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Education is the most important achievement of a persons' lifetime. The possibilities and accomplishments become virtually endless once you have achieved a college education. One can tailor their education toward specific areas of learning to become anything they want in American society. Having an education not only gives you the promise of a decent life, but produces self confidence and self esteem. Knowledge is the most important tool that America bestows upon her citizens. Anyone who lives here, without prejudice, has the right to pursue an education in any field and to any level they wish. A solid, basic education, followed by a specific, career orientated, college education, is the cornerstone of the American way of life; the first major step toward achieving the American dream. An example of this is the way technology is advancing in our everyday life. Computers have become as common in every household as a television. This was not the case as little as ten years ago when the Internet, having been in existence since the late sixty's, was barely giving birth to what we now know as Web (World Wide Web). Education, along with creativity, is the driving force that brought the information super-highway to life. Today, the rate of advancement in new technologies is approximately three months. These advancements are due to the men and women who have spent years of training acquiring the education needed in our technology based society. This training has given them the knowledge to expand upon, or even discover new applications in science, business, technology, agriculture, art, or any other educational path one might wish to pursue. These advancements are improving the quality of nearly every aspect of our lives. All of us, without exception, benefit on a daily basis, from the bounties reaped by normal, everyday people, Education is one of the most important tools that a society possesses. The right implementation of this tool is one of the greatest ways of assuring the quality of life within a society. The ability to better ourselves, is one of the strongest inherit abilities of the human race. Without the consistent development of the human race, life would be nothing more than survival. At its most basic level of definition, education is nothing more than the teaching of ideas. The early stages of schooling instill more attitude and social skills than knowledge. The younger stages of a person's life are usually the most definable years of their lives. For this reason many rudimentary skills are taught. As the age and skill level of the student increases, more education is based upon the interest of the student. For society to progress and excel every generation must learn just a little more. Education has its downfalls. Students are only taught what society sees fit to teach them. This ideology has an astound effect when used as controlling propaganda. If a society doesn't want students to learn about a certain period of history, then it is not taught. Children might hear stories or tales from elders, but the majority is left in ignorance. In the United States, education is a tool to succeed in life. The quality of education that a student receives depends upon many issues. One of the biggest differences in education is between public and private schools. In a society that values money, such as ours, the rich are given a better background in education than most people. For the general public, students are taught the same material, and excel at different rates than other students. The people that don't grasp the material usually fall behind and become the working class within our society. Those that excel become the backbone of our society, fueling our economy and developing ideas within our world. The difference in education is not only is not only the skill that is provided, but also the attitude. I read a quote once that stated, "Invention is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." The skills that are learned are definitely important, but the determination and attitude learned is priceless. The communists came up with the idea of equality for everyone. Every person gets the same schooling and education. This concept cannot possibly work. Every person is different, and some people lack the ability to work in a technical field. Everyone has a place in society, and some people will work hard physically all of their lives. Not everyone can be number 1. Inequalities definitely exist in education. The rich seem to get richer, and the poor seem to become poorer. A society consists of different classes of people, and each class is essential to the survival of all. The gap between the rich and the poor can never be eliminated, but by educating our people maybe it can become smaller.

