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PEPFAR REPORT HAILS for an HIV-Free Generation,

a global PPP initially piloted
SUCCESS OF PARTNERSHIPS in Kenya to advance youth-fo-
cused HIV prevention, and the
The President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) is suc- creation of a Wellness Center
cessful in large part because of the public-private partnerships (PPPs) in Uganda in partnership with
the US government has developed with host country governments, Becton, Dickinson and Compa-
NGOs, faith and community-based groups and the private sector, ny and the International Coun-
said PEPFAR’s outgoing Coordinator, Ambassador Mark Dybul, in cil of Nurses. The center will
January. serve 29,000 health workers in
“We have the resources, but the leadership, the brilliance, the real Uganda and their families.
success, is of the people and the countries,” he said at the release of In 2008, PEPFAR contin-
PEPFAR’s annual report. “That’s really one of the geniuses of this pro- ued to expand its partnerships,
gram...that leads with country ownership, that pushes good governance, working with 2,667 organiza-
results-based approaches, all sectors being engaged.” tions up from 1,588 in 2004, of
In today’s resource-constrained world, PPPs are the key to sustain- which 86% were local.
ability. In addition, they help facilitate increased interventions and le- PEPFAR has also worked with
verage private sector resources to multiply impact. PEPFAR supported its international implementing PHOTO: EJ MUNOZ

eight large-scale, multi-country PPPs in 2008, as well as an array of partners to develop strategies A baby receives care at a PEPFAR-
country-level PPPs and workplace programs with local private sector for handing over programs as funded clinic in Addis Ababa,
entities. local organizations increase Ethiopia.
Two such initiatives mentioned in the report are the Partnership their capacity to work directly
with the US government.
Goals for future PPPs, the report stated, include expanding private
PEPFAR ACHIEVEMENTS 2004-2008 health insurance options and strengthening health systems, including
☑ Supported treatment for more than 2.1 million people, human resource capacity and expanding information communications
saving nearly 3.28 million adult years of life. and technology offerings.
☑ Increased the share of those receiving treatment who are Ambassador Dybul also emphasized that PEPFAR investments are
children from 3% in 2004 to 8% in 2008. building Africa’s health care capacity across the board and ultimately
strenthening democracy by building accountability frameworks. “Peo-
☑ Supported care for more than 10.1 million people affect-
ple feel a sense of accountability and development that we haven’t had
ed by HIV/AIDS, including more than 4 million orphans
before,” he said.
and vulnerable children.
Launched by former President George Bush in 2003, PEPFAR has so
☑ Supported HIV counseling and testing for nearly 57 mil- far spent $18.8 billion and exceeded its goal of supporting anti-retrovi-
lion people. ral therapy (ART) for two million people by 2008. As of September 30,
☑ Supported tuberculosis treatment for more than 395,400 2008, the initiative has provided ART for more than 2.1 million people
HIV-infected patients through September 2008. worldwide, of which the great majority are in the 12 focus countries in
☑ Reached an estimated 58.3 million people to prevent sub-Saharan Africa. These include Botswana, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia,
sexual transmission of HIV through the ABC approach. Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanza-
nia, Uganda and Zambia.
☑ Distributed more than 2.2 billion condoms.
In July 2008, the US Congress reauthorized PEPFAR with $48 billion
☑ Supported prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmis- in funding through 2013. The initiative also includes funding for tuber-
sion during nearly 16 million pregnancies, providing anti- culosis and malaria. Between 2009 and 2013, PEPFAR plans to work
viral prophylaxis for nearly 1.2 million HIV-positive preg- in partnership with host nations to support treatment for at least three
nant women, allowing nearly 240,000 infants to be born million people, prevent 12 million new infections, and care for 12 mil-
HIV-free. lion people, including five million orphaned and vulnerable children. It
☑ Partnered with 2,667 organizations, of which 86% were also plans to support training for at least 140,000 new health workers.
local. PEPFAR is expected to receive strong support from the new US Ad-
☑ Supported an estimated 3.7 million training and retrain- ministration because both President Barack Obama and Vice President
ing encounters for health care workers. Joseph Biden were sponsors of the PEPFAR reauthorization. The fund-
ing, though authorized, is still to be appropriated by Congress.



Tanzania’s Muhumbili University of Health The project, funded by a $7.5 million grant OUTCOMES IN UGANDA
Allied Sciences (MUHAS) announced in Jan- from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Uganda’s Makerere University has launched
uary that it will partner with the University of seeks to harness the resources of the two uni- a new partnership with the Johns Hopkins
California, San Francisco (UCSF) to develop versities to develop an institutional partner- University in Baltimore to improve health
and implement strategies to enable MUHAS ship that can be replicated in other low-re- outcomes in Uganda by extending the educa-
and other African institutions to meet their source settings. tion capacity of Makerere’s College of Health
countries’ health workforce needs. Faculty from MUHAS and the MUHAS Sciences.
