Part 3 of Walter Rhett's Author Interview About Writing His Free E-Book, "From The Front Porches of Charleston:" The Election of Barack Obama.

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Q: What prompted you to write the e-book?

Wr: I had been blogging heavily, daily, since June; challenging illogical ideas and citing the
plain falsehoods that persisted across the net. I relentlessly read papers in Los Angeles,
Seattle, Denver, Kansas City, Dallas, Houston, St. Louis, Chicago, Jackson, MS, Miami,
Atlanta, Charlotte, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, New York, Boston, day and night. My style
is to open the conversation, especially if we have differences. But I'll chide you if I think I have
better evidence; I'll point out what's missing or overlooked in your assertions. I also listen. I
wondered why the bitter conflicts contrasted with the pure joy of Obama supporters, and I
found the answers, I think, in history. The book shares the historical insights that developed
from the open conversation.

Q: Have other writer hit on these themes?

Wr: Yes. The Wall Street Journal had a op-ed article after the election that captured the
book's concept from a different direction. An AP reporter, writing about racial incidents
following Barack's victory, quotes an official at the Southern Poverty Law Center who hits the
mark. The author Wila Cather noted the book's main concept—in the book, I call it legacy--
decades ago. She cited, “the immemorial human attitudes which we recognize by instinct as
universal and true.” But surprisingly, few media people searched deep enough or thought hard
enough to uncover the American legacy of change.They also ignored the tons of historic
examples and parallels about the resistance to change. I simply use Charleston examples,
because of Barack's remark.

Q: What should a reader take away from the e-book?

Wr: Wonder and ponder! Its multi-media book; a table top book on the desk top. The pictures
are mostly without captions so the reader can ponder his or her own story line, make their
own observations, draw their own insights, discuss their points of view. The text has story
after story to give a sense of place to the actions we witnessed on Barack's way to victory. And
the text is also good history, of incidents unknown and not woven into our story. The text
reaches out to include our differences. In this way, it mirrors the values of Barack's campaign
and style of governing.

Q: What's an intriguing example you cite from history?

Wr: The story of another “president,” Robert Purvis, the president of the underground
railroad. He helped more than 9,000 slaves gain freedom. Harriet Tubman, who is better
known, and who spent much of the civil war in Hilton Head, SC as a nurse, scout, and spy. She
leads approximately 500 slaves to freedom.

Purvis was born in Charleston. His mother was Moroccan, freed, and half-Jewish. His father
was an older Englishman who made money as a cotton factor. His parents married in
Charleston, moved to Philadelphia, where Purvis became a legendary figure in the abolitionist
movement and became known as the president of the underground railroad.
Q: How can people download the e-book?

Wr: The download requires an direct access code.

Q:Is it appropriate to pass the link on?

Wr: Yes. Please! Send it to all your friends! Give it as gifts.

Free e-book, “From the Front Porches of Charleston:" The Election of Barack
Obama, 100 photo pages, from Barack's photostream. Download:

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