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Subject index

abrasion 140 adhesion 137 agglomeration 146 briquetting 146 pelletisation 146 sintering 146 angle of difference, fall, spatula 138 nip 46, 47 repose 137 slide, surcharge 139 aperture 18 assay value 4, 149 automatic control 147 average size 23, 150 ball mill 52, 53 cascading 52 cataracting 52 critical speed 52, 158160 Davis zones 53 operating speed 53 seasoned charge 53 batch sedimentation 130 Bateman classification 9 belt conveyor 141 beneficiation 4 pneumatic, dry 58 wet 58 beneficiation flowsheets beach sand 144 chromite ore 145 iron ore 145 bins 141 blowback 134 Bonds law 41 bulk density 136 bulk solids 59, 135 bunkers 141 buoyant force 63

cake filters 133 capacity of a screen 33 capillary action 134 capture matrix 118 ceramic filters 134 chance cone process 86 charge interactions 121 charging methods by conduction, contact 125 conductive induction 126 contacting dissimilar particles 125 friction 123 induction 123 ion bombardment 126 chemical analysis 10 qualitative 10 quantitative 10 chemical formulae 2, 3 chutes 141 chipping 40 circulating load, percent 49, 56, 161 clarification 132 classifiers 7177 centrifugal 76 sizing 73 sorting 74 cleaner 82, 106 closely sized material 21 coal 2 cobbing 116 coefficient of friction 46, 157 cohesion 137 colloids 25 column flotation 106, 107 comminution 3942 objectives 42 operations 42 complex ore 4 compressibility 137 concentrate 79


Subject index electro magnetism 111 magneto motive force 112 ohms law 113 reluctance 112 solenoid 111 electro static separator 126 equal settling particles 66 equivalent size 17 extraction 5 exudation 130 F80 25 feeders 51, 142 filers, types 133 pressure 133 vacuum 133, 134 filter cake 132 filter medium 132 filtration mechanism 132 financial feasibility 143 fixed screen jigs 92 float and sink 84 flocculation 130 floccules, flocs 130 floodability 140 flotation circuit 106 flotation machine 105 flotation of sulphide ores 107 flotation reagents 101104 activators 103 collectors 101, 102 depressants 103 dispersants 103 frothers 102, 103 modifiers 103 pH regulators 104 sulphadisers 104 flotation, types 104 flowability 139 flowsheet 144 fraction of solids 60, 161163 fracture 39 attrition 40 compression 40 impact 40 free particles 35 free settling 65 free settling ratio 66, 67, 164, 165 friability 140 frother-collector 103 gape 45 geological survey 5 grade 4, 149 grain size 35 gravity force 63

concentration criterion 83 conditioning 106 conductors 122 coning and quartering 14 consolidation trickling 89, 91 contact angle 100 conveying 141 conveyors 141 corona discharge 126 corrosion 140 coulombs law 109 critical speed 52, 158160 cross riffles 96 crushers 4348 bradford breaker 47, 48 cone 45 gyratory, reduction gyratory 45 jaw 44, 45 hammer 47 HPGR 48 roll 46, 47 crushers, types 43, 44 crushing circuits 49, 157 closed circuit 49 open circuit 49 cumulative weight percent 2325 D80 25 Davis zones 53 dense medium separation 8587 density 5961, 161163 aerated 136 bulk 136 of particle 59, 136 packed 136 pulp 60 slurry 60 Denver sub-aeration machine 105 diameter 17 equivalent 17 surface 17 volume 17 differential acceleration 91 differential weight percent 23 dilution ratio 61 dispersability 140 disposal of products 142 distribution of metal values 151 divergator 30 Dorr thickener 131 drag force 63 drying 129 economic efficiency 81 economic recovery 81 electrical conductivity 121