School of Public Health will work with their The first phase of the project, made possible
counterparts at the UCSF schools of medicine, by a $4.97 million grant from the Bill and Me-
nursing, pharmacy and dentistry to share cur- linda Gates Foundation, focuses on aligning
ricula and educational technologies, and de- Makerere’s education and research with the
velop collaborative research programs. Government of Uganda’s national health goals
“Through this collaboration, MUHAS and priorities, as well as identifying strategies
will recruit and train faculty, strengthen the to ensure the long-term sustainability of the
academic environment for education and re- university’s efforts to address evolving health
search, and revise undergraduate and post- priorities and health manpower needs.
graduate curricula in order to increase its out- Working with the Johns Hopkins Center for
put of health professionals to serve the needs Global Health, Makerere will develop and test
of the country,” said MUHAS Vice Chancellor effective teaching, research and practice strate-
Professor Kisali Pallangyo. gies with a focus on translating research into
The partnership builds on an already estab- policy implementation.
lished relationship between the two universi- “We see this project as a major stepping
ties, which are both public health institutions stone to ensure that Makerere will be the
Student dentists training at Muhimbili that train doctors, nurses, pharmacists, den- hub for capacity building and influencing the
University in Tanzania tists and allied health professionals. health sector to improve lives in Uganda and
the East Africa region for years to come,” said
Dr. David Peters, Associate Professor in the
REGIONAL COOPERATION Department of International Health at Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
GLIA PROGRAM TO PROTECT LONG HAUL The project will be led by Dr. Peters and
Dr. George Pariyo, Head of the Department
TRUCK DRIVERS FROM HIV SHOWS RESULTS of Health Policy, Planning and Management
The Great Lakes Initiative on AIDS (GLIA), ■ In Rwanda, 60% of truckers now know at the Makerere University School of Public
a regional collaboration between six East Af- their HIV status. Health.
rican governments ratified by treaty in 2005, ■ In Uganda, workers’ unions have distrib- One of the early focus areas for the initia-
is starting to see the results of its program to uted condoms, carried out voluntary counsel- tive will be to reduce neonatal and maternal
educate long distance truck drivers about the ing and testing and held behavioral change mortality by removing constraints on women
dangers of unprotected sex and the need to sessions. giving birth in hospitals.
be tested for HIV infection. ■ In Tanzania, truckers living with HIV have “We want to test strategies to reduce the
Working with National HIV Coordinat- openly declared their status and formed a sup- barriers for maternal mortality like reduction
ing Commissions and truck and workers’ port and advocacy group. One spillover effect in hospital fees. We are proposing that we test
unions, in 2007 GLIA helped launch the pro- is that sex workers at truck stops have begun to out ways of subsidizing costs, for example,
gram among its member states - Burundi, use condoms more consistently. through vouchers,” Dr. Pariyo told the Monitor
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Kenya, ■ In DRC, truck drivers report they are hav- newspaper.
Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda - to address the ing fewer sex partners and increasing condom Dr. Ibingira Charles, Dean of the School of
problem of HIV infection in a highly mobile use. Biomedical Sciences at Makerere, described
and vulnerable population. To support this progress, GLIA has con- the project as a bridge between students and
A key facet of the program is to encourage tracted with an international NGO, Constella- the community. “Students have been learning
the truckers themselves to ‘know their epidem- tion for AIDS Competence, to educate leaders but there has been a disconnection between
ic’ and plan and institute their own response. of trucker networks on HIV response and to them and the community through integrat-
Since then, the results have been impressive: encourage them to pass the training on. ing learning and service delivery,” he said.
■ In Kenya, more than 11,000 truckers have GLIA is funded with a $20 million grant “We hope to impact communities by looking
undergone voluntary HIV testing and coun- from the World Bank. Its objective is to imple- at how we can translate research into policy.
seling, many at a well-equipped truck stop on ment HIV/AIDS interventions regionally to Once we are able to do this, it will be easier to
the well-traveled Mlolongo Road. add value to individual country efforts. directly impact the lives of Ugandans.”



