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CHAPTER 4 PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, and INTERPRETATION This chapter is primarily concerned with the analysis and interpretation of data

gathered from the 30 respondents. The analysis and interpretation of data are also presented in the accordance with the problem done in chapter 1. The data gathered are presented in frequency distribution table that shows the frequency and percentage of responses. TABLE 1 GENDER PROFILE



Male Femsale

FREQUENCY Male Female Total: Analysis: Out of 30 respondents, 15 of them are Men and the other 15 are women. Interpretation: 15 15 30

PERCENTAGE 50% 50% 100%

The respondents are both female and male this will indicate that both gender have the same prefer mobile phones to buy and to choose. TABLE 2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Responses on the Question Age Profile

1.4 3.2 8.2 15-17 18-20 21-23

AGE 15-17 18-20 21-23 Total: Analysis:

FREQUENCY 5 18 7 30

PERCENTAGE 17% 60% 23% 100%

Table 2 shows that the respondents age range from 18-20 got the highest number with 18 or 60%, followed by 21-23 with 7 or 23% and 15-17 with 5 or 17%. Interpretation: The respondents where on the young adolescence, they can make their decisions and them and rationalize it well. TABLE 3 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Responses on the Question MONTHLY ALLOWANCE
10% 4,000 and Below 4,001-5,000 10% 66% 5,001-6,000 6,001-7,000 7,001 and above

7% 7%

Frequency 4,000 and below 4,001-5,000 5,001-6,000 6,001-7,000 7,001 and above Total: Analysis: 20 3 2 2 3 30

Percentage 66% 10% 7% 7% 10% 100%

In table 3, 20 or 64% of the respondents have a monthly allowance of P4,000 and below, while the others have a 3 or 10%(P4,001-P5,000) monthly allowance. Interpretation: Majority of the respondents in this question, has a monthly allowance of 4, 000 and below it means that they just have a budget for their School stuff. It means that they prefer to buy affordable Mobile phone for communication. TABLE 4 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Responses on the Question What mobile phone brands do you own?
0% 3% 27% 40% 7% 3% 3.20% 0% 3%

Apple BB Cherry Mobile HTC My Phone

Frequency Apple BlackBerry Cherry Mobile HTC My Phone 8 5 0 1 1

Percentage 27% 17% 0% 3% 3%

Nokia Samsung Star Phone Sony Total: Analysis:

2 12 0 1 30

7% 40% 0% 3% 100%

Table 4 shows that 12 or 40% of the respondents have a SAMSUNG Mobile Phones; while 8 of them or 13% of the respondents answer that they have an APPLE mobile Phone. Interpretation: Out of 30 respondents, answers that the brand of mobile phone that they used is SAMSUNG because of convenience and at the same time it is affordable price in the market. TABLE 5 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Responses on the Question What factors made you buy the mobile phone that you are currently using?
0% 43% 0% 37%

Brand Design Durability

17% 3%

Features Price others, Please Specify

Frequency Brand Design Durability Features Price Others, please specify Total: 11 1 5 13 0 0 30

Percentage 37% 3% 17% 43% 0% 0% 100%

Analysis: Table 5 shows that, most of the respondents answer that the factors that mobile phone they currently using is the Brand, with 11 or 37%; while 13 or 43% of the respondents answer is the design. Interpretation: Out of 30 respondents, says that they prefer to buy a phone with a high standard that may cover features and the brand. This may also mean that they want to be in for the fast modification of technology. TABLE 6 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Responses on the Question How much are you willing to spend on buying mobile phone?
7% 3% 17% 63% 7% 3% 1,000 and above 1,001-3,000 3,001-5,000 5,001-7,000 7,001-10,000

Frequency P1,001 and above P1,001-3,000 P3,001-5,000 P5,001-7,000 P7,001-10,000 Above P10,000 Total: Analysis: 2 1 5 2 1 19 30

Percentage 7% 3% 17% 7% 3% 63% 100%

Table 6 shows that 19 or 63% of the respondents answers that, they are willing to spend above P10, 000 in buying a mobile Phone; while 5 or 17% of the respondents spend P3,001-5,000. Interpretation:

Majority of the respondents answer that they want to buy a cell phone that may cost for about 10, 000 and above this may indicate that the respondents wants to buy those well-known brands of cell phone in the market. TABLE 7 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Responses on the Question What Features do you look for in a Mobile Phone?
0% Camera 47% 27% 23% Operating System Q. Keypad Wifi Others, please specify 0

Frequency Camera Operating System Qwerty Pad Wi-Fi Others, please specify TOTAL Analysis: 8 7 1 14 0 30

Percentage 27% 23% 3% 47% 0% 100%

As represented in Table 7, 14 or 47% of the respondents answer that; the features that they look in a mobile Phone is the Wi-Fi; while 8 or 27% says that the Camera. Interpretation: Out of 30 respondents, wants to have Wi-Fi in their Mobile phones. Because of the widening of the social networking in our society right now. Particularly they will have an easy access for students to search for their School chores and assignments and also this will be a excellent tool and ultimately replace textbook, that will be cause convenience for them.

TABLE 8 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Responses on the Question What influence you the most when buying cellphone?
0% 20% 57% 20% 0% 3% Advertising Classmates Family Friends Self

Frequency Advertising Classmates Family Friends Self Word of Mouth Total: Analysis: 6 0 1 6 17 0 30

Percentage 20% 0% 3% 20% 57% 0% 100%

As presented in Table 8, 17 or 57% of the respondents says that they influence in their SELF in buying a Mobile Phone; while 6 or 20% answer that the Advertising. Interpretation: Majority answers self; it means that when choosing a mobile phone they prefer it by themselves, because this mobile phone that theyre going to buy may show their characteristic and uniqueness to others.

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation This chapter represents the summary of findings based on the results of the survey, the conclusion and the recommendations offered. Summary of the Findings From the survey, the following data were gathered: 1. There were 60% of the respondents who belongs with the age bracket of 18-20. 2. Both Female and Male with 50% are the respondents. 3. Majority or 66% of the respondents have a monthly allowance of P4, 000 and below. 4. Majority or 27% of the respondents; the features that they look in a mobile phone is the Camera.

Conclusion: Out of 30 respondents majority of them answer that they want to have a fast, affordable, well-known brand of mobile phone and also has an easy access for social networking that may helped them to search for their assignments and all about school stuff. In this modern time like Mobile Phone, cell phone or Smart Phone are instruments that can help the students more productive. Recommendation: Technology indeed transformed the way of living and also the way that we handled our communication and also our way of studying. With the modern technology of mobile phones we are able to know or access all our school stuff easily, that we tend to forgot to use and utilize our textbooks, or any other paper material that may also helped us in leaning our minds and also our thoughts to communicate. I, strongly recommend that when using or buying our personal gadgets like this, we must consider that we are just students. We must take in our minds that the money that we are spending is not just for us, so we have to use our money wisely and just spend for the common goods of ourselves not just being in for the group.

CENTRO ESCOLAR UIVERSITY Mendiola, Manila School of Accountancy and Management

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in Marketing Research

Submitted by: Rosemarie C. Salonga BSBAMM3b

Submitted to: Prof. Edgar Tichepco

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