's aging process. This person experiences a quantum leap in knowledge generation and growth. And that quantum leap advances this person beyond aging, deterioration, and decay. Aging becomes obsolete for the person who constantly advances in knowledge and growth. In a world without impurities, everyone will advance in knowledge and growth. Fortunately, you do not have to wait for this world. By removing the impurities in your own mind, you can break into wide-open integrated thinking and outcompete the aging process beginning today. With your clean, timeless mind, you are ready to develop the mind of a winner. Using secret #4, you will become unstoppable. You will amaze your family and friends. You will even amaze your own self. With the powerful base of a clean mind, you can develop the integrating mind. The integrating mind, when free of impurities, integrates all knowledge. It is the mind that produces millionaire wealth. With it, you can build your own fortune. You can also build your dream life. No more waiting around for someone else to make your life the way you want it. Now you can take command of your destiny. You can become the commander of your own personal fortune. Others are doing just that this very moment. Now it is your turn. With the clean mind, you are on the fast track to bringing your dreams into reality. Today, people are removing the impurities from their minds. Using various forms of psychotherapy, they are eliminating false ideas and repressed emotions from their minds. You, however, will do this with a conscious purpose. That purpose is to lay the foundation on which you can build the integrating mind--the mind of a winner. Doing this will make you one of the first in history to develop the mind of a winner. As soon as you clean your mind, you will be ready to develop the mind of a winner. With the mind of a winner you can bring your dreams into reality. What is the mind of a winner? How can you develop it? What do you need to do to bring your dreams into reality? Go to the next secret. You will find the answers to these questions there. Secret #4 reveals new knowledge. Today, this knowledge is known by only a handful of people. This is the most sacred knowledge on Earth. For, you can use it to get whatever you want. This closely guarded knowledge is what nearly everyone wants, but almost no one has. And now you have it in your own hands. You need to read, think about, and understand every word, sentence, and paragraph in secret #4. Then you need to reread secret #4. Each time you reread the material you will grasp new ideas that you did not pick up during previous readings. Once you grasp the entire secret, you will be ready to develop the mind of a winner. Then you will advance beyond the competition. Things that were unclear will become clear to you. You will evolve into the final stage of man: integrated man. Anxiety and despair will fade away forever as fulfillment becomes your predominant experience. You will achieve happiness rapidly, for the rest of your life.

Secret #4

Develop The Mind of a Winner

After you use secret #3 to clean your mind, you are ready to develop the mind of a winner. By removing all false ideas and repressed emotions from your mind, you are poised to enter the realm of wide-open thinking. To do that kind of thinking, you need to develop the honest integrating mind. This secret shows you how to develop the honest integrating mind, which is the mind of a winner. Human beings use conceptual thinking to survive. Most people are not aware of their thought processes and the crucial need to be honest in every thought and action. People who are not explicitly aware of their thought processes often rationalize the use of dishonesty to gain unearned advantages. Some people purposely integrate dishonesty to gain unbeatable advantages over those who are not aware of the techniques of false power. Yet, once you become explicitly aware of your thought processes and evolve into the honest integrating mind, you clearly see the impotence of dishonesty. Suddenly, you grasp that false power is uncompetitive, ridiculous, and moribund. At the same time, you harness the power of the universe: mystic-free conceptual consciousness. Having the mind of a winner consists of being conscious of your own thought processes. It means that you consciously integrate knowledge. By being explicitly aware of your own thinking, you grasp the crucial need to be honest in every thought. Why? Because you understand that dishonesty is the attempt to fake reality. You know that to live successfully, you have to correspond to reality, not fake it or invent another reality. In addition, you grasp that honest integrated thinking delivers an avalanche of competitive advantages over mystical or dishonest thinking. Yes, the honest integrating mind easily outcompetes all other minds, ranging from mystical minds to specialized minds to criminal minds. The honest integrating mind rules everything in the universe. When you develop the mind of a winner, regardless of your age, you will experience an unending cascade of advantages over the competition. For example, you will dramatically improve your problem-solving skills. By thinking in principles, you will have the ability to solve not just one problem at a time, but an entire cluster of problems at once. You will also control the future. That's right. With the honest integrating mind, you think in entirely new ways. Time concerns fall away, which enable you to predict the future with certainty. Thus, you see things before the competition. This puts you in control of the future. Then you use your advanced knowledge to create the future. Imagine what creating the future would be like. You sit in the cat-bird seat; you control the marketplace. Equally important, you control reality. Can you really control reality, or is this just another false notion conjured up by the mystical mind? Once you develop the mind of a winner, will you actually dominate life? Yes, the mind of a winner can and does control reality and dominate life. Consider that the criminal and mystical minds control the upside-down world. No one in the upside-down world can compete with those dishonest/disintegrating minds. They rule everything within the tiny boundaries of the upside-down world. Beginning with Plato, the dishonest/disintegrating mind has destroyed an enormous amount of values and killed every person on Earth. That corroded mind, which arises from the hallucinating mind of prehistoric man, is detached from reality. But the mind of a winner, which is a man-made mind, is fully integrated with reality. Moreover, the mind of a winner is driven by effort and honesty. That combination of being integrated with reality, honesty, and effort will annihilate the corroded mind. The corroded mind simply cannot compete for survival against the mind of a winner. The mind of a winner moves in and genuinely controls all competitive situations while the corroded mind stumbles in its own incompetence. Then the entire

upside-down world will collapse like the Berlin Wall. In its place will arise a right-side up world controlled by honest integrating minds.

What is The Mind of a Winner? The animal mind, the hallucinating mind, and the corroded mind are all mind circuits of the past. The mind of a winner obsoletes these mind circuits. So what exactly is the mind of a winner? The mind of a winner is the honest integrating mind. It is the mode of consciousness that controls existence. The honest integrating mind is the source of all values throughout the universe. By developing the honest integrating mind now, you will produce a stunning array of values for self and others. Additionally, you benefit tremendously from the values that flow from other honest integrating minds. Before the discovery of the honest integrating mind, everyone was stuck with the corroded mind. Today, however, that old mystical/disintegrating mind is yielding to the new mystic-free/integrating mind. You will be among the first on Earth to develop the mystic-free/integrating mind. As individuals develop this new mind and begin prospering from it, everyone else will scramble to develop this mind to compete for survival and prosperity. Others will look up to you as you radiate competitive strength never before seen on planet Earth. People such as Isaac Newton and John Stuart Mill were highly intelligent people. Yet, those who develop the honest integrating mind can make discoveries beyond even these great minds. For, mindpower is a function of effort and honesty, not native intelligence. And the mind of a winner is driven by effort and honesty. Children under the age of six unknowingly use the mind of a winner, but adults do not. Thus, evolving into and using the mind of a winner will feel strange at first. However, once you use it for a while, it feels natural, healthy, and awesome. How does the honest integrating mind work? It uses the process of visualization to picture a major project or goal. The honest integrating mind sees that goal clearly, vividly, as if it was already completed. This mind imagines what the completed goal would look like, sound like, smell like, taste like, and feel like. In other words, the honest integrating mind peers into the future and sees the big picture along with the details. This mind then determines the specific tasks that need to be completed in order to achieve the goal. How does this mind determine these specific tasks? It uses creative or lateral thinking to discover tasks that will lead to the achievement of the goal. Then it uses logical or vertical thinking to determine which of these tasks are the most effective. Next, the honest integrating mind schedules these tasks into specific time slots during the day so they can be completed. As each new day arrives, the person simply follows his schedule and completes each task. Then one morning this person wakes up and realizes that his major goal is achieved. But that is not all he achieves. He envisions several major goals and works to complete all of them simultaneously. The result is that he achieves more in a few months than the corroded mind achieves in a few years. This is how he moves beyond the competition. And this is how he generates multimillion dollar fortunes. To break away from the competition and break into the good money, a person needs to envision brand new goals--goals that no one before him has known. How does he do this? He uses new knowledge to formulate his goals. He needs an unending array of new knowledge to continue setting and achieving new goals. By doing this, he consistently grows into prosperity and fulfillment. What is the mechanism that delivers new knowledge without limits? The mind of a winner is the mechanism that delivers limitless new knowledge.

Yes, new knowledge comes from integrated thinking. A person gains sensations from his environment through his five senses--sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. The person's brain automatically integrates these sensations into percepts. Then the person consciously integrates these percepts into concepts. Next, the person consciously integrates his concepts into thoughts. He then integrates his thoughts into principles. Once he has formed principles, he uses them to form new concepts, thoughts, and principles without limits. In other words, his principled thinking enables him to generate knowledge without limits. For example, a girl sees a piece of food. She picks it up and smells it. Her brain automatically integrates her sensations of sight, smell, and touch into the percept "cheese". Now she is aware that this piece of food is cheese. Then she sees butter, cream, and milk. She mentally integrates these items with the piece of cheese to form the concept "dairy products". Next, she integrates this concept with other concepts to form the thought: vegetables, fruits, meats, poultry, and dairy products comprise a healthy diet for human beings. Later, while cooking, she learns that butter melts and milk spoils when left out of the refrigerator for a while. This leads her to form the principle: dairy products need to be refrigerated to stay fresh. As this girl grows in knowledge, she identifies a wide variety of foods and how to store them properly. She learns which foods can remain at room temperature, which foods need to be refrigerated, and which foods need to be put in the freezer. The person with the mind of a winner integrates knowledge continuously. He or she forms new concepts, thoughts, and principles--new knowledge--without limits. The above process of integration is called reason, which is man's basic means of survival. Reason enables man to integrate his percepts into concepts and concepts into thoughts for unlimited knowledge. And since reason employs logic to keep one's thoughts attached to reality, logic underpins the honest integrating mind--the mind of a winner. The process of integration applies to all areas of life. The mind of a winner integrates knowledge of science, astronomy, history, art, business, and so on. Integration also applies to the personal realm. For example, the mind of a winner integrates knowledge in the areas of love relationships, family, friends, and money. By using honest integrated thinking one hundred percent of the time, a person easily outthinks and outcompetes all corroded minds.

How to Develop The Mind of a Winner Survival pressures guarantee that everyone will develop the mind of a winner. Once a tiny fraction of Earth's population captures the prosperity and happiness that is available from the mind of a winner, everyone else will scramble to develop this mind to compete for survival. A tiny fraction of people have already developed the mind of a winner. They will trigger the conversion of minds in everyone else. As that momentous event unfolds, people everywhere--from Asia to Europe to America--will race to exchange their corroded minds for the mind of the winner. This conversion will occur rapidly, regardless of what happens in the upside-down world. Cyberspace guarantees this conversion. Why? Because vital information is now flowing throughout Cyberspace and it cannot be blocked, no matter what anyone says or does. Yes, survival pressures will force everyone to develop the honest integrating mind. However, some people will develop this omnipotent mind before the heat of survival pressures builds up. Why? To gain prosperity and happiness now and forever into the future. These first few individuals will develop the mind of a winner to capture limitless success. By cleansing their mind and evolving into the honest integrating mind, these first few people will leave the upside-down world behind forever. They will see through the grand illusions that comprise that insane world. Using their supra-powerful minds, they will bring a rational world to Earth. And they will dominate the competition far into the future.

You do not need to wait for intense survival pressures to develop the mind of a winner. You can develop that mind starting today. Then you, too, will grow into ever increasing power, wealth, romantic love, and happiness--long before everybody else. Thus, you will hold ground-floor advantages over the competition. You will prosper tremendously, rapidly--in every area of your life-while the competition is still crippled by Plato's 2300 year-old matrix of dishonesty and illusions. What do you need to do to develop the mind of a winner? You have already cleansed your mind; you have removed the impurities. What, then, are the live-action steps you can take to develop the mind of a winner today? You can develop the mind of a winner by going on a mind-integrating journey through a book and audiotape program. Which book and audiotape program? The book and audiotape program by the mega value producer and premier philosopher Leonard Peikoff. The title of the book is Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand by Leonard Peikoff (512 pages, NAL-Dutton, 1993). The title of the audiotape program is The Art of Thinking by Leonard Peikoff (15 tapes, Second Renaissance Books, 1994). These two products deliver the knowledge you need to develop the mind of a winner. There are no better products available to develop the mind of a winner. Furthermore, carefully studying these two products will transpose you from a world of illusions into a world of reality. Say good-bye to endless losses. Say good-bye to chronic emotional pain. And say hello to limitless prosperity and happiness. With those two products, you will emerge with awesome mindpower. You will posses the honest integrating mind, which is the mind of a winner. You might hunger for a more extensive understanding of the honest integrating mind. If so, you will want to read the following two books and listen to the following two audiotape programs. The books are The Neo-Tech Discovery by Frank R. Wallace (800 pages, Neo-Tech Pub., 1994) and The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes (480 pages, Houghton Mifflin, 1990). The audiotape programs are Introduction to Logic by Leonard Peikoff (20 tapes, Second Renaissance Books, 1993) and Psycho-Epistemology by Harry Binswanger (2 tapes, Second Renaissance Books, 1995). Other authors you can read and listen to in order to enhance your understanding and use of the honest integrating mind are: Ayn Rand, Nathaniel Branden, and Mark Hamilton. Now let's focus on the books and tapes listed above.

Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand This masterpiece by Leonard Peikoff reveals the honest integrating mind in brilliant clarity. Dr. Peikoff takes you on an awesome intellectual tour. That tour covers everything: reality, consciousness, human beings, morality, government, economics, art, and history. Leonard Peikoff reveals the step-bystep functioning of the honest integrating mind in a down-to-earth manner that essentially anyone can follow. The four chapters titled "Sense Perception and Volition", "Concept- Formation", "Reason", and "Objectivity" bring the honest integrating mind into existence. The rest of the book describes the consequences that follow from that omnipotent mind.

