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Submitted as a part of course curriculum for the partial fulfillment of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology

C.S.E & I.T

Submitted by:Rachit Seth(5280810041)

Department of Computer Science Engineering & Information Technology

Rayat Institute of Engineering & Information Technology
Railmajra, Distt. Nawanshahr 140 407, Punjab (India)

Certified that this project entitled CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM submitted by Rachit Seth (IT-8TH SEM) Student of Computer science Engineering & IT department, Rayat Institute of Engineering & IT , Railmajra as a part of course curriculum for & IT) degree of PTU , Jalandhar , is a record of students own study carried under my supervision & guidance . This report has not been submitted to any other university or institution for the award of any degree.

Er. Harish Kunrda H.O.D(C.S.E &I.T)


We own our regards to the entire faculty of the department of computer science and information technology at RAYAT INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY from where we have learnt the basis of computer Science and whose informal discussion and able guidance was a light for us in the entire duration of this work and carry out our project on CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. We would also like to thank our team members who worked with us and our combined efforts led to the completion of the project..


Project Name Institute Project Type Application Used


SYSTEM : R.I.E.I.T, Railmajra : E-Commerce Content Management : TEAMSITE

This is Content management software, using various features of Teamsite to manage dynamic content which is changing at regular and fast intervals. Then the web interface allows users to manage it from anywhere using just a web browser and predefined authentication. The servers can be used to create content, manage content and post or deploy content on the website. Administrators or mangers etc are able to access the database according to their privilege after authentication using passwords.The fast changing content is also managed.

Table Of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Introduction to Teamsite 3. Analysis of Project 4. Case Study 5. Conclusion

The very first step of developing any system is to study the whole existing system this is called the initial study, analysis and feasibility of the project is being done. Analysis is the detailed study of the various operations performed by the system and their relationship within and outside the system. In context to this project the data to be created and deployed on the e-commerce website is done regulary and changes are carried out at short and regular intervals.Hence the need to maintain the regularity of creation and deployment of data is necessary to make work easier and comfortable. The feasibility study is carried out to select the best process that meets the performance requirements. This entails identification, description and evaluation of the E-commerce process and the selection of the best process(tool) for the job. Now according to this project the analysis is to have the complete knowledge about how the software that is going to develop is going to function. From where is the data going to come and what will be the output vs.what is the required output. Once analysis is done or completed the analyst has the firm knowledge of what is to be done. The next step is to decide how the problem might be solved. Thus, in systems design, we move from the logical to the physical aspects of the life cycle. So the conclusion of the initial study is that instead of going through various HTML pages to make updates and enteries , a tool should be made to make all these changes and updation of the data on the website.This will be able to serve its cleints and consumers more efficiently and in a satisfactory manner, also, this type of system will save lot of tremendous time, energy, tiring and repetitive work.

Existing System
As stated earlier in the introduction to the project, A website is a web page or a collection of interrelated web pages that convey some common theme or sell a particular business. These web pages are made with the help of scripting tools and languages. The web pages are often made very designer, colorful, and catchy in order to popularize business better. Good web design is a very important feature of a good website.At present scenario the usage of websites for business is growing organically with time and while it is useful it is very far from perfect.Much of the content is out-of-date or inaccurate, its hard to find things, updating the site is complex, and the appearance is becoming outdated. The person responsible for the creation of content and updation faces loads of problems to make changes as he needs to through all the pages to verify the data and create updations. Due to manual updations of data the updates are piling and updates are delayed.A track of all the data created and posted on websites is dificult to maintain.This is process is maximum times tedious, time consuming and leads to redundancy of data.manual.The various information related to the contents of the website is entered in the form of HTML pages.The Authenticates person is unable to keep with the pace of the increasing demands and usage of the Websites. The office currently operates under a semi- manual system of filing and retrieving documentation. These documents prepared with the usage of basic web designing languages and text editors. In the Traditional system, searching for some specific information is the time consuming exercise. A number of pages and docuuments are being maintained. Proper upkeep of the documents is very difficult, as only the concerned person know where the desired information is available. The system is highly resource intensive as well as prone to errors. Piles of documents are there as new additions to these existing piles are occurring as time passes. There major areas in which the Traditional system affects the cost are: Slow retrieval time. The system is single person intensive. The Traditional system produces a risk of missing files which causes improper and redundant updates. There is a lack of confidentiality. No back up to support disaster recovery. Posting of content and maintaing dates and updations is dificult. Slow retrievel of webpages on the websites. Complex and no specific manner to manage content.

Proposed System
A content management system (CMS) is a computer application used to create, edit, manage, search and publish various kinds of digital media and electronic text. CMS is frequently used for storing, controlling, versioning, and publishing industryspecific documentation such as news articles, operators' manuals, technical manuals, sales guides, and marketing brochures. The content managed may include computer files, image media, audio files, video files, electronic documents, and Web content. These concepts represent integrated and interdependent layers. Content management system an attempt to take a step towards Integrated work. Content management system a multi-user, user friendly and GUI based application. In this system every authorised person will need to have computer terminals, which are attached to the server. All the data and conent are kept on authenticated locationsAny query related to the posting of the data will be served from the centralized database server .This Login and Password should be kept confidential as this can provide access to each and every module of the website. Thus, system ensures the security from the unauthorized access other than the authorised people of the company.The system offers the functionality at client/server.

Salient Features of Proposed System:

User friendly. Providing protection to data, through password. Efficient retrieval of information. Ensure accuracy of data, with in-built validations and checks. Efficient linkage of information. Informative reports. Elimination of tedious works to a great extent. Streamlined authoring process Faster turnaround time for new pages and changes Greater consistency Improved site navigation Increased site flexibility Support for decentralized authoring Increased security Reduced duplication of information

Greater capacity for growth Reduced site maintenance costs


The System Development Life Cycle is an organized way to build an information system. The System Analysis and Design are keyed to the system life cycle . The stages of the system development life cycle are:-

1. RECOGNITION OF THE NEED:One must know what the problem is before it can be solved. The basis of a system is recognition of need for improving an information system or procedure. This need leads to a prim nary survey or an initial investigation to determine whether an alternative system can solve the problem.

2. FEASIBILITY STUDY:Depending on the result of the initial investigation, the survey is expanded to more detailed feasibility study. A feasibility study is a test of the system proposal according to its workability impact on the organization, ability to meet user needs and effective use of recourses. It focuses on three major questions: What are the users demonstrable needs and does a system meet them? What recourses are available for concerned person? Is the problem worth solving? What is the likely impact of the system organization? The result of the feasibility study is a formal proposal. This is a report, a formal document detailing the nature and scope of the Proposed system.

