Rotary Jeevan Bima Nagar Newsletter Sandsha 2012 July Edition

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Issue 1/2012, July 2012

TEAM 2012-13 Installation Ceremony on 14th July 2012 Venue- Kapila Hall @Indiranagar Club

Message from RI President

ITs pouring awards

Team JBN has been recognized with 8 awards in the award function conducted by District 3190 Way to go !!! Interact Club Water Project Hall of fame Major Donor Vocational award Special award RI citation DG citation

Dear fellow Rotarians,

I am part of the first generation to grow up in Japan after a terrible war. I think it is natural that my countrymen now place a great priority on peace. We saw where militarism brought our country, and we also saw the great economic growth that came when our nation made the choice to embrace peace. This was the decision that allowed Japan to grow and thrive. It allowed generations of children to grow up in safety, to become educated, to improve their lives. It fundamentally changed the Japanese attitude toward other countries and cultures. It caused us to open our minds, to become more tolerant, to seek greater understanding. And it allowed us to redirect our energies toward positive goals. In Japan, it is traditional to prioritize the needs of the society over the needs of the individual. This has always been part of our culture. In the weeks and months following the great earthquake and disaster of March 2011, this was what helped us to survive and rebuild. This is a lesson that I think the whole world can learn from, in a positive way. When we see the needs of others as more important than our own needs when we focus on a shared goal that is for the good of all this changes everything. It changes how we relate to the world. It changes our priorities. And it changes how we understand the idea of peace. In the 2012-13 Rotary year, peace will be our focus and our goal, and I will ask all Rotarians to actively work for Peace Through Service. A belief in the power of service lies at the very heart of Rotary. By making service our priority, we put the needs of others above our own. We empathize more deeply with the difficulties of other people; we become more generous with our time and resources, and more open to new ways of thinking. Instead of trying to change others, we recognize that everyone and everything has something to teach us. Through service, we become more tolerant of our differences and more grateful for the people in our lives. Our sense of gratitude drives us to understand others better and to see the good in everyone. Through better understanding, we learn to respect others. With mutual respect, we live with others in peace. And so I ask you all to put Peace Through Service at the forefront of your Rotary work this year, and to commit to a Rotary goal of a more peaceful world. Sakuji Tanaka President, Rotary International


Best Wishes for those special day in Rotarians family, Come lets celebrate together.

Dear President Rtn. G. Boolchand My heartiest congratulations to you and your team on assuming charge for the year 2012-13. Jayashree and I send our greetings and best wishes to the entire Rotary Jeevan Bima Nagar Family. While planning club goals please do ensure that plans are of a scale worthy of your club. Little plans and projects that have no lasting benefits to the community serve no useful purpose. You should look to do significant projects that are measurable, sustainable. Focusing on larger projects with commitment, dedication and discipline, your members can achieve the impossible. Let every activity your club does in the coming year be part of the three focus areas. 01 Support and Strengthen clubs 02 Focus & Increase Humanitarian Service 03 Enhance Public Image & Awareness Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka has given us Peace Through Service as theme for the year 2012-13. President Tanaka says no matter how we understand the word peace Rotary can help us to achieve it. We can do this by putting Service above Self and focusing our energies on what is truly important; by putting the common good above our own; by thinking less about ourselves and more about what is best for everyone. In this way we can help build the foundation for a more peaceful world. As Peace Makers let us put Peace Through Service at the fore front of our Rotary work. We should all join hands and commit to a Rotary year for Peace Through Service- and a Rotary goal for a more peaceful world. Once again my best wishes for a great Rotary year. Rtn Badri Prasad R District Governor- D 3190 .

Birthdays 1 july Dr Chaitanaya Dasaradha Ann Manju (Sam) 3 july Annet Pradip (Anamika) 4 july Annet Priya(Ravindernath) 10july Ann Soudhamani (Ravindernath) 11 july Annet Annette (Ronnie) 23 july CM Reddy 25 july Annet Adiya (KK Lakhotia) 27 july Ravi Sankar Anniversaries: 3 july Amit 8 july Nagaraj 10 july Rajesh

Calendar For July

7th July 1st Meeting of 2012-13 14 th July Installation Ceremony 21st July 2012-13 club project planning meeting 28th July Meeting with internal speaker 29th July Fellowship day of the month


Wishing Rotary Bangalore Jeevan Bhimanagar the very best of Rotary Activity for years to come

Historic Moments: Why the Rotary year begins on 1 July

Ever wonder why the Rotary year begins 1 July? The international convention initially played a key role in determining the start date of our fiscal and administrative year. Rotarys first fiscal year began the day after the first convention ended, on 18 August 1910. The 1911-12 fiscal year also related to the convention, beginning with the first day of the 1911 convention on 21 August. At its August 1912 meeting, the Board of Directors ordered an audit of the International Association of Rotary Clubs finances. The auditors recommended that the organization end its fiscal year on 30 June to give the secretary and treasurer time to prepare a financial statement for the convention and board, and determine the proper number of club delegates to the convention. The executive committee concurred, and at its April 1913 meeting, designated 30 June as the end of the fiscal year. This also allowed for changes to the schedule for reporting club membership and payments. Even The Rotarian changed its volume numbering system to correspond to the fiscal year (beginning with vol. 5, July 1914). Rotary continued to hold its annual conventions in July or August until 1917. Delegates to the 1916 event in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, approved a resolution to hold future conventions in June, mainly because of the heat in cities where most of them occurred. The next one was held 17-21 June in Atlanta, Georgia. The term "Rotary year" has been used to signify Rotarys annual administrative period since at least 1913. An article in The Rotarian that July noted, The Rotary year that is rapidly drawing to a close has been signalized by several highly successful joint meetings of Clubs that are so situated as to assemble together easily and conveniently. Since the executive committee's decision in 1913, the end of the Rotary year has remained 30 June. Sourced by Rtn Manoj Kumar from Rotary International Web site .