The Art of Thinking

Listen to Leonard Peikoff explain how to think in principles in what may be the most valuable audiotape program available. Dr. Peikoff covers the following subjects: hierarchy, thinking in essentials, thinking in principles, certainty, and more. Once you grasp and apply the material in this program, you will outcompete all other minds--mystical minds, criminal minds, and specialized minds--for money, power, and romantic love. You will move ahead of the competition while others flounder in the upside-down world.

The Neo-Tech Discovery See the honest integrating mind spring to life in this masterpiece by Frank R. Wallace. Not only does he provide tools to cleanse the mind, but Dr. Wallace demonstrates the wide-scope power of the honest integrating mind. Building upon the pioneering works of Aristotle, Rand, Branden, Peikoff, and others, Dr. Wallace takes you on a mystic-bubble-breaking journey, which culminates in limitless prosperity. Once you grasp and apply the techniques in this book, you will soar with a new-world power.

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind Let Julian Jaynes take you on a fascinating journey through the history of the human mind. Dr. Jaynes shows you what consciousness is and how it arose. He discusses the transformation of the human mind from the past to the present. Then he discusses the future of human consciousness. This masterpiece provides you with the background knowledge to understand this one-of-a-kind transition in human history.

Introduction to Logic Reason and logic are man's basic means of survival. If you have not taken a course in logic, this one is for you. Leonard Peikoff covers informal fallacies, deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, definitions, and more. Logic is the foundation of the honest integrating mind, and Dr. Peikoff explains this subject in a clear and engaging manner. Once you master the material in this program, you will see logical fallacies everywhere in the upside-down world. You will see that the entire upside-down world is rooted in logical fallacies. More important, you can form non-contradictory thoughts and ideas without limits. Combine this program with The Art of Thinking and you, too, can generate new knowledge for limitless success and prosperity.

Psycho-Epistemology Once you develop the honest integrating mind, you will be generating knowledge without limits. But how do you manage all that knowledge? And how do you manage your new, super powerful mind? Harry Binswanger shows you how to do this and more in his important, easy- to-understand program. Dr. Binswanger explains how to manage your subconscious, what a moral character is, and how to improve it. Not only will you have a super powerful conscious mind, but, by studying this program, you will have a well-organized, super-efficient subconscious. In other words, you will have the mind of a winner.

These three books and three audiotape programs bring the honest integrating mind into existence. Carefully study these first two products or all six products and you will develop the mind of a winner. You will have the ability to step outside the upside-down world and step into the right-side up world. Then you can enjoy the unlimited wealth available from the right-side up world.

Think Like a Winner After you go through this one-of-a-kind transformation, you will look at everything in a new way. Ever since man became conscious, he has developed ideas about things using his corroded mind. His ideas about love, money, power, happiness, art, morality, and society have been contaminated with mind impurities. Thus, many popular ideas are woven with good-sounding but false notions. These contaminated ideas give you an unending array of advantages. Why? Using your new, omnipotent mind, you pull away from the crowd. Your integrating mind enables you to rise above the Olympian giants and see what no one else has seen. Within a few months or so, you break into new vistas of knowledge. You become like an all-knowing being who soars above the crowd. And with your omnipotent eye, you focus on all the good-sounding ideas of the past three thousand years. Under the focused heat of the honest integrating mind, good-sounding but false ideas disintegrate into the nothingness from which they arose. You exercise your new power by ripping out mystical errors from ideas. With your clean, super-efficient mind, you pin down ideas, remove the errors from them, and then integrate them into a valid context. This gives you supra-power: power to advance in knowledge, prosperity, and well-being, no matter how distorted a picture you initially receive. For example, while peers are blocked by the good-sounding but erroneous ideas such as "external authorities are valid" or "work is a necessary evil", you soar past all such misinformation. With the honest integrating mind, you leave those errors behind--permanently. You see that the only valid authority arises from the rational use of one's own conscious mind. External authorities can only survive through initiatory force, threat of force, and fraud. But you, with the mind of a winner, obsolete initiatory force, fraud, and coercion. You also see that work is necessary, but it is not evil. Productive work is the dynamic that ensures one's own physical and psychological survival. The competitive production and marketing of values is the most moral and heroic act in which an individual can engage. For, it is what maintains and advances human life, everyone's life--including those who do not produce anything. That deeply penetrating, wide-scope mind digs in and uproots the impurities from all ideas, which leaves only valid, competitive knowledge. And that never-ending array of competitive knowledge is what advances you into limitless prosperity. Those who have not yet evolved into the honest integrating mind remain stupefied by the mystical ideas that circulate throughout the upside-down world. You, with the honest integrating mind, burn off the mysticism from ideas. Then you generate new knowledge without limits. Suddenly, you realize that the competition is no competition at all. They are all befuddled by Plato's 2300 year-old matrix of dishonesty and illusions. Today, nearly everyone uses the corroded mind. You, however, will use the honest integrating mind. You discard the hallucinating-based corroded mind as unnecessary and ridiculous. You rip the Platonic elements out of your soul to boom into genuine power. Then you are able to think in all directions of human knowledge. You take your concepts and either subdivide them or integrate them

into new, wider concepts. Next, with your open-ended array of concepts, you form new thoughts and ideas without limits. You think in both new, creative directions and conventional, logical directions. Finally, you verify your new knowledge through reduction. You integrate your new knowledge with the facts of reality and with everything else you know. Using logic as your guide, you achieve certainty about your knowledge. This results in successful action, which culminates in prosperity and happiness. With the mind of a winner, your life becomes much easier. You know exactly what is going on around you because you know how to perceive and integrate reality. By becoming conscious of your own thought processes, you also grasp the vital need to be honest in your thinking. The process of thinking and acting with fully integrated honesty guarantees your long-range success, prosperity, and happiness. Using dishonesty or deception to gain values inevitably destroys your long-range success, prosperity, and happiness. With the mind of a winner, you quickly grasp how impotent and uncompetitive dishonesty is. You grasp that dishonest, unprincipled people are rooted in the schizophrenic mind of a bygone era. You easily outcompete them for whatever you want. They have no idea what is happening. As a result, they are left in your dust. Eventually, they, too, will have to exchange their corroded minds for the mind of a winner--or face extinction. Have you ever heard of a paradigm shift? That is where an established method or system is replaced by an entirely new method or system. Paradigm shifts are rarely foreseen by people and they typically affect everyone over time. In many cases, individuals do not intentionally set out to produce paradigm shifts. Such shifts are usually unintended consequences of some person's or organization's actions. For example, look at the printing press and the Internet. Until the fifteenth century, the reproduction of books was done by hand. Scribes would painstakingly copy books by hand, one at a time. This resulted in the production and distribution of relatively few books. That, in turn, culminated in a culture that was primarily illiterate. As a result, the illiterate society enabled an elite few to have a monopoly on "the truth". For example, popes were empowered, because of their ties with sacred texts, to imprison and burn human beings. Sacred scriptures and dogma gave popes the "authority" to destroy the lives of men and women. Then along came a man named Johannes Gutenberg. He invented movable type and the printing press, which he introduced to the western world. This resulted in a gigantic increase in the number of books that were produced and distributed. People all over the western world learned to read and, as a result, grew in knowledge. This was the death knell for those who had a monopoly on "the truth". An elite few could no longer imprison and murder without accountability for their actions. Dogma became obsolete. People everywhere began to move away from ignorance and slavery. They began to move toward knowledge and freedom as exemplified during the Enlightenment. Then some people threatened to use physical force in order to prevent free speech and freedom of the press. Dictators and communist party leaders could not stop people from reading, so they established laws that curtailed the publication of certain kinds of knowledge. This cleared the way for totalitarian control over citizens. Leaders who blocked free speech ruled with little opposition. Corruption flourished. The standard of living for citizens deteriorated. Then along came the Internet. Originally designed as a communications medium for the Department of Defense, the Internet spread into the academic and commercial spheres. Today, the Internet is evolving into the eternal protector of free speech. Dishonesty, subjective laws, guns, and prisons are powerless in Cyberspace. Anyone can access essentially any information, regardless of what others say or do. Cyberspace is the death knell for everyone who survives by forcibly preventing the free flow of information. The Internet is causing a paradigm shift that will result in educated, informed, and free people everywhere on Earth.

Yes, the printing press and the Internet have produced paradigm shifts. Yet, these paradigm shifts are minor compared to the two that are about to occur. What are these two epochal paradigm shifts? They are the honest integrating mind and the forthcoming right-side up world. Shortly after man evolved into consciousness, his mind became infected by the Plato disease of irrationality. Man built entire civilizations using his corroded mind. Thus, irrationality was built into every sector of man's civilization. Those who identified and attempted to eliminate irrationality were persecuted, jailed or even killed. Socrates, Jesus, Boethius, Copernicus, Giordano Bruno, Galileo, Algernon Sidney, Baruch Spinoza, John Milton and others suffered incalculable losses as a result of their exposing irrationality. The honest integrating mind, which is the mind of a winner, is free of irrationality. It integrates all knowledge. This mind out-thinks and outcompetes all other minds. Thus, nothing can stop the honest integrating mind from eliminating irrationality from this world. The corroded mind will be left in the dust. Once a tiny percentage of people develop the honest integrating mind, everyone else will race to exchange their corroded minds for the mind of a winner to survive. The result will be a world filled with honest integrating minds, not corroded minds. This paradigm shift will eliminate irrationality from planet Earth. The result? Individuals everywhere will have mystic-free minds that are capable of integrating and benefiting from the limitless information in Cyberspace. The exchanging of the corroded mind for the mind of a winner will cause another monumental paradigm shift. That shift is the conversion from the upside-down world to the right-side up world. As people everywhere begin to evolve into the honest integrating mind, they will increasingly reject the insanities of the upside-down world. Ignorance, poverty, sickness, and death will become ridiculous. Destroying wealth, values, and human life will become uncompetitive. Essentially everyone will survive through the competitive production and voluntary exchange of values. The result? A rational, free, and open-ended world based on objective law will allow conscious life to flourish. This is not a utopian fantasy. This is a real world that is coming to Earth. Cyberspace will deliver it. The right-side up world will materialize first in America, then around the world. When that happens, individual rights will reign supreme. That irresistible world will arise no matter what anyone says or does. And it will profoundly affect every aspect of human life--the personal, professional, business, legal, and entertainment spheres of life. You can develop the mind of a winner now and move beyond the competition for power, wealth, and romantic love. Or you can scramble to develop that mind with everyone else later. The choice is yours. But each individual will eventually develop the mind of a winner. That development is a personal matter; nobody can or will do it for you. Once you develop the honest integrating mind, however, you will discover that the rewards are out of all proportion to the effort expended. What are those rewards? Limitless prosperity and happiness--now and forever.

Plan to Win For The Rest of Your Life You have removed the impurities from your mind. You have developed the honest integrating mind. Now what? What do you do now that you have the mind of a winner? You plan to win for the rest of your life. The right-side up world consists of goal-directed action. That is good because the honest integrating mind is a goal-directed mind. The two are a perfect match; they are made for each other. Goals can be set and achieved by everyone, and, when approached rationally, they are highly effective. But with the honest integrating mind, you take goals to the next level.

You use the mind of a winner to set goals in both the personal and professional realms. You take control over the mental, physical, emotional, financial, and material areas of your life. Productive work--value production--enables you to achieve all your other goals, and the honest integrating mind is unsurpassed at value production. Using the mind of a winner, you set specific, realistic goals for value production. Perhaps you want to develop a new product or service. Or you may want to produce new artwork or novels. Whatever you choose, the mind of a winner will make it happen quicker and more efficiently. The competitive production of values requires the integration of many things. For example, the production of values requires planning, research, production, marketing, distribution, accounting, managerial, and customer service functions. An individual might have to deal with all these functions in a single day. With the corroded mind, this becomes overwhelming. The corroded mind breaks down. Now add in the rapid expansion of a business, and the corroded mind loses control. It cannot keep up with the increasing demands of business. The business person either has to restrict the growth of the business or delegate responsibilities to others to handle the increasing complexity. How does this compare to the honest integrating mind? The honest integrating mind operates in an entirely different way than the corroded mind. To begin with, the honest integrating mind is fully integrated with reality and honesty. Thus, illusions, deceptions, pragmatism, and dishonesty do not exist in the mind of a winner. From this solid base of reality and honesty springs business, but not traditional business. The mind of a winner integrates percepts into concepts, concepts into thoughts, and thoughts into principles. The honest integrating mind generates knowledge without limits--infinitely beyond the narrow limits of the corroded mind. With its principled thinking, the honest integrating mind takes a systematic approach to business. This mind develops business in radically new ways that parallel the operation of this mind. From its principled thinking, the honest integrating mind makes vast integrations of knowledge. It integrates the past, present, and future. Seeing things from Olympian perspectives, it becomes conscious of its actions far in advance of taking those actions. This foresight enables the man or woman with the mind of a winner to flourish in business. Business is divided into segments and each segment is built to its maximum capacity of conscious thought. Then these segments are integrated by the subconscious to yield a new, super-wide perspective of business. This new knowledge is subdivided and then integrated in the same way to produce finer distinctions and wider integrations. Using this process of subdivision and integration, the mind of a winner soars into genuine power and earned wealth. No problem is insurmountable. In fact, the larger the problem, the more new knowledge will result. This means that, in business and in the personal realm, the mind of a winner is unstoppable. No one can stop the mind of a winner from competitively producing and exchanging values. Value destruction becomes uncompetitive. Value destroyers--from small-time con artists to mega murderers--cannot stop the honest integrating mind from generating limitless wealth. Equally important, professional value destroyers cannot drain values or wealth from the integrated value producers. Thus, to survive, all value destroyers will have to develop the mind of a winner--or commit suicide. Consider how many people attempt to achieve their dreams and fail. They give up and die unfulfilled. Some become cynical. Others become apathetic. A few turn to crime. But what about the handful of people who succeed on a large scale? What makes this handful of people different from everyone else? Do they have more money, luck, or intelligence? Studies reveal that none of these things are the sufficient cause for great success. People from all different backgrounds have achieved startling success. People who were poor, who had average intelligence, and who did not experience good luck achieved wonderful success. Others who had money, intelligence, and good luck also achieved great