3. ANALYSIS:Analysis is the detailed study of the various operations performed by the system and its relationships within and outside the system. The analyst collects unstructured data through different means of analysis. The interview is the commonly used tool in the system analysis. It requires special skills and sensitivity to the subject being interviewed. Training experience, common senses are required for the collection of information needed to do the analysis.

4. DESIGN:The term design describes a final system and the process by which it is developed. It includes the construction of the program and the program testing. The first aim is to determine how the output is to be determined and in what format. Second the input data master databases have to be designed to meet the requirements of the proposed output. The final report prior to implementation phase includes procedural flowcharts,record layouts and a workable plan for the implementation of the candidate system .

5. IMPLEMENTATION:It is primarily concerned with the users training, site preparation and file conservation. During the final testing user acceptance followed by the user training is tested. Once the programs become available the test data is fed into the computer and processed against the database files of the candidate system.

6. SYSTEM TESTING:System testing checks the readiness and accuracy of the system to access, update and retrieved data from new files. Once the programs become available test data are read into the computer and processed against the file provided for testing. If the testing is successful, the program is then run with the actual data otherwise a diagnostic procedure is used to locate and correct errors in the program.

7.POST IMPLEMENTATION & MAINTENANCE:After the implementation phase is completed the user staff is adjusted to the changes created by the candidate system evaluation and maintenance begins. This is an aging process that requires periodical maintenance of hardware and software. The importance of maintenance is to continue to bring the new system to standards. User priorities changes in organization requirements or environmental factors also call for system enhancements.

The System Analysis is the most important and critical processes for the development of an information system.. It means probing the problem and breaking it to several components so that a logical repackaging can evolve. Analysis is a detailed study of various operations performed by a system and their relationship within and outside the system. During analysis, details are collected on available files, decision points and transaction, on site observations and questionnaires are examples. System analysis involves the fact finding of the problem, Information gathering and identification of constraints specific for system objectives and description of the outputs required for the concerned problem.

One must know what the problem is before it can be solved. The basic for a candidate system is recognition of a need for improving an information system or a procedure. INITIAL INVESTIGATION:The identification of need is done through initial investigation whose objective is to determine whether the request is valid and feasible before a recommendation is reached to improve or modify the existing system or build a new one. Once the need for a change is recognized, a preliminary survey or an initial investigation is projected to improve the existing system. It entails looking into the duplication of efforts, bottlenecks; inefficient existing system would be candidate for computerization. In large environments, where formal procedures are the norm, the analyst's first task is to prepare a statement specifying the scope and objective of the problem. Problem must be identified before it can be solved. In this phase the study is done regarding the main reasons for the need of new system. In this context, the reasons are given that why the need of new program system has arisen. The main reasons for this may be: 1.Internal reasons

2.External reasons

1. INTERNAL REASONS:The internal factors that leads to the need of a new system are within the organization itself. These internal reasons leading to the requirement of new system may be due to the Top Management .Presently, the file system is maintaining its data manually. So, the need is for a new and improved computerized system .If the Top Management decides to change the current traditional working system with an improved system, then the need for implementing the new system is due to internal reasons.

2. EXTERNAL REASONS:External reasons are those which leads to the implementation of a new system not just because of the organizational factors, but due to some external factors. The external reasons leading to a new system may be for providing better facilities to the customers and to increase the work ability and efficiency of the organization. In order to enhance the work speed and efficiency, the organization may opt for the new system as it is quite fast in processing , more reliable, efficient and versatile. To meet the customers requirements, the organization may implement the proposed system so as to ensure the customer with better, fast and error free output from the organization. It adds to the goodwill and status of the organisation.


Prior to the software development efforts in any type of system it is very essential to understand the requirements of the systems and users. A complete specification of the software is the 1st step in the analysis of system. Requirements analysis provides the designer with the representation of functions and procedures that can be translated into data, architecture and procedural design. The goal of requirement analysis is to find out how the current system is working and if there are any areas where improvement is necessary and possible. This may result in using alternative ways to data capturing and processing.

INTERFACE REQUIREMENT 1.User Interface The package must be user friendly and robust. It must prompt the user with proper message boxes to help them perform various actions and how to precede further the system must respond normally under any in out conditions and display proper message instead of turning up faults and errors. 2.Hardware Specification HARDWARE SPECIFICATION CPU Intel Pentium IV and above SPEED 1.5GHz and more RAM 2 GB and above HARD DISK 80 GB KEYBOARD 105 Keys

Software Specifications Software is a set of program, documents, and procedure, routines associated with computer system. Software is an essential complement to hardware. It is the

computer programs which when Content Management System has been developed using various tools.

Introduction To TEAMSITE

A unified approach to managing content to support online initiatives Autonomy Interwoven TeamSite, powered by Autonomys Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL), allows enterprises to effectively create, test, optimize, and analyze content across a wide range of Web-based enterprise business applications from within a single infrastructure. Based on patented, awardwinning, tenth-generation technology, TeamSite centralizes and automates the control of site content, architecture, navigation, presentation, and deployment. TeamSite provides an intuitive interface for content authoring, targeting, multivariable testing, analytics integration, workflow, and archiving, allowing content authors, editors and reviewers to easily add, modify, test, and approve content through automated processes without ongoing IT involvement.

Interwoven TeamSite allows enterprises to effectively manage content across a wide range of Web-based enterprise business applications from within a single infrastructure. Based on patented, award-winning, tenth-generation technology, TeamSite centralizes the control of site content, architecture, navigation, presentation, and deployment. TeamSite provides an intuitive interface for content authoring, workflow, and archiving, allowing content authors, editors and reviewers to easily add, modify, and approve content through automated processes.

Powerful and scalable Powered by Autonomys IDOL server, TeamSite meets the massive scalability and performance requirements needed to significantly grow the business online. Businesses leverage TeamSites advanced capabilities for understanding the meaning behindand taking immediate action onall forms of content and data to create compelling customer interactions. TeamSite also stores, manages, and connects to all asset types, including file-system content, database content, XML, digital and brand assets, media files, documents, and application code. Easy to use for marketers and business users SitePublisher provides a graphical drag-and-drop WYSIWYG authoring interface with reusable component-based architecture that allows for in-context editing. Marketers can quickly and easily build and rollout landing pages, entire sites, and marketing campaigns without any assistance from IT. Click here for more information about SitePublisher FormsPublisher provides a structured, form-based content authoring interface Multivariable Testing empowers marketers to easily create A/B and multivariable tests for the optimal combination of content, offers, and layout to maximize online results FrontOffice provides seamless integration with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Fast, flexible application integration A service-oriented architecture (SOA) makes it easy to incorporate a portfolio of content management services into any business application Out-of-the-box integrations with authentication and portal technologies Closed-loop analytics integration allows marketers to easily tag pages for analytics, automatically pass customer information between systems, access analytics reports, and view page and link data with a heat map overlay all within TeamSite.

