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H323 Specifications
H.225 call setup, registration, admission, status protocol (RAS), call signaling can use ISDN q.931 signals formatted as H.225 messages, to interoperate with legacy voice networks. H.235 security between gateway and gatekeeper H.245 traffic flow, DTMF Relay, rate limit, capabilities and opening and closing RTP (TCP) H.261,H.263 video conferencing H.450 call waiting, hold, transfer, park, pickup (supplementary services) T.120 application sharing, whiteboarding, file transfer (TCP) H.320 video conferencing over ISDN network (use H.221 frames for media).

Marcelo Zanata
DTMF Relay
Cisco: use RTP stream coded as payload type 121. RTP-NTE: RFC2833 - use RTP in Named Telephony Event (NTE) packet H.245 Alphanumeric: ITU-T H.245 - ASCII char (123..) are sent over H.245 channel. Not send tone-length H.245 Signal: like Alphanumeric, but with tone-length.
dial-peer voice 10 voip dtmf-relay [cisco-rtp | rtp-nte | h245alphanumeric | h245-signal]

Redundacy of CCM configuration

voice service voip h323 no h225 timeout keepalive h225 timeout tcp establish 3

Basic GW Config
interface serial0/0 description WAN Interface ip address h323-gateway voip interface h323-gateway voip id filial02 multicast h323-gateway voip h323-id h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 1# ! gateway

1) prevent active calls being terminated when CCM becomes unreachable 2) prevent timeout in ISDN Q.931 (10sec) in search another CCM to establish the call. Default value = 15secs

Troubleshooting Gateway
show dialplan number [test-number] debug cch323 h225/h245 debug voip ccapi inout show h323 gateway

H323 Components

H323 Call Flow with Fast Start

Call Slow Start

Term A
---ARQ--> <--ACF----Setup-> <-Call Proceeding--


Term B
--Setup--> <-Call Proceeding <--ARQ----ACF/ARJ-> <-Alerting-<-Connect <-H.245 Capabil Exch-> --H.245 Open Log Chan-> --H.245 Open Log Chan Ack->

<-Alerting-<-Connect-<-H.245 Capabil Exch-> --H.245 Open Log Chan-> --H.245 Open Log Chan Ack->

Fast start tunnels H.245 traffic inside H.225 messages.

Default Behavior
Previous 15.1(2)T Cisco IOS accept call setups from all sources


Gatekeeper Major functions

Address Resolution (H.323 ID and E.164) Admission Control Bandwidth management Zone management Call authorization (AAA)

Gatekeeper Discovery
Unicast: GRQ sent directly to IP Address (1718/UDP) Multicast: GRQ sent via

Gatekeeper High Availability Methods

Duplicate dialpeers HSRP H.323 v2 provide a list of alternate GK when registering GK Clustering (Cisco Proprietary Using GUP Protocol)

Basic GK Config
interface loopback 0 description GK Interface ip address ! gatekeeper zone local filial01 zone local filial02 gw-type-prefix 1#* default-technology no shutdown

Troubleshooting Gatekeeper
show gatekeeper debug h225 asn1 debug gatekeeper main 5 trace

H.225 RAS message types
Message Type Gatekeeper discovery messages Code GRQ GCF GRJ RRQ RCF RRJ URQ UCF URJ ARQ ACF Message Code Expansion Gatekeeper Request Gatekeeper Confirm Gatekeeper Reject Registration Request Registration Confirm Registration Reject Unregister Request Unregister Confirm Unregister Reject Admission Request Admission Confirm

Marcelo Zanata
Description Message that a gateway sends during the gatekeeper discovery process. Reply from the gatekeeper to the gateway, which indicates the transport address (port) of the gatekeeper RAS channel. Reply from the gatekeeper to gateway that rejects the gateway request for registration. Usually due to gateway or gatekeeper configuration error. Message sent from a gateway to the gatekeeper. Message acknowledging that the gatekeeper has allowed gateway registration. Message acknowledging that the gatekeeper has not allowed the gateway to register. Message sent from a gateway or gatekeeper requesting cancellation of the registration. Message sent from a gateway or the gatekeeper to confirm unregistration. Response to a URQ when the gateway was not registered. Message that a gateway sends to initiate a call. Reply from the gatekeeper to the gateway admitting the call. This message also contains the IP address of the destination gateway so that the originating gateway can begin call control signaling. Reply from the gatekeeper denying the call request. This can be for many reasons, including a number that could not be resolved to an IP address, insufficient available bandwidth, and so on. Message sent between gatekeepers to find a gateway in a different zone. Message sent between gatekeepers to provide the IP address of the requested gateway. Message sent between gatekeepers in response to an LRQ when the requested gateway is unknown or not registered. Message sent from the gatekeeper to a gateway. Message sent from the gateway to tell the gatekeeper about active calls. Response from the gatekeeper to a successfully handled IRR. Response from the gatekeeper for an unsuccessful IRR.