success. So what is the cause of great success? What is the difference between those that succeed and those that fail? Everyone who succeeded on a grand scale learned something that those who fail never learned. Those who experienced great success implicitly learned how to do integrated thinking. Those who failed did not learn how to do integrated thinking. Essentially everyone who succeeded on a grand scale did not learn how to do integrated thinking from books or classrooms. No. People such as Baron de Rothschild, Benjamin Franklin, Cornelius Vanderbuilt, Jay Gould, Henry Ford, and other genuine millionaires learned how to integrate knowledge through their own experiences. These people did not read their way to million dollar fortunes. They learned, from in-the-trenches experiences and survival pressures, how to integrate knowledge. In fact, valid methods of how to integrate knowledge did not even exist in books until recently. Integrated thinking is the mechanism that generates unlimited values and prosperity. But, while the great wealth producers implicitly learned how to do integrated thinking, they did not know how to do this explicitly. Thus, they could not use integrated thinking to its fullest extent. Now, today, you can use integrated thinking and be explicitly aware of integrating knowledge. By being conscious of the process of integrating knowledge, you will out-think all those who use the corroded mind. Moreover, you do not have to make errors in your thinking. If you are unsure about coming to a conclusion, you can refrain from making it. Furthermore, you know how to validate your knowledge to achieve certainty. Yes, becoming conscious of the process of integrated thinking is super power. This advances you beyond your peers. You can use integrated thinking to achieve whatever you want. Integrated thinking provides such a flood of advantages over the corroded mind that soon everyone will use integrated thinking. Once you develop the mind of a winner, you can divide each part of your life into segments and build each to its maximum capacity of conscious thought. Those maximum-capacity segments are suddenly integrated into brand new knowledge. With this new knowledge you can construct compelling plans for your life. The mind of a winner enables you to create realistic plans that lead you to fulfillment. That fulfillment, in turn, leads to your own abiding happiness. And abiding happiness is the most important thing you can achieve.

Turn Your Thoughts Into Things Does the idea of turning your thoughts into things sound mystical? Everyone has heard of mystical notions such as "the mind creates reality" or "mind over matter". In reality, the mind does not create reality, nor does the mind have primacy over matter. The mind does, however, play a crucial role in the conversion of thoughts to things. While the old corroded mind is inefficient in the conversion of thoughts to things, the new integrating mind is super-efficient in converting thoughts into things. The idea of turning your thoughts into things is not a mystical, good-sounding idea that leads to failure. This idea is valid. People throughout history have implicitly used it to create businesses, buildings, art, and more. In fact, every man-made thing that exists was an idea before it was brought into reality. This fact applies to things as small as paper clips to things as large as civilizations. You gain real power when you explicitly know how to turn thoughts into things. Turning thoughts into things does not require machinations, deception, or dishonesty. All such dishonesty only leads to long-term failure. Why is this so? Because dishonesty contradicts reality and

the nature of conscious beings. The inescapable result of contradicting reality is the failure to turn thoughts into things. When you use the mind of a winner to turn thoughts into things, you will amaze yourself and others. You will knowingly turn your thoughts into things. You gain real power when you become aware of this process. Look at a young person for example. He wants a career and a family life, but he does not have these things. So he goes to college and earns a degree. Afterward, he gets a job in the field he chose. Then he enters into a love relationship with a girl he admires. They get married. Together they buy a house, cars, furniture, appliances, and so on. During the course of this young man's life, he wants certain things and he gets them. The same is true for his wife. There is a system they are implicitly following, but they, like most people, are not explicitly aware of this system. They simply have a desire and then fulfill it. You, with the mind of a winner, take the next step toward turning your thoughts into things. You become conscious of your thought processes and how to convert them into things. The young people described above want a house and they get it. They want two cars and they get them. They want a vacation and they get it. But all the while they do not grasp that there is a system at work here. If they grasped this system, they can use it to get whatever they want. Unfortunately, they do not grasp this system. Thus, they never experience the boundless prosperity available from life. You can overcome this limitation. By grasping this system, you can tap into the unlimited prosperity available to all conscious beings. You can have whatever you want. The key to the system of turning thoughts into things is having non-contradictory goals. Yet, goals by themselves are not enough. You need to combine goals with the honest integrating mind. Using this powerful integrating mind, you look at things from a larger-than-life perspective. You see the big picture. In your mind you picture what you want. You imagine the details of your desired goal as if it already existed. In your mind you can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch your goal. Your imagination produces a vivid scene of your goal as if it were completed. Such a goal is not a small one like a new coat or new shoes, although these can be used to practice the art of turning thoughts into things. With the honest integrating mind, you combine vast ranges of concepts. Thus, you visualize larger-than-life goals. Then, after you see how everything comes together, you break these goals down into sub-goals. You end up with multiple goals, each being small enough to actualize or give form to in reality. Next, you assign a time limit on each of these sub-goals. Since the sub-goals are interrelated to your main goal, your main goal will determine the time limits for each sub-goal. Then you think about what you need to do to achieve each sub-goal. That is, you break each sub-goal down into workable steps. As stated earlier, you then put these steps in appropriate time slots in your schedule. In essence, what you are doing is working backwards; you are beginning with the end in mind. You lay out the specific, concrete action steps in your schedule. Then as each day arrives, you simply accomplish each task that is listed for that day. If you do this every day, there is no way you can fail to turn your thoughts into things. This is a timeless principle that works for all people at all times. The best way to use this system is to start with small goals. Doing so enables you to become familiar with this system and not become overwhelmed by it. Once you feel comfortable with this system, you can advance to larger, more complex goals. This system of turning thoughts into things works with anything. You can use this system to build a business empire or develop yourself or produce a series of paintings or whatever you want, as long as it does not contradict reality. This system, once mastered, is so efficacious that you will never want to leave it. As you get better at using this system, it becomes easier and more enjoyable to use. You can then turn your thoughts into things in less time and with greater efficiency.

For example, suppose you want to change your life completely. Perhaps you no longer experience happiness in your current lifestyle. You know that achieving abiding happiness is very important to you, but your life is arranged so that you rarely, if ever, experience it. You just go through the motions of living. Enthusiasm, joy, and pleasure are almost gone. You feel as if there is nothing worth living for--nothing you can get really excited about. Sadly, many people feel like this. So you decide to change your life. This is a monumental task with huge risks inherent in it. What can you do? How can you bring this thought into reality? You find a quiet place where you can think without interruption. After relaxing your mind and body for a few minutes, you look at the big picture of your life. You determine where you have been and where you are now in life. Reflection will provide you with this information. Next, you list your assets and liabilities, your strengths and weaknesses, and your likes and dislikes. This information is the basis for determining where you want to go in life. As you increase your self-knowledge, your level of self-confidence goes up. Later, you can use this knowledge to direct your imagination. You allow your subconscious to run freely for a while and you remain aware of its images. Perhaps you see yourself living and working in a different part of the world. You may even see yourself in a new career. Temporarily suspending judgment, you allow your subconscious to generate new images. Say you were an artist, but now you want to become a businessperson. You picture yourself, in clear detail, in your new lifestyle as an international business tycoon. You see what you are wearing and driving, where you are living and working, the type of work you are doing, and who you interact with. Remember, this is the creative stage. It is okay not to know how you will achieve these things. After you have some ideas about what you would like your future to be, it is time to evaluate these ideas and make them workable. On a piece of paper you list the type of work you want to do, where you want to work and live, the type of people you want to be around, and so on. Here you need to do some research to find out if you really can do these things. For example, you check references books about business trends, occupations, places to live, etc. You compare this factual data with the visions of your future and modify your plans accordingly. Now you have a general idea about how you are going to change your life. Since your plans are backed by facts, you feel confident about your future. The next step is to break each major action into tasks and attach deadlines to each one. For example, you set a deadline for when you will seek out new business opportunities. Then you put these tasks into your schedule according to their assigned deadlines. Again, as each day comes, you mechanically complete each task. Over time, you cannot help achieving your goals. Within a few years you will have brought the thought of changing your life into reality. You really can develop the mind of a winner. By reading and listening to Leonard Peikoff's masterworks, you, too, can and will develop the mind of a winner. Those two products allow every conscious being to develop and use the mind of a winner. They are your fast-track ticket to the rightside up world that is now dawning on planet Earth. In the mid 1980s, Anthony Robbins wrote his bestselling book Unlimited Power. A million people were exposed to the technique of "modeling" from his book. Modeling, Anthony Robbins explains in his book and audiotape program, is a technique that comes from neuro- linguistic programming. He explains that you can "model" the way a person thinks or acts to achieve similar results. Thus, if you find a successful person and you think and act as they do, you can duplicate their success.

So who in history had the mind of a winner? One person did; her name is Ayn Rand. She developed the mind of a winner and she revealed the functioning of this mind in her works. Now you can model the mind of a winner to capture limitless success. In summary, you can develop the mind of a winner by removing the impurities from your mind and learning how the honest integrating mind functions. You advance into genuine power when you do these two things. You move beyond the competition as your peers and competitors remain crippled with their corroded minds. You leave that corroded mind behind forever when you develop the honest integrating mind. This enables you to outcompete all other minds: all mystical minds, criminal minds, and specialized minds. Eventually, everyone will have to dump the dishonest/disintegrating Plato mind and develop the honest/integrating Rand mind. Survival pressures will eventually drive everyone into developing the honest integrating mind--the mind of a winner. You will be among the first in history to develop the mind of a winner. You will command life on Earth.

Secret #5

Generate Money Without Limits

Money: what is it? Everybody wants and needs it, but few really know what it is and how to generate it. Some people and groups associate money with immorality, guilt, and shame. Others understate the importance of money and try to live without it. But what is money and how can you have more of it without guilt or shame? Money is not difficult to understand. It is a simple subject. Unfortunately, some people throughout history have worked very hard to make the issue of money complicated and confusing. Yes, the corroded mind has contaminated ideas about money just as it has with ideas about love, power, friendships, art, and so on. With the mind of a winner, you bypass all those contaminations. You do not need to waste time on them. By grasping the essence of money and wealth creation, you simply circumvent the irrationalities surrounding money. Are you ready for this? Striving for money per se is boring and unfulfilling. Does this contradict what you have heard from others about money? If so, you are not alone. Striving for money is supposed to be a full-time activity that everyone engages in. Yet, if your primary goal is to get money, you will feel unfulfilled when you get it. The feeling is similar to: is this all there is to it? The ultimate goal of all human action is to achieve abiding happiness. So you need to do something other than strive for money as an end in itself to experience lasting fulfillment and happiness. This secret reveals the nature of money. It also exposes a deadly trap you need to be aware of and avoid so you can generate money without limits. You will learn principles of wealth creation, which you can use to get rich. Moreover, this secret dispels myths about money so you can generate money while building self-esteem and happiness.

Money and Values In advanced societies, people quantify the worth of products and services. In other words, they assign prices to products and services. By quantifying the worth of products and services in terms of price, money can act as a medium of exchange for them. Who ultimately determines the prices of products and services in a free market? Do governments or business leaders? No. Customers who participate in the marketplace ultimately determine the prices of products and services.

Why can't one person set prices in a free economy? Because if someone sets artificially high prices for a product, customers will purchase that product elsewhere. If that product does not exist elsewhere, entrepreneurs will arise to offer that product at a price customers will pay. In a free society, unrestricted competition will override any individual's edicts in the marketplace. The name of the system that prevents any individual, group, or government from arbitrarily setting prices in the marketplace is laissez-faire capitalism. Cyberspace and laissez-faire capitalism are inseparable. So money is the medium of exchange for products and services among individuals. The more money a person has, the more products and services he or she can purchase. No wonder why billions of people want a lot of money. If this is so, should a person do anything he or she can to get more money to buy more and more values? No. Why not? The answer arises from the nature of values. Values are contextual. They cannot be attained apart from a context. Values are another form of money, like energy is another form of matter. If values are purchased with illicit money, then those values are no longer values. They become disvalues over the long run. In other words, values acquired with illicit money are not assets; they are long-term liabilities. For example, suppose a man swindles money from an unsuspecting individual. Eventually, he uses the stolen money to buy a car. No matter how great the car is, it is not a value to him. Why? Because values are contextual. Others will ask him about the car, and he will have to lie when explaining how he got the money to buy it. He will need money to drive and maintain the car. Where will he get this money? He will resort to the same technique he used to get the car. He will cheat others out of their money. What will he do when he needs another car? What will he do when he needs new clothes, or housing, or any other value? He will probably depend on fraudulent tactics to get money. The bottom line is that the relationship between money and values is immutable. It cannot be faked, distorted, or evaded. As soon as you grasp the relationship between money, values, and self-esteem, all mystical and criminal notions suddenly become ridiculous. In reality, you can only become prosperous by competitively producing values and trading those values with others. In the upside-down world, people do become rich using force and fraud. But that world is moribund; Cyberspace and the integrating mind will replace that world, bit by bit. In its place will arise a right-side up world where force, threat of force, and fraud are uncompetitive and thus obsolete. This means that faking reality to gain values will vanish permanently. Then what? What will this mean in day-to-day situations of money and value transfers? Everyone will eventually survive through the virtuous dynamics of business. But not business as everyone knows it today. People will survive and flourish in a new-to-Earth dynamic: laissez-faire capitalism implemented in Cyberspace. Individuals will market and, in many cases, distribute values throughout Cyberspace. Money is a medium of exchange for values. Values are those products and services that sustain and advance human life. Money is another form of values; values are another form of money. Those who seek to acquire money need to competitively produce and voluntarily exchange values. The amount of money a person receives will be in exact proportion to the amount of values he or she produces and trades. Force and fraud in the realm of money--or any other realm--are futile because reality cannot be contradicted. Sooner or later reality will assert itself. In Cyberspace, reality asserts itself almost immediately. When it does, those who use force or fraud to gain values will be further behind than if they never did anything. Money is an effect. The cause of money is value production. Yet value production is not an unthinking, effortless task. It is a difficult, demanding activity. Value production requires clear conceptual thinking, long-range planning, goals, and disciplined action. Furthermore, value production