Rich set of services for automating content management Library services for creating, browsing, searching, transforming, and viewing assets Parallel development, process automation, and templating capabilities Versioning, access control, metadata management, and archival services TeamSite Search, leveraging IDOL, provides the ability to quickly and automatically retrieve and compute meaning of content and data ReportCenter provides robust content management reporting capabilities.


1. Save Time Workflows and Scripts can be created to automate processes 2. Work Together Common location makes working together important Common location makes working together easier 3. Workarea A virtual copy of the branch Allows users to create files and see what they will look like, without messing up anyone elses work Requires the owner of the workarea to promote the change to staging 4. Staging Where content from different Workareas is integrated and tested Read-only, cannot be changed directly in staging Holds files without effecting the production website One Staging area per branch

Analysis of the Project

As stated earlier in the introduction to the project, A website is a web page or a collection of interrelated web pages that convey some common theme or sell a particular business. These web pages are made with the help of scripting tools and languages. The web pages are often made very designer, colorful, and catchy in order to popularize business better. Good web design is a very important feature of a good website.At present scenario the usage of websites for business is growing organically with time and while it is useful it is very far from perfect.Much of the content is out-of-date or inaccurate, its hard to find things, updating the site is complex, and the appearance is becoming outdated. The person responsible for the creation of content and updation faces loads of problems to make changes as he needs to through all the pages to verify the data and create updations. Due to manual updations of data the updates are piling and updates are delayed.A track of all the data created and posted on websites is dificult to maintain.This is process is maximum times tedious, time consuming and leads to redundancy of data.manual.The various information related to the contents of the website is entered in the form of HTML pages.The Authenticates person is unable to keep with the pace of the increasing demands and usage of the Websites. The office currently operates under a semi- manual system of filing and retrieving documentation. These documents prepared with the usage of basic web designing languages and text editors. In the Traditional system, searching for some specific information is the time consuming exercise. A number of pages and docuuments are being maintained. Proper upkeep of the documents is very difficult, as only the concerned person know where the desired information is available. The system is highly resource intensive as well as prone to errors. Piles of documents are there as new additions to these existing piles are occurring as time passes. There major areas in which the Traditional system affects the cost are: Slow retrieval time. The system is single person intensive. The Traditional system produces a risk of missing files which causes improper and redundant updates. There is a lack of confidentiality. No back up to support disaster recovery. Posting of content and maintaing dates and updations is dificult.

Slow retrievel of webpages on the websites. Complex and no specific manner to manage content.

Proposed System:
A content management system (CMS) is a computer application used to create, edit, manage, search and publish various kinds of digital media and electronic text. CMS is frequently used for storing, controlling, versioning, and publishing industryspecific documentation such as news articles, operators' manuals, technical manuals, sales guides, and marketing brochures. The content managed may include computer files, image media, audio files, video files, electronic documents, and Web content. These concepts represent integrated and interdependent layers. Content management system an attempt to take a step towards Integrated work. Content management system a multi-user, user friendly and GUI based application. In this system every authorised person will need to have computer terminals, which are attached to the server. All the data and conent are kept on authenticated locationsAny query related to the posting of the data will be served from the centralized database server .This Login and Password should be kept confidential as this can provide access to each and every module of the website. Thus, system ensures the security from the unauthorized access other than the authorised people of the company.The system offers the functionality at client/server.

Kaiser Permanente
It is an ecommerce website which does its business using the webworld. On this website youll discover the work Kaiser Permanente does day in and day out to improve the health of our communities. Our work is driven by our conviction that good health is a fundamental right shared by all, and by our heritage of prevention and health promotion. To that end, we share our assets our financial resources, research, physicians, and clinical practices. But more important, we share ourselves. Kaiser Permanente employees generously give their time, talents, and passions for the benefit of others. Every day, Im inspired by their actions. Why do we do this? Because at Kaiser Permanente, we understand that good health extends beyond the doctors office and the hospital. It begins with healthy environments: fresh fruits and vegetables in neighborhood stores, successful schools, clean air, accessible parks, and safe playgrounds. These are the vital signs of healthy communities. Good health for the entire community which we call Total Community Health requires equity and social and economic well-being. We are also devoted to high-quality, affordable, integrated care. So we work closely with community health centers, public hospitals, and health departments, supporting their efforts to provide care for the uninsured and underserved with infrastructure, training, grants, and equipment. But our partnership with these critical safety net organizations is not enough. Our own programs also lower financial barriers, providing free and discounted care for the uninsured, because patients medical treatment should never depend on the size of their wallets. Delivering real benefits to the community also requires accountability. This means we not only need to share our resources, but also learn from our community partners, deliver on our promises, measure what we are doing, identify what is working, and report regularly to our communities.

For sixty years, this work has been part of our mission. I invite you to make it your own as well. The first step is to explore this website. Read the inspiring stories, tap into the many resources, apply for grants, discover our Educational Theatre Program, learn about our community health initiatives, and so much more. May our work inspire you to begin your own endeavors in Total Community Health. Together, we can make healthy communities happen.

Programmes Provided by Kaiser Permanente Care and Coverage of low income people
An emergency room is not a doctor's office. But for many low-income people without medical insurance it's the only place they can receive the care they need. We're working to change that with 14 innovative programs across the country that lower financial barriers, provide free or deeply subsidized health coverage and improve access to public health care programs. We also work to provide the uninsured and underinsured with a medical "home" where they can get the continuity of care and the comprehensive treatments many of us take for granted. That way, we save the emergency room for real emergencies.

Safety Net Partnerships

We are committed to building partnerships with the institutions that serve on the front lines of health care for the uninsured and underserved. By providing support to community health centers, public hospitals, and local health departments, we help them deliver medical care to the people in our communities. We improve care and expand access to treatment for the underserved and uninsured. In addition, we make grants, train doctors and nurses to work in community clinics, and invest in information technology to improve health care delivery. Kaiser Permanente doctors also provide hundreds of clinical hours delivering medical care in specialty areas such as podiatry and radiology. Most importantly, we partner with community health centers, public hospitals, and other organizations on the front line of medical care to assure the highest quality care for our most vulnerable populations.

Community Health Initiatives

What does health look like? It's more than an absence of illness. It's a safe route for kids to ride their bikes to school. A grocery store stocked with fresh produce. Parks and playgrounds that welcome families. Bike trails that promote exercise. Farmers Markets that bring fresh fruits and vegetables to neighborhood centers. Educational Theatre Programs that reach out to school kids with powerful messages about food, exercise and healthy choices. Our Community Health Initiatives take a prevention-driven approach to health, focusing on policies and environmental changes that promote healthy eating and active living. In 2007, Kaiser Permanente invested more than $54.5 million in Community Health Initiatives and related programs. Our efforts take us beyond the doctor's office to make a direct impact in schools, neighborhoods, workplaces, healthcare settings everyplace where people live, work and play.

