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Schedule of Events Engineering Mathematics-III Material Science and Metallurgy Basic Thermodynamics Mechanics of Materials Manufacturing Processes Computer Aided Machine Drawing Metallography and Material testing Lab Foundry and Forging Lab


B.E. (Aero) III Semester


Commencement of Semester Internal Test Schedule First Test Second Test Third Test

01 Aug 2011

End of Semester Commencement of Practical Examinations Commencement of Theory Examinations Commencement of EVEN Semester OTHER MAJOR EVENTS MVJ Memorial Cricket Tournament TECH FEST Volley Ball Tournament Sep2011


Sl No

Subject Code


Teachin g Dept.

Teaching Hours / week Th . 04 Pr. -Duration 03

Examination I.A Marks 25 Theory/ Practica l 100 Total Marks 125

10MAT31 10ME32A/ 10ME32B 10ME33 10ME34 10AE35 10ME36A/ 10ME36B

Engineering Mathematics-III



Material Science and Metallurgy/Mechanic ME/AE al Mesurements & Metrology Basic Thermodynamics Mechanics of Materials Manufacturing Processes Computer Aided Machine Drawing/ Fluid Mechanics Metallography & Material Testing Lab/ Mechanical Measurements & Metrology Lab Foundry & Forging Laboratory/ Machine shop







3 4 5 6


04 04 04 01


03 03 03 03

25 25 25 25

100 100 100 100

125 125 125 125


10MEL37A 10MEL37B









10MEL38A/ 10MEL38B



03 09

03 24

25 200

50 700

75 900

III SEMESTER ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS III Sub Code : 10MAT31 Hrs/ Week : 04 IA Marks : 25 Exam Hours : 03

Total Hrs. : 52 PART-A

Exam Marks : 100

UNIT-1 Fourier series Convergence and divergence of infinite series of positive terms, definition and illustrative examples* . Periodic functions, Dirichlets conditions, Fourier series of periodic functions of period 2 and arbitrary period, half range Fourier series. Complex form of Fourier series. Practical harmonic analysis 7 Hours UNIT-2 Fourier Transforms Infinite Fourier transform, Fourier Sine and Cosine transforms, properties, Inverse transforms 6 Hours UNIT-3 Application of PDE Various possible solutions of one dimensional wave and heat equations, two dimensional Laplaces equation by the method of separation of variables, Solution of all these equations with specified boundary conditions. DAlemberts solution of one dimensional wave equation. 6 Hours UNIT-4 Curve Fitting and Optimisation Curve fitting by the method of least squares- Fitting of curves of the form y =ax+b, y=ax 2+ bx + c, y=a ebx, y= a xb Optimization: Linear programming, mathematical formulation of linear programming problem (LPP), Graphical method and simplex method. 7 Hours

PART-B UNIT-5 Numerical Methods - 1 Numerical Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations: Regula-falsi method, Newton - Raphson method. Iterative methods of solution of a system of equations: Gauss-seidel and Relaxation methods. Largest eigen value and the corresponding eigen vector by Rayleighs power method. 6 Hours UNIT-6 Numerical Methods 2 Finite differences: Forward and backward differences, Newtons forward and backward interpolation formulae. Divided differences - Newtons divided difference formula, Lagranges interpolation formula and inverse interpolation formula. Numerical integration: Simpsons one-third, three-eighth and Weddles rules (All formulae/rules without proof). 7 Hours UNIT-7

Numerical Methods 3 Numerical solutions of PDE finite difference approximation to derivatives, Numerical solution of two dimensional Laplaces equation, one dimensional heat and wave equations 7 Hours UNIT-8 Difference Equations and Z-Transforms Difference equations: Basic definition; Z-transforms definition, standard Z-transforms, damping rule, shifting rule, initial value and final value theorems. Inverse Z-transform. Application of Z-transforms to solve difference equations . 6 Hours Note: * In the case of illustrative examples, questions are not to be set.

TEXT BOOKS: 1. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Latest edition, Khanna Publishers. 2. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Latest edition, Wiley Publications.

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. B.V. Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Latest edition, Tata Mc. Graw Hill Publications. 2. Peter V. ONeil, Engineering Mathematics, CENGAGE Learning India Pvt Ltd.Publishers

MATERIAL SCIENCE AND METALLURGY Subject Code : 10ME32A /42A Hours/Week : 04 Total Hours : 52 IA Marks : 25 Exam Hours : 03 Exam Marks : 100

PART A UNIT - 1 Crystal Structure: BCC, FCC and HCP Structures, coordination number and

atomic packing factors, crystal imperfections -point line and surface imperfections. Atomic Diffusion: Phenomenon, Ficks laws of diffusion, factors affecting diffusion. 06 Hours UNIT - 2 Mechanical Behaviour: Stress-strain diagram showing ductile and brittle behaviour of materials, linear and non linear elastic behaviour and properties, mechanical properties in plastic range, yield strength offset yield strength, ductility, ultimate tensile strength, toughness. Plastic deformation of single crystal by slip and twinning. 06 Hours

UNIT - 3 Fracture: Type I, Type II and Type III. Creep: Description of the phenomenon with examples. three stages of creep, creep properties, stress relaxation. Fatigue: Types of fatigue loading with examples, Mechanism of fatigue, fatigue properties, fatigue testing and S-N diagram. 07 Hours UNIT - 4 Solidification: Mechanism of solidification, Homogenous and Heterogeneous nucleation, crystal growth, cast metal structures. Phase Diagram I: Solid solutions Hume Rothary rule substitutional, and interstitial solid solutions, intermediate phases, Gibbs phase rule. 07 Hours


UNIT - 5 Phase Diagram II: Construction of equilibrium diagrams involving complete and partial solubility, lever rule. Iron carbon equilibrium diagram description of phases, solidification of steels and cast irons, invariant reactions. 06 Hours

UNIT - 6 Heat treating of metals: TTT curves, continuous cooling curves, annealing and its types. normalizing, hardening, tempering, martempering, austempering, hardenability, surface hardening methods like carburizing, cyaniding, nitriding, flame hardening and induction hardening, age hardening of aluminium-copper alloys. 07 Hours UNIT - 7 Ferrous and non ferrous materials: Properties, Composition and uses of Grey cast iron, malleable iron, SG iron and steel Copper alloys-brasses and bronzes. Aluminium alloys-Al-Cu,Al-Si,Al-Zn alloys. 06 Hours

UNIT - 8 Composite Materials: Definition, classification, types of matrix materials & reinforcements, fundamentals of production of FRP's and MMC's advantages and application of composites. 07 Hours TEXT BOOKS: 1. Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering, Smith, 4th Edition McGraw Hill, 2009 2. Materials Science, Shackleford., & M. K. Muralidhara, Pearson Publication 2007.

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. An Introduction to Metallurgy; Alan Cottrell, Universities Press India Oriental Longman Pvt. Ltd., 1974. 2. Engineering Materials Science, W.C.Richards, PHI, 1965 3. Physical Metallurgy; Lakhtin, Mir Publications 4. Materials Science and Engineering, V.Raghavan , PHI, 2002 5. Elements of Materials Science and Engineering, H. VanVlack, Addison- Wesley Edn., 1998 6. Materials Science and Engineering,William D. Callister Jr., John Wiley & Sons. Inc, 5th Edition, 2001. 7. The Science and Engineering of Materials, Donald R. Askland and Pradeep.P. Phule, Cengage Learning, 4lh Ed., 2003.

QUESTION BANK Unit-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Define the term Unit cell, Lattice Parameter, Co ordination, Atomic packing factor with respect to crystal structure With neat sketch explain Edge dislocation & screw Dislocation & compare them From fundamentals, calculate the atomic packing factor for a BCC crystal Explain Plastic deformation of metals & the mechanisms that contributes to it Calculate basic atoms (Average atoms per unit cell relationship between lattice constant (a), Atomic radius(r), & atomic packing Factor for BCC & FCC crystal structure Draw a Unit Cell HCP & Find the effective No. Of atoms in the unit cell & its atomic packing factor Define Diffusion. Name the factors, which control the coefficient of diffusion.