requires an uncompromising commitment to reality, objectivity, and honesty. In other words, it requires constant effort in thought and action. And this does not happen automatically or easily. In fact, value production is hard work, very hard work. So why bother with the constant high-effort that value production demands? The answer resides in the nature of man. Man is a conceptual being. As such, he has to achieve abstract, psychological values as well as concrete, material values. Abstract, psychological needs are just as important as concrete, material needs. Man's nature requires that he fulfill psychological needs such as self-esteem, as well as material needs such as food. Self-esteem is to the mind as food is to the body. Without it, the mind will wither away, leaving a dying or dead psyche. Self-esteem is the conviction that one is competent to live and is worthy of experiencing happiness. It makes one's life worth living. What does self-esteem have to do with value production? The two are inextricably linked. Value production is the primary source of self-esteem; it is indispensable for psychological survival. The ability to deal with reality objectively, honestly, and competently is a requisite for value production. Business, which consists of solving problems, is the act of producing and marketing values that others need or want, and will voluntarily pay for. A person who successfully deals with reality to produce and market values will experience self-esteem. This person lives by the effort of his or her own mind, and knows that he or she is capable of living in accordance with reality. There is no substitute for genuine self-esteem. Money, sexual conquests, hobbies, or awards will not suffice for the self-esteem that comes from consistent value production. What happens to a person who attempts to replace value production with other activities, such as sexual promiscuity, promoting altruistic causes, or stealing? That person develops a pseudo self-esteem and ends up faking success and prosperity. He or she becomes dependent on faking reality--through dishonesty, deception, and manipulation--to survive psychologically. Why bother? Today, with the mind of a winner available to youth and adults, no one needs to fake self-esteem, success, and prosperity. No one needs to fake reality. For, with the mind of a winner, anyone can earn genuine self-esteem, power, and prosperity.

Recognize and Avoid the Specialization Trap Once upon a time there was a boy named Alan. When Alan was a little boy, he loved to watch television. Each evening he would watch his favorite shows after dinner. He liked the lifestyle of one of the characters in a program he watched. This character played an accountant, and Alan thought that this would be an agreeable lifestyle. Subconsciously, Alan thought that he should become a successful accountant like the character in one of his favorite television shows. He never articulated this thought. He simply imagined himself being a happy, prosperous accountant when he grew up. A few years later, when Alan was ten, Alan's parents asked him what he wanted to be when he became an adult. Alan did not have to think about the question. He immediately and confidently replied with the answer, "I want to be an accountant when I grow up." His parents were surprised by the conviction in Alan's voice, but they were nonetheless glad that their son already knew what he wanted to be. Alan apparently knew what he was going to do with the rest of his life. From his parent's perspective, Alan's life was all set. He would finish school and then get a job as an accountant. Alan's life progressed from childhood into adolescence and then adulthood. He completed high school and then went to college for several years. Alan earned an accounting degree from college, as well as some academic awards. His future looked bright. Alan used his college degree to land a job at a successful accounting firm. He was happy with the pay, work, and environment. Everything seemed to be working out according to Alan's plans. He worked

for a few years at his new job and was generally happy with his work. Others thought Alan had it made; they thought he would have a great life. However, something was wrong. Alan could not yet put it into words, but he sensed that something was preventing him from growing into ever-greater realms of knowledge, achievement, prosperity, and well-being. He felt as if all the doors to opportunity and growth were slowly closing and they would lock him into a narrow existence for the rest of his life. He experienced spiritual claustrophobia. Strangely, no one in his office ever mentioned a word about this closed-in feeling. But he believed that others experienced a similar feeling. Alan grew into his late twenties. Workers in his office thought that Alan was a success. In fact, everybody thought that Alan was a success. Everyone, that is, except Alan. Alan felt as if he was dying inside. But not being able to formulate his internal experience into words left Alan unable to deal with it. No one could understand how Alan truly felt about his work and his life. Then one day after a lot of studying and reflection, Alan realized why he felt the way he did. He could now express in words what he had sensed at work. He knew that he could communicate what he was experiencing to anyone. After more than twenty-five years of living, Alan finally understood what had happened to him and everyone else who failed to achieve abiding success and prosperity. What had happened to Alan? Why was this seemingly successful young man with a bright future losing the values of growth, prosperity, and happiness? When you understand what happened to Alan, you, too, can break out of an insidious trap just as Alan did. With his new understanding of what was going on around him, Alan began to feel alive again. At first, Alan did not know how he would solve his dilemma. But he was excited just to know what was happening. He knew from past experiences that once he understood what the problem was, he could develop a solution. Almost immediately, Alan was growing again. He began to feel glad to be alive. Alan had not felt like that since childhood. As his knowledge increased, Alan understood everything clearly. He grasped that he was caught in the specialization trap. That was his problem. There was nothing ambiguous about his situation. Alan soon learned that most professionals and working people fell into the same trap that he did. He was not alone, just as he suspected. Others never complained because they thought the specialization trap was normal. They believed there was no alternative. In short, they had surrendered to "the system"; they had succumbed to the upside-down world. Fortunately for Alan, he never surrendered to such irrationality. He knew something was wrong and he was motivated to find out what it was. In a short time, Alan understood exactly what had happened. Alan realized that his specialized job caused his slow spiritual death. Because of his specialized job, Alan had been growing farther away from the values of life. He had felt as if new knowledge, wealth, romantic love, and happiness were becoming beyond his reach. Inside, Alan had been dying, even though outside he was only in his late twenties. While his body was youthful, his mind was growing old. Alan had been caught in the specialization trap, which had prevented him from growing into new knowledge and limitless riches. In fact, the upside-down world locks essentially everyone into the specialization trap. Few people escape that trap. Once people fall into the specialization trap, they usually remain in a narrow rut for life. If something unusual does not happen to them, they will die in the specialization mode without ever experiencing exciting prosperity and deep fulfillment. Fortunately, this does not have to happen to you. By becoming aware of the specialization trap, you can avoid it or break out of it. With the mind of a winner, you leave specialization behind forever. You go directly into the integrating mode.

That mode, integrated thinking, is what generates unlimited knowledge, beyond-belief fortunes, rich romantic love, and abiding happiness. The human mind is a reality-integrating faculty. It integrates knowledge without limits. Any mature rational mind can think in all directions of human knowledge. From science to art, history to money, psychology to sex, the human mind can integrate all knowledge. With reason and logic, the human mind develops knowledge without limits. That limitless capacity to generate knowledge is the essence of the mind of a winner. So how can you avoid or break out of the specialization trap? Using the mind of a winner, you form concepts without limits. You consciously integrate those concepts into an endless array of thoughts and ideas. Some of those ideas will be ordinary; others will be extraordinary. As you generate a vast array of thoughts and ideas, you integrate them into principles. Those principles contain not just a large array of knowledge, but an infinite array of knowledge. Suddenly, you move into a realm of wide-open thinking. You soar far beyond specialized jobs, mystical minds, criminal minds, and the entire upside-down world. Those open-ended principles enable you to integrate past knowledge, present knowledge, and future knowledge. In other words, principled thinking lets you integrate all knowledge. Since knowledge begets knowledge, you continuously advance in new knowledge. That continual development of new knowledge lets you bypass the specialization trap. Remember, the mind of a winner is a clean, honest integrating mind. And that super-competitive mind excels at: (1) identifying problems, (2) discovering solutions, and (3) generating millionaire profits through the virtuous dynamics of business. In the upside-down world, most people think in narrow ranges of knowledge. The nature of their specialized careers and jobs prevents them from breaking into integrated thinking. Thus, they remain trapped in a closed thinking process. That closed-end thinking prevents profound excitement--the excitement that comes from high-effort integrated thinking. But all that will change. What guarantees that change? The freely competitive dynamics now flowing throughout Cyberspace. As the right-side up world replaces the upside-down world, individuals all over the planet will race to develop the mind of a winner. People will develop the honest integrating mind to survive. That will occur regardless of what any person or group says or does. Once people develop the mind of a winner, which is starting to occur, specialized jobs will vanish. Individuals across the globe will become too powerful for pigeon-holed, dead-end jobs. With their awesome integrating capacities, people everywhere will take on new business responsibilities. As this occurs, people will leave their old specialized jobs behind forever. Their new business responsibilities will enable them to generate wealth for (1) their companies and (2) themselves. Each person who develops the mind of a winner will inevitably move into a world of exciting riches and abiding happiness. You can do this long before everyone else. You can develop the mind of a winner now and hold ground-floor advantages over the competition. Today the choice is: become specialized or become integrated. Tomorrow the choice will be: become integrated or face extinction.

Limitless Wealth Creation Specialization blocks you from great wealth. Integration opens the door to great wealth. With just a little integrated thinking, you can produce rewards out of all proportion to the effort involved. However, constant integrated thinking and effort are the keys to unlimited wealth. Reality is inescapable across time and space. No matter how far you travel or how long you wait, you cannot escape reality. Even if you attempt to evade reality in your own mind, reality never goes away.

Regardless of what anyone says or does, reality exists, has existed eternally, and will always exist. So what does reality have to do with wealth creation? Everything; it is indispensable to wealth creation. For, wealth depends on one's ability to successfully deal with reality. Wealth comes from shaping reality into values for which others willingly pay. You can generate wealth by shaping reality into material values such as cars, houses, computers, and so on. This requires the ability to accurately perceive the facts of reality, to grasp what is. It then requires the ability to identify the steps required to transform what is into what you intend to produce. Wealth generation also requires the ability to identify customers and market your values to them. You can also generate wealth through abstract values such as services and new knowledge. Abstract values do not require rearranging physical reality as material values do. Abstract values require the generation of new knowledge from known facts of reality. For example, integrating known facts into new, valid concepts and ideas can yield advanced computer software. Such software can then flow through Cyberspace for mass consumption. Or, one can develop new electronic documents that build on existing works and deliver brand new knowledge. The most important point here is that wealth creation begins with, and is controlled by, the human mind. Yes, the conscious mind is the mechanism that directs wealth creation. No other animal can even remotely create wealth because none possesses a conscious mind capable of conceptualizing and controlling reality. In the past, the corroded mind has been able to produce wealth. Yet, that mind has impurities that limit its power. In the future, the mind of a winner will produce all the wealth on Earth. It does not have impurities; it has no limitations. Thus, the mind of a winner easily outcompetes the corroded mind for power, wealth, romantic love, and happiness. Eventually, the mind of a winner will obsolete the corroded mind. The mind of a winner will leave the corroded mind behind in the mystical dust storms from which it arose. The mind of a winner is man-made; it does not arise from nature. This mind is introspective and business-like. It is a focused mind, which enables it to understand anything with clarity. Because it is an integrating mind, it functions infinitely beyond the scope of memorization and specialization. In the computer/information age, you need to integrate knowledge, not memorize it, to survive. With the honest integrating mind, you do not become overwhelmed by the ever-increasing flow of information. You become excited. For, you snap each new piece of information into an evolving mind puzzle. That evolving mind puzzle eventually reveals a totally new success picture. You then use that success picture to lead you to the big money just as you would use a map to lead you to your destination. You can get incredibly rich now by developing the mind of a winner before everyone else. In the near future, this will be the only way to get rich. For, the mind of a winner has no limitations on thinking or wealth generation. Thus, this omnipotent mind soars past the limited, corroded mind to capture all the wealth, power, and romantic love available on Earth. Remember, wealth comes from the competitive production and voluntary exchange of values. With the mind of a winner, you interlock several money-gathering principles into powerful new knowledge. By taking action on that new knowledge, you explode into millionaire wealth. Like King Midas, everything you touch turns to gold. You can use the following money-gathering principles for limitless wealth creation. * Be the first to identify and penetrate a market * Develop original, wanted values that do not exist elsewhere * Produce universal values * Produce maximum values that sell for minimum cost * Design products so one effort can be multiplied many times

* Deliver more in use-value than the price you charge * Continuously introduce new versions of your products * Cultivate repeat business Let's briefly look at each one of these.

Be The First To Identify And Penetrate A Market This requires wide-scope knowledge and a solid understanding of market trends. If you see a newly emerging market before the competition does, you can be the first to serve that market. You can develop that market into a realm of unlimited opportunity. What are the advantages of being the first to identify and penetrate a market? You have the opportunity to set the standards and trends in that market. You also have a spectacular chance to gain market share dominance. Competitors will scramble to grab part of the market when they see that a viable market exists. But you will already be there setting the standards that others strive to follow. Being the first to penetrate a market does not guarantee long-term success. However, if you do identify a market before the competition does and develop that market with superior products and methods, you can become incredibly rich. Recall some companies that were the first to serve a market. In several cases, people equate the name of products in a given market with the name of the company that established the market. Xerox, Kleenex, Levis Strauss, and other companies are synonymous with the products in their market. For example, people might say "Xerox this article so others can read it" or "Here is a Kleenex to wipe your tears" or "I'm going to wear Levis to the party tonight." Xerox stands for copies, Kleenex stands for tissues, and Levis stands for jeans. By being the first to penetrate a market, your company's name can be associated with the products in that market. As in the case of Kodak, Microsoft, and other companies, this can culminate in beyond-belief fortunes.