Develop and Dissiminate Knowledge

We can all play a part in making our world a healthier place. At Kaiser Permanente, we do it by developing and disseminating knowledge in a myriad of ways. We train doctors and health care practitioners. We conduct world-class research in eight centers around the country to study the causes of disease, prevention strategies, new treatments and diagnostic procedures, and more effective methods of delivering and financing health care. Then we share the results with the entire medical field, the communities we serve, and policy makers. We also put our research into practice, creating practical programs that empower people to make smarter choices about diet, exercise, and healthy living. In addition, we inform the public with Educational Theatre Programs designed to deliver powerful prevention messages about lifestyle choices. These are just some of the ways our commitment to this work comes through. Read on to discover more.

We use SDLC to manage and create the content of the website according to the client and commence with it succesfully.

1. RECOGNITION OF THE NEED:One must know what the problem is before it can be solved. The basis of a system is recognition of need for improving an information system or procedure. This need leads to a prim nary survey or an initial investigation to determine whether an alternative system can solve the problem. So in this case we contact the client and gather information and create inferences regarding the website to be managed and make it interactive and easy to use.We had gone through the previous version of the website and create conclusions so as to how can we improve the website and how can we keep updated with the content and manage the website.

2. FEASIBILITY STUDY:Depending on the result of the initial investigation, the survey is expanded to more detailed feasibility study. A feasibility study is a test of the system proposal according to its workability impact on the organization, ability to meet user needs and effective use of recourses. It focuses on three major questions: What are the users demonstrable needs and does a system meet them? What recourses are available for concerned person? Is the problem worth solving? What is the likely impact of the system organization? The result of the feasibility study is a formal proposal. This is a report, a formal document detailing the nature and scope of the Proposed system.

3. ANALYSIS:Analysis is the detailed study of the various operations performed by the system and its

relationships within and outside the system. The analyst collects unstructured data through different means of analysis. The interview is the commonly used tool in the system analysis. It requires special skills and sensitivity to the subject being interviewed. Training experience, common senses are required for the collection of information needed to do the analysis.

4. DESIGN:The term design describes a final system and the process by which it is developed. It includes the construction of the program and the program testing. The first aim is to determine how the output is to be determined and in what format. Second the input data master databases have to be designed to meet the requirements of the proposed output. The final report prior to implementation phase includes procedural flowcharts,record layouts and a workable plan for the implementation of the candidate system .

Design Documentation Introduction

Purpose The purpose of this document is to define the business drivers and design specifications for the WCM Architecture detailing Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit website. This document will used by the Interwoven developers to make the new Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit web site CMS enabled. TeamSite will be used for content authoring and publishing for most of the pages on Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit website. This document will include the following: CMS Implementation Architecture Branch/Workarea Design Content Creation and preview strategy Content security and User Access Content Authoring Template Design Graphical and text explanation of the workflow process Document Scope This document focuses on the specifications defined by the Statement of Work. This document does not describe additional deliverables that extend beyond the scope of this project.

Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations The following list defines the terminology used within this document: TeamSite OpenDeploy TeamSite Templating TeamSite Workflow DCR Unstructured content Structured content Entity The application software that manages content additions/modifications/deletions among distributed content authors and managers. The application software that automates the process of distributing content on production servers. A TeamSite tool that separates a web pages content and presentation layer. This allows content contributors to easily contribute content and not worry about the presentation. A TeamSite tool that automates and enforces an organizations content management workflow process. Data Content Record File in which authored content is stored within TeamSite. Content such as Word documents, PDFs, images. This content is not created using authoring template. Content created using TeamSite authoring templates. Independent area of website that have their own review process, deployment strategy, content creation mechanism

CMS Implementation Architecture

TeamSite (ECM tool from Interwoven) will be used as CMS tool to manage Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit website for KP (Kaiser Permanente). All the content will be maintained and versioned on TeamSite server. Content editors will access content on TeamSite server through a browser. Users would need to be connected to KP network in order to connect to the TeamSite server. All content will be deployed from TeamSite to stage and production web servers using OpenDeploy (File system based deployment tool from Interwoven). Assumption: All the receiver servers, TeamSite server, authentication Server and TeamSite users will be under one DMZ (Data Management Zone).

There are multiple environments that will be maintained in KP infrastructure for Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit website. All the new developments or proof of concepts will be done on the development environment, QA and Review of content will be done on the Staging and the final public site will be hosted on the production environments. Interwoven Environments Interwoven environments refer to the servers on which the Interwoven products are installed. Production This server will be used as the primary content creation, management and deployment server at KP. All content authors will connect to this server using their browser for creating and managing content for KP websites. Development Development instance of the Interwoven TeamSite and OpenDeploy server will be used by the development team to create any new templates, workflow etc and will be moved to the production environment after approval.

Web Environments
Production This environment will be used to host the live Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit website. Interwoven server will publish all the content and assets to this environment. Staging This environment will be used to review the content and presentation for all the pages before publishing them to the live site. Interwoven server will publish all the content and assets to this environment to be reviewed by the managers and will be deployed to the production upon approval.

Integrations As of now there are no 3rd party software integrations in the scope of this project. Generate Following are the details for generate location and naming convention for output files. HTMLs will be generated for all the pages in their respective folders. /assets /any /colorado-coloradosprings /colorado-denver-boulder /georgia /global /hawaii /mid-atlantic /northern-california /northwest /ohio /southern-california /doc /Colorado-coloradosprings /Colorado-denver-boulder /georgia /global /hawaii /mid-atlantic /northern-california /northwest /ohio /southern-california /images /Colorado-coloradosprings /Colorado-denver-boulder /georgia /global /hawaii /mid-atlantic /northern-california /northwest /ohio

/southern-california /pdf /Colorado-coloradosprings /Colorado-denver-boulder /georgia /global /hawaii /mid-atlantic /northern-california /northwest /ohio /southern-california /richmedia /Colorado-coloradosprings /Colorado-denver-boulder /georgia /global /hawaii /mid-atlantic /northern-california /northwest /ohio /southern-california /xls /Colorado-coloradosprings /Colorado-denver-boulder /georgia /global /hawaii /mid-atlantic /northern-california /northwest /ohio /southern-california /zip /Colorado-coloradosprings /Colorado-denver-boulder /georgia /global /hawaii /mid-atlantic /northern-california /northwest /ohio /southern-california