Unit-2 1. With neat sketches, Explain the difference between slip & Twinning

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Sketch the Stress-Strain diagram for perfect Ductile & Brittle Materials Explain the mechanism of ductile brittle transition. Write briefly about Dislocation & their role in Plastic deformation Distinguish between Brinell & Rockwell hardness test Distinguish between Charpy & Izods Impact testing

Unit-3 1. Define Fatigue. Name the factors, which control the fatigue. 2. Explain fatigue testing. 3. Define fracture and explain all types of fracture. 4. Define creep and explain three stags in creep with fatigue testing 5. Explain Factors affecting fatigue life and protection methods Unit-4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Compare between Homogenous & heterogeneous Nucleation Write briefly about constitutional cooling Write briefly about eutectic solidification Explain briefly the process of Nucleation & growth of Pure Metals Define & Explain the Linear elastic properties of metals From the concept of free energy and with the help of cooling curve explain how solidification process begins in pure metals. 7. Explain briefly the solidification of Alloys 8. Describe the Structures of cast metals with neat sketches

9. Define Solid solution. Compare between Interstitial & substitutional solid solution 10. With example 11. Draw the following type of Phase Diagrams- Eutectic, Eutectoid and Peritectic. 12. At Eutectic temperature three phase, liquid of 61%B solid of 10% B and solid of 95% are in equilibrium for a binary alloy of A & B. Find the ratio of & phases in the eutectic phase. 13. Two Metals A & B of melting point 650 C & 450 C respectively. When alloyed together they do not form any compound or intermediate phase but form a eutectic at 300 C of composition of 40% A. The maximum solid solubilities of B in A & A in B occurring at 300 C, are 10% B & 8% A respectively and they reduce to 5% B & 4% A respectively at 0 C. Assume that the solidus, liquidus & solvus lines to be straight. a. Draw the phase diagram of the series and mark all salient regions b. Find the temperature at which an alloy with 30% B starts & ends Solidification c. Find the relative amounts, percentage, composition, number, type & distribution of the phases in the above alloy at 0 C 14. Write briefly about Gibbs Phase rule & how it can be applied for unary phase diagram? 15. What criteria favoring the formation of substitution solid solutions. Explain clearly. 16. Explain Hume-Ruthary rules giving examples 17. Explain the method of construction of a phase diagram for general A-B system with the following data i. A & B are mutually soluble in liquid state ii. A & B are partially soluble in liquid state iii. A & B form an Eutectic

18.Two metals A & B have 100% mutual solubilities in the liquid and solid states .The melting point of pure metal A & B are 800 C& 600 C respectively. Details of start and end of solidification of various alloys in the series are as follows: Temp. at start of Temp at end of Alloy of Composition solidification solidification 90 % A + 10% B 798 C 750 C 70% A + 30%B 785 C 705C 50% A+ 50% B 675C 757C 30% A + 70% B 715C 645C 10% A + 90%B 650C 615C Draw the phase diagram of the series if there are no solid state reactions & label all regions ii) Predict the number, type, relative amounts & concentration of phases present in an alloy of 40% A & 60% B at 700C & 20 C. 19.Two metals A and B are used to form an alloy containing 75% A and 25 % B. A melts at 750C and B at 550C. When alloyed together A and B do not form any compound or intermediate phase. The solid solubility of metal A in B do not form any compound or intermediate phase. The solid solubility of metal A in B and B in A are negligible. The metal pair forms a eutectic at 40%A and 60%B which solidifies at 300C. Assume the liquidus and solidus lines to be straight. Draw the phase diagram for the alloy series and find a. The temperature at which the alloy starts and completes solidification. b. The percentage of eutectic in the alloy at room temperature. Unit-5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Draw Iron-Iron Carbide phase diagram & indicate the temperature compression and phases on it. Elaborate the invariant reactions involved in it Explain the equilibrium coding of a Hypo eutectoid steel from liquid-state with phase transformation that takes place Compare the microstructure of steels & cast irons What is TTT diagram? How is it different from phase diagram? Describe the various transformed products of Austenite on cooling Draw a neat Fe-Fe3C equilibrium diagram, label all the salient fields, temperatures & compositions on it & explain the mode of solidification, solid state reaction & room temperature microstructure of the following alloy: cast iron with 3.5% carbon. Explain clearly the three invariants reactions in the above question Define the following with respect to steel: Pearlite, Ferrite, Ledubrite, Cemenite, Austenite Draw the Fe-Fe3Cphase diagram & label all temperatures (in 0C), compositions & phases. Sketch the microstructure of eutectoid steel & S G iron & identify the phases in it Differentiate between plain carbon steel & alloy steels Explain general classification of steel Explain briefly CCT Curve with neat diagram Discuss the chemical composition, properties & engineering applications of Grey Cast Iron & S G Iron Describe how TTT diagrams are constructed How is different from phase diagram i)

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.


Unit-6 Explain the difference between annealing & Normalizing and the need for each. Write briefly about Critical cooling rate & precipitation Hardening Using the relevant portion of the Fe-Fe3 equilibrium diagram & the TTT diagram with cooling curve super imposed on it discuss the normalizing heat treatment of a 1.5%, plain carbon Steel with respect to the process, Micro structural changes & its properties. Changes due to the process. 4. Explain briefly the metmorphing process & its advantages over traditional Quench Hardening 5. Describe the various transformed products of Austenite on cooling 6. Define heat treatment of steel. What are the steps involved in it & its purpose 7. Describe the following heat treatment process of steels with regard to thermal cycle involved, microstructure and properties aimed i) Annealing ii) hardening iii) Spheroidising 8. Distinguish between Aus tempering & Mar tempering with neat diagram. What are the practical difficulties in these treatments? 9. Write short note on Surface Heat treatment (Case Hardening, Nitriding, Cyaniding) 10. Explain the process of flame hardening and induction hardening with neat sketch. 11. Explain Jominy end quench test. Unit-7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mention the properties, Composition & applications of following steels i) Low-Carbon steel ii) High Carbon steel iii)18/8 Stainless steel iv) 18/4/1 HSS Compare the composition, microstructure, properties & applications of Gray C I & S G Iron with neat diagram Discuss the importance of aluminum alloys in engineering field & name few Alloys Mention the composition & properties of Bronze, Brass & Al-Si alloy. Write a short note on Age Hardening. Write a note on a)light alloys like Al & Mg & Titanium alloys b)Copper & its alloys,brasses & Bronzes Unit -8 What do you mean by corrosion how to prevent it . Explain general methods of preventing corrosion. Explain cathodic protection. Explain concept of Stress corrosion cracking. Explain corrosion prevention by alloying. SHORT NOTES ON: Crystal Imperfections BIS designation of Steels Alloy Steels Ductile & Brittle Fracture Lever Rule applied to Eutectoid steel Microstructures of Eutectoid steel & grey cast iron Difference between Annealing & Normalizing Effects of Chromium & Nickel as alloy7ing elements in steel Laminated Composites 1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Ficks law of Diffusion Nucleation & Growth Ceramics as insulators Izod impact test Gibbs phase rule Age Hardening 16. Case Hardening.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.




Subject Code : 10ME33 Hours/Week : 04 Total Hours : 52

IA Marks : 25 Exam Hours : 03 Exam Marks : 100

PART-A UNIT - 1 Fndamental Concepts & Definitions: Thermodynamics definition and scope, Microscopic and Macroscopic approaches. Some practical applications of engineering thermodynamic Systems, Characteristics of system boundary and control surface, examples. Thermodynamic properties; definition and units, intensive and extensive properties. Thermodynamic state, state point, state diagram, path and process, quasi-static process, cyclic and non-cyclic ;processes; Thermodynamic equilibrium; definition, mechanical equilibrium; diathermic wall, thermal equilibrium, chemical equilibrium, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Temperature; concepts, scales, fixed points and measurements. 06 Hours UNIT - 2 Work and Heat: Mechanics, definition of work and its limitations. Thermodynamic definition of work; examples, sign convention. Displacement work; as a part of a system boundary, as a whole of a system boundary, expressions for displacement work in various processes through p-v diagrams. Shaft work; Electrical work. Other types of work. Heat; definition, units and sign convention. 06 Hours UNIT - 3 First Law of Thermodynamics: Joules experiments, equivalence of heat and work. Statement of the First law of thermodynamics, extension of the First law to non - cyclic processes, energy, energy as a property, modes of energy, pure substance; definition, two-property rule, Specific heat at constant volume, enthalpy, specific heat at constant pressure. Extension of the First law to control volume; steady state-steady flow energy equation, important applications, analysis of unsteady processes such as film and evacuation of vessels with and without heat transfer. 07 Hours UNIT - 4 Second Law of Thermodynamics: Devices converting heat to work; (a) in a thermodynamic cycle, (b) in a mechanical cycle. Thermal reservoir. Direct heat engine; schematic representation and efficiency. Devices converting work to heat in a thermodynamic cycle; reversed heat engine, schematic representation, coefficients of performance. Kelvin - Planck statement of the Second law of Thermodynamics; PMM I and PMM II, Clausius statement of Second law of Thermodynamics, Equivalence of the two statements; Reversible and irreversible processes; factors that make a process irreversible, reversible heat engines, Carnot cycle, Carnot principles. 07 Hours