Develop Original, Wanted Values That Do Not Exist Elsewhere You can generate unlimited income by producing new values that are wanted and needed by others. If you produce values--goods or services--that are not available anywhere else, you can create enormous wealth. Examples of such original values are specialty automobiles and the first personal computers. However, once others find out about your success, some will vie for your successful position in the marketplace.

Produce Universal Values This is the most potent idea you can use for limitless wealth creation. It is also the most difficult. For, it requires that you cultivate wide-scope knowledge and hard-earned experience for untold years or decades. However, such wide-scope knowledge and extensive experience pay off handsomely. They empower you with the ability to produce values that are needed or wanted by all people everywhere at all times. Examples of universal values are Aristotle's logic, Titian's paintings, Antonio Vivaldi's concertos, Feyodor Dostoyevski's novels, Ayn Rand's philosophy, and Carl Sagan's astronomy. Youth through adult can benefit from all these values. Through vast integrations of knowledge and hardearned experience, you, too, can develop values that benefit everyone. Such an all-encompassing market enables you to generate wealth without limits.

Produce Maximum Values That Sell For Minimum Cost This is dependent on the previous money-gathering principle. You do not serve specialized or niche markets; you serve broad markets. How? By producing values that have a global appeal. Those values let you expand far beyond narrow markets to capture national and international markets. Why do maximum values enable you to get rich? Because of an immutable law of reality: the more people you serve, the more money you receive.

Design Products So One Effort Can Be Multiplied Many Times This money-gathering principle empowers you by leveraging your resources. You gain maximum advantages out of the time, effort, and money you invest in producing values. How do you do this? You multiply a single product into many thousands or millions of products. For example, consider a book. You make one effort--typically an intense effort--to write a book. Afterward, you can multiply that one book by printing thousands of copies to sell to thousands of readers. Also, consider computer software. A software developer produces a product and tests it. Once the product works perfectly, the developer can multiply it by making millions of copies. Thus, the one effort to produce a software product can be sold to millions of computer users. Rather than serving just a few people with your values, you serve a multitude of people. As a result, your income increases to match the number of people you serve.

Deliver More In Use-Value Than The Price You Charge This is an unbeatable money strategy first identified in The Essence of Success audiotape program (Earl Nightingale, Nightingale Conant, 1991). Does this mean you give more values to customers than they pay for? No. That would result in your business falling into bankruptcy. What it does mean is you deliver a value to the customer which provides him or her with greater use or benefits than the price the customer pays. For example, consider a music CD. The customer pays a small price for a music CD. However, that music CD can provide the customer with listening pleasure not just once, but fifty times or more. Another example is a book. A customer pays a small price for a book. If the book contains valid, useful information, the purchaser can use the material in the book to gain lifeenhancing benefits. The purchaser can then come back to the book to glean values from it for years into the future. He or she can even pass the book to family members and friends so they can benefit from it. And the purchaser gains all this use-value for one low price. Why do you get rich by giving the customer greater use-value than the price you charge? Because the customer is satisfied with his or her outlay of money. He or she gains lasting value, usually from one low cost. That satisfaction is what motivates the customer to keep coming back to do business with you. The customer may even recommend your products to others. Customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and customer advertising can make you rich.

Continuously Introduce New Versions Of Your Products Around the turn of the twentieth century, Henry Ford revolutionized the automotive industry by applying the assembly line process to the production of cars. Ford Motor Company became more effective in the production of cars compared to their competition. This resulted in Ford becoming the

dominant producer of cars at that time. Within a short time, other car makers adopted the assembly line process in order to compete with Ford. But Alfred Sloan of General Motors decided to offer several different models and continuously introduce new versions of its models. Ford, the market leader, had a small, non-evolving product line, which restricted the customer's choices. However, General Motors offered a diverse product line. It also continuously introduced new versions of its product line to attract new and repeat customers. This approach enabled General Motors to surpass Ford Motor Company in terms of market share and profitability for decades. Today, essentially all car manufacturers periodically offer the customer new versions of their products. Some do this at regular intervals. This money-gathering principle can be applied to markets beyond the automobile. You can implement this idea with products that traditionally do not change. For example, companies publish books with non-evolving content. Some companies introduce these same books many years later with a new title or a new introduction and epilogue. But the content in these books remains the same. Thus, companies miss the opportunity to sell new versions of books to past customers, as well as attract new customers that did not buy the first version. You can apply this principle to audiotape programs, compact discs, and other traditionally non-evolving products. An effective way to introduce new versions of a product is to plan for them during the design of the first version. By consistently introducing new versions of your products, you can increase repeat sales and sell your products to more people in your market.

Cultivate Repeat Business Getting a new customer to buy a product from your business requires hard work. However, getting an existing customer to buy another product from your business requires less work. The primary reason for cultivating repeat business is to increase sales in the most effective way possible. This can lead to increased profits. Offering original values, giving greater use-value than the price you charge, and introducing new versions of products can increase repeat business. If your customers need or want your products, and your business generates customer satisfaction, you can develop customer loyalty. That customer loyalty can make you rich. How? By increasing sales through (1) repeat business and (2) customers telling other people about your products. Using these eight money-gathering principles does not guarantee that you will become wealthy. For example, you do not need to produce maximum values that sell for minimum cost. Yes, you can get rich by selling millions of low-priced computer software products. But you can also get rich by selling high-priced cars or jewels. The above eight ideas are principles of wealth creation. The goal is to figure out how you can apply them to your own specific situation.

Build Your Own Fortune You gain genuine advantages by understanding the three basic economic eras or ages. Do not worry if you are not an economist. These three ages are easy to grasp. What are they? Perhaps the well-known author Alvin Toffler best explained them. The three economic ages are (1) the agricultural age, (2) the industrial age, and (3) the information age. Let's look at each one. The agricultural age began around 8,000 BC. Before that time, human beings lived in a hunting and gathering mode. They simply wandered from place to place seeking food. Then people discovered they could plant their own food and raise their own livestock. Thus, they no longer needed to wander from one location to the next. People began to settle down and establish farms to meet their own

physical needs. The first human civilization arose as more and more people did this. This civilization, which arose between 10,000 BC and 8,000 BC, was a prehistoric civilization. Its people lacked an alphabet, writing, mathematics, and conceptual consciousness. Over time, this agricultural civilization became more sophisticated and included business, the alphabet, mathematics, written records, and conceptual consciousness. This agricultural age dominated life on Earth for nearly 10,000 years. Then the second era arose and essentially replaced it. The industrial age began around 1750. The famous economist Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations in the early part of the industrial age. In it, Adam Smith revealed the workings of a capitalist society based on an industrial economy. The industrial age replaced agricultural goods with industrial goods as the core of society's economy. Jobs shifted from working on the fields to working in factories. Technology shifted from hand tools to machines. Populations shifted from rural locations to urban locations. The new division of labor, as explained in Adam Smith's masterpiece, culminated in unprecedented wealth for the industrialized world. Opportunities for people to become rich, which did not exist in the agricultural age, became available in the industrial age. Some people became incredibly wealthy during this era, such as the Vanderbuilts, the Goulds, the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, the Fords. This industrial age dominated life on Earth for 200 years. However, the third era arose to dominate the economy. The information age began in the 1970s. Knowledge, information, and data are replacing industrial goods as the core of society's economy. For example, look at the computer industry. Computers, the Internet, and information databases are replacing cars, bridges and industrial machines as the driving force of the economy. At the time of this writing, in 1997, the information age is still in its infancy. Nevertheless, information is replacing industrial goods as the essence of economic productivity. Jobs are shifting from factories to offices and even homes. Technology is shifting from mechanical machines to electronic appliances such as computers. Populations appear to be shifting from urban locations to suburban locations. Finally, the division of labor is yielding to the division of essence. Entrepreneurial jobs, as explained by business leader and author Mark Hamilton, are beginning to replace specialized jobs. The shift from an industrial economy to an information economy presents an unprecedented opportunity. What is that opportunity? It is the opportunity to become rich--guiltlessly and without limits. Perhaps the greatest aspect of this new opportunity is that anyone can become wealthy. This opportunity is not for a select few; it is for everyone. Age, financial status, social status, educational background, even personal beliefs do not matter. As the information age replaces the industrial age, a radically new situation unfolds. Boring, routine, dead-end jobs that do not integrate with making money become obsolete. In their place arise exciting, dynamic, competitive jobs that directly integrate with making money. This is how you can build your own fortune. Earl Nightingale said that luck occurs when preparedness meets opportunity. When you develop the mind of a winner, you become "lucky". For, you are prepared to cash in on the opportunities inherent in the division of essence workplace. As businesses transform from the division of labor to the division of essence, you, with the honest integrating mind, will prosper. A few businesses have already shifted from the division of labor to the division of essence. As they flourish in the information economy, other businesses will scramble to abandon the outmoded division of labor/vertical organization. Once a critical number of businesses transform or "re-engineer" into the division of essence/horizontal organization, everyone will prosper. Everyone will work for their own success, prosperity, and happiness. In the division of labor workplace, most employees earn a set amount of income. Regardless of how productive they are, they earn about the same amount of money each week. However, in the division of essence workplace, employees' pay equals their productivity. An employee in the division of essence workplace is not responsible for one specialized task that is isolated from making money. He

or she integrates with product development, marketing, accounting, and so on within his or her specific area. What is the result? That employee is in a position to generate unlimited money for the company and himself or herself. An employee's pay, in the division of essence workplace, is entirely dependent on his or her own productive effort. What is the relationship between the division of essence and the mind of a winner? Creativity drives the division of essence workplace. In other words, the more creative you are in developing and marketing products, the more money you can earn. The mind of a winner, which is the honest integrating mind, is omnificent; it is the creator of all things. This mind is infinitely creative. Functioning within the laws of physics and mathematics, it has no limitations. The mind of a winner is clean, healthy, independent, and integrated. Thus, it generates limitless new concepts, thoughts, and ideas for unbounded creativity. Against the honest integrating mind, the corroded mind is puny, impotent, uncompetitive, obsolete. Yes, the mind of a winner and the division of essence are arising simultaneously. They belong together. By grasping that the information age is in its infancy, you realize that there are wide-open territories just waiting to be explored. Moreover, there are no authorities to tell others what to do in this newly emerging economy. Productive effort and honesty alone are what deliver limitless prosperity. The independent use of one's own mind, productively and honestly, is the originator of all wealth.

Wealth and Happiness What is the relationship between money and happiness? Is money a cause and happiness an effect? Or is money evil and a hindrance to happiness? Most people have heard contradictory assertions about money, ranging from "money makes people happier" to "money is the root of all evil." Upon close examination, one can see the relationship between the two. Moreover, one can see the primary role of wealth. Money is a medium of exchange for values. A person produces values and exchanges those values for money. The more values one produces and exchanges with others, the more money he or she can accumulate. Then the person can use this money to produce more values and purchase values from others. This is a simplified explanation of wealth production. What about happiness? Happiness is an effect, but money is not the cause, at least not the primary cause. The cause of happiness is the achievement of one's values. For example, say a person consciously values an enriching love relationship. That person then prepares herself to experience such a relationship. Later, she meets a man that she admires and they initiate a relationship. That relationship then develops into a growing love relationship. She may not explicitly grasp the dynamics involved, but she feels happy. Happiness is an effect. The cause is achieving one's values. This presumes that a person has chosen a hierarchy of values. If a person holds money as a high value and earns it, he or she will experience happiness. The same is true of all values, such as self-esteem, romantic love, and aesthetic pleasures. Ultimately, however, happiness, along with prosperity and romantic love, depends on one fundamental condition. Without this condition, one will not experience abiding happiness, prosperity, or romantic love. What is that condition? That condition is productive work. No matter how much money or material abundance one might have, productive work is essential to one's happiness. Even if a person wins a billion dollars in a lottery, that person would need to engage in productive work to experience abiding happiness.

Why would even a billionaire need to engage in productive work to achieve abiding happiness? Wouldn't that billionaire be able to buy his way to happiness? Wouldn't that person derive happiness from the unlimited consumption of material goods? The reason every adult human being needs to engage in productive work is for physical and psychological survival. There is no more profound reason for productive work. One does not work for higher causes or altruistic reasons or duty to one's family, religion, or nation. One does not engage in productive work because of tacit or expressed obligations to others. The only reason one engages in productive work is for one's own physical and psychological survival. In the case of the billionaire, or any individual who is financially independent, he or she still needs to work. In this situation, the individual no longer works for physical survival. The individual's material needs are already taken care of. He or she works for psychological survival. Only productive work can deliver the self-esteem that is needed for psychological survival. Sexual conquests cannot deliver the self-esteem needed for psychological survival. Neither can praying, hobbies, manipulating others, drug use, criminal "scores", killing, or any other activity. In the long run, the avoidance of productive work leads to the subconscious thought, "I wish I was dead." Productive work is the foundation of happiness. It is also the foundation of prosperity. Productive work is indispensable to human beings. Producing more values than one consumes is the essence of a productive, happy life. Equally important is that no one can dictate to others what work to engage in. For some people, productive work might consist of landscaping, painting, composing music, or writing. For others, these may simply be hobbies. Others might choose teaching, healing, or engineering as their means of productive work. The guiding principle here is that productive work requires a long-range perspective, rational goals, a focused mind, and consistent effort. In other words, one needs to approach productive work rationally to experience abiding prosperity and happiness. One can apply this principle to all productive work, including janitorial work, sales, artwork, building a business, or any other productive activity. If productive work is the foundation for all abiding happiness and earned prosperity, and essentially everyone wants to be happy and prosperous, why doesn't everyone engage in productive work? There is a two-part answer to this question. The first part deals with a deeply personal matter. That personal matter is a choice every human being on the planet has to make. Each person has to make the choice to exert the consistent high effort that productive work demands. In essence, each individual human being has to make the following choice: to exert consistent high effort or default to laziness. And that choice has to be made every day by every human being. The second part of the answer is a cultural issue. The culture in the upside-down world cleverly works to foster laziness, incompetence, and criminal thinking. In other words, the culture subtly spreads a dependency attitude in the minds of people. As people absorb this cleverly promoted attitude throughout their life, they subconsciously accept it. People begin to think it is "cool" to take it easy, sit back, and let others do the work. Those who exert the constant high effort needed for value production are labeled as uncool, overachievers, workaholics, or other disparaging names. Some of those consistent hard workers are attacked, thrown into jail, destroyed. Attacked for working hard to produce objective values? Thrown into jail for delivering goods and services that everyone's life depends on? How could that be? Such are the dynamics that comprise the upside-down world. By developing the mind of a winner, you will wield genuine power. With genuine power, you will leave that ridiculous world behind forever. You will eliminate floundering, perpetual truth seeking, endless losses, and unbearable psychological and emotional pain. Also, for the first time on planet Earth, forced poverty will become obsolete. Every person who develops the mind of a winner inevitably prospers without limits. For, each such person steps out of a stagnant irrational world and steps into a dynamic rational world.