/contentBlocks /css /globals footerNavigation.html primaryNavigation.html secondaryNavigation.html utilityNavigation.html /html index.html about_us /Colorado-coloradosprings /Colorado-denver-boulder /georgia /global /hawaii /mid-atlantic /northern-california /northwest /ohio /southern-california our_work /Colorado-coloradosprings /Colorado-denver-boulder /georgia /global /hawaii /mid-atlantic /northern-california /northwest /ohio /southern-california our_stories /Colorado-coloradosprings /Colorado-denver-boulder /georgia /global /hawaii /mid-atlantic /northern-california /northwest /ohio /southern-california our_communities /Colorado-coloradosprings /Colorado-denver-boulder

/georgia /global /hawaii /mid-atlantic /northern-california /northwest /ohio /southern-california grantmaking /Colorado-coloradosprings /Colorado-denver-boulder /georgia /global /hawaii /mid-atlantic /northern-california /northwest /ohio /southern-california get_involved /Colorado-coloradosprings /Colorado-denver-boulder /georgia /global /hawaii /mid-atlantic /northern-california /northwest /ohio /southern-california /js

Branching Specification
Overview Choosing the right branch structure is a critical step in configuring a TeamSite installation. A good branch structure makes work processes efficient, because it minimizes interference between developers as they work on tasks concurrently, and eliminates extra steps involved in updating and synchronizing content from one branch to another. Likewise, a good branching structure keeps only the relevant content in front of business users.

Branching Pattern The branching pattern implemented is the Agency Pattern. In this branching pattern, logically independent section of websites becomes their own projects within the content management system. This enables the ability to apply unique security rules to each section of website as well as manage deployments independently. Branching Structure For this project we have followed the existing Branching strategy from KP. All the development will be done under the following branch: /internet /main /kpinfo /approved3rdpty /communitybenefit Branch Security KP will take care of this by implementing the existing strategy. Workarea Structure A workarea is an area of a TeamSite branch that contains a working copy of the content files associated with a web site. All changes to these content files must occur within a workarea. There are various methodologies for workarea use, and these are also covered in the TeamSite administration document. For this implementation, we will have one Common workarea that will be used by all TeamSite users who have access to that workarea. Workarea Security This section details the workarea content, owner and group for sharing Common Workarea Owner: TeamSite Master account TeamSite users who have access to the branch would be able to create/edit content within the Common workarea, but all users will be able to create/edit content only in the folders they have access to within the workarea.

The following is an example of the folder structure under the KP TeamSite: /internet /main /EDITIONS /STAGING /WORKAREAS /kpinfo /EDITIONS /STAGING /WORKAREAS /approved3rdpty /EDITIONS /STAGING /WORKAREAS /communitybenefit /EDITIONS /STAGING /WORKAREA /site_maintenance /assets /contentBlocks /css /globals /html /js /templatedata Any more folders will be added based on the requirement. Workflow Design and Specifications Workflow is the automation of business process. There is already a workflow installed on the KP TeamSite environment. This workflow will be accessible by all allowed users and can be invoked from the submit button. Our work will be integrated to the existing workflow on KP TeamSite environment.

Interwoven Templates TeamSite Templates will be used to capture content; html out files will be generated using the content from DCRs and their respective TPLs and will be deployed to the web servers using OpenDeploy to render pages. Following will be the templating structure for communitybenefit branch: /internet /main /EDITIONS /STAGING /WORKAREAS /kpinfo /EDITIONS /STAGING /WORKAREAS /approved3rdpty /EDITIONS /STAGING /WORKAREAS /communitybenefit /EDITIONS /STAGING /WORKAREA /site_maintenance /templatedata /communitybenefit (TemplatingCategory) /ContentBlocks /data /datacapture.cfg /presentation /Home /data /datacapture.cfg /presentation /Navigation /data / g /presentation /SectionIndex /data /datacapture.cfg /presentation

/ThreeColumn /data /datacapture.cfg /presentation /VideoLibrary /data / g /presentation

Home Template This template set is designed to facilitate the authoring of Home page of the website. Data is captured through the authoring template, and the generated html will be deployed to the webserver along with the related assets. The creation or update of the content will be done using TeamSite. Authoring/Datacapture Template Field Definitions Item Name: home Type : root-container location: home 1. Label: Page Title This goes into the Window Title bar Item Name: pageTitle Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None. 2. Label: Page Description This goes into the meta tag as description of the HTML Item Name: pageDescription Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None. 3. Label: Page Keywords Enter the comma separated keywords these go into the meta tag of the page.

Item Name: pageKeywords Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None. 4. Label: Intro Flash Browse and select Flash Intro file path here Item Name: flashIntro Type : Browse Size: 80 Required: Yes Validation: None 5. Label: Content Block Container - Container to capture Content Blocks. Container Name: contentBlockContainer Type: Container Max: 3 Min: 3 Default: 3 Validation/FormAPI: None 1. Label: Block Type Select if it is a Feature or a List Item Name: blockType Type: Radio Button. Options: Feature, List Values: Feature, List Selected: Feature Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: Hide List Items and Feature Items respectively for respective selected option.

2. Label: Block Title Please enter the title for Content Block here Item Name: blockTitle Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255

Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None. 3. Label: Feature Container - Container to capture Feature items. Container Name: featureContainer Type: Container Max: 1 Min: 1 Default: 1 Validation/FormAPI: Show this item for blockType Feature. 1. Label: Image Browse and select Image of the featured Item Name: featureImage Type : Browse Size: 80 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None. 2. Label: Image Alt Text Feature Image Alternate Text Item Name: featureAltImage Type: Text Size: 40 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None 3. Label: Title Title of the featured story Item Name: featureTitle Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None.

4. Label: Description Introduction copy for the featured story Item Name: featureIntro Type: Text

Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None. 5. Label: Link Title - Enter Label for Feature Link here Item Name: featureLinkTitle Type: Text Size: 90 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None. 6. Label: Link - Internal link to the story page Item Name: featureLink Type: Browser Size: 80 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None.

4. Label: List Link Container - Container to capture List Links. Container Name: linkContainer Type: Container Max: 10 Min: 1 Default: 1 Validation/FormAPI: Show this item for blockType List. 1. Label: Title - Title of the news item Item Name: listItemLinkTitle Type: Text Size: 90 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None

2. Label: Link - Internal link to the news page Item Name: listItemLink Type: Browser Size: 80 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None

3. Label: List Item Subtitle - Subtitle of the list item Item Name: listItemSubtitle Type: Text Size: 90 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None

Presentation Templates There will be a TPL that will be created for the Home Page. It will be used to generate the HTML page that will be deployed to the web server to render page request. Section Index Template This template set is designed to facilitate the authoring of all the section index type pages. Data is captured through the SectionIndex template. The creation or update of Section Index pages will be done using TeamSite.