PART-B UNIT - 5 Entropy: Clasius inequality; Statement, proof, application to a reversible cycle. Entropy; definition, a property, change of entropy, principle of increase in entropy, entropy as a quantitative test for irreversibility, calculation of entropy using Tds relations, entropy as a coordinate. Available and unavailable energy. 06 Hours UNIT - 6 Pure Substances: P-T and P-V diagrams, triple point and critical points. Sub-cooled liquid, saturated liquid, mixture of saturated liquid and vapour, saturated vapour and superheated vapour states of pure substance with water as example. Enthalpy of change of phase (Latent heat). Dryness fraction (quality), T-S and H-S diagrams, representation of various processes on these diagrams. Steam tables and its use. Throttling calorimeter, separating and throttling calorimeter. 07 Hours UNIT - 7 Thermodynamic relations: Maxwell relation, Clausius Clayperon's equation. Ideal gas; equation of state, internal energy and enthalpy as functions of temperature only, universal and particular gas constants, specific heats, perfect and semi-perfect gases. Evaluation of heat, work, change in internal energy. enthalpy and entropy in various quasi-static processes. 07 Hours UNIT - 8 Ideal gas mixture: Ideal gas mixture; Dalton's laws of partial pressures, Amagat's law of additive volumes, evaluation of properties, Analysis of various processes. Real Gases: Introduction. Van-der Waal's Equation of state, Van-der Waal's constants in terms of critical properties, Law of corresponding states, compressibility factor; compressibility chart 06 Hours Data Handbooks : 1. Thermodynamic data hand book, B.T. Nijaguna. 2. Properties of Refrigerant & Psychometric (tables & Charts in SI Units), Dr. S.S. Banwait, Dr. S.C. Laroiya, Birla Pub. Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, 2008 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Basic Engineering Thermodynamics, A.Venkatesh, Universities Press, 2008 2. Basic and Applied Thermodynamics, P.K.Nag, 2nd Ed., Tata McGraw Hill Pub. 2002 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach, Yunus A.Cenegal and Michael A.Boles, Tata McGraw Hill publications, 2002 2. Engineering Thermodynamics, J.B.Jones and G.A.Hawkins, John Wiley and Sons.. 3. Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics, G.J.Van Wylen and R.E.Sonntag, Wiley Eastern. 4. An Introduction to Thermodynamcis, Y.V.C.Rao, Wiley Eastern, 1993, 5. B.K Venkanna, Swati B. Wadavadagi Basic Thermodynamics, PHI, New Delhi, 2010


LESSON PLANS Hrs. No Topics to be covered 1. Thermodynamics, definition and scope. Microscopic and macroscopic approaches. 2. 3. Engineering thermodynamics definition, some particle application of engineering thermodynamics. System and control volume characteristics of system boundary and control surface examples; thermodynamics property definition and units. Intensive and extensive properties. Thermodynamics state, state point, state diagram, path and process, quasi static process, cyclic and non cyclic processes. Thermodynamic equilibrium; definition, mechanical equilibrium, diathermic wall thermal equilibrium chemical equilibrium Zeroth law of thermodynamics temperature concepts scales measurement internal fixed points. Numericals Mechanics definition of work and its limitations, thermodynamics definition of work; Examples of sign convention Displacement work at part of a system boundary at whole of a system boundary Expression for displacement work in various process through p-v diagrams. Shaft work electrical works other types of work heat definition units and sign convention what heat is not. Numericals Numericals Joules experiments equivalence of heat and work statement of the first law of thermodynamics Extension of the first law to non-cyclic process energy energy as a property modes of energy pure substance. Definition two property rules specific heat and constant volume enthalpy Specific heat constant pressure extension of first law to control volume steady state flow energy equation Important applications analysis and unsteady process such a filling and evacuation of vessels with and without heat transfer Numericals Numericals Second law of thermodynamics devices converting heat into work (a) Thermodynamics cycle (b) Mechanical cycle. Thermal reservoir, direct heat engine, schematic representation and efficiency. Devices converting work to heat in a thermodynamics cycle. Reversed heat engine, schematic representation, COP. Kelvin Planck statement of second law of thermodynamics PMM-I and PMM-II. Clasius statement of second law of thermodynamics equivalence of two statement reversible and irreversible process Factors that make process a to irreversible. Reversible heat engine, carnot cycle, carnot 16

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

principles, thermodynamics temperature cycle. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Numericals Numericals Entropy Clasius inequality statement proof Application to a reversible cycle as independent of path Entropy definition a property, principle of increases of entropy Entropy as a quantitative test for irreversibility, Calculation of entropy using Tds relations Entropy as co ordinate available and unavailable energy. Maximum work, maximum useful work for a system and a control volume Availability of a system and a stadily flowing stream Irreversibility, second law efficiency Pure substance P-T and P-V diagrams, triple point and critical points Sub cooled liquid, saturated vapor, and superheated vapor, Enthalpy of Change of phase, dryness factors, States of pure substance with water as example... TS and HS diagrams, representation of various process on this diagrams.Steam tables and its use Throttling calorimeter, Separating and throttling calorimeter Introduction of availability and irreversibility Real & ideal gases introduction, Vander waals equation van der waals constant in terms of critical properties. Law of corresponding states, compressibility chart. Ideal gas equation of state, internal energy and enthalpy as functions of temperature only. Universal and particular gas constant, specific heats, perfect and semi-perfect gases. Evaluation of heat, work, change in internal energy, enthalpy and entropy in various quasi-static processes. Ideal gas mixture, Daltons law of additive pressure, Amagats law of additive volume. Evaluation of Properties, Analysis of Various processes.


QUESTION BANK CHAPTER 1: FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Define the following terms with reference to thermodynamics a) System b) property c) process d) cycle e) thermodynamic equilibrium Define Zeroth law of thermodynamics and Prove that T(K)=T(C) +273 Distinguish between i) open and closed system ii) Intensive and Extensive Properties. iii) Mechanical and thermal equilibrium. Explain thermodynamic system. Whether the following systems are open (or) closed i) a scooter engine ii) Centrifugal water pump iii) An electric fan iv) A motor car battery Fahrenheit and centigrade thermometers are both immersed in a fluid. Fahrenheit reading is numerically twice that of the centigrade reading. What is temperature of The Fluid expressed as R and K A temperature T on a thermometric scale is defined in terms of property P by Relation T= a log e p + b Where A and B are constants. The temperature at ice point and steam points are 00c and 100 0c respectively. An instrument gives values of P as1.86 and 6.81 at ice and steam point respectively. Evaluate temperature Corresponding to a reading of p =2.5. The normal body temperature is 96.6 0F. What is the temperature in 0c, K and R?





1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Define Work and Heat from the thermodynamic point of view. Define point function and path function. Prove that heat is a path function. Differentiate between Work and Heat. What is meant by displacement work? Explain the same with reference to different Quasistatic processes. A home cooler has fan of 170 watts rating .If the cooler operates for 10 hrs. Find the energy consumed by the cooler. A battery is charged with a battery charger. The charger operates 1 hour at 15v and a current of 30 Amps. Ccalculate the work done on the battery. Aspherical balloon has a diameter of 20cm and contains air at 1.5 bars. The diameter of the balloon increases to 30cm in a certain process during which pressure is proportional to the diameter. Calculate the work done by the air inside the balloon during the process. A gas in the cylinder and piston arrangement comprises the system. It expands from 1m3 to 2m3 while receiving 200kJ of work from a paddle wheel. The pressure on the gas remains constant at 5 bars. Determine the network done by the system

CHAPTER 3: FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Derive an expression for displacement work for polytropic process Write a brief note on perpetual motion machines. Define internal energy and prove that it is a property State first law of thermodynamics for a closed system undergoing a cyclic process. Show that internal energy is property of the system. Explain the word Enthalpy of a system and the term pV with reference to an open system. 18






11. 12. 13.