Yes, by developing the mind of a winner, you, too, can say good-bye to the upside-down world. Furthermore, you can say hello to limitless wealth, profound happiness, and exciting romantic love-for the rest of your life. With the mind of the winner--the honest integrating mind--you can generate money without limits. You can, with that rational mind, understand everything you need to know for unlimited wealth production. The days of thinking, "That's over my head" or "I can't understand that" are numbered. For, the honest integrating mind can understand anything in existence. Now you know about using failure to boom into success. You also know about commanding the ultimate power system. You know how to clean your mind and develop the mind of a winner. And with that mind you can generate money without limits. The next secret shows you how you can live the life you've always dreamed about. With that secret, you will feel better, be more attractive, and become the person you were meant to be.

Secret #6

Win Every Day

The following secret reveals several ideas that enable you to cash in on the mind of a winner. These ideas range from becoming your own hero to becoming a sexier person. Once you develop the mind of a winner, you will be able to apply these ideas with self-assurance. By using these ideas consistently, you can win every day. Is the idea of winning every day really possible, or is it just a mystic's fantasy? Can you make every day a success, so that each successful day culminates in a successful life? Or are you chained to failure each day, which culminates in an unsuccessful life? Each person's sense of life or their attitude toward life ultimately determines if he or she will win or lose every day. However, the upside-down world constantly works to undermine everyone's efforts to win. What can you do? How can you beat a negative attitude and the seemingly omnipresent upside-down world? Winning every day is an attitude. That attitude arises from rational, business-like thinking. It does not arise from irrational, mystical thinking--from faith, praying, wishful thinking, or other similar concepts that spring from the corroded mind. Once you remove all the impurities from your mind and generate sufficient knowledge, success is practically guaranteed. Moreover, that success is not temporary; it is permanent. With a clean, integrated mind, you know that you will become a winner, permanently. In reality, you will probably not win every single day of your life. That is because the law of averages holds that you will succeed and fail at various times in your life. But that is okay. For, the goal here is to develop the attitude of seeking to win every day. In other words, you want to approach each day as if you intend on succeeding and living the life of a winner. This secret provides you with unbeatable ideas you can use now to win more often in every area of your life. In baseball or football, everyone likes to see a home run or a one-hundred yard touchdown pass that wins the important ball games. However, almost no one likes to see the strenuous work that goes on during practice and in the gym. Yet, that extremely hard work in practice and in the gym provides the foundation for winners. The home runs and one-hundred yard touchdown passes are the cashing in on that hard work. Without that consistent daily effort, such spectacular plays would be insignificant. For, winning teams do much more than perform a few glamorous plays. They win the tough little battles every day.

This secret integrates well with the mind of a winner. With this secret, you will see ordinary things in an entirely new light. Areas such as time management, diet, and exercise that may have been problems for you in the past will now become opportunities to win every day. Also, you will see the idea of hero worship from a radically new perspective. What is the result of these ideas? You can feel better about your life on a day-to-day basis as well as from a long-range perspective. By winning every day, you grow in self-confidence, self-reliance, competence, and self-esteem. Thus, you become motivated to apply yourself one hundred per cent every single day. You look forward to getting up each morning and living each day because you know how to win every day.

Be Your Own Hero The following are some assertions you might have heard while you were growing up. "You will never amount to anything when you grow up!" "Who do you think you are? You can't do that!" "What's wrong with you; why can't you be like the other kids?" "Are you crazy? You are a dreamer; no one could ever do what you want to do!" Do any of these or similar assertions from adults sound familiar? Regardless of the intention of those who utter these remarks, the net result is the same in many cases. That result is the diminishing of one's belief in one's own abilities and bright future. All such remarks either consciously or subconsciously undermine every child's natural exuberance, self-confidence, and self-esteem. The undermining of every child's natural self-confidence and self-esteem is an inherent part of the upside-down world. Why is essentially every child's self-confidence and self-esteem undermined? So each child can be made a part of the upside-down world before he or she can understand what is happening. When each child becomes trapped in the upside-down world, which happens around six years of age, he or she will never know that another world exists. Thus, the upside-world can continue without opposition. If an individual arises occasionally and sees beyond the upside-down world, he or she is simply murdered Socrates/Jesus/Giordano Bruno-style. Through these dynamics, every person on planet Earth lives within the closed boundaries of an upside-down world. Moreover, these dynamics enable the corroded mind to rule everyone on the planet. Now, today, some people have broken through the closed boundaries of the upside-down world. They have also left the corroded mind in the dust. How did they do this? They developed the mind of a winner. That is the beginning of the end of the upside-down world. For, those with the mind of a winner will outflank and outcompete all corroded minds while they bring a right-side up world to planet Earth. As entire populations shift from today's irrational world to tomorrow's rational world, children will be free eternally. They will not be drawn into an irrational world any longer. Additionally, they will no longer be bombarded by ludicrous concepts that spring from the corroded mind. Children will remain clean, innocent, healthy, and powerful forever. Everyone else can recapture their childhood innocence, honesty, and genuine power for limitless prosperity, happiness, and romantic love. People throughout the world will transform from dependence to independence. As they do, they will be stunned by their new-found freedom. That freedom will be all-pervasive; every aspect of their life will be marked by unbounded liberty. At first, people will not know what to do with such freedom. It will seem alien to them. With the rise of the mind of a winner and a rational world, false authorities and bogus leaders will become uncompetitive, even ridiculous. Those external authorities, who survive by forcing others to sacrifice themselves and their values, will not be able to survive. They will become extinct. Against

the newly emerging cosmic integrating minds, external authorities fade away like the oracle at Delphi. Like the lost gods of antiquity, all such external authorities will vanish, never to return to planet Earth. If highly touted leaders such as Odysseys, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Pope Pius XII, and others fade along with their upside-world, who will people look up to? Who will people deem as heroes and model their own lives after? In the forthcoming rational world, heroes will exist. In the upside-down world, those who are dangerous, even murderous, become heroes. For example, citizens believed Hitler to be a hero, as they did Mao and other similar people. Those who are productive, even magnanimous, become villains or "robber barons". For example, citizens believe John D. Rockefeller to be a villain, as they do Jay Gould and other similar people. Those dynamics are reversed in the right-side up world. All who destroy human life, regardless of their good-sounding utterances, become villains. All who cause human life to flourish, regardless what envious people say about them, become heroes. Thus, in the forthcoming rational world, anyone who objectively increases the quality of human life can become a hero. Heroes can and do play a role in the development of your character. People look up to heroes as supreme examples of the greatness that is inherent in human beings. Heroes then influence and shape the lives of everyone they touch. Sometimes a hero can be one of your own family members, such as a virtuous parent or sibling. Other times a hero can be a celebrity, such as a famous sports figure. Heroes can even come from fiction stories or movies, such as Superman. But the function of a hero remains the same, regardless if the hero is real or fictional. That function is to provide you with the inspiration to overcome your adversities and achieve what you know is right and good. This is the contribution a hero makes to your life. Super heroes exemplify great power, strength, courage, and ability. Beautiful heroes exemplify stunning physical beauty and alluring qualities. Genius heroes exemplify startling brilliance, foresight, and mindpower. The specific heroic traits that you admire are a personal choice. That is to say, you choose your own hero for purely personal reasons. Having a hero is a natural, healthy part of conscious life, as long as you are free to choose your own hero and that choice is made rationally. Examples of childhood heroes are Batman and Robin, the Six Million Dollar Man, and Superwoman. Examples of adult heroes are James Bond and Michael Jordan. Having a hero or several heroes can be a source of inspiration, fun, and excitement. Heroes can also have a positive impact on your character development. For, you might strive to cultivate those traits or virtues that you most desire in a hero. Again, a hero can be essentially any virtuous person, whether real or fictitious. As you begin applying these six secrets, something unique will occur. After cleansing your mind of its impurities, developing the mind of a winner, and wielding genuine power, you will experience profound changes. First, your outlook on life begins to shift. You see the endless losses that you endured are no losses at all. Those losses from the upside-down world convert to gains in the rightside up world. Next, you begin to take on the character traits of super heroes. To your amazement, you begin to outcompete the super heroes. Shortly, you discover that you can out-think, outflank, and outcompete anything in the upside-down world--including its heroes. So what can you do when, after developing the mind of a winner, you rise above even the super heroes? You become your own hero. Does this sound like a radical idea? Maybe it is, but it is not mystical. So long as your thinking remains grounded in the facts of reality, you can be your own hero. Yes, with a few simple techniques, you can esteem your own person as much or more than the super heroes.

To become your own hero you need accurate self-knowledge. Illusions and distortions of facts will only result in long-term suffering. By fully understanding yourself and knowing your personal history, you are on an unshakable foundation. Taking a character test will reveal your positive and negative traits. Such a test consists of asking yourself what strengths and weaknesses you have. Then you can list those traits on paper in a side-by-side comparison. In this way, you can clearly see your character development up to this point. You can see what traits you need to develop to strengthen your character. Additionally, this self-knowledge enables you to choose the direction you want to grow toward. You can then predict how your character will evolve in the coming years. With this knowledge, you can shape yourself in the image of your ideal hero. You can use your projected character development as your own hero. That hero is the future you. And, if chosen carefully, that hero can provide as much or more inspiration as any other known hero. You create a situation that you control. That is to say, you decide which traits you want to develop, and you create an image of yourself already possessing such traits. That image, regardless how far into the future he or she might be, becomes your source of inspiration. In short, that image becomes your hero. And that image is you, albeit in the future. By becoming your own hero, everything you do works toward your own success. You put yourself in firm control of your own personal growth and character development. You are no longer an outerdirected person; you are inner-directed. That combination of being in control of your own character development and being inner-directed leads to genuine self-respect, self-esteem, and self-confidence. You become happy to be alive when you become your own hero and you work for your own success. This day-to-day happiness is the fuel that enables you to win every day.

Guarantee Prosperity by Controlling Time The ideas in secret #6 provide crucial tools needed to win every day. Some are new. Others are modifications of existing ideas. The idea of controlling time to gain prosperity is not a new idea. But the approach to this idea is new. Business leader and author Mark Hamilton was the first to explicitly identify this approach in the 1980s. The essence of this idea is to link all of your actions with time. You can rise to great heights of achievement by continuously controlling time. But first you must become fully conscious of your own use of time. In the upside-down world, many people let time control their lives. Perhaps up to ninety percent of people allow time to dictate what they can and cannot do in their lives. Everyone has heard the remark "I can't do that; I just don't have enough time." Time is a valuable resource; most people wish they had more of it. Yet, time is a fixed resource in the sense that everyone, rich or poor, has twenty-four hours in a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year. What can you do? You can control time. Controlling time can make you rich, powerful, and profoundly happy. By controlling time, you can achieve what you want and eliminate what you don't want. In fact, the mind of a winner and controlling time are an unbeatable combination that enable you to bring your dreams into reality. In order to control time, you need to know what major goals and objectives you want to achieve. These goals become the guiding force from which all time considerations evolve. Then you need to become conscious of how you currently spend time. This means keeping track of the amount of time you spend on each activity during each day. After you become aware of the time spent on each activity, you can decide if the amount of time needs to be adjusted. For example, suppose you find that you spend an hour a day returning phone calls. You might decide that this is too much time and discover a way to cut this time in half.