Authoring/Datacapture Template Field Definitions Item Name: sectionIndex Type : root-container location: sectionIndex 1. Label: Page Title This goes into the Window Title bar Item Name: pageTitle Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None. 2. Label: Page Description This goes into the meta tag as description of the HTML Item Name: pageDescription Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None. 3. Label: Page Keywords Enter the comma separated keywords these go into the meta tag of the page. Item Name: pageKeywords Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None. 4. Label: Banner Image - Browse and select a Banner Image Item Name: pageHeaderImage Type: Browse Size: 80 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None.

5. Label: Banner Image Alt Text Enter alt text for the Banner Image here Item Name: pageHeaderImageText Type : Text Size: 20 Max Length: 50 Required: No Validation: None. 6. Label: Body Title Enter Title here to display on the Page Body Item Name: bodyTitle Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None. 7. Label: Page Intro Copy Enter Page Intro Copy here Item Name: pageIntroCopy Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None. 8. Label: Page Type - Choose a page type Item Name: articleType Type: Select Required: Yes Option labels: Auto populated from Top Level Titles of Navigation DCR. Option values: Auto populated from Top Level Titles of Navigation DCR; changed to all lower case and every character other than alphabet, number or dash is changed to underscore. Validation/FormAPI: None. 9. Label: Child Page? - Choose Yes if you want to create a second level page or if it already exists Item Name: subArticle Type: Radio Option labels: Yes, No Option values: Y, N Required: Yes Selected: No

Validation/FormAPI: None. 10. Label: Page Name Enter Title for the Second Level Page here Item Name: thirdLevel Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: Show this item for Child Page selected as Yes. 11. Label: Sub Child? - Choose Yes if you want to create a third level page or if it already exists Item Name: subSubArticle Type: Radio Option labels: Yes, No Option values: Y, N Required: Yes Selected: No Validation/FormAPI: Show this item only for Child Page selected as Yes. 12. Label: Second Level Page Type - Choose a second level page type Item Name: subArticleType Type: Select Required: No Option labels: Auto populated on selecting Page Type Option values: Auto populated on selecting Page Type Validation/FormAPI: Show this item only for Child Page & Sub Childselected as Yes. 13. Label: Page Name Enter Title for the Third Level Page here Item Name: fourLevel Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: Show this item only for Child Page & Sub Childselected as Yes. 14. Label: Sub Page Container Container to capture Sub Page Items Item Name: subPageContainer Type: Container Min: 1

Max: 20 Default: 1 Validation/FormAPI: None. 1. Label: Image - Browse and select an image of the indexed page Item Name: subPageImage Type: Browse Size: 80 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None 2. Label: Image Alt Text Enter alt text for Sub Page Image here Item Name: subPageImageText Type : Text Size: 20 Max Length: 50 Required: No Validation: None 3. Label: Title Enter Title of the index item Item Name: subPageTitle Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None. 4. Label: Detail Article Link - Browse and select Internal Link to the item page Item Name: subPageTitleLink Type: Browse Size: 80 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None 5. Label: Subtitle Enter Subtitle of the index item, e.g., noting region or date. Item Name: subPageSubtitle Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None.

6. Label: Description - Enter your description of the index item. Item Name: subPageDesc Type: Textarea with Rich-text editor Rows: 10 Cols: 62 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None 7. Label: Learn More Label Enter text for Learn More Link for the Detail of index item Item Name: learnMoreLabel Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None.

Presentation Templates There will be a TPL that will be created for the Section Index Page. It will be used to generate the HTML page that will be deployed to the web server to render page request.

Three Column Template This template set is designed to facilitate the authoring of all the three column type pages. Data is captured through the ThreeColumn template. The creation or update of Three Column pages will be done using TeamSite. Authoring/Datacapture Template Field Definitions Item Name: threeColumn Type : root-container location: threeColumn

Label: Page Title This goes into the Window Title bar Item Name: pageTitle Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None. Label: Page Description This goes into the meta tag as description of the HTML Item Name: pageDescription Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None. Label: Page Keywords Enter the comma separated keywords these go into the meta tag of the page. Item Name: pageKeywords Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None. Label: Banner Image - Browse and select a Banner Image Item Name: pageHeaderImage Type: Browse Size: 80 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None. Label: Banner Image Alt Text Enter alt text for the Banner Image here Item Name: pageHeaderImageText Type : Text Size: 20 Max Length: 50 Required: No Validation: None.

Label: Body Title Enter Title here to display on the Page Body Item Name: bodyTitle Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None. Label: Page Intro Copy Enter Page Intro Copy here Item Name: pageIntroCopy Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None. Label: Page Type - Choose a page type Item Name: articleType Type: Select Required: Yes Option labels: Auto populated from Top Level Titles of Navigation DCR. Option values: Auto populated from Top Level Titles of Navigation DCR; changed to all lower case and every character other than alphabet, number or dash is changed to underscore. Validation/FormAPI: None. Label: Child Page? - Choose Yes if you want to create a second level page or if it already exists Item Name: subArticle Type: Radio Option labels: Yes, No Option values: Y, N Required: Yes Selected: No Validation/FormAPI: None. Label: Page Name Enter Title for the Second Level Page here Item Name: thirdLevel Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255

Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: Show this item for Child Page selected as Yes. Label: Sub Child? - Choose Yes if you want to create a third level page or if it already exists Item Name: subSubArticle Type: Radio Option labels: Yes, No Option values: Y, N Required: Yes Selected: No Validation/FormAPI: Show this item only for Child Page selected as Yes. Label: Second Level Page Type - Choose a second level page type Item Name: subArticleType Type: Select Required: No Option labels: Auto populated on selecting Page Type Option values: Auto populated on selecting Page Type Validation/FormAPI: Show this item only for Child Page & Sub Childselected as Yes. Label: Page Name Enter Title for the Third Level Page here Item Name: fourLevel Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: Show this item only for Child Page & Sub Childselected as Yes. Label: Body Content - Content placeholder with rich text controls. Item Name: bodyContent Type: Textarea with Rich-text editor Rows: 10 Cols: 62 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None Label: Right Content Block Container Container to capture Content Blocks to appear in right column. Item Name: rightBlockContainer Type: Container Min: 0

Max: 5 Validation/FormAPI: None

Label: Content Block Browse and select Content Block here Item Name: getrightBlock Type: Browse Size: 80 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None Presentation Templates There will be a TPL that will be created for the Three Column and Two Column Pages. It will be used to generate the HTML page that will be deployed to the web server to render page request. Content Blocks Template This template set is designed to facilitate the authoring of all the Content Blocks. Data is captured through the ContentBlocks template. The creation or update of Content Blocks will be done using TeamSite. Authoring/Datacapture Template Field Definitions Item Name: contentBlocks Type: root-container location: contentBlocks Label: Content Box Type - Please select the type of Content Box here Item Name: contentBoxType Type: Select Required: Yes Option labels: Promos, File List, Video Option values: Promos, FileList, Video Validation/FormAPI: Hide Promos, File List, and Video items respectively for appropriate selected.