A cylinder containing the compressor the system cycle is completed as follows. 1) 8200N-m of work is done by the piston on the air during compression stroke and 45 kJ of heat are rejected to the surroundings.2) During expansion stroke 1000N-m of work is done by the air on the piston. Calculate the quantity of heat added to the system One kg of air having an initial volume of 0.3m3 is heated at constant pressure of 3.2 bar until the volume is doubled. Calculate (a) initial and final temperature of air, (b) work done (c) Heat added Take Cp = 1.003kJ/kg K, R = 0.2927 kJ/kg K A tank contains 12 kg of water used for determining mechanical thermal energy equalities. The total work input is 40Nm. assuming the system is adiabatic find the change in specific and total internal energy. If a heat loss of 0.1J/kg is noted, what is the internal energy change? An engine cylinder of diameter 22.5 cm has a stroke length of 37.5 cm. The swept volume is 4 times the clearance volume. The pressure of gases at the beginning of expansion stroke is 1569 kPa. Find the work done during expansion stroke assuming the process as reversible adiabatic Take, = 1.4 A cylinder contains 1 kg of certain fluid at an initial pressure of 20 bar. The fluid is allowed to expand reversible behind a piston according to law pV2 = constant until the column is doubled. The fluid is then cooled reversibly at constant pressure until the piston regains its original position. Heat is then supplied reversibly with the piston firmly licked in position initial the pressure raises to the original value of 200 bar. Calculate the net work done by the fluid for an initial volume of 0.5 m3 Derive steady flow energy equation stating the assumption made Apply the steady flow energy equation for the following system a) Gas turbine b) Nozzle c) Condenser d) Throttle valve A steam turbine operating under steady flow conditions receives 4500kg of steam per our. The steam enters the turbine at a velocity of 42 m/s at the elevation of 4m and a specific enthalpy of 2800kJ/kg. It leaves the turbine at a velocity of 9.4m/s at an elevation of 1m and specific enthalpy of 2262kJ/kg. The heat losses from the turbine to the surroundings amounts to 16780kJ/hr. determine the power output of the machine. A centrifugal pump delivers 60kg of water per second. The inlet and outlet pressure are 10 kPa and 400 kPa respectively. The suction is 2 m below and delivery is 8 m about the centerline of the pump. The suction and delivery pipe diameter are 20cm and 10cm respectively. Determine the capacity of the electric motor to run the pump.

CHAPTER 4: SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Write the Kelvin- Plancks and Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics and prove that they are equivalent. Define irreversibility and mention at least 3 factor which render a process irreversible. state carnots theorem Show that C O P of the heat pump minus C O P of a refrigerator is unity. Define the term source, sink, and heat reservoir Define heat engine and differentiate between heat engine and a reversed heat engine. There are 3 reservoirs at temperature 8270C, 1270C and 270C parallel. A reversible heat engine operates between 8270C &1270C and a reversible refrigerator operates between 27 and 1270C respectively. 502kJ of heat are extracted for the reservoir at 8270C by the heat 19

engine and the refrigerator from the reservoir at 270C abstracts 251 kJ of heat. Find the net amount of heat delivered to the reservoir at 1270C. Can the heat engine drive the refrigerator and still delivers some net amount of work? IF so how much 8. A heat engine working on Carnot cycle converts one-fifth of the heat input into work. When the temperature of the sink is reduced by 800C the efficiency gets doubled. Calculate for the temperature of source and sink. 9. The working substance in a carnot engine is 0.05kg of air. The maximum cycle temperature is 940 K, and the maximum pressure is 8.4 x 103 kPa. The heat added per cycle is 4.2 kg. Determine the maximum cylinder volume if the minimum temperature during the cycle is 300k 10. A reversible engine operates between 3 heat reservoirs 1000K, 800K & 600K and rejects heat to a reservoir at 300K, the engine develops 10kW and rejects 412kJ/min. If heat supplied by the reservoir at 1000K is 60% of heat supplied by the reservoir at 600 K, find quantity of heat supplied by each reservoir 11. An inverter claims to have developed a refrigerator, which maintains the refrigerated space at 100 c, and it has a cop of 8.5. How would you evaluate his claim as patent officer? 12. A reversible engine works between temperature limits of 2600 C and 600 C., which is preferable? Raising the source temperature to 3000 C or lowering the sink temperature to 300 C. CHAPTER 5: ENTROPY Define entropy and show that entropy is a property of a system. Explain the principle of increase of entropy. Derive an expression for entropy Explain availability of a system with heat transfer. What do you mean by available and non available energy. Derive an expression for decrease in available energy and unavailable energy. Write short note on Helmholtz and Gibb function. 0.5 kg of air initially at 250C is heated reversibly at constant volume until pressure is doubled, for the total path determine the work transfer, the heat transfer and the change in entropy. 9. A 30 kg of steel ball at 4270 C is dropped in 150kg oil at 270 C, the specific heat of steel and 2.5kj/kg k respectively. Estimate the entropy change of steel, oil and that of system Containing oil and steel. 10. One kg of air at 1bar pressure and 150C is heated in a cylinder under constant pressure Conditions to 150 0C. Find the volume, the work done and the changes in internal energy, enthalpy and entropy. 11. 10gms of water at 200 C is converted into ice at 100c at constant pressure, assuming the specific heat of liquid water to remain constant at 4.2kj /kg k and that of ice to be half of this value and taking the latent heat of fusion of ice at 00 c to 335j/g, calculate the total entropy. CHAPTER 6: AVAILABILITY AND IRREVERSIBILITY 1. A System receives 10000KJ of heat at 500 K from a source at 1000K. the temperature of the surroundings is 300 K .Assume that the temperature 20 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

of the system and source remains constant during heat transfer, Find : i. The entropy production due to above mentioned heat transfer, ii. Decrease in available energy

2. Determine the availability per unit mass for combustion products (say air) in an engine Cylinder at 11870 C and 15Mpa. Assume the environmental at 0.101Mpa =250 C.

and T0

3. Making use of a availability equation, determine the maximum thermal efficiency of a heat engine operating between a high reservoir at Th and a low temperature heat reservoir at TL.40kg of water at 1400 C mix 50kg of water at 550 C at constant pressure. If the Surroundings were at temperature 270 C, calculate the decrease in available energy. 4. a liquid of specific heat 6.3 KJ/Kg K is heated at approximately constant pressure from150 C. to 700 C. by passing it through tubes which are immersed in furnace. the furnace temperature is constant at 14000 C. Calculate the effectiveness of the heating process when the atmospheric temperature is 100 C. 5. Differentiate between availability function and Gibbs energy function 6. Derive a general expression for irreversibility in Non flow process and Steady flow process

CHAPTER 7: PURE SUBSTANCES 1. Define the following terms with reference to pure substances i) Heat of fusion ii) Sensible heat iii) Wet steam iv) Triple point v) Enthalpy vi) Critical point vii) Dryness fraction viii) Sensible heat 2. Explain with neat sketch the method of estimating quality of steam by throttling calorimeter. 3. Explain with neat sketch the method of determining the quality of steam by combined separating and throttling calorimeter. 4. Draw a P-T diagram for pure substance and indicate all the necessary points on it. 5. A pressure cooker contains 1.5 kg of saturated steam at 5 bar. Find the quantity of heat which must be rejected so as to reduce quality to 60 % dry. Determine the pressure and temperature at the new state.