Subject index gravity transport 141 grinding circuits 56, 160, 161 closed 56 open 56 grinding medium 51 grinding mills 5255 autogenous 55 ball 52, 53 pebble, tube 55 rod 53, 54 SAG 55 grizzly 30 hand sorting 6 heavy liquid separation 84 heavy medium cyclone 87 high tension separator 126 hindered settling 66 hindered settling ratio 68 humphrey spiral 95 hutch 92 hydraulic classifier 74, 75 hydraulic water 74 hydrocyclone 76, 77 hygroscopicity 140 increment 15 industrial screens, types 2931 industrial screens types by purpose 31 insulators 122 interfacial tension 100 ion bombardment 126 jaw crushers 44, 45 blake 45 dodge 45 universal 45 jig 91, 92 baum 92 harz 92 jigging ratio 91 jigging, types 91 on the screen 91 through the screen 91 launders 141 laws of comminution 4041, 155 leakage flux 113 lean ore 4 liberation 3538 degree of 37 percent 37 size 35 liberation, types detachment, intergranular 35 size reduction, transgranular 36 lifting effect 126 liners 51 locked particles 35 magnetic circuit 112 magnetic concentrators 115119 dry 116, 117 wet 117119 magnetic separators 114 principle 114 types 115 magnetism 109111 magnetic field 109 magnetic flux 110 magnetic induction 110 magnetic susceptibility 110 magnetization 110 magnetizing force 110 magnets 114 electro-magnet 114 permanent magnet 114 marcy scale 60 material balance 80 mathematical model 146 mechanical classifiers 73 medium solids 86 megascopic identification 10 membrane 132 mesh number 18 mesh of grind 56 mesh size 18 metal content 4, 11, 152 metallurgical efficiency 81, 166 middling 79, 98 middling particles 37 mill 143 mill liners 51 mineral 24 atomic 2 definition 2 ferro-, para-, dia-magnetic 114 gangue 3 industrial 2 metallic, non-metallic 2 ore 3 valuable 3 mineral analysis 10 mineral beneficiation 4 mineral identification 9 mineralogical microscope 10 mining 5 bulk 6 selective 6 movable screen jig 92 multi-tray thickener 131



Subject index retention time 61 rich ore 4 rock 3 rod mill discharge methods 54 central peripheral 54 end peripheral 54 grate 54 overflow 54 rougher 81, 106 run-of-mine ore 5 sample 13 final, test 14 gross, primary 13 secondary 14 ternary 14 sample preparation 14 sampling 13 alternative shoveling 13 fractional shoveling 13 random sampling 13 systematic sampling 13 sampling devices 14 manual 14 mechanical 14 poppet valves 14 vezin sampler 14 sampling ratio 15 sands 25 scavenger 82, 106 screen effectiveness 153155 screen efficiency 32, 33, 153155, 157, 158 screen surfaces 27, 28 parallel rod 28 punched plate 28 woven wire 28 screens, types 29 seasoned charge 53 sector 134 sedimentation 129 semi-conductors 122 septum 132 set 45 closed set 45 open set 45 settling ratio 66 shaking table 97 shape of the particle 136 sieve analysis 21 sieve bend 30 sieve cloth 18 sieve ratio 18 sieve scale 18 sieve shaker 21 ro-tap 21 table 21

Newtons law 67, 68 opening 18 ore 3, 4 ore deposits 4 ore deposits, types 9 ore formation 9 ore microscope 10 ores, types 38 disseminated 38 intergrown 38 massive 38 organic liquids 85 overflow 27 oversize 27 P80 25 particle size 3538 particle size distribution 2225 graphical presentation 24, 25 percent solids 60, 161163 permeability absolute 109 relative 109 petrological microscope 10 pinched sluice 94 pinning effect 126 plots linear scale cumulative plot 24 linear scale frequency plot 24 pneumatic tabling 98 pneumatic transport 142 polarization 122 pollution 142 ponds 141 porosity 136 pseudo liquid 85 pulp 60 pulsion 89 purifiers 115 ragging 92 rate of filtration 133 rate of screening, factors 32 machine factors 32 material factors 32 ratio of concentration 80, 166 ratio of enrichment 81, 166 ratio of recovery 80, 166 reclaimers 115 reduction ratio 43 80% passing 43 average 43, 156 reichert cone 95 resistance to motion 64 turbulent 64 viscous 64

Subject index silos 141 simple ore 4 simulation 147 size reduction 39 slimes 25 slimes table 98 sludge 60 slurry 60 slurry transport 142 smelting 5 specific resistance 121 sphericity 136 standard sieve series 1821 stockpile 141 Stokes law 67 storage, purpose 140 stratification 89 sub-sieve sizing 25 suction 89 supporting operations 7 surface area 136 surface tension 100 suspension 60 tabling 96 tackiness 139 tailing 79 tanks 141 tenor 4 terminal velocity 64, 164, 165 test sieve 18 testing method 22 texture 10 thickening 129132 throughput 49 throw 45 tramp iron magnetic separators 115 triboelectric series 123 trommel 30 tumbling mills 51 underflow 27 undersize 27 unit operations 7 vacuum filters 133, 134 disc 134 drum 133 vibrating grizzly 31 vibrating screen 31 void fraction, voidage 136 wet and dry grinding 55, 56 wilfley table 97 work index 41, 156 zones in a ball mill 53


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