Label: Block Image Container - Container to capture image of story or video Container Name: blockImageContainer Type: Container Max: 1 Min: 0 Validation/FormAPI: Make visible for Promos and video, otherwise make hidden. Label: Image Browse and Select Image Item Name: blockImage Type: Browse Size: 80 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None. Label: Image Alt Text - Image Alternate Text Item Name: blockAltImage Type: Text Size: 40 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: Required if Block Image is selected. Label: Link Type - Select if it is an internal or external link Item Name: linkType Type: Radio Option labels: Internal, External Option values: I, E Required: No Selected: Internal Validation/FormAPI: Show this item for Content Box Type as Promos. Label: Internal Link - Browse and select an internal URL Item Name: internalLink Type: Browser Size: 80

Required: No Validation/FormAPI: Will only show for linkType as Internal.

Label: External Link - Enter a valid external URL Item Name: externalLink Type: Text Size: 90 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: Will only show for linkType as External. Video File - Browse and select a video file Item Name: videoFile Type: Browse Size: 80 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: Show this item only for Content Box Type as Video. Make Required as false otherwise. Label: Block Title - Enter Block Title here Item Name: blockTitle Type: Text Size: 90 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: Make visible for Promos and File List More Videos Link - Browse and select an internal link to More Videos page. Item Name: moreVideosLink Type: Browser Size: 80 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: Make visible for Content Box Type as Video. Label: Block Description Enter Description for the Block here

Item Name: blockDesc Type: Textarea with Rich-Text editor Rows: 10 Cols: 62 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: Make visible for Promos and Video. Otherwise make hidden.

Label: File Container - Container to capture uploaded files to appear on Block Container Name: fileContainer Type: Container Max: 10 Min: 0 Default: 0 Validation/FormAPI: Make visible for File List, otherwise make hidden. Label: File Type - Choose a file type Item Name: fileType Type: Select Required: Yes Option labels: PDF, DOC, XLS, ZIP, ANY Option values: PDF, DOC, XLS, ZIP, ANY Validation/FormAPI: None. Label: Title - Enter title for File Link here Item Name: fileTitle Type: Text Size: 40 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None. Label: Link - Browse and select uploaded file to appear inside the Block Item Name: fileLink Type: Browse Size: 80 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None.

Label: Link Container - Container to capture Links for the Block Container Name: linkContainer Type: Container Max: 10 Min: 0 Default: 0 Validation/FormAPI: None

Label: Title- Enter title for Link here Item Name: linkTitle Type: Text Size: 90 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None Label: Type - Select if it is an internal or external link Item Name: linkType Type: Radio Option labels: Internal, External Option values: I, E Selected: Internal Required: Yes. Validation/FormAPI: Will show internal/external. Label: Internal Link - Browse and select a link Item Name: internalLink Type: Browser Size: 80 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: Will only show internal link. Label: External Link - Enter a valid external URL Item Name: externalLink Type: Text Size: 90

Required: No Validation/FormAPI: Will only show external link. Navigation Template This template set is designed to facilitate the authoring of Navigation of the website. Data is captured through the authoring template. The creation or update of the content will be done using TeamSite. Authoring/Datacapture Template

Field Definitions Item Name: navigation Type : root-container location: navigation

Label: Top Level Link Container Container to capture Top Level Links Item Name: topLevelContainer Type: Container Min: 1 Max: 50 Default: 1 Validation/FormAPI: None Label: Title - Enter a Title for the Link Item Name: title Type: Text Size: 90 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None Label: Link Type - Select if it is an internal or external link

Item Name: linkType Type: Radio Option labels: Internal, External Option values: I, E Validation/FormAPI: None. Label: Internal Link - Browse and select a link Item Name: internalLink Type: Browser Size: 80 Validation/FormAPI: Show this item for link type as Internal Label: External Link - Enter a valid external URL Item Name: externalLink Type: Text Size: 90 Validation/FormAPI: Show this item for link type as External Label: Second Level Link Container Container to capture Second Level Links Item Name: secondLevelContainer Type: Container Min: 0 Max: 50 Validation/FormAPI: None

Label: Title - Enter a Title for the Link Item Name: title Type: Text Size: 90 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None Label: Link Type - Select if it is an internal or external link Item Name: linkType Type: Radio Option labels: Internal, External Option values: I, E Validation/FormAPI: None.

Label: Internal Link - Browse and select a link Item Name: internalLink Type: Browser Size: 80 Validation/FormAPI: Show this item for link type as Internal Label: External Link - Enter a valid external URL Item Name: externalLink Type: Text Size: 90 Validation/FormAPI: Show this item for link type as External Label: Third Level Link Container Container to capture Third Level Links Item Name: thirdLevelContainer Type: Container Min: 0 Max: 50 Validation/FormAPI: None Label: Title - Enter a Title for the Link Item Name: title Type: Text Size: 90 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None

Label: Link Type - Select if it is an internal or external link Item Name: linkType Type: Radio Option labels: Internal, External Option values: I, E Validation/FormAPI: None. Label: Internal Link - Browse and select a link Item Name: internalLink Type: Browser

Size: 80 Validation/FormAPI: Show this item for link type as Internal Label: External Link - Enter a valid external URL Item Name: externalLink Type: Text Size: 90 Validation/FormAPI: Show this item for link type as External Presentation Templates There will be one TPL that will be created for the Navigation. This TPL will be used to generate the Secondary Navigation HTML page that will be deployed to the web server to render page request.

Video Library Template This template set is designed to facilitate the authoring of Video Library of the website. Data is captured through the authoring template. The creation or update of the content will be done using TeamSite.

Authoring/Datacapture Template Field Definitions Item Name: videoLibrary Type : root-container location: videoLibrary

Label: Page Title This goes into the Window Title bar Item Name: pageTitle Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None. Label: Page Description This goes into the meta tag as description of the HTML Item Name: pageDescription Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None.

Label: Page Keywords Enter the comma separated keywords these go into the meta tag of the page. Item Name: pageKeywords Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None.

Label: Banner Image - Browse and select a Banner Image Item Name: pageHeaderImage Type: Browse Size: 80 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None.