Find the enthalpy, specific volume and internal energy if the pressure of steam is 50 bar and temperature is 443 0C. 7. 0.5 Kg of steam has a dryness fraction of 0.8 initially. This steam is heated at constant pressure till it reaches 8 bar till the volume is double. Determine the final temp 8. Two boilers one with super heater and without super heater are delivering equal quantities of steam into a common main. The pressure in the boiler is 20bar. The temperature of steam from a boiler with a super heater is 3500C and temperature of the steam in the main is 2500C determine the quality of the steam supplied by other boiler take Cps=2.25KJ/Kg. 9. Steam from a boiler is delivered at 15 bar absolute and dryness fraction of 0.85 into a steam superheater where an additional heat is added at constant pressure. Steam temperature now increases to 573 K. Determine amount of heat added and change in internal energy for unit mass of steam 10. A piston cylinder assembly had steam at 100kPa with quality 20 percent wet. Temperature of steam rises to 3000C due to energy transfer. Determine the work done and heat supplied. 11. A pressure cooker contains 4 kg of steam at 6 bar and 0.96 dryness. Fine the quantity of heat which must be rejected so as the quality of steam becomes 0.7 dry







MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Subject Code : 10ME34 Hours/Week : 04 Total Hours : 52 PART-A UNIT 1: Simple Stress and Strain: Introduction, Stress, strain, mechanical properties of materials, Linear elasticity, Hooke's Law and Poisson's ratio, Stress-Strain relation - behaviour in tension for Mild steel, cast iron and non ferrous metals. Extension / Shortening of a bar, bars with cross sections varying in steps, bars with continuously varying cross sections (circular and rectangular), Elongation due to self weight, Principle of super position 07 Hours UNIT 2: Stress in Composite Section: Volumetric strain, expression for volumetric strain, elastic constants, simple shear stress, shear strain, temperature stresses (including compound bars). 06 Hours UNIT 3: Compound Stresses: Introduction, Plane stress, stresses on inclined sections, principal stresses and maximum shear stresses, Mohr's circle for plane stress. 07 Hours UNIT 4: Energy Methods: Work and strain energy, Strain energy in bar/beams, Castiglinios theorem, Energy methods. Thick and Thin Cylinder Stresses in thin cylinders, changes in dimensions of cylinder (diameter, length and volume). Thick cylinders Lames equation (compound cylinders not included). 06 Hours PART-B UNIT 5: Bending Moment and Shear Force in Beams: Introduction, Types of beams, loads and reactions, shear forces and bending moments, rate of loading, sign conventions, relationship between shear force and bending moments. Shear force and bending moment diagrams for different beams subjected to concentrated loads, uniformly distributed load, (UDL) uniformly varying load (UVL) and couple for different types of beams. 07 Hours UNIT 6: Bending and Shear Stresses in Beams: Introduction, Theory of simple bending, assumptions in simple bending. Bending stress equation, relationship between bending stress, radius of curvature, relationship between bending moment and radius of curvature. Moment carrying capacity of a section. Shearing stresses in beams, shear stress across rectangular, circular, symmetrical I and T sections. (composite / notched beams not included). 07 Hours IA Marks : 25 Exam Hours : 03 Exam Marks : 100


UNIT 7: Deflection of Beams: Introduction, Differential equation for deflection. Equations for deflection, slope and bending moment. Double integration method for cantilever and simply supported beams for point load, UDL, UVL and Couple. Macaulay's method 06 Hours UNIT 8: Torsion of Circular Shafts and Elastic Stability of Columns: Introduction. Pure torsion, assumptions, derivation of torsional equations, polar modulus, torsional rigidity / stiffness of shafts. Power transmitted by solid and hollow circular shafts Columns: Euler's theory for axially loaded elastic long columns. Derivation of Euler's load for various end conditions, limitations of Euler's theory, Rankine's formula. 06 Hours TEXT BOOKS: 1. "Mechanics of Materials", by R.C.Hibbeler, Prentice Hall. Pearson Edu., 2005 2. "Mechanics of materials", James.M.Gere, Thomson, Fifth edition 2004. 3. "Mechanics of materials", in SI Units, Ferdinand Beer & Russell Johston, 5th Ed., TATA McGraw Hill- 2003.

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. "Strength of Materials", S.S. Rattan, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 2. "Strength of Materials", S.S.Bhavikatti, Vikas publications House -1 Pvt. Ltd., 2nd Ed., 2006. 3. "Mechanics of Materials", K.V. Rao, G.C. Raju, First Edition, 2007 4. "Engineering Mechanics of Solids", Egor.P. Popov, Pearson Edu. India, 2nd, Edition, 1998. 5. "Strength of Materials", W.A. Nash, 5th Ed., Schaums Outline Series, Fourth Edition-2007.


Sub Code: 10ME34 Hours / Week: 04 Total Hours: 52 Subject: Mechanics of Materials I A Marks: 25 Exam Hours: 03 Exam Marks: 100

No. of hours 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Topic to be covered Introduction, stress, strain, mechanical properties of materials. Hook's Law, definition of poisson's ratio and typical Stress - Strain diagram for steel and non-ferrous materials subjected to Static Tension Test. Determination of axial deformation of prismatic bars subjected to Static axial load and solving of some numerical problems. Solving some numerical problems on deformation of prismatic bars. Explaining the principal of Superposition for evaluation of total deformation of bars with stepped variation in cross section along its length. Solving some numerical problems on evaluation deformations of bars with stepped variation in cross section by principal of super position concept. Evaluation of expression for deformation of tapering bars of circular and rectangular cross sections. Solving some numerical problems on deformation of tapering bars with circular and rectangular cross section. Determination of deformation due to self- weight of the bar and solving some numerical problems. Concept of composite bar action and evaluation stresses and deformation of composite bar subjected to axial force. Solving some numerical problems on composite bar action. Explanation of Elastic constants and deriving the relation ship between various elastic constants. Solving some numerical problems on elastic constants. Concept of Thermal Stresses and its evaluation simple bars and compound bar. Solving some numerical problems on evaluation of Thermal Stresses in simple bars. Introduction to compound Stress and its importance in the design of Structural components. Determination of Stress components on inclined planes for uni-axial Stress System. Determination of Stress components on inclined planes for general two-dimensional Stress System. Determination of principal planes and principal Stresses. Introduction to thin and thick cylinders, stresses iron the walls of thin cylinder, Assumptions made in the analysis of thin cylinders Relationship between hoop stress and longitudinal stress Strains in thin cylindrical shells, problems on above Derivation of Lame's equation, assumptions made in analysis of theory on thick 29

22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.

cylinders Problems concerned to thick cylinders Problems concerned to thick cylinders Determination of Bending moment and Shear force with salient values for over hanging beams. Introduction to Bending stresses and Shear stress in Bending members . Assumption made in deriving pure Bending of Bernoulli's equation . Derivation of Bernoulli's equation. And definition of modulus of rupture and section modulus. Definition of flexural rigidity , derivation of expression form Shear stress in Beam's Solving some numerical examples for determining bending stress and Shear stress for rectangular section Beams. Solving some numerical examples for determining bending stress and Shear stress for I and T section Beams. Introduction to deflection of Beams assumptions made in deriving diffraction equation for the Deflected curve Beam. Derivation of second order deflection equation. sign convention for various loading cases Use of Maccualay's method for evaluating the deflection of Beams. Solving some numerical examples for evaluating the deflection of Beams by Maccualay's method. Solving some numerical examples for evaluating the deflection of Beams by Maccualay's method. Solving some numerical examples for evaluating the deflection of Beams by Maccualay's method. Introduction to torsion, Pure torsion, torsion equation of circular shaft Strength and stiffness Torsional rigidity and polar modulus Power transmitted by a shift for solid and hollow circular sections. Problems on above concepts Problems on above concepts Problems on above concepts Introduction to column behaviour, differences between bulking and bending, and end conditions of column Classification of columns, Assumptions made in Euler's theory, Euler's formula derivation for both end hinged condition. Euler's formula derivation for both ends fixed, one end fixed other end hinged Euler's formula derivation for one end fixed and other end free, Limitations of Euler's theory, Rankine's formula Problems on above Euler's formula derivation for one end fixed and other end free, Limitations of Euler's theory, Rankine's formula Problems on above Problems on above 30


1. Define Stress, Strain and State Hooke's Law. 2. Explain with an example the difference between lateral strain and longitudinal strain and hence define Poisson's ratio. 3. A bar of diameter 20mm and length 100mm extends by 0.2 mm. If E of the materials of the rod is 2x 105 N/mm2, what load and type of load applied to the rod? If an extension of 20% greater is required for the same load applied above, how the diameter of the bar need to be reduced. 4. What is proof stress? Explain the concept of proof stress with the help of a stress strain diagram. 5. Derive an expression for the elongation of a vertically Supported bar due to its self-weight. 6. Find the total elongation of a bar shown in Fig 1. Take E= 1.05 X 105 N/mm2.