Gatekeeper registration messages

Admission control messages

ARJ LRQ LCF LRJ IRQ IRR Status information messages IACK INACK RIP BRQ BCF Bandwidth control messages BRJ RAI RAC

Admission Reject Location Request Location Confirm Location Reject Information Request Information Response Information Request Acknowledgement Information Request Negative Acknowledgement Request in Progress

Location request messages

Message sent from a gatekeeper to a gateway when the gatekeeper must use an LRQ to resolve an ACF in a different zone. A request for an increase/decrease in call bandwidth that the gateway sends to the Bandwidth Request gatekeeper. Message that the gatekeeper sends to confirm the acceptance of the bandwidth change Bandwidth Confirm request. Bandwidth Reject Message that the gatekeeper sends to reject the bandwidth change request. Message that gateways use to inform the gatekeeper whether resources are available in the Resource Availability Indication gateway to take on additional calls. Response from the gatekeeper to the gateway that acknowledges the reception of the RAI Resource Availability Confirm message.

Intrazone Call Setup

Interzone Call Setup

1 SPO phone dial 3000 to reach RJO 2 SPO GW send ARQ, asking permission to call RJO 3 GK lookup and find RJO registered. GK returns an ACF to SPO with RJO IP Address 4 SPO send H.225 (Q.931) Call Setup message to RJO 5 RJO send ARQ, to GK requesting permission to answer the call 6 GK returns ACF with SPO IP address 7 RJO setup a POTS call to phone 3000 8 When answered RJO sends an H.255 (Q.931) Connect message to SPO GW 9 Both GW send an IRR to GK after call setup completed.

1 SPO phone dial 3000 to reach RJO 2 SPO GW send ARQ to GK A, asking permission to make call 3 GK A do a prefix lookup and find GK B. GK A send LRQ to GK B and send RIP to SPO GW. 4 GK B find a match to RJO. GK B return an LCF to GK A with RJO IP address. 5 GK A send ACF to SPO with RJO IP 6 SPO Send H.225 (Q.931) Call Setup message to RJO 7 RJO send ARQ to GK B requesting permission to answer the call 8 GK B returns ACF with with SPO IP address 9 RJO setup POTS call to phone 3000 10 When answered RJO sends an H.255 (Q.931) Connect message to SPO GW 11 Both GW send an IRR to GK after call setup completed.

Resource Availability Indicator (RAI)
Gateway send to Gatekeeper status of DS0 and DSP Acessible Channels = in-use channels + free channels Utilization = in-use channels / accessible channels
(GK) gatekeeper ! enable the rejection in GK by low resource lqr reject-resource-low (GW) gateway resource threshold high 75 low 50 Show call resource voice stats Show call resource voice threshold (GW) voice service voip h323 ras rrq dynamic prefixes (GK) gatekeeper rrq dynamic-prefixes-accept

Marcelo Zanata
Dynamic Zone Prefix

CAC/Bandwidth Mgmt

check-destination: Destination zone bandwidth check before responding ARQ interzone: Configure max bandwidth allowed from zone to all other zones Multiple Gatekeepers remote: Configure max bandwidth allowed to all remote zones For remote zones is necessary set ip-address and manually set session: Configure max bw allowed for a session in a zone the zone prefix. total: Configure max bandwidth allowed for all calls in a zone lrq reject-unknow-prefix reject a Location Request (LRQ) G.711 Call = 128K, G.729 = 16K message if no matching local zone prefix is coded

Directory Gatekeeper
(Dir-GK) interface loopback0 ip address gatekeeper zone local gk-router-01 zone remote Curitiba zone remote Floripa zone remote Brasilia lrq forward-queries gw-type-prefix 1#* default-technology rrq dynamic-prefixes-accept no shutdown (GK) interface loopback 0 description GK Interface ip address ! gatekeeper zone local Curitiba zone remote gk-router-01 zone prefix Curitiba 5541.. zone prefix gk-router-01 * gw-type-prefix 1#* default-technology rrq dynamic-prefix-accept no shutdown

Token Authentication
(GW) (GK) interface serial0/0 Username password secret-pwd description WAN Interface aaa new-model ip address aaa authentication login default local h323-gateway voip interface aaa authentication login h323 local h323-gateway voip id filial02 multicast aaa authorization exec default local h323-gateway voip h323-id aaa authorization exec h323 local h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 1# ! ! gatekeeper gateway security token required-for [registration | all] security password secret-pwd level [endpoint | per- ! call] ntp servre ! ntp server

Tokenless Authentication
gatekeeper security acl <1-99>

Process of accept or reject a call

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