You can group related tasks into categories. Those categories can then become blocks of time during the day in which you complete those tasks. Examples of categories include exercising, phone calls, productive work, marketing, studying, and so on. Within each category, you perform the same basic movements every day, but the specific content may vary from day to day. For example, during the block of time for studying, you might attend a lecture one day, read a book the next, and so on. You use that time period for studying, but the actual content of what you study might vary from one day to the next. After you organize basic tasks into categories, and you use these categories as blocks of time, you can create a schedule. For example, you might design a schedule to include exercise from 8:00 am to 10:00 am, phone calls from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, marketing from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, producing values from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm, reading from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, studying from 9:00 pm to 12:00 am, and sleep from 12:00 am to 8:00 am. The principle here is that every minute of your day is planned. This enables you to control time. (Reference: Rich Man's 3 Days of Tasks by Mark Hamilton) Using separate blocks of time throughout your schedule enables you to build on activities from previous days. Over time, you build incredible momentum within each block of time. Moreover, the momentum in each block begins to converge with the other blocks and you explode into great accomplishments. After a while, projects seem to move forward on their own. With just a few hours each day, you advance projects that before you would never attempt because of their overwhelming complexity and size. Also, you eliminate boredom. For, you do not languish on tasks forever. Instead, you work on specific planned tasks for a short period of time and then you move on to different tasks as the blocks of time are used up. In essence, there is no time to get bored. You are too busy moving your valuable, exciting projects forward. Having the mind of a winner and controlling time produces astonishing results. Remember, the mind of a winner has no limitations on thinking or creativity. Thus, this honest integrating mind soars into new knowledge and images that deliver genuine power and prosperity. You, with the mind of a winner, decide what needs to be accomplished based on your chosen values and goals. With an outburst of creative ideas and images, you choose the ones that are most effective for achieving your values and goals. You visualize the final outcome of a project in clear detail. That mental picture is held in mind clearly so you can mentally experience the completed project. You then break that completed project down into workable steps or tasks. You list those tasks on paper to see which ones can be achieved and which ones cannot be achieved. Then you fill in any gaps by thinking of things that will lead to the completion of your project in the minimum amount of time. Once you know what goals you want to achieve, and you determine the specific tasks you need to perform to achieve those goals, you can move on to the next step. That step is grouping the tasks into separate categories or blocks of time and then creating a schedule based on these blocks of time. After you have made a schedule, you can place each task into the appropriate block of time. This enables you to work on each task every day as it comes up in your schedule. When you control time, anxiety vanishes. You no longer worry about uncompleted tasks or things you might have forgotten to do. For, you plan ahead; you know what will happen in advance. In this way, you can plan for everything except the totally unpredictable. But, if the unpredictable does occur, you are in sufficient control to handle it. You have confidence that you can shape your life in your own image. Excitement and happiness are the result. Shifting from being controlled by time to controlling time does not happen overnight. It is not an effortless task. But it can be done. Is it worth the effort to master the art of controlling time? Is it worth

the initial awkwardness you inevitably experience while learning to control time? Yes, it is worth the effort. Controlling time and accomplishing what you want to do--bringing unique values into the world that only you can create--is far more rewarding than having others tell you what to do all day long. Using your own mind to create wanted and needed values for others and society is an exciting, richly rewarding endeavor. And the most effective way to do this is through controlling time. In fact, you, with the mind of a winner, are the most qualified person to control your own time. Once you develop the mind of a winner, you will see the absurdity of allowing others to control your time. Eventually, controlling time will feel completely natural--something you will want to do for the rest of your life.

Win With Food Every Day Millions of people have problems with food. People either overeat or undereat and become unhealthy. Many people eat unhealthy foods. Some people eat food for unhealthy reasons. For example, many people consume foods that have a high level of starch and a high quantity of sugar. Or, some people eat food to fulfill unmet emotional needs. With all the books, tapes, and courses about food that are available, why do so many people lose with food every day? Surely there is not a lack of knowledge about this subject. Ideas about diets abound on television, in bookstores, at weight loss centers, and so on. The essence of secret #6 is to win every day. That means winning in the seemingly insignificant things you do over and over each day. When viewed from this perspective, winning is not that hard. However, you do need valid knowledge to win every day. This applies to eating as it does to everything else human beings do. Consider the world-famous author and lecturer Denis Waitley. He says that luck is an acronym for Laboring Under Correct Knowledge. With the ideas in this secret, you will become "lucky" with food to the point where you can win every day with food. This means that you can maintain your ideal body weight and figure, eliminate intense hunger pains, end addictions to certain foods, and enjoy food more than ever while staying in control of your eating habits. To achieve these goals, however, you need to shift your perspective from living to eat to eating to live. Now let's look at some specific things you can do today to win every day with food. Let's start with the basics. In order to win with food every day, you need to know which foods are healthy for human beings and which foods are unhealthy for human beings. In this way, you can decrease your consumption of life-diminishing foods and increase your consumption of life-enhancing foods. This is a powerful way to feel better every day. Foods that are healthy for human beings are those that contain low carbohydrates. Also, foods that contain protein are healthy for human beings. Foods that are unhealthy for human beings are those that contain high carbohydrates. The most harmful and addictive foods are those that contain a lot of sugar in any form, including glucose and fructose. Even consuming naturally sweet fruits above a moderate amount is unhealthy for human beings. The basis for these guidelines comes from Dr. Robert Atkins' bestselling diet books. (Reference: Neo-Tech Advantage #59 by Frank R. Wallace) His low carbohydrate diet is scientifically grounded and experimentally confirmed. Furthermore, this diet is not complicated and it does not require superhuman willpower. You do not even need to starve yourself to maintain a great figure. Winning with food does not require that you count calories per se, although this can be effective in keeping your weight down. Instead, you need to increase your intake of healthy foods, while

decreasing your intake of unhealthy foods. Which foods are healthy for human beings? Those foods that contain protein, few carbohydrates, and little or no sugar. Examples of healthy foods are: * Meat products such as beef and ham * Fish products such as haddock and tuna * Poultry products such as chicken and turkey * Dairy products such as milk and butter * Eggs * Nuts * Low-starch vegetables * High-fiber cereals Which foods are unhealthy for human beings? Those foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates and a lot of sugar. Examples of unhealthy foods are: * Pastas * Breads * Potatoes * Corn * Sweet fruits * Cakes, cookies, and candy Besides increasing your intake of healthy foods and decreasing your intake of unhealthy foods, there is another thing you can do to win with food every day. You can develop consistency in your eating habits. Once you do this, you no longer need to worry about food. You will have thought in advance about what you are going to eat and when you are going to eat. Thus, you can go about your daily business without having to think about food. For example, you might decide to eat breakfast at a certain time in the morning, lunch at a certain time in the afternoon, and dinner at a certain time in the evening. Also, you might decide to eat certain foods for breakfast, other foods for lunch, and different foods for dinner. What is the result? Your body becomes accustomed to eating at those specified times of the day. Moreover, your body becomes accustomed to eating those specified foods. Digestion becomes smoother because you crave those foods at those particular times. Eating becomes a pleasurable--not an out-of-control--experience. By knowing yourself and the foods that are good for your body, you can design a compatible diet. And if you stick to your diet, you can win with food every day. The long-range consequences of winning with food every day are better health, an attractive figure, feeling good, improved thinking, and having more self-confidence. Is winning with food every day worth the disciplined effort? Yes, it is worth the disciplined effort. Moreover, winning with food every day is an effective way to live longer. Essentially everything that is valuable requires effort. There is no way of escaping this immutable law of reality. This applies to achieving happiness through diet and exercise. To achieve happiness through diet, you have to monitor everything that you put in your mouth, including drugs. Recreational drugs have a long-term effect of destroying the human mind and body. All such drugs always subvert your long-range happiness, regardless of the temporary feelings of euphoria. Such drugs should be avoided if your goals include: (1) survival, (2) limitless prosperity, and (3) abiding happiness. There are some socially acceptable drugs that millions of people consume. In fact, these are so common that people typically do not even consider these as drugs. Because of this casual attitude toward these drugs, they can cause insidious damage. Such drugs are tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine. Tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine can provide short-term feelings of pleasure. However, they result in long-term damage to your mind and body, which diminishes happiness and well-being.

The choice to consume various foods, drinks, and drugs must always be left to the individual. Laws that prevent the individual from consuming various foods, drinks, and drugs are evil and insane. For, the use of initiatory force or threat of force against an individual "for his own good" is always destructive and immoral, no matter how noble-sounding the cause is. When you learn to value your own self, the choice becomes clear: consume only those foods that increase your long-range well-being. All other food, as well as drugs, are unnecessary since they only harm your mind and body. A person with the mind of a winner holds human life as the standard of value, and his or her self as the highest value. When such a person holds his or her self as the highest value, winning with food every day ceases to be an act of self-denial. Winning with food every day becomes a pleasurable activity of which one is proud.

Exercise Your Way to Health and Beauty Winning with food every day is half the battle in expanding your physical well-being. Exercising regularly is the other half of the battle. Regular exercise along with a low carbohydrate diet is an unbeatable combination for health and well-being. Most people have heard about the mythical fountain of youth that supposedly will rejuvenate one's mind and body. Such wishful thinking arises from the universal desire to look, feel, and be younger. To retain or recapture the vibrant, healthy glow of youth is an ideal held by essentially all people. Today, however, the fields of science and medicine do not yet have the advanced knowledge to stop or turn back the human biological aging process. Techniques to prevent or reverse the human aging process are still in the experimental stage of development. Nonetheless, you do not have to surrender to old age and its detriments. You can reduce or prolong the grotesque effects of aging starting today. How? Through exercise. The two keys to exercise that produce long-range rejuvenating effects are: (1) aerobic exercise and (2) regular daily exercise. Let's look at the first key. There are two primary forms of exercise. They are aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise increases the body's capacity to process oxygen. This kind of exercise also improves the cardiovascular system, allowing it to function more efficiently. Furthermore, aerobic exercise can increase your energy level and endurance. Some examples of aerobic exercise are running and cycling. Anaerobic exercise, by comparison, does not increase the body's processing of oxygen, nor does it improve the cardiovascular system. Instead of increasing your endurance, anaerobic exercise develops physical strength. Some examples of anaerobic exercise are isometrics and weightlifting. Of the two primary forms of exercise, aerobic exercise is the most effective for producing long-range health, well-being, and happiness. Anaerobic exercise does not harm human beings. This form of exercise simply needs to be combined with aerobic exercise to achieve maximum physical fitness. The second key to experiencing the rejuvenating effects of exercise is consistency. This is a crucial factor for long-term positive results in essentially all areas of life, including exercise. In the realm of physical exercise, consistency delivers ever-increasing well-being. The more you exercise, the more your body adjusts to the workout. In time, you can engage in a rejuvenating aerobic workout everyday with relatively little effort. You then reap healthy benefits and

an invigorating feeling every single day. For example, say you run a mile, three times a week. This can be challenging at first. Soon, however, you will find that this becomes easy. You can then increase your workout to three miles, five times a week. Gradually, you can work up to running five miles every day. You will wake up one morning and realize that you run thirty-five miles per week, every week of the year. More important, you will live with near-perfect health, limitless reserve energy, and a rejuvenated mind and body. If approached rationally, you will enjoy aerobic exercise. Contrary to common utterances about not having enough time or ambition to exercise, you eventually look forward to exercising. When you become accustomed to daily aerobic exercise, it becomes a fulfilling activity. You will then experience a healthy, natural high from running or other aerobic activities. At that point, exercising every day becomes as desirable as eating every day. A simple but effective way to enhance your daily aerobic exercise is stretching. Stretching is such a basic activity that you can easily overlook it. However, if physical health and well-being are your aim, stretching cannot be overlooked. Valid stretching techniques, such as those taught by bestselling author Bob Anderson, can make a marked improvement in the quality of your life. Stretching before and after your daily exercise greatly improves flexibility and leaves you feeling good all day. What are the results of daily aerobic exercise and stretching? The results are health, well-being, vitality, youthful beauty, and natural highs. Those results are available to essentially everyone. With exercise and forthcoming scientific & medical breakthroughs, you can avert the negative effects of aging. The natural highs that you experience from daily aerobic exercise and stretching feel much better than the unnatural highs that come from destructive activities such as drinking alcohol, using drugs, or manipulating people. Natural highs arise from activities that add to the psychological and physical well-being of the human organism. As such, they do not leave hangovers or feelings of guilt. Other less-known benefits that flow from regular aerobic exercise and daily stretching include increased self-confidence and self-awareness. Both of these increase your level of prosperity, happiness, and romantic love throughout your life. An aerobically conditioned, physically fit individual feels confident to deal with anything in life. That self-confidence enables you to overcome real or imagined fears and initiate beneficial actions. Self-confidence can be the determining factor that enables you to take risks for big payoffs or make contact with a potential romantic love partner. Increased self-awareness enables you to know what is going on throughout your body. This knowledge can be invaluable for making decisions about what is good and bad for your body. Moreover, heightened self-awareness enables you to experience rich sexual pleasures. The ability to relax and be aware of every area of your body during sex allows you to feel the stimulating pleasures available to human beings. And that ability to relax, be aware of yourself, and experience rich sexual pleasures makes you even more appealing to your partner.

Enjoy the Sexier New You Think for a moment of all the things available to you that can make you a sexier person. You can enhance your sexual attractiveness with certain hair styles, make up, perfume or cologne, clothes, cars, houses, furniture, psychotherapy, education, financial investments, health club memberships, and selfimprovement courses. These and other similar things can make you healthier, happier, richer, and sexier. Yet, sex appeal originates from inside your self, not from outside your self. Sex appeal comes from exercising the personal initiative to develop yourself, your character.