- from Rtn.K.S.Nagendra, DGE 2012-13.

Greetings to all the Rotarians and the families of Rotary Bangalore Jeevan Bhimanagar, on eve of this very important Rotary event Installation of the new office bearers for the year 2012-13. Rotary Bangalore Jeevan Bhimanagar, stands amongst one of those clubs of our District, which have now completed a decade of service and have successfully shaped up to be of Service to the Community.This is a fantastic achievement on its own and let me compliment all those past presidents and members, who have toiled hard to successfully maintain the fellowship and service activity, at the club. Rotary Bangalore Jeevan Bhimanagar true to the Rotary culture, have shown tremendous zeal in community service programs, by taking up a number of useful service projects, in the last ten years. The strong culture and service mission of the club will ensure that Rtn.Boolchand. G and his team will continue to do the good work both in terms of fellowship activities and the Service activities during the new Rotary year and also will motivate their team to do better. This year with the Rotary Theme Peace through Service given by Rtn Sakuji Tanaka, as the RI President and our own Rtn Badri Prasad - an inspired leader, as the District Governor, we should aim higher and set new standards in our service projects. I consider it a privilege, to be Installing Rtn.Boolchand. G and his team for the year and be with all of you on this great day. I wish the very best for Rotary Bangalore Jeevan Bhimanagar and I am sure the club will continue on its growth path and be one of the most effective clubs of District 3190.

Past Presidents Message

Dear Team JBN, First of all I would like to thank each one of you for supporting the planned initiatives of our club throughout the year 2011-12. The results of such efforts has given us recognition in the RI district awards ceremony. We have been awarded 8 recognitions including Governor's Citation and RI president's Change maker of the year. Thanks for your support again and request to extend same support to our incoming president Rtn. Boolchand. I wish him and the Board members all the very best and success during the year 2012-13. Yours in Rotary, Ganesh Swaminathan.

Incoming Presidents Message

Team 2012-13-BOD Designation President Immediate past President President Elect Vice President Secretary Treasurer Jt. Secretary Chairman - Admin & Sgt-at-Arms Chairman Project Name Rtn G Boolchand Rtn Ganesh Swaminathan Rtn Abhishek Ranjan Rtn Ronnie Vincent Rtn Manoj Kumar Rtn Nagaraja S Rtn Jothish R Rtn Dasaradha Ramaiah Rtn C M Reddy

Greetings to all Rotarians, Anns and Annettes. To be President of Rotary Bangalore Jeevanbima Nagar is a great opportunity in life. A new team has taken charge at RBJBN for RY 2012-13. In this transition, our effort will be to maintain continuity, drawing wisdom from our outgoing Team which has set a high goal with a bagful of awards for its performance at recently held 'Awards Night' District event and focus on new areas to serve the community/ society at large that needs our attention and priority. In this endeavor I request cooperation from all Rotarians of JBN, and inspiration and motivation from Peers and past Presidents of the club. Warm Regards G Boolchand

Team 2012-13
CLP Committees Committees Foundation Projects Admin Public Image Membership Chairman Rtn Ganesh Swaminathan Rtn C M Reddy Rtn Dasaradha Ramaiah Rtn G Narasimhan Rtn Ronnie Vincent Vice-Chairman Rtn M C Thomas Rtn Trilok Rtn Jothish R Rtn Ravi Sankar Rtn Rajesh Sinha Responsible board member Rtn G Boolchand Rtn C M Reddy Rtn Dasaradha Ramaiah Rtn Abhishek Ranjan Rtn Ronnie Vincent Advisor Rtn Shiv Shankar Ranganathan Rtn Veeraraghavan V Rtn Venkatesam S Rtn Ravindranath P Rtn Abbey V John

Project Souvenir (incl roster) Member sponsorship of project CM Reddy Sponsoring Project Trust FD for Matching Grant Matching Grant Merit Scholarship Rotract/Interact revival projects Notebook distribution School Benches Drinking Water Eye/Dental Camp

Owner Veera Boolchand/Manoj C M Reddy Abhishek Abhishek CM Reddy Ranga Nagaraj/Seshadri Manoj Seshadri Seshadri

Project Painting Competition RYLA Vocational Award Blood Donation Waste Management Awareness Program Rain Water Harvesting Peace Project Park Project Dist Dream Project Village Adoption

Owner Boolchand Krishna Venu Abhishek Manoj Ranga/Anamika Manoj Dasrath/Ravindra Boolchand Manoj/Anamika

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