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UNLOCK ABLE ACHIEVEMENT Close But No Cigar (30) Win Runner Up.

Design God (10) Win the Best Design Award. Fanboy Letter (10) Get a letter from a male fan. Fangirl Letter (10) Get a letter from a female fan. Game Expert (30) Train your employees to unlock every type of game. Generate Some Buzz (10) Generate some buzz by building up your fan base. Genre King (30) You unlocked every game genre! Wow... Grand Prize Winner! (50) Win the Grand Prize. Hall of Famer (50) Congrats on making it into the Hall of Fame! I'm all verklempt... Hardcore Hardware (40) Make your own game console. Hittin' the Big Time (20) Move to an even bigger office. Holy Grail (60) Could the rumors be true? A toilet AND a game console? Idiot Box (20) Have a game introduced on TV. Line Starts Here (10) You had hundreds of fans lining up to buy your game on release day! Movin' On Up (10) Grow your company and move to a bigger office. Music Man (10) Win the Best Music Award. Mystery Console (40) A game console so awesome, it's like a spaceship or something. Mystery Staffer A (10) Hire a king with a penchant for gaming. Mystery Staffer B (10) A ferocious bear has been spotted around town... Mystery Staffer C (20) Find a genius who'll work for bananas. Mystery Staffer K (100) Find a mysterious super robot. Mystery Staffer X (10) Hire a mysterious masked staff member. Sell 1 Million (20) Make a hit game that sells 1 million units. Sell 10 Million (30) Make a hit game that sells 10 million units. Sell 100 Million (50) Make a hit game that sells 100 million units. Sell 100K (10) Make a hit game that sells 100K units. Sell 20 Million (30) Make a hit game that sells 20 million units. Sell 5 Million (20) Make a hit game that sells 5 million units. Sell 50 Million (40) Make a hit game that sells 50 million units. Sell 500k (10) Make a hit game that sells 500K units. The Big Show (10) Make a name for yourself at Gamedex. Worst of the Worst (10) Win the Worst Game Award.

Grizzly Bearington Description: Left the woods looking for honey. How to unlock: Will be unlocked after getting 1st Grand Prize. Can only be hired using Online Ad and above Chipman Z Force Description: Eats bananas peels and all. How to unlock: Will be unlocked after getting 3rd Grand Prize. Can only be hired using Hollywood Agent Kairobot Description: Thanks for finding me! How to unlock: Will be unlocked after getting 5th Grand Prize. Can only be hired using Hollywood Agent

Job Types
Coba buka lowongan pekerjaan, trus hire pekerja yg unik seperti Mr.X atau kairobot. changed job dan terus tingkatkan level untuk unlock job baru. Training pegawai berguna buat buka genre game dll Coder udah dari awal Writer Unlocking Condition: Initially available Writers are indespensable, as they are required to write new game proposals. They have a tendency to add fun and creativity development points to the current game. Designer dari awal Designers They have a tendency to add graphics and creativity development points to the current game. Sound Engineer dari awal Sound Engineers They have a tendency to add sound and creativity points to the current game. Director Unlocking Condition: Have one staff member reach level 5 of the Coder and Writer jobs Directors They have a tendency to add fun and creativity points to the current game. Producer Unlocking Condition: Have one staff member reach level 5 of the Designer and Sound Engineer jobs The ultimate creative staff, Producers excel at all the visual and audio effects associated with your game. Hardware Engineer Unlocking Condition: Have one staff member reach level 5 of the Coder, Writer, Designer, Sound Engineer, Director and

Character unlock
Mister X How to unlock: Will be unlocked after you have a game sell more than 250,000 copies King Ackbar Description: A Middle Eastern oil baron. How to unlock: Will be unlocked after you have a game sell more than 1 million copies

Producer jobs Hacker Unlocking Condition: Have one staff member reach level 5 of the Coder, Writer, Designer, Sound Engineer, Director, Producer and Hardware Engineer jobs