7. Define Principal Plane and Principal Stress." All Principal Stresses are normal Stress, but all normal Stresses are not Principle Stresses" State Whether this Statement is true or false Justify your answer. 8. Explain the step by step procedure for drawing Mohr's Circle diagram for an element under combined stresses as shown in fig 2, to find the principal stresses and principal planes.

9. An element is subjected to stresses as shown in fig. 3 Determine (i) Principal Stresses and their directions analytically. (ii) Find the normal and tangential Stress on the plane BC graphically.


10. What is abeam? How are they classified? What are the different types of loads a beam can carry or which can apply on it. 11. Enumerate the assumptions made in theory of pure bending. 12. Define Section modules of rupture. Derive an expression for the section of a hollow rectangular Cross section as shown in Fig 5

13. A cast Iron test beam 25mm X 25mm Cross Section and 1 m long, supported at its ends fails when a central load of 800 N is applied on it. What UDL will break a Cantilever of the same materials 50 mm Wide and 100mm deep and 2m long? 14. What is flexural rigidity? What are the different methods of finding the slope and deflection of beams? Find expressions for slope and deflection for a Cantilever beam with a point load P at its free end as shown in fig. 6, by double integral method.


15. A Cantilever beam of length 3m, Carries an UDL of 3000 N/m for a length of 1.5 m from its fixed end and a point load of 1500 N at its free end. If the Cross Section of the beam is a rectangle of 150mm Wide and 300mm deep, find the deflection of the beam at its free end. Take E=1.05 X105 N/mm2. 16. Define torsional rigidity and polar modulus. 17. What are the assumptions made in the theory of pure tension? 18. Explain each term in the relation. T/Ip = C/r = C@/1 with units. 19. A hollow shaft has an outside diameter 'd' and inside diameter half of it. Calculate the minimum Value of d, if it is to transmit 400kw at 100rpm with a working stress of 40 N/mm2. Determine the twist in a length of 15 times the external diameter, take C=1 X105 N/mm2. 20. What is meant by thin and thick Cylinders? Derive an expression for longitudinal and loop stress for a thin Cylinder of diameter 'd' thickness 't' under the influence of an internal pressure p. 21. A pipe of 500mm internal diameter and 75mm thick is filled with a fluid at a pressure of 6 N/mm2. Find the maximum and minimum hoop stress across the Cross Section of the Cylinder, Also Sketch the radial pressure and hoop stress distribution across its thickness. 22. Derive an expression to show the relationship between Young's modulus. Bulk modulus. Rigidity modulus and Poisson's ratio. 23. A steel rod is of 18m long at a temperature of 25% c. Find the free expansion of the length when the temperature is raised to 85% c. Also find the temperature stress produced. (i) When the expansion is fully prevented. (ii) When the rod is permitted to expand by 4.5mm. Take a = 12x 106 per 0C, E = 200 KN/mm2. 24. Define Neutral axis and moment of resistance. Also mention the assumptions made in the theory of pure bending. 25. A rolled steel joist of I section has the following dimensions: Flange 250mm wide and 25mm thick. Web of 15mm thickness and has an overall depth of 650mm. If this beam carries a UDL of 50 KN/m on a span of 6m. Calculate the maximum bending stress produced. 26. Derive an expression for the slope and deflection at the free end of a cantilever loaded by a UDL throughout its span. 33

27. A steel shaft transmits 125KW at 175 rpm. The diameter of shaft is 100mm. determine the torque on the shaft and the maximum shearing stress indeed. Also calculate the twist of the shaft in a length of 6m. Take C= 8.5 X 104 N/mm2. 28. A load of 270 KN is acting on a short RCC column of size 200mm X 200mm. The column is reinforced with 10 bars of 12mm diameter. Determine the stresses in steel and concrete if modulus of elasticity of steel is 16.5 times of that of concrete. 29. Draw the Mohr's circle for two unequal like principal stresses acting on a body. Get the expressions for normal and tangential stresses. 30. Differential between thin and thick cylinders. Also explain hoop stress and longitudinal stress in connection with thin cylinders. Draw neat sketches. Write the expression. 31. Derive an expression for Euler's formula for a column when one end is fixed and the other end is hinged. 32. Find the shortest length L for a pin ended steel column having a cross section of 70mm X 110mm for which Euler's formula applies. Take E = 2.1 X 105 N/mm2 and critical proportional limit is 250 N/mm2. 33. Derive an expression for the theory of pure torsion. 34. A steel bar of 2mm diameter is subjected to a tensile test. Determine stress. Strain, E % Elongation from the following data. i. Gauge length 200mm ii. Extension at a load of 100KN = 0.140mm iii. Total Extension = 50mm. Also determine the percentage decrease in area if the diameter of rod at failure is 16mm. Further determine the breaking load if ultimate stress of bar material is 600N/mm2. 35. Two vertical rods one of steel and the other of copper are each rigidly fixed at top and are 500mm apart. Diameter and length of each rod are 20mm and 3.5m respectively. A cross bar is fixed at the lower ends of the rods. i. Determine the location of a 5000N load to be placed on the cross bar so than the cross bar remains horizontal. Calculate the corresponding stresses in both the rods.




Manufacturing Processes
Sub Code: Hrs/ Week: Total Hours: 10AE35 04 52 IA Marks: Exam Hours: Exam Marks: 25 03 100


Unit 1: 6 Hours Casting Process: Introduction: Concept of Manufacturing process, its importance. Classification of Manufacturing processes. Introduction to Casting process & steps involved. Varieties of components produced by casting process. Advantages & Limitations of casting process. Patterns: Definition, functions, Materials used for pattern, various pattern allowances and their importance. Classification of patterns. Binder: Definition, Types of binder used in moulding sand. Additives: Need, Types of additives used. Unit 2: 7 Hours Sand Moulding : Types of base sand, requirement of base sand. Types of sand moulds. Sand moulds: Moulding sand mixture ingredients (base sand, binder & additives) for different sand mixtures. Method used for sand moulding. Cores: Definition, Need, and Types. Method of making cores, Binders used. Concept of Gating & Risering. Principle involved. And types. Fettling and cleaning of castings. Basic steps involved. Casting defects - causes, features and remedies. Unit: 3 7 Hours Moulding machines: Jolt type; squeeze type, Jolt & Squeeze type and Sand slinger. Special moulding Process : Study of important moulding processes Green sand, Core sand, Dry sand, Sweep mould, CO2 mould, Shell mould, Investment mould. Metal moulds : Gravity die-casting, Pressure die casting, centrifugal casting, Squeeze Casting, Slush casting, Thixocasting and continuous casting processes Unit4: Welding 6 Hours Welding process: Definition, Principles, Classification, Application, Advantages & limitations of welding. Gas Welding: Principle, Oxy Acetylene welding, Reaction in Gas welding, Flame characteristics, Gas torch construction & working. Forward and backward welding. Arc Welding: Principle, Metal Arc welding (MAW), Flux Shielded Metal Arc Welding (FSMAW), Inert Gas Welding (TIG & MIG)


