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Airline Network Development

in Europe and its Implications
for Airport Planning
This book explores what the consequences of a deregulated EU air transport market are for air-
line network development and airport planning. The book analyzes changes in airline route
reconfigurations, changes in airport hierarchy and individual airport network quality, and
changes in strategic airport capacity planning. The book provides airports with information on
how to deal with increased uncertainty as a result from changing airline network behavior.

A book review by Frank Witlox

It is fair to say that, today, there is no structures on the connectivity of air- tives. In addition, the book contains
real shortage of useful academic ports. This is a second important nov- numerous airline case studies (includ-
books that deal with airline econom- elty that is characteristic for the book: ing KLM, BA, Iberia, Swiss,
ics, network optimization and airport how can airline networks be concep- Braathens, Meridiana, Régional
planning. The traditional existing con- tualized (chapter 2), how can they be Airlines, easyJet, Air Berlin,
tributions written by e.g. Button, described and measured (chapters 3- Germanwings, Virgin Express,
Dempsey, Doganis, Gillen, Goetz, 5), how can they be illustrated (chap- BMIBaby), and an extensive airport
Graham, Morrell, Williams, and oth- ter 6) and, more important, how can case study (Schiphol) to make its
ers, are well-known and well-cited. they be assessed (chapter 7)? point.
So, the question is: what makes Different approaches are suggested
Guillaume Burghouwt’s book on and explained: e.g. a spatial approach Conclusion
Airline Network Development in using graph theory, location-alloca- The aim of this book is to explore the
Europe and its Implications for tion models and spatial concentration complex relationship between airline
Airport Planning so different from the measures leading to an assessment of network development, airport connec-
already existing books? Well, in my the spatial configuration of airline net- tivity and airport planning in a
view, there are several reasons. For works in Europe, and a temporal European air transport market setting.
one, the main focus in Burghouwt’s approach taking into account wave- In my view, it does so quite convinc-
book is on Europe. As a result of the system structures, network reconfigu- ingly, as it strikes a good balance
three 'packages' of deregulation meas- rations and dynamics in airport hierar- between theoretical conceptualization
ures, the European aviation market chy leading to an evaluation of the and real-world case studies and prac-
underwent drastic changes. The temporal configuration of airline net- tices. The book thus provides good
deregulation measures are responsible works in Europe. value for money.
for the gradual removal of a series of
restrictions to airline competition A third issue concerns the identifica- About the Author
within Europe. And with each pack- tion of the effects of changing market Dr. Guillaume Burghouwt is a
age, the opportunities for airlines to circumstances and network structures researcher at Amsterdam Aviation
alter airfares, frequency and capacity on the planning of airport infrastruc- Economics, the air transport research
have increased. Clearly, this process - ture (chapters 8 and 9). The new air cluster of SEO Economic Research,
and academic director of Airneth.
and experiences after deregulation in transport regime and the adoption of
the United States was introduced hub-and-spoke systems have also About the Reviewer
show this as well - has lead to impor- changed the context of airport plan- Dr. Frank Witlox is professor of
tant changes in the way airlines organ- ning. An important element in this Economic Geography at the
ize their networks and how airport discussion is the volatility of airport Department of Geography at Ghent
authorities plan their infrastructure. It traffic, and how airports react when University.
is precisely this issue that forms the using a flexible strategic planning
core of this book. It describes the style. Book Information
changes in airline network strategies Author: Guillaume Burghouwt
after the deregulation of the EU avia- Fourth and finally, Burghouwt Title: Airline Network Development
tion market and identifies the factors deploys an interesting mix of research in Europe and its Implications for
Airport Planning
that have been crucial to these methods: quantitative research (net-
Publisher: Ashgate
changes. work analyses, spatial concentration Publishing date: March 2007
indices) and qualitative research ISBN: 978-0-7546-4506-1
In addition, the book also assesses the based on document analysis and inter- Ashgate website:
effects of changing airline network views with airline and airport execu-

e-zine edition, Issue 38 1

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