French II - Travel Unit - Lesson 12 Rationale State Standards Learning Objectives Materials

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French II - Travel Unit - Lesson 12 Rationale State Standards Learning Objectives Materials To recall a story using learned words

and phrases related to travel. Communication 1.1, Cultures 2.1 Students will recall and reorganize their story about traveling. TPRS story guide Information Gap Story Boards Story slips 1) Recall and act out the story (Pierre va Paris!) from yesterday. 2) Information Gap Activity - Each student will receive a Storyboard A and a Storyboard B. Student will find a partner with the opposite storyboard from them. Without showing each other their storyboard, the students will tell each other the story and use their partners information to fill in the gaps on their storyboard. (Ex: The partner with Storyboard A starts the story and the partner with Storyboard B listens and draws a picture in their first blank box to represent what their partner is telling them. When the partner with Storyboard A comes to a blank box, she asks her partner Et pour la suite? The partner with Storyboard B continues the story as the partner with Storyboard A listens and draws a picture in their blank box. This continues until the whole story has been told and each partner has a complete storyboard. 3) Reading organization activity When the partners are finished, they will go around the room finding sentence fragments to create the entire story. They will collect all of the sentences from the story and put them in order. Independent Practice Continue research on Francophone country.

Direct Instruction (Modeling) Checks for Understanding

TPRS Story Guide Pierre va Paris! *Different colors mark where I will fragment the sentences for the Reading Organization Activity.

Pierre adore lart. Son uvre dart prfr est la Joconde. Pierre prend le train Paris voir la Joconde. Pierre arrive La Gare du Nord. Mais il ne voit pas la Joconde ! Il sait que la Joconde se trouve dans la Louvre. Donc, Il demande un homme : Je cherche la Louvre. O est la station de mtro plus proche dici ? Lhomme dit La station de mtro est en bas de la gare. Prend lascenseur au rez-de-chausse. Tourne gauche et voil le mtro. Pierre dit Merci bien ! et lhomme dit Je vous en prie ! Pierre arrive a larrt de mtro Louvre Rivoli. Mais il ne voit pas la Joconde ! Il sait que la Joconde se trouve dans la Louvre. Donc, Il demande une femme : Je cherche la Louvre. O est lentr de la muse ? La femme dit Lentr de la muse est en bas dune pyramide de verre. Tourne droite, continue toute droite et voil lentr de la muse. Pierre dit Merci bien ! et la femme dit Je vous en prie ! Pierre arrive la Louvre. Finalement il voit la Joconde et elle est si belle !


2 Louvre - Rivoli

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