PART B Unit 5: 6 Hours Principles of soldering & brazing: Parameters involved & Mechanism. Different Types of Soldering & Brazing Methods Inspection Methods Methods used for Inspection of casting and welding. Visual, Magnetic particle, Fluorescent particle, Ultrasonic, Radiography, Eddy current, Holography methods of Inspection. Unit 6: 7 Hours Theory of metal cutting: Single point cutting tool nomenclature, geometry of single point cutting tool. Merchants circle diagram and analysis, Ernst-Merchants solution, Shear angle relationship, Problems on Merchants analysis, Tool wear & tool failure, Tool life, Effects of cutting parameters on tool life, Tools failure criteria, Taylors tool life equation, Problems on tool life evaluation. Unit 7: 7 Hours Cutting tool materials: Desired properties, types of cutting tool materials- HSS carbides, coated carbides, ceramics, cutting fluids, desired properties, types and selection, Heat generation in metal cutting, factors affecting heat generation. Heat distribution in tool and w/p. Measurements of tool tip temperature. Unit 8: 6 Hours Non-Traditional Machining Process: Principle, need, equipment, operation and applications of LBM, Plasma Arc Machining, Electro chemical machining, Ultrasonic Machining, Abrasive jet machining, Water jet machining Text Books: 1. Workshop Technology, Hajra Choudhry Vol- I and II, Media Promoters and Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2004. 2. Production Technology, R.K. Jain, Khanna Publications, 2003. Reference Books: 1. Manufacturing Technology, Serope Kalpakjain, Steuen.R.Sechmid, Pearson Education Asia, 5th Ed. 2006. 2. Process and Materials of Manufacturing :, Roy A Lindberg, 4th Ed. Pearson Edu. 2006. 3. Manufacturing Science, Amitabha Ghosh and Mallik, Affiliated East-West Press, 2003. 4. Fundamentals of Metal Machining and Machine Tools, G. Boothroyd, McGraw Hill, 2000 Scheme of examination: One Question to be set from each chapter. Students have to answer any FIVE full questions out of EIGHT questions, choosing at least 2 questions from part A and 2 questions from part B.


COMPUTER AIDED MACHINE DRAWING Subject Code :10ME36A/10ME46A Hours/Week : 04(1 Hrs. Theory & 3 Hrs Practical) Total Hours : 52 IA Marks : 25 Exam Hours: 03 Exam Marks: 100

Introduction: Review of graphic interface of the software. Review of basic sketching commands and navigational commands. Starting a new drawing sheet. Sheet sizes. Naming a drawing, Drawing units, grid and snap. 02 Hours PART-A UNIT - 1 Sections of Solids: Sections of Pyramids, Prisms, Cubes, Tetrahedrons, Cones and Cylinders resting only on their bases (No problems on axis inclinations, spheres and hollow solids). True shape of sections. Orthographic Views: Conversion of pictorial views into orthographic projections. of simple machine parts with or without section. (Bureau of Indian Standards conventions are to be followed for the drawings) Hidden line conventions. Precedence of lines. 08 Hours UNIT - 2 Thread Forms: Thread terminology, sectional views of threads. ISO Metric (Internal & External) BSW (Internal & External) square and Acme. Sellers thread, American Standard thread. Fasteners: Hexagonal headed bolt and nut with washer (assembly), square headed bolt and nut with washer (assembly) simple assembly using stud bolts with nut and lock nut. Flanged nut, slotted nut, taper and split pin for locking, counter sunk head screw, grub screw, Allen screw. 08 Hours

PART-B UNIT - 3 Keys & Joints: Parallel key, Taper key, Feather key, Gibhead key and Woodruff key Riveted Joints: Single and double riveted lap joints, butt joints with single/double cover straps (Chain and Zigzag, using snap head rivets). cotter joint (socket and spigot), knuckle joint (pin joint) for two rods. 08 Hours UNIT - 4 Couplings: Split Muff coupling, Protected type flanged coupling, pin (bush) type flexible coupling, Oldham's coupling and universal coupling (Hooks' Joint) 08 Hours


PART - C Assembly Drawings (Part drawings should be given) 1. Plummer block (Pedestal Bearing) 2. Rams Bottom Safety Valve 3. I.C. Engine connecting rod 4. Screw jack (Bottle type) 5. Tailstock of lathe 6. Machine vice 7. Tool Head of a shaper

18 Hours

TEXT BOOKS: 1. 'A Primer on Computer Aided Machine Drawing-2007, Published by VTU, Belgaum. 2. 'Machine Drawing', N.D.Bhat & V.M.Panchal

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 'A Text Book of Computer Aided Machine Drawing', S. Trymbaka Murthy, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2007 2. 'Machine Drawing, K.R. Gopala Krishna, Subhash Publication. 3. 'Machine Drawing with Auto CAD', Goutam Pohit & Goutham Ghosh, 1st Indian print Pearson Education, 2005 4. 'Auto CAD 2006, for engineers and designers', Sham Tickoo. Dream tech 2005 5. 'Machine Drawing', N. Siddeshwar, P. Kanniah, V.V.S. Sastri, published by Tata McGraw Hill,2006

NOTE: Internal assessment: 25 Marks All the sheets should be drawn in the class using software. Sheet sizes should be A3/A4. All sheets must be submitted at the end of the class by taking printouts. Scheme of Examination: Two questions to be set from each Part-A, Part-B and Part-C Student has to answer one question each from Part-A and Part-B for 20 marks each. And one question from Part-C for 60 marks. i.e. PART-A 1 x 20 = 20 Marks PART-B 1 x 20 = 20 Marks PART-C 1 x 60 = 60 Marks Total = 100 Marks


Sub. Code: 10ME36A

I.A. Marks: 25
Subject:Computer Aided Machine Drawing

Hours / Week: 04 Total Hours: 52

Sl.No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

TOPICS TO BE COVERED Introduction: Review of graphic interface of the software. Review of basic sketching commands and navigational commands. Starting a new drawing sheet. Sheet sizes. Naming a drawing. Drawing units, grid and snap. UNIT 1: Section of Solids: Section of Regular Prisms and their true shapes. Section of Regular Pyramids and their true shapes. Section of tetrahedrons and their true shapes. Section of Regular cone and Cylinder and true shapes Orthographic Views: Conversion of Pictorial views into orthographic projections of simple machine parts with section Conversion of Pictorial views into orthographic projections of simple machine parts without section. B.I.S conventions to be followed for the drawings. Hidden line conventions. Precedence of lines UNIT 2: Thread Forms: Thread terminology, sectional view of threads. ISO metric (Internal and External) BSW (Internal and External) Square, Acme, Sellers thread American Standard Thread Fasteners: Hexagonal headed bolt and nut with washer (Assembly), Square headed bolt and nuts with washer (Assembly), Simple assembly using stud bolts with nut and lock nut. Flanged nut, Slotted nut and Wing nut, Taper and Split pin for locking. Counter sunk head screw, Grub screw and Allen screw. UNIT 3: Keys: Parallel key, Taper key Feather key, Woodruff key Gib-head key Riveted Joints: Single and double riveted lap Joints, Butt joints with single cover straps (Chain and zigzag, using snap head rivets), Butt joints with double cover straps (Chain and zigzag, using snap head rivets) Cotter joint (socket and spigot joint), Knuckle joint (pin joint) for two rods. UNIT 4: Couplings: Split muff coupling ,, Protected type flange coupling ,, Pin (bush) type flexible coupling ,, 41

35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Oldhams coupling, Universal coupling (Hooks joint). Plummer block (Pedestal Bearing) ,, Petrol Engine piston ,, IC Engine connecting rod ,, Screw Jack (Bottle type) ,, Tailstock of lathe ,, Machine Vice ,, Tool head of a Shaper ,, Revision Revision