The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and have been reported from Nigeria and Niger,
Britain’s Department for International De- according to the Carter Center. East Africa has become the third most im-
velopment (DfID) announced in December The Gates Foundation is contributing $40 portant growing region in the world for Ar-
that they were jointly committing $55 mil- million as a challenge grant to the Carter Cen- temisinin, the active ingredient in the most
lion to the effort led by the Carter Center to ter. It includes an outright contribution of $8 effective antimalarial, the United Nations
finally eradicate Guinea worm disease. million and encourages other donor organiza- (UN) reported in January.
“Guinea worm is poised to be the second tions and individuals to provide an additional Until recently, almost all Artemisia annua
disease eradicated from Earth, ending need- $32 million that the Gates Foundation will plants, native to Asia, were grown in China
less suffering for millions of people from one match one-to-one. The British government and Vietnam, but in 2002 a handful of Kenyan
the world’s oldest and most horrific afflic- has pledged about $15 million. The funds will farmers contracted with the local company
tions,” said former US President Jimmy Carter, be shared equally between the Carter Center Botanical Extracts EPZ Ltd. (BEEPZ) to plant
whose Atlanta-based center has been working and the World Health Organization (WHO). 40 hectares of the plant.
for more than two decades on the eradication Guinea worm disease will be the first disease Artemesia annua cultivation now supports
effort. to be wiped out without a vaccine or medicine. at least 40,000 smallholder farmers growing
He said that cases of Guinea worm disease Interventions include health education, free 4,000 hectares of the crop in Kenya, Tanzania
reached an all-time low in 2008 with less than cloth filter distribution and larvicide applica- and Uganda.
5,000 cases reported in six African nations, tions. To date, about $225 million has been in- Commercialization of the plant was made
down from 3.5 million cases in 1986 in 20 na- vested in the eradication effort. possible by grants from Britain’s Department
tions in Africa and Asia. “The drive to eradicate Guinea worm dis- for International Development (DfID) and
In the first 10 months of 2008 only 4,410 ease is one of the world’s most impressive the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis.
incidents of Guinea worm were reported in global health success stories,” said Dr. Regina BEEPZ pays between $550 and $600 per met-
Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Sudan, Niger and Ni- Rabinovich, Director of Infectious Diseases ric ton. One hectare can produce up to two
geria. It is already suspected that the last cases Development at the Gates Foundation. metric tons of dry leaves.
Cultivation of the plant in Africa is consid-
DIABETES ered critical to ensuring a less expensive supply
of the drug that has taken over from the older
quinine-based medicines no longer considered
NOVO NORDISK TO SUPPLY AFFECTED effective against several forms of malaria.
According to the UN, the Kenyan govern-
CHILDREN WITH FREE INSULIN ment buys about 17 million doses of Artemis-
Danish bio-pharmaceutical company Novo Dr. Jean Claude Mbanya, President-elect of inin drugs annually at a cost of $24 million for
Nordisk announced in December that it the International Diabetes Foundation (IDF). free use at government clinics. At private phar-
would provide diabetes care and free insulin “We must work together across borders to macies, the cost per dose ranges from about
to 10,000 children in the Democratic Repub- keep these children from dying. This is why I $5.50 to $8.20.
lic of Congo, Guinea-Conakry, Tanzania and welcome this new program being launched by In 2006, BEEPZ paid out $1.7 million to
Uganda beginning in 2009. Novo Nordisk.” farmers. The company completed an Artemis-
The five-year program, called “Changing The bio-pharmaceutical company aims to inin extraction plant in 2007 and now supplies
the Future for Children with Diabetes,” will be collaborate with as many local partners as pos- Novartis with enough Artemisinin for more
based on a hub-and-spoke concept with satel- sible, including governments and diabetes as- than 22 million doses of the drug.
lite centers around existing hospitals and clin- sociations, and regional chapters of the IDF. In
ics. With an estimated cost of $25 million, it is addition to providing free insulin, it will focus
aimed at building sustainable solutions for im- on helping to improve the health care infra-
proving availability, accessibility, affordability structure of the host countries.
and quality of diabetes care for children with “This project will not only provide insu-
type 1 diabetes. lin free of charge to an extremely vulnerable
An estimated 38,000 African children have group, it is also designed to build long-term
type 1 diabetes, the majority of whom die solutions for insulin distribution and sustain-
within a year of diagnosis due to lack of ac- able diabetes care for all people with diabetes
cess to insulin. While still relatively rare in in the world’s poorest countries,” said Mr. Lars
Africa, type 1 diabetes is on the rise due to Rebien Sǿrensen, President and CEO of Novo
increased urbanization and changes in dietary Nordisk A/S.
and exercise habits. “The premature death of a Novo Nordisk hopes to expand the program Workers cultivate Artemisia annua plants in
child caused by lack of insulin is unacceptable, beyond the initial four participating coun- Tanzania
when a life-saving solution is available,” said tries.