Amazing Combinations
Fantasy & RPG Virtual Pet & Action Virtual Pet & Online Sim Romance & Simulation Romance & Audio Novel Comedy & Trivia Horror & Action Horror & Audio Novel Word & Life Train & Simulation Animal & Life Robot & Shooter Conv. Store & Online Sim Historical & Action Bookstore & Simulation Comics & Simulation Comics & Life Movies & Simulation Movies & Audio Novel Game Co. & Simulation Game Co. & Online Sim Game Co. & Life Town & Simulation Town & Life Architecture & Simulation Architecture & Online Sim Medieval & Online RPG Hunting & Action RPG Ninja & Action Cutie & Simulation Cutie & Audio Novel Ogre & RPG Ogre & Action Detective & Adventure Detective & Audio Novel Mystery & Shooter Cowboy & Adventure Cowboy & Audio Novel Horseshoes & Shooter Stocks & Online Sim Cartoon & Simulation Cartoon & Adventure Cosplay & Trivia Pop Star & Simulation Pop Star & Online Sim Pop Star & Life Pop Star & Motion Mini-skirt & Trivia Mushroom & RPG Mushroom & Simulation Mushroom & Online Sim Mushroom & Life Poncho & Table Poncho & Action RPG Chess & Board Checkers & Puzzle Mahjong & Table Reversi & Puzzle Dance & Music Dance & Motion Drums & Music Drums & Motion Fitness & Motion Wrestling & Life Basketball & Action Skiing & Motion Snowboard & Racing Snowboard & Motion Swimming & Online Sim Volleyball & Motion Motorsport & Simulation Motorsport & Racing Soccer & Simulation Soccer & Life Ping Pong & Life Dating & Life Dating & Audio Novel Sumo & Action Sumo & Trivia F1 Racing & Simulation F1 Racing & Life Pinball & Motion Slots & Motion Creative Combinations Sports & Simulation Sports & Puzzle Sports & Motion Exploration & Online RPG

Martial Arts & Table Martial Arts & Adventure Martial Arts & Shooter Martial Arts & Audio Novel Fantasy & Shooter Fantasy & Life Fantasy & Puzzle Virtual Pet & RPG Virtual Pet & Shooter Virtual Pet & Motion Samurai & Racing Dungeon & Racing Romance & Trivia Romance & Motion Pirate & Trivia Comedy & Action Comedy & Adventure Comedy & Motion Horror & RPG Word & Motion Train & RPG Train & Action Train & Adventure Train & Racing Animal & Audio Novel Conv. Store & Music Historical & Shooter Bookstore & Motion Art & RPG Art & Life Art & Puzzle Game Co. & Racing Egypt & Puzzle Town & Audio Novel Architecture & RPG Architecture & Motion Lawyer & Action Lawyer & Shooter Monster & Racing Monster & Motion Hunting & Shooter Ninja & Adventure Cutie & Racing Cutie & Music Cutie & Motion Ogre & Racing Ogre & Motion Fashion & Table Fashion & Puzzle Detective & Action Detective & Music Mystery & Motion Cowboy & Racing Cowboy & Music Horseshoes & Adventure Horseshoes & Board Horseshoes & Music Horseshoes & Motion President & Racing Stocks & Motion Cartoon & Motion Cosplay & RPG Cosplay & Adventure Cosplay & Racing Cosplay & Motion Swimsuit & Online RPG Swimsuit & Trivia Swimsuit & Music Swimsuit & Motion Mini-skirt & Simulation Mini-skirt & Adventure Mini-skirt & Racing Mini-skirt & Audio Novel Mushroom & Shooter Mushroom & Racing Poncho & Online Sim Checkers & Racing Checkers & Music Mahjong & Shooter Mahjong & Music Reversi & Online Sim Dance & RPG Dance & Action Dance & Action RPG Fitness & Racing Wrestling & Shooter Wrestling & Motion Basketball & Action RPG Basketball & Music Snowboard & Board Golf & RPG Golf & Action Swimming & Simulation Swimming & Audio Novel Volleyball & Action RPG Ping Pong & Adventure Ping Pong & Music Sumo & RPG Baseball & Racing Baseball & Audio Novel Wrestling & Table Wrestling & Music Wrestling & Motion F1 Racing & RPG F1 Racing & Shooter F1 Racing & Music Pinball & Action Dating & Action Dating & Racing Dating & Music Dating & Motion