There is no escaping the following fact of human life: achieving health, wealth, power, happiness, and romantic love are each person's own responsibility. The corroded mind has buried that fact in a sea of independence-breaking illusions. The corroded mind has reasons for wiping out self-responsibility. Before the discovery of the mind of a winner, the corroded mind ruled life on Earth. The corroded mind consists of the specialized mind, the mystical mind, and the criminal mind. The criminal mind-which is the dishonest integrating mind--dominated the planet. No one could escape its far-reaching grasp. From people-sacrificing religions to people-killing governments, the dishonest integrating mind controlled all. The three tools of the dishonest integrating mind are: (1) initiating the use of force against others, (2) threatening to use force against others, and (3) using fraud against others. Those three tools proved to be a lethal combination as the criminal mind took control of planet Earth a few thousand years ago. Since then, the dishonest integrating mind has refined its techniques for controlling everyone. One of those refined techniques consists of promoting false concepts as valid. Such false concepts include original sin, sex as shameful, and external authorities. These and similar false concepts has had a devastating effect on everyone. For, these false concepts encompassed all human beings. The constant promulgation of such false concepts throughout the centuries has hurt everyone badly. The dishonest integrating mind, which is the antipode of the honest integrating mind, used this technique of promoting false concepts to control everyone. By linking sin with the nature of man, guilt with money, and shame with sex, everyone was psychologically weakened. As the criminal mind constantly lowered everyone's self-esteem, people became ripe for being duped and drained. In fact, people all over the world were duped and drained for millennia by the dishonest integrating mind. One of the devastating results of the dishonest integrating mind is the subtle, constant destruction of everyone's natural independence, initiative, and self-responsibility. Because of the constant undermining of people's self-esteem on a grand scale, individuals became vulnerable to external authorities. And those external authorities--who are nothing more than well-camoflauged criminal minds--cleverly broke the independent spirits in children, adolescents, and adults. The external authorities fostered dependency while they undermined independence. They did this to prevent everyone from discovering the timeless secret to prosperity and happiness: genuine prosperity and happiness come from integrated honesty, personal initiative, and continuous self-effort. If the criminal mind could prevent everyone from discovering this secret, people everywhere would become dependent. They could be controlled. Who would control everyone? Those who use criminal thinking. To increase your health, beauty, and sex appeal, you have to rely on your own self, not on external authorities. In reality, your own self is the only being in existence capable of achieving these values. More important, constant self-reliance is the mechanism that fulfills your prime responsibility as a human being. That responsibility is to develop your own character--to evolve into a mature human being capable of successfully dealing with reality. From a mature character flow life's greatest joys, including abiding prosperity, profound happiness, and exciting romantic love. Controlling time, winning with food, and exercising every day requires self-discipline. That discipline, in turn, requires character development. For, a mature character is capable of sustaining selfdiscipline. Even though an evolved character is an intangible value, that is, it cannot be seen or touched directly, it is a major factor in your sexual attractiveness. Physical beauty can and does contribute to sex appeal. However, total reliance on physical beauty to attract and retain a love partner is incomplete at best, futile at worst. Why? Because people are conceptual beings, and, as such, they seek beautiful spiritual attributes as well as beautiful physical attributes. A well-developed character combined with a well-developed body culminates in a sexy man or woman. And that man or woman can continuously expand the pleasures and happiness inherent in a romantic-love relationship.

What enables a person to develop his or her character into a mature human being? The same mechanism that the criminal mind constantly works to undermine: no compromise self-reliance. The independent spirit and personal initiative that comprise self-reliance puts you on the trajectory to open-ended personal growth. That personal growth leads to an incremental development of your character. While self-reliance is never effortless or automatic, it does become easier to exercise when you practice it every day. Eventually, you discover that you are accustomed to self-reliance. You like the feeling of being in control of your own self, life, and destiny. Relying on external authorities to guide your life becomes as ridiculous as guiding a nation by the stars in the night sky. When you experience the positive feelings that come from controlling your own destiny, you can no longer look to external authorities for guidance. How do you control your destiny? By developing the mind of a winner. After you do this, stagnation ceases to be an influential force in your life. In fact, you have no time for stagnation. Also, a dead-end future yields to an open-ended future. By developing the mind of a winner, you find, as a pleasant surprise, that you have more opportunities than you can exploit. You transpose yourself from a world of shrinking opportunities to a world of expanding opportunities. Why does this happen? Because when you develop the mind of a winner, you are capable of successfully dealing with reality. You become a highly valuable person. For, you are capable of producing objective values for yourself and others. That results in prosperity and happiness for everyone. At that point, your desire to live increases daily. You actually look forward to getting out of bed each morning. You think, "I want to experience the best that life has to offer." You may even express the desire to live forever. Yes, the thought of growing into permanent prosperity and happiness without dying becomes appealing. Life shifts from pain to pleasure. You explicitly know how to benefit from every event that touches your life. This is because you have an honest integrating mind that can accurately perceive and integrate reality. Also, because you have a mature character, you consistently act on reality, not on illusions. What is the result of evolving into a mature human being that has the mind of a winner? Fear and anxiety vanish. In their place arises rational fearlessness and fulfillment based not on self-deceptions or wishful thinking, but on the facts of reality. The fact is that a mature human being--a person who has developed his or her rational mind and moral character--has nothing to fear and nothing to be anxious about. The self-developed soul is the competent master of his or her own life. The mature human being is his or her own quiet superman or superwomen. He or she is the person who does not need to tell anybody about his or her developed powers, although others sense those powers. Those who do not develop the mind of a winner and do not develop their character display one common attribute. That attribute is the inability to accurately perceive reality. In fact, nearly everyone without the mind of a winner has no idea how to accurately perceive and integrate reality above the perceptual level. Man, however, is a conceptual being. He cannot survive very long at the animal level of cognition--at the perceptual level. He must integrate the data from his senses into valid concepts, and integrate those concepts into valid thoughts. This enables him to think conceptually and to deal with reality successfully. Conceptual thinking enables one to unleash the awesome power inherent in human beings. That power enables man to take control over nature and generate limitless prosperity, happiness, and romantic love. How do those who have not developed the mind of a winner think conceptually? In many cases, they think subjectively, irrationally. That is to say, confusions and contradictions permeate their abstract thinking. Due to the fact that actions follow thoughts, many of their actions produce frustrating results. All such confusions, contradictions, and frustrations are no longer necessary. For, today, with the discovery of the mind of a winner, you can bypass the pain and desperation experienced by those

trapped in the upside-down world. With the mind of a winner, you can break free from that crazy world and control your own future to gain genuine power, abiding prosperity, and profound happiness. Once you develop the mind of a winner, you will experience new things that you never knew existed. Realms of new knowledge and excitement unfold right in front of your eyes. You grasp things that you previously could not even imagine. Such dynamics put you in a position where boredom vanishes. Drudgery, stagnation, and boredom become relics from a bygone era. You emerge in a world of neverending excitement and fulfillment. By developing the mind of a winner, you know exactly what to do to get whatever you want. And, suddenly, with your mind/body development, others begin to notice the sexier new you. Potential romantic love partners are drawn to you as your genuine power radiates from within. Fun and excitement result. Eventually, winning every day becomes easier than it seems. Using the tools provided throughout this secret, winning every day is within the reach of everyone. Losing every day is no longer necessary. And, by using the tools provided throughout secret #1, you benefit from losses too. For, you can convert essentially any problem, failure, or loss into an equivalent opportunity for your own success. You, with the mind of winner, become unstoppable. You can and do get whatever you want--including living a longer, healthier, more rewarding life. As survival pressures force everyone to dump the corroded mind and develop the honest integrating mind, you will be several steps ahead of the competition. Where will those survival pressures come from? They will come from business and personal relationships. Simply put, those with the corroded mind cannot handle the vast integrations needed to compete against the mind of a winner in business and personal relationships. Against the mind of a winner, all corroded minds--specialized minds, mystical minds, and criminal minds--are uncompetitive. No one can match the omnipotence that flows from the mind of a winner--the honest integrating mind. For, the honest integrating mind can integrate everything, not just in the universe, but in eternal existence. Yes, the scope of the mind of a winner is breathtaking. Its power is also breathtaking. Anyone who develops this mind will be the de facto wielder of power that the corroded mind cannot even imagine. In fact, the discovery of the mind of a winner has titanic consequences for every man and women alive. Consider that prehistoric man functioned without conceptual consciousness for millennia. Then, a few unknown individuals discovered conceptual consciousness. That discovery spread throughout the world. Within a short time, essentially everyone in the civilized world functioned through conceptual consciousness, at least during their youth. Every facet of life changed. Those who remained in the prehistoric mentality perished. Those who evolved survived. Now, today, at the close of the twentieth century, humanity faces another epochal event. That event is the exchanging of the corroded mind for the mind of a winner. Those who do not develop the mind of a winner will not be able to successfully compete for survival and prosperity. Those that do develop the mind of a winner--the honest integrating mind--will dominate life. They will go on to become the masters of the universe. They will become the rulers of existence. Without a backward glance, they will capture all the power, wealth, and romantic love available on Earth. Once you develop the mind of a winner, you will see right through the modus operandi of the corroded mind. You will wonder how such a ridiculous mind--a mind that wallows in nonreality and irrationality--could have ruled the planet for over 2300 years. Then, after pondering the insanity of those dynamics, you will no longer be able to look back. For, you will be capturing such rich advantages that looking back becomes a waste of your time.

Upon developing the mind of a winner, you rise to integrated strength and control. That strength and control flows from your ability to accurately perceive, integrate, and consistently act on objective reality. Everyone in the upside-down world remains ensconced in look-good illusions and sound-good con jobs. But you, with the mind of a winner, soar beyond that insane world. You soar to brand-new heights of excitement and fulfillment.

Appendix A

The Corroded Mind versus The Mind of a Winner

(Reference: The Cosmic Mind by Frank R. Wallace)

The Corroded Mind The dirty, diseased mind of the past

The Mind of a Winner The clean, healthy mind of the future

A mysticism-contaminated mind that functions through narrow ranges of knowledge

A mysticism-free mind that functions through wide-open ranges of knowledge

Makes out-of-context assertions backed by specious reasoning

Makes in-context assertions backed by valid reasoning

Survival mechanism is purposely integrated dishonesty grounded in subjectivist philosophy

Survival mechanism is fully integrated honesty grounded in objectivist philosophy

An undeveloped, unintegrated mind characterized by laziness and dishonesty

A developed, integrated mind characterized by effort and honesty

Gains unbeatable advantages in competitive situations by using false power

Gains unbeatable advantages in competitive situations by using genuine power

Sustenance depends on value destruction

Sustenance depends on value production

Each individual lives slightly more or less than a century

Each individual lives forever

Appendix B

Two Worlds Compared

The Upside-Down World A transitory, criminal-based world The Right-Side Up World An eternal, business-based world

Productive people are jailed while destructive people are praised

Destructive people are ostracized while productive people are praised

The use of initiatory force, threat of force, and fraud prevents most people from prospering

The prohibition of initiatory force, threat of force, and fraud enables everyone to prosper

Subjective law exists to violate individual rights

Objective law exists to protect individual rights

Living conditions include crime, poverty, envy, disease, and death

Living conditions include objective law, prosperity, benevolence, health, and life

A world arising from nonreality, mysticism, self-sacrifice, & statism

A world arising from reality, reason, rational self-interest, & capitalism

Grounded in such works as The Odyssey, The Aeneid, The Republic, The Critique of Pure Reason

Grounded in such works as Beowulf, Quantum Crossings, The Organon, Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand

Appendix C

The Roots of The Mind of a Winner

Where does the mind of a winner come from? The following table reveals where the mind of a winner comes from, beginning with eternal existence.


Aristotelian Logic
Aristotle 350 BC

Objectivist Philosophy
Ayn Rand/Nathaniel Branden/Leonard Peikoff 1957 on

The Neo-Tech Discoveries

Frank R. Wallace/Mark Hamilton/Eric Savage 1975 on

The Mind of a Winner

David L. Hunter 1997 on

The mind of a winner offers a startling array of advantages over the corroded mind. Everyone will eventually develop the mind of a winner to capture those survival/prosperity advantages. But now, today, you have an unprecedented opportunity. You can develop the mind of a winner before most people do. This means you can get whatever you want while others remain crippled with the corroded mind. Moreover, once you develop the mind of a winner, you transpose into the right-side up world. That change of mind shifts you from a world of illusions to a world of reality. All those endless losses from the upside-down world--losses of love, happiness, health, and money--convert into limitless gains of genuine power, prosperity, and romantic love in the right-side up world. Your life transforms from a dead-end future to an open-ended future.

Every individual now faces the decision to develop the mind of a winner or keep the corroded mind. Such a decision is a personal choice. That decision is not very difficult to make, however, when considering the consequences. For, sooner or later, the mind of a winner will dominate life on Earth. Why? Because the mind of a winner, which is an honest integrating mind, gains unbeatable advantages in business and personal relationships. In other words, as explained throughout this work, the corroded mind cannot handle the open-ended integrations of knowledge needed to compete with the mind of a winner for power, wealth and romantic love. The upside-down world is crumbling. With the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the Soviet Union, and Communist China, people are looking for answers. People everywhere are looking for tools that will enhance their ability to survive and prosper. Developing the mind of a winner gives everyone--from youth to adults--the most effective, most competitive survival/prosperity tool. That survival/prosperity tool is the honest integrating mind. For, no other mind can compete against the accurate perception of, honest integration of, and consistent acting upon objective reality. While people everywhere witness the collapse of the upside-down world, perhaps on CNN or in Cyberspace, pressures to develop the mind of a winner will escalate. However, those with the mind of a winner will have nothing to fear. They will be in great demand as people around the globe seek them out for help. One of the amazing things about these secrets is they are not very difficult to learn and apply. Some of them probably will feel alien at first. However, as you consistently apply these secrets to your life, you notice how natural they feel, and how unnatural most traditional approaches feel. Yes, traditional techniques such as dishonesty, manipulation, guilt, and shame become ridiculous and unnecessary from the perspective of the clean, healthy, mystic-free mind. All such traditional techniques become obsolete. With the mind of a winner, you continuously develop new ways to successfully deal with any problem or situation in your life. Finally, the mind of a winner enables you to fulfill the moral obligation to your own self. That obligation is to achieve abiding happiness. No other mind delivers long-range happiness. The mystical mind does not deliver long-range happiness; neither does the specialized mind nor does the criminal mind. The choice is yours: develop the mind of a winner or keep the corroded mind. Everything you need to develop the mind of a winner is revealed throughout these six secrets. By developing the mind of a winner, you can turn your dreams into reality and live the life you have always wanted.

The Main Reference for The Mind of a Winner is: Genuine Power by David L. Hunter Other major references for The Mind of a Winner are: Major Philosophical References Frank R. Wallace's works Leonard Peikoff's works Ayn Rand's works

Major Psychological References Nathaniel Branden's works Harry Binswanger's works Major Physiological References Robert Atkins' works Kenneth Cooper's works Major Personal Development References Napoleon Hill's works Anthony Robbins' works Brian Tracy's works Major Business References Mark Hamilton's works Earl Nightingale's works Andrew S. Grove's works

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