Fewer people in the world are becoming in- When Nigerian President Umaru
fected with HIV, fewer are dying from AIDS- Yar’Adua appointed Dr. Babatunde
related illnesses and more of those infected Osotemehin his new Minister of Health
with HIV are receiving treatment, a new UN- last December, it was a signal that he
AIDS report states. was making HIV/AIDS the top priority
New infections have declined from three in his country’s health agenda.
million in 2001 to 2.7 million in 2007, the An eminent research scientist in sex-
number of children becoming infected through ual and reproductive health, Dr. Osote-
mother-to-child transmission has dropped to mehin was most recently the Director-
370,000 in 2007 from 450,000 in 2000, and an General of Nigeria’s National Agency
estimated two million people died from AIDS- for the Control of AIDS and the Project
related illnesses in 2007 - down from 2.2 mil- Manager of his country’s HIV/AIDS Pro-
Couples counseling and testing is
lion in 2005. A total of three million people in gram Development Project. He was also
increasingly being adopted
the developing world are now receiving anti- the Coordinator of the Social Sciences
retroviral therapy (ART), 10 times more than curs in their countries. and Reproductive Health Research Net-
were being treated in 2002. One example cited in the report is that of work in Ibadan, Nigeria, and a Professor
But, the report cautions, the total number Uganda, where transmission analysis showed of Clinical Pathology at the University of
of people living with HIV is increasing due to that approximately 43% of new HIV infections Ibadan’s College of Medicine.
new infections, the longer life span of those occurred among ‘low risk’ couples in which In an interview with SciDev.Net, a
receiving treatment and population growth. It one partner was HIV positive and one HIV London-based NGO that provides in-
estimates that about 33 million people world- negative. An estimated 44% of new infections formation on science and development
wide are infected, of which 22 million are in came from those with multiple sex partners, to developing countries, he said his pri-
sub-Saharan Africa. including their regular partners, and about orities would be “research for evidence-
Despite improvements in treatment, the re- 11% were related to sex work. based healthcare,” increased rollout of
port stated, only 25% of those in need of ART Based on these findings, the Government anti-retroviral drugs to fight HIV/AIDS,
receive it and 88 out of 113 developing coun- of Uganda is focusing prevention efforts on community health insurance and a great-
tries reported that fewer than half of mothers people in marriages or long-term relation- er emphasis on routine immunization,
received services to prevent the transmission ships. Prevention strategies include promot- especially for polio, which has seen a re-
of HIV to their children. Seventy-five percent ing couples counseling and testing, efforts to surgence in Nigeria in recent years.
of all AIDS-related deaths worldwide are in reduce the number of sexual partners and em- “We have to improve the capacity of
Africa. phasis on consistent condom use for couples the ministry to deliver quality service to
The report, entitled “AIDS Outlook/09,” in which one partner is HIV positive and one the Nigerian people,” he told
highlights progress made in several African HIV negative. “That capacity is not limited to physical
countries with high prevalence rates in lower- “A number of things are happening with access, but includes competence through
ing new infections and enabling more of those those couples in long-standing relationships. training and financing.”
who are infected to gain access to treatment. First, they don’t use condoms. Second, they do Dr. Osotimehin, who earned medical
According to the report, changes in sexual not test as much. We need to encourage them degrees from the University of Birming-
behavior in Rwanda and Zimbabwe have led to to test - and not only to test, but also to disclose ham in Britain and the University of
a decline in the number of new HIV infections, to their partner,” said Professor Fred Wabwire- Ibadan, did post-doctoral study at Me-
while young people in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Mangen, the team leader of the Uganda modes morial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Ghana, Malawi, Uganda and Zambia are wait- of transmission study and Associate Profes- in New York and the Harvard Center for
ing longer before becoming sexually active. sor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the Population and Development Studies in
Increasingly, the report states, African gov- Makerere Unversity School of Public Health in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
ernments are making greater efforts to under- Kampala.
stand and respond in a targeted way to the Lesotho, which has one of the highest infec-
particular dynamics of the disease in their tion rates in the world, is also reformulating
countries. its national strategy based on its transmission
In 16 sub-Saharan countries - Benin, Bo- analysis.
tswana, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, “With this information we have fine-tuned
Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, our behavioral change and communication
Nigeria, Senegal, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda strategy and future programming of preven-
and Zambia - national HIV experts have just tion interventions,” said Mr. Keketso Sefeane,
produced, or will soon produce, transmission CEO of the Lesotho National AIDS Commis-
analyses that pinpoint how HIV infection oc- sion. Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin


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