kids = toy disp. + candy store + vending M. neighbours = butcher + green grocer + seafood st. crowd= chinese bff + rest area + bookstore girls= florist + cake shop + clothing st. snacks= fast food + chinese bfft + cafetaria breakfast = bakery + leafy plant + cafe toys = toy disp. + toy store + game store convenience = conv. store + dollar store + drugstore electronics= pc store + appliances + mobile shop laid back= payphones + vending machines + rest area grocery= gourmet dell. + cake shop + supermarket gentleman= shoe store + watch store + glasses st. living = supermarket + service c. + payphones dreams= lottery shop + fortune tllr + ticket outlet relaxation= rest area + fountain + vending m. sound= cd store + stereo + video rental wisdom= bookstore + service c. + atm pleasure= bowling all. + karaoke club + steakhouse ent. = bowling all. + arcade + lockers theater = stereo shop + video rental + cinema fashion = shoe store + clothing st. + boutique fun = arcade + game store + video rental seniors = sushi bar + camera st + spa Jewelry = Home Goods + Furniture + Jeweler Model = Hair Salon + Nail Salon + Cosmetics Celebrity = Jeweler + Casino + Chandelier Scenery = Bar + Fancy Bistro + Obeservatory Holiday = Planterium + Museum + Aquarium Date = Rest Area + Aquarium + Cinema Luxury = Casino + Aquarium + Cinema lantai B3FB1F Arcade, Bowling Alley, Concert Stg B3F1F,5F,10F,12F Gourmet Deli, Steakhouse, Fast Food, Chinese Buffet, Sushi Bar B2F2F Butcher, Florist, Seafood Store, Cake Shop, Supermarket, Green Grocers, Cafe, Bakery B1F ~ 2F, 5F, 10F Japanese Food, Ticket Outlet, Betting Shp, Locksmith, Furniture, Drugstore, Jeweler, Lottery Shop, Fancy Bistro, Shoe Store, Conv. Store, Toy Store, Boutique 1F Mobile Shop, Cosemetics, Candy Store

2F5F Watch Store, Stationery Store, Cinema, Nail Salon, Art Store, Clinic, Camera Store, Pet, Real Estate, Karaoke Clb, Clothing Store, Stereo, Game Store, Hair Salon, Home Goods 6F~12F Lingerie Shop, Appliances, Exhibit Area, Planeterium, Bar, PC Store, Plaza, Casino, Glasses Store, Dollar Store, Spa, Fortune, Cafeteria, Observatory, CD Store, Bookstore, Museum, Video Rental, Aquarium

Combo hit list :capedes:

Rest Area stack laid back = payphones + vending machines + rest area relaxation = rest area + fountain + vending m. Toy Display/Game Store stack kids = toy disp. + candy store + vending M. toys = toy disp. + toy store + game store fun = arcade + game store + video rental Chinese Buffet/Bookstore stack snacks = fast food + chinese bfft + cafeteria crowd= Chinese bff + rest area + bookstore wisdom = bookstore + service c. + atm Video Rental/Cinema stack sound= cd store + stereo + video rental theater = stereo shop + video rental + cinema Aquarium/Cinema stack date = rest area + aquarium + cinema luxury = casino + aquarium + cinema holiday = planetarium + museum + aquarium Cake Shop/Clothing Store stack grocery = gourmet dell. + cake shop + supermarket girls = florist + cake shop + clothing st. fashion = shoe store + clothing st. + boutique Clothing Store/Shoe Store stack girls= florist + cake shop + clothing st. fashion = shoe store + clothing st. + boutique gentleman = shoe store + watch store + glasses st. Bookstore/Service Center stack crowd = chinese bff + rest area + bookstore wisdom = bookstore + service c. + atm living = supermarket + service c. + payphones Service Center/Supermarket stack wisdom = bookstore + service c. + atm living = supermarket + service c. + payphones