Solar energy
Uses of solar power in daily life

Heating swimming pools Solar pool heaters are incredibly commonplace around the world. They provide enormous monetary savings when compared to the amount it costs to heat pool water using grid electricity. Solar Water Heaters Around the world, regions that experience sunny winters or temperate climate requiring hot water supply round the year have adopted solar water heaters as a permanent feature for residential buildings. The installation allows households to get a running hot water supply round the clock without using gas or electrical heaters. Passive building heating Solar energy can be used to heat building passively using an air- or fluid-based system. Heat absorbing tiles and south facing windows allow the surface of the building to collect heat that can be radiated and carried through the building through the gas or fluid vents. DC Electricity generation Solar panels create DC electricity which is sufficient to power small appliances and devices including laptops, mp3 players and cell phones. Depending on the energy requirement of your device and the kind of power you consume through the day, solar panels can be effectively used to charge these commonly used devices. AC Electricity generation AC electricity is used to power household appliances and a small array of solar powers can easily power a number of appliances that are used every day. Of course such a use requires an elaborate and often expensive installation that is actually a one-time investment and its cost is returned in terms of energy bill savings in under five years. Solar cookers and food dehydrators Solar cookers provide a great alternative to gas stoves though they take more than half a day to cook/steam simple foods. The solar food dehydrator, on the other hand, has received a much warmer response as it can dehydrate almost all kinds of food and help preserve them for future use. Solar clothes dryers If you are looking for a cleaner alternative to your power-sucking dryer unit, the solar dryer might be just what you need. The box like construction can be installed in your backyard if you get ample sunshine in the area. The method dries clothes naturally which prolongs the life of the fabric as well. Next solar energy The energy that comes to the earth from the sun is called solar energy. This energy provides the building blocks for all living things on the planet, excluding the chemeoautotrophs and other extremophiles that live where the sun's rays never reach. Without incoming solar energy, ours would be a cold, dark world. Scientists have now begun to harness solar energy for commercial use, increasing the ways in which we utilize solar energy in our daily lives.

1. Biology

Your body's biology relies on energy from the sun to function. Vitamin D, an essential vitamin, does not often occur naturally or in great amounts in food but must be synthesized within the body. Vitamin D synthesis is catalyzed by the interaction between UV light from the sun and the skin. One of the uses of vitamin D in your body is as an immune system regulator. Other uses include its being essential for the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, maintaining healthy bones, being linked to maintaining a healthy body weight, reducing the severity and frequency of asthma attacks and perhaps reducing the risk of developing multiple sclerosis. Sunlight baths are also recommended for helping clear jaundice from a newborn. Lack of sufficient sunlight also has been linked to depression. In high latitudes, where sunlight is restricted for much of the year, light therapy is prescribed to alleviate depression.

2. Food

Every day we consume food that has its basis in solar energy. This is because energy from the sun is captured by plants. Specialized cells in the plants' cells, called chloroplasts, capture the sun's energy and change it into food for the plant. This process, known as photosynthesis, is essential for all life on the earth. Plants provide food for humans and for the animals that become food for humans. Photosynthesis of tiny algae and phytoplankton in the world's oceans provide food for baleen whales and other plankton-feeding organisms. Without solar energy, the world's terrestrial and ocean ecosystems would collapse.


Science, following the example of plants, is learning to directly capture solar energy for use as electricity. Two ways are generally used to convert solar energy into electricity. The first method is use of photovoltaic cells that work like fuel cells and rely on chemical reactions to generate electricity. The second method is the use of solar-thermal technologies. This method uses solar energy to drive an electric generator by heating water to form steam. Both technologies have their various uses and benefits. Electricity derived from PV cells can be used to power a home or business. Energy derived from solarthermal technologies is generally used to drive a turbine to generate electricity

Solar energy is a renewable and clean energy source that can be directly converted to heat (thermal energy) and indirectly to electricity. The United States encourages the use of solar energy through supporting research and providing tax credits.

1. Heating Pools

The largest use (by capacity) of solar energy in the United States is solar pool heaters.

Heating Hot Water


Solar water heaters can generate hot water for residences and businesses. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, in China 10 percent of residences have solar water heaters.

Heating Buildings

Solar energy passively heats buildings through design features such as southfacing windows and tiles which absorb heat during the day and radiate it at night. Solar energy actively heats buildings with fluid or air-based systems to distribute the heat.

Generating Direct Current (DC) Electricity


Photovoltaic cells absorb some of the photons in sunlight and produce the energy needed to generate direct current electricity. This electricity can power small devices such as cell phones, MP3 players and laptops. Sunlight can be concentrated to generate heat which is used to turn water into steam and drive turbines to generate electricity. This electricity can be added to the electric grid and used to power homes, businesses and factories.


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