QUESTION BANK SECTIONS OF SOLIDS 1) A cube of 30 mm edges rests with one of its square faces on HP such that one of its vertical square faces is inclined at 300 to VP. A section plane perpendicular to VP and inclined at 600 to HP passes through a point on the vertical axis 5mm below its top end. Draw its sectional top view, front view and the true shape of section. 2) A cube of 40 mm edges rests with one of its faces on HP such that one of its vertical square faces is inclined at 300 to VP. A section plane perpendicular to HP and inclined at 600 to VP passes through the cube such a square face making 300 with VP is cut into two halves. Draw the sectional front view and the true shape of section. 3) An equilateral triangular prism of side of base 50 mm and axis 70 mm long rests with its base on HP such that two of its rectangular faces being inclined to VP at 450 and 750 . If a section plane, inclined at 600 to HP cuts the axis of the prism at a height of 50 mm, draw the sectional top view, front view and true shape of section. 4) A square prism, side of square faces 50 mm and height 80 mm rests with its base on HP such with two of its vertical faces equally inclined to VP. A section perpendicular to VP & inclined to HP at 600 cuts the prism so as to pass through a point on the axis 10 mm below its top end. Draw the sectional top view & the auxiliary view showing the true shape of section. Add the profile view showing the sectioned surface. 5) A square pyramid of side of base 40 mm and height 80 mm stands on its base with the sides of the base inclined at 450 to VP. It is cut by a plane equally inclined to both HP and VP passing through the midpoint of its axis. Draw the sectional views and the true shape of section. 6) A right regular hexagonal pyramid with edge of base 40 mm and height 100 mm stands with its base on HP with two of its base edges parallel to VP. It is cut by a plane passing through a point on the axis 50 mm from the base and inclined at 200 to the horizontal plane & perpendicular to the profile plane. Project the sectional view and the true shape of section. 7) A cylinder base 50 mm diameter and axis 75mm has a square hole of 25 mm cut through it so that the axis of the hole coincides with that of the cylinder. The faces of the hole are equally inclined to VP. The cylinder is lying with its base on ground . It is cut by two section planes which are perpendicular to VP and intersect each other at the top end of the axis. The cutting planes cut the cylinder on opposite sides of the axis and are inclined at 300 and 450 respectively to it. Draw the sectional top view and auxiliary top views on the planes parallel to the two section planes. 8) A cylinder 60 mm diameter and 80 mm long stands with its circular base on HP. A section perpendicular to VP & inclined to HP at 600 cuts the axis at a point 28 mm below its top end. Draw the sectional top & right views & the true shape of section. 9) A cone diameter of base 60 mm & axis 70 mm stands with its base on HP. A section plane perpendicular to HP and parallel to VP cuts the cone at a distance of 10 mm from the axis. The section plane is passed in front of the axis of the cone. Draw the sectional front view and the top view. Name the true shape of the curve. i. A right circular cone of base 50 mm diameter & height 75 mm stands with its base on HP. A cutting plane perpendicular to HP and inclined at 450 to VP cuts the cone at a 43

distance of 5 mm from the axis of the cone & in front of it. Draw the apparent and true shape of sections. CONVERSION OF PICTORIAL VIEWS INTO ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS with SECTIONS

Pictorial view of a dove tail stock is shown in Fig above draw to scale 1:1 the follwing views of the Dove Tail Stock i) Sectional views from the front looking in the direction F ii) View from above looking in the direction T iii) Right view looking in the directions R Indicate all the dimensions on the views. Do not show the invisible edges on the sectional view Print the title and scale of the drawing name the views


The Pictorial view of a machine part is shown in Fig Draw the following views i) Sectional front view along the axis of symmetry ii) Top view iii) Right View State the convenitions employed in the sectional view Indicate the section plane on the appropriate view Show the invisible edges in the top and right views Distribute the dimensions judiciously on all the three views All holes are through holoes

The Pictorial view of a machine part is shown in Fig Draw the following views i) Front view looking in the direction F ii) Sectional left view for the sectional plane SS looking in the direction L iii) Top View State the convenitions employed in the sectional view

The Picture view of a machine part is shown in Fig Draw the following views i) Front view taking section AA along the axis of symmetry ii) Top view iii) Right View


THREAD FORMS, BOLTS, NUTS AND SCREWS, JOINTS & COUPLINGS, BEARINGS 1. Draw the profile of ISO screw thread of pitch 40 mm. Indicate all the proportions & dimensions. 2. 3. Sketch neatly any three types of profiles of V-thread of pitch 50 mm. Indicate the angle & depth of the thread. Draw the dimensional sketches of the following:

a) Square thread b) Trapezoidal thread c) Knuckle thread 4. Draw three views of hexagonal nut for a 20 mm diameter bolt. Indicate the empirical proportions & the calculated dimensions. 5. Draw the three views of the square headed bolt with a hexagonal nut. Show the bolt head and the nut across corners in the front view. The nut is screwed on the bolt. The bolt is 20 mm diameter, 120 mm long with a thread length of 50 mm. The end of the bolt is chamfered to 450. 6. Draw neat-dimensioned sketches of any three types of the nuts. 7. Show the method of locking a nut by a) set screw, b) split pin, c) Washer. 8. Sketch a countersunk screw & any two types of grub screws. 9. Sketch the sectional front view, top view and right view of a cotter joint with sleeve. Show all the dimensions. 10. Sketch the sectional front view, top view and right view of a knuckle joint to connect two shafts 25 mm diameter. Show all the dimensions. 11. Sketch the sectional front view & side view of a flanged coupling to connect two shafts of 25 mm diameter. Show all the dimensions. 12. Sketch the front view and right view of a Universal coupling. Show all the dimensions. 13. Draw to 1:1 scale the top and front views of a single riveted lap joint. The thickness of the plates is 9mm show atleast three rivets indicate all the dimensions. Use snap head revets. 14. Draw to 1:1 scale The top and sectional front views of a double riveted lap joint with chain and Zig Zag riveting the thickness of the plates is 9 mm Show atleast three rivets in each row indicate the dimensions use snap head rivets ASSEMBLY DRAWINGS Views of the parts of a PLUMMER BLOCK are shown in the figure below. Draw to 1:1 scale the following views of the bearing. a) Front view showing right half in section. b) Top view with right half in section. c) Right view. The figure1 below shows the details of a PETROL ENGINE PISTON. Assemble all the parts and draw the following views of the assembled piston with its axis horizontal to 2:1 scale. a) Front view 46

b) Top view showing one half in section c) End view in section, the section plane is passed along AA. Figure below shows the different parts of a CONNECTING ROD. Assemble all the parts and draw the following views of the assembly. a) Front view in half section b) Top view. c) View looking from the big end. Figure below shows the different parts of a SCREW JACK. Assemble all the parts and draw the following views of the assembly when the top face of the load-bearing cup is raised to a height of 350 mm above the bearing surface of the body. a) Front view in half section b) Top view














METALLOGRAPHY AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY Subject Code : 10MEL37A / 47A Hours/Week : 03 Total Hours : 48 IA Marks : 25 Exam Hours : 03 Exam Marks : 50

PART A 1. Preparation of specimen for Metallograpic examination of different engineering materials. Identification of microstructures of plain carbon steel, tool steel, gray C.I, SG iron, Brass, Bronze & composites. 2. Heat treatment: Annealing, normalizing, hardening and tempering of steel. Hardness studies of heat-treated samples. 3. To study the wear characteristics of ferrous, non-ferrous and composite materials for different parameters. 4. Non-destructive test experiments like, (a). Ultrasonic flaw detection (b). Magnetic crack detection (c). Dye penetration testing. To study the defects of Cast and Welded specimens PART B 1. Tensile, shear and compression tests of metallic and non metallic specimens using Universal Testing Machine 2. Torsion Test 3. Bending Test on metallic and nonmetallic specimens. 4. Izod and Charpy Tests on M.S, C.I Specimen. 5. Brinell, Rockwell and Vickerss Hardness test. 6. Fatigue Test. Scheme of Examination: ONE question from part -A: 20 Marks ONE question from part -B: 20 Marks Viva -Voice: 10 Marks Total : 50 Marks


FOUNDRY AND FORGING LABORATORY Subject Code : 10MEL38A / 48A Hours/Week : 03 Total Hours : 48 PART A 1. Testing of Moulding sand and Core sand Preparation of sand specimens and conduction of the following tests: 1 Compression, Shear and Tensile tests on Universal Sand Testing Machine. 2 Permeability test 3 Core hardness & Mould hardness tests. 4 Sieve Analysis to find Grain Fineness number of Base Sand 5 Clay content determination in Base Sand PART B 2. Foundry Practice Use of foundry tools and other equipments. Preparation of moulds using two moulding boxes using patterns or without patterns. (Split pattern, Match plate pattern and Core boxes). Preparation of one casting (Aluminum or cast iron-Demonstration only) PART C 3. Forging Operations : Calculation of length of the raw material required to do the model. Preparing minimum three forged models involving upsetting, drawing and bending operations. Out of these three models, at least one model is to be prepared by using Power Hammer. Scheme of Examination: One question is to be set from Part-A: One question is to be set from either Part-B or Part-C: 30 marks 10 marks IA Marks : 25 Exam Hours : 03 Exam Marks : 50

Calculation part in case of forging is made compulsory Calculation + Foundry (Forging) Model Calculation + Forging (Forging) Model Viva-Voce : 10 marks. Total : 50 Marks. = 05 +25 = 30 Marks = 05 +25 = 30 Marks


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