grocery = gourmet dell. + cake shop + supermarket Supermarket/Cake Shop stack living = supermarket + service c. + payphones grocery = gourmet dell. + cake shop + supermarket girls = florist + cake shop + clothing st. Bowling Alley stack pleasure = bowling all. + karaoke club + steakhouse entertainment = bowling all. + arcade + lockers Arcade/Bowling Alley fun = arcade + game store + video rental entertainment = bowling all. + arcade + lockers pleasure = bowling all. + karaoke club + steakhouse Jeweler/Casino stack jewelry = home goods + furniture + jeweler celebrity = jeweler + casino + chandelier luxury = casino + aquarium + cinema Independent Combos breakfast = bakery + leafy plant + cafe neighbours = butcher + green grocer + seafood st. convenience = conv. store + dollar store + drugstore electronics = pc store + appliances + mobile shop dreams = lottery shop + fortune tllr + ticket outlet seniors = sushi bar + camera st + spa model = hair salon + nail salon + cosmetics outlook = bar + fancy bistro + observatory combo berdasarkan lantai: 5F snacks = fast food + chinese bfft + cafeteria convenience = conv. store + dollar store + drugstore gentleman= shoe store + watch store + glasses st. dreams = lottery shop + fortune tllr + ticket outlet pleasure = bowling all. + karaoke club + steakhouse theater = stereo shop + video rental + cinema fashion = shoe store + clothing st. + boutique seniors = sushi bar + camera st + spa jewelry = home goods + furniture + jeweler model = hair salon + nail salon + cosmetics 4F down to 3F theater = stereo shop + video rental + cinema model = hair salon + nail salon + cosmetics 2F breakfast = bakery + leafy plant + cafe fashion = shoe store + clothing st. + boutique neighbors = butcher + green grocer + seafood st grocery = gourmet deli + cake shop + supermarket girls = florist + cake shop + clothing st. theater = stereo shop + video rental + cinema convenience = conv. store + dollar store + drugstore jewelry = home goods + furniture + jeweler model = hair salon + nail salon + cosmetics gentleman= shoe store + watch store + glasses st. dreams = lottery shop + fortune tllr + ticket outlet 1F (Several combos are probably not possible due to configuration of this floor--maximum consecutive squares available is 7) 10F snacks = fast food + chinese bfft + cafeteria crowd = chinese bff + rest area + bookstore electronics = pc store + appliances + mobile shop seniors = sushi bar + camera st + spa outlook = bar + fancy bistro + observatory luxury = casino + aquarium + cinema sound = cd store + stereo + video rental gentleman = shoe store + watch store + glasses st. dreams = lottery shop + fortune tllr + ticket outlet jewelry = home goods + furniture + jeweler celebrity = jeweler + casino + chandelier holiday = planetarium + museum + aquarium 9F down to 6F electronics = pc store + appliances + mobile shop outlook = bar + fancy bistro + observatory luxury = casino + aquarium + cinema sound = cd store + stereo + video rental holiday = planetarium + museum + aquarium

Combos by Floor Compatibility

(Criteria: at least two out of the three facilities in the combo must be compatible for the floor) 12F snacks = fast food + chinese bfft + cafeteria crowd = chinese bff + rest area + bookstore electronics = pc store + appliances + mobile shop seniors = sushi bar + camera st + spa outlook = bar + fancy bistro + observatory luxury = casino + aquarium + cinema sound = cd store + stereo + video rental holiday = planetarium + museum + aquarium 11F electronics = pc store + appliances + mobile shop outlook = bar + fancy bistro + observatory sound = cd store + stereo + video rental luxury = casino + aquarium + cinema holiday = planetarium + museum + aquarium

neighbors = butcher + green grocer + seafood st. girls = florist + cake shop + clothing st. snacks = fast food + chinese bfft + cafetaria breakfast = bakery + leafy plant + cafe jewelry = home goods + furniture + jeweler convenience = conv. store + dollar store + drugstore dreams = lottery shop + fortune tllr + ticket outlet grocery = gourmet deli + cake shop + supermarket B1F neighbors = butcher + green grocer + seafood st. girls = florist + cake shop + clothing st. snacks = fast food + chinese bfft + cafetaria breakfast = bakery + leafy plant + cafe toys = toy disp. + toy store + game store convenience = conv. store + dollar store + drugstore grocery = gourmet deli + cake shop + supermarket dreams = lottery shop + fortune tllr + ticket outlet pleasure = bowling all. + karaoke club + steakhouse fashion = shoe store + clothing st. + boutique jewelry = home goods + furniture + jeweler B2F neighbors = butcher + green grocer + seafood st. girls = florist + cake shop + clothing st. snacks = fast food + chinese bfft + cafetaria breakfast = bakery + leafy plant + cafe grocery = gourmet deli + cake shop + supermarket pleasure = bowling all. + karaoke club + steakhouse B3F snacks = fast food + chinese bfft + cafetaria pleasure = bowling all. + karaoke club + steakhouse

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