Label: Banner Image Alt Text Enter alt text for the Banner Image here Item Name: pageHeaderImageText Type : Text Size: 20 Max Length: 50 Required: No Validation: None. Label: Body Title Enter Title here to display on the Page Body Item Name: bodyTitle Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None. Label: Page Intro Copy Enter Page Intro Copy here Item Name: pageIntroCopy Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: No Validation/FormAPI: None. Label: Video Container Container to capture Video File related items. Item Name: videoContainer Type: Container Min: 1 Max: 50 Default: 1 Validation/FormAPI: None Title Enter Title for the Video File here Item Name: videoTitle Type: Text Size: 90 Max Length: 255 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None.

Image - Browse and select an image for video file Item Name: videoFileImage Type: Browse Size: 80 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None. Video File - Browse and select a video file Item Name: videoFile Type: Browse Size: 80 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None. Label: Video Description Description for the Video Item Name: videoDesc Type: Textarea with Rich-Text editor Rows: 10 Cols: 62 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None. Transcript Link - Browse and select Link for your video transcript Item Name: videoTranscriptLink Type: Browse Size: 80 Required: Yes Validation/FormAPI: None. Presentation Templates There will be a TPL that will be created for the Video Library Page. It will be used to generate the HTML page that will be deployed to the web server to render page request.

Shared Components JavaScript Components File/HTML and Internal/External links This JavaScript component will be called from multiple templates and will show or hide the items based on the link to and link type selection. If the option is selected with File, then only file link will be shown. If the option is HTML, an option for internal or external link will be displayed. If internal link type is selected, then a browse item will be visible else a text field will be visible to enter an external link. Template Components Metadata inline command This inline command will be called from multiple templates as inline command to add the following items to the DCT, as these items are common to all the templates so there will be a single inline command to produce these items rather then coding them separately again and again in different DCTs. Page Title Page Description Page Keywords PageHeader inline command This inline command will be called from multiple templates as inline command to add the following items to the DCT, as these items are common to multiple templates so there will be a single inline command to produce these items rather then coding them separately again and again in different DCTs. Banner Image Banner Image Alt Text Body Title Page Intro Copy Get Top Level inline command This inline command will be called from multiple templates as inline command to populate Page Type dropdown list with Top Level Titles by parsing through Global Navigation DCR.

Custom Scripts Get Second Level CGI Callout This CGI callout command will be called from multiple templates as CGI callout to populate Second Level Page Type drop down list based on selected Page Type and Second Level Page Type respectively. OpenDeploy OpenDeploy will be used to deploy all the html output files and other assets and include files to the file system.

5. IMPLEMENTATION:It is primarily concerned with the users training, site preparation and file conservation. During the final testing user acceptance followed by the user training is tested. Once the programs become available the test data is fed into the computer and processed against the database files of the candidate system. After all the desing phase is complete and all the data has been deployed to the main server after being worked on the production server, the integration server, the staging server. The main server is then refreshed and prepared for the site to go live.When the site is made live it is checked thouroughly for the working and tested to see whether the site is performing well or not . If not the bugs are reported to the development team to resolve them.

6. SYSTEM TESTING:System testing checks the readiness and accuracy of the system to access, update and retrieved data from new files. Once the programs become available test data are read into the computer and processed against the file provided for testing. If the testing is successful, the program is then run with the actual data otherwise a diagnostic procedure is used to locate and correct errors in the program. The testing of the software is done and the funcitonality of the software is checked thouroughly. What are bugs? A software bug is the common term used to describe an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program that prevents it from behaving as intended . The bugs obtained in the software as well as the site are reported to the dev team using a software rather than manually reporting via a communication media. The software used is termed as Bug Traking System. It is an automated software and reports the bugs to the concerned developer and not globally to every one. The Bug Tracking System used in this project is known as CQ Rational an automated product of IBM.In this BTS the bugs are reported via fixit number and this fixit is the reached the developer and then the bug is resolved. Procedure to Resolve Bugs in a software: Step1: The Bug is reported by the software testing engineer and he submits the bug to the concerned person.This is known as Submitted state of the bug Step2: The submitted bug then comes to the Assigned state when located and seen by the person to whom it was assigned. Step3:The bug when seen by the person and when he starts to work on it is said to be in an Open State. Step4:The bug when fixed by the developer or the concerned person is said to be Fixed

Step5:The fixed bug is then closed by the person who logged the bug after retesting the bug.Then it is said to be in a Closed State. If the bug is not fixed the person has to reopen it . In this Project we performed various types of testing like: Various test cases were prepared by the testing and development team to test various parts of the project. What are test cases? A test case in software engineering is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine whether an application or software system is working correctly or not. A test case is usually a single step, or occasionally a sequence of steps, to test the correct behaviour/functionalities, features of an application. An expected result or expected outcome is usually given. Additional information that may be included:

test case ID test case description test step or order of execution number related requirement(s) depth test category author pass/fail remarks

Additional fields that may be included and completed when the tests are executed:

1. Blackbox Testing: Takes an external perspective of the test object to derive test cases. These tests can be functional or non-functional, though usually functional. The test designer selects valid and invalid inputs and determines the correct output. There is no knowledge of the test object's internal structure. In this project blackbox testing was perfomed on the live site and on the servers before the data was deployed on the site to check for its functionality and performance and also to improve the quality of the site. 2. Whitebox Testing: Uses an internal perspective of the system to design test cases based on internal structure. It requires programming skills to identify all paths through the software. The tester chooses test case inputs to exercise paths through the code and determines the appropriate outputs. In electrical hardware testing, every node in a circuit may be probed and measured. In this project white box testing was performed at the development level on the teamsite to check wether

the forms are being made and updated or not.It is done to check the usage and the working of the software (CMS / Teamsite). 3. Regression Testing: is a type of software testing which seeks to uncover software regressions. Such regressions occur whenever software functionality that was previously working correctly, stops working as intended. Typically regressions occur as an unintended consequence of program changes. Common methods of regression testing include re-running previously run tests and checking whether previously fixed faults have re-emerged. 7. POST IMPLEMENTATION & MAINTENANCE:After the implementation phase is completed the user staff is adjusted to the changes created by the candidate system evaluation and maintenance begins. This is an aging process that requires periodical maintenance of hardware and software. The importance of maintenance is to continue to bring the new system to standards. User priorities changes in organization requirements or environmental factors also call for system enhancements.

This is how the procedure was undertaken to commence with the project succefully.

This is how the ecommerce website was transformed to make it more user friendly, easy to create content, manage content and make proper updations. This project that I undertook was truly a very rewarding experience for me in more than one way. It has given a big thrust to my technical knowledge as prospective Software professional. It has also helped me enhance my skills on the personal front. And I feel extremely satisfied by the fact that I have managed to work on the project of course with equal contribution from my team members. I think I have exploited the opportunity that came my way to the fullest extent by increasing my technical know-how

and also gaining the valuable work experience apart from studying the other subjects in our curriculum.

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